2007 Softball Rules

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Amman Softball League: 2007 Summer League Rules All participants are required to have properly registered, paid and signed the waiver of liability. All participants in this league assume the risk of injury. Amman Little League Association, Amman Softball League, their members, and volunteers shall not be liable for injury to person, loss or damage to personal property arising from or in any way resulting from participation in this activity. Official ASA rules will be used with the following additions, exceptions, and clarifications. All questions regarding these rules shall be referred to the Amman Softball League Coordinator for clarification. HOME AND AWAY TEAMS – The published season schedule will dictate which teams are considered the Home or Visitor team for each game. The Visitor team will bat first. TEAM – Ten players constitute a team. Teams may start a game with a minimum of eight players and may add the ninth and tenth player at any time. If a team falls below eight players (during the game) then the opposing team will be asked if they want to continue the game. If they continue the result of the game stands. If they do not agree to continue, then they win by forfeit. A team of eight players which has at least two females will not be penalized with two automatic outs. (See “Female Players,” below.) EXTRA HITTER (“EH”) — A team may add an 11th player to serve as the Extra Hitter. The EH is similar to a DH in baseball, but he/she is added as an extra player, instead of as a substitute batter for the pitcher. A team that wishes to use an EH must announce it prior to game time (when lineups are exchanged), and that team must use an EH for the duration of the game, or else an “Out” will be called when the missing EH’s batting order spot is up. (This rule is designed to give larger teams the opportunity to give more people playing time.) If the EH is a female, then her team must have at least two other females in the lineup (and on defense). All other, normal substitution rules shall apply to the EH. FEMALE PLAYERS – Teams must field not less than two females at all times. The maximum number of male players on the field is eight. The batting order shall list at least two females. If one of the required females is not present to bat when required per the batting order, an out will be called. If a required female arrives late for a game while the team is on offense, and the team has already taken a batting order out, she may enter offensive play at the listed batting order, but any previously declared out stands. A male player may substitute for a female player provided that there are two remaining females in play. SUBSTITUTIONS – A substitute for any player may be brought in while the team is on offense or defense. A substitute will enter the batting order for the person they are replacing; however, the players’ positions may be adjusted in the field. There is no limit to the number of substitutions, but a substitute must complete one-half of an inning in both offensive and defensive play prior to being replaced, excepting an obvious injury. The substitute must have a legal plate appearance before being removed. (One-half inning of offense means the player must complete a minimum of one at-bat.) Captains shall be held to their honor in keeping track of the above requirements. The team captain may, through the umpire, challenge the opposing team’s lineup or compliance with substitution rules at any time. A team found to have violated substitution rules while on offense or defense will be given one out prior to their next at bat. READY TO PLAY - A team must be ready to play at the scheduled starting time or the game will be declared a forfeit. If the senior field is still in use by a preceding scheduled game, the on-deck teams may use the junior field for warm-up prior to a game. GAME TIME - Games will consist of six innings or an eighty-minute time limit, whichever comes first. No new inning will start after eighty minutes of play unless the score is tied. (Even if there is one minute remaining in the eighty minutes, a new inning may be started, unless both captains agree to call the game.) When the game time has expired the umpire will make an announcement that no new innings may begin. An inning starts immediately after the third out of the bottom half of the previous inning. If the umpire decides a team is purposely or unreasonably delaying the progress of a game, he may begin calling balls (if the team on defense is responsible for the delay) or strikes (if the team on offense is responsible for the delay). No more than one minute may pass between innings.


TIES – In regular season games, a tie upon completion of eighty minutes (including the completion of the last full inning within game time) will require one additional inning to be played. If six innings have been completed within the eighty minute rule, an seventh inning will be played. If the teams are still tied after the single additional inning, it is up to both captains to decide whether or not to play an additional inning. If the captains agree to stop play, a tie will be declared. In tournament games, however, play will continue until one team is ahead in runs after completion of a full inning. MERCY RUNS – Each team is limited to 10 runs per inning, but the final two innings shall have no run limits. (Please note: Playing the 5th & 6th innings depends upon the time remaining in the game, but game time should be managed and monitored by the captains to the point where at least one inning of “no limits” can be played.) WEATHER - In the case of inclement weather or other harmful conditions, four full innings (or three and one half innings if the home team is ahead) will constitute a full game. SHOES - Shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals and flip-flops, etc., are not permitted. Metal or steel cleats are discouraged, due to the safety issue (Reminder: Slide at your own risk). THE PLAYING FIELD - The pitching plate will be 46' away from home plate. The home plate and bases will be evenly spaced 60' from each other. Dead ball territory is firstly to the outside of the outfield fence, extending on in a straight line until meeting the first and third base dead ball territory fence. First and third baseline dead ball territory begins where the short fence is attached to the back stop, extending to the dugout, along the face of the dugout, then extending toward the outfield fence, until the point at which the short fences meet. The playing field has areas along the fence lines which may produce an unplayable ball (see Overthrows and Out of Play rules). GAME EQUIPMENT - Only game balls provided by the league shall be used. Batters may use bats provided by the league, or personal bats. League bats will normally be standard softball bats, though the league commissioner may authorize several small little league bats for smaller players, based upon bat availability. Personal softball bats must be compliant with ASA certification standards and of professional manufacture. The use of batting helmets is strongly encouraged for base running, but is not mandatory. The use of a catchers mask by the catcher is strongly encouraged, but is not mandatory. EJECTIONS – If any player is ejected from the game, no substitution will be allowed, and an out will be declared when that person’s turn comes up in the batting order. An ejected player must either exit the complex or remain inside the clubhouse. INFIELD AND OUTFIELD WARM-UP – Infield and outfield warm-up between innings will be limited to no more than one minute. STRIKE ZONE – The strike zone is any part of the home plate rubber, or the extension plate rubber. A pitched ball which makes physical contact with any part of the white rubber or the black border of home plate or the extension is considered a strike, provided the arc requirement is met (see: Pitching). BALLS AND STRIKES – Note: For this season, each batter shall begin with a count of one ball and one strike. Three strikes will produce an out. Four balls will advance the batter to first base. If a batter steps completely out of the batters box on a pitch that is hit, the batter will be called out. On a count of two strikes, a subsequent foul ball will be ruled a courtesy foul and the batter will remain up to bat. Thereafter any fouled ball will be called a third strike and the batter shall be called out (one courtesy foul ball is allowed on a two strike count). Surgically Attached Bat Clause: If a batter clearly has no intention of swinging the bat, the umpire may, at his discretion, call pitches as strikes, regardless of whether or not the pitch is in the strike zone. It’s softball. Swing, people. (Note: A “surgical strike” shall not be called for strike three under any circumstances.)


PITCHING - Each pitch must meet an arc requirement of 6-12 feet (183-366 centimeters) from the ground. If a pitch does not meet these requirements then the umpire will call "flat" or "top/high" as soon as it becomes apparent that the pitch will not meet the requirements. It is the umpire’s responsibility to call “flat” pitches as balls, even before the ball is near the plate, and the batter is not permitted to swing at flat pitches. This is a safety precaution. (Contact made by a batter on a called flat pitch shall be considered a strike.) Once the batter is set in the batters box, the pitcher may pitch the ball. If the batter is not set in the box and the pitch occurs, it will be called "no pitch". The umpire may award a ball for obvious ‘quick pitches’ in which the pitcher quickly throws a second or subsequent pitch prior to the batter having recovered from the previous pitch, with the intention of catching the batter unready for the pitch. To start a pitch, the pitcher must come to a full stop and stand facing the batter with his shoulders in line with first and third base, and must have at least one foot touching the pitching rubber. The pitcher must maintain the fully stopped position for at least one (1) second and no more than ten seconds. The pitch begins when one hand is taken off the ball and the back swing is begun (the hands may not be rejoined). The pitcher may take only one step and that must be forward and simultaneous with the release of the ball. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitching rubber until the ball leaves the hand. On release, the hand must be below the hip. The wrist may not be further from the body than the elbow at any point in the delivery. No windmill, sidearm or slingshot delivery is allowed. Any infraction of the pitching rules is an illegal pitch; a ball is called. If the batter hits safely and all base runners advance at least one base on the hit, the illegal pitch is nullified. If a batter swings and misses a pitch that has been called illegal by the umpire, then it will be considered a strike. Intentional walks are legal, and pitches do not have to be thrown. The pitcher must notify the umpire of the intention to walk the batter prior to any pitch being made. If a male batter is intentionally walked in order to pitch to a female batter, the female batter will have the option of being awarded an automatic walk. However, the female batter may choose to take her normal at-bat. A team on defense may issue only one intentional walk per player, per game. BATTER’S BOX – The batter’s box shall be extended twelve inches to both the front and rear to account for the increased strike zone length. A batter, who, in the course of making contact with a ball, places a foot completely outside of the batter’s box and not touching any part of the line, shall be called out. BATTER HIT BY PITCH – A batter has ample time to avoid being hit by a pitched ball and may not advance to first base if struck. BUNTS OR INTENTIONAL CHOPS - The batter will be called out if they successfully bunt or intentionally chop the ball (a short chopping swing which results in a close infield hit). If no contact with the ball is made, a strike will be called for either the bunt attempt or the chop attempt. THROWN BATS - The batter will be called out if he throws the bat and strikes any person. The batter will receive one warning if no person is struck, but will be called out thereafter whether it strikes a person or not. STEALS AND LEAD-OFFS - No steals are allowed in slow pitch softball. A base runner may not leave the base until the bat makes contact with the ball. If the base runner leaves early, the umpire will declare "no pitch" and the base runner will be called out. A runner may advance on a caught fly at his/her own risk after having first tagged up on the base they held at the time of the hit. (“Tagging up” is legal on a ball caught in foul territory.) COURTESY RUNNER – Each team will be permitted one courtesy runner per inning. The only eligible courtesy runner will be the person who was the last batter (the last person at bat, NOT the last out.) in the preceding inning. In the first inning, the most recent out (or the most recent runner who scored, if no outs have been made) of the same inning is the only eligible courtesy runner. If neither situation exists, then a courtesy runner is not allowed. In case of an injury, a pinch runner may substitute for an injured runner in the first or subsequent innings, provided the pinch runner remains in the game for at least one-half inning of defense and one at bat (and the injured player remains out of the game for the same time).


BASE RUNNING - Under no circumstance will stand-up collisions at any base be tolerated. Sliding is not encouraged due to the condition of the field, but is not prohibited. (Slide at your own risk.) The responsibility of avoiding contact lies with the runner. If, in the umpires' judgment, the runner fails to take the necessary steps to avoid contact, or purposely causes contact to induce a dropped ball, and causes contact, shall cause the runner to be called out. On double play situations, runners tagged out at second must refrain from interfering with the throw to first base. Any interference by a base runner going to first base will cause the runner to automatically be called out for runner interference. Any excessive force used to tag a base runner out, may warrant an ejection. A runner that touches a base while simultaneously being legally tagged will be declared safe (tie goes to the runner). HOME PLATE – The pitching extension plate adjacent to home plate is not a runner’s base. Runners shall touch the normal home plate only. The umpire may call “safe at home” to confirm. To appeal, the defense may tag the runner who they feel did not touch the plate (if he is still on the field of play), or tag home plate in any situation (even if there was not a force). The runner who did not touch the plate will be called out, but other runners who scored legally on the same play will be safe, even if they scored afterwards. INTERFERENCE BY RUNNER - A fielder (catcher also) has the right to go into the base path when A) he has the ball, or B) he is in the act of fielding the batted ball, or C) he is in the act of fielding the thrown ball. If accidental contact by the runner is made under these circumstances the umpires will decide if the runner will be awarded the next base. If the contact was blatantly made by the runner, then the runner will be called out. Note: In a situation where a dangerous collision may occur due to an illegally positioned defender, the runner should avoid it and appeal to the umpires by raising his/her hand. If the umpires agree that the runner acted in good faith by stopping and appealing, then the runner shall be awarded the base to which he was heading. Please keep in mind that this will be extremely rare; do not abuse it to gain an advantage. OBSTRUCTION BY A FIELDER - If a defensive player illegally hinders a batter or base runner then the base runner will be awarded an extra base. A fake tag to induce the runner to slide or slow his progression to avoid a collision is considered obstruction, and the runner will be awarded one extra base. Yelling, whistling, waving arms or any other attempt by a fielder to distract a batter will not be tolerated. In such a situation, “no pitch” will be called by the umpire. If no contact is made by the batter, it will be called a ball; if contact is made and the batter is out, a ball will also be called, and the at-bat will resume. This will also serve as the defensive team’s sole warning, and any other player on that team will be ejected from the game for subsequent such infractions. THROWN HATS/GLOVES - If a fielder throws his/her hat or glove (or anything else) at a batted or thrown ball and contacts the ball, the base runners will be awarded three bases from the time of the pitch or two bases from the time of the throw. If contact occurs on an obvious home run, all base runners will be awarded four bases. OVERTHROWS & OUT OF PLAY - When a ball is overthrown into foul territory, the advancement of the base runners is unlimited. The ball is considered in play and runners can be tagged out while advancing. Overthrown balls going beyond the out-of-play line will award base runners two bases from the last base they had touched when the ball was thrown. A ball batted over the-in play portion of the outfield fence will advance the batter and all runners to home plate. A ball which strikes the ground in fair territory and then either bounces over the outfield fence, or becomes unplayable due to field irregularities will be ruled a ground rule double. A fielder may declare an unplayable ball by means of raising both hands. All base runners will be immediately called to stop, and the umpire(s) will then investigate and make a determination. INFIELD FLY RULE - A batter is called out on an easily caught pop fly to any defensive player near or in the infield when there are runners in a force play situation, and there are less than two outs. The batter is called out and all base runners advance at their own risk once the fly ball has been touched. When such a hit is made the umpire should immediately call "infield fly the batter is out". When in doubt the umpire should call "infield fly, the batter is out if fair", or "infield fly, if fair". To further eliminate confusion, an infield fly may be declared after the fact, with the umpire(s) determining the correct placement of the previous base runners.


MERCY FIELDING RULE – When a female batter is at bat, the infielders shall remain to the outfield side of the base lines (behind the outfield side of the bases) until such time that a pitched ball is struck. For all batters, outfielders shall remain behind the chalked outfield arc until such time that a pitched ball is struck. The short fielder (4th outfielder) is considered an outfielder. Infielders may not play in the outfield until a ball is struck. Note: The pitcher and catcher must play their normal positions when a ball is pitched. Beyond that, a team is free to shift players as they deem necessary, provided that there are no more than four other infielders (inside the arc) and no more than four outfielders (beyond the arc). UMPIRE'S JUDGEMENT - An umpire's judgment should not be contested. Failure to adhere to an umpire's judgment may warrant ejection. No appeals. The umpire's decisions are final. Rule interpretations only may be protested, and only immediately following the issue in question. The captain of each team and a maximum of one other player from each team may discuss rules interpretation with the umpire, and they may do so only as long as the umpire wishes to engage in the discussion. Any further concerns regarding rules or the interpretation of rules by an umpire should be directed to the league coordinator. A protest or request for clarification directed to the league coordinator must be done following the game. (Note: This applies to batting order and substitution issues, as well. Only the captain, accompanied by a maximum of one other player--or the scorekeeper—may approach the umpire(s) in such situations.

Liaison for the Captains: Mude Sartawi Amman Softball League Coordinator Mobile Phone: 079.692.5018 Email: [email protected]

Liaison for Amman Little League Association: Tom Manning ALLA Baseball Commissioner Email: [email protected]

2007 Summer League Format: There will be two divisions of four teams each. Teams within the same division play each other twice, home and away (6 games). Interdivision teams will play each other once, with two home and two away games for each of the eight teams (4 games). Each team will play a total of 10 games. At the end of the regular season, there will be a single-elimination tournament to determine the 2007 ASL Summer Champions. Tournament seeding will be based upon the final regular season standings, as follows: The top team in each division, based on regular season records, will “share” the #1 & #2 seeds for the tourney, with the winner of the head-to-head, interdivision game named the top seed. The secondplace teams will share #3 & #4; third-place teams share #5 & #6; fourth-place teams share #7 & #8; each of those shared rankings will also be determined by the head-to-head result of their respective interdivision games, with the winner named the higher of the two seeds for the tournament. ƒ ƒ ƒ

The tournament will consist of a first round of four games: #8 at #1 (Game A); #7 at #2 (Game B); #6 at #3 (Game C); #5 at #4 (Game D). Winning teams advance and losing teams are eliminated. The semifinal round will match the winner of Games A & D (Game E) and the winners of Games B & C (Game F), with the higher seeded team having home field advantage. The Championship Game will be between the winners of Games E & F, with the higher seed home.

Tiebreakers: 1) Overall record; 2) Head-to-head record; 3) Division Record; 4) Tiebreaker game. (Total runs and margin of victory do not factor in at all for tiebreaking purposes.)


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