2009 Training Ground Application

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  • Pages: 12
2009 TRAINING GROUND APPLICATION Thank you for your interest in Training Ground. This application is not a morality check. We are not looking for “right” answers from you. We are not grading you. People can tend to be “super spiritual” on applications. What we would prefer instead are your honest responses about your life and your relationship with Christ. Our application process is designed to select young men who are ready, and prepared to face the challenges, discoveries, and the process of coming into the program. Therefore, think of this more like a journal of your heart, and your experiences with God. Take your time. This application was not made to be filled out in 15 minutes, or in a rush. Sit with the questions before you write. Take some time on the essays. If you have questions about the application process or the program, or something is confusing, you can e-mail us from the Training Ground website. APPLICATION CHECKLIST For your application to be complete, you must submit all of the following: Completed Application Form Recent Photo Two Completed References (Please have these mailed directly to Training Ground.) APPLICATION DEADLINES FOR 2009 Summer 2009 Application Due: April 1st Interview Date: April 6th Notification Date: April 13th

Fall 2009 Application Due: July 6th Interview Date: July 13th Notification Date: July 20th

COMPLETING THE APPLICATION Please print legibly in ink. Be sure to complete each page of the application. Mail the application and other materials to: Training Ground, P.O. Box 49595, Colorado Springs, CO 80949

2009 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Applying for: Summer Fall Full Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ LAST



Preferred Name___________________________________________________ Birth Date __________________ MONTH/DAY/YEAR

Present Address_______________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER AND STREET


E-Mail Address___________________________________ Phone (_____) ________________________________ Permanent Address___________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER AND STREET


Do you have any physical limitations, or medical conditions? ________________________________________ Insurance___________________________________________________________________________________ PROVIDER/CARRIER POLICY #

Father’s Name______________________________________________________________



Occupation__________________________________________________Home Phone (____) ________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER AND STREET


E-Mail Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name_____________________________________________________________



Occupation__________________________________________________Home Phone (____) ________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER AND STREET


E-Mail Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact _________________________________________ Phone (____) ______________________

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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GENERAL HISTORY FINANCIAL INFORMATION Do you have any debts? Yes No If yes, please explain: _________________________________________ Would your debt interfere with your time here at Training Ground? ___________________________________ How do you plan on paying the $2950.00 initial deposit (personal, fundraising, parents, etc.)? __________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION EXPERIENCE What is the highest grade level you have completed? _________ When did you graduate? ______________ Name and Location of Secondary/High School____________________________________________________ Are you attending college?


No (If yes, what school) __________________________Year___________

Please list any other education you have received: Institution_____________________________________________ Dates Attended __________________________ Degree/Major Studied ____________________________________ Degree Earned ______________________ Institution_____________________________________________ Dates Attended __________________________ Degree/Major Studied ____________________________________ Degree Earned ______________________ WORK EXPERIENCE Position____________________________________________Company__________________________________ Dates You Worked There _______________________________________________________________________ Skills Acquired ________________________________________________________________________________ Position____________________________________________Company__________________________________ Dates You Worked There ______________________________________________________________________ Skills Acquired ________________________________________________________________________________

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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FAMILY HISTORY What major events influenced you as you were growing up (divorce, relationships, etc)?

How would you describe your father? What did your relationship with him look like growing up?

How would you describe your mother? What did your relationship with her look like growing up?

How are your relationships with your siblings, if you have any? If so, are you the oldest, youngest, in the middle somewhere? What are their ages?

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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SPIRITUAL HISTORY How would you describe your walk with God over the last year?

What 3 words would you use to describe God and why?

What would you say are some of your major obstacles/addictions that challenge your walk with God?

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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WORK AND WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE From the past work experiences you wrote down on page 3, would you say those experiences have been significant or have they left you lacking? Please briefly explain.

Have you had any significant testing experiences in the wilderness? If so, how have they shaped your personal growth?

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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ESSAY QUESTION #1 (Use separate sheet if necessary) Speak with your father or grandfather (preferred) and ask him about growing up, and specifically when he was your age. Ask him what challenges he faced. What did he do to make ends meet? What kind of jobs did he have? Ask him if he can share with you a few stories, and try and understand what that was like for him. Ask him about what he sees different today in the area of work and also young men. (If you do not have a father or grandfather you can ask this, speak to a grandfather of someone you know.) What did you learn through speaking with him? And how might this relate to what you want or don’t want in TG? What was good of that experience? (Please include who you spoke with.)

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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ESSAY QUESTION #2 (Use separate sheet if necessary) What speaks to your heart about Training Ground? Why are you applying? Why do you believe we should consider you for the program?

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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CONSENT FOR TREATMENT In the event of injury or illness of the undersigned (applicant) while in association with Training Ground, I hereby agree to the performance of such treatment, anesthetics, and operations as, in the opinion of the attending physician, is deemed necessary. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature


LIABILITY RELEASE I hereby release Training Ground, its agents, employees, and volunteer assistants from any liability whatsoever arising out of an injury, damage, or loss which may be sustained by the undersigned (applicant) during the course of involvement with Training Ground. ______________________________________ _________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature


SIGNATURE OF AGREEMENT I certify that all information in the application is complete and accurate. If accepted by Training Ground, I will abide by the spirit, rules, and schedule of the mission. I understand that payment of the required program deposit must be made upon or before arrival. I am fully aware of my financial obligation, both to the Lord and to the participants and staff at Training Ground. I therefore commit myself to paying all personal expenses incurred during my involvement with Training Ground. I agree to all of the above statements. ______________________________________ _________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949


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ADMISSIONS REFERENCE FORM TO THE APPLICANT: Print or type your name and address on the lines below. For each person sending a reference, please provide them a stamped envelope addressed to Training Ground, P.O. Box 49595, Colorado Springs, CO 80949. Applicant’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone/E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________ TO PERSON PROVIDING REFERENCE: The above-named applicant has applied for admission to Training Ground. He is asking you to be a personal reference for his admission into our program. It would be very helpful if you were able to visit our website, www.trainingground.com to further understand our program. It is essential that you be honest and accurate in your remarks and comments. Thank you for your help. I recommend

I do not recommend

I recommend with reservation:

Name ___________________________________________________Phone ______________________________ Email __________________________________________ Work Position ________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________Date ______________________ I would like to receive Training Ground’s e-newsletter. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

What do you consider to be his strengths of personality and talents?

How do you see the Training Ground program benefiting him?

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL MATURITY Please rate this Applicant by placing a check under each of the following categories:

trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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trainingground.com P.O. Box 49595 Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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