(2007b) The Big Picture

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(2007b) The Big Picture

But let us reassure you: it's really worth the wait When He'll get back on stage it won't be even one tiny moment too early or too late This Show's been in the making a couple thousand of years And you all know there's been some laughter drastic action and we know there've been some tears But when you deal with Perfection and that's what we've got here every shade, every (F#m) contrast every spot in it be (As2) longs and so do (Bs2) you, have no fear (Ch.2x)

1.) Big Picture Ladies & Gentlemen we most humbly present the latest co-production of ALL and Heaven-Sent You may have heard the rumors and, yes, it's really true: this work, named "The Big Picture" is coming to a station near you, for you to take part in, too The Big Picture is (E) moving The Big Picture's a (C#/As2) live The Big Picture is (F#m) changing, growing and snowballing into (As2) one great Work of (Bs2) Life The Big Picture is (C#m) awesome, full of action and (As2) light every shade, every (F#m) contrast every spot in it be (As2) longs and so do (Bs2) you, yeah, that's (E) right. (Ch.:) (C#m) Welcome to (A) the Big (B) Picture here on the (B) stage of (A) life Come and meet (A) the Di(B)rector (A) He's the One Who (F#m) wrote your part He's (C#m) gonna help you (B) play it (E) right We know you've all been wondering about what's going on What is the Big Boss up to? What's taking Him so long

The Big Picture is (E) moving (A) The Big Picture's a (E) live (A) The Big Picture is (E) changing, growing and snowballing (A) into one great Work of (E) Life Welcome to the Big Picture (3x) of Life

2.) Aquiah (C) A(G)qui(Am)ah, (F)A(C)qui(G)ah, come (C) help me set my (B/G) weary mind at (Am) ease, help me find (G/Am7) oh sweet rest & (F) peace in Jesus, (G) Aqui(C)ah Your spirit brings that peace & quiet far from all that noise & riot Ease my mind & slow me down calm my mood and heal my frown Move slowly like a feather in the wind let me bask in the calm you bring

3.) To You (G) Please, Jesus, (Ds4) be the One that (Am) they will hear with(C)in my (D) song (G) let it be (C) Your voice they can (D) hear (C-D) Please, Jesus, be the light that shines through me both, day & night help me to make Your signals clear Let there be nothing left in me of pride and selfishness

Let what they see in me be You, Jesus Cause I want nothing else but You in place of my old self Come in and make everything new

(First verse, chorus twice)

Cause (Em) all I (C) want is (D) make sure You know (Am) I belong and (C) all that (Em) counts to (D) me is just to (Am) give it all to (C) You (Em-D-Am) To (G) You

How well do you really know the heart of your wife, the heart of your husband, the heart of your child? How well do we really know the heart of God?

Lord, make it right don't let me lead no secret double-life Make me hot, not trying to be cool Lord make it true that I see everything the way You do Settle for less? I'd be a fool. (Bridge:) Cause (Em) without You, nothing (D) turns out (G) right ex(C)cept for You, all My (D) truth is (G) lies the (Em) only way I can (D) turn for (Am) light's to (C) You - to You

5.) T.I.M.E.

How much do you really take time to find out the souls of your loved ones and what they're about? How well do you really hear the voice of God? How well can you really hear their innermost cries their deep, secret longings & hidden desires? How much can we really say that we love the least of our brethren the way we'd love God (Ch.:) It takes (C) time to learn to (Fmaj7) love and that's the one (Am) thing that we're all running (Fmaj7) out of It takes time to learn to care to really tune in, realize they are there

(Chorus) ... to (C) You (Em-D-Em) to (C) You (Em-D-Am) (2x) To (G) You (Ds4-Am-C-D-G)

So (C) why do (Dm7) we al(Em7)low our ene(Fmaj7)my to steal from us the one thing that we need to learn, to see, to hear & feel & really be 'cause love is spelled t.i.m.e. (Give'em your time!)

4.) Free As the Wind I go wherever I want to go where I'm coming from you don't know nor can you tell where it is I'm venturing I'm free – free as the wind free, free, free, free, free as the wind I blow wherever I want to blow you hear my song but you still don't know where it is my road ends or begins I'm free – free as the wind free, free, free, free, free as the wind I do whatever He bids me do you notice me but you don't have a clue where it is my Lord is beckoning I'm free – free as the wind free, free, free, free, free as the wind (Bridge:) So is anyone born of spirit and wind so is every son of the King of kings

For what do I really care, immortal souls or fragile possessions, and temporal goals? How much can I really say I'm putting first things first? How much do I really invest in the stocks that won't crash? Do I build on the Rock? How much do I really pour into the values that will last? 6.) Lost Without You I'm lost without You & without You I just haven't got a clue Nohope without You & without You I just don't know what to do Life's all about You, You're the Essence of my being, through & through Lord I allow You to use me whichever way seems good to You I'm lost without You, You're the Essence of everything that I need

Before I found You life was filled with empty selfishness & greed Revolve around You's what I want my life to do in every deed I'm so astounded by You, You're the Wine I drink, the Bread I eat I'm lost without You, You're the Light that I was so much longing for Can't live without You, Jesus, You're the stuff of which I just need more Sheer gone without You, I'm so thankful You came knocking on my door Can't breathe without You, without You life knocks me out, I hit the floor (Rep. all) 7.) Hooked (Juicy Lie) (Em-Ds2-C-Em 2x) (Em) Please listen to me (Ds2) as I sing this (C) song of a (Em) girl who could have become the greatest ray of hope this world could ever need and want (Em) She had it all, but (D) she settled for less (Am) she didn't want no (C) great ad(Ds2)venture Just blend in, that's all just go to the mall just be like everybody else, sure: (Chorus:) (Em) All so busy working (As2) on their (Em) looks Yeah, the (Em) world of shiny things has (Ds2) got them (Am) hooked and they (C) don't see that the Devil's (D) just a (Am) crook they don't (C) see it (Ds2) one juicy lie was all it (Em) took (intro) Please listen to me as I tell this story of a boy who could have become A savior of the world for he had what they need and want He had it all, but he settled for less he didn't want no great adventure Just blend in... (2nd Ch.:) All so busy working on their looks yeah, the world of "busy-busy" 's got them hooked

and they don't see that the Devil's just a crook they don't see it... (Bridge:) (C) Don't you think that I look (Em) cool? I don't want to be no fool for any(D)one but my friends' golden rule 'cause (3rd ch.:) We're all so busy working on our looks yeah the world of busy-busy's got me hooked and I don't care if the Devil's just a crook I don't (C) see it, don't want to (Ds2) see it, hey, I don't (C) see it, don't make me (Ds2) see it, I don't (C) see it (Ds2) one juicy like was all it took (Intro 2x) one juicy lie, yeah 8.) Sing About You I shouldn’t sing about You Though that’s just all I can do So maybe I’ll just cover up & make this sound like soda pop Some jingle from the TV slop Cause I shouldn’t sing about You I shouldn’t sing about You Though You’re all I know that’s true So maybe I’ll just drop Your name Before I put myself to shame & I will be the one to blame cause I shouldn’t sing about You I shouldn’t sing about You Though there’s some folks who just do Scream “Hallelujah,” sing & shout Tell all the world what they’re about I wonder how come they’re allowed When I shouldn’t sing about You (Br.:) (Am7) Maybe I can make You a big (G) myste(F)ry So no one has to know what it is I believe I don’t know if I’m bold enough to tell the world about Your love After all, they’re smart enough to figure out what You’re about Let the others sing & shout, I’ll hide my talents in the ground I shouldn’t sing about You Some folks just shirk when I do Cause You’re just so unpopular You’re all else but a superstar They all say it would go too far If I kept on singin’ ‘bout You

I shouldn’t sing about You But there’s nothing else I can do So let’em try to wipe me out I simply can’t help sing & shout Aah, Jesus, You’re what life’s about I can’t stop singin’ but You And on & on & on & on Till all those jerks are finally gone I’ll keep on singin’ ‘bout You

9.) Anything Anything to make you happy anything to make you smile Anything that ever can be used to make your life worthwhile Anything to ease your load, Babe, I’ll walk any extra mile Anytime you need a hand, Babe, I’ll let you know you are My child (Chorus:) To see you smile is what I need to make My day Be the light to brighten up and light your way Leave you speechless and with nothing left to say Than, “Lord, I love You and believe You everything will be okay.”

So let Me fill your days with sunshine Let Me show you peace and warmth Let Me make you feel, ooh, so fine Come & lie here in My arms (Bridge:) And let Me prove to you that they are liars who will say That life is without meaning, why should they care anyway Baby, cling to My way (Chorus) (Modulation) (Chorus, add:) “Lord, I trust You, and I need You I can touch You and I see You And I believe You, everything will be okay.”

10.) SPIRIT Spirit, come and be life to me Fill me with ecstasy Make me all I should be Sweep me away Spirit, fill me with more of You Let me be through and through Possessed and empowered to do Works eternal and true Breathe Your magic into me & teach my eyes to truly see When I belong to You then I am free Be the music when I sing Let me see You in everything Teach me to live in service to the King Bring meaning to each speck of dust Help us do what we really must And keep our focus on eternity Spirit let me see You everywhere Know You are always there Teach me to really care Show me the way Captivate my heart & soul & keep my vision on the goal alarm me when my mind’s about to stray Whisper words of life to me & be the wisdom that I need for every challenge I may face today Keep my heart ever close to Yours Be all I yearn and hunger for & please, don’t ever let me go away from You (1st verse) …Sweep me away (rep.)

11.) Thank You, Lord! (G) Thank You, Lord, for (Em) each distraction (C) I would like to (D) have but simply (G) can't af(Em)ford (C-D) (G) Thank You for the (Em) way You turn the (C) Devil's dead-end (D) streets into an (G) open (Em) door and (C) for the way You (D) make me want You (G) more & (Em) more & (C) realize it's (D) You I'm living (G) for (Em-C-D) Thank You, Lord, for loving me when I feel rotten to the core & don't think anyone could love me anymore You wipe my slate clean and reset the score (Bridge:) (Em) Thank You that each day it seems my (D) life has just be(Em)gun Thanks for keeping my world in (D) orbit 'round Your (Em) sun and (C) for the way are hearts are slowly (D) melting into one (Chorus:) And I want (G) more, give me (Em) more of Your (C) precious love, sweet (D) Jesus I want (Em) more, give me (C) more, You mean (Am) everything to (D) me And I give You my all, cause You deserve no less, sweet Jesus You are my All-in-all and I'm Yours eternally Oh, (G) thank You Lord for (Em) making my foes (C) tremble at the (D) mere glimpse of Your (G) mighty sword (Em-C-D) I (G) thank You for (Em) the (C) way You make it (D) clear that You are (G) Lord of (Em) Lords We (C) may not win the (D) battle, but You've (G) won this (Em) war For (C) all things that You (D) are, I praise You, (G) Lord (Em-C-D) (Bridge:) (Em) Thank You that each day it seems my (D) life has just be(Em)gun Thanks for keeping my world in (D) orbit 'round Your (Em) sun and (C) for the way are hearts are slowly (D) melting into one (Chorus:) And I want (G) more, give me (Em) more of Your (C) precious love, sweet (D) Jesus I want (Em) more, give me (C) more, You mean (Am) everything to (D) me And I give You my all, cause You deserve no less, sweet Jesus

You are my All-in-all and I'm Yours eternally (repeat Chorus) Thank You Lord, praise You, Lord! Glory to You, Jesus! We are floored by how gracious and how wonderful You are Lord, we want You, need You, love You, we are lost without You, Jesus We give praise to Your strength & for everything You are Praise You, Lord, Hallelujah! We surrender and run to You Give us more, we need more of Your never-ending love Fill us all with Your love, we are empty vessels, Jesus Give us more, take us now, we are ready for Your love Thank You, Lord! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah, praise You, Jesus! Oh, we praise You, our God for how wonderful You are

12.) Blessed Is the Man (C) Blessed is the man who can weep (F) tears of joy (Am7) Blessed he who can't and won't (F) be annoyed by (C) all at(B/G)tempts of evil (F) to destroy for (Am7) all he (Am7/G) sees is (F) Heaven's glory out(Am7)shining any (Am7/G) fake reali(F)ty for (Am7) love's the only (Am7/G) real thing he can (F) see (Gs4) Blessed is the man who can resist temptation of fears beckoning him that slaughter generations He'll keep his eyes upon the goal that torch that burns deep in his soul constraining him to fight and never cease till even the last captive's been set free (Chorus:) (F) Blessed is the man who won't seek (C) his own glory For (F) that's not what he needs, he knows he's part of a (Em) greater story than (Gs4) you and I all (F) lesser claims are (Gs4) lies Blessed is the man who really loves a woman

the way that he is loved by the One Who created all men to show His Nature for all eyes to see the only way that one would strive to be for love has been and love will always be the only hope and one true meaning the only end and the beginning the one and only true reality

... the outcast we consider scum, oh ... We haven't even yet be(G)gun to love (C), oh (D) We (C) haven't even yet be(G)gun to love (C-D)

14.) Love, Come Into My Life (Ch.) 13.) We Haven't Even Yet Begun To Love (Em) Why, sister, (Ds2) do you cry? Have (C) you not found any(Ds2)one to love you (Em) right here in (Ds2) paradise, cause (C) you don't look the same? (Ds2) Why, sister, do you sigh? Are you too fat, too old too ugly for those who keep an eye on image and cliché?

Love, come into my life, love, come into my heart Love, fill my soul with joy & light & never let it part, Love, come into my life, come into my heart There is a ray of hope for each lost soul There is a glimpse of light for every man There lies Salvation at the reach of every hand & by faith, it can be yours (Chorus)

(C) When will the truth be(Ds4)gin (the things we've known our lives long) to really start sinking in (to finally drive the point home) that we have only loved the One as much as we have loved the lowest one, the last to come, oh [Chorus:]

The greatest gift of all is yours today If you fulfill your part & ask, you'll find the way Open your heart, the light will come in all its might, in all its power

15.) LOST SHEEP SONG Intro: (G/D-Em7-C/D-D7) 2x

(G) Isn't it a (C) shame hypocri(Ds4)sy should have found its (C) way into our ranks? After all, we're claiming to be free from all the System's stupid, foul pranks (Em) Don't we claim (C) that we (Ds4) see? (Well, come on, have a look then!) So, (Oh) brother, could it be we (C) haven't even yet be(Em)gun to love? (D-C) We (Ds2) haven't even yet begun to love Time to see eye to eye & ask ourselves, are we the real thing putting to practice what we preach It's easy to fall for lies when we think that we dig the whole thing that life's got nothing left to teach - us When will we really live? There's so much more to give We only love the One as much as we will love the lowest one, the least of them, oh, [Chorus] When will the truth begin...

Well, (G/D) here we are a(C9)gain tonight, some (D) of the 9(G/D)9 To(Em)gether singing (C) songs again & (G) everything’s so (D) fine We (G) think we truly (C9)have arrived, so (D)safely in the (G) fold But (Em) brothers, where’s the (Em/D)Master gone out (Am7)in the bitter (D) cold? I’ve (G/D) seen it time and (C9) time again, we (D) argue & dis(G)pute A(Em)bout our different (C) views of doctrines, in(G)terpreting the (D) Truth But (G) somewhere out there (C9) in the dark, while (D) we all fuss & (G) fight There’s (Em) someone who be(Em/D)longs to us, who’s (Am7) not yet found the (D) light So, (Em) let us stop our (Em/D) arguing & (Em/C#) get together (C) now to (G) join the Master’s (D) search out there, I (C) hear Him calling (D) out: Chorus: “I’m callin’ (G) you, yes (C9) you out there (D) somewhere in the (G) dark My (Em) brother or my (Em/D) sister,

oh, how(Am7)ever lost you (D) are I’m callin’ (G) you, yes (C9) you out there (D) somewhere in the (G) night & (Em) if you hear My (Em/D) voice, then follow (Am7) ‘till you reach the (D) light I (Em) know that you are (Em/D) lost out there, so (Em/C#) cold & so a(C) lone But (G) if you hear My (D) voice & follow, I (C9) know I’m gonna (D) find & take you (G/D) home” (Em7-C/D-D7) So (G) here’s to all the (C9) lost sheep who are (D) out there in the (G) dark You (Em) may not know where (Em/D) you belong but (Am7)deep inside your (D) heart You’ll (Em) hear the Master (Em/D) Shepherd’s voice like (Em/C#) echo in my (C) song & (G) if you hear His (D) voice, however (C9) small in that dark(D) night, oh little (C9-B/G) lamb: I (Am7) know He’s gonna (D) find & take you (G) home (C) (D) ( Chorus )

Get ready, soon He'll come again To wipe out Satan's reign of evil & sin Life's tribulation's gonna end All we can offer you's our love, life & Him open your heart, let Him in (2nd Chorus:) He's the Real Thing... Receive Jesus & then you will be born again tell everyone you care about (3rd Ch.:) ... We're His family, His friends, we're His bride of the End He's everything life's all about With Him in your heart there'll be new life without end Just make your choice, receive Him now

17.) Glauben heisst Sehen Ich dachte immer schwach ist schwach und stark ist stark doch heut' hab' ich gelernt, nee, das war alles Quark Gegebenheiten sind nämlich bedeutungslos denn Gott macht große Leute klein und kleine groß

16.) The Real Thing (or: The Drugstore) Come on in & strip your soul bare, my friend What do you stand to lose but your sins? And what you stand to gain is all things instead all things you've only dared to dream We may seem nothing but a weird bunch, but then: Open your eyes & look again & what you'll see is called the REAL THING, my friend God's chosen prophets of the End (Chorus 1:) We're the real thing, my friend, this is it, come on in God's wild, stark naked Underground If it's real things you want, it's the real thing you'll get your search is over, you've been found Bring your family, your friends & start living again bring anyone you care about If all that you've known is just another dead end Just make your choice for steppin' out & join God's Endtime Underground Come on in, this is the Drugstore, my friend a place of which the prophets dreamed we just get high on the truth we found in Jesus, our Man

Drum, kehrt mein Schiff auch mit gebroch'nen Masten heim so werd' ich nicht verzagen sondern Ihm vertrau'n Denn nichts scheint wie es ist und nichts ist wie es scheint Unter der Oberfläche kann es oft ganz anders sein Denn Glauben heisst seh'n, wenn auch ganz anders nämlich mit Augen die das Unsichtbare seh'n Hör' auf zu verstehen um zu glauben sondern glaube um am Ende zu versteh'n Da ist ein Weg der scheint den Menschen recht zu sein Jedoch am Ende fliegt er in die Patsche rein Bevor du springst guck lieber vorher noch mal hin und denk' dran dass bei Gott die Dinge anders sind Danke Jesus, dass Du stets gewinnst Du findest uns auch wenn wir schier verloren sind Werden wir auch verfolgt, verspottet, ausgelacht Du bist und bleibst Der der aus allem Gutes macht (Ref.)

18.) Ich rufe dich Wir sind erneut versammelt hier, die 99 Treu'n wir singen Lobgesänge und, ach, alles ist so fein Wir glauben wir haben's geschafft, so sicher hier im Stall Doch wo ging nur der Meister hin? Es ist doch heut' so kalt. Ich weiß, wir diskutieren gern, manchmal tagein tagaus und legen uns dabei die Wahrheit oft von neuem aus Doch währenddessen, irgendwo dort in der dunklen Nacht irrt jemand der zu uns gehört, der Gott noch nicht gefunden hat Drum lasst uns uns zusammentun und aufhör'n mit dem Streit und Jesus helfen, ihn zu finden; ich höre wie Er weint: (Ref.:) Ich rufe dich, ja dich dort draussen in der Dunkelheit Ich werde geh'n um dich zu finden, ganz egal wie weit Ich rufe dich, ja dich, der du umher irrst in der Nacht und wenn du Meine Stimme hörst, dan folg' ihr bis der Morgen lacht Ich weiss dass du dort draussen bist, verloren und allein Doch wenn du Meiner Stimme folgst, dann find' Ich dich bestimmt und führ' dich heim Drum sing' ich dieses Lied für euch, die ihr dort draussen seid Du weisst vielleicht nicht wo du hingehörst, doch mit der Zeit wirst du die Stimme Gottes auch in deinem Herzen hör'n und wenn du Seine Stimme hörst und ihr gehorchst, o kleines Lamm, ich weiss genau: Er findet dich bestimmt und führt dich heim (Ref.) Download “The Big Picture” for free here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ejbk5rcjnhg/(2007b) The Big Picture.zip

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