2007 Ce Bioloyg Paper 2 Marking Schemes

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 503
  • Pages: 3


Leaf epidermal cell has a layer of waxycuticle to reduce water loss Root hair cell does not have cuticle so asto have better absorption of mineral salts 2.


The leaf blade provide large surface areafor the receive of sunlight 3.


Photosynthesis is a building-up process 4.


Nuclear Fuel will be used up 5.


Refer to 2005 CE Biology Paper 1 6.




Enzyme can be reused. It is substrate(Peroxide) the limiting factor 8.


The level should be equal 9.


Trachea is supported by C- shape Cartilage 10. D Simple procedure!!!! 11. B Animal cell does not have LARGE centralvacuole 12. B 13. B There is a decrease in respiratory surface 14. C A stronger cardiac muscle reduce heartbeatrates 15. D Semen = sperm + seminal fluid 16. A Primary Sexual characteristics arecontrolled by Pituary Gland Secondary sexual characteristics arecontrolled by sex hormone 17. D Beating of cilia move EGG to the uterus 18. B Maternal blood has high Oxygen content. Bydiffusion, you know wt to do. 19. D 1 = gastric juice 2 = pancreatic juice 3 =intestinal juice 20. D Large intestine is responsible forabsorption of water from undigested food 21. A Left ventricle contract à increase in pressure of ventricle (Volume decrease) 22. D

Pressure of aorta > ventricle(semi-lunar close) Pressure of ventricle < atrium (bicuspidopen) 23. A/C A: elastic wall of arteries maintain highblood pressure C: Volume of Blood decreaseàpressure decrease 24. A Soil erosionàloose soil 25. C Avian flu = poetry 26. A 27. B Damage of SN blocks the nerve pathway toIN. Hence no response 28. A Voluntary + coordination 29. C Net decrease in Oxygen 30. D Particles has more average kinetic energy 31. D Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromosome 32. A Vasoconstriction of blood arterioles Less blood flow to arteriole supplyingsweat gland 33. C Ligament is elastic to absorb shock 34. B Inelasticà prevent storing of elastic potential energy 35. C Toxinà kill pest 36. B The key of the question is PRIMARY STUDENT Primary student does not have high risk ofgetting Heart attack 37. C Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogen à Nitrate Decomposition: Complex proteinà Ammonium Salt 38. B Step 3 is feeding 39. D Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA(for nucleic acid) 40. A Salinity of Soil increases 41.D Dissolveàquick diffusion

42. A Aerobic Respiration is stimulated 43. Grow ON neighbouring plant 44. D 45. B Contraction of smooth muscle along lymphvessel helps propel lymph 46. D Root hair will respire 47. B The plant is HERBACEOUS plant. It issupported by turgidity 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. A Different genotype is shown 52. B Tubal ligation = 99 % 53. C Exchange of CO through Placenta 54. B O2 is the varying factor 55. B Since there is no photosynthesis Dry mass keeps decreasing 56. C 57. A Y contracted Hepatitis B before. There ismemory developed by memory cell 58. B Male and Down’s syndrome 59. C Positive phototropic 60. A. Test that the tip is sensitive to light

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