2007 Aspen Institute Annual Report

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  • Pages: 68
2008 Overview

and 2007 Annual Report Embossed Color Type on an Aspen Leaf (cover and above) Lloyd G. Schermer Aspen Institute Lifetime Trustee


A Place Where the Human Spirit Can Flourish In the years immediately following World War II, Chicago businessman and philanthropist Walter Paepcke was inspired by philosopher Mortimer Adler’s Great Books seminar at the University of Chicago to create in Aspen, Colorado, “a place where the human spirit can flourish.” In 1950, he established the Aspen Institute Executive Seminar to help business leaders look with fresh eyes at their lives, their work, and the world of which they were a part in order to become “more self-aware, more self-correcting, and hence, more self-fulfilling.” Today, the vision and reach of the Aspen Institute extend far beyond its original roots. In policy programs, seminars, public events, and new leadership initiatives around the world, the form and force of the Institute have grown to confront contemporary challenges and matters of collective concern. But in all of its work since its inception the Institute has remained committed to the power of thoughtful dialogue, enduring human values, nonpartisan research, and the search for common ground. Over the years the Institute has attracted statesmen, CEOs, Supreme Court justices, technology pioneers, scientists, scholars, Nobel laureates, artists, musicians, and other leaders, all of them seeking to resolve dilemmas, advance policy solutions, examine the social and moral values underlying human problems, and strengthen their own capacity for selfknowledge and mutual understanding. Like the individuals who founded the Aspen Institute, they want to bridge the gap between the ideal and the real. Since its creation more than half a century ago, the Aspen Institute has rarely stood still. At a time of great change and transformation, it continues to try to anticipate and shape the course of that change, serving as a place where major social concerns can be clearly seen, debated, and examined from different perspectives, all in the interest of the public service and a better future.

About the Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute is an international nonprofit organization that fosters enlightened leadership, the appreciation of timeless ideas and values, and open-minded dialogue on contemporary issues. Founded in 1950, the Institute and its international partners seek to promote the pursuit of common ground and deeper understanding in a nonpartisan and nonideological setting through seminars, policy programs, conferences, and leadership development initiatives. The Institute is headquartered in Washington, DC, and has campuses in Aspen, Colorado, and at the shores of the Chesapeake Bay on Maryland’s Wye River. Its international network includes partner Aspen Institutes in Berlin, Rome, Lyon, Tokyo, New Delhi, and Bucharest, as well as leadership initiatives in the United States and in Africa, India, and Central America.

“We help people become more enlightened in their work and enriched in their lives. Together we can learn one of the keys to being successful in business, leadership, and life: balancing conflicting values in order to find common ground with our fellow citizens while remaining true to basic ideals.” – Walter Isaacson, President and CEO

Contents Seminars


Public Programs


The Aspen Global Leadership Network


Policy Programs and Partnerships


Society of Fellows


International Partners


Our Locations


Aspen Institute Leadership


Staff and Program Directory


2007 Annual Report




Board of Trustees


Semina The Art of Leadership www.aspeninstitute.org/seminars

For decades Aspen Institute seminars have created a respite from the pace of daily life and an opportunity to

deliberate on lasting ideas and values in the

company of one’s peers. They help leaders deepen their knowledge, broaden their perspectives, and


their capacities to think creatively and strategically about solutions to the problems that confront society. The seminars

challenge civic and business leaders

and others to rethink the meaning of “the good society” and explore in small groups the ideas and values that have shaped human history. They are based on classical and contemporary readings and are led using the


Socratic method.

ars The Aspen Seminar


For more than 50 years, the text-based dialogue of the signature Aspen Seminar (formerly the Executive Seminar) has challenged leaders in every field to think more critically and deeply about leadership, values and the good society. The newly revised Aspen Seminar curriculum of classic and contemporary texts reflects the breadth of human civilization—Western, Asian, and African—and forms the basis of a rich conversational journey in which distinguished participants from North America are joined by accomplished leaders from around the world. The questions posed by the diverse participants are frequently as illuminating as the varied, timeless wisdom of the texts. Participants emerge from the Aspen Seminar personally renewed and professionally refocused. The Nature and Society Seminar www.aspeninstitute.org/seminars/nature

(Offered only in Aspen in 2008.)

First launched as the “Wilderness Seminar” in 2005, Nature and Society places the Aspen Institute’s classic tradition of readings and Socratic dialogue in a wilderness setting, focusing on the

complementary—and contradictory—ideas of nature and the good society. A trained naturalist will join an Institute moderator in exploring sustainability, environmental ethics, and the degree to which nature can be understood outside of our social context. Most of the seminar discussions are outdoors, and two of the nights are spent at scenic historic sites in the high country near Aspen accessed by moderate hike. Expect a stimulating blend of body, mind, and spirit—in the best Aspen Institute tradition. Wye Faculty Seminar


This seminar assists professors from colleges and universities in relating their teachings to broad issues of citizenship and American policy. Offered at the Institute’s Wye River campus near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, it addresses the central need of a liberal arts institution’s faculty: to exchange ideas with colleagues from other colleges and disciplines while exploring the ideas and values that underlie their teaching. Modeled after the Aspen Seminar, it focuses on issues such as individual rights and responsibilities and the public purpose of education.


Custom Seminars


Custom seminars enable organizations or companies to co-develop one- to multi-day seminars that address specific issues and opportunities relevant to their day-to-day operations. These seminars are held at the Institute’s facilities in Aspen, Colorado, or near the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. They can be tailored in length and content to suit individual needs. In addition to continued work with groups such as the Young Presidents Organization, American Chamber of Commerce Executives, and The Ethics Officers Association, the Institute’s Custom Seminars program has grown to include many of the world’s leading corporations. Socrates Society


Socrates Society is a forum in which next generation thought leaders come together for seminars over long weekends in Aspen and for salons in cities across the country to explore contemporary

leadership issues. Participants wrestle with such diverse and important topics as energy security, civil liberties in times of war, bioethical dilemmas, media and values, and humanity and power. Socrates is a growing and vital entry point for young leaders into the broader range of programming that the Institute offers. Africa Wildlife Seminar


Held at the Singita Game Reserve in South Africa in partnership with the Africa Wildlife Foundation, this new seminar will focus on African wildlife and wildlands conservation and African politics, sustainable development, and human well-being. It will include moderated discussions of readings, presentations by guest speakers, including the former presidents of Tanzania and Botswana, and safari drives led by experienced African guides.

“We live in the postmodern world, where everything is possible and almost nothing is certain. This state of affairs has its social and political consequences. The planetary civilization to which we belong confronts us with global challenges. We stand helpless before them because our civilization has essentially globalized only the surface of our lives.”


– Vaclav Havel

2006 Aspen Institute Global Leadership Awardee


Public Prog Sharing Our Knowledge and Engaging the Public www.aspeninstitute.org/publicprograms


growing number of public programs open the doors

of the Institute to a larger audience, offering opportunities to engage in the same thoughtful, that


nonpartisan inquiry

leaders do at conferences and seminars.

grams Aspen Ideas Festival www.aifestival.org

This annual event in partnership with The Atlantic magazine gathers together at the Institute’s Colorado campus some of the world’s foremost academic, political, scientific, business, and cultural leaders for a weeklong summer university for the mind. Lectures and panel discussions address wide-ranging topics and some of the most pressing issues of the day. McCloskey Speaker Series


This summer series in Aspen features talks by leaders who have a far-reaching impact on society. It is made possible by a generous donation from the McCloskey Family Charitable Foundation. Aspen Community Programs www.aspeninstitute.org/community

The Institute offers residents of Aspen, Colorado, and the surrounding Roaring Fork Valley a variety of events and programs throughout the year as a way of engaging the community in its endeavors. These include the Arts & Ideas Series, the Community Great Ideas Seminar, the Sharing Shakespeare discussion series, youth debate workshops, book discussion groups, leadership and values

seminars for adults and high school students, and a special Dinner Discussion Series that gives program donors a chance to meet new people, see old friends, and learn from interesting speakers on a variety of topics. Aspen Environment Forum www.aspenenvironment.org

This program in partnership with National Geographic magazine convenes leaders in business, government, science, media, and nonprofit organizations to stimulate discussion and raise awareness about urgent environmental questions. Topics include climate change, biodiversity, energy conservation, clean technology innovation, sustainable agriculture, water and ocean resources, and many other environmental and energy issues. Aspen Health Forum


This public convocation is an opportunity for lay people to learn about medical science and its implications for their lives, families, and communities. Participants exchange ideas with Nobel Prize winners, prominent officials from the National Institutes of Health, and other leaders in the fields of biomedicine and health, exploring issues and developments in medical science. Sessions and speeches cover such topics as life and wellness in

“Each species is an encyclopedia of genetic information and ancient history. If we save the living environment, we will therefore by necessity save the physical environment. But if we choose to only save the physical environment, we will lose both.”

– E.O. Wilson

Aspen Environment Forum, March 2008, Aspen, Colorado.


the genomic age, the hospital of the future, health reform and the presidential campaigns, science funding, cancer research, and global health. The Dalai Lama at Aspen: A Celebration of Tibetan Culture www.aspeninstitute.org/tibet

This three-day summer symposium and visit by His Holiness the Dalai Lama celebrated Tibetan and Himalayan art, culture, science, medicine, spiritual practice, and history. Held in collaboration with the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture, the event brought together teachers, scholars, and Tibetan Buddhist practitioners from around the world to illuminate the historical and philosophical significance of Tibet and its impact on global issues today. Aspen at Roosevelt House www.aspeninstitute.org/nyprograms

Located at East 65th Street in Manhattan, the recently restored former home of Eleanor and Franklin Delano Roosevelt will be the setting for a new portfolio of Aspen Institute discussions, lectures, and public conversations, beginning in early 2009.


Programming will operate in cooperation with the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute, part of Hunter College of the City University of New York, which owns the historic building. Aspen Roundtable Series This monthly public program in Washington, DC features discussions with authors, journalists, politicians, diplomats, public policy experts, and government and business leaders. Topics have ranged from US-Iran relations, energy security, and foreign assistance in the 21st century to the future of the Middle East. Sponsored by Bonnie McElveen-Hunter and Pace Communications. Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series This regular series in Washington, DC features informal conversations with notable authors of current books. It is an opportunity to discover new books and to talk to biographers, historians, philosophers, political scientists, journalists, scholars, and other writers about their work.

Reflections Lloyd G. Schermer Aspen Institute Lifetime Trustee


Aspen Global Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders at Home and Abroad www.aspeninstitute.org/leadership

For more than a decade, the Institute has

supported programs for

accomplished leaders in the US and around the world. Beginning with the creation of the Henry Crown Fellowship Program, these initiatives share a common goal of

encouraging a new generation of civically engaged

men and women to move “from success to significance” and apply their entrepreneurial talents to addressing the foremost challenges of their organizations, communities, and countries. The programs share a common basic structure. Each one selects a class of Fellows, approximately 20

proven leaders between the ages of 30 and

45, and convenes them several times over the course of two years for a series of

intensive leadership seminars. Fellows are also required to design

and carry out high-impact community projects. The Institute has gathered its leadership Fellows and


into an international network whose goal is to connect Fellows to one another across programs and

leverage their talents on a global basis.

Today the Aspen Global Leadership Network counts more than 800 Fellows from 38

countries, and it continues to grow. In 2007, the network

marked the tenth anniversary of the Henry Crown Fellowship Program by convening more than 250 Fellows from the various leadership initiatives, and in 2008, it held its first 14

alumni seminar in South Africa.

Leadership Network Henry Crown Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/crown

Founded in 1997 and based on the Institute’s timetested method of text-based dialogue, this program challenges the next generation of acomplished young leaders to use their talents and energies to make a difference in the world. Fellows participate in four seminars on values-centered leadership and grapple with the Aristotelian concept of the good society and the role of leaders in achieving it. Senior mentors from the top ranks of business and civil society provide advice and support during the program while Fellows undertake community leadership projects designed to put principles into practice.

One of the program’s most important ingredients is the interaction among the Fellows themselves. When they come together in Aspen they become one another’s preceptors, and the lessons they learn from each other expand their frontiers and deepen their understanding of the challenges of leadership in a multicultural world. This program honors the memory of Chicago industrialist Henry Crown (1896–1990), whose career was marked by a lifelong commitment to honor, integrity, industry, and philanthropy.

poverty. Founded in 2001 by a group of Henry Crown Fellows in order to apply the ideals of that program to locations in Africa where leadership issues underlie many national challenges, the initiative is designed to develop a new generation of effective, enlightened, and engaged leaders in business, government, and civil society across the African continent. The Africa Leadership Initiative now has programs in West Africa, East Africa, South Africa, and Mozambique. Fellows between the ages of 30 and 50 are drawn from Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Recently they have joined hands on such problems as political upheaval in Kenya, xenophobic violence in South Africa and labor law negotiations in Mozambique. Central America Leadership Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/cali

In 2004, two Henry Crown Fellows created this leadership initiative in partnership with TechnoServe, a US nongovernmental organization that uses business solutions to address rural

Africa Leadership Initiative www.africaleadership.net

This initiative is a collaborative venture of the Institute and the Databank Foundation in Ghana, Infotech Investments in Tanzania, LEAP Africa in Nigeria, the Letsema Foundation in South Africa, CETA Construction and Services in Mozambique, and TechnoServe, a US nongovernmental organization that uses business solutions to address rural


poverty; INCAE, Latin America’s leading business school; and FUNDEMAS, the Salvadoran chapter of Business for Social Responsibility. It was formalized in 2007 as the nonprofit Central America Leadership Foundation. The initiative is designed to stimulate a new generation of Central American leaders in business, government, and civil society to engage more fully in the contemporary challenges faced by their nations and region. Fellows come from six countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. India Leadership Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/ili

Launched in 2006 under the guidance of a Henry Crown Fellow, this initiative is a collaborative venture with the Institute, the Aspen Institute India, and the Global Markets Institute of Goldman Sachs. Fellows come from business, government,


and nongovernmental organizations across the world’s largest democracy. They are supplemented by specially selected Goldman Sachs Aspen India Fellows who are recruited from the firm’s global network. Together they explore the values that drive leadership and India’s place in the world, identifying ways to work together to improve Indian society. In 2007, Fellows from India and South Africa participated together for the first time in a seminar on the effects of globalization. Nigeria Leadership Initiative Senior Fellows Program www.nigerialeadershipinitiative.com

Begun in 2006 by Segun Aganga, a managing director of Goldman Sachs International, and Dr. Christopher Kolade, Nigeria’s then High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, this program provides a platform for successful senior leaders in

Nigeria as well as Nigerian leaders in Europe, Asia, and the US to influence the future development of the most populous country in Africa. The mission of the initiative is to create a growing network of accomplished and community-spirited Nigerian leaders committed to improving their values-based leadership skills and ready to take responsibility for positive change in their country and communities. Liberty Fellowship Program www.libertyfellowshipsc.org

The Liberty Fellowship is a program for young leaders in South Carolina who are significant contributors to their state and to society at large. Founded by Institute trustee Hayne Hipp, Liberty Fellowship is a partnership of Hipp, the Aspen Institute and Wofford College where it is based. The Liberty Fellowship seeks to promote outstanding leadership in South Carolina, empowering the state and its leaders to realize their full potential. Founded in 2003, it aims to offer South Carolinians the opportunity to explore the values that sustain them and to cultivate respect for both the ideas and beliefs of others. Catto Fellowship Program www.aspeninstitute.org/ee/catto

Established in 2007 by Aspen Institute trustee Henry Catto and his wife, Jessica, this program gathers emerging leaders from business, government, and civil society to work collaboratively across public, private, and nonprofit lines to find creative solutions to global environmental problems. Fellows take intensive seminars focused on the requirements of effective environmental leadership, and they design a special group project.

In 2008, they traveled to China for a seminar on globalization and met with leaders of environmental organizations there. The Catto Fellowships are managed by the Aspen Institute Energy and Environment Program. Aspen Institute-NewSchools Fellows: Entrepreneurial Leaders for Public Education www.aspeninstitute.org/newschoolsfellows

Launched in 2007 in partnership with NewSchools Venture Fund through a collaboration of two Henry Crown Fellows, this program offers entrepreneurial leaders in US education an opportunity to broaden their perspectives, build networks of like-minded change agents, and hone their skills in values-based leadership to improve American public education. Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership www.aspeninstitute.org/rodel

These fellowships seek to strengthen US democracy by bringing together the nation’s most promising young political leaders, both Democrats and Republicans, to explore through study and conversation Western democratic values and the responsibilities of public leadership. Fellows also travel to Asia and the Middle East, reaching beyond narrow partisanship to focus attention on the issues most important to self-governance. The program supports leaders committed to a political system based on thoughtful and civil bipartisan dialogue and helps them achieve their fullest potential in public service. It is open by invitation only to young men and women who hold elected office.


Policy Progra Reflective Thought Leading to Constructive Action www.aspeninstitute.org/policyprograms

Aspen Institute policy programs advance public and private sector knowledge on significant policy issues confronting contemporary society. They convene leaders and experts to reach constructive solutions to critical problems. While each program is unique in substance and approach, they all share a common mission and method. Each serves as an impartial forum for proven leaders in a given field, bringing diverse perspectives together in pursuit of informed dialogue and effective action.


ams and Partnerships Advocacy and Exchange Program on Agent Orange/Dioxin www.aspeninstitute.org/dioxin_program

This two-year bipartisan program promotes dialogue in the US policy community and among US and Vietnamese officials on eliminating the health and environmental impact of wartime herbicides in Vietnam. It sponsors meetings and briefings on dioxin, the highly toxic chemical compound in the defoliant Agent Orange, and strengthens US-Vietnamese cooperation on mitigating contamination problems. The program also builds public support through education and advocacy for practical solutions such as soil restoration and community health programs; education and treatment centers; improved services for those with dioxin-related disabilities; local environmental training; and remediation work at contaminated sites. In 2008, an Aspen working group of American and Vietnamese experts went to Hanoi to announce dioxin containment measures at a former US military base, as well as the expansion of health services to people with dioxin-related illnesses and the establishment of a dioxin testing laboratory. Annual Gathering of Education Entrepreneurs www.aspeninstitute.org/education_entrepreneurs

In partnership with the NewSchools Venture Fund, this program seeks to develop an agenda for change in US public education and to identify opportunities for collaboration and accelerated impact across traditional boundaries. By gathering some of the nation’s leading education enterpreneurs each summer, this program builds on the national dialogue on education and charges the leaders to find entrepreneurial solutions to problems in American education through further innovation.

Aspen Strategy Group www.aspeninstitute.org/asg

How can America’s national security establishment better adapt to nascent threats and national security challenges? As current global trends defy traditional notions of international relations, what common global problems do nations face in the 21st century? This program examines foreign policy trends outside the Cold War dichotomies of friends and foes by focusing on transnational issues that blend foreign and domestic subjects. It was founded in 1984 with a concentration on strategic relations, arms control issues, and the US-Soviet relationship, and its roots as an annual conference for researchers associated with arms control projects at universities and think tanks date back to the 1970s. As the group evolved it also included legislators, government officials, business and industry representatives, and journalists. The program has moved beyond its Cold War origins and today includes a new generation of policymakers representing a range of perspectives. The approach, however, has remained constant: use a bipartisan lens to identify the most contentious foreign policy and national security concerns facing our nation and assess America’s evolving interests. Recent workshops, briefings, and reports have covered the national security implications of global climate change, China in the 21st century, and the challenge of nuclear proliferation. An ongoing US-India dialogue also meets under the auspices of the group, as well as the Aspen Atlantic Group, a forum for former North American and European foreign ministers from across the political spectrum who develop nonpartisan recommendations for addressing common global challenges.


Business and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/bsp

The premise is simple: Change the way you educate people and you can change the world. For this program, change is achieved by developing business leaders for a sustainable global society. Through dialogue, research, and curriculum development, it creates opportunities for executives and educators to explore new routes to business sustainability and values-based leadership. Its Center for Business Education (www.AspenCBE. org) works with business schools and serves as a source of innovative curriculum. Other projects include Beyond Grey Pinstripes (www.beyondgreypinstripes.org), a survey and ranking of business schools that integrate social and environmental stewardship into their curricula and research; CasePlace.org (www.caseplace.org), a resource for online case studies and MBA teaching materials on topics ranging from corporate governance and accountability to entrepreneurship, ethics and stakeholder management; and Giving Voice to Values (www.AspenCBE.org/teaching/gvv) a new research and curriculum development effort offering cases, bibliographies and teaching guides that enable educators to help students develop the skills they need to voice their values in the workplace. The program also regularly surveys MBA student attitudes about business and society and released the Aspen Principles as part of a report on “Longterm Value Creation: Guiding Principles for Corporations and Investors” by the Aspen Corporate Values Strategy Group. The Teaching Innovation Program recently began a new initiative in India, in partnership with Aspen India, working with top business schools and companies to develop new educational tools to address the country’s pressing social and environmental needs.


Commission on No Child Left Behind www.nclbcommission.org

What has the nation learned from the successes and shortcomings of the 2002 law that changed federal education policy, and how can Congress forge a stronger path to a better educational future? This bipartisan project assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the No Child Left Behind Act and developed recommendations to improve the law and its implementation. The commission is co-chaired by Tommy Thompson, former US Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Roy Barnes, former Governor of Georgia, and includes nationally recognized leaders from all levels of public education governance, higher education, business, and the civil rights community. Commissioners spent more than a year traveling the country to conduct public hearings and roundtable discussions on the law and its impact. They have heard testimony from governors and state policymakers as well as administrators, principals, teachers, parents, students, and others. The commission developed a comprehensive set of recommendations to serve as a blueprint for improving the landmark legislation, and they continue to play a central role in public debate on the law’s reauthorization and the appropriate federal role in assuring that all children have access to a quality education. Communications and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/c&s

This program serves as a venue for global leaders and experts to exchange insights on the societal impact of advances in digital technology and network communications. It also creates a multidisciplinary space in the communications policy-making world where veteran and emerging

decision-makers can explore new concepts and develop new policy networks. The program convenes approximately ten leadership roundtables each year covering such subjects as journalism and national security, new technologies and democratic values, the future of news and new media, the effect of media coverage on Arab-US relations, mobile media and civic engagement, cloud computing and identity, converged communications policies, and minority and ethnic media. Leaders from diverse disciplines and perspectives engage in moderated discussions that culminate in specific conclusions and recommendations. Meetings have led, for example, to the creation of new Internetbased educational opportunities abroad and to the formulation of new telecommunications policies allowing US schools and libraries to connect to the Internet at greatly reduced cost. Conference reports are distributed to key policymakers and opinion leaders around the world and are also made available to the public online. Community Strategies Group www.aspeninstitute.org/csg

Since 1985, this program has helped community leaders connect with each other and cut through barriers, equipping them with the best ideas, tools, and strategies available to improve economic development, strengthen families, sustain natural resources, create locally controlled philanthropic assets, and build vital and just civic cultures. The program’s hallmark is tailored, peer-to-peer exchanges in which community-based leaders and teams create immediate back-home action plans. It convenes action-learning sessions for teams from multiple locations and organizes site visits for peer communities to examine exemplary community change at close range. It brings together diverse,


disconnected leaders from a specific geographic region to find common aims and start working together. The program also connects community innovators with regional and national experts and funders. It develops community lessons into action guides, good practice profiles, and Web resources that stimulate and inform other community leaders. Through its Rural Development Philanthropy Learning Network, the program has helped hundreds of community-based business, nonprofit, church, government, and civic leaders work together to grow locally controlled philanthropic funds and use them to improve community outcomes. In its Family Economic Success initiative it is engaging a growing network of community-level leaders across the country to help hard working, low-income families find ways to earn more, keep more of what they earn, and grow what they save into family assets that reduce family and community poverty over time. Congressional Program www.aspeninstitute.org/congressional

This nongovernmental, nonpartisan educational program for members of the US Congress strengthens lawmakers’ grasp of critical public policy issues. It holds high-level conferences offering legislators the opportunity to learn from internationally recognized academics, experts, and leaders and to explore various policy alternatives. Current subjects include political Islam as a US policy challenge, US policy in Latin America, US-China relations, governance and ideology of Islam, and education reform. Over the years, hundreds of members of Congress, international parliamentarians, political and government leaders, and scholar-experts have been involved in the program. There is no identification with a political or party viewpoint and no endorsement of specific


legislation. No lobbyists, congressional staff, or outside observers are permitted, and all conference agendas are reviewed by the House and Senate ethics committees. Each year the program also sponsors two dozen breakfast meetings in the Capitol featuring distinguished scholars and international experts. Council of Women World Leaders www.womenworldleaders.org

This international network of current and former women presidents, prime ministers, and cabinet members mobilizes the highest level of women leaders globally for collective action on issues important to women and equitable development. It gives collective voice to women in high government positions, fosters good governance, and enhances the experience of democracy around the world by increasing the visibility, effectiveness, and number of women leaders. It promotes ministerial-level exchange on global issues, addressing the particular challenges women face. It has established formal ministerial networks on the environment and health. It also supports a summer fellowship program that places promising young women in the offices of council members and other women leaders. Its executive education program provides emerging women leaders in the South Pacific island states with skills in managing political and economic reform. The council’s first summit on women’s leadership on global security issues was held in 2007, and in 2008 it created the Madeleine K. Albright Women’s Voices at the Aspen Institute public program series to focus on global issues of particular importance to women and policy areas where women have taken the lead in combating human problems.

Economic Opportunities Program www.aspeninstitute.org/eop

This program advances strategies that connect the poor and underserved to the mainstream economy. It provides practical tools, training, and researchbased information to organizations that help lowincome individuals start a business, find a better job, and build wealth. The program works with funders, policy makers, and nonprofit leaders on research projects, and it convenes meetings and publishes reports on access to capital and credit, microenterprise, and workforce development. Projects in these areas include helping low-income individuals and their communities gain access to mainstream financial services, staffing a funders’ group that sponsors a learning forum on microenterprise strategies, and hosting a leadership development and training forum that convenes selected leaders from workforce services agencies across the country, strengthening their ability to provide appropriate education and training opportunities and access to jobs for low-income individuals. The Aspen Scale Institute, a working group of the Economic Opportunities Program, explores how to improve the typical business model of communitybased organizations in which they stay small and local and serve limited numbers of people despite the magnitude of the need. The working group carries out research on ways nonprofits can organize themselves differently to increase the size and scope of what they do. Under the auspices of its Workforce Strategies Initiative (www.aspenwsi. org), the program funds six partnership projects of nonprofit organizations and community colleges in US cities that are helping low-income, working adults succeed in school and on the job. It also administers the Scale Academy for Microenterprise Development, which supports leading US microenterprise programs with grants, technical assistance, and peer learning opportunities.


Education and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/education

The challenges of America’s urban schools are daunting. Over eight million students read below grade-level, fifty percent of teachers leave teaching within five years, and barely one in ten low-income students will ever graduate from college. This program helps local, state, and national education leaders share knowledge about how school systems can improve the education and life chances of poor and minority students, and it works with them to create programs and policies to accomplish these goals. Together with some of the nation’s largest school districts, the Aspen Urban Superintendents Network helps leaders hone their reform strategies based on the best available research and the experience of their peers. Associated Mathematics and Literacy Leadership Networks support district efforts to make sure all students graduate literate and proficient in mathematics. Recognizing the importance of effective education policy to support changes in classrooms and schools, the program convenes workshops with federal, state, and local policymakers, education leaders, researchers, and analysts that point toward new approaches to developing and managing human capital in education, reforming high schools, and improving teaching and learning. In addition, the Aspen Senior Education Congressional Staff Network informs the development of federal policy by assisting congressional staff in better understanding the best innovations in the field and the impact of federal education laws on states and urban school districts.


Energy and Environment Program www.aspeninstitute.org/ee

This program stimulates open-minded dialogue about the state of the natural world, global energy and environmental challenges, and sustainable solutions. Recognizing the complexity of environmental problems, it engages an interdisciplinary approach that draws on the knowledge and experiences of leaders in science, government, business, and civic society. It strives to have a positive impact on policy and raises public attention through policy dialogues and forums, a leadership initiative, and major public events. For more than three decades, its Energy Policy Forum has convened senior industry, government, environmental, and other leaders to report on a broad range of energy issues, including climate change, electricity markets, nuclear power, renewable fuels, and fuel efficiency. The Global Forum on Energy, Economy, and Security, attended by experts and policy makers, offers pointed discussion on oil and gas issues and global markets. In 2008, the program launched three policy dialogues on climate change impacts in the Arctic, sustainable water infrastructure investments in the US, and international institutional responsibilities for validating emerging carbon markets. It spearheads the Catto Fellowship Program, a two-year initiative that introduces young environmental professionals to each other through discussion and projects emphasizing the values and leadership necessary for effective collaboration. It has also partnered with National Geographic magazine to convene the Aspen Environment Forum,

an annual public event in Colorado that presents a rich array of issues, including climate change, energy, biodiversity, forestry, sustainable agriculture, water and ocean resources, and economic and community development. With all of these efforts, the program advances collaborative solutions and collective knowledge to help solve critical environmental problems. Global Initiative on Arts, Culture, and Society www.aspeninstitute.org/arts&culture

What will it take to persuade governments, business, and civil society to invest in cultural diplomacy and to recognize that culture is vital to international relations and socioeconomic development? There is growing worldwide recognition of the power of artistic and cultural expression to enrich human lives by stimulating creative solutions to societal challenges, sustaining livelihoods, and creating the conditions necessary for social change. A vibrant arts and culture sector can hasten the overall political, economic, and social development of a community, nation, or region. But the vitality of the cultural sector depends on strong leadership, solid institutions, and systems that promote cultural identities, develop artistic and cultural resources, and broaden public participation. This program seeks to build a neutral platform for reflection, network building, policy formulation, leadership development, and resource mobilization in the fields of arts, culture, and socioeconomic development. It helps to raise the profile of arts and culture


concerns in sustainable development and international relations by convening leading thinkers, government decision-makers, business executives, and others from diverse professional backgrounds and organizing seminars for professional and leadership development. It also builds networks for cooperative engagement and resource mobilization. In collaboration with the British Council, the Embassy of Canada to the US, Americans for the Arts, the US Department of State, Institut Aspen France, and the Apartheid Museum and the Nirox Foundation in South Africa, it organized a series of roundtable discussions in 2007 and 2008 to explore the role of cultural and arts activities in international relations. It has also led recent working groups in Brazil, France, Spain, South Africa, and Washington, DC, on the challenges of cultural diplomacy and the promotion of cultural diversity. The initiative is currently planning the inaugural Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum, to be held in Paris. Global Interdependence Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/gii

Many nonprofit organizations and their foundation funders provide direct social services, but many also want to address the underlying causes of the social ills they combat. Service delivery is relatively easy to measure. Advocating for deeper policy and social change is not. This program helps nonprofit organizations and funders plan, conduct, evaluate, and improve their advocacy efforts. Its work builds on a 2005 report it commissioned analyzing successful global education and advocacy campaigns on issues such as international debt relief and emergency AIDS prevention. The report was shared with other advocates and funders, and it developed the initiative’s own understanding of how best to help them inform and affect public policy. Continuous Progress Strategic Services, the initiative’s consulting practice, emerged from


this process and has become its principal activity, advising leading foundation and nonprofit clients who want to influence public opinion, make a case for social change, or raise public awareness about domestic and international policy issues. The program also disseminates practical advice about advocacy techniques to a wider public and practitioner audience through a lively blog. It coaches nonprofits and funders on effective coalition strategies and convenes meetings and conferences for policy advocates and experts. It has developed a range of Web-based tools and services, available at www.continuousprogress.org, including the Continuous Progress guides to planning and evaluating policy advocacy for funders and advocates; the Exchange blog, an online conversation about global issues, policy advocacy, and message delivery; and the Advocacy Progress Planner, a guide to creating effective advocacy campaigns and measuring their progress. Health, Biomedical Science and Society Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/health

As governments and people worldwide strive to reduce disease and unlock the secrets to living longer, healthier lives, medical science and innovations in health care have moved forward at an accelerated pace. This program increases public awareness and facilitates strategic dialogue to hasten the adoption of proven advances in medicine, eliminate health care disparities, and improve the health of all people. Through public programs, roundtable discussions, policy briefings, large conferences, targeted discussions, and Internet discussion forums, it helps to chart the way forward by convening the foremost experts in their respective fields. Its nonpartisan approach incorporates the views of health care industry leaders, world-class scientists, physicians, economists, historians, policymakers,

patients, and other key stakeholders. The program brings cutting-edge health care and medical science to the public square, where it belongs. It draws on the guidance of nationally prominent advisors in support of its projects, including the Aspen Health Stewardship Project, an effort to broaden and reframe the national dialogue on health care reform leading up to the 2008 presidential election and beyond; the Future Medicine Project, an attempt to address critical roadblocks to the implementation and adoption of new health care technologies; and the Aspen Health Forum, the world’s only public gathering where lay people can exchange ideas with Nobel laureates, prominent NIH officials, health care industry leaders, and health policy experts from government and academia. Homeland Security Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/security

Years have passed since 9/11, yet gaping holes remain in America’s defenses against terrorism, heightening the risk of another terror attack. This program identifies gaps in the nation’s defenses against terrorism and recommends ways to close them. Through reports, roundtable discussions, congressional testimony, and forums it strives to influence policymakers, stakeholders, and the public at large to reduce our vulnerability to terrorism. A current two-year effort is assessing the preparedness of five cities (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and New Orleans) for terrorism and natural disasters. Initiative on Financial Security www.aspeninstitute.org/ifs

Saving sparks entrepreneurship, increases the gross domestic product, builds the middle class, and creates jobs for the future. Yet the national savings rate hovers near zero, and a quarter of all Ameri-


cans owe more than they own. This initiative is the nation’s leading policy program focused on cradleto-grave saving policies that can help Americans save, invest, and own. In roundtable and panel discussions and other forums, it brings together federal legislators, policy experts, and high-ranking officials from financial institutions to find ways to make it easier for low- and moderate-income families to build financial assets and save for their futures. It also researches new approaches to savings policy and works with members of Congress to develop legislation that would encourage more Americans to save. Recently, the initiative published Savings for Life, a report that outlines new ideas to help all Americans save for their children, the purchase of a home, and retirement. Justice and Society Program www.aspeninstitute.org/justice

Some people think that human rights abuses take place only in faraway places under oppressive regimes, but there are many serious human rights concerns in the US, particularly in the wake of 9/11. What constitutes torture, and is it ever justified? Are military commissions legal? What are US obligations to refugees? This program works to promote an understanding of, and adherence to, international human rights. For over 20 years, it has led seminars to educate federal judges on human rights and humanitarian law. It also convenes individuals from government, business, nonprofits, and the military to address pressing questions of international justice, including transitional justice in post-conflict settings, human rights protection in peacekeeping operations, and the US relationship to the International Criminal Court. The program annually convenes the Justice and Society Seminar, cofounded by former Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, where participants explore fundamental


issues of justice, including private and public morals, entitlements, social distribution, race, gender, and international human rights standards. Today, preeminent judges and law professors continue to lead these sessions on enduring questions of justice and society. Middle East Strategy Group www.aspeninstitute.org/mideast

This program supports pragmatic economic and policy initiatives that advance prospects for peace in the Middle East. The group’s membership includes prominent American, Palestinian, and Israeli business leaders and policy experts united by the common vision of prosperous, secure, and democratic Israeli and Palestinian states living side by side in peace and the desire to develop programs and policies that create momentum toward realizing that vision. Members engage in dialogue, strategize, and develop projects that will advance the prospects for enduring peace in the region. They also work to broaden geographically the dialogue among moderate business leaders and policy makers about long-term economic and policy initiatives that will build trust, enhance regional stability, and promote peace. They develop targeted economic projects to benefit ordinary Palestinians, private entrepreneurs, and moderate political leaders, and they strengthen moderate Palestinian private sector and civic leadership by serving as a leadership and networking forum. Building on the work of the group’s Middle East Investment Initiative, a public-private partnership of the Aspen Institute, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Palestinian Investment Fund, is the USPalestinian Partnership (www.uspalestinianpartnership.org), a public-private endeavor that creates economic opportunity for the Palestinian people and prepares Palestinian youth for the responsi-

bilities of citizenship and good governance. The Partnership demonstrates to the Palestinian people a willingness to work with responsible Palestinian leaders and institutions, both nonprofits and private sector businesses. The US private sector arm of the Partnership demonstrates support for a Palestinian leadership committed to a negotiated peace and the political compromises required to reach this goal. The partnership is working to create jobs, stimulate economic activity, attract foreign investment in the West Bank, and expand Palestinian home ownership. Nonprofit Sector and Philanthropy Program www.aspeninstitute.org/nspp

There is a hunger for fresh approaches to the many challenges facing our nation and our world. The social sector—those unique nonprofit programs, philanthropies, and partnerships that are the heart of civil society—is a major force working to address these challenges and develop lasting solutions. This program equips nonprofits with the highest quality research and information. It works to improve the effectiveness of philanthropies and nonprofits by equipping them with cutting-edge scholarship, and it convenes nonprofit, governmental, business, and philanthropic leaders who share a commitment to the social good. Since its founding in 1991, the program has nurtured the now well established field of nonprofit scholarship, awarding $11.5 million in research grants to over 400 projects examining a broad range of social and philanthropic issues. It has developed a knowledge base of innovative ideas, strategies, and effective practices used to improve outcomes in the social sector and philanthropy. It has brought together hundreds of nonprofit, business, and government leaders in working sessions designed to create cross-sector methods for solving critical social problems.


Examples of its work include research that details the practices of high-impact nonprofits; meetings on increasing the access of social entrepreneurs to capital; the Aspen-Global Philanthropy Forum Summer Seminar, which brings together experienced philanthropists and donors from across the country who are seeking concrete strategies to achieve impact; and the Seminar Series for Mid-America Foundation CEOs, which gives foundation executives an opportunity to engage in in-depth conversations about the complex issues facing philanthropy today. Program on the World Economy www.aspeninstitute.org/pwe

Aspen Leaf Lloyd G. Schermer Aspen Institute Lifetime Trustee

Begun in 1981, this program seeks to promote sustainable economic growth and financial stability in the world economy. It convenes prominent leaders in business, finance, government, academia, and the media, from both industrial and developing nations, to generate pragmatic solutions to major global economic and financial challenges, advance cooperation and coordination on key issues facing the global economic and financial system, and frame issues in the geopolitical context in which they must be addressed. Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative www.aspeninstitute.org/egi

This initiative aims to put human rights principles and standards at the heart of global governance and policy-making and ensure that the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable are addressed on the global stage. Founded in 2002 by Mary Robinson,


former president of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, it is a partnership of the Aspen Institute, Columbia University, and the International Council on Human Rights Policy. It focuses on four program areas: the right to health, equitable trade and development; decent work; women’s leadership; and business and human rights. In Africa, it works with political and business leaders to identify and promote innovative policy solutions that address inequities and provide basic rights. In 2007-2008, it launched the Every Human Has Rights Campaign to increase human rights awareness on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Roundtable on Community Change www.aspeninstitute.org/rcc

This program focuses on the problems of distressed communities and seeks solutions to individual, family, and neighborhood poverty. It convenes national leaders in the community change field, reviews community poverty initiatives, and disseminates key lessons to funders and practitioners on improving outcomes for low-income children, youth, and families. The program covers a wide range of issues, such as poverty alleviation, employment, housing, neighborhood change, public health, education, youth development, child welfare, and criminal justice. In its role as a clearinghouse for research on community building initiatives, it manages the Community Building Resource Exchange (www.commbuild.org), a database of publications and research on community building initiatives. It also focuses on teaching and research on structural racism, understood as the system of public policies, institutional practices, and cultural representations that perpetuate racial group inequity. In order to build a field of practitioners concerned with dismantling structural racism, the roundtable hosts

a seminar series that brings together government, nonprofit, media, and business leaders to think through strategies that will further racial equity in their work. It maintains the Racial Equity and Society Peer Learning Forum (www.aspeninstitute.org/ rcc/peerlearningforum) to provide ongoing technical and research support to seminar alumni. Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy Group www.aspeninstitute.org/yesg

American students are dropping out of high school in record numbers. This program, implemented in partnership with the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, convenes national leaders from the fields of education, business, public policy, media, and philanthropy to combat this trend by developing a comprehensive strategy to insert the teaching of entrepreneurship—a proven approach to engaging students in the classroom and motivating them to take responsibility for their own futures—into low-income high schools around the country. Through regular briefings, conferences, and publications, the program shares insights and builds momentum for new policies that will prepare the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders in America.


Society of Fellows Sustaining the Mission of the Aspen Institute www.aspeninstitute.org/sof

In 1964, a group of Aspen Institute supporters founded the Society of Fellows to champion the work of the Institute and to participate in its programs and projects. Formed to enhance the impact and encourage the growth of the Institute, the Society of Fellows has evolved into an important source of financial support, helping to sustain the Institute’s mission, expand its programs, and ensure its future. Today the Society has more than 1,200 donors. While the support they generate benefits the Institute, it also makes possible events and seminars offered only to donors. When they participate in these activities, donors form new relationships, enjoy intellectual pursuits, and foster their commitment to the Institute. The Aspen Institute offers six Society of Fellows donor levels, each of which includes year-round invitations to programming, custom symposia, and special events. Recent Society of Fellows Symposia: The Rise of Iran The Nuclear Challenge Latin American Politics Human Rights and US Foreign Policy Science and Religion in the Modern World The Meaning of Music Saudi Arabia’s Role in the Middle East The Aspen Wye Fellows program is a donor and public outreach initiative on the Institute’s Wye River campus in Maryland. Fellows are Chesapeake Bay area residents who support and share the Institute’s interest in global, open-minded dialogue, and they play a role in furthering its mission. The program includes discussions, receptions, book signings, and other special events featuring prominent leaders and policy experts.


The “tag cloud” above is an artistic representation of the search terms, or tags, used most frequently when searching for the Aspen Institute website. The more popular the tag, the bigger the text in the cloud.


A Global Presence International Partners


The Aspen Institute has international partners in France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, and Romania. These centers represent a broad range of opinion from the corporate, academic, political, and other sectors of society. They focus on the development of leadership networks and informed dialogue about the values and principles of democracy, the rule of law, and a wide array of economic, financial, social, and political topics. The centers host seminars, workshops, conferences, and policy programs for high-level leaders and decision-makers to encourage discussion and debate on global, foreign policy, defense, and trade issues as well as current political and international affairs.

Recent international events have included conferences and study groups on Europe-Mediterranean relations, China’s role as a world power, transatlantic links, the 60th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, corporate leadership and business ethics in Japan, education and public services in India, European security issues, environmental protection and responsibility in Romania, and civil society networks and nongovernmental organizations in Iran, as well as seminars and summits for young political leaders and executives.


Aspen Institute Berlin Inselstrasse 10 D-14129 Berlin, Germany 49.30.804.8900 [email protected] www.aspenberlin.org

Aspen Institute Italia Piazza dei SS. Apostoli, 49 00187 Rome, Italy 0039.06.9784511 [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.it

Institut Aspen France 119 rue Pierre Corneille F 69003 Lyon [email protected] www.aspenfrance.org

Institutul Aspen Romania 1, Herastrau Street Floor 3, Ap. 7, District 1 011981 Bucharest, Romania 40 311 024 128 40 748 114 081 [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.ro

Aspen Institute Japan 5-11-16 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032, Japan 81.3.3470.3211 [email protected] www.aspeninstitute.jp Aspen Institute India c/o Confederation of Indian Industry Plot No. 249-F, Sector 18 Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Guragon 122 015 Haryana, India 91.124.5014081 www.aspenindia.org

Locations The Aspen Institute is headquartered in Washington, DC, where a variety of policy program events and meetings, roundtable lunches, and book discussions are held at its main offices. The Institute carries out much of its work on its two campuses, in Colorado and Maryland, where natural beauty and quiet surroundings encourage thoughtful reflection and refresh the mind, body, and spirit. Both campuses are also favorite retreats for corporate and organizational meetings. www.aspeninstitute.org

The Aspen Meadows campus, nestled in the quiet West End of the Rocky Mountain town of Aspen, was created by Bauhaus designer Herbert Bayer. Its 40 acres, bordered by mountain streams and fields of wildflowers, are just minutes away from the center of Aspen. www.aspenmeadows.dolce.com

The Aspen Wye River campus is located near Queenstown, on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Its three distinct conference centers are set on 1,100 acres on the banks of the Wye River. www.aspeninstitute.org/wyeriver

Contact Us Headquarters (Washington, DC) The Aspen Institute One Dupont Circle, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036-1133 202.736.5800 202.467.0790 (fax)

Colorado The Aspen Institute 1000 North Third Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 970.925.7010 970.925.4188 (fax)

Maryland The Aspen Institute 2010 Carmichael Road P.O. Box 222 Queenstown, MD 21658 410.827.7400 410.827.9295 (fax)


Aspen Institute Leadership Walter Isaacson President and Chief Executive Officer [email protected] Kitty Boone Director, Public Programs Vice President [email protected] Mark Chichester Executive Director, Socrates Society Vice President [email protected] Dick Clark Director, Congressional Program Vice President [email protected] David Devlin-Foltz Program Director, Global Interdependence Initiative Vice President [email protected] Mickey Edwards Executive Director, Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership Vice President [email protected]


Elliot Gerson Executive Vice President, Policy and Public Programs [email protected] Abigail Golden-Vasquez Deputy Director of Leadership Initiatives Vice President [email protected] Dolores Gorgone Chief Financial Officer Finance & Human Resources Vice President [email protected] Katie Loughary Vice President, Administration [email protected] Amy Margerum Executive Vice President Operations Corporate Secretary [email protected] Jamie Miller Director of Public Programs Editor in Chief, The Aspen Idea Vice President [email protected]

Eric Motley Managing Director, Henry Crown Fellowship Program Vice President [email protected] Peter Reiling Executive Vice President, Leadership and Seminar Programs Executive Director, Henry Crown Fellowship Program [email protected] Susan Sherwin Executive Vice President, Development [email protected] James Spiegelman Director of Communications and Public Affairs Vice President [email protected] Jane Wales Executive Director, Nonprofit Sector and Philanthropy Program Vice President, Philanthropy and Society [email protected]

Staff and Program Directory Seminars

The Aspen Global Leadership Network

Todd Breyfogle, Director [email protected]

Abigail Golden-Vazquez, Deputy Director [email protected]

Public Programs

Society of Fellows

Kitty Boone, Director [email protected]

Steven Wickes, Associate Director [email protected]

Jamie Miller, Director [email protected]

Policy Programs Advocacy and Exchange Program on Agent Orange/Dioxin Catharin Dalpino, Director [email protected]

James Hoppes, Program Coordinator [email protected] Annual Gathering of Education Entrepreneurs

Sara Lanza Hickman, Events Director NewSchools Venture Fund [email protected] Aspen Strategy Group

Kurt Campbell, Director [email protected]

Congressional Program

Homeland Security Initiative

Council of Women World Leaders and International Assembly of Women Ministers

Initiative on Financial Security

Dick Clark, Director [email protected]

Laura Liswood, Secretary General [email protected]

Economic Opportunities Program Kirsten Moy, Director [email protected]

Maureen Conway, Deputy Director [email protected]

Jonathon Price, Associate Director [email protected]

Education and Society Program

Business and Society Program

Judy Wurtzel, Co-Director [email protected]

Judy Samuelson, Executive Director [email protected] Nancy McGaw, Deputy Director [email protected]

Change & Prosperity: The Program on the World Economy Joan Lovett, Director [email protected]

Commission on No Child Left Behind Gary Huggins, Director [email protected]

Communications and Society Program Charles Firestone, Executive Director [email protected] Community Strategies Group

Janet Topolsky, Director [email protected]

Nancy Pelz-Paget, Director [email protected]

Energy and Environment Program David Monsma, Executive Director [email protected] Global Initiative on Arts, Culture and Society

Damien Pwono, Director [email protected] Global Interdependence Initiative

David Devlin-Foltz, Director [email protected] Health, Biomedical Science and Society Initiative

Michelle McMurry, Director [email protected]

Clark Ervin, Director [email protected] Lisa Mensah, Director [email protected] Justice and Society Program

Alice H. Henkin, Director [email protected] Middle East Strategy Group

Toni Verstandig [email protected] Ben Thein, Associate Director [email protected] Nonprofit Sector and Philanthropy Program

Jane Wales, Executive Director [email protected]

Cinthia Schuman, Deputy Director [email protected] Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative

Peggy Clark, Managing Director [email protected] Roundtable on Community Change Anne C. Kubisch, Director [email protected] Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy Group

Julie Silard Kantor, Executive Director [email protected] 37

2007 Annual Report BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2007 (With Comparative Totals for 2006)




$2,243,369 64,571,945 826,583 3,618,456 107,899 1,133,565 163,558 38,395,936 49,528,103

$1,283,708 54,816,700 607,912 2,063,751 112,967 778,034 124,575 29,692,712 44,525,761

$160,589,414 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Lines of Credit $900,200 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 10,296,799 Customer deposits 3,169,928 Notes Payable Capital lease obligations 62,285 Deferred Compensation 826,583


Total liabilities 15,255,795 Net Assets: Unrestricted Undesignated 16,507,964 Board Designated 50,776,264 67,284,228 Temporarily restricted 56,519,258 Permanently restricted 21,530,133


Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Deferred Compensation Receivables, net Inventory Prepaid Expenses Deposits Promises to Give, net Property & Equipment, net

Total net assets

145,333,619 $160,589,414


$1,045,900 5,673,720 2,372,326 64,173 83,308 607,912

1,547,636 48,691,544 50,239,180 53,926,359 19,993,242 124,158,781 $134,006,120


Year Ended December 31, 2007 (With Comparative Totals for 2006) - 2007 - Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Revenue and Support: Contributions $5,617,466 $13,320,431 $1,536,891 $20,474,788 Project Grants 34,065,277 34,065,277 Sponsorship Revenue 4,221,718 1,025,000 5,246,718 Conference Fees 13,457,196 155,561 13,612,757 Investment income (loss) 5,538,372 5,538,372 Seminar Fees 4,635,671 4,635,671 Rental Income 166,842 166,842 Other 269,790 23,511 293,301 Net assets released from restrictions 45,996,881 (45,996,881) - -

Total 2006 $18,927,164 23,668,003 2,825,241 10,618,391 5,483,803 3,711,578 192,493 411,590 -

Total revenue and support 79,903,936 2,592,899 1,536,891 84,033,726 Expenses: Program services Policy Programs 28,227,560 - - 28,227,560 Public Programs 2,891,670 - - 2,891,670 Campus Activities 14,708,066 - - 14,708,066 Seminars 1,918,496 - - 1,918,496 Global Leadership Network 3,287,416 - - 3,287,416 Other restricted programs 1,362,940 - - 1,362,940







Supporting services General and administrative 8,789,475 - - 8,789,475 Fundraising and development 1,673,263 - - 1,673,263 Total Expenses 62,858,886 - - 62,858,886 Change in Net Assets 17,045,050 2,592,899 1,536,891 21,174,840 Net Assets: Beginning 50,239,180 53,926,359 19,993,242 124,158,781 Ending $67,284,230 $56,519,258 $21,530,133 $145,333,621

21,029,939 1,318,978 12,978,420 1,822,905 1,938,240 303,115

8,535,512 1,721,587 49,648,696 16,189,567 107,969,214 $124,158,781


Society of Fellows as of December 31, 2007 Gold Leaf Society ($50,000 and above)

President’s Society ($10,000)

Greg Amadon

The Acorn Foundation

Matthew and Kay Bucksbaum

Nancy Albertini

A. Huda and Samia Farouki


Gordon and Carole Segal

Ambassador and Mrs. Stuart Bernstein

Chairman’s Society ($25,000)

Charles and Bunny Burson

Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson

Pamela C. Alexander

Michael Klein and Joan Fabry

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barksdale

Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard R. Andlinger and Family Anonymous

Roland and Dawn Arnall

Chuck Bellock and Madeleine Morrison Roy and Merilee Bostock

Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy Mitch and Cindy Caplan Donald Drapkin Katie Ford

David and Sheila Fuente

Alston Gardner and Barbara Lee Gideon and Sarah Gartner Barbara L. Goldsmith

Diane Halle – The Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation Susan Horsey

Walter and Cathy Isaacson Toby Devan Lewis

Dr. and Mrs. Vijay Mallya

Scott D. Miller and Tara Carson Robert Pew

Kelli and Allen Questrom

The Helen and Nelson Urban Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Zwan

Richard and Susan Braddock C. E. and S. Foundation

Gustavo Cisneros and Patricia Phelps-Cisneros

Bonnie McElveen-Hunter

Denny and Marty McGuire James R. McManus

Willem and Lisa Mesdag Diane L. Morris

Judith E. Neisser

Robert and Lexie Potamkin Nancy and Miles Rubin Michael and Cari Sacks Vicki and Roger Sant

Carl and Peggy Sewell Muriel Siebert

Charles A. Clarkson

Michelle Smith

Jan and Neal Dempsey

The Steel Partners Foundation

Nancy and David Donovan

Laurie M. Tisch

Richard and Gail Elden

Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Wight, Jr.

Judith Estrin

Jeffrey and Valerie Wilpon

Jim and Karen Frank

Dee and Charles Wyly

Morton and Norma Lee Funger Marilyn and Michael Glosserman

Barbara and David Zalaznick

Luke and Mary Crosland

Marc and Jane Sparks

Martin and Julie Doerschlag

Joel D. and Shelley Tauber

E. Llwyd and Diana Ecclestone

Jeffrey and Jill Weiss

Richard Elman

Fred and Judy Wilpon

Shannon and Richard Fairbanks

Diane Wolf*

Jessica and John Fullerton

Cheryl and Sam Wyly

James R. Hedges, IV

Aspen Leaf Society ($5000)

Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Irv and Ellen Hockaday

William J. Hunckler, III Irwin and Joan Jacobs

Suzie Katz (aka Suzie Katz Snyder) Katz Family Foundation

Bicky and George Kellner Laura and Gary Lauder

John W. and Lizbeth Adams Anonymous

Thomas and Molly Bedell John and Marsha Beeson

Luciano and Giancarla Berti

Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Bezos

George and Frayda Lindemann

Professor Robert Blattberg and Rebecca Donelson

Jim and Jean Lowrey

Gigi Brisson-Autry

Leon Lowenstein Foundation Marianne and Sheldon Lubar Holly and John Madigan

Victoria and Ronald Simms The Simms/Mann Family Foundation


Edward J. Mathias

Rita and Irwin Blitt

Susan and Robert Brown Lee and Jackie Browne

Richard and Camille Burke Martin and Ruth Carver

CASERVE Foundation

Susan Miller

Jon A. Anda

Phyllis and David Cook

Carlos and Claire Musso

Kim and Gloria Anderson

Bill and Claudia Coleman Patricia Cox

Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain

Susan Crown and Bill Kunkler Gary T. Crum

Elissa and Gary Davis

Alexander and Lorraine Dell

Elizabeth and Richard Dubin Richard Edwards

Jason and Kelly Elliott

Gail and Alfred Engelberg Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo Susan Gordy Epstein

The Honorable and Mrs. Melvyn J. Estrin

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Finger Harriet and Richard Gold

Jeanette and Jerry Goldstone John Graham and Lisa Wyly

Mandy Gray and Randy Work George and Margot Greig

Anthony and Joanne Guerrerio William and Candy Hamm

Mary Ann and James R. Harris

Irving Harris Foundation, Joan W. Harris Dr. James A. Heath

Bruce and Vicki Heyman

Mr. and Mrs. C. Hastings Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Kalman Alex Kaufman

Sylvia and Dick Kaufman

Dena Kaye and Richard Fallin Jeffrey L. Kenner

Sidney and Dorothy Kohl Lowell Lebermann

Perry and Abbe Lane Leff Karin Luter

Jeffrey Marcus

Carol S. Marks

David and Laurie Matthews Jan Miller and Jeffrey Rich

Bill and Sara Morgan

Marc and Jane Nathanson David Newberger

Sue and Jim Oates

Mike and Chris Pack Patricia M. Papper

Mary Ann and Lou Peoples

Simon Pinniger and Carolyne Roehm Dennis and Bettina Ratner

Arlene and Chester Salomon Mary and Patrick Scanlan

Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Ed Scott

Martin J. Sprinzen and Julie Nini Sue and Aziz Syriani

William and Laura Thomas

Dr. and Mrs. Roberta and Terry Turkat Alex and Angelina Vahabzadeh Tina A. Walls

Ginny L. Williams

Andrew Wyly and Leslie Caron

Kerstin E. Anderson Jim Aresty

Wendy Aresty

Dr. Lauren Arnold Alan Atterbury

Robert and Carol Auld

Fred and Genene Ayarza Becky Ayres

George and Lisa Baker

Marilyn and George L. Baker Mel and Hope Barkan

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bates

Ted Bell and Page Lee Hufty Bell Jim Bellinson

Arthur P. Bellis

Steve and Carrie Bellotti Norman Belmonte Rusty Bennett

Gilchrist B. Berg

Barbara and Bruce Berger

Christiana Wyly

Louis Berger and Robin Loewenberg Berger

Selim K. Zilkha and Mary Hayley

Adam and Tracy Bernstein

Paula Zurcher

Jill and Jay Bernstein

Fellows ($2500 - $3500)

David and Fay Bisno

Evan and Kim Wyly

Simon and Tina Beriro

Harriet and Jerome Zimmerman

Harriet and Howard Bernstein

Roger and Ginny Aaron

Fred and Penny Abrams John K. Adams

Jeffrey and Rita Adler

Michael and Suzanne Ainslie Dennis and Tracy Albers Kay Allaire

Mrs. Robert H. Allen (Judy) Carolyn Alper

Patricia Alper-Cohn

Paul and Tonya Alston Judi and Alan Altman

Archer and Sandie Bishop Rhonda Lynch Black Elaine and Bob Blatt

Merle Blitstein and Marlene Breslow-Blitstein Garrett and Diana Bouton Susan Bowey

Mark A. Bradley

Stuart and Lotta Brafman

Gabriel and Deborah Brener Frank and Eileen Bresnan

Charles and Ginny Brewer

Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Vicki Brooks


K. Dane and Carter Brooksher

T.J. and Dawn Demas

Marilyn and Larry Fields

Albert “Buzz” and Marian Brown

Maggie DeWolf

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Figge

Steven Brourman

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin I. Brown

Dr. John Brown and Dr. Susan Haviland Glenn and April Bucksbaum

William and Jessica Budinger Bob and Linda Buford Jacques R. Bughin

Ambassador and Mrs. William Cabaniss Tony and Terri Caine

David L. Caplan and Karen E. Wagner Robert Caplan and Carol Randolph Nancy and Clint Carlson Peter Carman

William Carrico and Suzan Woods Jason and Elizabeth Carter

Milton and Carolyn Caster

Merle C. Chambers and Hugh A. Grant David and Katherin Chase Debbie and David Chazen Gloria Christal

Rona and Jeffrey Citrin

Thomas and Linda Clark Christin Cleaver

Jim and Vicki Click Jeffrey Cohen

Joni Cohen and Morris Belzberg

Laurence Cohen and Suzanne Pfister Pamela Colbet Sally Cole

Tom and Noel Congdon Bette Cooper

Bunni and Paul Copaken Dale Coudert Carol Craig

Mr. Ian Cumming Charles Cunniffe Patrick Curry

Dr. Calvin Daks

Roy E. Davidson

Gary and Ellen Davis Mark and Yoly Davis Martin Davis

Nancy Dedman

Michael and Dudley Del Balso

Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberto Delgado


Seymon and Linda Deutsch Brian and Susan Dickie

Sidney and Barbara Dickstein Ronald and Carol Dietz Lucy Dikeou

Frances R. Dittmer Andy Dolce

Marcia and John Donnell Buzz and Carol Dopkin Rod and Jackie Drake

David and Holly Dreman Milton H. Dresner

Todd and Heather du Boef Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Andrew Dunigan Nancy S. Dunlap

Edward W. Easton

Jerrold and Margaret Eberhardt Marcy and Leo Edelstein Vlad Enache

Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Englander Marja Engler

Ted and Bess Enloe Jack Enoch

Ruthe and Heinz Eppler Don and Cinda Erdman Bruce Etkin

Bruce and Lenee Ezell

Charles and Sara Fabrikant

Jeanne and Sanford Fagadau Thomas H. Fagadau

Michael Fain and Judith Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Woods Fairbanks Anne Farish

Suzanne Farver and Clint Van Zee The Feintech Family Foundation Wendy Feintech

Herb and Kate Feinzig Anne and Alan Feld

Ann and Jim Feldstein Nora Feller

Joseph and Sherry Felson Gary and Patti Fenchuk Christy Ferer

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Field

Betsy and Jim Fifield

Richard and Susan Finkelstein Leo and Carol Fishman

Brian and Helen Fitzgerald Aaron and Barbara Fleck Alan H. Fleischmann Edmund Foran Merrill Ford

Rosemarie Forsythe J. Lou Fouts

Julie and Martin Franklin Stanford W. Freedman

Chuck and Marilyn Frias

Barry S. Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Katy and Adam Frisch

Alex and Nancy Furlotti

Shelby and Frederick Gans Richard Garvin Faith E. Gay

Larry and Kristen Gellman

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gendelman Norman H. Gershman

Gary and Virginia Gerst Betty S. Gerstley, M.D.

Judy and Lanny Gertler

David and Louise Gitlitz Richard Glasier

Michael Goldberg

Stephen Goldenberg Lynda Goldstein

Richard Goldstein

Susanne H. Goldstein

Mary Forte Goodman

Richard Goodwin and Elizabeth Atkins Andrea and Jim Gordon Gretchen M. Gorog

Thomas and Carol Gottlieb

Audrey and Arthur Greenberg

Lenore and Bernard Greenberg Dean L. Greenberg

Ronald and Jan Greenberg Peter Grenney

David and Joann Grimes Richard Grubman

Jack and Celeste Grynberg

Bob Jacobson and Joann Silverman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeBuhn

Donald and Allison Gulbrandsen

Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jelinek

Allen and Ethel Levantin

Mrs. Elizabeth Guenzel Gordon Gund Llura Gund

Stephen Gunther

Libby Cater Halaby

Carolyn and Ken Hamlet

Julia and Edward Hansen Steve and Sally Hansen Gordon A. Hardy

Mary Eshbaugh Hayes

Nikos and Alison Hecht Rueben L. Hedlund Lita W. Heller Susan Helm

Mr. Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr. Bush and Jamie Helzberg Casady Henry

Noelle and Cecil Hernandez Juliane Heyman

Jack D. Hidary Foundation Leslie and Paul Hilton Marli Hinckley Mary Hirsch

Paul J. Hoenmans and Judith Zee Steinberg Stanley A. Hoffberger

Joseph P. Jangro

Jane and John Jellinek Jim and Jane Jenkins

Steve and Teresa Johnson George and Sandy Kahle

Alayne and John B. Kane Benton Kastman

Marjorie C. Kastman

Jane and Gerald Katcher

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Katz

Ann and Stephen Kaufman Foundation George Kaye and Harriet Washton Jim Kelsey

Donald G. Kempf and Nancy Kempf Robert D. Kennedy Sarah Kennedy

Warren and Karen Kessler Jeffrey and Erica Keswin Robert J. Killian Stephen Kinney Jay I. Kislak

Helen Kalin Klanderud Melvyn N. Klein

Robert D. Klineman William H. Kling

Sharon and John Hoffman

Nancy Walker Koppelman and Lawrence Koppelman

Phyllis S. Hojel

Ruth Kruger

Alberta D. Hogg

David Hollander and Maya Ajmera Dan and Diane Honig

Roger and Carolyn Horchow Sam and Lisa Houston Bobbi-Ann Houtsma

Ken Hubbard and Tori Dauphinot

Mike and Carol Hundert/Norman M. Morris Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hunt Fern K. Hurst

Barbara and Pitt Hyde Carolyne Hyde

Mary Ann Hyde Liba Icahn

Irwin and Julanne Isaacson

Dorothy and Marvin Jacobs

Barbara Koval Alex Krys

Ms. Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu

Karla Kuban and John S. Gates Fred R. Kucker

John Kunzweiler and Julie LaNasa John and Constance Kurowski

Jonathan and Barbara Lee

Bruce and Karen Levenson

Theodore Levine and Lucia Swanson Pamela Levy and Rick Crandall Suzanne Leydecker

Jim and Dianne Light John S. Lillard

John N. Lilly and Katherine Moore-Lilly Lawrence H. Linden

Joaquin Ignacio Lizaso Alexander Lloyd

James and Nancy Loewenberg Bob Long and Wendy Larsen Tami Longaberger

Mona Look-Mazza

Courtney and Karen Lord Tom and Judy Love

Mary Ralph Lowe and Charlie Flanders Martha Luttrell Ann S. Lux

Lee and Joanne Lyon

Patty L. and Robert P. Mack William F. Mahoney Mrs. Wendy Makins

Nancy R. Manderson and William M. Coats Nancy Cain Marcus

Dr. Michael and Joan Marek Don and Barbara Margerum Marilyn R. Marks Susan Marks

Anne and Austin Marquis Gladys Martinez-Augello Rick and Lisa Mattaway Joanne Matthews

Marian and Leonard Lansburgh

Andrew and Laura McCullough Family Fund

Jay and Sally Lapeyre

James and Cynthia McGillen

Marcella Larsen

Sally and Bruce McMillen

Katherine Lawrence

Katherine Meier

Joan C. Lebach

Tom Melberg

Lawrence Ladin Rosanne Lapan

Brian G. McElwee

Ellen Larner

Jodie McLean

Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Lasater Jr.

Richard and Carolyn McRae, Jr.

Joel A. Leavitt and Gail Hano-Leavitt

Peter and Nancy Meinig


Alec and Gail Merriam

Jordon and Essie Perlmutter

Bernard J. Sadusky

Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker

Marian and Mike Peters

Elaine and Paul Sandler

Ms. Abby Meyer

Ellie and Robert Meyers

Donald and Priscilla Miller

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mitchell Marc and Shelah Moller Alexandra Morehouse

Michael and Chrissi Morgan Pat Morris

Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr. Mrs. Robin Heller Moss

David Muckenhirn and Karen Setterfield Robert and Marcie Musser Michael J. Myers

Stephanie and Michael Naidoff James and Ilene Nathan

Gary and Linda Nathanson Thomas H. Neel

Hermine and Maury Nessen Werner and Judith Neuman Stuart H. Newberger

Herb and Dianne Newman Jeannette T. Nichols Mark A. Nichols

Robert and Beverly Nichols

Peter Nicklin and Linda McCausland Dennis E. Nixon

Wally Obermeyer and Michelle Nadeau Peggy and Marne Obernauer Beth and Frank Oddo Janet C. O’Grady

Cavanaugh and Blanca O’Leary Susan Christine O’Neal Mark and Nedra Oren John E. Osborn

Cynthia Rosenbaum Ostroff Dr. Paul and Peggy Pace Lynda Palevsky

Arthur and Karen Pappas

Allen G. and Jean Lee Parelman Ann V. and Donald R. Parfet Patricia M. Patterson

Richard L. Pearlstone

Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Pearsall Susan and Paul Penn Amy Pennington


Tony and Terri Perry

Brooke Peterson and

Diane Tegmeyer-Peterson Mrs. Dion Peterson

James and Hensley Peterson

Linda and Eugene Pfeifer III David and Ali Phillips Pauline B. Pitt

M. Rees and Sara Poag

Aaron and Dorothy Podhurst Arnold and Diane Polinger

Marianne and Edward Pollak Arnold Porath Jan Porte

Joanne Post

Shirley and Fred Pryor Dr. R. Gerald Pugh

Kathryn and Richard Rabinow Eden Rafshoon

Edward and Ellen Randall Bob and Cobey Rapaport

David Readerman and Rita Burgess Nancy and George Records Joseph and Carol Reich Pixie and James Reiss Robert S. Rich

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Richards, Jr. Leonard and Peggy Riggs

Judy and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Arthur and Toni Rock

Arthur and Linda Rodbell

Ronald Rogers and Lisa Specht Lee Rone

Debbi Fields Rose and Michael Rose Pamela Jo Rosenau

Elaine and Marvin Rosenberg Robert A. Rosenfeld Nina Rosenwald Edwin M. Roth

Marcia and Phil Rothblum Sandy and Mark Rothman Gary and Judith Rubin

Jo Anne and Richard Rubinoff Cliff and Kathy Runge

Richard and Gail Sachson

Arthur and Pamela Sanders Thomas C. and Lois L. Sando

Mr. Marius and Dr. Claire Sanger John and Jan Sarpa

Joshua and Nina Saslove Mark Schapiro

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Schiff William O. Schmieder

Barbara and Gene Schmitt Debra Scholl

June and Paul Schorr

David and Alece Schreiber Dan and Lynda Schultz

General Brent Scowcroft Kelly Shaffer

Dhiren and Katherine Shah

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpe Todd Shaver

Joyce and Chuck Shenk Joyce Sher

D. Larry and Jane Sherman Martin J. Sherwin

Phyllis and Nathan Shmalo Lydie T. Shufro

Ruth Lande Shuman

Grafton Sieber and Adrianne Clingan Harriet Silverman

Mark and Nancy Silverman Richard Simon Sandra Simon Alan Sirkin

Aggie Skirball

Richard and Carolyn Sloane Beth K. Smith

Donald M. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smith Babette Sobel

Marc and Audrey Solomon Susan Sparks

Nancy Spears

Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Linda and Lee Spiegelman Melvin and Rita Spira Silbi Stainton

Gregg M. Steinberg

Ron and Phyllis Steinhart

Sandye Whitaker

Mr. Alan Fletcher

Alan and Joanie Stone

Brenda Wild and Tony Coia

Mr. Stephen Friedman

Paul and Gayle Stoffel Helen E. Stone Linda Stone

Fleur and Curt Strand

Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch Melanie Sturm

Ellen and Steve Susman Marcy Syms

Cheryl and Peter Tague Eleanor V. Talbot Curtis Tamkin

Jack W. Theimer

Shelly and Pete Thigpen Susan Thomas

Bill and Anne Tobey Charles Toll

Jon Paul and Stephanie Toppino Dennis and Joanna Trescott

Diane Troderman and Harold Grinspoon Justin Udelhofen

Tom and Mary Urban Thomas van Straaten Dennis H. Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Verleger Daniel and Meryle Verner Debra Viall

Sue J. and Richard W. Volk Peter M. Waanders

Christopher V. Walker Louise Walker-Resor

Charles and Nancy Wall Bill Wallace

Christopher English Walling John and Carol Walter Carolyn F. Walton

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wandell William Wayne

Jay and Marnie Webster

Rabbi Martin and Karen Weiner Myriam Weinstein J. Fred Weintz, Jr. Betty Weiss

Lantz and Laura Welch

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wellek Steve and Lydia Whipple

Donna L. Wiedinmyer Jack Wilke

Douglas A. Wilson

Ambassador and Mrs. Philip D. Winn Samuel and Linda Winn Ruth Winter

Robin S. Wittlin

Jaqueline Wogan

William J. Wolfe and Carolyn Edenbaum Jane and Dennis Woodhouse Alan and Irene Wurtzel Dick and Judy Wyman Joan and Karl Zeisler Leo and Judy Zickler

Harold and Mary Zlot Pamela Zuker

Trustee Fellows

The Honorable Henrietta Holsman Fore Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Ambassador Mircea Geoana Mr. David R. Gergen

Mrs. Alma L. Gildenhorn Mr. Jamshyd Godrej

Mrs. Jacqueline Grapin Mr. Gerald Greenwald Mr. Patrick W. Gross Mr. Arjun Gupta

Dr. Sidney Harman Mr. Hayne Hipp

Mr. Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Mr. Gerald Hosier

Mrs. Nina Rodale Houghton Mrs. Ann Frasher Hudson

Judge Shirley M. Hufstedler Mr. Jerome Huret

Dr. Madeleine K. Albright

Mr. Robert Hurst

Mr. Paul F. Anderson

Mr. Walter Isaacson

Mrs. Mercedes Bass

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger

Mr. Berl Bernhard

Mr. David H. Koch

Mr. Robert O. Anderson*

Ambassador Robert S. Ingersoll

Mr. Raymond Barre*

Mr. William N. Joy

HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan

Mr. Yotaro Kobayashi

Mr. Keith Berwick

The Honorable Ann McLaughlin Korologos

The Honorable John Brademas Mr. William D. Budinger Mr. James C. Calaway Mr. Lisle C. Carter, Jr.

Professor Stephen L. Carter Mr. Henry E. Catto

Mr. William T. Coleman, Jr. Mr. Lester Crown

Mr. F. Peter Cundill

Ms. Andrea Lee Cunningham Mr. Tarun Das

Mr. William L. Davis Mr. Alfred J. Dietsch Mr. John L. Doerr

Mr. William H. Donaldson Dr. Sylvia A. Earle

Mr. Michael D. Eisner

Mr. James L. Ferguson Mr. Leonhard Fischer

Mr. Timothy K. Krauskopf Mr. Leonard A. Lauder Mr. Gerald M. Levin

The Honorable Frederic V. Malek Mr. Robert H. Malott

Mr. James M. Manyika Mr. John P. Mascotte

Mr. William E. Mayer

Mrs. Bonnie P. McCloskey

The Honorable Robert S. McNamara Mrs. Anne W. McNulty Mr. Olivier Mellerio

Mrs. Eleanor Merrill Mr. Karlheinz Muhr Mrs. Clare Muñana

Mrs. Elinor Bunin Munroe Mr. Jerry Murdock

Mr. Roberto Murray


Mr. William A. Nitze

Mr. Peter A. Reiling

Mr. Phillips Talbot

Mr. Olara A. Otunnu

The Honorable Warren B. Rudman

Mr. Solomon D. Trujillo

Her Majesty Queen Noor His Excellency Hisashi Owada Dr. Elaine Pagels

Mr. Michel Pebereau

Mr. John J. Phelan, Jr.

Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering Lord Charles Powell

The Honorable Michael K. Powell Mrs. Margot Pritzker

Mrs. Lynda Resnick Mr. Jay Sandrich

Mr. Lloyd G. Schermer

Mr. Carlo Scognamiglio Mr. Isaac O. Shongwe Mr. Albert H. Small

Ms. Kathy D. Smith Mr. Robert K. Steel

Mr. Andrew L. Stern

Professor Giulio Tremonti Mr. Paul A. Volcker

Mr. Roderick K. von Lipsey The Honorable Vin Weber Mr. Leslie H. Wexner

Mr. Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. Mrs. Dolores D. Wharton

Mr. Frederick B. Whittemore Alice Young, Esq.

* Deceased

Aspen Wye Fellows Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batza Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Horstman

Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bracy

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hubis

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peck

Mr. and Mrs. Duane W. Beckhorn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carroll Dr. Brian J. Corden

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Doddridge Mr. and Mrs. Carl Doll

Capt. and Mrs. Ervin R. Easton Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Elson Mr. and Mrs. George Foss

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gilson Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Griffith Ambassador and Mrs. Anthony S. Harrington Ms. Katherine A. Harting Mr. Rob Harvey

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hermance


Mrs. Nina Rodale Houghton

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Keefer Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Kershow

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Kittredge

Drs. Patricia and Donald Langenberg Dr. and Mrs. Donald T. Lewers Mr. Arthur Maonde Mr. Richard Marks

Mr. and Mrs. John Mathis Mrs. Susanne W. Max

Mr. and Mrs. George V. McGowan Mrs. Jean C. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neviaser Dr. and Mrs. Trent Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Patten

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ringler

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Spire Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stoltz

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tilghman Drs. Ann and Charles Webb

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Webster Mr. and Mrs. John Welch

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitmore

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Wyman Ms. Magenta C. Yglesias

Individual Donors Barbara and Bruce Berger

Roger and Ginny Aaron

Alan Atterbury

BJ and Michael Adams

Robert and Carol Auld

Louis Berger and Robin Loewenberg Berger

The Honorable Scott Avedisian

Mr. and Mrs. William Berkman

Ms. Merribel Ayres

Adam and Tracy Bernstein

Thomas H. Baer

Harriet and Howard Bernstein

Stacy M Bagliore

Mrs. Tracy Bernstein

Fred and Penny Abrams

Ms. Donna M. Auguste Lonnie Autry

Simon and Tina Beriro

Ms. Rebecca Ayres

Mr. and Mrs. Berl Bernhard

Joe and Helen Badt

Ambassador and Mrs. Stuart Bernstein

Mr. Brian C. Baer

Jill and Jay Bernstein Howard Bernstein

Nancy Albertini

Ms. Zoe Baird and Professor Paul Gewirtz

Pamela C. Alexander

Marilyn and George L. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bezos

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balogh

Dr. and Ms. Graham T. Allison

Ms. Ana Maria Barella

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Almy

Michael Fain and Judith Barnard

David I. Cohn and Patricia Alper-Cohn

Ms. Mae I. Barry

Berle Blitstein and Marlene Breslow-Blitstein

Paul and Tanya Alston

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bates

Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Altman

Mr. A. G. Battle

Mr. Richard C. Blum and Senator Dianne Feinstein

Greg Amadon

Bob Beattie

Jon A. Anda

Rheda Becker

Kim and Gloria Anderson

Thomas and Molly Bedell

Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Anderson

Mr. James Beldock

Ms. Cinthia R. Andrews

Jim Bellinson

Jim Aresty

Chuck Bellock and Madeleine Morrison

Dawn and *Roland Arnall

Joni Cohen and Morris Belzberg

Ms. Elizabeth Atkins

Gilchrist B. Berg

John and Lizbeth Adams John K. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Adams Jeffrey and Rita Adler Mr. Olesegun Aganga

Carolyn and Mark Ain

Michael and Suzanne Ainslie Mr. Roland Akosah

Dennis and Tracy Albers

Luciano and Giancarla Berti

Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Bezos

Dr. Madeleine K. Albright

George and Lisa Baker

Kay Allaire

Mrs. Lisa Baker

Mr. Anthony Allgood

Mr. Keith Banks

Ms. Linda Allsopp

Mr. and Mrs. James Barksdale

Carolyn Alper

Rebecca and *Harry W. Barrick

Mr. Daniel Alpert

Mercedes T. and Sid R. Bass

Rita and Irwin Blitt

Judi and Alan Altman

Cornelia G. Bates

Lawrence C. and Susan M. Blount

Mr. Eric Altman

Mr. Walter F. Bauer

Joseph and Deborah Amato

John T. Beaty and Ms. Anne Mehringer

Kerstin E. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Duane W. Beckhorn

Gloria Anderson

John and Marsha Beeson

Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard R. Andlinger

Mr. Laurence D. Belfer

Mr. Paul Applegarth

Arthur P. Bellis

Wendy Aresty

Norman Belmonte

Dr. Lauren Arnold

Rusty Bennett

Mr. Wayne L. Bildahl

Archer and Sandie Bishop Rhonda Lynch Black

Ms. Kimme Isaiah Black Elaine and Bob Blatt Mr. William Bleeker

Mr. Norman R. Bobins

Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. Cory A. Booker

Ms. Roberta T. Borchers

Roy and Merilee Bostock

Garrett and Diana Bouton Clyde Bowles

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bracy

Richard and Susan Braddock

The Honorable and Mrs. John Brademas Mark A. Bradley

Martha M. Brady

Stuart and Lotta Brafman

Mr. and Mrs. Anders Brag Mr. Louis Brandt

Gabriel and Deborah Brener


Dr. Daniel M Brener

Beverly A. Campbell

Mr. and Ms. Lawrence M. Cohen

Frank and Eileen Bresnan

Mr. Hugh Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cohen

Ms. Marlene Breslow-Blitstein Charles and Ginny Brewer

Mr. Alfred Campos

Claude F. Brice

The Honorable Gaston Caperton and Dr. Idit Caperton

Douglas G. Brinkley

Robert Caplan and Carol Randolph

Gigi Brisson-Autry

Nancy and Clint Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brod

Ms. Rozalyn Carnel-Weiss

Ms. Sara Bronfman

William Carrico and Suzan Woods Carrico

Dr. and Mrs. James Kowalski Ms. Nina Brink

David L. Caplan and Karen E. Wagner

Mr. James W. Brinkley

Mr. Richard Careaga

Ms. Mary Jane Hipp Brock

Peter Carman

Mrs. Nicole Brodsky

Leslie Caron

Vicki Brooks

Ms. Laurene B. Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brooks K. Dane and Carter Brooksher Steven Brourman

Albert “Buzz” and Marian Brown Dr. John S. Brown and Dr. Susan Haviland

Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carroll Ms. Tara Carson

Jason and Elizabeth Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Carver Dr. Milton and Carolyn Caster

The Honorable and Mrs. Henry E. Catto

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brown Jr.

Lisa Ceremsak

Marian Brown

David and Katherin Chase

Lee and Jackie Browne

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cheffy

Ms. Melva Bucksbaum and Mr. Raymond J. Learsy

Mr. Andrew Cheskis

Mr. William D. Budinger

Ms. Anneliese Chumley

Susan Brown

Merle C. Chambers and Hugh A. Grant

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown

Debbie and David Chazen

Matthew and Kay Bucksbaum

Ms. Micki Chen

Mr. and Mrs. John Bucksbaum William and Jessica Budinger

Evan and Irene Chrapko Gloria Christal

Mrs. Angela Hunt Cianfrani

Jacques R. Bughin

Gustavo Cisneros and Patricia Phelps-Cisneros

Rita Burgess

Thomas and Linda Clark

Ms. Shelley Burke and Mr. Al Nemoff

Charles A. Clarkson

Charles and Bunny Burson

Christin Cleaver

Ambassador and Mrs. William Cabaniss

Grafton Sieber and Adrianne Clingan

Jim Calaway

Nancy R. Manderson and William M. Coats

Bob and Linda Buford

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Buniski

Rona and Jeffrey Citrin

Richard and Camille Burke

Ms. Teresa H. Clarke

Mr. and Ms. Walter E. Burlock Jr.

Mr. Stan Clauson

Mr. Gary G. Busacca

Jim and Vicki Click

Terri and Tony Caine

Angela Clinton

Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Calian M. Laurie Cammisa, Esq.


Mr. and Mrs. William R. Campbell

Jeffrey Cohen

Laurence Cohen and Suzanne Pfister

Mr. Earl Cohen

Ms. Joan Cohen

Mr. Gary B. Cohen David I. Cohn

Brenda Wild and Tony Coia

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colavito Sally Cole

Claudia and Bill Coleman Ms. Deborah A. Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Coleman Jr. Mr. Charles T. Collins

Ms. Michelle L. Collins Diane Collison

Dr. Arturo Condo

Tom and Noel Congdon Ms. Valerie M. Conn

David and Phyllis Cook Bette Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper Bunni and Paul Copaken Doug Cordell

Dr. Brian J. Corden Mr. Alfonso Correa

Mr. E. Gerald Corrigan Dale Coudert Patricia Cox Carol Craig

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig Dr. John T. Craighead

Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain Mr. Richard Crandall and Mrs. Pamela Levy

Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Crosland

Laurie Crown and Rick Ortega

Susan Crown and William Kunkler Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crown Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Gary T. Crum

Mr. F. Peter Cundill Charles Cunniffe

Ms. Andrea Cunningham and Mr. Rand Siegfried Patrick Curry

Mr. James Curtis

Mr. John D. Danilovich

Ms. Allison M. Danner and Mr. John W. Danner Ms. Willow Darsie Ms. Hailey Dart

Mr. and Mrs. Tarun Das Ms. Tori Dauphinot Roy E. Davidson

Mr. Don Davidson Sara J. Davidson Nancy Davidson

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davies Elissa and Gary Davis Martin Davis

Sally J. Davis, Esq. Ms. Amy Davis

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Mrs. Lynn F. de Rothschild Nancy Dedman

Mr. and Mrs. James DeFrancia

Michael and Dudley Del Balso Soledad DeLeon Hurst

Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberto Delgado Alexander and Lorraine Dell T.J. and Dawn Demas

Jan and Neal Dempsey Ms. Joan Dempsey

Seymon and Linda Deutsch Ms. Anne B. Devereux Maggie DeWolf

Dr. and Mrs. John Di Biaggio Dr. Mothomang Diaho

Brian and Susan Dickie

Sidney and Barbara Dickstein Ronald and Carol Dietz Mrs. LeaRaye Digiglia Lucy Dikeou

Mr. Barry Diller

Ms. Debbie Dingell Frances R. Dittmer

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Doddridge Mr. and Ms. John L. Doerr

Martin and Julie Doerschlag Andy Dolce

Mr. and Ms. William H. Donaldson Marcia and John Donnell

Nancy and David Donovan

Buzz and Carol Dopkin

Don and Cinda Erdman

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Draft Rod and Jackie Drake

The Honorable and Mrs. Melvyn J. Estrin

David and Holly Dreman

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Evans Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Lance F. Drummond

Bruce and Lenee Ezell

Antonia Paepcke DuBrul

Jeanne and Sanford Fagadau

Ms. Jennifer DuBrul

Mr. Michael Fain and Ms. Judith Barnard

Mr. Paul W. Douglas

Judy Estrin

William and Martha Drake

Bruce Etkin

Milton H. Dresner

Jeanette W. Evans

Todd and Heather du Boef

Sara and Charles Fabrikant

Mr. Stephen M. Dubrul Jr.

Thomas H. Fagadau

Tracey Duhig

Ms. Julie Dumke

Mr. and Mrs. Arne Duncan Andrew Dunigan Nancy S. Dunlap

Dr. Sylvia A. Earle Edward W. Easton

Capt. and Mrs. Ervin R. Easton USN (Ret.)

Jerrold and Margaret Eberhardt

E. Llwyd and Diana Ecclestone Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eckert Marcy and Leo Edelstein Ms. Sue Edelstein

Carolyn Edenbaum

Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson Richard Edwards

Jane and Michael Eisner

Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Elbaum Richard and Gail Elden

Mr. John R. Elkins and Ms. Susan Kaye Jason and Kelly Elliott Richard Elman

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Elson Vlad Enache

Gail and Alfred Engelberg Linda and Alan Englander Marja Engler

Ted and Bess Enloe

Dr. Harriett H. Ennis Jack Enoch

Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo Ruthe and Heinz Eppler Susan Gordy Epstein Mr. David Epstein

Mr. and Mrs. Woods Fairbanks

Shannon and Richard Fairbanks Anne F. Farish

Ms. Katherine Farley

Samia and A. Huda Farouki Mr. Tarek Farouki

Suzanne Farver and Clint Van Zee Wendy Feintech

Mr. Herbert Feinzig and Dr. Kathleen McGinniss-Feinzig Anne and Alan Feld Greg Feldman

Dr. Daniel E. Feldman

Ann and Jim Feldstein

Gary and Patti Fenchuk Mr. Lex Fenwick Christy Ferer

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson Mr. Esteban A. Ferrer

Mr. Michael W. Ferro Jr. and Jacqueline Ferro Marilyn and Larry Fields Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fifield

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Findlay

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Finger Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fink

Richard and Susan Finkelstein Leo and Carol H. Fishman

Brian and Helen Fitzgerald Charlie Flanders

Aaron and Barbara Fleck Alan H. Fleischmann

Mr. Alan Fletcher and Mr. Ron Schiller Edmund Foran Katie Ford


Merrill Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giancarlo

Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Griffith

Mr. and The Honorable Richard L. Fore Mr. Len Forman

The Honorable Joseph B. Gildenhorn and Mrs. Alma L. Gildenhorn

Diane Troderman and Harold Grinspoon

Mr. and Mrs. George Foss

Mr. Jerome Ginsberg

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Foster

Richard Glasier

J. Lou Fouts

Marilyn and Michael Glosserman

Dr. Edmund Frank

Mr. and Mrs. John Gold

Cecily Freedman

Michael A. Goldberg

Chuck and Marilyn Frias

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Goldenberg

Mr. Stephen Friedman

Ms. Melinda Goldrich

Katy and Adam Frisch

Lynda Goldstein

Ms. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr

Susanne H. Goldstein

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fullerton

Gerald H. Goldstein

Alex and Nancy S Furlotti

Mary Forte Goodman

Mr. Michael Gallagher

Andrea and Jim Gordon

Shelby and Frederick Gans

Gretchen M. Gorog

Mrs. Sarah Gartner and Mr. Gideon I. Gartner

Thomas and Carol Gottlieb

Dr. Sidney Harman and The Honorable Jane Harman

John S. Gates

Mr. Dennis Grant Mandy Gray

Ms. Marilyn Hill Harper

Ms. Merrilie Ford

Rosemarie Forsythe

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gilson

Colonel and Mrs. James B. Foster, (Ret.)

David and Louise Gitlitz

Jeanne K. Foster

Mr. Lawrence D. Glaubinger

Jim and Karen Frank

Professor Carol Gluck

Stanford W. Freedman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Gold

Mr. and Mrs. Owen O. Freeman

Stephen Goldenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Friedberg

Mr. Neal Goldman

Golda and Sheldon Friedstein

Barbara Goldsmith

David and Sheila Fuente

Richard C. Goldstein

Mr. Richard S. Fuld Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldstein

Morton and Norma Lee Funger

Jeannette and Jerry Goldstone

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Furst

Richard Goodwin and Elizabeth Atkins

Mary Galvin

Mrs. Leticia Gordon

Alston Gardner and Barb Lee

Zelma P. Gossard

Richard Garvin

Dr. Henry L. Gates Faith E. Gay

Mr. Vasil Gechev

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Geist Larry and Kristen Gellman

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gendelman Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gergen Norman H. Gershman

Gary and Virginia Gerst Betty S. Gerstley, M.D.

Judy and Lanny Gertler Ms. Ann Getty


Mr. Jay Coen Gilbert

Lisa Wyly and John Graham

Dean L. Greenberg

Lenore and Bernard Greenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Greenwald Ms. Gretchen Greenwood

Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Gregorio George and Margot Greig Margaret Ann Greig Peter Grenney

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Schoen Elizabeth Griffith

David and Joann Grimes

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gross Richard L Grubman

Mrs. Louise Grunwald

Jack and Celeste Grynberg Mrs. Elizabeth Guenzel

Anthony and Joanne Guerrerio

Donald and Allison Gulbrandsen Gordon Gund Agnes Gund

Stephen Gunther Mr. Arjun Gupta

Mr. Morton Gurrentz

Ms. Stacey M. Hadash McDonell Libby Cater Halaby

Mr. and Mrs. Clif C. Haley Jr. Robert L. Hall

Ms. Teresa L. Hall Mrs. Diane Halle Dr. Jan Hamilton

Carolyn and Ken Hamlet

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hamm III Mrs. Margot Hampleman Mrs. Gail Hano-Leavitt

Julia and Edward Hansen Steve and Sally Hansen Mr. Paul Harbaugh Gordon A. Hardy

Mr. Encislav Harmandjiev Joan W. Harris

James and Mary Ann Harris Mr. Ronald L. Harris

Ms. Katherine A. Harting

William A. Haseltine Ph.D. N.H. Hashem

Susan Haviland

Mary Eshbaugh Hayes

Mr. Denis Hayes and Ms. Martha Keller Mr. Thomas Healey Dr. James A. Heath

Nikos and Alison Hecht James R. Hedges IV

Reuben L. Hedlund

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Horstman

Sis and Hasty Johnson

Mrs. Peggy Heim

Jerry Hosier and Annie Dupont

Mrs. Teresa Johnson

Mei Li and Robert A. Hefner, III Thomas M. Heiser Nancy S. Heiser Lita W. Heller

Mr. and Mrs. Morton Heller Susan Helm

Bush and Jamie Helzberg

Mr. Barnett C. Helzberg Jr. Casady M. Henry

Mr. Lloyd Herman

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hermance

Beth C. Horstman

Ms. Cindy Houben

Nina Rodale Houghton

Mr. James R. Houghton Sam and Lisa Houston Lisa Houston

Bobbi-Ann Houtsma

Kenneth Hubbard and Tori Dauphinot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hubis

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Seth M Hufstedler

Bruce and Vicki Heyman

The Honorable and Mrs. Harry R. Hughes

Mr. Scott A. Hicks

Mike and Carol Hundert

Mr. Norbert S. Hill Jr.

Ms. Nancy Hunter

Noelle and Cecil Hernandez Juliane Heyman

William J. Hunckler III

Mr. Phillip Hildebrand

Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hunt

The Honorable and Mrs. John F. Hillen III

Mr. Paul E. Hurley

Leslie and Paul Hilton

Barbara and Pitt Hyde

Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Hills Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Hipp

Fern K. Hurst

Robert and Soledad Hurst Carolyne Hyde

Mary Ann Hyde

Mr. Peter S. Hirshberg

Mrs. Barbara Hyde and Mr. Joseph R. Hyde

Irv and Ellen Hockaday

Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Icahn

Dr. Michael and Mary Hirsch Ms. Mellody L. Hobson

Liba Icahn

Ann V. Hodges

Ambassador and Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll

Paul J. Hoenmans and Judith Zee Steinberg

Ms. Morenike Irvin

Stanley A. Hoffberger

Irwin and Julanne Isaacson

Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoffman

Dorothy and Marvin Jacobs

Ms. Anneliese Hoffmann

Bob Jacobson and Jo Ann Silverman

L’Louise Hoffman

Walter and Cathy Isaacson

Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman

Mr. Benjamin R. Jacobs

Alberta D. Hogg

Mr. Neil Jacobstein and Dr. Rona Z. Silkiss

Phyllis S. Hojel

Colonel and Mrs. Robert A. Holden, (Ret.) Joann H. Holden

Mr. Paul R. Holland

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Honig

Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Hoon, Esq. Mr. Mark S. Hoplamazian

Roger and Carolyn Horchow Susan H. Horsey

Steve and Teresa Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Mr. John S. Johnson III Dorothy Jonas

Mr. Allan K. Jonas

Warren and Kathleen Jones Daniel Jones Lisa Jones

Bill N. Joy

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jubin Ms. Mary E. Junck

George and Sandy Kahle

Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Kalman Gus Kaloudis

Alayne and John B. Kane Mr. Seth M. Kaplowitz Benton Kastman

Marjorie C. Kastman

Jane and Gerald Katcher

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Katz Mrs. Dasa Katz

Mr. Michael Kauffman Alex Kaufman

Sylvia and Dick Kaufman

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kaufman Donald Kay

Dena Kaye and Richard Fallin

George Kaye and Harriet Washton

Ms. Susan Kaye and Mr. John R. Elkins The Honorable Thomas H. Kean Ms. Lauren Kearns

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Keating

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keene Bicky and George Kellner Mr. Peter B. Kellner

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Kelly

Rusty and John Jaggers

Regina A. Kelly

Joseph P. Jangro

Jim Kelsey

Ms. June Jasen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kendall

Jane and John Jellinek

Sarah Kennedy

Dr. Richard M. Jennings

Jeffrey L. Kenner

Rusalene Jaggers

Mr. James Kelly

Mrs. Roe Jasen

Donald G. Kempf and Nancy Kempf

Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jelinek

Lisa See Kendall

Jim and Jane Jenkins

Robert E. Kennedy Jr.


Richard Kent

Mr. James H. Lambright

John N Lilly and Katherine Moore-Lilly

Freia and Warren Kershow

Dr. Donald Langenberg and Dr. Patricia Langenberg

Mrs. Dana Linden

Warren and Karen Kessler

Rosanne Lapan

Mr. Scott Kepner and Mrs. Melissa Kepner Kathryn L. Kershow

Jeffrey and Erica Keswin Miss Humda Khan

Vinod and Neeru Khosla Robert J. Killian

Mr. Michael Kim

Mr. Stephen Kinney

Ms. Carole J. Kirschner Jay I. Kislak

Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kissinger Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Kittredge Helen Kalin Klanderud

Joan Fabry and Michael Klein Melvyn N. Klein

Mrs. Susan Klein

Mr. and Mrs. George Klein Robert D. Klineman William H. Kling

Mr. and Mrs. Yotaro Kobayashi Mr. and Mrs. David H. Koch Sidney and Dorothy Kohl

Mr. Lawrence Koppelman and Mrs. Nancy Walker Koppelman

The Honorable Ann Korologos and The Honorable Tom Korologos Barbara Koval

Dr. James Kowalski and Dr. Anne A. Brewer

Mr. Timothy K. Krauskopf and Ms. Mele Howland


Sheila S. Lanahan

Marian and Leonard Lansburgh Jay and Sally Lapeyre Mrs. Lois Lapidus

Ms. Mary A. Laraia Ellen Larner

Marcella Larsen Wendy Larsen

Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Lasater Jr. Mollie L. Lasater

Ms. Hyunja Laskin

Doris and Bob Latousek Laura and Gary Lauder

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder Katherine Lawrence Stacey Lawson

Mr. Thomas H. Layton

Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Layton Ms. Lauren Leader-Chivee

Mr. and Ms. Raymond J. Learsy

Joel A. Leavitt and Gail Hano-Leavitt Joany Lebach

Lowell H. Lebermann Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeBuhn Jonathan and Barbara Lee

Perry and Abbe Lane Leff

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lerman Allen and Ethel Levantin

Bruce and Karen Levenson Ms. Marie-Christine Levet

Karen Kribs

Theodore Levine and Lucia Swanson

Mr. and Ms. Noel Kroncke

Ms. Bonnie Levinson

Ms. Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu

Mr. Glenn Levy and Ms. Alexa Person

Fred and Ellen Kucker

Milton Lewin

Larry B. Kugler

Suzanne Leydecker

John and Constance Kurowski

Mr. Andrew Liebhafsky

Mr. Richard Lai

John S. Lillard

Ms. Maggie Kromer

Lynne and Dan Levinson

Alex Krys

Pamela Levy and Rick Crandall

Karla Kuban

Dr. and Mrs. Edward Lewin

David J. Kudish

Toby Devan Lewis

John Kunzweiler and Julie LaNasa

Mr. Dave Leyrer

Lawrence Ladin

Jim and Dianne Light

Lawrence H. Linden

Mr. Stace D Lindsay

Joaquin Ignacio Lizaso Mr. John L. Loeb Jr.

James and Nancy Loewenberg

Mrs. Robin Loewenberg Berger Bob Long and Wendy Larsen Paul M. and Mary A. Long Tami Longaberger

Mona Look-Mazza

Ms. Stacey D. Loomis

Courtney and Karen Lord Paula and Monty Loud Tom and Judy Love Joyce Y. Love

Dr. and Mrs. Ted W. Love

Mary Ralph Lowe and Charlie Flanders Marilyn Lowey

Jim and Jean Lowrey

Marianne and Sheldon Lubar Ms. Elisabeth S. Lulin

Mr. and Mrs. Fairleigh Lussky Joseph and Karin Luter Martha Luttrell Ann S. Lux

Mr. Michael R. Lynch Mac Dara Lynch

Lee and Joanne Lyon Ms. Lynne P. Mace

Carolyn and Scott MacGlashan Ms. Gay MacGregor

Patty L. and Robert P. Mack John Mack

Mr. and Mrs. Parker A. Maddux Mr. James Mader

John and Holly Madigan

Dr. and Ms. Robert Magoon Andrew Maguire

William F. and Amalia P. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mail Linda and Paul Makosky Marie and James Malaro The Honorable and Mrs. Frederic V. Malek

Dr. and Mrs. Vijay Mallya

Mrs. Rekha V. Mallya

James and Cynthia McGillen

Mr. and Mrs. John Morgridge

Ms. Nancy R. Manderson

Mr. and Mrs. George V. McGowan

Diane L. Morris

Mr. Robert H. Malott

Mr. David G. Manning

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Manyika Mr. and Mrs. John D. Marchi Dr. Nancy Cain Marcus Jeffrey Marcus Steve Marcus

Ms. Lucy P. Marcus

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Marek

Mr. and Mrs. Don Margerum Mr. Steve Mariotti

Ms. Catherine E. Markle Carol S. Marks

Marilyn R. Marks

Mr. Richard Marks

Bernadette Marquez

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Marquez Anne and Austin Marquis Mr. Donald B. Marron Mr. Peter Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martineau

Michael T. Martinez-Augello and Gladys Martinez-Augello Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mascotte Ms. L. Camille Massey Mrs. Marjorie Massing

Rick and Lisa Mattaway

Dr. Kathleen McGinniss-Feinzig

Mr. and Mrs. William R. McLaughlin Judith L. McLaughlin

Mr. Mario Morino Pat Morris

Richard M. Morrow

Ms. Jana McMahon

Ms. Charlotte Moss and Mr. Barry S. Friedberg

Betty Anne McManus

Dr. Eric L. Motley

Mr. Daniel McNamara

Ms. Clare Munana and Mr. John McCartney

Jodie McLean

James R. McManus

Robin Heller Moss

Sally and Bruce McMillen

Mr. and Mrs. Karlheinz Muhr

Mrs. Anne Welsh McNulty

Richard and Carolyn McRae

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Meehan Anne Mehringer

Peter and Nancy Meinig Tom Melberg

Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Mellerio Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Melville Gail and Alec Merriam

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Merriam Mrs. Eleanor Merrill

Lisa and Willem Mesdag Dr. Jamie F. Metzl Ms. Abby Meyer

Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker Ellie and Robert Meyers

Mrs. Margy E. Meyerson

Mr. and Mrs. George Munroe Dr. Donald Munson John Munthali

Mr. Jerry Murdock

Mr. Roberto Murray

Robert and Marcie Musser Carlos and Claire Musso Michael J. Myers

Mrs. Nancy T. Myers

Ms. Michelle Nadeau

Stephanie and Michael Naidoff James and Ilene Nathan

Marc and Jane Nathanson Thomas H. Neel Gael Neeson

Mrs. Judith E. Neisser

Mr. George R. Nelson*

David and Laurie Matthews

Ms. Laurie Michaels and Mr. David Bonderman

Norman Matthews

Donald and Priscilla Miller

Hermine and Maurice Nessen

Scott D. Miller and Tara Carson

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Neviaser

Ms. Linda Miller

Stuart H. Newberger

Priscilla Miller

Craig Newmark

Marc and Shelah Moller

Jeannette T. Nichols

Ms. Martha Nelson

Julienne Michel*

Ms. Lynn Nesbit

Jean C. Miller

Werner and Judith Neuman

Susan Miller

David Newberger

Jan Miller

Dianne and Herb Newman

Mr. John R. Moebius

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Newton Mark A. Nichols

Ms. Roberta McCoy

Mr. Joshua D. Mondry and Mrs. Beth Mondry

Terry McDonell

Katherine Moore-Lilly

Peter Nicklin

Brian G. McElwee

Sara and Bill Morgan

Joanne Matthews

Mrs. Susanne W. Max Arline G. Mayer

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mayer

Mona Look-Mazza and Tony Mazza Dr. Davy H. McCall

Mr. James McCarter

Peter Nicklin and Linda McCausland Bonnie and Tom McCloskey

David H. McCormick, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald

Dr. David Monsma

Ambassador Bonnie McElveen-Hunter

Alexandra Morehouse

Oliver G. McGee III

Mr. Ronnie Morgan

Robert and Beverly Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. Miller Nichols Ms. and Mr. Julie Nini Ms. Amy Nislow

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nitze


Dennis E. Nixon

Mr. William J. Patterson

Mr. Michael Quarshie

Lois S. Noonan

Richard L. Pearlstone

Kathryn and Richard Rabinow

Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Noonan Her Majesty Queen Noor

Ms. Jacqueline Novogratz

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oakes Sue and Jim Oates

Ms. Marsha O’Bannon

Wally Obermeyer and Michelle Nadeau Peggy and Marne Obernauer Ms. Barbara O’Connor Beth and Frank Oddo Mr. Thomas O’Gara

Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Pearsall Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peck Mrs. Delphine Peck

Susan and Paul Penn Amy Pennington

Mary Ann and Lou Peoples Ms. Polly Perkins

Jordon and Essie Perlmutter Tony and Teri Perry

Marian and Mike Peters

Mr. Dennis M. O’Hara

Brooke Peterson and Diane Tegmeyer-Peterson

George Ohrstrom

Mr. Peter G. Peterson

Mr. Nathan Olivarez Giles

Tom Petrie

John F. Olson

Ms. Sondra B. Pfeffer

Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Neill

Ms. Suzanne Pfister

Mr. Richard Ortega and Ms. Laurie Crown

David and Ali Phillips

Cynthia Rosenbaum Ostroff

Jody M. Pitsch

Janet C. O’Grady

Allen and Kelli Questrom

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rafshoon Ms. Marsha Ralls

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramondo Jr. Marie A. Ramondo

Edward and Ellen Randall Dr. Carol Randolph Ms. Sara Ransford

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rappaport Dennis and Bettina Ratner

David Readerman and Rita Burgess Nancy and George Records Mr. Jordan Rednor

Siobhan O’Harrow

James and Hensley Peterson

Cavanaugh and Blanca O’Leary

James Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Olson

Robert Pew

Mr. Peter A. Reiling and Ms. Denise M. Byrne

Marie O’Neill

Linda and Eugene Pfeifer III

Pixie and James Reiss

Mark and Nedra Oren

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Phelan Jr.

John E. Osborn

Mr. Olara A. Otunnu Jessica Owens

Ms. Ruth L. Owens

Dr. Paul and Peggy Pace *Linda Pace

Mike and Chris Pack Dr. Elaine Pagels Lynda Palevsky

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Papazian Patricia M. Papper

Allen G. and Jean Lee Parelman Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Parker

Simon Pinniger and Carolyne Roehm Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pippin Jr. Pauline B. Pitt Mr. Alan Platt

M. Rees and Sara Poag Ms. Kim K. Polese

Arnold and Diane Polinger

Marianne and Edward Pollak Mr. and Mrs. Leon Polsky Mr. Kyle Poole Arnold Porath Jan Porte

Joanne Post

Robert and Lexie Potamkin

Ms. Carol Parks

The Honorable and Mrs. Michael K. Powell

Debbi Patten

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Price Jr.

Patricia M. Patterson

Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker

Mr. Kevin T. Parker


Mr. Norman Pearlstine

Carolyn Parsons

Lord and Lady Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Patten

Delphine Priest

Ms. Patricia S. Patterson

Fred and Shirley Pryor

Ms. Joanna Rees

Joseph and Carol Reich Ms. Elese Reid

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reingold Ms. Toni Rembe

Mr. John W. Rendon

Mr. and Mrs. Markku E. Rentto Dr. Bill Resnick

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick Pamela Reynolds

Mr. William R. Rhodes

Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rhodes Ms. Lygeia Ricciardi

Jan Miller and Jeffrey Rich Robert S. Rich

Professor Myra Rich

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Richards Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Richardson Mrs. Rebecca Richardson Mr. Frank E. Richardson Ms. Valerie Richter

Leonard and Peggy Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ringler Mr. Peter J. Robertson

Judy and Emerson Robinson Jr. Mr. Kenneth G. Robinson Jr. Ms. Mary Robinson

Arthur and Toni Rock

Allison W. Rockefeller

Peter C. Rockefeller

Mark Schapiro

Grafton Sieber

Arthur and Linda Rodbell

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Schermer

Ms. Susan E. Siegel

Maya Rockeymoore, Ph.D. Ronald J Rogers and Lisa Specht Mr. and Mrs. Felix G. Rohatyn

Julia V. Schen

Professor and Mrs. James Scheuer Mr. and Mrs. David T. Schiff

Pamela Jo Rosenau

Ms. Karenna Gore Schiff and Mr. Andrew Schiff

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Rosenberg Jr.

Mr. Gerald Schlief

Mrs. Anne Rosenfeld

Mr. Edward Schmidt

Mr. David Rosenthal

Barbara and Gene Schmitt

Courtney Sale Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scholl

Mr. and Mrs. David Ross

David and Alece Schreiber

Marcia and Phil Rothblum

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schuerholz

Ms. Judy Royer

Dan and Lynda Schultz

Gary and Judith Rubin

Ms. Mimi Sclumberger

Jo Anne and Richard Rubinoff

Mr. William Seefert

Cliff and Kathy Runge

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Sener Jr.

Richard and Gail Sachson

Kelly Shaffer

Bernard J. Sadusky

Mr. Daniel Shapiro

Christine Sagar

Oliver and Erin Sharp

Mr. and Ms. A. Douglass Salter

Todd Shaver

Arthur and Pamela Sanders

Joyce and Chuck Shenk

Thomas C. and Lois L. Sando

Mrs. Barbara E. Sheridan

Mr. Marius and Dr. Clare Sanger

Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Sherwin

John and Jan Sarpa

Ms. Melanie Shorin

The Honorable and Mrs. John W. Sause Jr.

Lydie T. Shufro

Lee Rone

Muriel Siebert

Rand Siegfried

Mark and Nancy Silverman Ms. Jo Ann B. Silverman Mr. Gary R. Silverman

Elaine and Marvin Rosenberg

Mr. Ronald J. Schiller

Robert A. Rosenfeld

Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Schmid

Mr. Arthur Rosenstein

Mr. William O. Schmieder

Mr. David B. Singer and Ms. Diana E. Kapp

Mrs. Shirley Lord Rosenthal

Mr. and Ms. Douglas E. Schoen

Mr. Robert Sirkus

Mrs. Ferne Ross

June and Paul Schorr

Edwin M. Roth

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Schucker

Sandy and Mark Rothman

Linda J. Schuerholz

Ms. Mera Rubell

Sara Lee and Axel Schupf

Nancy and Miles Rubin

General Brent Scowcroft

Senator and Mrs. Warren B. Rudman

Carole and Gordon Segal

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Jr.

Carl and Peggy Sewell

Michael and Cari Sacks

Dhiren and Katherine Shah

Mrs. Edmond Safra

Ms. Tina B. Sharkey

Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Salomon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpe

Ms. Camille Samuels

Mr. Philip B. Sheibley

Elaine and Paul Sandler

Mr. Michael D. Sheridan

Linda and Jay Sandrich

D. Larry and Jane Sherman

Vicki and Roger Sant

Phyllis and Nathan Shmalo

Joshua and Nina Saslove

Mr. Thomas L. Shortall

Mary and Patrick Scanlan

Mr. Desmond Shum

Ruth Lande Shuman

Richard Simon

Sandra and Charles Simon Ms. Sandra E. Simpson

Alan Sirkin

Aggie Skirball Harry Sloan

Florence Sloan

Richard and Carolyn Sloane

Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small Beth K. Smith

Michelle Smith

Ms. Jane W. Smith Suzie Katz Snyder Babette Sobel

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Sobiloff Marc and Audrey Solomon Mr. David M. Solomon Marc and Jane Sparks Susan Sparks

Nancy Spears

Ms. Lisa Specht

Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Diana Davis Spencer Jerry I. Speyer

Linda and Lee Spiegelman Melvin and Rita Spira

Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Spire Mr. Frank Sportolari

Martin J. Sprinzen and Julie Nini Ms. Srinija Srinivasan Tim and Stainton

Elissavet Stamatopoulou - Robbins Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Stanton Ms. Tanai Starrs

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stay Ralph Steadman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steel


Dr. Jerry Stein

Jon Paul and Stephanie Toppino

Mr. Marcus D. Wedner

Gregg M. Steinberg

Mr. Thomas Triplett

Myriam Weinstein

Kenneth Shubin Stein Judith Zee Steinberg and Paul Hoenmans Ron and Phyllis Steinhart Mr. Andrew L. Stern

Mr. Bradley J. Stevenson and Ms. Heather E. Wooldridge Dr. Patricia Stocker

Gayle and Paul Stoffel Alan and Joanie Stone Helen E. Stone Linda Stone

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Stone Fleur and Curt Strand

Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Strickland Sir Howard Stringer Melanie L. Sturm

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Susman Dr. Gerald E. Swanson

Mrs. Lucia D. Swanson Mr. Washington Sycip Aaron Sylvan

Mrs. Betty P. Sylvester

Ms. Molly Tschang

Dr. and Mrs. Teviah Turkat

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Twardy Mr. Mish Tworkowski Justin Udelhofen

Ms. Sharon Ungerleider Tom and Mary Urban Dr. Michael Useem Ms. Lynn M. Utter

Ms. Maryam Uwais Mr. Clint Van Zee

Gerard J. VanderBeek

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanderslice Dennis H. Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Verleger Daniel and Meryle Verner Debra Viall

Mr. Enzo Viscusi

Mr. Paul A. Volcker Mr. Scott Vold

Sue J. and Richard W. Volk

Marcy Syms and Bob Lathan

Mr. Roderick K. von Lipsey and Ms. Alexia Suma

Cheryl and Peter Tague

Christopher V. Walker

Aziz and Sue Syriani Eleanor V. Talbot Curtis Tamkin

Ms. Dafna Tapiero

Joel and Shelley Tauber Ms. Susan Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor Jack W. Theimer

Mr. John Theriault

Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Thigpen Susan Thomas

William and Laura Thomas Mr. Edmund M. Thomas James E. Thompson Jr.

Frances Delagarza Thompson Ms. Carmel Clay Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tilghman Laurie M. Tisch

Bill and Anne Tobey Charles Toll


Dennis and Joanna Trescott

Ms. Karen E. Wagner Louise Walker-Resor

Charles and Nancy Wall Bill Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wallace

Christopher English Walling Tina A. Walls

John and Carol Walter Carolyn F. Walton

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wandell Mrs. Charlotte Wandell

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wanger Jr. Harriet Washton

Mr. Yelberton Watkins William Wayne Marsha Wayne

Dr. Charles Webb and Dr. Ann Webb The Honorable and Mrs. Vin Weber Jay and Marnie Webster

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Webster

Rabbi Martin and Karen Weiner J. Fred Weintz, Jr.

Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Lynda Robson Weiser Betty Weiss

Jeffrey and Jill Weiss Ms. Devon R. Weiss

Lantz and Laura Welch Michele M. Welch

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Welch Mrs. Jacqueline Weld

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wellek Steve and Lydia Whipple Mr. Joe Whisler

Sandye Whitaker

Mr. John R. Whitman

The Honorable Christine T. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitmore Frederick B. Whittemore

Ms. Priscilla Rattazzi Whittle

Mr. and Ms. Roger M. Widmann Roy and Donna Wiedinmyer

Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Wight Jr. Ms. Brenda Wild

Jack and Bonnie Wilke Ginny L. Williams

Fred and Judith Wilpon

Jeffrey and Valerie Wilpon

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wilson

Ambassador and Mrs. Philip D. Winn Samuel and Linda Winn Ruth Winter

Ms. Kelsey D. Wirth

Mr. Matthew J. Wisk Robin S. Wittlin

Jaqueline Wogan *Diane Wolf

William J. Wolfe and Carolyn Edenbaum Mr. James D. Wolfensohn

Ms. Linda Miller and Mr. Bruce Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolffe

Ms. Hope Wolman and Mr Randy White Mr. Jonathan P. Wolman

Mr. Walter E. Woodford Jr. and *Mrs. Elizabeth G. Woodford

Jane and Dennis Woodhouse Mr. Frank Woods and Mrs. Tamara Woods Suzan Woods Carrico

Evan and Kim Wyly

Selim K. Zilkha and Mary Hayley Zilkha

M. Richard and Judith Wyman

Harriet and Jerome Zimmerman

Lisa Wyly

Mr. King R. Woodward

Ms. Linda K. Yates and Mr. Paul R. Holland

Mandy Gray and Randy Work

Ms. Magenta Yglesias

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Woolard

Mr. Charles Yeramian

Andrew Wyly and Leslie Caron

Ms. Alice Young and Mr. Thomas L. Shortall

Christiana Wyly

Joan and Karl Zeisler

Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Wurtzel Cheryl and Sam Wyly

Barbara and David Zalaznick

Dee and Charles Wyly

Mr. Jide J. Zeitlin

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zillig Dr. Dorothy S. Zinberg

Ms. Christina Zingarini Richard Zinman

Harold and Mary Zlot

Mortimer B. Zuckerman Pamela and Hugh Zuker Paula Zurcher

Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Zwan

* Deceased

Corporate Support 4Gas BV

Champion Industries, Inc.

Easton & Associates

ALSTOM Power, Inc.

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Edgewater Management, Inc.

Alpine Design & Planning, Inc. American Airlines

American Electric Power Service Corporation

American Petroleum Institute Aramco Services Company Ariel Capital Management Artist Direct, Inc. AT&T

Austrian Post

Automatic Data Processing, Inc.

Bank for International Settlements Bank of America

Barclays Global Investors, N.A. Barset Equities, LLC Sid R. Bass, Inc.

Bellis Enterprises Boeing Company

Booz Allen Hamilton Bloomberg

BP International Limited The Catherine Store

The Center For Rural Strategies Cephalon, Inc.

CF Realty, Inc.

Chevron Corporation

The Clarkson Group, LLC

Stan Clauson Associates, LLC

Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, LLP Columbia Management Group Cox Enterprises, Inc. Cracks and Racks

Credit Suisse First Boston

ED Foran Real Estate Company Edison Electric Institute

Emmis Communications Corp. Ernst & Young EuroNews

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Federal Express Corporation

Charles R. Feldstein and Company, Inc.

CSC Holdings, Inc.

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund

Daimler Chrysler Corporation

For CEOS Only, Inc.

Desarrollo Investments, LLC

Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Deutsche Gesellschaft

General Dynamics Corporation

Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.

Globe Capital Partners


Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Duke Energy Corporation

Grant Thornton, LLP

Eastman Kodak Company

Haseltine Associates, LTD.

Crowell & Moring, LLP CXO Communication

Flying Dog Brewery, LLC


Ford Motor Company

Destination Resort Management, Inc.

Gas Technology Institute

Discount America’s Tire

GHK Company, LLC

Divx, Inc.

Goldman Sachs (Asia), LLC

Dolce International

Google, Inc.

E*Trade Bank

Hansen Construction, Inc. Hedlund & Hanley, LLC


Hines Interests Ltd. Partnership

New York Life Insurance Company

Shell Exploration & Production Co.

Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

The Northern Trust Company

Sierra Pacific Resources

Hoon & Associates, LLC

HPJ Media Ventures Fund, LLC HSBC Holdings plc IN-Q-Tel, Inc

Intel Corporation

Inter Public Group

OC Stitching Oxfam NOVIB

Oddo Development Company Office Depot

Pepco Holdings, Inc. PepsiCo, Inc.

ShotSpotter, Inc.

Small Business Administration Solystic

Sony Music Entertainment Inc Stifel Nicolaus

Sullivan & Worcester, LLP

Pitney Bowes, Inc.

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Premier, Inc.

Text 100 Corporation

Latvijas Pasts

Qualcomm Ventures, Qualcomm Incorporated

Tishman Speyer Properties

Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.

R.W. Beck

UPS Europe

Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc.

Reliant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Versant Ventures

Renessence Ventures

Vulcan Ventures, Inc.

Roll Giving

Washington Mutual

Rosemore, Inc.

Wedgewood Partners, Inc.

Ryan Enterprises Group

West Kern Machinery

Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., LLC

Sam Wyly Separate Property

Sempra Energy

Xerox Corporation

Janklow & Nesbit Associates Kaye Scholer, LLP KEBA AG

Khosla Ventures, LLC

Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers LaSalle Bank N.A.

Pfizer, Inc. Postel Spa

Telesoft Management Services, LLC

Providence Equity Partners

Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner, LLP

Lee Enterprises

R R Donnelly

Travel By Alece

Lighthouse Energy Group

Raytheon Company

Verizon Communications, Inc.

The Rendon Group, Inc.

Vonage Marketing, Inc.

The Rogers Group

Warburg Pincus & Co., LLC

Roll International Corporation

Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive

N.M. Rothschild & Sons Limited

Wenner Media, LLC

Sandd - BV

Wild West Horizons, Inc.

SEIU General Fund

William Blair & Company

Lowe Enterprises Community Development, Inc. MasterCard Intl. Inc.

McKinsey & Company

MediaNews Group, Inc.

Merrick Venture Management, LLC Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc

Merrill Lynch Europe Limited Microsoft Corporation

Morgan Stanley & Company, Inc. Mountain Chalet-Aspen Netsystem.Com S.p.a


Nixon-Longoria Colorado Property

Service Employees International Union

Foundation Support Acorn Foundation

BJ And Michael Adams Charitable Foundation

Mary Jane Hipp Brock Family Foundation

Ain Family Foundation

Matthew and Carolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation

The Josef & Anni Albers Foundations

Melva Bucksbaum Revocable Trust

Carolyn Alper Revocable Trust

Bulgarian Post

American National Bank Foundation

C. E. and S. Foundation, Inc.

Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc. The Denver Foundation

Dept. of Foreign Affairs & Intern’l Trade Of Canada

Alexandra Foundation

Matthew Bucksbaum Revocable Trust

Allaire Family Charitable Trust

Buford Foundation

Milton H. Dresner Charitable Foundation

Small-Alper Family Foundation

Leslie & Walter Burlock Foundation

The Eisner Foundation Inc.

The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands

California Community Foundation

Jerome & Lorraine Aresty Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Martin G and Ruth A Carver Foundation

Arca Foundation

The Roland and Dawn Arnall Foundation Asia Foundation

Aspen Community Foundation Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore The Atlantic Philanthropies

The Ayco Charitable Foundation Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation

Baltimore Community Foundation Barnard/Fain Foundation

Laurence D. Belfer Family Foundation Berg Family Charitable Foundation The Preissman-Beriro Foundation

The Arnold & Jeanne Bernstein Fund Bernstein Family Foundation Better World Fund

Bezos Family Foundation Irwin and Rita Blitt Charitable Contributions Board Of Education Queen Anne’s County

Bostock Family Foundation

The Boyd Family Foundation

The Louis K. Brandt Foundation The Virginia & Charles Brewer Family Foundation

Eli & Edythe L. Broad Foundation

Canadian Government

Carnegie Corporation of New York The Stephen Case Foundation Caserve Foundation

Annie E. Casey Foundation Castaways Foundation

Catto Charitable Foundation The Challenger Foundation

David F Chazen Charitable Trust

The Dreman Foundation, Inc.

Eisner Family Fund

Engelberg Foundation

Entertainment Software Association The Eppler Family Foundation, Inc.

Fairfield County Community Foundation Fayetteville Community Foundation Irving Feintech Family Foundation The Feintech Family Foundation

The Feldman Family Foundation

Fifield Charitable Annuity Lead Trust Findlay Family Foundation

Jerry and Nanette Finger Foundation Ford Foundation

Citigroup Foundation

The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Family Foundation

Columbus Jewish Foundation

Friends Of New Orleans, Inc.

Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc.

The Funger Foundation, Inc.

Community Foundation of North Texas

Jacque and Natasha Gelman Trust

Chicago Community Trust City of Aspen

Friedman Family Foundation

Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.

Fullerton Family Charitable Trust

Community Foundation of New Jersey The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region Confederation of Indian Industry Copaken Family Foundation

Lapidus-Corenblum Foundation, Inc. Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Henry and Gladys Crown Charitable Trust Fund The Cundill Foundation

DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund Charles A. Dana Foundation

The Courtenay C. and Lucy Patten Davis Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gavi Alliance

General Electric Foundation General Motors Foundation

C Gary and Virginia Gerst Foundation Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation The Getty Foundation

Global Health Workforce Alliance Morris and Julia Gold Charitable Foundation

The Goldrich Family Foundation

Barbara Lubin Goldsmith Foundation

Richard C. Goldstein Private Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Greater Houston Community Foundation


Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix, Inc.

The Agnes Gund Foundation

Jewish Community Foundation of Colorado

Greater Miami Jewish Federation The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation Gurrentz Family Foundation

Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation

Edward & Julia Hansen Foundation, Inc. Harbor Lights Foundation

The Harman Family Foundation The Harpo Foundation

The Irving Harris Foundation William A. Haseltine Charitable Foundation

The Healey Family Foundation The Hedges Family Charitable Foundation

Lita & Morton Heller Foundation F.B. Heron Foundation HES Revocable Trust

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Jack Hidary Foundation

Hayne Hipp Foundation Hitachi Foundation

The Vicki and Thomas Horwich Foundation Humanity United

Hunckler Family Foundation Roy A. Hunt Foundation

Hurst Family Foundation

Fern Karesh Hurst Foundation

J. R. Hyde III Family Foundation Icahn Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingersoll Foundation Institute for International Monetary Affairs International Center for Research on Women

Irving Harris Foundation

Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund

Roe Jasen Charitable Lead Trust Jane J Jenkins Trust JEHT Foundation

The Jerome Foundation

Jewish Communal Fund

Jewish Community Endowment Fund


Jewish Community Foundation

Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, Inc.

Lumina Foundation

Lux Family Foundation

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Madigan Family Foundation Maher Family Foundation

Malek Family Charitable Trust Malott Family Foundation Margulf Foundation Markle Foundation

The Suzanne Nora Johnson & David G. Johnson Foundation

Donald B. Marron Charitable Trust

Joyce Foundation

MBZ Charitable Remainder Unitrust

The Katcher Family Foundation, Inc

McCormick Tribune Foundation

Joy Family Foundation, Inc.

The William E. Mayer Charitable Foundation

Kahle Foundation, Inc.

McCloskey Family Charitable Trust

Katz Family Foundation

Andrew and Laura McCullough Family Fund

Kaufman Foundation

Ann and Stephen Kaufman Foundation Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Danny Kaye & Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation The Kean Foundation, Inc. W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Keswin Family Foundation

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation J.I. Kislak Family Fund

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Sidney Kohl Foundation, Inc. Pollock-Krasner Foundation The Kresge Foundation Latousek Foundation

The Lauder Foundation - Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Fund Laura and Gary Lauder Philanthropic Fund

McLaughlin Family Foundation

John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation George Mead Jr. Foundation

The Merrill Foundation, Inc.

The Mesdag Family Foundation Middle East Peace Dialogue Miller Family Foundation

Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Global Development, Sweden Minnesota Community Foundation

The Joan Mitchell Foundation, Inc. Mitrani Family Foundation The Moriah Fund

Norman M. Morris Foundation Inc. Charles Stewart Mott Foundation The Muhr Family Foundation

Napa Valley Community Foundation

Lauer Philanthropic Foundation

Nathan Family Foundation

Harvey B. Levin Charitable Trust

National Association of Broadcasters

Joel A. & Ruth F. Leavitt Family Charitable Foundation

Jane & Marc Nathanson Family Foundation

Reuler Lewin Foundation Inc.

National Association of Clean Water Agencies

Toby D. Lewis Trust

Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Living Cities, Inc.

The John L. Loeb Jr. Foundation Leon Lowenstein Foundation

The Lubar Family Foundation, Inc. Henry Luce Foundation

National Association of Water Companies

The National Philanthropic Trust National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Edlis-Neeson Foundation Neisser Family Fund

New World Foundation

Jay and Linda Sandrich Trust

Thaw Charitable Trust

Miller and Jeanette Nichols Foundation Northern Star Foundation

Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan Family Foundation

Tides Foundation

The Obernauer Foundation, Inc.

Scheuer Associates Foundation, Inc.

The New York Community Trust

Save Darfur Coalition

Northwest Area Foundation

Adler Schermer Foundation

Thomas M. O’Gara Revocable Family Trust

The Schiff Foundation

Olayan Charitable Trust

Oregon Community Foundation Pack Foundation

Edward M. Schmidt Revocable Trust The Schmitt Family Charitable Foundation

Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving

Patricia M. and Emanuel M. Papper Foundation, Inc.

Sesame Workshop

Pew Charitable Trusts

The Simms/Mann Family Foundation

Peck Family Foundation

The Paul D. Shurgot Foundation Inc.

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

Simon Family Philanthropic Foundation, Inc.

Potamkin Family Foundation #1

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

The Elmer F. Pierson Foundation William H. Pitt Foundation, Inc.

Skoll Foundation

Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Family Foundation

Small Business Administration

Red Bird Hollow Foundation

The Ruth & Frank Stanton Fund

Ratner Family Foundation

Resnick Family Foundation Richardson Foundation

John Robinson Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Beth K. Smith Revocable Family Trust

The Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Starlight Foundation

The Steel Partners Foundation Robert K. Steel Foundation Stoffel Foundation

Rodel Charitable Foundation

The Norman H. Stone Family Foundation

Edwin M Roth Family Foundation

Levi Strauss Foundation

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Sturm Family Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation

Lucille S. Thompson Family Foundation Laurie Tisch Foundation Tobey Foundation

Triskeles Foundation

Twelve Labours Foundation, Inc. US Department of State

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Foundation

United Nations Population Fund

United Way of Central New Mexico

The University of Dublin Trinity College University of Texas at Austin

The Urban Sr. Charitable Foundation The Helen and Nelson Urban Charitable Foundation Van Ness Feldman

The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Water Environment Federation

John & Michele Welch Family Fund of the AYCO Charitable Fnd The White House Project Women’s Leadership Fund William B. Wiener Jr. Foundation The Wight Foundation

Valerie & Jeffrey S. Wilpon Foundation

The Felix & Elizabeth Rohatyn Foundation

Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch Foundation, Inc.

The Herbert and Ruth Winter Foundation

The Judith Rothschild Foundation

The M.L. Sturm Foundation

Alan L. Wurtzel Revocable Trust

Judith E. Rubin & Gary S. Rubin Foundation

The Summit Foundation

Thomas C. and Lois L. Sando Foundation

SY Syms Foundation

Saal Family Foundation

Surdna Foundation

Susman Family Foundation

Wofford College

Wolfensohn Family Foundation Holland Yates Family Trust

Barbara & David Zalaznick Foundation

Mary & Harold Zlot Family Foundation Bryan J & June B Zwan Foundation

Tauber Family Foundation


Inkind Gifts American National Bank

Mr. and Ms. Lester Crown Exquiste Design Studio

Jay’s Valet Parking and Luxury Shuttle Services Kona Blue Water Farms

Joseph B. Gildenhorn and Alma L. Gildenhorn

The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Mei Li and Robert A. Hefner, III


Paul Harbaugh

Walter and Cathy Isaacson

The Franklin Mint

Lindt & Sprungli (USA), Inc.

Bonnie Messix

Proskauer Rose LLP

Resnick Family Foundation Tishman Speyer

University of Maryland Amen Wardy Home

Maroon Bells Lodge

Ensuring Access for a Diverse Range of Leaders Every year a group of exceptionally qualified leaders—established and emerging—receive scholarships to attend Executive and Leadership seminars, as well as other programs of the Aspen Institute. These scholarships are awarded to individuals in the public and civic sectors who, without this vital support, would be unable to attend. These endowments, combined with the annual support of individuals and corporations, ensure that the mission of leadership development benefits a broad spectrum of people, both in the US and abroad. We are grateful to these individuals and organizations for their support. 2007 Scholarship Gifts Ms. Pamela C. Alexander Mr. Anthony Allgood Mr. Eric Altman

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Altman Mr. Greg Amadon

Arie and Ida Crown Memorial

Aspen Community Foundation Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation Ms. Ana Maria Barella Mae I. Barry

Mercedes T. and Sid R. Bass

Berg Family Charitable Foundation Bezos Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Clyde Bowles

Mrs. Nicole Brodsky 62

Ms. Melva Bucksbaum and Mr. Raymond J. Learsy Charles and Bunny Burson

Mrs. Angela Hunt Cianfrani Diane Collison

Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc. Ms. Valerie M. Conn

David and Phyllis Cook Doug Cordell

Cracks and Racks

Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Crosland

Shannon and Richard Fairbanks Mr. Tarek Farouki

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Greg Feldman

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Barbara Fleck

For CEOS Only, Inc.

Jessica and John Fullerton

Alston Gardner and Barb Lee

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crown

The Honorable Joseph B. Gildenhorn and Mrs. Alma L. Gildenhorn

Mr. James Curtis

Mr. Arjun Gupta

Mr. F. Peter Cundill Ms. Willow Darsie

Discount America’s Tire Judy Estrin

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Marilyn and Michael Glosserman Ms. Teresa L. Hall

James R. Hedges IV

Mr. Peter S. Hirshberg

Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

Nina Rodale Houghton

Bonnie and Tom McCloskey

Carl and Peggy Sewell

William J. Hunckler III

Mrs. Eleanor Merrill

Mr. Gary R. Silverman

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hudson Jr. Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Daniel Jones Lisa Jones

Mr. and Mrs. James R. McManus The Merrill Foundation, Inc. Ms. Laurie Michaels and Mr. David Bonderman Diane L. Morris

Neeru Khosla

The Mountain Chalet and the Melville Family

Mr. Michael Kim

Mrs. Judith E. Neisser

Laura and Gary Lauder

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nitze

Laurie Tisch Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Polsky

Milton Lewin

Delphine Priest

Mr. Andrew Liebhafsky

Dr. Bill Resnick

Mrs. Marianne Lubar

Resnick Family Foundation

Katz Family Foundation Khosla Ventures, LLC

John Munthali

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation

Ms. Amy Nislow

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder

Siobhan O’Harrow

Ms. Lauren Leader-Chivee

Potamkin Family Foundation #1

Ms. Toby D. Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pritzker

Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Lord

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick

Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Family Foundation

Ms. Lygeia Ricciardi

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mascotte

Joshua and Nina Saslove

Carol Marks

Endowment & Quasi-Endowment Funds Aspen Wye River Property Reserve Fund

Aspen Campus Library Endowment Keith Berwick Chair Endowment

Henry Crown Fellowship Endowment

McCloskey Speaker Series Endowment Robert McKay Endowment

Sam Wyly Separate Property Linda and Jay Sandrich

Scholarships & Fellowships Mortimer J. Adler Scholarship Fund Bass/Kissinger Fellowship

General Scholarship Endowment Harman/Eisner Artist in Residence Endowment

Harry Sloan

Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small Michelle Smith

Victoria L. Smith

Ms. Suzie Katz Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steel

Mr. Bradley J. Stevenson and Ms. Heather E. Wooldridge Aaron Sylvan

Telesoft Management Services, LLC The Funger Foundation, Inc.

The Goldrich Family Foundation The Mesdag Family Foundation Ms. Sharon Ungerleider

Mr. and Mrs. Lynda Robson Weiser William B. Wiener Jr. Foundation Ms. Diane Wolf*

Barbara & David Zalaznick Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Zwan

* Deceased

Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer Scholarship Fund Socrates Scholarship Fund

Rose Associates Scholarship Endowment Gus & Marie Tyler Scholarship Fund

Bicky and George Kellner Scholarship Fund

David T. McLaughlin McLaughlin Scholarship Fund

Musser Japanese Garden Endowment

The Margot and Thomas Pritzker Fund for International Fellows

Unrestricted General Endowment

The Simms/Mann Family Foundation

William R. Hearst Endowment Fund

McLaughlin/Crown Endowment (A component of the Henry Crown Fellowship Endowment)

McNulty Leadership Fund Endowment

Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Sherwin

Nakasone/Japanese Scholarship Fund Paul H. Nitze Fellowship Fund


The Aspen Institute Board of Trustees William E. Mayer, Chairman of the Board Walter Isaacson, President and CEO Madeleine K. Albright Principal The Albright Group LLC Paul F. Anderson Senior Advisor Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. Mercedes Bass Sid R. Bass, Inc. Berl Bernhard Partner DLA Piper US LLP Melva Bucksbaum Martin Bucksbaum Family Foundation William D. Budinger Founder, Former Chairman & CEO Rodel, Inc. Stephen L. Carter Professor of Law Yale University Law School Henry E. Catto Former Ambassador to Great Britain; Chair, Atlantic Council of the United States; Vice Chairman The Aspen Institute Lester Crown Chairman Material Service Corporation; Vice Chairman The Aspen Institute F. Peter Cundill Founder Cundill Investments Research Andrea Cunningham Chief Executive Officer CXO Communication Tarun Das Chief Mentor Confederation of Indian Industry


As of April 4, 2008

Henry E. Catto, Vice Chairman Lester Crown, Vice Chairman

William L. Davis (Leave of Absence) Chairman and COO WLD Davis Holdings, LLC John Doerr Partner Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Sylvia A. Earle Chairman Deep Ocean Exploration & Research Michael D. Eisner Former Chairman and CEO The Walt Disney Company Leonhard Fischer Chairman Aspen Institute Berlin Alan Fletcher President and CEO Aspen Music Festival and School Henrietta Holsman Fore (Leave of Absence) Acting Administator on government service US Agency for International Development Ann B. Friedman Stephen Friedman Senior Advisor Stone Point Capital Henry Louis Gates, Jr. W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of Humanities Harvard University Mircea Geoana President Aspen Institute Romania David Gergen Professor of Political Science John F. Kennedy School of Government; Editor-at-Large US News & World Report

Alma L. Gildenhorn Honorary Trustee, Kennedy Center Jamshyd Godrej Chairman, Aspen Institute India Chairman, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Gerald Greenwald Managing Partner Greenbriar Equity Group Patrick W. Gross Chairman The Lovell Group Arjun Gupta Founder and Managing Partner TeleSoft Partners Sidney Harman Executive Chairman Harman International Industries, Inc. Hayne Hipp Chairman and CEO The Liberty Corporation Gerald D. Hosier Principal Law Offices of Gerald D. Hosier, Ltd. Ann Frasher Hudson Partner Javelina Partners Robert J. Hurst Managing Director Crestview Advisors, LLC Walter Isaacson President and CEO The Aspen Institute Yotaro Kobayashi Chief Corporate Advisor Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

David H. Koch Executive Vice President Chemical Technology Koch Industries, Inc. Ann McLaughlin Korologos Senior Advisor Benedetto Gartland & Company; Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Timothy K. Krauskopf Principal Round Lake Designs, LLC Leonard A. Lauder Chairman of the Board of Directors The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.; Chairman Emeritus The Aspen Institute Elisabeth Lulin President Institut Aspen France Frederic V. Malek Chairman Thayer Capital Partners James M. Manyika Partner McKinsey & Company William E. Mayer Chairman The Aspen Institute, Inc.; Partner Park Avenue Equity Partners Bonnie P. McCloskey President Cornerstone Holdings, LLC Anne Welsh McNulty Senior Director JBK Partners Eleanor Merrill Publisher Emeritus Washingtonian Magazine Karlheinz Muhr Managing Director Credit Suisse First Boston

Clare Muñana President Ancora Associates, Inc. Elinor Bunin Munroe President Elinor Bunin Productions, Inc. Jerry Murdock Managing Director and Co-Founder Insight Venture Partners Marc B. Nathanson Chairman Mapleton Investments William A. Nitze Chairman Gridpoint, Inc.

Peter A. Reiling Executive Vice President Seminars and Leadership Programs The Aspen Institute Lynda Resnick Co-Owner and Vice Chairman Roll International Corporation Isaac O. Shongwe Chairman Letsema Consulting Company; Chief Executive Officer DNA Supply Chain of South Africa Anna Deavere Smith Institute on the Arts and Civic Dialogue

Her Majesty Queen Noor Humanitarian Activist; UN Expert Advisor

Robert K. Steel Under Secretary for Domestic Finance United States Treasury Department Chairman Elect The Aspen Institute

Jacqueline Novogratz Chief Executive Officer Acumen Fund

Andrew L. Stern International President Service Employees International Union

Olara A. Otunnu President LBL Foundation for Children

Giulio Tremonti Chairman Aspen Institute Italia

Elaine Pagels Professor of Religion Princeton University

Shashi Tharoor Chairman Afras Ventures

Michel Pebereau Chairman Institut Aspen France

Roderick K. von Lipsey Vice President Wealth Management Division Goldman Sachs & Co.

Charles Powell Chairman Sagitta Asset Management Limited Michael K. Powell Chairman The MK Powell Group Margot Pritzker Chairperson Zohar Education Project Incorporative

Vin Weber Managing Partner Clark & Weinstock Frederick B. Whittemore Advisory Director Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. Alice Young, Esq. Chair, Asia Pacific Practice (U.S.) Kaye Scholer LLP


The Aspen Institute Lifetime Trustees James C. Calaway, Chairman Bandar bin Sultan Former Saudi Ambassador to United States

Jerome Huret Former President Institut Aspen France

Warren B. Rudman Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison

Keith Berwick The Aspen Institute

Robert S. Ingersoll Former U. S. Ambassador to Japan

Jay Sandrich FB&Co

John Brademas New York University James C. Calaway Investor Lisle C. Carter, Jr. Attorney William T. Coleman, Jr. O’Melveny & Myers Alfred Dietsch Best Year Yet LLC William H. Donaldson Donaldson Enterprises James L. Ferguson General Foods Corporation (retired) Jacqueline Grapin The European Institute Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Hallmark Cards, Inc. (retired) Nina Rodale Houghton Wye Institute Shirley Hufstedler Morrison & Foerster


William N. Joy Partner Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Henry A. Kissinger Kissinger Associates, Inc. Gerald M. Levin Time Warner, Inc. (retired) Robert H. Malott Retired Chairman and CEO FMC Corporation John P. Mascotte Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City (retired)

Lloyd G. Schermer Lee Enterprises (retired) Carlo Scognamiglio Aspen Institute Italia Albert H. Small President Southern Engineering Corp. Kathy D. Smith Daubert Industries (retired) Phillips Talbot The Asia Society Solomon D. Trujillo Graviton, Inc. (retired)

Robert S. McNamara The World Bank (retired)

Paul A. Volcker Federal Reserve System (retired)

Olivier Mellerio Interfinexa

Leslie H. Wexner The Limited, Inc.

Hisashi Owada International Court of Justice

Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. TIAA/CREF (retired)

John J. Phelan, Jr. New York Stock Exchange (retired)

Dolores Wharton Fund for Corporate Initiatives

Thomas Pickering Hills & Company

The Aspen Institute would like to thank Lifetime Trustee Lloyd G. Schermer and Digital Arts Aspen for the use of his unique prints and sculpture in this publication. www.schermerart.com

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