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1. 26:3 - Laboring in Torah learning. 2. 26:4 - At times when people are not outside (e.g., Shabbat nights). 3. 26:5 - You will only require a little bread to be completely satisfied. 4. 26:6 - No foreign army will travel through your land on their way to a different country. 5. 26:4 - Two thousand. 6. 26:4 - Ten thousand. 7. 26:14,15 - Not studying Torah, not observing mitzvot, rejecting those who observe mitzvot, hating Sages, preventing others from observing mitzvot, denying that G-d gave the mitzvot, denying the existence of G-d. They are listed in this order because each transgression leads to the next. 8. 26:32 - No enemy nation will be able to settle in the Land of Israel. 9. 26:35 - 70 years. Because the Jewish People violated 70 shemita and yovel years. 10. 26:35 - 390 years.

Shavuos Dinner Sunday night June 8th RSVP to the Shul office

1. To what do the words "bechukotai telechu" (walk in My statutes) refer? 2. When is rain "in its season?" 3. What is the blessing of "v'achaltem lachmechem l'sova" (and you shall eat your bread to satisfaction)? 4. What is meant by the verse "and a sword will not pass through your land?" 5. Mathematically, if five Jewish soldiers can defeat 100 enemy soldiers, how many enemy soldiers should 100 Jewish soldiers be able to defeat? 6. How much is "revava"? 7. Which "progression" of seven transgressions are taught in Chapter 26, and why in that particular order? 8. What is one benefit which the Jewish People derive from the Land of Israel's state of ruin? 9. What was the duration of the Babylonian exile and why that particular number? 10. How many years did the Jewish People sin in Israel up till the time the northern tribes were exiled?

Welcome to all of our guests & visitors to San Diego & Beth Jacob Congregation.

The next Orthodox Union Convention will take place this year and will be held in Jerusalem! At the forefront of the coalition to keep Jerusalem united, the OU is holding the next national Convention in Jerusalem to show support for the city. The Convention will include activities to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, an optional pre-Convention touring package with special focus on maintaining the Jewish identity of Jerusalem, and visits to Yeshivot and Seminaries will be arranged for families whose children will be studying in Israel the following year. OU member synagogues may designate up to eight delegates (subject to size of congregation) to send to the Convention. Travel and hotel costs for delegates are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS rules. Please check with your tax advisor for details. We encourage and warmly welcome additional participation from shul members (although tax benefits apply solely to official delegates). DATES & PRICES: Convention Only Package: Wednesday evening, November 26th -

The reading for Bechukosai can be found on page 708 . Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 parts. Each section is called an Aliya literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person "goes up" to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading. 1st & 2nd Aliyot: The beginning Pesukim describe the wondrous successes awaiting the nation, so long as they follow G-d's Mitzvos. 3rd Aliya This Aliya is called the Tochacha - the Rebuke. It is a lengthy description of the terrible punishments awaiting the nation, if they do not follow the Torah. It is customary for the Baal Koreh (the one reading the Torah) to have this Aliya, and to read it faster and more quietly than the rest of the Parsha. 4th Aliya: The established prices for endowments of an individual’s worth, or that of an animal, are listed. 5th, 6th & 7th Aliyot The final portions deals with endowments of property to the Bais Hamikdash. Overview is courtesy of Rav Aron Tendler

B.J. YOUTH ACTIVITIES Shabbos Morning Schedule Kinder-Cong Pre-K and K in the Kinder-Cong room Boys grades 1-4 Youth Center Girls grades 1-4 Social Hall Girls grades 5-8 Apt. 7 Mrs. Reitman Shabbos afternoon groups led by Rebbetzin Alterman for boys & girls grades K-5 in the social hall 5:00-6:00 p.m. Please be on time Monday 21 Iyar / May 26 The Daf Yomi Cycle will begin Maseches Sotah. 1,116 blatt have been learned since the last Siyum Hashas. There are 1,595 blatt to go. If you have not joined already now is the time. 7:00 a.m. As many of you know Gershon Brookler had surgery this past Thursday. We are asking those who are reciting Tehillim to continue every day through his recovery period. This Chessed will continue through next Shabbos.

The Haftorah can be found on page 1179. Yirmiyahu's words ring with the same urgency and fear as the Tochacha itself. Yirmiyahu was the Navi who beseeched his people to repent before the impending destruction and exile of the nation. He decried the delusions of those who used their ill begotten wealth to serve idols and foreign ideologies. They denied the benevolence of G-d and were destined to go into exile. The acquisition of wealth through illegal means is a denial of G-d's

ability to provide and protect. He who trusts in man for his strength and future is destined to be betrayed. He will be as a lone tree in the wilderness (17:6) bereft of protection or support. On the other hand, he who trusts in G-d will be blessed and secured. Reemphasizing the message of Sefer Vayikra, Yirmiyahu exhorts the nation to beg G-d for salvation and healing, and to trust His constant love and caring.

Happy Birthday Lottie Schraer, Bob Kelin, Shimshon Levin B'chukotai STATS 33rd sedra of 54; 10th of 10 in Vayikra Written on 131 lines in a Sefer Torah, 5 parshiyot; 3 open, 2 closed 78 p'sukim, ranks 46th (7th in Vayikra) 1013 words, ranks 47th (7th in Vayik 3992 letters, ranks 47th (7th in Vayik Small sedra - only 7 sedras are shorter MITZVOT Contains 12 mitzvot - 7 positive, 5 prohibitions Sefer Vayikra: 10 sedras, 36.6 columns, 1537 lines, 859 p'sukim, 11950 words, 44790 letters, and 247 mitzvot (95 positive, 152 prohibitions). Vayikra is the smallest Chumash in number of sedras, columns, lines, p'sukim, words, & letters. Its sedras (avg) have the fewest verses, words, and letters. OTOH, it has more mitzvot than any other Book, which is all the more remarkable because of its small size.

Melissa and Matthew Johnson on the birth of their B’Chor a baby boy. Shalom Zachor tonight hosted at the Rabbi’s house 9:15 pm Mazal Tov Nomi and Rand Levin on the upsherin of their son Shimshon on Sunday REFUAH SHELAIMAH Irving Bernhardt Rose Kraft Goldie Masliah Doni Lepor Ralph Carson Gershon Brookler Exercise class for women only!!! Sunday, 9:00—10:00 a.m. in the social hall. $5.00

SHABBOS SCHEDULE: Candlelighting………………….… .….7:28 p.m. Mincha …………………………...........6:30 p.m. Daf Hayomi Nazir 65.…....…………....7:45 a.m. Hashkama Minyan in Youth Ctr...……..7:45 a.m. Shacharis (main sanctuary)…….............8:45.a.m. Latest time for Shema…………………..9:14 a.m. Rabbi Bloom’s class……………………4:45 p.m. Ladies class ………….....………….…..5:30 p.m. Rabbi’s Pirkei Avos class…..…………..5:30 p.m. Rabbi’s class……………….…....….…..6:15 p.m. Mincha…………………..….….….........7:10 p.m. Shalosh Seudos ………….... ..………....7:35 p.m. Shabbos Ends……...……….…………..8:29 p.m. Havdala

LAG BA’OMER PICNIC Rsvp and sign up for the BJC annual picnic on May 25th, Del Cerro Park 3-7 pm

Mon—Fri…..….......6:15 am Sunday…..……...…7:00 am Shabbos…...…..…..7:45 am

Monday Ethics Class.….......0:00 am Prophets…………..7:45 pm. Ladies Chumash…..0 :00 pm Gemara Sotah…......8:30 pm

Tuesday Lunch N Learn 2nd & 4th Tuesday..0:00 pm Judaism 101...……..7:45 pm Gemara Iyun. …..…8:30 pm Torah Topics………8:30 pm Taste of Talmud…...7:45 pm Gemara Sotah….......8:30 pm

Thursday Parshas Hashavua....8:00 pm Gemara Iyun..…......8:30 pm NEW SCHEDULE: Sunday night Aggadata Mon & Wed Sotah Tue & Thur Bava Kamma All taught by Rabbi Alterman at 8:30p.m. We are looking for sponsors of Kiddush & Shalosh Seudos

Special Shiur 9:00 a.m. with Rabbi Alterman on Sefiras Ha’Omer Shacharis Monday Memorial day Sunday Schedule

Know someone who is looking for an apartment? Apartments available to rent. Call Propact @619.917.0592 or New Apt. Mgr. Doug at 619.490.8465 for rates and information

Check out the NEW Shul Website BJSD.org

Daf Yomi


WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Sun & Mon Ashkenaz Shacharis.............8:00 a.m. Sun & Mon Sephardic Shacharis.……...7:45 a.m. Tue - Fri Shacharis………….....6:20 & 7:15 a.m. Sun-Thur Mincha ……….……………..7:30 p.m. Sun.—Thurs Maariv……….. …….…...9:15 p.m. Candlelighting May 30th……..............7:33 pm

Unveiling of the stone for Mrs. Hannah Weill Sunday, May 25th 10:00 a.m. at Home of Peace Cemetery

Class Schedule

Newly arrived cards for all occasions being sold from the Shul office. Come in and buy a few!!!

Shalosh Seudos and Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul