n INSERT "fam-1 caption.wpt"o
MOTION TO QUASH nClient's party designationo requests an Order quashing the nOpposing party's party designationo's Request for Production of Documents Directed To Non-party nThird Party's Nameo for the following information:
1. nDescribe info soughto 2. nClient's party designationo's counsel sees no relevance between this request to the issues pending in this cause, nor does nClient's party designationo's counsel believe that this request will lead the nOpposing party's party designationo to relevant information.
nINSERT "Signature and certificate of service.wpt"o
n INSERT "fam-1 caption.wpt"o
ORDER ON nCLIENT'S PARTY DESIGNATIONoT'S MOTION TO QUASH This court having read nClient's party designationo's Motion to Quash and being duly advised in its premises now ORDERS that nThird Party's Nameo has no obligation to provide nOpposing party's party designationo the following information: nDescribe info soughto.
nINSERT "Order signature generic.wpt"o