2009 Jr, Teen & Miss Tift County Application

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  • Pages: 2
Application for 2009 Miss Tift County Scholarship Pageant August 15, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Tift Theatre, Downtown Tifton, Georgia Mary Walker, Director 229-386-5567 Home or 229-388-8008 Work E-mail address: [email protected] or [email protected]

Age Divisions: Junior 10-12, Teen 13-16 and Miss 17-23 Queens will receive Full Round Crown, Crowning Pin, Satin Monogrammed Banner, Engraved Tray and Flowers. Junior Miss will receive a $75 Cash Award, Teen Miss Queen will receive a $100 Cash Award and Miss Queen will receive a $250 Cash Award. Deadline to enter pageant is August 12, 2009. Please type or print application. Name: Phone Number: Address: Parents:

Email Address: Age as of day of Pageant: City, State, Zip:


Sponsored by: School (Grade) or College (Year): Three words that best describes you: Special Organizations: Special Honors: Hobbies: Favorite Book: What is an interesting fact about you? What are your ambitions/goals in life?

Beauty Entry Fee --------------OPTIONALS I am entering Prettiest Dress ------I am entering Prettiest Smile -----I am entering Prettiest Hair -------TOTAL ---

$ 75.00 __________ __________ __________ __________

Junior Miss ____ Teen Miss ____ Miss ____ Fee $10 Fee $10 Fee $10

Make checks payable to Miss Tift County Pageant and mail along with completed application and a wallet head shot to go into the program book to 1411 Rutland Road, Tifton, Georgia 31793. The Contestant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Miss Tift County Pageant, the Pageant Director and any other entities which might be construed as liable from and against any and all claims for personal injuries, death, damages, cost and/or other expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees arising from or in any way connected with the use of the premises and participation in the pageant. The Contestant does hereby wave any right of recovery against The Miss Tift County Pageant, the Pageant Director and any other entities which might be construed as being responsible for loss, damage, theft of such equipment, personal property, etc. This agreement is subject to termination by the Miss Tift County Pageant without advance notice or penalty at any time. This agreement is personal to the Contestant and may not be transferred or assigned. In witness whereof, this agreement has been executed as of the date indicated below. _________________________________________ Signature of Contestant, Parent or Guardian

Pageant Rules 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12. 13.

Contestant numbers will be assigned in reverse order. The first application, accompanied by entry fee and photo, received by the director, will be the last contestant of the division. Entry fees and wallet head shot photo must accompany application. Contestants will compete in the age division they qualify to be in as of the day of the pageant. This pageant is open to all surrounding counties. Junior, Teen and Miss will be scored, 40% on a five-minute interview, 25% on beauty and poise, 25% on evening gown and 10% on stage question. Business interview attire is required for personal interview segment of competition. No cameras or video cameras are allowed. We will have an official photographer and videographer. Queens will receive a cash award at the end of their reign provided they have fulfilled all their obligations. Any Queen whose conduct is deemed unbecoming by the Miss Tift County Pageant will be asked to withdraw from the pageant. Parents are responsible for the conduct of their child during the pageant. Any conduct from a contestant that is considered rude, unruly or disrespectful, whether to another contestant, a Committee member or other persons will result in her immediate elimination from this pageant and no refund will be given. No refunds unless the director cancels the pageant. There will be no practice session before the pageant. The contestants will walk the basic T. Enter from contestant’s left at the back of the stage. Continue to front center, stop and turn, proceed to the contestant’s right, stop and turn, go back to the center of the stage, stop and turn, then proceed to the left of the stage by the podium. You will have your question at this time. Go back to the center of the stage, stop and turn, then proceed to the back center of stage where the contestant came in. Exit to contestant’s right. At the back center you may do a universal turn if so desire. There are 3 parades that I ask for you to participate in by riding the Miss Tift County Float: Peter Pan Parade in Sylvester on October 17, 2009; Sweet Potato Parade in Ocilla on October 31, 2009 at 10am and the Tifton Hometown Holidays Parade on December 5, 2009 at 5pm. There will be a $45.00 fee for all returned checks. Miss Tift County Queens are role models for other females in the community and are expected to present themselves with poise, grace and intelligence at all times. Accordingly, contestants will be prohibited from entering the pageant if they have ever been married, pregnant or charged with a crime. Further, if a Queen exhibits behavior unbecoming of the title during her reign, the title may be forfeited, along with the cash award. The title and case award will then be awarded to the first runner-up in that age group. Such behavior shall include, but is not limited to pregnancy, fighting, being charged with a crime, or marriage.

STAGE PATTERN Judges X (4th Stop & Questions) Enter Exit

X (2nd & 5th Stop) X (1st & 6th Stop)

X (3rd Stop)

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