2009 August Final

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AUGUST 2009 Newsletter

Salt River Antique Power Association , Inc. AUGUST 2009

Next Meeting: August 20th. at 7:30 pm Meeting Location: We meet at the Spencer County Extension Office located at 66 Spears Drive. To get there, turn right off Hwy 155 between the Country Mart and the Citizens Union Bank on Industrial Blvd in Taylorsville, go one block and turn left on to Spears Drive.


2009 Officers

President: Scott LeCompte 502-633-5030

Secretary: Teresa Scherffius 502-244-5279

Vice Pres: Jim Hance 502-220-6016

Treasurer: Steve Scherffius 502-244-5279


Additional thoughts about our meetings for new and prospective members: Our normal meeting night is the 3rd Thursday of the months January through November. We have a Christmas party on a Friday or Saturday night in December in place of that month’s meeting. Our meetings start at 7:30 pm and usually run about one hour. In January, April, July and October, we gather at 7:00 pm for our quarterly dinner before the 7:30 Meeting. ============================================================================

Our sympathy: Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our members that are in poor health. ============================================================================ This month’s featured couple is W. D. (Billy) and Mary Lou Florence. Billy and Mary Lou are two of the founding members of our Club. Billy and Mary Lou were interested in establishing a club that supported the preservation of antique farm equipment and the values that are a part of the American farming heritage. Billy set up a phone group and called the first meeting together back in 1993. That initial group put this Club together setting a charter, establishing by-laws, creating the Logo and setting in motion the Club that we enjoy today. As part of the initial set up, Billy was elected to be the first President of the “Salt River Antique Power Association”. We had a great visit today, and the more that we talked, the more that we realized that Billy and Mary Lou have a wealth of information to share about the history of our Club and about the Taylorsville community. Chat with them when you can. It will be interesting. By the way, August 29th of this year, this very upbeat couple will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.





Upcoming Events: A Plow Day has been scheduled for Saturday, August 8th, at the sod farms off of KY Hwy 1694 on Schuler Lane. From the Gene Snyder Hwy 841, take Hwy 22 east to Hwy 1694, go northeast to Schuler Lane and follow the signs. The start time is 8:00am. Our Club member contact is Gene Crady at 502-592-0341. The Eminence Day Parade and show will be held Saturday, August 8th. They are staging at the old Brunswick Plant in Eminence at 8:00am for a parade start at 9:00am. Our Club Picnic will be held Sunday, August 9th, at the Finchville Ruritan Club in Finchville, Kentucky. We plan to gather at 2:00pm for a late lunch and socializing. A Tractor Drive is being put on Saturday, August 22nd, by our member Roger Brown. The Drive will start at 1:00pm from the field behind the Country Pantry grocery located at the intersection of KY Hwy 1319 and Dawson Hill Road in the Northeastern tip of Bullitt County. After taking a 15 mile tour of some Kentucky back roads, you will be able to enjoy some great food and tractor games. For safety reasons, you are asked to have the safety triangle on your tractor, and only one person on the tractor unless you have a seat for the additional person. A tow chair or strap would also be a good idea. The Robert Yount Antique Farm Machinery Show will be held on August 28th and 29th at the Yount Farm located at 5541 Bethlehem Road, Pleasureville, KY, 1.5 miles north of Bethlehem, KY. This show will feature tractors, steam engines and horses. There will be a host of working displays including haying operations, plowing and disking, the Rock Crusher, a Thrashing Machine, and two working Saw Mills. In preparation for this show, a group of us ran the binders through the wheat field where we cut and bound 3 wagon loads of wheat for the Thrashing Machine to process. We took pictures and video so you will be able to see the whole process. There will also be good food and Bluegrass music Friday night. A special part of the event will be the Antique Tractor Pull which will include a Steam Engine Pull on Saturday evening. You will not want to miss this! Contact Robert Yount at 502-845-4068 for show information and Reuben Yount at 502-706-0083 for information on the pull. The Brownsboro Festival was a moving target but we now understand that the final dates for the show are Friday August 21st. and Saturday, August 22nd. Most folks are bringing their equipment on Friday with the main show being on Saturday. Gene Crady is the contact and his cell phone is 502-592-0341. The Lanesville Tractor Show will be held on Thursday, September 10th through Sunday September 13th. Our Club is always well represented at this event. A number of our members start bringing in their equipment on Wednesday and stay through the weekend. The Jeffersontown, KY Parade will be held on Thursday, September 17th. We will meet at 5:00 pm at the J-Town High School. The Parade starts at 6:00pm. Special note: The Jeffersontown parade falls on the third Thursday in September which is our normal Club meeting night, so the regular Club meeting has been moved to the next Thursday, September 24th, 2009 at our regular meeting location. The Finchville Festival, parade and show will be held Saturday, September 26th at the Finchville Ruritan Club. The parade will start at 10:00am, so you should try to get there about 9:00am to get unloaded and set up for the fun. As always, there will be plenty of parking for your trailer rigs and tractors. After the parade, there will be food, tractor games and an auction of many unique items. The auction proceeds help support the Festival. Our member contact for this event is Stewart Stratton at 502-772-5262.




Upcoming events continued: The fall DQ tractor show will be held at the Dairy Queen in Lagrange on Saturday, September 19th. This is a parking lot show that will include some free treats from DQ. The times will be announced next month. The Westport Tractor Drive will be held on Saturday, October 17th at 10:00am. We will meet at 9:00am at the river parking lot to unload and get ready. Bring your safety triangles and tow straps. ============================================================================

Membership news: Our Club continues to grow and is now boasting a record 143 members that have already signed up for 2009. As you know, we will accept membership applications anytime throughout the year. We will continue to keep you posted on our progress. ============================================================================

Just as a reminder, dues are $15.00 for the first member in a household, and $5.00 for other family members living at the same mailing address. If you want a membership application form that you can give to prospective members, please contact Steve Scherffius at 502-244-5279 or e-mail [email protected]. Spread the word. ============================================================================

In the last month, our members have participated in several events including: The Oldham County Days that included a parade and tractor show. Salt River Antique Power Association teamed up with our sister club, the Oldham County Antique Iron club to make a fine showing in the parade and at the display area with an estimated 70+ tractors. Per Gene Crady’s suggestion, the people that put the parade together did a good job of mixing the fire trucks, politicians, tractors, bands and other floats so that the crowds did not have to watch 25 politicians, then 20 fire trucks, then 70 tractors, etc. By breaking up the groups, people watching the parade remained interested in everything that came down the route. Perhaps we might suggest this idea to other parade organizers. The Henry County Showcase was a fun event with lots of farm fresh fruits and vegetables along with good food, live music and lots of tractors. The show was punctuated by a thunderstorm that produced strong winds, big bangs and a brilliant light show. Our Club put on the Spencer County Fair tractor pull. This pull was a great success producing over 100 hooks for a weeknight event which is quite an accomplishment. As always, our hats are off to Jimmy Hance and his team for the work that keeps our Club finances in such fine shape. ============================================================================ Several members have asked about listing antique power equipment and related items for sale in this news letter. We feel that listings of this nature would be of interest to our readers, therefore, we are happy to publish items as space permits. You may submit your listings to: Teresa Scherffius

Or you may call 502-244-5279

13000 S. Pope Lick Road

Or you may e-mail [email protected]

Louisville, KY 40299-4600

August 2009


=========================================================================== Our Web Sight: Thanks to our high tech member, Misty Jewel, we have a really fine web sight that has a lot of very useful information about our club. There is a list of upcoming events as well as pictures from past events that you can enjoy. There is also a page on the history of our Club as well as a lot of other related interesting information. Our thanks to Misty for the fine work. The wed address is www.saltriverantiquepower.com. ============================================================================

Closing thoughts: Our Chaplin, Roger Cox has the quote of the day: “Hope never dies where faith is strong, and faith grows strong in the pressure of hope”. That is a quote from Chad Witmeyer. It is hard to know about everyone that may be in poor health or have a special need in a Club of this size. So please try to pass along any concerns to Roger or one of the Officers so that we may get the word out. If you have any information for Roger, or need his service, feel free to contact Roger at: Cell 502-210-3159

or e-mail Roger at

[email protected].

============================================================================ Collecting correct information for the Newsletter is a never ending job. With the number of members that we have and with the fact that these members are located all over Kentucky and Southern Indiana, we should be able to know about every tractor related show that is going on. So PLEASE do your part, and keep us informed. You can e-mail us at [email protected] (Use “Tractor info” as the Subject) or you are welcome to call and leave a message at 502-244-5279. ============================================================================ Just a reminder, the Newsletter paper and printing are furnished by Bill French and his company Budget Print and Copy Center. Bill has been printing our newsletter for the past two years and we appreciate his willingness to donate this service to our club. If you have any printing needs, please give Bill and his team a call at 502-499-1517. ============================================================================ Please note: Scott LeCompte has set up an e-mail system to notify members about upcoming events. If you are not already receiving these notices, and you would like to be in the loop, please forward your e-mail address to Scott at

[email protected]

or call Scott at 502-321-0060


Newsletter Contributions may be submitted via e-mail: Please include Salt River Power in subject text,

[email protected] or call Teresa Scherffius at 502-244-5279


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