2009 Spring 7-23-09 Update

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  • Pages: 6

March 2, 2009 Time: 1230 March 5, 2009 Time: 1430


March 8, 2009 Time: 1309


March 9, 2009 Time: 1400


March 20, 2009 Time: 1045 March 23, 2009 Time: 0900


March 24, 2009 Time: 0715


March 28, 2009 Time: 1510

March 1 – May 31

Golden eagle Not aged

Norman Bell

East side US 220 about four miles south of Monterey

Golden eagle fed on raccoon carcass.

Golden eagles (3) adults

Sara Ervin and Mr. Ervin

Riverbend farm, VA 678 south of McDowell

Three adult GE flew and circled over Bullpasture ridge.

Bald eagle Immature- 3-4 years old

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener, Amanda Hevener, Shaun Harvey

West side VA 640 near 641 Ruckman Lane

Immature BE on ground appeared to be eating something, but observers could not see what.

Bald eagle adult

Norman Bell

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 6.5 miles

Adult BE flew from Sycamore tree next to Jackson River.

Golden eagle 3rd year

Patti Reum

VA 637 north of US 250 about 6.5 miles, just north of VA 639

Third-year GE circled over house then flew north toward Snowy Mountain.

Bald eagle 4th year

Carol Bandy

US 220 in Monterey

Fourth-year BE flew over road in Monterey

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

West side VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Adult BE flew from perch tree WSW toward Lantz Mountain

Golden eagle Adult?

Sandy Hevener

Over East side Snowy Mountain seen from VA 640 top of Wimer Mountain

Crow harassed GE disappearing in and out of thick fog/cloud over Snowy Mountain..

Golden eagle Not aged

Tom Duncan

North side US84 west of US 220 about 6.6 miles

GE fed on groundhog while raven stood nearby.

Bald eagle adult

Amanda Harvey

US 250 near Mustoe

Adult BE on ground fed on carcass.

Golden eagle immature

Keith Carson

About one mile north of VA 644 between VA 640 & 643 on Carson/Newlon property

Juvenile GE flew north up hollow toward Snowy Mountain.

April 4, 2009


April 7, 2009


April 14, 2009 Time:


April 16, 2009 Time: 1423


April 18, 2009 Time: 0800


April 19, 2009 Time: 1000


Golden eagle Immature 2-3 year

Sandy Hevener

At VA 639 between VA 640 & VA 637

Immature GE circled low. It had very distinct light ovals under the wings and much white on tail, a small about of color on tail fringe, some modeling on top of wings ,

Bald eagles (3) 2 adults 1 immature

Keith Carson

About one mile north of VA 644 between VA 640 & 643 on Carson/Newlon property

Two adult BE and immature flew over ridge east of property on Snowy Mountain.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 5.4 miles south of Monterey

Adult BE perched in tree next to Jackson River.

Time: 1130

Golden eagle Immature

Patti Reum

VA 637 north of US 250 about 4.5 miles

Young GE flew north over house.


Time: 1510

Bald eagles (2) Adult 4th year

Keith Carson

East side US 220 5.4 miles south of Monterey

Adult BE and near-adult BE perched in tree next to Jackson River. Another resident (Bill Wagner) has reported that something happened to one member of the pair the landowner (Doug Gutshal) calls Ferdinand and Isabella and “Isabella” returned with a young Ferdinand. Several years ago the landowner said Isabella had returned with a younger Ferdinand and he had observed the pair about 20 years.


April 22, 2009 Time: 1300

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

West side US 220 north of Monterey 5 miles, near Halterman Hollow trout raceways

Adult BE chased osprey with fish in talons over Strait Creek.

Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

About one mile north of VA 644 between VA 640 & 643 on Carson/Newlon property

Immature BE soared southwest of house, then flew up hollow west of house toward Snowy Mountain.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Bill Bratton, Sandy Bratton

North of Nest # B-08-01 but appears same pair. This is Nest # B-09-01

Adult BE flew off nest. Second adult BE flew in. When first flew off, observers saw movement in nest, believed it a chick.

1 N

April 23, 2009 Time: 0800


4 1

April 24, 2009 Time:



April 26, 2009 Time: 1400


Time: 1600


April 29, 2009 Time:


May 1, 2009


May 2, 2009 Time: 1015


May 7, 2009 Time: 0805


Time: 1000

Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature

Doug Puffenbarger

East side 220 north of Monterey 5 miles at Monterey Trout Co.

Adult and immature BE at trout hatchery. The immature BE had a little white on it. This year’s chicks are just now hatching in Highland Co.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

About one mile north of VA 644 between VA 640 & 643 on Carson/Newlon property

Adult BE flew up from ground in hollow near creek from vicinity where observer threw dead groundhog day before. Eagle flew toward Snowy Mountain.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson, Polly Newlon

About one mile north of VA 644 between VA 640 & 643 on Carson/Newlon property

Adult BE flew past house as observers sat on deck. It flew southwest up the Blue Grass Valley.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Patti Reum

Nest # H-08-01

Two adult BE at nest.

Bald eagle adult

David Glenndinning

US 220 south of Monterey 7.3 miles at Mustoe

Adult BE in field ate something small.

Bald eagles (2)

Terry Gordon

East side US 220 at transmission line 13.4 miles south of Monterey

Pair of adult BE perched in tree east side of Jackson River.

Bald eagles (2) 2nd year 3rd year

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener, Don Davis, Ray Davis

East side US 220 12 miles south of Monterey

Third year BE perched in tree, 2nd year BE perched in adjoining tree and crow perch above. The 2nd year flew low to south and crow chased. Several more crows joined in the chase. The 3rd year BE flew low to south and circled with other eagle and crows pursued both occasionally diving into the eagles and pecking them. Finally the group circled higher and higher and moved north out of sight.

Bald eagles (2) Immature

Della or Wes Napier (email report)

VA 678 south of US 250 about 7 miles between Purdue home and McClung estates.

Two immature BE flew toward the river locking talons in midair displaying some white feathers on one and none on the other.

VA 640 Blue Grass Valley Road near VA 639

3rd yr BE perched in willow by river, 4 year on carrion on driveway, west side

Bald eagles (2) 3rd year

Carol Bandy


4th year


May 8, 2009 Time: afternoon




May 10, 2009 Time: 1000


May 12, 2009 Time: 0930


May 13, 2009 Time:1000 Time: 1330


May 14, 2009 Time: 1845


Time: 1845


May 17, 2009 Time: 0715

of BGV Rd, on Griswold property (previously Ruckman).

Golden eagles (2) Juveniles

Keith Carson

About one mile north of VA 644 between VA 640 & 643 on Carson/Newlon property

Two juvenile GE flew over house. A Red Tailed hawk chased one.

Bald eagles (4) Adult th Young adult (4 year) 2 immature

Patti Reum

US 220 south of Monterey about 9.8 miles

Two immature BE were on the ground near trout ponds. The young adult BE perched in tree nearby while adult BE soared overhead. The young adult crossed the road and flew west. The immature Bes stayed.

Bald eagles (7) 2 adults 5 various ages

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 south of VA 639 about 0.2 mile

Seven BE on carrion in field north of Bardon Warner’s.

Bald eagle Adult

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 south of VA 639 about 0.2 mile

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree

Bald eagle Adult

Carol Bandy

VA 640 near VA 639

Adult BE flew east to west over Bandy house.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

VA 640 one mile north of US 250

Adult BE eating carrion.

Bald eagle 3rd year

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

VA 640 about 2.5 miles north of US 250

Immature BE flew up from road where it had been feeding on roadkillgroundhog. It perched in top of a snag until we drove past. This bird’s head was speckled black & white and tail white on sides with black in center.

Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature 2nd year?

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 south of VA 639 about 0.2 miles

Adult & immature BE with lots of molting on ground near stream fussed over something

Bald eagles (10) 1 adult 1 4th year 1 juvenile Others various ages

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 south of VA 639 about 0.3 mile

Ten BE on or around carrion in hay meadow above Bardon Warner’s barn


Time: 1315 :

Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature-

William Leigh

VA 640 at top of Wimer Mountain across road from Margaret O’Bryan’s.

Adult BE & immature with lots of white on axillaries soared for about 10 minutes.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side 640 south of VA 639 about 0.2 mile

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree

Bald eagle 4th year, near adult

Patti Reum

Near Hevener Lane

Bald eagles (2) Adult pair

Patti Reum

Nest # HI0802

Adult pair BE perched in nest tree

Bald eagle 4th year, near adult

Patti Reum

Bald eagles (4) Adult 3 immatures

George Harris, Rosemary Harris

VA 644 about.0.25 mile west of VA 640 south foot of Snowy Mountain

Adult and three blotchy immature BE flew west a few feet abouve ground following a small stream.

Bald eagle Immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just north of VA 639

Immature BE fed on carcass at Bandy farm.

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just north of VA 639

Adult BE fed on same carcass at Bandy farm.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree.


Bald eagles (4) Adult 2 juveniles 1 flew before aged

Mitchell Byrd, Patti Reum, Bob Cole, Linda Cole

Near nest HI0802

Four BE ate on a groundhog carcass near nest. Observers saw pin feathers on juvenile. It ate last. The fourth BE flew before anyone could age it. Mitchell Byrd declared that the nest produced at least one young.

Time: 1030

Bald eagles (3) Adult 2 juvenile or immature

Nicky Athanason

US 84 near VA 640 junction

Adult BE flew over Somers Stephenson home with two immature or juvenile BE and headed north along stream.

Time: 1930

2 1

May 25, 2009 Time:


Time May 26, 2009 Time:


May 28, 2009 Time: 0645


May 29, 2009 Time: 1015


Time: 1500

2 N

May 30, 2009 Time: 0800

3 2


Bald eagle 4th year small tail fringe

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener, Amanda Hevener, Shaun Harvey

South side VA 640 Laurel Fork Rd. about 3.5 miles west of VA 644 Hevener La.

Near adult BE perched in tree above large beaver pond on Fitz Gary property. Observers watched it stare at pond for 10 minutes.

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