2008 Fall

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2 9 6

August 2, 2008 Time: 1047

Time: August 3, 2008 Time: August 8, 2008 Time: most of day

Time: Time:


August 9, 2008 Time: Time:


August 10, 2008 Time:1930

August 1 – October 31

Bald eagle Adult

Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Adult BE perched in maple, flew circled and perched again. It flew again and perched on forest edge west of maple about 300 yards.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Tommy Crooks

Near Bullpasture River east of VA 678 about 7 miles south of US 250

Two adult BE eating on deer carcass. Observor reports seeing young eagles, but not sure if any hatch year birds.

Bald eagle adult

Fran Davenport

East side US 220 south of Monterey 10 miles

Adult BE near Humphries trout ponds

Bald eagle Adult

Anne Adams

317 Mountain Turnpike, west end of Monterey

Adult BE flew in circles over house most of the day. It didn’t seem to be carrying anything. Observer suggested it could be hunting rabbits in yard.

Bald eagles (2) Immature

Randy Richardson

VA 654 two miles south of Doe Hill near VA 617 .5 mile

Two immature GE perched in tree near dead groundhog .

Bald eagles (6) 2 adult 4 immature

J.R. Waybright

North side VA 629 east of Rich Hills road

One adult perched, other on ground. Four immature with variety of white speckling on bodies also on ground. Observer watched the group for considerable time with binoculars while they fed on carrion.

Bald eagle Adult

Leslie Jones

North of US 250 two miles up Collin’s Run Road.

Adult BE near stream

Bald eagles (2) immature

VA Society of Ornithology board members

Near Blue Grass

Two immature BE of different ages soared near town of Blue Grass

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Fran Davenport

East side US 220 south of Monterey 10 miles

at Humphires trout ponds


August 12, 2008 Time: August 13, 2008 Time:


Time: 1545

Time: 1715


August 15, 2008 Time: 0645 & 0715


August 17, 2008 Time: August 23, 2008 Time: 1400


August 24 Time: 1705

5 8

Time: 1944 August 27, 2005 Time: 1000 August 28, 2008 Time: 0750 August 29, 2008 Time:

Bald eagles (2) adults

Marie Rexrode

VA 640 north of US 250 2 miles

Bald eagles (2) Adults

Sam Adams

Northwest end of Monterey

Two adult BE flew over cemetery.

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Fran Davenport

East side 220 south of Monterey 12 miles 0.5 mile east of road

Adult BE flew across the Jackson River

Bald eagle adult

Dennis Ralston

VA 678 south of McDowell about 7 miles south of US 250

Adult BE near Shumate turkey houses flew toward Bullpasture River.

Bald eagle Juvenile HY

Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Smooth hatch year BE perched in maple, flew, returned & flew

Bald eagle Immature- second year

Sharon Kearns

US 220 south of Monterey 10 miles

Second year BE perched east of trout ponds.

Bald eagle Basic III or IV

Les Kodger, Lisa Kodger

VA 600 near Mill Gap, south of US 84

Third or fourth year BE flew across road.

Bald eagle Adult

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener

East side US 220 south of Monterey 12.3 miles

Adult BE flew out from above Mellen cabin and low to west across river and US 220, circled low then disappeared into trees west of road.

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BE perched in tree near Jackson River.

Bald eagle adult

Sharon Hevener

US 220 about 15 miles south of Monterey

Adult BE fles near Highland/Bath county line.

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Ralston

VA 678 at VA 610 about 9 miles south of US 250

Adult BE perched in tree near Burnsville road.

Bald eagle Adult

Bethel Crummett

South side US 84 one mile south of VA 640

Adult BE perched in tree in meadow east of her house. She saw it there during heavy rain past three days. It

flew toward Dan Foster land across road.



August 30, 2008 Time: 0750

3 2

Time: 0817 August 31, 2008 Time: 0811

Time: 0819

6 1

Time: 1500


Time 1600

September 3, 2008 Time: mid-morining


Time: late afternoon

Time: 1800

Bald eagle adult

Betty Mitchell

US 220 about one mile north of Monterey

Adult BE flew from west over road toward east, near Dorothy Stephenson’s house.

Bald eagle Adult

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener

US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BE perched in tree over Jackson River.

Bald eagle adult

Edmund Hevener, Amanda Hevener, Sandy Hevener

East side VA 640 north of US 84 one mile

Adult BE flew low north-northeast.

Bald eagle Adult- Extremely large (Northern female?)

Edmund Hevener, Amanda Hevener, Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Very large BE perched top of south branch of north fork in maple perch tree. It perched about 10 minutes then flew northwest.

Bald eagle Adult

Nancy Witchey

US 220 north of Monterey one mile, just north of Frog Pond

Adult BE on ground eating carrion.

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

East side US 250 south of Monterey 10 miles

Adullt BE perched in tree east of trout ponds.

Golden eagle Not aged

French Grimes

VA 642 about 0.5 mile east of VA 643

“Large” GE perched on fencepost near pond 75 feet south of road. It perched a few minutes and then flew south, then west toward Lantz mountain.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side VA 640 just north of US 84

Adult BE perched in tree.

Bald eagle adult

Troy Baxley

1240 Little Egypt Rd

Adult BE fed on groundhog in pasture behind house for about 15 minutes. It flew west about 75 yards and perched in a Sugar Maple for about two minutes before flying south.

Bald eagles (2) Adult Sub-adult

Gladys Beverage

VA 629 near VA 631

Two BE on ground.

Bald eagle

Troy Baxley

1240 Little Egypt Rd.

Immature BE flew up and west from




1 6

September 4, 2008 Time: 0730

groundhog carcass.

East side US 220 south of Monterey 15.5 miles

Adult BE perched in Bratton snag next to Wyley hole in Jackson River.

1240 Little Egypt Rd.

Adult BE walked in pasture behind house about 30 yards from groundhog carcass then flew south.Later an adult BE ate on the groundhog carcass for about 15 minutes and flew south.

Bald eagle adult

South side US 84 about one mile west of VA 640

Adult BE perched in snag east of Crummett house

Bald eagle Adult

Gladys Beverage

VA 629 just south east of VA 631

Adult BE flew over.

Golden eagle

French Grimes

0.5 mile west of VA 640 north of Blue Grass 1.4 mile

GE flew over, chased out of Paul Colaw woods by smaller birds. It circled aover driveway and pasture an back into the woods.

Bald eagles (2) Adult juvenile

Keith Carson

East side US 220 about 10 miles south of Monterey

Adult BE and juvenile BEin air dove at each other and interacted in air above the (Humphries) trout hatchery.

Golden eagle No age

Edmund Hevener

VA 640 Highland Data Services in Blue Grass

GE flew parallel to building at rooftop elevation.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

Time: 0830 & 1030

Bald eagle Adult

Troy Baxley

Time: 1345

Bald eagle adult

Time: afternoon Time:

Time: 1710


September 5, 2005 Time: 0730


Time: 1100

Golden eagle No age

Bethel Crummett

VA 640 Highland Data Services in Blue Grass

GE circled with 13 TV over Highland Data building.


Time: morning

Bald eagle Adult

French Grimes

0.5 mile west of VA 640 north of Blue Grass 1.4 mile

Adult BE soared down ridge off Snowy Mt., crossed property and headed west toward Lantz Mt.


Time: evening

Golden eagle

French Grimes

0.5 mile west of VA 640 north of Blue Grass 1.4 mile

Golden eagle perche in usual tree 150 yard south of house. Flew toward Devil’s Backbone.,


September 8, 2008 Time:0815

Bald eagle Hatch year

Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Hatch year BE perched top of north branch, south fork in maple perch tree.


September 9, 2008 Time:0800



Bald eagle Hatch year

Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Hatch year BE perched top of north branch of south fork in maple perch tree. It flew southwest low.

Bald eagles (3) 2 Basic III Hatch Year

Anne Follows, Mike Follows (Experienced birders from England)

East side US 220 south of Monterey about 10 miles near Humphrie’s trout ponds

HY flew about 20 feet above water. Older BE perched on exposed branch halfway up ridge. The HY flew over to the two perched, but did not land. Eventually all flew away.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Betty Mitchell

US 220 at VA 629

Two adult BE circled, then one landed in tree on west side of road.

Bald eagle adult

Betty Mitchell

East side of US 220 about 1 mile north of Monterey at Hiner Lane

Adult BE circled then swooped down into Dr. Helman’s field on east side of road

September 13, 2008 Time:

Golden eagle

Patti Reum,

Bear Mountain Hawkwatch South of US 250/ VA 600

GE circled low over Red Oak Knob, then circled higher and higher until out of sight, not migrating

Time: 1300

Bald eagle adult

John Spahr

VA 640 center of New Hampden

Time: 1320

bald eagle first year Basic I

John Spahr

US 250 at VA 640 Hightown



Bald eagle adult

Norman Bell, Patti Reum, John Spahr

Bear Mountain Hawkwatch South of US 250/ VA 600

Adult BE circled over Bear Mountain then flew south, migrating


September 15, 2008 Time: 1530

Golden eagle Hatch year

Patti Reum

Bear Mountain Hawkwatch South of US 250/ VA 600

HY GE circled over Bear Mountain then flew south.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

VA 640 one mile south of New Hampden

Adult BE perched in large oak tree along Suth Branch of Potomac River.

Golden eagle Basic II

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener

East side VA 637 from VA 640 to US 250

Immature GE circled over eastern Blue Grass Valley slowly drifting southeast.

Bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 behind Goog Colaw farm

Juvenile BE flew north up hollow toward Snowy Mtn. over Carson/Newlon driveway .

September 10, 2008 Time: 1840 September 12, 2008 Time: 1028


September 17, 2005 Time: 1600


September 21, 2008 Time: 1612-1625


September 23, 2008 Time: 0840


October 6, 2008 Time: 0930


October 7, 2008 Time: 1150


Time: 1402


October 8, 2008 Time: 0815


October 10, 2008 Time: 1350


Time: afternoon

October 11, 2008 Time: 1330

Bald eagle Basic II

Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west VA 637 and 2.4 mile north of US 250

Very large (northern?female?) Basic II with much white on chest perched on left branch in top of Maple perch tree behind Hevener house.

Golden eagles (2) Adult Immature 2/3 year old

Patti Reum

Bear Mountain Hawkwatch two miles south of US 250/ VA 600

Adult and immature GE circled then headed south. (migrating)

Bald eagle immature

Patti Reum

Bear Mountain Hawkwatch two miles south of US 250/ VA 600

Immature BE flew south over Lantz Mountain, east of hawkwatch site. (migrating)

Bald eagle immature

Sandy Hevener

0.5 mile west VA 637 and 2.4 mile north of US 250

Immature BE- all dark, perched on left branch in top of Maple behind Hevener house.

Eagles (3) 2 bald eagles- adults 1 golden eagle- adult

Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener

Bear Mountain Hawk Watch South of US 250/ VA 600

First adult BE circled, soared over Lantz Mt. Second joined it then golden eagle. They flew on thermals, crows harassed once, then drifted south and then flew south. (migrating)

Bald eagle

Patti Reum

Bear Mountain Hawk Watch South of US 250

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

US250 at courthouse in Monterey

Adult BE soared high over Monterey generally moving east as it circled.

Bald eagles (2) Adult juvenile

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 about 1.5 mile at Carson/Newlon house

Ault and juvenile BE flew west together just south of house. Then the birds flew at each other and raised talons, turned over on backs.

Bald eagles (2) juvenile

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 7 miles

Two juvenile BE in road ate carrion.


October 13, 2008 Time: 1045


October 16, 2008 Time: 0851


Time 0858

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 13 miles at north end of Colaw Stretch

Adult BE flew west across the road.


Time: 0859

Bald eagle

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 13.3

Adult BE perched on east side of road



October 17, 2008 Time: 1000


October 18, 2008 Time:


Time: 1125

8 8

Time: 1140 October 23, 2008 Time: 0820


Time: 0830


Time: 1040


October 24, 2008 Time:


October 25, 2008 0815 October 26,2008 Time: morning Time: 1445 October 27, 2008 Time:0915

miles at transmission line

near Jackson River. .

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 13.3 miles

Adult BE perched in tree near Jackson River at transmission line.

Golden eagle Adult

Leslie Goodall, Miles Goodall

North of US 250 about 2 miles up Collin’s Run Rd (Goodall driveway)

Adult BE perched in tree near pond at Goodall house.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

East side of VA 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BE perched in tree near Jackson River south of US 84

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 15. miles

Adult BE perched 20 feet north of Bratton perch near Jackson River.

Bald eagle Adult

William Richards

US 220 south of Monterey about 16 miles, 0.75 mile south of Bath line

BE ate road kill. Then flew straight down the road about 50 feet above vehicle.

Bald eagle Adult

William Richards

US 220 south of Monterey about 13 miles

Adult BE flew flew dow middle of highway at tree level, near Jackson River Bridge.

Bald eagle adult

William Richards

US 220 south of Monterey about 16 miles

Adult BE crossed just above tree level heading toward Jackson River, close to site bird reported at 0820.

Golden eagle adult

Leslie Goodall

North of US 250 about 2 miles up Collin’s Run Rd. (Goodall driveway)

Adult GE flew over Goodall house.

Golden eagle adult

Pen Goodall

South of US 250 about one mile on Berman property near Bear Mt.

Adult GE circled then headed south, very close to observer.

Bald eagle Adult

John Koger

Valley Center, Joe Brock’s pasture

Adult BE made a “kill”

Eagles (2)

John Koger

Bald eagle 4th year, near mature

Patti Reum

Two very large eagles feeding on kill, one carried it off US 250 at VA 600 beaver pond

Almost mature BE perched in tree near bridge at beaver pond. Road killed deer over the bank and ravens, crows and vultures were in same area.


October 28, 2008 Time: 1615

October 29, 2008 Time: 0830


October 31, 2008 Time: 1230


Time: 1340

Bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 14.5 miles

Juvenile BE perched in tree on west side of road just north of Midway grocery at gravel turnout with small barn and cattle gates. (Bratton property)

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

US 250 west of Monterey where Back Creek crosses road, west of Lantz Mountain

Adult BE perched on guard rail.

B ald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 about 1.5 miles over Carson/Newlon house north of Blue Grass

Adult BE soared over house.

Bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 about 1.5 miles over Carson/newlon house

Juvenile BE soared over house.

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