
  • July 2020
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2008—A Y e a r t o b e T h a n k f u l F o r                           "!#$ %'&'()'*+ ,.-0/1 1 2 3 4 4 5 + 6'7'* 98    :; < "6 =    '>  = ()"?$@+ AB C D 3 5 6+ ? E )%') E 66')'* F@GH I J 5 "K L M#"N  L OP3 Q 5 "     N  L ;R".  M# @    @   <     L     > .      E M# R < '   M# S     T"  <  @ N L R <      U. T" M> <        R' V "K L M#"N  L W'N

As I type this last newsletter of 2008, we are staying with Jackie's parents in Tennessee. We have two services in Kentucky this weekend, but we came early to spend time with her parents. Their place here in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains is a good spot from which to put things in perspective. There is something about the beauty of the surroundings here that speaks to me of the timeless faithfulness of God. And so from the top of this hill, on the last day of 2008, I look back across 2008, and I see a lot to be thankful for. When we first arrived back from Africa a year ago, we needed rest and time to de-stress. We needed to re-establish relationships with four granddaughters who didn't really remember us, and one grandson who had never met us yet. And, of course, we had to find out our new budget as veterans and go out and try to raise it. With those needs in mind, we can say 2008

Prayer R eq u es t s Bob’s sister, Melinda, has improved but still needs healing from cancer. Pray for favor and spiritual and financial success in our home assignment. Pray for divine direction for us. We may have a chance to choose which African Bible School(s) we will serve in our coming term.

was a very productive year. For the missions budget part, we made countless phone calls and put 30,000 miles on our car as we visited churches in seven states. The economy has been crazy during this time, as illustrated by the fact that during the last six months we've paid everywhere from $1.29 to $4.46 per gallon for gas. God helping us, we were able to raise 100% of our cash budget and 80% of our monthly commitments. We are still working on the latter and expect to leave for Africa after being ordained at the Southern Missouri District Council in late April ’09. We plan to spend several weeks in Kansas, a new state for us, in the Spring, and by our target date we hope to have completed the balance of our budget. (For more detail on this, or to find out how you can help, contact us by phone [417-5954458] or email [[email protected]]). The time with family this year has been abundant and sweet. One of our Christmas gifts

last year was a grandparents’ pass to the zoo, which gave us a chance to spoil the grandkids sufficiently to re-establish our credentials with them [photos this page]. We also got together with family to celebrate birthdays just about every month, with a few informal parties and even some babysitting thrown in [photos next page]. Eric, our oldest, lives in Ozark with his wife Sabrina and their three kids, Kaiya, Kamryn, and Canaan [photos A, B, C]. Tabby and husband Jason, with Emma and Adalle [D] bought a home in Highlandville in 2008. We enjoyed their room to play [E] and I even got to help put together the swingset [F]. Sarah and husband Rhyan [G] are doing well and they also bought a home in 2008, in South Springfield. It is great to have everyone close by! In addition to our immediate brood, I want to mention one other family member that many of you have been praying for. My sister Melinda has been struggling against cancer but God is merciful and has been faithful! After some months when she had no appetite, it was good to see her full plate at Christmas, where she may have actually eaten as much as I did, a prodigious feat. We are grateful for these good days with her and continue to pray for her and her husband Curt [H] and their kids. Thanks for being our friends and partners in 2008. We are humbled by your love and investment in us. We are ready to hit it again in 2009, in stateside services but especially in returning to Africa in the Spring. We ask for your continued partnership and prayers!¤








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