2007 Fall

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  • Pages: 17


August 1, 2007 Time: 1405


Time: 1423

Aug. 1 – Nov. 30, 2007

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 0.5 mile south of VA 639

Adult GAEA perched in tree west of VA 640 flew as vehicle approached. It flew west then turned north then east and out of sight over trees.

Rick Lambert

US 220 north of Monterey 5.5 miles at Virginia Trout hatchery

Immature BAEA flew over trout hatchery ponds.

golden eagle immature

Sandy Hevener

0.6 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 miles north of US 250

Time: 0721

bald eagle adult female

Sandy Hevener

Immature GE in perch tree. Observer saw wide white band at base of tail, but not well enough to be sure if any speckling in it or not. While she ran back to the house to get the camera, the bird shifted its position in a way that foliage covered its tail. The observer went behind a shed in an attempt to get closer to the bird and when she emerged the GE was gone and the adult BE female was perched on its regular branch, not the same branch the GE used.


Time: 0750

bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

North of US 84 and east of VA 540just northeast of Meadowdale intersection

Juvenile GOEA perched in tree.


Time: 1740

bald eagles (2) juveniles

Keith Carson

North of US 84 and west of VA 640 just northwest of Meadowdale intersection

Two juvenile GAEA flew up from pasture. One flew south across US 84 to a tall tree behind a pond and tried to land on a branch but couldn’t land and dropped down before flying back across US 84 and north toward Monterey Mt. The other flew north up the valley toward the trees near Monterey Mt.


August 3, 2007 Time: 0810

Bald eagles (2) Juvenile Adult

Keith Carson

East side of US 250 about 5.6 miles south of Monterey

Both eagles perched in white oak tree near Jackson River. The juvenile flew south and then west across US 220 as car approached.


August 2, 2007 Time: 0718

bald eagle adult bald eagle immature


Time: 1705


August 4, 2007 Time: 1000


August 5, 2007 Time:0930 to 1000


Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side of US 250 about 5. 3 miles south of Monterey, just 100 yards south of Botkin residence.

Adult bald eagle perched in tree. First time observer has seen one perched there, but he regularly reports a pair perched and on occasion a juvenile about 0.2 mile south.

Bald eagles (2) Adults

Keith Carson

East side of US 250 about 13.4 miles south of Monterey

Pair of adult BAEA perched in usual tree near Jackson River at transmission line

bald eagle adult

Deborah R. Huso

High Knob Road 0.5 mile west of VA 640

Adult BAEA perched in snag about 150 yards south of the Huso residence.

Time: 1220

golden eagle adult

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 halfway between VA 640 & VA 643 on Carson-Newlon property on the south side of Snowy Mt.

Adult GOEA soared southwest of Snowy Mt. summit for several minutes and moved north over ridges on west side of Snowy Mt.


Time: 1330

bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side of VA 640 about 0.25 mile south of VA 639

Adult BAEA perched in large locusttree just south of Bandy residence.


Time: 1545

bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener, Carol Bandy

East side of VA 640 about 0.2 mile south of VA 639

Adult BAEA perched in tree.


August 6, 2007 Time: 0840

Golden eagle Immature

Pen Goodall

In triangle formed by VA 640, VA 637 & VA 639

Immature GOEA flew northeast over Morse house toward Gulf Mt. south of Blue Grass


Time: 1215

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 halfway between VA 640 & VA 643 on Carson-Newlon property on the south side of Snowy Mt.

Adult BAEA soared and then moved north .


bald eagle juvenile HY

Keith Carson

Time: 1230

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 halfway between VA 640 & VA 643 on Carson-Newlon property on the south side of Snowy Mt.

Juvenile HY BAEA soared, then slowly moved north.


Time: 1310

Bald eagles (2) th 4 year (dirty white head) 2nd.year

Thomas Duncan

SW side of US 84 about 2 miles NE of Mill Gap

Fourth year and 2nd. year BAEA eating groundhog in field across from Mill Gap Supply


August 7, 2007 Time: 1030




August 8, 2007 Time: 0830

bald eagles (2) adult pair

Carol Bandy

East side of VA 640 about 0.2 mile south of VA 639

Two adult BAEA perched close together on same limb of tree.

bald eagles (2) adult pair

Carol Bandy

East side of VA 640 about 0.2 mile south of VA 639

Two adult BAEA perched several feet apart in same tree.

Bald eagle adult

Amory Mellen

South side 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree

Time: 1221

golden eagle hatch year

Nickie Dymersky, Alex Dymersky, Rick Lambert

On CR 17 Halfway between Harper and Cherry Grove in WV. This is on the NW side of Snowy Mt. and 7.5 miles from sighting of golden eagle fledgling on July 26 SW of Snowy Mt.

Hatch year GOEA circled over west side of Snowy Mt. not far over West VA line.

10 5

Time: 1330

Golden eagles (2) adults

Pen Goodall

Tamarack Ridge

Two adult GOEA flew over Tamarack Ridge toward Sapling Ridge NNW

bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in usual tree over Jackson River.


August 10, 2007 Time: 0830

bald eagle adult

Amory Mellon

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in usual tree over Jackson River.

bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side of VA 640 about 1 mile north of Meadowdale US 250.

Adult BAEA perched in white oak tree.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Sara Ervin

VA 678 south of McDowell

One adult BAEA perched in tree and second adult BAEA fishing over river.

bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

East side of VA 640 about 0.2 mile south of VA 639

Adult BAEA perched in usual tree.

Bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 behind Goog Colaw property

Juvenile BAEA soared over Carson right of way on Goog Colaw’s property. Its tail had some white in it and head appeared to be a bit lighter than early juveniles.

golden eagle immature

Patti Reum

About 2 miles south of US 250 and 0.5 mile east of VA 601 over Bear

Immature GOEA flew low over observer’s home.

August 9, 2007 Time: 0750


Time: 1725


August 11, 2007 Time:


August 12, 2007 Time: 0922


August 13, 2007 Time: 1050


Time: 1225



August 14, 2007 Time: 1500

Time: 1700


August 15, 2007 Time: 1758


Time: 1817


August 16, 2007 Time: 0820


Time: 1058


August 17, 2007 Time: 0820

golden eagle fledgling

Carol Bandy, Larry Bandy

100 yards west of VA 640 and 300 yards south of VA 639

Fledgling GOEA on ground hopped around displaying tail while tossing something into the air. As the bird jumped and flapped the observers got a very good look at the top of its tail. The tail was very solid white with a wide solid dark band on the edge. The head looked like it was glowing in the sun. The observers watched it for 15 minutes.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 100 yards south of the new Hampden Mill

Adult BAEA perched in a tree next to the river. When observer stopped to take pictures it flew to another tree further south on the river, just south of Chad Kimbles pond.

bald eagle 4th year

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

East of US 220 about 0.5 mile and south of Monterey 12.1 miles

Fourth year BAEA flew low upstream over the Jackson River until it was out of sight to north.

bald eagle same as above 4th year

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

East of US 220 about 0.5 mile and south of Monterey 12.1 miles

Same eagle flew low over Jackson River south, then slightly west across river and straight toward transmission line one mile south.

Bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Juvenile BAEA perched in the usual perch tree over Jackson River.

eagles (2) bald- 2-3 year unidentifiable

Sandy Hevener

Southern foot of Snowy Mt. between VA 640 & VA 644

Second to Third year BAEA soared and played on wind currents while another dark eagle soared higher. A cow harassed the BAEA several times and both eagles drifted northwest and higher and higher.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.3 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree between usual perch tree and Botkin residence.

Bald eagles (2)

Claire Arbogast

West of VA 637 south of US 250

Two BAEA did locked talon display.

Time: 1500

Adult No age given

Bear Mt. guest from Indiana

Time: 1745

Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

One mile south of CCC Roadabout 15 miles south of Monterey

Immature bald eagle perched0 in tree by the Jackson River.

Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 1 mile north of US 250

Immature BAEA soard with a red-tailed hawk over Newlon farm.

Time: 1115

Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 2 miles north of US 84 near Boesch mailbox

Immature BAEA soaring high over road.

Time: 1400

Bald eagle Adult

Heather Scott

South side of US 250 at Scott residence in McDowell

Adult BAEA flew through backyard and appeared to be fishing in river then flew east.



Bald eagle immature

Carol Bandy

East side VA 640 about 0.5 mile south of VA 639

Dark bald eagle with some white spots perched in snag at Jordan/Luther line. It flew west then north up the valley and observer then saw white on tail. It made a couple of small circles and then appeared to go into the trees in Lantz Mt. just behind the old Ruckman property.


August 19, 2007 Time: 1348

Bald eagle Adolescent

Keith Carson

In creek just south of Ruckman Lane and VA 640

Adolescent BAEA with white patches on back and tail walking in creek appeared to be drinking water.


Time: 1415

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

VA 644 about 0.5 mile north of road on Carson/Newlon property behind Goog Colaw

Adult BAEA soared over property.



Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

VA 644 about 0.5 mile north of road on Carson/Newlon property behind Goog Colaw

Immature BAEA soaring south of property with two ravens. The birds appeared to be playing tag, chasing and diving at each other for a few minutes.


August 20, 2007 Time: 0845

Bald eagle Adult

Rick Lambert

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree over Jackson River.


Time: 0846

Bald eagle Adult (2nd)

Rick Lambert

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Second BAEA perched in tree over Jackson River

August 18, 2007 Time:1105


Time: 0857

5 2

Time: 1420 August 21, 2007 Time: 0910


August 22, 2007 Time: 1607


August 23, 2007 Time: O845


Time: 0913


August 24, 2007 Time: 0700-0900


August 31, 2007 Time: 0950


Sept. 1, 2007 Time:0930 Time: 1220


Sept. 2, 2007 Time:1125 Time: 1230 Time: 1317, 1320


Time: 1555

Eagle- species unidentified Immature

Rick Lambert

East side of US 220 north of Midway and 15 miles south of Monterey

Immature eagle perched in tree over river.

Bald eagle adult

Rick Lambert

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree over river.

bald eagle 4th. year

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

0.6 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 miles north of US 250

Fourth year BAEA perched in maple on same limb used by 2nd year BAEA in 2006. The head was dirty white.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Rick Lambert

East side 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Two adult BAEA perched in same tree over Jackson River.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree 100 yards north of usual perch tree.

bald eagle adult or 4th year

Sandy Hevener

West of VA 640 about 300 yards and slightly south of VA 639

Adult or fourth year BAEA flew low from field with scouting camera, over stream and S-SE.

Bald eagle adult

Deborah Huso Dianne Huso

High Knob Road 0.5 mile west of VA 640

Adult BAEA perched in usual locust snag 150 yards south of Huso house.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side US220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in usual tree next to Jackson River.

Golden eagle Adult

Pen Goodall

2 miles south of US 250 at Larie Berman’s house on Bear Mt.

Adult GOEA flew over from west to east toward Back Creek Valley.

Eagle unidentified

Patti Reum

Over Jack Mountain as seen from Bear Mt. Hawkwatch

Eagle migrating south, too far to identifiy.

Bald eagles (4) 4th year 3rd year 2 unsure of age

Patti Reum, John Spahr, Eric Harrold

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawkwatch station

Four BAEA migrating.

golden eagle no age ID

Patti Reum, Eric Harrold

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawkwatch site

Golden eagle flew from east to west over Bear Mt. It did not appear to be in migration.

Sept. 3, 2007 Time:1256


Sept. 4, 2007 Time: 0800


Time: 0845 Time: 0915


Sept. 5, 2007 0838 Time: 1850


Sept. 6, 2007 Time: 1030


Sept. 7, 2007 Time: 0905

Time: 1730


Sept. 8, 2007 Time: 1245

Bald eagle immature

Rick Lambert

US 84 at Mill Gap

Immature BAEA perched in tree.

Bald eagle adult

Andrew Luther

West side VA 640 between VA 639 and VA 641

Adult BAEA flew north.

Eric Harold Bald eagle 3rd year

Third year BAEA perched in oak tree West side US 220 south of Mustoe

Eric Harold US 250 at VA 637

bald eagle 3rd year

Third year BAEA was in field with raven.

Bald eagle adult

Amory Mellon

East side US 220 south of Monterey 12.1 miles

Adult bald eagle over Jackson River near Mellon cabin 0.5 mile east of US 220

Bald eagles (2) adults

Keith Carson

East side of VA 640 mile south of Cobb driveway, about 1.5 miles south of US 250

Two adult BAEA perched in tree

Golden eagle adult

Patti Reum

2 miles south of US 250 between Bear Mt. & Lantz Mt.

Adult GOEA flew east of Bear Mt. It did not appear to be migrating, but hunting.

Bald eagles (4) 2 adults 2 immature

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 2 miles north of US 84, just north of Boesch mailbox

Two adult BAEA with two immature BAEA and several ravens feeding on fresh roadkill raccoon in the road.

Eagles (4) Sub-adult bald eagle 2 immature bald eagles 1 juvenile bald or golden (?)

Eric Harold

US 250 top of Monterey Mt.

The three BAEA were interacting, playing, when the fourth eagle flew in for a moment and flew off.

Eagles (5) Juvenile bald eagle Immature bald eagle Golden eagle (not aged) 2 eagles- (species unkn.)

Edmund Hevener Sandy Hevener

West of VA 640 between road and Lantz Mt. about 2.5 miles north of US 250

Turkey Vultures were circling when observer heard a BAEA vocalize. The TV circled higher and higher as eagles started circling below. The eagles eventually circled higher and out of sight too.

Sept. 9, 2007 Time: 1438

2 6

Bald eagle adult

Edmund Hevener, Sandy Hevener

East side of VA 637 on Rexrode farm 1.8 miles north of US 250

Adult BAEA on ground fighting with a crow.

Time:1520 & 1556

Bald eagles (2) Adult Juvenile HY

Edmund Hevener Sandy Hevener

West of VA 637 in Puffenbarger hay meadow 2.4 miles north of US 250

Adult & HY BAEA were on ground but flew up when observer drove into driveway. They were back on the ground and flew up again as observer drove out driveway.

Time: 1800

Bald eagle adult

Eric Harold

East of US 250 at trout ponds 9.8 miles south of Monterey

Adult BAEA on the ground flew when observer in car stopped.

Bald eagles (4) 3 adults 1 immature

Tom Duncan

West of US 84 between Mill Gap Supply and Duncan home at base of Lantz Mt.

Three adult BAEA on ground with immature BAEA eating two groundhogs.

bald eagle adult

Amory Mellon

East sided of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in usual tree.

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree adjacent to immature BAEA perched in tree 50 feet away. They were slightly south of usual perch tree.

Golden eagle Adult (very large)

Deborah Huso

High Knob Road 0.5 mile west of VA 640 north of Blue Grass 1.7 mile

Very large GOEA perched in same locust snag where eagles perch 150 yards south of house. When he flew, he flew west toward Paul Colaw house.

Bald eagle immature

Rick Lambert

US 84 at Mill Gap Supply

Fighting with other bird over dead groundhog in the road.

Eagles (11) All in one place at one time Bald eagles 3 adult 1 or more immature Golden eagles 2 adults 5 immature unidentified species

Arthur K Ranck, Mrs. Ranck

West side of VA 640 slightly south of WV line and one mile south of WV line

It was unreal. My wife and I were birding in Highland County north of Blue Grass around 10 A.M. and we saw several Turkey Vultures, two adult Bald Eagles, an immature Bald Eagle, and an adult Golden Eagle at one place. We proceeded north about a mile to park in Margaret O'Bryan's lane there on the county line. Across the road in the field we saw some

Sept. 11, 2007 Time: 1000

5 5

Time: 1445


Sept. 15, 2007 Time: 0800-0823

Sept. 13, 2007 Time: 0920

Time: 0943


Time: 1000

Arthur K Ranck, Mrs. Ranck

South of Blue Grass

Bald eagle adult

Andrew Luther

West side of VA 640 south of VA 639 about 1 mile

Adult BAEA flew over Potomac River.

Eagles (12) Bald eagles (10) 5 immature 4 adult 1 age undetermined 2 species undetermined

Patti Reum, Eric Harrold

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

Ten eagles migrating north over Hawk Watch site. Two more appeared to be staying in the area.

Bald eagles (6) Adult Bald Eagle Immature, sub-adult II 1 sub-adult Bald Eagle

Patti Reum

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

All eagles reported at Bear Mt. Hawk Watch, most in migration.

Time: 1142

Golden Eagle

Patti Reum


GOEA appeared to be resident

Time: 1302

Bald eagles (2)

Patti Reum

Time: 1330

2 10


eagles flying and then they started collecting on the ground. We could see eleven (11!) eagles at one time. Eventually eight settled on the ground in one cluster. In the total group of eleven we counted three adult Bald Eagles and at least two adult Golden Eagles. The rest were immature birds. We heard an eagle calling and looked up and there were a Bald and a Golden interacting. Often when we look for eagles we are unsure if we are seeing the same birds over and over, but this time the number was for real as they were all at one place. About 1:30 we saw an adult Golden Eagle south of Blue Grass soaring with a Raven.

golden eagle adult

Time: 1915 Sept. 16, 2007 Time:1215-1710

Sept. 18, 2007 Time: 1201 Time: 1042

These two BAEA flew NE, not south. Same

10 3

Sept. 19, 2007 Time: 1100 Time: 1200

Golden eagle

Patti Reum

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

Bald eagle

Keith Carson

US 84 south of Meadowdale, on

GOEA flying, but did not appear to be migrating.

Immature- Basic IV


Sept. 21, 2007 Time: 1100


west side of Tim Duff’s house.

Golden eagle Immature

Patti Reum

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

Immature GOEA circled overhouse

Time: 1430

Bald eagle Immature

Patti Reum

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

Immature BAEA flew over house


Time: 1515

Bald eagle Immature

Patti Reum

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

Immature BAEA migrated south over Back Creek Valley

10 10

Time: 1545

Bald eagle 4th year

Patti Reum

2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt. at Hawk Watch site

Fourth year BAEA flew south over Back Creek Valley

Golden eagle Not aged

Patti Reum

Over Red Oak Knob, seen from Bear Mt. Hawk Watch site 2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt.

Golden eagle flew over.

Bald eagle immature

Eric Harold

US 220 at VA 640 north of Monterey about 6 miles.

Immature BAEA flew over

bale eagles (4) immature

Eric Harold

East of intersection of US 84 and VA 640

Four immature BAEA on ground with raven

Bald eagle adult

Debora Ellington

0.5 mile west of US 220 and 1000 feet south of VA 625 on north side of Ginseng Mt.

Adult BAEA flew over north side of Ginseng Mt. with a turkey vulture behind it.

Bald eagle PHOTO adult

Sandy Hevener scouting camera

0.6 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 miles north of US 250

Adult BAEA on ground in front of scouting camera ate on groundhog for 34 minutes.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in tree 100+ yards north of usual perch tree

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

East side of VA 640, about 150 from road on hill 2 miles south of US 250

Adult BAEA perched in tree on hill.

Sept. 22, 2007 Time:1310


Sept. 23, 2007 Time: 0845


Time: 1045 Time: 1815

4 2

Sept. 24, 2007 Time: 1441-1515


Sept. 25, 2007 Time: 0935 Time: 1610


Time: Bald eagle adult

Patti Reum

Over Red Oak Knob, seen from Bear Mt. Hawk Watch site 2+ miles south of US 250 on Bear Mt.

Adult BAEA flew from west then north toward Red Oak Knob.

Bald eagle Adult

Debora Ellington

US 220 and VA 640 at Forks of Water

Adult BAEA circled over Forks of Water.


Sept. 27, 2007 Time: 1200



Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 behind Goog Colaw property

Immature BAEA soared east of Newlon/Carson property on southern foot of Snowy Mt.


Time: 1900

Bald eagles (2) adults

Debora Ellington

0.5 mile west of US 220 and 1000 feet south of VA 625 north side of Ginseng Mt.

Two adult BAEA flew east along Ginseng Mt and then south.


Sept. 28, 2007 Time: morning

Bald eagle Adult

Debora Ellington

North side of Ginseng Mt. over Potomac River

Adult BAEA flew west toward Blue Grass.


Time: 1130

Bald eagle juvenile

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

East side VA 640 south of VA 639 about 0.25 mile

Juvenile BAEA perched is usual tree between Bandy and Jordan houses.


Time: 1315

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Perched in white oak tree south of the usual perch tree.


eagle Immature bald or golden

Keith Carson

Time: 1322

East side US 220 south of Monterey 9.8 miles

Dark eagle soared over the trout hatchery south of Monterey.


Sept. 29, 07 Time: 1545

Bald eagle Immature (2nd. year?)

William Leigh

VA 678 about 5 miles south of US 250 south of McDowell

Immature BAEA circling and thermaling with 5-7 TV. The BAEA broke off and went into a glide over observer’s head. Secondary coverts and axillaries were white and a couple of white feathers in tail gave it a dirty look and its head was mostly black,

Bald eagle adult

Patti Reum, KeithCarson

Adult BAEA flew from west, circled to the west and then moved north.

Bald eagle Immature

Rick Lambert

About 2 miles south of US 250 and 0.5 mile east of VA 601 over Bear Mountain VA 619 east of VA 654 Doe Hill Rd. about 0.25 mile over Mike Armstrong farm


October 1, 2007 Time: 1203 October 2, 2007 Time: 1251

Immature BAEA flew out of road where it had been eating roadkill.

Time: 1265

Time: 1436

Time: 1440



Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature

Rick Lambert

Doe Hill Road VA 654 at VA 619

Adult BAEA perched in tree and immature BAEA flew out of road where it had been eating groundhog.

Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature

Rick Lambert

Doe Hill Road VA 654 at VA 619

Adult and immature BAEA flew over field.

Rick Lambert

Doe Hill Road VA 654 at VA 619

Two immature BAEA flew off dead groundhog.

Bald eagles (3) adult 2 immature

Rick Lambert

VA 619 east of VA 654 Doe Hill Rd. about 0.25 mile over Mike Armstrong farm

Two immature BAEA and adult BAEA flew out of road from a dead groundhog.

bald eagle

Patti Reum

About 2 miles south of US 250 and 0.5 mile east of VA 601 over Bear Mountain

Bald eagle flew over in migration pattern.

Bald eagle Juvenile

Sandy Hevener

East side of VA 640 about 0.2 mile south of VA 639

Juvenile BAEA perched in tree where a pair of adults perch regularly


October 3, 2007 Time: 0915


Time: 0923

Bald eagle 3 to 4 year

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 640 about 2.5 miles north of US 250

Three to four year old BAEA flew low over Potomac River NW toward Lantz Mt. then perched on snag in large Maple tree in field.

Time: 1040

bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 behind Goog Colaw property on lands of Carson & Newlon

Immature BAEA soared overhead.

Golden eagle No age ID

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 2 miles south of US 250

Golden eagle feeding on roadkill flew southwest as observer’s car approached.

Time: 1130

Bald eagle immature

Patti Reum

About 2 miles south of US 250 and 0.5 mile east of Bear Mt. over VA 500 and Back Creek.

Immature BAEA fling high migrated over Back Creek Valley

Time: noon

Bald eagles (2) Adults

Tom Duncan

West of US 84 between Mill Gap Supply and Duncan home

Several crows vocalizing and harassing two adult BAEA which flew south to north along Lantz Mt.

Time: 1637

Baled eagle

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 2 miles south of US

Adult BAEA feeding on roadkill just


October 4, 2007 Time: 0840




October 5, 2007 Time: 0837


Time: 0930


October 7, 2007 Time: 1140

10 10 5



north of Cobb driveway flew west as car approached and landed in tree 150 yards west of road.

Bald eagle Immature, maybe HY

Sandy Hevener

0.6 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 miles north of US 250

Immature BAEA flew low from behind maple tree and skimmed the ground heading northwest barely clearing tree tops over Connie Anderson house.

eagles (9) All immature bald eagles, or possible golden eagles.

Mike Boesch

West side VA 640 about 2 miles north of US 84 (2806 Meadowdale Rd.)

Nine eagles on ground feeding on three groundhogs. They all appeared to be immature BAEA, but observer said he couldn’t always tell them from golden eagles.

Bald eagle Immature

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 behind Goog Colaw property

Immature BAEA soared over Carson property on southern base of Snowy Mountain.

Bald eagle

Patti Reum

Bear Mountain Hawkwatch

Bald eagle migrated.

Bald eagles (2) Adult & Juvenile

Patti Reum

Bear Mt. Hawkwatch

Two eagles migrating

Time: 1445

Bald eagle Immature

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 about 5.3 miles south of Monterey just south of Botkin residence

Immature BAEA with white mottling stood in the Jackson River near oak tree where river bends and goes into wooded area. Observer stopped car to photograph it and it flew into a nearby tree, then further north to another tree along the river and then flew east toward Jack Mt.

Time: 1500

Bald eagle immature

Keith Carson

East side of VA 640 1 mile north of US 84, Meadowdale

Immature BAEA with mottled white on back perched in usual tree.

Bald eagles (2) Immature

Paul Doyle

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 11.4 miles

Two immature BAEA on deer carcass on edge of road. They had white spots on back, no white on tails.

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Patti Reum, Sarah Burke

East side of US 220 north of Monterey 1 mile

Adult and immature BAEA played, dove for about 15 minutes. The adult flew north and the immature flew west.

Time: October 11, 2007 Time:

October 12, 2007 Time: 0730-0900

Time: 1530

10 1 2

1 B

October 16, 2007 Time: 1450

Time: 1540 October 21, 2007 Time: 1345

Time: 1440 October 22, 2007 Time: 0800

Time: 1750

October 26, 2007 Time: 0930 October 27, 2007 Time: 0830 October 29, 2007 Time: 1430 Time: 1440


Nov. 1, 2007 Time: 0945

Golden eagle Juvenile

Patti Reum

About 2 miles south of US 250 and 0.5 mile east of VA 601 over Bear Mountain

Juvenile GOEA circled east of Bear Mountain Hawk Watch site, then it flew directly overhead and SE in a direct flight

Eagle unidentified

Patti Reum

South side of Snowy Mt. seen from Bear Mt. Hawk Watch site

Unidenfired eagle soared high over south side of Snowy Mt.

Bald eagle Sub-adult- 4th. Year

Keith Carson

West side of VA 640 north of VA 639 about 0.3 mile- Ruby Rexrode

Fourth year BAEA with dusty head and tail, dull white, soared over the Blue Grass Valley

Golden eagle immature

Keith Carson

About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 behind Goog Colaw property over Carson property

Immature GOEA soared over homesite, flew off toward west side if Snowy Mt.

Band eagles (18) Various ages (cold have been a golden or two in the mix)

Dan Foster

Lower lake of Bath Co. pump storage station

The water level was very low and many fish trapped. Observer, employed in soil conservation, saw 18 eagles fishing at one time.

Bald eagle adult

Heather Scott

South side US 250 center of McDowell

Adult BAEA flew from north to south through the field behind Scott yard and disappeared behind Bullpasture Mt. almost directly over the mill.

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 16 miles, 0.2 mile south of CCC Road

Adult BAEA and immature BAEA perched in snag next to Jackson River

Bald eagles (2) Adult immature

Keith Carson

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 16 miles, 0.2 mile south of CCC Road

Adult BAEA flew and swooped toward river while immature BAEA perched near snag where they perched Oct. 26

Golden eagle Sub-adult, 4th. Year

Patti Reum

US 250 west end of Monterey

Fourth year GOEA circled over substation then flew south.

Golden eagle adult

Patti Reum

US 250 west end of Monterey

Adult GOEA flew south

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 0.1 mile north of Ruckman Lane VA 641

Adult BAEA perched in tree.

Time: 1640

Nov. 2, 2007 Time: 0810


Golden eagle immature

Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener

SE of VA 640 near Blue Grass Ruritan building

Golden eagles (2) Adult immature

Allen Bryann [email protected]

VA 642

Allen Bryann [email protected]

Christian Run sods- north of VA 642 & west of Forest Road on top of Middle Mt.

Immature GOEA circled in area that includes suspected nest for eight minutes with about eight turkey vultures. The GOEA then flew south and low toward the ground about one mile south.

Time: 1100

golden eagle immature

Time: 0945

Bald eagles (2) adults

Keith Carson

VA 640 about 1.5 miles north of US 250

Two adult BAEA flew in close proximity down the Blue Grass Valley in northeasterly direction.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched low in the white oak. This was on a different branch from usual perch branch in that tree.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson East side of US 220 about 0.1 mile south of CCC Road, about 14.5 miles south of Monterey

Adult BAEA perched in snag next to Jackson River

Golden eagle Immature

Edmund Hevener

West side VA 637 at Ivan Puffenbarger barn 2.5 miles north of US 250

Immature BOEA, splotchy, flew over Ivan’s barn.

Bald eagle PHOTO Immature, first year?

Keith Carson

0.5 mile north of VA 644 on Carson property between VA 640 & VA 643

Immature BAEA with dark head and a lot of white patches on back and wings perched in tree east side of driveway near Goog Golaw’s last gate.

Golden eagle adult

Edmund Hevener, Les Kodger

East side US 220 north of Monterey 5 miles at trout hatchery

Adult GOEA flew over hatchery and south

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side of VA 640 south of VA 638

Adult BAEA flew south over the Potomac River

Eagles (2) Adult bald eagle

Ske Ellington

East of VA 640 about 0.5 mile west of US 220

Both birds flew east from Blue Grass to the end of Ginseng Mountain a short

Nov. 7, 2007 Time: 0925 Time: 1630


Nov. 9, 2007 Time: morning




Nov. 10, 2007 Time: 1414


Nov. 11, 2007 Time: 0800


Time: 0930 & 1000

Golden eagle

2 2

Time: 1600 Nov. 12,2007 Time: 1200 Nov. 14, 2007 Time: 0810


Time: 0900

2 1

Time: 1100


Time: 1300

Nov. 16, 2007 Time: 1100

Nov. 17, 2007 Time: 1200 Nov. 20, 2007 Time: 1035


Time: 1038 Time: 1043

time apart.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side of VA 640 south of VA 638 on Julie Rexrode property

Adult BAEA perched in tree on hill about 500 yards west of road.

Golden eagle immature

Carol Bandy, Larry Bandy

West side of VA 640 just south of VA 639 in bottom of Blue Grass Valley

Immature GOEA flew south over Potomac River.

Bald eagle Immature 3rd. year?

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey about 16 miles 0.1 mile south of CCC Road

Immature BAEA with some white in tail and on head perched on a snag next to Jackson River

Bald eagle Adult

Carol Bandy

West side of VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BAEA on carcass on Bardon Warner’s property

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side of VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BAEA on carcass on Bardon Warner’s property

Golden eagles (2) Adults

Conley Colaw

East side of VA 640 above Conley Colaw house, about 2 miles north of Blue Grass & 1 mile south of WV state line

Two GOEA soaring above Colaw house. Both had very gold shiny heads, tails solid color, really big.

Bald eagle adult

Tom Brody East side of US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BAEA perched in snag by Jackson River

Bald eagles (2) Adults

Les Kodger, Abram Kodger

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 16 miles, 0.25 mile south of Midway.

Two adult BAEA perched in tree over Jackson River.

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey about 7.5 miles at John Sweets driveway, Vinegar Run

Adult BAEA perched in tree next to Jackson River

Bald eagle Adult

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 9.9 miles south of trout hatchery

Adult BAEA perched in tree next to Jackson River

Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature- dark head, some mottling on back &

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 15.5 miles on Bill Bratton’s land

Adult and immature BAEA perched few feet apart in tree over bend in Jackson River just north of Hemlock snag.


Time: 1535


Nov. 21, 2007 Time: 1145 Time: 1315


Nov. 22, 2007 Time: 0830 Time:


Nov. 23, 2007 Time:


Nov. 27, 2007 Time: 1100


Time: 1430

Bald eagle Immature, mostly dark some white mottling on back and wings

Keith Carson

US 220 south of Monterey 15 miles just north of Midway

Immature BAEA perched in tree near Jackson River

Bald eagles (4) Adults

Les Kodger

Lake Moomaw, Bath Co.

Four adult eagles flew over and around lake, along shore some of the time

Bald eagle adult

Patti Reum

North side US 250 about 0.25 mile west of Cowpasture River

Adult BAEA perched in tree flew south as observer attempt to get a better look at it

Bald eagles (2) Immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 about 0.5 mile north of VA 639

Two immature BAEA chasing/playing over Ruby Rexrode farm. One flew east and the other north.

Bald eagle Adult- very large

Tom Duncan

East slope of Latntz Mtn north of US 84 near VA 604 at Mill Gap

Adult BE swooped over the ridge line near top of Lantz Mountain as if saw possible carrion. The bird did not land, but continued to fly north toward Meadowdale or possibly crossed over into Back Creek

Bald eagle 4th year near adult

Allen Bryan, Richmond Virginia Bird

VA 640 about 3 miles north of US 250

Golden eagle Immature

Sandy Hevener

500 yards west of VA 644 about 0.25 mile north of VA 643 over Royal farm.

Immature GOEA flew low around Royal farm while a group of agitated crows flew in the same area. When the observer drove up a farm road below the eagle, it rose and drifted northwest.

Golden eagle Immature PHOTO

Pen Goodall

Junction of US 250 and VA 601

Immature GE flew overhead. Observer stopped truck, got out and took photo.

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