2008 Wing-t Clinic Notes

  • November 2019
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“Defending the Jet, Rocket, and Wing-T Attack” Terry Bodnar Defensive Coordinator Carnegie Mellon University National Wing-T Clinic 1/18/08 I.





50 front a. Fronts-four man rush packages i. Base 34 ii. Shade iii. Shade G –kicked to even weak iv. Stack b. Coverages i. 3 ii. 2/4 iii. Combo (used if motion man is lead blocker on belly slide) Understanding the Wing-T a. 4 back offense b. Creates conflict with multiple threats/formations c. Formations/motions/shifts Keys a. Wing/Slot motion b. FB Path- off-tackle or outside=follow him c. HB Path d. QB opens opposite of the play e. G’s- take you to the play (few exceptions-false keys) What should I analyze? a. Flank tendencies i. Each formation they run ii. Breakdown what plays they can run b. Formation/motion/shift tendencies c. Blocking schemes i. Down/Kickout ii. Reach iii. High hat-paths Considerations for defending the Wing-T a. Slant- NOT PENETRATORS- ATTACK V OF NECK; HANDS ON! i. Where 1. To wing 2. To slot 3. To motion ii. Who goes? 1. Nose 2. BST 3. Backer or CB


iii. Fronts? 1. all of them 2. LIKES TO SLANT FROM A SHADE- gives defense advantage b. Stem- move from 1 front to other i. Messes with blocking rules ii. Makes them be passive iii. Neutralizes check w/me c. At the line plan- not used that often i. Call defense based on formation d. Don’t wait i. Start planning early ii. If you face 5 wing-t teams/year, it becomes base package e. Be sound i. No gimmicks ii. No defense of the week iii. Adjust base defense/coverage FRONT SEVEN RULES a. Don’t get reached!- it’s ok to get down blocked just don’t get washed! b. Wrong shoulder kick-out blocks i. Drill it all the time 1. DT vs. trap 2. OLB vs. Down/Power/Ctr 3. DB vs. bucksweep ii. Technique 1. Get underneath & up the field 2. “2 for 1”- wrong shoulder the PS and take outs the BSG in bucksweep

WHY YOU NEED TO WRONG SHOULDER- Don’t want runner to get north/southfunnel him to force/sideline

“Blocking The Edges System” Wes Elrod Offensive Coordinator National Wing-T Clinic 1/18/08 I.


Formation System a. Words= Double Wing i. Exceptions 1. Rt/Lt- set backs 2. Reo/Leo- Strong backs 3. Tiger- T backfield ii. East/West- Tackle over 1’ splits iii. North/South- End over-Nasty split iv. Bull/Bear 1. WB in B gap 2. “Big Bear/Bull”- WB sniffer behind tackle v. Lake/River- WB comes over to outside- i.e. trips bunch vi. “Wave”- Spread end trips vii. Century- I formation b. “ern”- splits the end out c. “A” or “B”- puts wingback on line Alignment a. 2/3/3ft splits b. Deep off the Ball (hand in line with center’s hip) Blocking System- 5 different blocking rules a. Outside Count i. Start at EMLOS and work out in rollover fashion ii. PSILB is always #5 iii. WB ALWAYS BLOCKS HOT 2 b. Defensive Identification i. Start ID with center ii. If man touches edge, he counts iii. ACE=Nose or Shade iv. A=1/2/3 v. B=4i/4/5/6 vi. Zero=4i/4/5 to TE

c. Base – no playside lineman blocks LB except for center i. To TE 1. Center- Block Ace to LB

2. G- A to Ace 3. T- B to A 4. TE- Block #1 (outside count) ii. To SE 1. C- Ace to LB 2. G- A to Ace 3. T- Block #1 iii. Backside- Block man d. Man Rules i. Center- Ace to Lb ii. G- A to Lb iii. T- Zero to Lb iv. TE- Block #1 e. Edge Blocking i. Locate the edge ii. Find 1st LOS defender past edge 1. He will get kicked/trapped 2. He cannot touch the edge iii. Covered or uncovered edge iv. # of LB in Box/Square v. “2” Edge Rules Example


f. Sweep Blocking g. Specials – bucksweep, ED- don’t fit what we do BUNCH ATTACK a. Why Bunch? i. Hard to defend ii. Mismatches iii. Missed coverages=easy completions iv. Passes 1. Mesh 2. Bubble 3. Run

b. JET LAG i. Great Play from bunch- big ol’ hole ii. A Jet Lag 24 Base – if center and guard covered=NO GOOD 1. Frontside stretches

2. Amendment to Center’s rule- Ace to closest A

c. NOMO Rocket

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