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Young Beth Jacob! Morning Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please attend to your children beforehand.

Rabbi Bloom’s Pre-Teen Class is on hiatus for the next two months.

Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our High School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic— Reborn With Mr. Weiser

This Motzai Shabbos Family Nigh t! Come Join U s!

Afternoon Groups with The Weisers begin @ 3:30pm this week. We look forward to seeing you!

Teen Morning Groups Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learning With Mrs. Reitman Teen Girls: Tefillah Workshop with Chava Simon Teens: Parsha, Chulent! (Now With More Mussaf!)

e i v o M t NiMgotzh S i a habbos in

For Teens, to see enter, hope the Youth C you there!

Coming Soon... Sea World, Tweeners Style - This Sunday! Challah Baking - This Thursday! Contact Mr. Weiser 619.550.5954 Menorah and Sufganiot Party - This Sunday! Dinner and Learning - This Tuesday Night Latte and Learning - Every Wednesday at 8pm Pre-Regional Nonbatton/Pump Up - Next Shabbos/Sunday NCSY Winter Regional - December 25th - Apply Now! Contact [email protected] for details

BETH JACOB CONGREGATION  Where The Past Meets The Present,    With An Eye Towards The Future...

Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach December 13th, 2008 • ‫שבת פרשת וישלח • טז' כסלו תשס״ט‬

Parshat Vayishlach pg. 170 Haftorah pg. 1141

Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.

1st 2nd & 3rd Aliyot: It’s the year 2205 and Yakov is 97 years old. He sends messengers to greet Eisav and is informed that Eisav is approaching, prepared to do battle. He applies a three pronged strategy in preparation for the confrontation: a) Tefilah - prayer b) diplomacy c) war. Prior to the actual confrontation, Yakov bests Eisav in a spiritual battle with Eisav’s Angel, and earns the name “Yisroel.” Due to the wound he sustained in the battle, G-d prohibits Yakov and his family from eating the Gid Hanashe - the sciatic nerve. Yakov and Eisav meet after 34 years. 4th Aliya: Yakov and Eisav agree to separate peacefully. Eisav returns to his kingdom of Seir, and Yakov settles outside of the city of Shechem. 5th Aliya: Dina is abducted and raped by Shechem the son of Chamor, and Shimon and Levi devise a strategy for successfully killing the entire male population of Shechem. According to Chazal, Shimon and Levi were 13 years old. Hashem (Gd) instructs Yakov to move to Beth El. Rivka’s nurse Devora dies, and Hashem confirms the name Yisroel upon Yakov. 6th & 7th Aliyot: Rachel dies while

giving birth to Binyamin and Yakov buries her in Beis Lechem. Following Rachel’s death, Reuven switches the bed of Yakov from Bilha’s tent to Leah’s tent. Although Yitzchak will live another 21 years, the Torah relates his death at the age of 180 (2228). The remainder of Vayishlach lists Eisav’s descendants as well as the specific Kings of Seir who ruled prior to King Saul - the first king of Israel. (2882) This week’s Haftorah is the Book of Ovadiah, which is the smallest book of the Prophets - only one chapter. Ovadiah lived during the time of Eliyahu, and the difficult reign of Achav and Ezevel (3043-705 b.c.e.) We were introduced to Ovadiah in the Haftorah of Parshas Vayera when Elisha miraculously helped his widow. Ovadia’s personal commitment and courage in saving 100 prophets from the purges of Ezevel (Jezebel) was rewarded by himself becoming one of the prophets who would prophesies about the demise of evil and the ultimate salvation of the righteous. The connection to our Parsha is the emphasis on Eisav’s eventual demise. Yoseph, who is the positive manifestation of what Eisav

could have been, will triumph in eradicating Eisav’s evil influence from society. “...the house of Yoseph a flame, and the house of Eisav stubble. They will set them ablaze and consume them...” (1:18-19)

Eisav had been given his chance of joining in the creation of the Jewish nation whose influence over society would redirect destiny. Instead of joining, Eisav challenged Yakov, and attempted to destroy him.

Thank You! The shul for sponsoring Shalosh Seudos and Kiddush To all who supported NCSY this past week at the restaurant...It was a great succes!

Mazal Tov! Marlene & Joel Gerendash on the birth of a grandson in Chicago Elisheva and Alan Green on the birth of a granddaughter in Brussels

Welcome! To all our guests and visitors here for Shabbos, please feel free to ask us if you need anything! Rabbi Ken Spiro our scholar in residence this week

Around the Community... Board meeting Sunday evening 12/15 @ 7:00 p.m. Dinner Theatre on Monday, December 15 @6pm at THS for women & girls

Shabbos at 6:30pm We love for people to use and learn from the Shul’s library. But please return any seforim/books to the library after use, thank you! Courtesy Please! If you finish a part of the davening, please do not disturb others who are still praying. Sign up with Torah High Schools Supermarkets campaign! See Rabbi Peikes FMI

Save the Dates: Chanukah Dinner December 21st RSVP by Thursday

Refuah Shleimah Irving Bernhardt, Rose Kraft, Goldie Masliah, Adella Adams, Doni Lepor, Ralph Carson, Rabbi Groundland, Manny Librowicz, Edith Wiseman, Bernie Arenson

Parent/Child learning this Motzai

The Shul Is Now Renting/Selling the Drawers in the New Beis Medrash $100/year $1000/lifetime

A great gift for Fathers, Sons and especially Son-in-Laws! Please see the Shul Office for Details

Shabbos Schedule

Candlelighting…………………4:25p.m. Mincha…………………………4:25p.m. Early Shachris/Daf Yomi………7:45am Shachris (Main Sanctuary)…………8:45am Latest Shema……………………9:12a.m. Youth Groups……………………3:30p.m. Class w/ Rabbi Spiro…………3:15pm Mincha……………………………4:15p.m. Shalosh Seudos…………………4:40p.m. Shabbos Ends…………………5:25p.m.

Weekday Schedule

Sunday Shacharis (Ashkenazi)…8:00 a.m. Sunday Shacharis (Sefardic)…7:45 a.m. Mon - Fri Shacharis…6:20 & 7:15 a.m. Sun-Thur Mincha………………4:30 p.m. Sun-Thurs Maariv……………9:15 p.m.

Learning In Your Community... Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8pm-9:15 there are programs followed by Maariv.


Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am Halacha Yomis w/R’ Simon: Sun-Thu at 9:30pm

CLASSES Sunday Jewish History Crash Course Off Until January Monday Ethics 10:45a w/ Rabbi Bogopulsky Women’s Class 1:30 w/ Mr. Weiser Prophets 7:45 pm with Rabbi Marks Ladies Chumash, 8:00pm Tuesday Hebrew Reading at 7:30 pm

Wednesday Taste of Talmud 8:00p R’ Adatto Hebrew for Hebrew Readers 8:30 pm with Rabbi Hecht Torah Topics, Google Earth Fly Over of Macabi’s Battles 7:45 pm with R’ Hecht Thursday Parsha 7:45pm w/Rabbi Bogopulsky


Rabbi Bogopulsky is available to learn; call to schedule. Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954 Rabbi Simon hosts Guided Learning throughout the week and is available to learn, call him to schedule 310.867.6328

Join the Chessed Club!

Bikkur Cholim is looking for volunteers to make phone calls, visits and offer transportation . If you can do this Mitzva contact Phil Bloch 619.589.8920

This Wednesday @ 7:45pm:

Google Earth Interactive Presentation on The Battles of Yehuda Ha’Macabi w/ Rabbi Hecht

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