2009 Proposal & Client List - National Aquatic Safety Co (nasco) To City Of Dallas, Tx

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Place an "X" in the appropriate box, complete and submit this form for the approval of: a. Low bid contracts of at least $25,000 but not more than $50,000. b. Change orders for low bid contracts: $25,000 or less (may not increase original contract price by more than 25%). a Professional/Personal/Planning/Other Service contracts: $25,000 or less. of. Amendments to non-bid contracts: $25,000 or less, per City Code Sec. 2-30 (d) (5) e. WRR-FM expenditures: $50,000 or less per City Code Sec. 2-79 (c) of the City Code. f. Other (explain here or on attachment) Attach all supporting documents including bid information as required. Any Administrative Actions to this vendor for this service/commodity in the last 12 months? YES NO | (If YES, attach explanation.) (Also, if the total for the current fiscal year exceeds $25,000, Council approval is required.) VENDOR NAME:

National Aquatic Safety Company, LLC

SUBJECT!, Inspections and Training - Bahama Beach Waterpark

DEPARTMENT] Park and Recreation Department

ACTION REQUESTED Approval of contract with National Aquatic Safety Company (NASCO) to provide Water Slide Inspections, Lifeguard certifications and Lifeguard Indexes for Bahama Beach Waterpark. Water slide inspection will be provided for $900.00, 50 Waterpark Shallow Water Lifeguard certifications will be provided for $60.00 each, 25 Waterpark Attendant certifications will be provided for $45.00 each, 25 renewal certifications will be provided for $45.00 each, 2 Lifeguard Instructor certifications will be provided for $450.00 each, lifeguard kick-off training will be provided for $1080.00 and 2 Lifeguard Indexes will be provided for $1080.00 each. Travel expenses will not exceed $3,750.00 for the three separate visits. Total cost is $14,040.00. Contact: Robin Steinshnider 214-671-0821 Contract Term:




BACKGROUND The Dallas Park and Recreation Department took over operation of Bahama Beach Waterpark in 2008. Water slide inspections, lifeguard certification and lifeguard indexes (audits) are essential for ensuring the safe operation of the waterpark. National Aquatic Safety Company is a recognized provider of water safety training and services and it particularly specializes in servicing waterparks.




ORG. 5164


OBJ. 3070



M/WBE INFORMATION - Prime and Subcontractors Indicate amount to each group: African-American $ Hispanic $ Caucasian - Female $ Other Minority (Asian-Pacific, Asian-American, Native American) $ MAA/BE Certification No.




AMOUNT $14,040.00

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Bahama Beach Waterpark The City of Dallas, TX

Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Services Proposal and Contract


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal TABLE OF


















©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570,1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning Ail Rights Reserved


09 0 6 7 2 Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal

Introduction The National Aquatics Safety Company, LLC. (NASCO) has been requested to provide a proposal to the City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department for the Bahama Beach Water Park for Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Services that would include Water Slide Inspection Services, Lifeguard Certifications, Lifeguard Indexes, and an optional Top Gun Course.

Proposal Scope NASCO will perform a Water Slide Inspection for the City of Dallas at Bahama Beach Water Park that will meet the Texas Department of Insurance inspection requirements as set forth in 28 TAC §§5.9001 - 5.9014 and in Chapter 2151, Texas Occupations Code. There are three components of the NASCO System. The first of these is the CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. The second is the INSPECTION PROCEDURE, and the third is the TOP GUN COURSE. The first aspect is the certification program where you teach the guards what constitutes appropriate action or behavior. Then the inspection process, here you measure the ability of management to instill and maintain the desired behavior of the lifeguards on the "pool deck". Lastly, the TOP GUN COURSE is taught to educate the first entry level of management how to teach, measure, and re-enforce this behavior.

Explanation of NASCO Training and Risk Management System CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The certifications that would be most beneficial to the Bahama Beach Water Park are the Waterpark Shallow Water lifeguard, the Advanced First Aid and CPR for Aquatic Professionals, and Waterpark Attendant. There are several aspects of the NASCO program that make it a unique program. One distinguishing feature of the certifications listed above is the lifeguard update. A mid-season update is required of the above-mentioned courses, with the exception of the waterpark attendant. This update consists of two hours of "cradle to save" practice, one hour of skills checkoff, and one hour for the written exam. The "cradle to save" practice can be described as a review of all aspects of a rescue, from the very beginning until the end with no stopping or breaking the rescue sequence of events until the end. It is ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Dmwning All Rights Reserved


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal done several times with the lifeguards rotating and assuming each role of the rescue to build confidence and proficiency. The intent of the update is to re-enforce the skills of the guards and to ensure quality since a different instructor is required to update the guards than the instructor who taught them the original course. In addition, all of the certifications are valid for one year. At the end of the year, all can renew in less time and at a lower cost than the original certification. Another unique aspect of the NASCO program is that we use the Heimlich as the first response to a drowning victim. For a victim removed from the water who is obviously not breathing, we teach lifeguards to do 5 and only 5 Heimlichs before attempting rescue breathing and assessing the respirations of a drowning victim. There are several reasons for this procedure. One is that we have had a 100% success rate with the Heimlich over the last several seasons with many of our nonbreathers fully functional the next day. Another is that all of our experience with investigating lifeguard response to drowning shows that approximately six out of seven trained guards (with certifications across all agencies) refuse to do "mouth to mouth" on a victim. We have never had a refusal to do the Heimlich. The Heimlich is a proven first response for non-breathing victims of drowning provided that its use is restricted to 5 thrust between the water rescue and initial victim assessment in the water.

NASCO PARK INSPECTION POLICY AND PROCEDURE Any human performance appraisal system has to, before being designed, have a clear and concise objective. In addition, the system should provide useful information and must not be misleading in the information that is obtained. Added to this, the data must be statistically significant if it is purported to represent some aspect of the human performance system. The NASCO system is based on several different concepts. The first of these deals with vigilance. Here vigilance is defined as the ability to see and recognize a signal event and then to take appropriate action. In the venue of lifeguarding, this means to be able to recognize victims and or high-risk behavior among other things and then to take the appropriate action such as rescuing the victim or preventing an incident. We strongly feel that the ability of the guard to see the event is absolutely the most important aspect of guarding. If they do not see the victim, then nothing else matters. It is for this reason that our index uses scan time as the most important component and that scanning and victim recognition is a major component in all of our courses.

©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570,1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal NASCO also feels that in any system behavior is learned. By this we mean a system gets from its employees the behavior that management teaches is appropriate either by managements' action or the absence of action. Appropriate behavior must be re-enforced frequently if the intent is to have this behavior occur on a regular basis. As an aside, we feel that an index should demonstrate two things. One is to identify what the park is doing well. The other is that it should identify issues that need to be brought to the facility's attention. Most, but not all, of the issues found will relate to the performance of the guards. Some issues will be procedural or equipment related. Some will refer to practices that we see throughout the Industry. Regardless, we feel our role is to bring to the attention of management any issue that reflects on four points: safety, perception of safety, litigation, and guest satisfaction. With the above concepts in mind, the NASCO index draws a large random sample with the intent of measuring three factors of the guards. One of these is the scan time. We use as a target range of 10-15 seconds for a successful scan time. Another is the appearance of the guard. This relates to professionalism and includes things such as whether a lifeguard is in proper uniform, wearing hat and sunglasses where appropriate, in control of their area of responsibility, ready to enter the water in as short a time period as practical, how the rescue tube is being held, correctly demonstrating proper procedures including dispatching and signaling procedures for their ride or attraction, and other factors which relate to professional performance. The last and least important of the factors is the posture of the guard. The lifeguard should look professional and be in a rescue ready position. This will help qualify in the minds of your Guest the level of professionalism of your lifeguards and cause them to feel safe and secure at the Bahama Beach Water Park. In general, for a medium to large sized park, we draw at least 80 and usually over 100 samples across a long day. From the data collected, we calculate an index that reflects the random performance of the guards. The data is gathered in accordance with how the park is managed and grouped according to the management divisions of the park. For each position observed, we record the time, appearance, and posture of the guard. A time is considered good if it is 15 seconds or less. A time over 60 seconds is very bad and is given a name of "1+" since it exceeds a minute. Sixty seconds is used as the time of a "1+" in calculating the average scan time for the facility. Appearance and posture are marked as either good or bad and ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal notations made about why a bad factor was deemed bad. A mathematical formula is used to calculate the index. Basically, this index counts good scan times more important than good appearances; a good appearance score is more important than good posture, and punishes the score by the percent of one pluses. For each management area, we calculate the index score (I), the average scan time (Tavg), and the percent of "1+'S" (%1+'s). Then the scores are compiled for the entire park. We first like to meet with upper management and discuss our findings. We report on the index (I), (Tavg), and (%1+'s). A well-managed park will have an (I) greater than 55, (Tavg) less than 20 seconds and (%1+'s) less than 5%. Any (I) greater than 50 shows direct managerial influence on the guard's performance. We consider world-class performance to be (I) greater than a 70, (Tavg) less than 17 seconds, and (%1+'s) less than 3%. This is a rare occurrence for a park to achieve world class but is a target goal. However, the numbers are not as important as the reasons and performance behind the numbers. The summary index meeting with management usually takes about an hour. After meeting with upper management, we like to meet with the lowest level of management and discuss our findings with their group. Of the two meetings, the entry level management meeting is the most important in our experience to change guard behavior. Quite a bit of teaching usually occurs in this meeting with ideas of possible solutions being given on how to change and/or re-enforce behavior. In general, a large park index takes an entire day. At your facilities, we may complete this task in less time. This can lead to a time where a more direct behavior modification and teaching can occur. Additionally, an in-service training could be scheduled during our visit if schedules permit. The NASCO index procedure has the ability to accommodate skills testing and to enact scenarios. This inclusion is at the option of the client. However, it should be noted that since we introduced these two components into our program, no client has chosen to include them as part of their index. This is a very aggressive human performance appraisal system. As a rule when a park or corporation initiates this program, it takes about two years to get the system and performance levels performing to this standard. Changing a park culture to stand up to this very thorough index and evaluation system is a non-trivial task and requires hard work from both NASCO and from the park staff.

©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal

THE TOP GUN COURSE The NACO TOP GUN course has been conducted for over twenty years at Aquatic Safety Schools, Waterparks and Theme parks all across the country. It is a course designed to help develop the future leaders and entry-level managers of aquatic facilities and corporations by teaching sound management, and leadership principles in an aquatic environment. In this course, the participants will spend approximately 50% of the time in the classroom and 50% in the water learning rescue skills and developing an eye for detail when it comes to providing a safe experience for your Guests. It also helps to re-enforce the NASCO Index by showing the "TOP GUNNERS" how the index works and how to understand what the index is revealing about the operation of the facility that it is conducted. It also demonstrates that behavior is learned and greatly influenced by the presence or absence of the entry level line manager and how their presence can improve the safety of the facility. Course length is 20 hours, and is limited to 20 participants that must attend ALL sessions. The course is not effective if the students revolve through the class and are not consistent from day to day as the course builds upon earlier topics and lessons covered. We strongly believe that the most important component in a safety system is not how the guards are originally taught or how they are measured. It is how behavior is monitored and corrected on a daily basis. It is folly to believe that guards will continue to perform as they were initially taught in their certification course if behavior is not re-enforced and monitored daily. Without re-enforcement, the lifeguard's behavior will "drift" to an undesirable level and require significant time and effort on the part of a facility to correct. The Top Gun Course is designed to include leadership, problem solving, and advanced lifeguarding skills. It is designed to help entry-level managers acquire the tools they need to successfully monitor and re-enforce lifeguard behavior.

Other features TEXTBOOKS AND MANUALS Due to the high cost of print media, NASCO has chosen to follow in the footsteps of university educators with the choice of the electronic media for its text. Our text has been placed on the Internet and can be found on our web site at ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570,1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539

(281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal www.nascoaquatics.com. Since our mission is to reduce the loss of life due to drowning, there is no charge for the text. The user simply downloads the text from the Internet. Most parks library the books. From time to time the material is updated. When this happens, all the user has to do is to replace those parts of the text recently revised. The choice of the electronic media has both allowed for efficient course and material management and has reduced the cost of the lifeguard program substantially. Our instructor's manual is reproduced electronically on a CD disc and the disc is furnished to our instructors when they take the instructor's course. They print the portion of the manual that they utilize in teaching specific courses. The cost of the disc is included in the cost of the instructor's course.

FACILITY INSPECTIONS A service that most parks use every two to three years is a facility inspection. In a facility inspection, we go through the park in a "wall to wall" inspection. We look for anything that could impact our four decision points of safety, perception of safety, legal liability, and guest satisfaction. This involves walking all of the slides, checking all of the grates, looking at the signage, checking for conformity with all known applicable codes and other activities. This will generally take one to two days at your facilities.

LIFEGUARD KICK-OFF TRAINING This Lifeguard Kick-Off Training is recommended for use at the beginning of the season. It includes motivational training for lifeguards as well as an introduction to a few selected rescue techniques. The facility's staff is utilized in the water portion to help support and establish a strong management team that is essential for a successful season. The training can be broken into two training sessions four hours in length, giving the facility a total of eight hours of motivational training that includes discussing leadership for lifeguards while re-enforcing their lifesaving skills. Each four-hour session consist of two hours of classroom/lecture and two hours in the water. This course is usually conducted over a two-day period.

©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570,1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

090672 Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal

ADVANCED FIRST AID AND CPR FOR LIFEGUARDS The advanced first aid and CPR for lifeguards is a course that goes beyond the basic first aid and CPR that is presented in the standard lifeguard courses taught by NASCO. This course was developed by Grant Goold for NASCO and it's objective is to supplement the skills taught in the lifeguard course by covering information that will add in the transition from lifeguard to an EMT or someone with more training and who is the next link in the chain of caring for the injured victim. This course is intended for the head guard and supervisor level as they will in most cases be responding to assist the Lifeguards and will utilize advanced first aid skills and equipment. The skills include: the use of supplemental oxygen, the use of an AED unit in cases of sudden cardiac arrest, re-emphasis on CPR, patient assessment, and identifying and caring for common medical illnesses that can occur in an aquatic environment. This course is recommended for supervisors and advanced guards, the course length is 6-8 hours, and can be taught concurrently during a NASCO lifeguard course.

NASCO Course Summary Our Lifeguard Certification program concentrates on skills that a lifeguard can and will do. It focuses and emphasizes prevention, scanning and victim recognition. In addition, our programs include CPR and First Aid Training components.

WATER PARK DEEP WATER LIFEGUARD This course includes the skills of the Basic Lifeguard course and includes additional information that is related to Water Parks. It is recommended for Water Park Lifeguards that have water depths that are greater than (5) five feet or attractions like wave pools and action rivers that produce currents. The course length is 22-26 hours Pre-requisites are: a. Swim 200 yards b. Retrieve a 10 pound brick from a depth of (5) five feet or more and at least (8) eight feet deep, and swim with the brick for 15 fee.

WATER PARK SHALLOW WATER LIFEGUARD The Shallow Water Lifeguard is recommended for all guards working in shallow water five feet deep or less. The course covers materials and skills for lifeguards that work in this area. It focuses on skills that a lifeguard can and will do when ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Dmwnmg All Rights Reserved


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal presented with an aquatic emergency. Emphasis is applied to fair and consistent rule enforcement in order to prevent accidents. The course length is 12 hours. Pre- requisites are: a. Swim 50 yards b. Retrieve a 10-pound brick from a depth of (5) five feet or less.

WATER PARK ATTENDANT This course covers skills that are required for working as a slide dispatcher or other positions that do not require swimming ability, but require some familiarity with procedure and managing non-aquatic incidents. It is recommended for all personnel working in a waterpark non-lifeguarding position. Course Length is 6-8 hours. Pre- requisites are: a. None.

©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570,1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

0 Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal

Cost Tables Based on earlier conversations, NASCO will offer the following proposal:

Service Description

1. NASCO will perform a Water Slide Inspection for the City of Dallas at Bahama Beach Water Park that will meet the Texas Department of Insurance inspection requirements as set forth in 28 TAC §§5.9001 -- 5.9014 and in Chapter 2151, Texas Occupations Code. Cost: 900.00 plus expenses, f



2. The authorized instructors can teach any of our courses (Except TOP GUN). Four of which may be of interest to your Aquatic Department are: •

Water Park Deep Water Lifeguard (each)


Water Park Shallow Water Lifeguard (each)


Advanced First Aid and CPR for Lifeguards (each)


Waterpark Attendant (each)


• Renewals for those that renew each year consecutively. These individuals are to be trained by Bahama Beach personnel authorized as NASCO Instructors (each). Or by NASCO Personnel for an additional fee. 3. NASCO will need to conduct at least two lifeguard Indexes during the year at each facility. These Indexes will cost ($1,200.00 - 10 %*), or $1,080.00 each plus expenses, f a. Provided the certification program is utilized. (2x1,080.00) 4. A lifequard Kick-Off Training, is an optional service that can be offered. This Training is two four hour in-services that include leadership development, guest management, and review of lifesaving skills performed at the facility. This training will be taught over a two day period. The cost for this service is: (1 day x 1,200 - 10 %*) plus travel expenses. NASCO will charge for 1 day. ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved




Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal 5. The TOP GUN Course is an optional service you may consider. This is taught by NASCO Staff at a cost of ($3,400.00 less 10% *) plus expenses for one staff member, f The course can allow up to 20 senior staff provided they are already certified as NASCO lifeguards. The course is optional, but recommended due to the benefits received by facilities that utilize the service. * Provided you use our program. 6. The Facility Inspection is an optional service you may also consider. (Usually two days per park). NASCO can complete this inspection at Bahama Beach Facilities in one day. The cost for this service is: (1 day x 1,200 - 10% *) plus expenses for one staff member, f * Provided you use our Lifeguard certification Program. 7. The NASCO Text books can be downloaded for free and libraried if you wish. The only cost associated with this resource is the cost to print and sufficiently bind the materials.




If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me at (979) 693-1071 or email at [email protected] f These expenses will be divided by the number of facilities visited by the NASCO Staff member prior to and after the days spent at Bahama Beach Water Park in the Dallas area. We try to be as efficient as possible to help keep expenses low.

©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life DuetoDrowning All Rights Reserved


087 Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal

Contract THIS AGREEMENT IS BETWEEN: Service Provider's Name: The National Aquatic Safety Company. LLC (NASCO) Service Provider's Address: Rural Route 2. Box 570. 1002 Ave. L. Dickinson. Texas 77539 Service Provider's Telephone: (281) 337-5628 Fax (281) 337-0043 AND Aquatic Facility's Name: The City of Dallas - Bahama Beach Water Park The City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department 1500 Manila Street 6FN Dallas. Texas 75201 Aquatic Facility's Telephone: (214) 671-0820 Fax: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: See attached Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Services Proposal.

John L. Hunsucker, President NASCO


Robin Steinshnider, Manger The Bahama Beach Water Park Dallas Parks and Recreation Department


©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570,1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved


Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal National Aquatic Safety Company, LLC Client List 2004-2008 Waterpark Certifications Bahama Beach- City of Dallas, Texas Big Cedar Wilderness Club - Ridgedale, Missouri Bonfante Gardens - Gilroy, CA Breakwater Beach - Seaside Heights, New Jersey Dry Town Water Park - City of Palmdale, California Geyser Falls Water Park - Choctaw, Mississippi Gillian's Island - Ocean City, New Jersey Horizon Family Inc. Hawaiian Falls - Garland, Texas Hawaiian Falls - The Colony, Texas Huck's Harbor Water Park - Burlington, Iowa Hyland Hills Water World - Denver, Colorado Jelly Stone Campground & Resort Jelly Stone - Warrens, Delis, Wisconsin Jelly Stone - Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Jelly Stone - Williamsport, Maryland Kalahari Resort & Convention Center Wisconsin Dells, Wl Sandusky, Ohio Lagoon Beach Waterpark - Salt Lake City, Utah Magic Water Waterpark - Rockford Park District, Rockford, Illinois Mark Twain's Landing - Monroe City, Missouri Maui Sands Indoor Resort - Sandusky, Ohio Moodey Gardens, Palm Beach - Galveston, Texas Morgan Hills Aquatic Center - Morgan Hills, CA Nickelodeon Resorts by Holiday Inn - Orlando, FL Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority - Fairfax Station, Virginia Ontario Place Public Park - Toronto, Ontario, Canada ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal Water Park Certifications Continued: Paramount Waterparks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland -Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island - King's Island, Ohio Pioneer Waterpark - Willoughby, Ohio Raging Waters Waterpark - Salt Lake City, Utah Splash and Play Waterpark - Chantilly, VA Splash Mountain Waterpark - Ocean City, Maryland Splash Station Waterpark and Aquatic Center - City of Cleburne, Texas Splashway Waterpark - Sheridan, Texas Splash Zone Waterpark- New Jersey Thunder Falls Water Park - Mackinaw City, Michigan Thundering Surf Water Park - Beach Haven, New Jersey The Wave Waterpark - Vista, California The Wet Zone - City of Rowlett, Rowlett, Texas Venture River Water Park - Eddyville, Kentucky Wet-N-Wild, Waterworld Waterpark - Anthony, Texas Water Sentry Certification Lagoon Beach Waterpark - Salt Lake City, Utah Paramount Waterparks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland -Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island - King's Island, Ohio Basic Lifeguard Certification Bellotte Enterprises - Houston, Texas City of Angleton - Angleton, Texas City of Deer Park - Deer Park, Texas ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal Basic Lifeguard Certification Continued: City of Flatonia - Flatonia, Texas City of Texas City - Texas City, Texas Williams H. Williams, Indoor Aquatic Facility - Webster, Texas Waterpark Top Gun Hyland Hills Water World - Denver, Colorado Lagoon Beach Waterpark - Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority - Fairfax Station, Virginia Paramount Waterparks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland -Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island - King's Island, Ohio Schlitterbahn - New Braunfeld, Texas Six Flags Hurricane Harbor - Valencia, California Water World - Houston, Texas Spashtown - Spring, Texas Wild Wadi Water Park - Dubai, United Arab Emirates Waterpark Lifeguard Index Bahama Beach- City of Dallas, Texas Big Cedar Wilderness Club - Ridgedale, Missouri Breakwater Beach - Seaside Heights, New Jersey Coney Island Waterpark-Cincinnati, OH Dry Town Water Park - City of Palmdale, California Frontier Town, Campground - Ocean City, Maryland Geyser Falls Water Park - Choctaw, Mississippi Gillian's Island - Ocean City, New Jersey Horizon Family Inc. Hawaiian Falls - Garland, Texas Hawaiian Falls - The Colony, Texas ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal Water Park Lifeguard Index Continued: Hyland Hills Water World - Denver, Colorado Jelly Stone Campground & Resort -Warrens, Wisconsin Kalahari Resort & Convention Center Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Sandusky, Ohio Lagoon Beach Waterpark - Salt Lake City, Utah Magic Water Waterpark - Rockford Park District, Rockford, Illinois Maui Sands Indoor Resort - Sandusky, Ohio Moodey Gardens, Palm Beach - Galveston, Texas Morgan Hills Aquatic Center - Morgan Hills, CA Nickelodeon Resorts by Holiday Inn - Orlando, FL Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority - Fairfax Station, Virginia Ontario Place Public Park - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Paradise Breeze Water Park - Maysville, Kentucky Paramount Waterparks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland - Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island - King's Island, Ohio Pioneer Waterpark - Willoughby, Ohio Raging Water's Waterpark - Salt Lake City, Utah Schlitterbahn - New Braunfeld, Texas Six Flags Hurricane Harbor - Valencia, California Water World - Houston, Texas Spashtown - Spring, Texas Splash and Play Waterpark - Chantilly, VA Splash Mountain Waterpark - Ocean City, Maryland Splashway Waterpark - Sheridan, Texas Splash Zone Waterpark- New Jersey ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal Water Park Lifeguard Index Continued: The Wave Waterpark - Vista, California The Wet Zone - City of Rowlett, Rowlett, TX Thunder Falls Water Park - Mackinaw, Michigan Thundering Surf Water Park - Beach Haven, New Jersey Venture Rivers Water Park - Eddyville, Kentucky Wet-N-Wild, Waterworld Waterpark - Anthony, Texas Ride Operator Course (ROC) Paramount Theme Parks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland-Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island - King's Island, Ohio Hard Ride Top Gun Lagoon Corporation Lagoon Amusement Park Paramount Theme Parks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland -Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island- King's Island, Ohio Six Flags Astroworld - Houston, Texas Hard Ride Index Paramount Theme Parks Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina Canada's Wonderland -Vaughn, Ontario, Canada Great America - Santa Clara, California King's Dominion - Doswell, Virginia King's Island - King's Island, Ohio ©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved

Bahama Beach Water Park - The City of Dallas, Texas Lifeguard Training and Risk Management Proposal Hard Ride Index Continued: Six Flags Astroworld - Houston, Texas Governmental Agency Lifeguard In-Service and Site Surveys Texas Municipal League Inter-governmental Risk Pool (TML) Over 90 municipalities visited Other Facilities NASCO has also worked with dozens of other facilities in a variety of capacities.

©2004 NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company Rural Route 2, Box 570, 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281) 337 5628 Fax (281) 337 0043 Our Mission: To Reduce- the Loss of Life Due to Drowning All Rights Reserved


09 0 6 7 2

January 23, 2009 Robin Steinshnider Bahamas Beach Waterpark City of Dallas Park & Recreation 1895 Camp Fire Circle Dallas, Texas 75232 Subject:

Travel Expenses Forecasted for 2009

Dear Ms. Steinshnider, You request a line item forecast for the travel expenses that may be incurred by the National Aquatic Safety Company (NASCO) during the course of providing the proposed services to the City of Dallas and Bahama Beach Water Park. Here are the estimated amounts for the visits to Bahama Beach Water Park: Air Travel: Rental Care: Mileage: Lodging (food): Not to exceed:

$650.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $3,750.00

Agreed upon by Eric "Chet" Jacobson: (Date) City of Dallas Representative: (Date) I hope that this helps in your budgeting process, and if I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Eric "Chet" Jacobson Senior Vice President/COO The National Aquatic Safety Company NASCO National Aquatic Safety Company 1002 Ave. L, Dickinson, Texas 77539 (281)337-5628 Fax (281) 337-0043 Our Mission: To Reduce the Loss of Life Due to Drowning



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