2009 Detailed Student Info Guide

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  • Pages: 41

1706 5th Avenue, Ste. 300 San Diego, CA 92101 Ph.: 619-234-2881 Fax: 619-234-2883 Email: [email protected] www.LSI.edu


LSI Student Information Guide Table of Contents

1. Welcome

Page 3

2. Introduction

Page 4

3. San Diego Staff

Page 5

4. Course Description

Page 6-8

5. LSI Course Objectives

Page 9-10

6. School Information

Page 11-12

7. Frequently Asked Questions

Page 13- 14

7. School Regulations

Page 15- 16

8. Accommodations

Page 17-18

9. Useful Information

Page 19-21

10. Leisure Activities

Page 22-27

11. 2008 Holidays

Page 28

13. Places to Eat Lunch

Page 29

LSI Student Information Guide


Welcome Welcome to Language Studies International San Diego We hope that your trip to San Diego was a safe and pleasant one. We have been looking forward to meeting you. This morning you will have Registration, a Placement Test with an Interview, and an Orientation to the LSI program and the city of San Diego. Afterward, you will attend afternoon class if you are enrolled in the Intensive 30 course. If you are enrolled in a Standard 20 course, you are free to spend the afternoon discovering downtown San Diego. You may want to visit Horton Plaza, located on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Broadway, and pick up a bus pass at the Transit store, located at First and Broadway. We will see you tomorrow morning for your first full day of school!

We are located at: 1706 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. Our Administrative Offices and rooms 300-311 are located on the third floor. The closest bus stop is located across from the school on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Elm Street. The closest trolley station is located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and C Street. Please ask your host family or your hotel staff for clear directions to and from school.

The telephone number for LSI San Diego is (619) 234-2881. If you must miss class for any reason or if you know you are going to be late for class, please call to let us know. There is a voice mail system on the telephone, so please leave a clear message with your name and telephone number in case we need to contact you.


Again, welcome. We hope that your experience at LSI is a memorable one!


LSI Student Information Guide

Language Studies International


Language Studies International (LSI) was founded in England in 1965 and operates successful programs in Australia, Costa Rica, England, France, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S.A. We believe that the most effective way to learn any language is to study in the country where it is spoken. LSI San Diego provides students with the opportunity not only to study English, but also to become familiar with the local culture and customs. We offer a comprehensive program for the study of English, including general English, English for business and professional people, preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate and Cambridge Advanced exams, as well as TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) / TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) preparation. Additionally, specialized instruction is provided to meet the needs of individual students. All courses of study concentrate on building fluency and confidence in speaking and understanding English.

LSI San Diego

LSI San Diego is centrally located between the airport and downtown. A ten-minute walk from Balboa Park, home of the world famous San Diego Zoo, Horton Plaza, and the harbor, and a ten-minute drive to Mission Beach and Sea World, LSI is near some of San Diego’s best features. We have seven large classrooms for our group classes and three smaller rooms that are more conducive to individual instruction. We also have more classrooms available on other floors of the LSI building if needed. Our administrative offices are located on the third floor, and we encourage students to come in with any questions. Our Student Lounge is a spacious and comfortable place for students to relax and socialize outside of class. Please visit our Student Computer Room or Student Resource Room. The Student Computer Room is equipped with computers for you to use before school, during breaks, and after school. Students may use E-mail to keep in contact with family and friends. The Student Resource Room computers are available for use by appointment only. Also, feel free to borrow any of the books or tapes in the Student Resource Room, or use the room as a quiet place to study. The excellent location of LSI, bright facilities, and spacious classrooms provide students with a pleasant learning atmosphere. In other sections of this guide, you will find advice for living in San Diego and suggestions for making the most of your time here. Please speak to an LSI staff member if you have any questions or concerns or even if you are feeling a little home sick. The staff wants to do everything possible to make your stay in San Diego an enjoyable one.


LSI Student Information Guide LSI San Diego Staff

LSI San Diego Staff

"Open Door Policy" The administrative and teaching staff at LSI is here to help you. Please feel free to speak to the Director, Director of Studies, Registrar, Student Services Coordinator, or any teacher if you have any questions or problems. The door to the Director's office is always open, and you may come in during student hours if you would like to speak to him or her. Student hours are before and after school and during break and lunch. Please do not leave class unless it is urgent. Director: Mr. Steven Nicholson The Director is here to help you in any way. Please feel free to speak to the Director about any concerns you have about your classes, LSI, or any other issues. Director of Studies: Ms. Rachel Ishiguro The Director of Studies is also here to help you in any way. Please feel free to speak with her about any questions regarding your class, level, textbooks, the school, or any other aspect of your academic experience. Accommodation Coordinator: Ms. Suzette La Salle Suzette takes care of accommodation and airport transfers in San Diego. If you have any concerns about your accommodation arrangement, please see her. Together, you can try to find an answer to your question or solve any problem you might have. You can also see her to make payments. Registrar: Greg Mott Greg handles all enrollments. He is also the person who issued your I-20 and can answer any visa questions. You can see him to make payments.


LSI Student Information Guide Course Description Standard 20 Standard 20 is designed for students who wish to improve general English skills. The course is divided into two morning periods: Period One: 9:10 to 10:50 a.m. The unit topic of the morning is introduced while focusing on a communicative approach to the lesson. A combination of teaching methods is used to achieve grammar objectives appropriate to the course level, incorporating listening, speaking, pronunciation, and writing skills. A textbook is distributed at all levels to be used in both morning classes. Homework is assigned daily. Period Two: 11:10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. This integrated skills class builds on the same unit topic introduced in the first period through intense work on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Lessons revolve around practical situations geared toward teaching the student "real world" skills; functional topics are chosen according to the level. Homework is assigned daily.

Intensive 30 Intensive 30 students study the same two periods described above, plus additional afternoon classes. Afternoon options include: English for Business, or General English electives such as Pronunciation, Writing, or Everyday English. Intensive 30 students can pre-book their afternoon choices or choose their course during the Orientation session. A minimum of four students is needed to open any of these classes. AFTERNOON SCHEDULE: Period 3: 1:50 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Period 4: 3:05 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. Afternoon classes run Monday to Thursday. No afternoon classes are held on Fridays. TOEIC Preparation Course The TOEIC Course consists of Morning class, Fluency in Context, + Vocabulary Development. Business Fluency in Context – project based English: This class focuses on speaking and vocabulary using real life situations drawn from the Working World. Task-based activities such as giving presentations, demonstrating a skill, or making international travel arrangements allow students to apply what they are learning to daily life. Vocabulary Development: This class focuses on increasing students’ vocabulary, as well as learning techniques for self-study and for activating and remembering more vocabulary. Students will learn words from many different topic areas which are relevant to the TOEIC test. Vocabulary Development is open to high Pre-Intermediate level students and above. Test practice sessions for students who wish to take the TOEIC exam will also be arranged after arrival. TOEFL Preparation Course The TOEFL Course consists of the morning TOEFL preparation course (Standard 20). Afternoon elective classes (Intensive 30) can be added according to the student’s individual needs. Morning TOEFL: This class focuses on the English language skills needed to pass the iBT TOEFL exam, including academic skills that will be useful to students who hope to study at an American university. This class is designed to give students the skills needed to pass the TOEFL test and continue with their studies. These skills include listening, note-taking, writing, and speaking in a variety of academic contexts. TOEFL is open to Intermediate level students and above. It is available when more than 4 students are enrolled, or when a student specifically requests the course before s/he arrives in San Diego. Afternoon Electives: Students who wish to take the Intensive 30 TOEFL course can choose from any of our afternoon electives based on their individual needs. Options may include the Writing Seminar, Vocabulary Development and Fluency in Context.


LSI Student Information Guide Course Description English for Business Course English for Business consists of Morning class, Fluency in Context, + Modular Business Case Studies and Application There are twelve modules in this course; students do not have to study all modules as each covers a specific topic. Students may study as many as they like; students who study all twelve modules will have a solid knowledge of Business English. This course is available when at least four students request the course or when a student specifically requests the Business Modular Course before s/he arrives in San Diego. Business Fluency in Context – project based English: This class focuses on speaking and vocabulary using real life situations drawn from the Working World. Taskbased activities such as giving presentations, demonstrating a skill, or making international travel arrangements allow students to apply what they are learning in common situations encountered in daily life. Modular Business Case Studies & Application: This class is the heart of Modular English for Business, giving students the opportunity to really sink their teeth into the language of business through case studies, role plays, presentations, and more. Open to Intermediate level students and above. General English Course Students who come to LSI for an Intensive 30 program with a general goal of increased fluency can choose from the available afternoon classes, combining them in the way that best suits their individual needs. For example, a future MBA student might combine Academic Skills with Modular Business Case Studies, while someone else might prefer to combine Pronunciation with Fiction into Film.

International School Year (ISY) Students may enroll in either the Standard 20 or Intensive 30 Course on a long-term basis of 12, 24, or 36 weeks. By devoting three to nine months to intensive language training, students have the opportunity to make significant improvement in fluency and overall general English skills during their stay.

Plus 5 or Plus 10 (25, 30, 35 or 40 lessons per week) Students registered for this course have five or ten One-to-One lessons per week in addition to the Standard 20 or Intensive 30 Course. This course is designed for students who have individual needs or difficulties. Students are encouraged to suggest areas of special interest, such as pronunciation, writing, grammar, conversation, or professional English.

Cambridge Examination Courses The Cambridge First Certificate Examination has widespread recognition in business and industry as proof of a general standard of competence in English at an intermediate level. LSI's specialized instruction prepares students for successful examination. Each course is eleven weeks in length and focuses on theory and practice needed to master the examination. The twelfth week is used for review and taking the examination. The Cambridge Advanced Examination tests higher level competence in English for students already in or entering the working world or for students preparing to enter British universities. This course follows

8 the same schedule as the Cambridge First, with eleven weeks of instruction and a twelfth week of testing. Class schedules for both courses are the same as for the Intensive 30 Course.


LSI Student Information Guide Course Description One-to-One Course The One-to-One instruction program is designed for students with special needs or a limited amount of time for study. After a diagnostic evaluation, each student's program is designed to provide the most effective and efficient course of study. Areas covered in these lessons include structure, pronunciation, idioms, vocabulary, listening skills, functionally-based English, and discussion skills. A substantial portion of the course is devoted to the student's special interests and skills.

Promotion to the Next Level/Completion of Course Student performance is continually evaluated by teachers. In order to successfully complete a program, a student must meet LSI’s standard of excellence: at least an 80% attendance rate, an average score of 70% on weekly tests and quizzes, and a satisfactory rating on oral assessments. In addition, a teacher’s recommendation is necessary in order to advance to the next level or to be awarded an LSI Certificate of Completion. Students enrolled in Intensive 30 Courses must also maintain a minimum 75% attendance during the afternoon classes. Students will normally be promoted to the next level on completion of their current level (usually 10 to 14 weeks), provided that the above conditions are met. To be considered for early promotion, students must have their teacher’s recommendation, based on their performance in all skill areas. They must also consistently score 90% or higher on weekly tests and get above-average orals scores on weekly progress reports. In addition, students who wish to be promoted early must participate well in class, do their homework, and meet the minimum attendance requirement of 80% (75% in afternoon classes). Finally, they must demonstrate that they have mastered the objectives set out for each level. Copies of these objectives may be obtained from teachers or the Director of Studies. Continuing on to an American College or University LSI San Diego has special agreements with several colleges and universities that make the application process for international students faster and easier. If you successfully complete LSI's highest level, F- Advanced, and you have the recommendation of your instructors, you can apply to a college or university in the United States. Please see the Registrar for information regarding community colleges in San Diego and California. The Registrar will be happy to assist you with the application process. If you are interested in knowing more about the opportunities to study at an American college or university, please see the Director or the Director of Studies. One of them will be happy to help you.


LSI Student Information Guide

LSI Course Objectives and Standards

Course Objectives

We implement high standards in and out of the classroom. The Placement Test and Interview given on Orientation Day give the staff an indication of the skills students need to master, while recognizing their strengths in English. In order to pass on to the next level or to receive a certificate for the level in which a student studied, s/he must meet the objectives set forth for each level. A breakdown of LSI’s levels and a general description of what is expected in each level are as follows:

101-A: Beginner. This level is for students who have little or no knowledge of the English language. Students at this level might know some basic vocabulary words but have very little listening comprehension or understanding of English.

101-B: Elementary. This level is for students who have some Basic English skills. Students at this level still have a limited vocabulary and probably have a difficult time understanding spoken English.

102: Pre-Intermediate. This level is for students who have increased their vocabulary base and are beginning to understand verb tenses beyond the simple past and present. Students can usually understand conversations if the speakers speak slowly and clearly, and they can usually make themselves understood to native speakers. Students at this level should be able to write clear simple sentences and answer informational questions on familiar topics.

103: Intermediate. This level is for students who have a better control of the tense system in English. They are more comfortable with natural speech, and, although they still make mistakes, they are now capable of recognizing when they have made a mistake. They are able to begin expressing original ideas in spoken and written form and participate in conversations.

104: Upper-Intermediate. This level is for students who have mastered the basics of most verb tenses and who are ready to put some of the "finishing touches" on their language skills. Students study the different relative clauses, practice all conditionals, and explore the intricacies of the different future tenses. Students at this level should be able to read a short article without problems, and their listening comprehension should be high. These students are capable of expressing their ideas orally and in writing and can converse on a wide range of topics.

105/106: Post-Intermediate/ Advanced. This level is for students who demonstrate that they understand the entire tense system and that their vocabulary and reading comprehension is at a level high enough to read and understand authentic English texts. In addition, work with radio and TV

11 broadcasts is common, and students should have very little problem understanding native speakers speaking at their natural speed. These students can write and speak without hesitation.


LSI Student Information Guide Course Objectives LSI Course Objectives and Standards (Continued) Afternoon Classes are an integral part of the TOEIC, and Modular English for Business Courses. TOEIC Course consists of Morning class, Fluency in Context, + Test Practice. Modular English for Business consists of Morning class, Fluency in Context, + Modular Business Case Studies and Application. Intensive 30 courses can combine morning class with any open 3rd or 4th period class. • Pronunciation: This class is designed to help improve students’ pronunciation, regardless of their level of English knowledge. If a student has trouble being understood, difficulty with certain sounds, or just wants to speak with less of an accent, this course is for them. There is lots of speaking practice! Open to all levels; required for Beginner, Elementary, and low Pre-Intermediate students. • Writing Seminar: This intensive seminar-style class focuses on improving English writing skills in all areas. Students learn how to organize their writing, revise and edit, as well as practicing typical structures and formats used in written English communication (e.g. letters, essays, reports, etc.) This class is useful for students who want to improve their written English in a variety of contexts, including business, academics and personal use. This class can be combined with morning TOEFL in an Intensive 30 program to give students the written skills they need to pass the TOEFL test and continue their studies. • Business Fluency in Context – project based English: This class focuses on speaking and vocabulary using real life situations drawn from the Working World. Task-based activities such as giving presentations, demonstrating a skill, or making international travel arrangements, allow students to apply what they are learning in common situations encountered in daily life. It is open to all students in an Intermediate level and above. • Everyday English/the Basics: This class is designed to make students comfortable using English in everyday situations, such as ordering in a restaurant, going to a doctor, dealing with emergencies, introducing themselves, and making small talk. Speaking, speaking, speaking, and listening too! The class is required for Beginner – PreIntermediate level students but is open to all levels. • Vocabulary Building: This class provides the opportunity to learn the skills and secrets to growing your vocabulary. You will study words and word development, as well as dictionary skills. Not only will you learn new words, you’ll learn techniques for continued self-study and for activating and remembering more vocabulary. Open to high Pre-Intermediate and above. • Modular Business Case Studies & Application: This class is the heart of Modular English for Business, giving students the opportunity to really sink their teeth into the language of business through case studies, role plays, presentations, and more. This class is always available to students who pre-book Modular English for Business. When the Business Modular course is available, students who are already at LSI San Diego can join the course if they have at least an intermediate knowledge of English. • General Fluency in Context: This class focuses on Speaking and Vocabulary using real-life situations. Topics and contexts will change periodically and may include: Popular Culture, Film, Music, Current Events, American Life, Sports, and more. Open to Pre-Intermediate and above.



LSI Student Information Guide



How to read the Class List: If you are enrolled in an Intensive 30 course, you will join the afternoon class on Orientation Day. If you are enrolled in Standard 20, you will join your class the next morning. Look for your name on the Class List posted in the hallway. The Class List will tell you your level, the teachers you will have, and the room numbers. For example: The morning class list (Period 1-2): Class: PERIOD 1-2 – 101-B ELEMENTARY Room: 304 Teachers: Blake WINTER ID Surname Forename 5478 KO Se Hoon 5471 MAYEIRO Thiago 5235 YAMADA Emu 5627 BÉGIN Alain 5344 KUNKEL Julia Up to 14 students per class The afternoon class list (Period 3-4): Class: PERIOD 3-4 – ACADEMIC SKILLS Room: 301 Teachers: Michael Cummings ID Surname Forename 5651 KOKUBO Naomi 5559 BONIFACIO Daniele 5087 MISIL Serkan Up to 14 students per class Please note that there might be two different classes for the afternoon: Period 3 and Period 4. The Class List is updated every week on Monday. Do not forget to check the Class List every Monday morning for any changes or updates!



LSI Student Information Guide

Please read the following carefully:

School Information

English Only: You are expected to speak only English while at LSI, including school activities. We also ask that you try to practice this rule outside of the school to promote your progress toward English proficiency. Arrangement of Classes: Classes are organized in weekly modules of varying lengths, depending on the level. Each level has a set of objectives that must be achieved before you may proceed to the next. Each week consists of a self-contained sequence of exercises, so that students may enter the course any given week, with the exception of Cambridge Courses, which have fixed start dates. Absences: Please inform your teachers or the office if you will be absent for any reason. We understand that you may get sick and need a day to recover, but please call us, and tell us if you are not coming to school. However, if you miss three or more days without informing anyone at the school, we will be concerned and may notify your family and/or the police. If you have an F-1 (student) Visa and you withdraw from or cancel your course before the original completion date, it is our duty to notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and they will consider you out of status. You cannot miss more than four days per month without losing your F-1 (student) Visa status, unless you provide proper documentation to explain the absence (e.g. a doctor’s certification of illness and inability to attend school). Certificates: When you leave LSI, you will receive a Certificate of Completion if you have attained an overall average of 70% on tests, have an average attendance rate of 80% for morning classes and 75% in afternoon classes, and have the recommendation of your teacher. Homework: Homework is assigned daily. We try to keep homework to a minimum (with the exception of the intensive Cambridge courses), as we understand the value of your free time in a foreign country. If you would like more work, please contact your instructor or the Director of Studies. Books: Please do not write in your class books. If you wish to write in your textbook, you may ask to purchase it from the Director of Studies. When you change levels, please return all books to your teacher. When you leave the school, you must return all books in order to receive your certificate and book deposit. Identification Cards: You will receive an LSI identification card. You can show this card at museums, theaters, the zoo, and other businesses for student discounts. Lost or Stolen Articles: LSI is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. It is usually safe to leave your bag in the classrooms during breaks, but please always keep your wallet with you. Report any lost or stolen articles to the LSI office immediately. Holidays: The school will be closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,

17 Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving Day, and two weeks at the end of December for Christmas holidays.

LSI Student Information Guide




When you come to live in another country there are lots of questions that you want to ask. There also may be some questions you have about the school. Let us try to answer them immediately. The most important thing is not to worry. Remember we are here to help you, just ask us and we will help as much as we can.

I think I am in the wrong level. What should I do? The first thing you should do is stop and think!! Do you think the class is wrong for your level or have you just been at the same level for too long? Don’t compare yourself with other students in the class. You might be better than them at some things but worse in others. Remember that your teachers discuss your progress with the Director of Studies every week. If they think that the class is too easy or too difficult for you they will recommend to you that you change level. If you still want to move talk to your teacher. If you think the class is too easy or too difficult then tell your teachers; they know most about your level and progress. If the teacher doesn’t agree and you STILL want to change level, go to see the Director of Studies, who will speak to your teachers, maybe recommend some work for you and talk to you about your progress.

When can I take a holiday? If you have completed 5 weeks of Standard 20 or 4 months of Intensive 30, you may be eligible for a vacation. Please refer to the Vacation Policy given to you during orientation and speak with the Registrar if you believe you are eligible. If you need time off because your family or friends are coming, speak to the Director of Studies or the Registrar.

Why must I only speak English in school? It is very important that you speak English as much as you can in school and outside. If you only speak English in class time then you cannot expect to make friends from other countries. Take advantage of the situation you are in. You can make friends from your own country when you are there, try to make friends from all over the world. That is one of the main reasons that you are learning English. Also your in-class time is a small fraction of the time you have here. If you only speak English is class, you might as well have stayed home!

Why don’t we start at the beginning of the book and work through to the end? We have a syllabus at LSI. Depending on when you begin, you might start anywhere in the book. Because students start every Monday, we don’t want anyone to feel that they have missed something important. We have a syllabus, which means that we know what you need to learn at a certain level. The syllabus works in a block of 12 weeks, some people will spend less time in a level and some people will spend more time. It is important that you are learning

18 something, not the name of your level. Sometimes you will do the last units of a book and then go back to the beginning – this does not mean you need to change levels. Some units will be easy for you, but the next unit might be very difficult. Talk to your teacher if you think the unit is too easy. Maybe there is a special project you can do to help you keep learning!


LSI Student Information Guide Frequently



I am unhappy, not only in school but with my life here. What can I do? It is difficult to live in another country especially when you don’t speak the language. Remember as a student of LSI you are never alone. Not only do you have friends with other students but you can always come and ask anyone in the office for help. If you feel lonely ask another student to have lunch with you, go on the activities as much as possible, a lot of the events are free, and it will help you meet new people.

Why am I not improving more quickly? A lot of students would like to improve more quickly. Remember that it takes a long time to learn a language well, so it’s important to be patient. Learning English is not just about learning grammar and then expecting to speak perfectly. You might understand all the grammar but find difficulty in using it. Practice is the most important thing, so always come to school and speak English as much as possible. Maybe you can’t see how well you are doing by yourself, so talk to your teachers or the Director of Studies about your progress. They will also be able to give you extra work and activities to do at home if you ask them. Maybe you could also think about taking an exam to show what progress you are making. This chart shows how people often progress in English:






Notice the long, slow intermediate stage. Nothing seems to happen, but this stage is very important to prepare you for the big jump to the upper levels. A lot is happening inside you, so don’t give up! Can you see where you are on this chart? You might want to draw a chart of

20 your own to keep track of the progress you make here at LSI.


LSI Student Information Guide

Regulations 1)


PUNCTUALITY: Classes start promptly at 9:10 a.m., 11:10 a.m., and 1:50 and 3:05 p.m. Late arrival disrupts other students. If you are late, please enter as quietly as possible so that you do not disturb the activity of the class. It is your responsibility to catch up on what is missed. The teacher does not have to go back and help you understand what is going on. If you have called in advance and/or had a situation that was beyond your control, a school administrator will determine if you may enter class when you arrive. The following rules apply: You are considered Present /On Time if you arrive 0 – 5 minutes after class start time. You are Late if you arrive 6-20 minutes after class start time, and the teacher may not allow you to enter the class. 3 Lates in one week = 1 Absence. You are Absent in the following cases: a. Arrival 21 or more minutes after class start time. b. No arrival c. 3 Lates in one week = 1 Absence


ATTENDANCE: You need to be in class as much as possible in order to benefit fully from your English course. All students are expected to maintain an attendance rate of at least 80%. In addition, if you are on an F-1 (Student) Visa, LSI requires you to attend at least 80% of your classes in order to maintain your status as a full-time student. LSI is mandated to track your attendance on a week-to-week basis and to notify the Immigration Service if you are failing to meet the attendance requirement. If you fail to meet the requirement, you are not eligible to transfer to any other school in the United States and may be subject to deportation.


GRADUATION: Every Friday we have graduation after Second Period class.


PHONE CALLS / FAXES: If you need to make a phone call while you are at school, you may use the pay phone located on the third floor. Phone cards are available for sale in most stores around San Diego. You may send faxes through the main office at a cost of $5.00 per fax. The telephone number for receiving faxes is 619-234-2883. When we receive a fax or letter for a student, we will forward it to the student through his/her teacher.


MEDICAL INSURANCE: Students studying in the United States need to have medical insurance. If you do not have medical insurance, you must see the Registrar to purchase coverage from LSI.


FOOD / DRINKS: Please enjoy food in the student lounge only. No food is allowed in the classrooms or the computer room. Remember to throw cups and papers in the trash and to throw cans in the recycling bin in the student lounge. You may take a drink to class only if it has a lid, but no food or drinks are allowed in the Computer Lab or Computer Resource Room.


RECYCLING: Please place glass bottles, plastic bottles, and cans in the recycling bin located by the vending machines in the student lounge. THIS IS NOT A TRASH CAN!!! Please do not put any other type of trash in this bin. You can recognize the recycling bin by its green lid.


SMOKING: Smoking is permitted outside only. Please smoke either away from the front doors or in the back of the LSI building (use back door, and close the door when leaving). Please throw cigarette butts in the ashtray provided in the back and not in the trash or on the street.


ELEVATOR: Do not hold the elevator doors open with your hands. Please use the “Doors

22 Open” button located inside of the elevator. 10)

VENDING MACHINES/PAY PHONE: Do not put pennies, half dollars, coin dollars, or foreign currencies into the vending machines or the pay telephone. It will break them!


MOBILE PHONES: Cell phones may not be used during class and must be turned off.


BICYCLES: If you ride a bicycle to school, please lock it securely to the bicycle rack located outside next to the front entrance. Bicycles are not allowed inside of the school.


STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR: To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible school environment, LSI expects you to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all our students, staff members, and the organization. Although it is not possible to list all forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in a college setting, the following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the school:      

Rudeness or insulting behavior toward fellow students or staff members. Excessive absenteeism or absences without notice. Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property. Possession of or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment. Unsatisfactory performance or conduct.



LSI Student Information Guide Accommodations


LSI San Diego offers assistance in booking accommodations for students in host families and standard hotels. All of the accommodations that we offer are carefully selected and inspected by Suzette in Student Services. If you have any problems or concerns, please see her immediately. If she is away from the office, anyone can assist you. They are here to help you! LSI San Diego offers the following two types of accommodations: Homestay and Residence Hotel.

Homestay Information and Guidelines:

Homestay accommodations, in either single or double rooms, are available year around. They provide students with a place to stay and either breakfast only (Bed and Breakfast) or breakfast and dinner (Half-board) daily. In addition, they give students the opportunity to communicate and interact with an American family and to learn more about American culture on a first-hand basis. All of our host families are unique—no single family is typical of LSI host families! We look for host families who have an interest in learning about other cultures and would like to share some of their time with international students. Our host families are of all ages and ethnic backgrounds and include married couples, unmarried couples, and single people (with and without children). Some families will be able to include you in most family activities, while others will be less able to involve you in their busy lifestyles. In all cases, please remember that communication is the key to a good relationship with your host family. If you have any questions, concerns, or problems, please talk to your host family about them!

Meals: Host families will provide continental breakfast for you every morning. Your

host might cook breakfast for you or might require you to prepare this breakfast on your own, especially if your host family has to leave for work in the morning. This is something you will want to discuss with your host as soon as you arrive. Also, your host may allow you to keep your own food in the kitchen and to use the kitchen facilities. However, please ask about this before doing so. Please do not take food from your host’s kitchen without asking first. To add dinner, please see Student Services for assistance. IMPORTANT: For Bed and Breakfast and Half-board students, you must provide your own lunch! Please do not take your host’s food for this unless they tell you that you may! Also, for Half-board students, if you will not be home in time for dinner, please tell your host family in advance.

Linens and Laundry: Host families provide clean bed linens and towels weekly;

you are responsible for changing your own sheets and will be told where to put dirty linens. You are responsible for washing your own clothes. Please ask your host family if you may use their laundry facilities or where the nearest laundry facilities are located. Please ask your family’s preference about hanging wet clothes in your bedroom or in

24 the bathroom if you would like to do so.

LSI Student Information Guide Accommodations Smoking:

Smoking is not allowed in most homes. Talk to your host family about their rules and remember that you cannot smoke on the beach or near a bus stop. It is illegal.

Telephone Privileges: Do not use your host family's telephone without permission, especially for long-distance or international calls. Always use a telephone card or call collect for long-distance and international calls. Otherwise, you must pay the host family for any long-distance phone calls you make on their telephone before your departure.

Pets: Many host families have one or more pets. If an agent informs LSI that a

student is allergic to animals, we arrange accommodations for that student in a home without pets. If there was a misunderstanding and you are allergic to pets and with a family that has a pet, please talk to Suzette in Student Services as soon as possible, and she will discuss options with you.

Housekeeping: Remember that you are living in a private home; it isn't a hotel and

maid service is not provided. You are expected to keep your room clean and neat. No food is to left in your room. Also, please be considerate of common areas shared by the whole family.

Cancellation Policy:

A Cancellation Fee equal to the price of two weeks of accommodation will be charged to students who cancel host family or hotel accommodation after arrival without giving a two-week advance notice.

Residence Hotel Information and Guidelines: Residence Hotel accommodations (amenities will vary from hotel to hotel – e.g. with mini-refrigerator, small microwave oven and private or shared bath) can be arranged upon request. Please see Suzette in Student Services for details.

Cancellation Policy:

A Cancellation Fee may apply to any hotel reservations (these vary from hotel to hotel). Please see Suzette in Student Services for details on canceling a hotel booking.



LSI Student Information Guide Transportation:

Useful Information

Buses and Trolleys: San Diego has bus service to most destinations in the San Diego area. Bus fares are about $2.25 (exact change is required), or you can buy a $5.00 all day pass and schedules and information are available at the San Diego County Transit Store, which is located at 102 Broadway Street (and First) downtown. The phone number is 619-233-3004. You may wish to purchase a monthly pass for unlimited travel on any regular bus or trolley. They cost $72.00 for adults. Students under 18 can obtain the passes for $36.00. Bus service generally runs from 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and from 5 a.m. to approximately 8:00 p.m. on weekends. Please check your route for the exact hours of operation. If you need a bus transfer ticket, remember to ask the driver for it when you pay. Passes are also good for travel on the “Red Trolley”, or you can buy one-time fares from ticket machines located at trolley stations. The trolley operates three lines: the North-South Line (Blue Line) runs between the Santa Fe Depot and the Mexican border; the East-West Line (Orange Line) runs between the Santa Fe Depot and Santee; and the new line, the Green Line, connects the Orange Line and the Blue Line and runs between the Old Town Trolley Station and Santee. Trolleys operate from approximately 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. For more information, call (619) 233-3004, 1-800COMMUTE, or (619) 685-4900 for recorded information. You may also visit the Transit Store or consult the website: www.sdcommute.com. Car Rentals: Most car rental agencies require a major credit card and all require a valid driver’s license (international licenses are generally accepted). Most agencies require drivers to be 25 years old, but some will rent to drivers 18 or older. The LSI office has information about specific agencies, their requirements, and costs. Before you leave in a rental car, it is important to look over the car for any damage, and tell this to the rental agent. Be aware that if the car is stolen or vandalized you will be liable for the rental agency deductible. Driving In California: If you would like to purchase a car while in the US, you should obtain a California license. This is required and can also reduce your car insurance rates. To get a California driver’s license, take your passport, I-94, I-20, and $27.00 to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The Department of Motor Vehicles offices are located at 3960 Normal Street (telephone: 619-688-0227) and 4375 Derrick Drive (telephone: 619-565-6691). You may either take a written test in English or make an appointment to be tested via an audiocassette recording in your own language. After you have applied to take the test, you will need to obtain a “Letter of Denial” at one of the Social Security Administration offices. You can find out the location of the office nearest you and other instructions by calling 1-800-772-1213. After you have passed the test, you will be issued a “learner’s permit.” You can then schedule a road test of your driving skills, usually within two weeks. Once you have passed the road test, you will be issued a California driver’s license.


LSI Student Information Guide Useful Information Drinking and Driving: Driving after you have been drinking alcohol is a crime in the United States. Please take public transportation, or call a taxi such as Yellow Cab at 619-234-6161 if you have been drinking. Parking: You can find free parking near the school along Sixth Avenue and in Balboa Park (at Marston Point) on all days except Thursday. There is also parking along Seventh and Eighth Avenues between Cedar and Date Streets every day. Parking is prohibited next to colored curbs. If you are uncertain about the parking laws in San Diego, stop by the office to get a list of them. Be sure to turn your steering wheel to the left when you park uphill and to the right when you park downhill. Banking: Traveler's Checks are the most convenient and safest form of currency for our students. You should not rely on credit card advances, as they can be difficult and time-consuming. Visa and MasterCard are the most widely accepted credit cards. Wiring money from abroad can be complicated and often requires up to two weeks. You may want to open a local checking account if you are staying in San Diego for a long period of time. Most banks offer student checking accounts with low monthly service charges. Feel free to see Student Services in the office regarding opening a bank account. Banks near LSI include: • Bank of America, 450 B Street, San Diego, CA 92101; Ph.: 619-515-7574 • Wells Fargo Bank 401 B Street, San Diego, CA 92101; Ph.: 619-702-6949 • Union Bank of California, 1201 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101; Ph.: 619-230-4666 Most banks are open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Some banks are open on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Communication: Post Office: The post office closest to LSI is located at 815 E Street at Eighth Avenue; hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. There is also a post office in Horton Plaza near Longs Drugs. They are open the same hours as the E Street post office. Call (619) 574-0744 for further information. Telephoning: Local, collect, and calling card calls may be made from any pay phone. Credit cards can be used only in special telephones, usually located in airports. International Calls: You can buy an international calling card from many different pharmacies, markets, supermarkets, and 7-11’s. Also, AT&T offers a non-subscriber telephone card to persons without telephone service in their own names, or you may

28 use calling cards from your home countries. In addition, most countries accept personto-person collect calls.

LSI Student Information Guide



Shopping and Dining: Shop Hours: Most stores are open from 10:00 a.m. to anywhere from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; some are open later on Friday and Saturday. You will find more information in the "Leisure Activities" section of this guide. Bookstores: Bookstores in our area include Borders Books in the Gaslamp Quarter and specialty bookshops in the Hillcrest area. Please see the Director of Studies about purchasing books from LSI San Diego. Restaurants: There are several reasonably priced cafes and fast-food restaurants near the school, as well as fine five-star restaurants. You should tip between 15% and 20% for service. Smoking: etc.).

California law prohibits smoking in any public areas (bars, restaurants,

Alcoholic Beverages: You must be at least 21 years of age to purchase or consume any alcoholic beverage in the state of California. You will be asked to show a valid I.D. (California driver's license or passport) when entering a nightclub, disco, or bar and when purchasing alcoholic beverages. A foreign driver's license, an international identification card, or a photocopy of your passport is not a valid form of I.D. Emergencies: If you need an ambulance, the police, or the fire department for an emergency situation, call "911" and be prepared to give the address of where you are calling from, your name, and an explanation of the situation. If you do not have an emergency and need to speak to the police, you can call 619-531-2001. The nearest police station is located at 1401 Broadway. If you need a doctor, you can go to The Sharp Reese-Stealy Medical Group. Their address is 2001 Fourth Avenue, and their telephone number is 619-446-1575. If you do make an appointment with a doctor, be sure to take your medical insurance card/information with you. If you need help selecting a doctor, ask Student Services or your host family to help you.



LSI Student Information Guide Leisure Activities San Diego is considered one of the loveliest and friendliest American locales. At the southern tip of California and bordering Mexico, San Diego and its surroundings occupy an area of great natural beauty and diversity. The Pacific Ocean, mountains, and desert are all within easy reach of San Diego, “America’s finest city”. The Old Town Trolley tour is a good introduction to the heart of San Diego, since it stops at many major points of interest. The tour costs $30.00 and leaves at 30-minute intervals; start at the Old Town stop for a chronological tour of San Diego history, or call (619) 298-8687 for locations of other stops. Also, visit the International Visitor Information Center located at First Avenue and F Street near Horton Plaza; call (619) 236-1212 for more information. LSI San Diego organizes many activities after school and in the evenings, as well as occasional weekend excursions. Please check the monthly activities calendar for this month’s options. The following is a list of major attractions in the San Diego area, including some that are free of charge and others that charge an admission fee: Balboa Park covers more than 1000 acres with museums, art galleries, theaters, the San Diego Zoo, and sports facilities. Every Tuesday, different museums offer free admission. Call (619) 239-0512 or go to www.balboapark.org for details. Sea World offers marine-themed shows, exhibits, rides, restaurants, and souvenir shops and is located off Sea World Drive at Mission Bay. Call (858) 226-3901 or go to www.seaworld.com for more information. San Diego Zoo is world-famous and within walking distance of LSI at 2920 Zoo Drive in Balboa Park. Call (619) 234-3153 or go to www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/index.php Wild Animal Park hosts about 2,500 animals on 1,800 acres of open range simulating the plains of Africa and Asia. Visitors view the inhabitants from a “safari” monorail and on the Kilimanjaro Hiking Trail. It is about 30 miles northeast of San Diego, near Escondido. Call (760) 237-6541 or go to www.sandiegozoo.org/wap/index.html Old Town was built by Spanish settlers in 1769 and is the oldest part of San Diego. Preserved as a state park, the area houses several restaurants, museums, and artsand-crafts shops. Call (619) 237-6770 or go to www.oldtownsandiego.org Harbor Tours offer historical tours of San Diego’s harbor, and brunch/dinner cruises. Tours depart from B Street and Broadway Piers near Harbor Drive and Broadway. Visit www.sdhe.com/san-diego-harbor-tours.html or www.hornblower.signonsandiego.com


LSI Student Information Guide Leisure Activities Seaport Village on San Diego’s Harbor has many boutiques, galleries, and restaurants and includes a turn-of-the-century carousel. 849 West Harbor Drive, near Kettner Blvd; call (619) 235-4013 or visit www.seaportvillage.com

Beaches and Parks: Coronado Beach was voted Southern California’s most beautiful beach by the Travel channel. It is located on Coronado Island behind the famous Hotel Del Coronado www.hoteldel.com; www.a-zsandiegobeaches.com Mission Bay Park is located between Pacific and Ocean Beaches; tel. (858) 276-8200 Silver Strand State Beach (On Coronado Island) is located on Silver Strand Blvd two miles north of Cherry Avenue. Call (619) 453-5184 or www.a-zsandiegobeaches.com Ellen Browning Scripps Park (In La Jolla):1180 Coast Blvd at Girard Avenue; tel. (858) 221-8900. Presidio Park: 2727 Presidio Drive at Taylor Street; tel. (619) 297-3258. Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Ocean Beach and La Jolla all feature excellent beaches/ boardwalks for rollerblading, walking, jogging, bike riding and surfing. Take bus #34 from Old Town transit center; www.a-zsandiegobeaches.com.

Performing Arts Centers: Coronado Playhouse: Dramas, comedies, and musicals; 1755 Strand Way on Coronado Island; tel. (619) 435-4856. Lyceum Theater: San Diego Repertory Theater, concert, and dance events; 79 Horton Plaza off Broadway and Fourth Avenue; tel. (619) 235-8025. Open Air Theater: Rock concerts; located by San Diego State University campus at College Avenue near Montezuma Road; tel. (619) 594-6947. San Diego Symphony Hall: Modern and classical music; 1245 Seventh Avenue at B Street; tel. (619) 235-0804.


LSI Student Information Guide Leisure Activities Starlight Bowl: San Diego Civic Light Opera, comic operas, and musicals during summer; located in Balboa Park off Presidents Way near Park Blvd; tel (619) 544-7800 San Diego Convention Center: Musical and theatrical productions; located at Fifth Avenue and Harbor Drive; tel. (619) 236-6500.



Located in Balboa Park: San Diego Museum of Art: 1450 El Prado on Plaza de Panama; tel (619) 232-7931. Reuben H Fleet Space Theater/Science Ctr: 1875 El Prado/Park Blvd; 619-238-1233. Museum of Photographic Arts: 1649 El Prado in Casa de Balboa; tel (619) 239-5262. Aerospace Museum: 2001 Pan American Plaza, tel (619) 234-8291. Museum of Man: 1350 El Prado near the Cabrillo Bridge; tel (619) 239-2001. Natural History Museum: 1788 El Prado at Village Place; tel (619) 232-3821. La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art: 700 Prospect Street at Silverado Street; tel (858) 454-3541, in La Jolla.

Stadiums: Petco Park: San Diego Padres professional baseball; downtown at 100 Park Boulevard; telephone (619) 795-5000; http://sandiego.padres.mlb.com. Qualcomm Stadium: San Diego Chargers professional football, rock concerts, and other events; 9449 Friars Road off Qualcomm Way/Interstate 8; tel. (619) 280-2121. San Diego Sports Arena: www.sdsockers.com, San Diego Griffins hockey, concerts, ice skating shows, and circuses; located at 3500 Sports Arena Blvd near Rosecrans St; tel. (619) 224-4171.


LSI Student Information Guide


Leisure Activities

Belmont Park Shopping Center: Mission Blvd/West Mission Bay Dr; tel (858) 4880668. Fashion Valley: Highway 163 and Friars Rd; tel (619) 297-3381. Horton Plaza: Between First and Fourth Avenues at G St; tel (619) 238-1596. Kobey’s Swap Meet: Sports Arena Parking Lot; tel (619) 226-0650 or (619) 692-0528. Mission Valley Center: 1640 Camino del Rio at Mission Center Road; tel (619) 2966374. The Promenade at Pacific Beach: 4150 Mission Boulevard; tel (858) 491-9097. University Towne Center: 4343 La Jolla Village Dr at Genesee Ave; tel (858) 4532930.

Travel: Many students like to combine study with travel, and San Diego is ideally located for a variety of day and weekend excursions. Below are listed some excursions you may want to consider with approximate driving times from San Diego: Disneyland (2 hours) Knott’s Berry Farm (2 hours) Universal Studios (2 1/2 hours) Magic Mountain (3 hours) Newport Beach (1 hour and 30 minutes) Santa Barbara (4 hours) San Francisco (10 hours) Palm Springs (2 hours) Las Vegas (6 hours) Tijuana, Mexico* (30 minutes) Rosarito Beach, Mexico* (1 hour) Ensenada, Mexico* (1 hour and 30 minutes) *IMPORTANT: When traveling to Mexico, please add 1 hour for the return drive. Also, REMEMBER to take your PASSPORT, I-20 and I-94 card with you. Students with an I-20 will not be able to re-enter the U.S. unless their I-20 has been signed

34 by LSI.



LSI Student Information Guide

Health Clubs/Gyms:

Leisure Activities

Bodyworks Health and Fitness Club: 1130 Seventh Ave at B St., tel. (619) 232-5500 Downtown YMCA: 500 Broadway Street, Suite B, tel. (619) 232-7451 Mission Valley YMCA: 5505 Friars Road, tel. (619) 298-3576

Golf: Balboa Municipal Golf Course: 2600 Golf Course Drive, tel. (619) 235-1185. De Anza/Mission Bay Golf Course: 2702 N. Mission Bay Drive, tel. (858) 273-1221.

Tennis: Balboa Tennis Club: 2221 Morley Field Drive, tel. (619) 295-4242. Peninsula Tennis Club: 2525 Bacon Street, San Diego, tel. (619) 235-1152.

Soccer, Volleyball, Handball, Skateboarding: Robb Field: 2525 Bacon Street, Ocean Beach, tel. (619) 531-1563


LSI Student Information Guide Leisure Activities Swimming Pools: Mission Beach Plunge: 3115 Ocean Front Walk, Mission Beach, (858) 488-3110. City of San Diego: 2229 Morley Field Drive, (619) 692-4920.

Waterskiing, Jet Skiing, Windsurfing, Sailing, Kayaking: Mission Bay Aquatic Center: 1010 Santa Clara Place, Mission Beach, (858) 4881004.

Scuba and Snorkeling: Ocean Enterprises (OE) Express: 2158 Avenida de la Playa, La Jolla, (858) 4546195.

Bike and Roller Blade Rental: Hamel’s Action Sports Ctr: 704 Ventura Place in Mission Beach, (858) 488-5050. Bikes and Beyond: 1201 First Avenue, Coronado, (619) 435-7180. You can also find a variety of information on www.signonsandiego.com or www.sandiego.org. These websites have information about concerts, festivals, plays, special events, restaurants, outdoor recreation, Tijuana, and much more! 



LSI Student Information Guide 2009 Holidays


Monday, January 19

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, February 16

Washington's Birthday

Friday, April 10 & Monday, April 13

Good Friday & Easter Monday

Monday, May 25

Memorial Day

Friday, July 3

Independence Day

Monday, September 7

Labor Day

Monday, October 12

Columbus Day

Thursday, November 26 & Friday, November 27


Monday, December 21, 2009 & Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Break

January 4, 2010 Classes begin



LSI Student Information Guide

5 4

6 LSI 10 00


8 2


9 7

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Restaurant Name Fifth Avenue Grill BB’s Deli Mama Gucci’s Grab and Go Starbucks Mexican Restaurant Smoothie/Coffee Shop Taco Rey Galaxy Cafe Brother’s Horton Plaza Rice King Gaslamp One World Grocery

Type of Food Mediterranean food and sandwiches. Sandwiches and Soup Italian American Pasta Sandwiches, Salads, and Soups Coffee Mexican Food Smoothies, Coffee, Snacks Mexican Food (Good and Cheap) Coffee, Soup, Sandwiches Hamburgers ($1.50) & Fries ($1.00) Everything! Chinese/Japanese Fast Food Everything ! Soups, Sandwiches, and Coffee

Price Range $3.00 to $10.00 $3.00 to $10.00 $5.00 to $8.00 $4.00 to $8.00 $3.00 to $6.00 $3.00 to $8.00 $3.00 to $8.00 $2.00 to $7.00 $3.50 to $8.00 $1.00 to $5.00 $2.00 to $25.00 $3.00 to $5.00 $0.99 to $100.00 $0.99 to $8.00


LSI Student Information Guide


Enjoy your stay in San Diego!

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