2007-2008 Annual Report

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  • Pages: 20

Healing People. Around the Corner. Around the World.




It has been another fruitful year for Genesis World Mission. We praise God for his abundant provision and celebrate the opening of a permanent clinic in Kenya in partnership with our friends there last August. So many needy people are now getting high-quality, affordable health care through the clinic. It’s astounding to believe that this strong operation grew from the seedling of conversations we had just two and a half years ago.

INTERNATIONAL—THE HEART AND SOUL OF GENESIS Genesis provides sustainable diagnostic and medical treatment services to economically disadvantaged individuals through local and international partnerships. This vision includes supporting short-term mission trips with supplies, training and leadership. Active projects are located in Kenya and India—two of over 20 countries served since the establishment of Genesis World Mission.

GARDEN CITY COMMUNITY CLINIC—OUR FLAGSHIP PROJECT Garden City Community Clinic (GCCC) provides medical services to low-income, uninsured patients by utilizing volunteer health care pro-

At home, the Garden City Community

fessionals. Care includes treatment of acute non-emergent and limited

Clinic and Volunteer Physicians Network

chronic illnesses, medications, and referrals for specialty care. On-site

both continue to take long strides in

basic dental services, social work visits, patient medical education,

maturing. These projects are effecting

mental health counseling and referrals to specialists are also available.

lasting changes in our patients’ health and living situations. I am deeply grateful for


the support that our community provides

Volunteer Physicians Network (VPN) is a referral network of specialty

for this mission work —there’s no way we

physicians, labs and hospitals who’ve agreed to donate medical care to

could do this without you.

patients of three Ada County safety-net clinics: Family Practice Medical Center, Terry Reilly Health Services-Boise, and GCCC. VPN was established in 2006, first under a federal grant, then sustained by com-

Dr. Karl Watts, MD, President

munity funding under Genesis.


Glenda Steel—This is My Story FRUSTR ATED I came to Garden City Community Clinic two years ago. At the time, I working in home care for adults with mental illness or developmental disabilities and my job did not offer health insurance. My anxiety attacks were debilitating. I called around the community and nobody would offer to help.

work for my Hepatitis C. It showed high activity levels and I was referred to Dr. Schutz, a gastroenterologist. While looking at my liver through the ultrasound, the hospital staff found a 10 pound tumor in my uterus. I was scared! They ordered a CAT scan that day and an OB Gyn referral was made to Dr. Agrusa at OBGyn Associates.

HOPEFU L I called the Clinic and they prayed with me on the phone. That really helped me calm down and they scheduled a time for me to come in that evening. I started feeling better right after that phone call.

COORDINATION Together, the two doctors coordinated the timing of liver treatments, since my Hepatitis treatments needed to be done after the tumor was treated.

SCARED The clinic provided me with anxiety medication and blood

I was referred to the “Be In Charge” program, which paid for the seven months of liver treatment shots.

TRAJEDY Then, just two months into treatment, my husband was in a car accident and broke his neck, leaving him a paraplegic. Because I’m taking care of my husband, I am unable to work full time. HEALING Today there is no sign of the Hep C virus in my blood stream. I got far more than medical care here at GCCC. I received emotional support around my husband’s accident and prayed with volunteers during clinic hours. I wouldn’t have been taken care of if the Clinic wasn’t there. I would have died by now with all my problems. It has been a Godsend. THANK YOU It’s been 14 years since I was addicted to drugs and alcohol, but my past meth use has left me with crumbling teeth, so now I’m getting served at the dental clinic too. I love them and have high respects for everybody here who cares how much I’m doing. Thank you.

Glenda Steel


Providing Shelter for the Weary The purpose of the Garden City Community Clinic is to provide charity care to the working poor through volunteer medical and dental providers. This care is intended for those who are barely scraping by and making budget choices between gas, food and medical care. With four weekly medical clinics and a weekly dental clinic, about 500 patients a year make us their medical home. Established in 2002, the Clinic utilizes 200 volunteers who donated $143,000 worth of time during the last fiscal year. Multiple in-kind donations of goods, lab and radiology services from community members round out the professionalism the Clinic has come to be known for. “...IT IS LIKE A MUSTARD SEED THAT A MAN TOOK AND PLANTED IN HIS FIELD. ALTHOUGH IT IS THE SMALLEST OF ALL SEEDS, WHEN IT IS FULLY GROWN IT IS LARGER THAN THE GARDEN PLANTS AND BECOMES A TREE, AND THE BIRDS IN THE SKY COME AND NEST IN ITS BRANCHES…”

2007-2008 By the Numbers The remodel of the building allowed us to create a better medication room and this service of the clinic continues to have a great impact. During 2007-2008 GCCC: •

Provided 4,448 prescription fills.

Provided a retail value of $469,500 in pharmaceuticals at no cost to patients.

Processed 482 quarterly GAPmed applications to drug companies providing a retail value of $209,000 in medications for patients.

Received another thumbs up from the Board of Pharmacy regarding clinic operations.

Total patient encounters: 2,594 • Primary Care Medical Encounters: 1,622 • Dental Clinic encounters: 230 • Medication refills encounters: 755 Medical Patient Encounters by complexity • High complexity: 10 patients, 10 encounters • Med. Complexity: 179 patients, 297 encounters • Low complexity: 393 patients, 880 encounters • Remainder of encounters were “straightforward complexity” Common Patient Diagnoses: • Type 1 Diabetes : 12 patients, 38 encounters • Type 2 Diabetes : 32 patients, 125 encounters • Hypertension: 63 patients, 236 encounters • Asthma: 16 patients, 38 encounters • Depression: 21 patients, 55 encounters


Why I Volunteer at the Clinic I am a nurse who volunteers at the Garden City Community Clinic. I have a full time job, a marriage and a hectic schedule. Why do I volunteer my precious time? The answer is easy: I am blessed. Praise God! I am blessed! I have health insurance, a career and a loving and supportive family on top of having an awesome God. With all these blessings, I have another job: to go out and bless others! It is my duty as a blessed person to use what I have and show Jesus' love to anyone who will accept it. The patients at our clinic not only get medical care and free prescriptions- they get prayer, friendship and a consistent group of people that they can count on to love them no matter what choices they make or situations they find themselves in. This is the only way I know how to serve others- to love them and pray for them and be their friend no matter what. When things go wrong in our lives we always ask, "Why?" When things go right in our lives we should also ask, "Why?" I know that all of the gifts in my life are from above and all that God asks of me is to love Him and love others. The most simple answer to why I am blessed is because I can share my blessings with others. And that's what the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and staff do at the Garden City Community Clinic. I Rn y, le n a t like to make God smile, and I know he is smiling every time the front doors S r Taylo open at this small charity clinic in Garden City.

FROM THE DESK OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR DR. ANN CORDUM, INTERNIST I have had the privilege of serving as the volunteer Medical Director at the Garden City Community Clinic for one year now, and what a year it has been! You have to come down and see the tremendous amount of care that is happening here to believe it. With Hillary Roethlisberger, LCSW, as our new Director of Local Operations, we are ramping up our patient education efforts very quickly. We are also continuing our efforts to serve our patients with mental health issues, and had a volunteer psychologist, Dr. Bill Arnold, join us this year. The progress we’ve been able to make this summer in our dental clinic capacity as a result of the remodel is so encouraging. As a member of the Boise medical community, I have to tell you that these patients are receiving a level and continuum of care that is above and beyond what you might expect for a small organization.

Dr. An n C ordum

These patients are so precious and I just fall in love with them over and over again. They’re people like you and me who’ve fallen on hard times and when you hear their stories, your heart just breaks. We appreciate the support that we receive that makes this place possible and function smoothly. God bless you for your generosity and compassion.


Connecting Branches of Medicine

The Volunteer Physicians Network (VPN) has been successfully operating for two years now and is helping meet a huge need for safety-net clinic patients in Ada County. It is a “connector” between charity care patients of Family Practice Medical Center (FMRI), Terry Reilly Health Services-Boise (TRHS), and the Garden City Community Clinic (GCCC) and volunteer specialist physicians willing to help such patients. Part of the goal of the program is to spread charity care among many willing specialty physicians and empowering physicians to set their own limits of care, helping prevent charity burnout. Additionally, VPN helps patients access hospital services and expedites the Ada County indigent fund application process when applicable.

Following the Stream When we try to explain to new people just how VPN works, we often resort to drawing a diagram to help them understand the complicated route of communications: 1) VPN recruits specialists and places their volunteer commitment into a webbased appointment pool. 2) Safety-net clinic personnel refer patient based on available providers. 3) Patients are evaluated/ treated by specialists in their facilities. 4) VPN helps arrange additional tests, evaluation by another specialist or surgery for patients that need it. 5) VPN evaluates effectiveness of the program through patient and referring physician surveys.

Manage Referrals

Manage Commitme nts

Recruit Specialists

Evaluate Program


Helping People Find Life

It was always my desire to create a place for community members to come and get treated for their aches and pains without worry about insurance and their financial situation. The VPN paperwork for signing up was simple and I was given an option of seeing between 1-4 patients a month. I started with two patients a month then moved to one patient a week. Now I recognize that the need is enormous in our community. T. . P , e e r u Raj I ss I realized that people live this life just to discover who they are. VPN has given me the chance to discover who I am, which is to help and serve people. I feel content and fulfilled when I help patients get better and return to their pre-injury lifestyles. Deep in my heart, since childhood, there was an intense urge to help others; VPN places me at this right time and place. And I am thankful for this opportunity. I heard a story one time where a person went to Mother Teresa in India to help her out. Mother Teresa asked her to give this old man a bath, which she did. The old man was so happy, but in just a couple hours, the old man passed away. The woman was very upset and unhappy. She wanted to return home to the US, feeling it was not worth her time. Mother Teresa looked at her and comforted her by saying that this old man had not taken a bath for one year and had walked for three days from his town just to see them. “This old man has waited for you his whole life to receive a bath from you before he died. This is a spiritual experience and you missed it.” Raj Issuree, P.T.

2007-2008 By the Numbers • • • • •

VPN arranged $753,594 in services for uninsured patients. 65 new specialists joined VPN; 161 total specialists were involved in VPN making 253 appointments available per month. 417 patient referrals were made via VPN and 782 appointments and procedures (follow-up care is included) occurred as a result. 91 surgeries were arranged by VPN with Saint Alphonsus and St Luke’s Regional Medical Centers. 67% of patients surveyed in 2008 felt that their referral to a specialist through VPN improved their health condition; 65% of referring physicians said the same. VPN received a Governor's 2008 Idaho Brightest Star Award which recognizes exemplary Idaho volunteer service.

“I Can Walk!” Jeff Scott, a self-employed contractor with no health insurance, suffered from a hydrocele for ten years. In the months leading up to his visit at the Garden City Community Clinic, Jeff’s hydrocele was very painful making it difficult to walk, and affected his work due to constant nausea and vomiting. After being seen at the Clinic in April, Jeff was referred to Dr. William Jones, at Mountain State Urology. Dr. Jones reported that it was the largest hydrocele he had ever seen and recommended surgery. In July, VPN helped coordinate between St. Luke’s, Anesthesia Associates and Dr. Jones for the surgery. A subsequent infection caused the need for a second procedure by Dr. Jones. Jeff happily reports that he is almost healed from his surgery. He is now able to work and support his family. “I can walk again thanks to you. Dr. Jones did an excellent job for how bad off I was-I really appreciate what he did. I would give him an A+ as being a great doctor and I am very thankful for his help. I hurt for a lot of years before this.”

PARTICIPATING PHYSICIANS/GROUPS/HOSPITALS (from June 1, 2007-May 31, 2008) Allergy

Ike D. Tanabe, MD

Orthopedic Surgery

Joseph Callanan, MD

Nic R. Cordum, MD

Michael J. Gustavel, MD

Anesthesia Timothy Sullivan, MD

Robb F. Gibson, MD

George A. Wade, MD

Stephen M. Schutz, MD

Patrick Dawson, MD

Loren Hinger, MD

Mark A. Mallory, MD

Gannon Randolph, MD

Terry Keller, MD

Christopher J. Goulet, MD

Thomas Goodwin, MD

Douglas Nocolarsen, MD Gary Cieslak, MD Steven Love, MD Louis "Jim" Voulelis, MD Jeffery Eidson, MD

Hospital Services Saint Alphonsus RMC St. Luke's RMC Boise/ Meridian Mammography St. Luke’s Breast Care Services

M. Gene Erhart, MD

Saint Alphonsus Comprehensive Breast Care Center

Patrick Zoellner, MD

James A. Wolf, MD FACS

Robert Centeno, MD Karl Zarse, MD Boise Anesthesia SARMC Cardiology Graham Wetherly, MD Murali N. Bathina, MD Walter L. Seale, MD Frederick Badke, MD Mark Parent, MD Marshall Priest, MD Karl Undesser, MD Steven Writer, MD James Field, MD Stefanie Fry, MD David Hinchman, MD Colin Lee, MD Melinda Marks, MD

Nephrology Robert Davidson, MD Neurology Michael O'Brien, MD Neurosurgeon Bruce Andersen, MD Ronald E. Jutzy, MD OB/GYN Lee Parsons, MD Mary Hafer, MD Necole Javernick-Hodges, MD Robert W. Davis, MD Timothy A. West, MD B. Kerry Lowder, MD R. Burke Archibald, MD Heidi Bendorf Chasan, MD John M. Werdel, MD

Pain Management Richard Radnovich, MD Podiatry Gary Millward, DPM Scott Graviet, DPM Clinton Clark, DPM Pathology/Laboratory Services IDX Pathology C. Manuel Suarez, MD, Christine Measham, MD, Michael Myhre, MD, Boise Pathology SARMC Pathology Group Pulmonology Saadia R. Akhtar, MD MSC Physical Medicine/ Rehab James H. Morland, MD Physical Therapy Raj Issuree, PT Radiology Intermountain Medical Imaging Gem State Radiology Boise Radiology SARMC Radiology/Nuclear Medicine Surgery Bryan J. Anderson, MD PC

Bryan F. Hodges, MD

Steven Casos, MD

Phillip Agrusa, MD

Frederick Foss Jr., MD PACS

Robert Duerr, MD

Scott Armstrong, MD

Nicholas Gyles, MD FICS

Charles Eiriksson, MD

Harmony Schroeder, MD

Bill Morgan, MD FACS

Samual Bass, MD Andrew Chai, MD

Chiropractic Benjamin Jeppe, DC Dermatology Steven Mings, MD

Mary Hafer, MD Ophthalmology Kathryn Fethke, MD

Urology Avery Seifert, MD Larry A. Tansey, MD

James Swartley, MD

David B. Crane, MD, FACS

William Noweirski, MD

Adam Reynolds, MD

Timothy W. Welebir, MD

Jhon R. Hall, MD

Molly Mannscheck, MD

William A. Jones, MD

Jennifer DeBlieck, MC

James Tweeten, MD

Cynthia Fairfax, MD

Mark Borup, MD

William Fredrikson, MD

Jon Fishburn, MD

Jill Beck, MD

John Greer, MD

Leo Harf, MD

Eric T. Garner, MD

Dawn King, MD

Katherine Lee, MD

Arthur C. Jones, III, MD

Eric Klein, MD

Katherine O. Whitfield, MD

DelRay Maughan, MD

Stephen Miller, MD

Gregory Kent, MD

David Rice, MD

Ear, Nose, Throat W. Davis Merritt, MD

Todd Rustad, MD Matthew B. Schwarz, MD Gastroenterology Samuel S. Gibson, MD


Todd Waldman, MD

Paul Whitesides, OD

Joseph Williams, MD

Luke Hopstad, OD

Jared Heiner, MD


Bearing Good Fruit: 30, 60, 100-Fold SHORT TERM TRIPS In July 2007, Eagle Nazarene and Capital Christian Center led a 30-member medical and children’s outreach team to Ndumberi Kenya, as well as in a refugee camp in Kirasha, seeing over 900 people.

l Watts Dr . Kar FIRST CLINIC YEAR The Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa (PEFA) Mercy Medical Center (PMMC) was dedicated with the help of Dr. Karl Watts on July 27 2007 and opened its doors for service the next month. Kenyan staff are meeting the physical and spiritual needs of well over 30 patients a day, six days a week. The clinic is esteemed in the community as an effective and affordable place to receive medical care.

In April 2008 Dr. Marietta Thompson led a team to provide training for the Kenyan medical staff at the clinic. They also provide medical services in the Kieni Forest and to Kirasha. These two remote areas the north of Ndumberi have camps of internally displaced people of Kenya due to tribal and ethnic violence. The Dr. Marietta Thompson team provided desperately needed medical services for those who have had to leave their villages due to post -election violence and unrest there this year. CHANG ED LIVES A 15 year old boy came to our clinic when he was very weak. He had previously visited other hospitals and clinics and was treated for malaria and typhoid. Our Clinical Officer decided to check on his blood sugar and determined he had Type 1 Diabetes. He was referred to Kiambu District Hospital where he was admitted and put on insulin and is now getting better.

PEFA Mercy Medical Center by the Numbers (August 2007—July 2008) • • • • • • • •

9,236 Patient Encounters 4,163 New Patients 8,504 Prescriptions 4,540 Labs Ndumberi 119 HIV Counseling 572 Spiritual Counseling Total Expenses: $59,222 Total GWM Cash Support: 44,750


Creating Sustainable Growth

INDIA 2008 The ongoing partnership between Genesis International and Calvary Chapel of Boise continues to look for a way to provide sustainable medical support for the orphans in India and the people in the surrounding communities. Many of the children are orphaned due to the HIV epidemic in India, resulting in on-going medical needs. In January 2008, Genesis International and Calvary Chapel of Boise sent a medical team to the Heaven’s Gate Orphanage in Bangalore and Home of Hope Orphanage in Nazareth, India. Medical services were provided for the orphans as well as others in the surrounding community. Over 2,450 Indians were seen during the two week medical camp.

STRATE GIC SHIFT IN OPERA TIONS In the beginning, Genesis World Mission was a warehouse and accepted anything and everything medical. International activities were focused on supplying donated goods and medicines to short-term medical mission trips by local organizations. During this year, the board of directors moved to narrow the focus of its international programs to sustainability and has discontinued this historical activity of the organization.

These are the faces... ...I WILL NOT FORG ET The 7 year-old sat in the chair alone. She was an orphan with big brown eyes and a serious look. Dressed in rags and covered with lice; she listened carefully to my instructions. The 23 year-old widow. She was gaunt and her eyes were listless. Her husband had died of AIDS. He was secretly getting treatment at the government hospital for the condition that he kept from her. Her HIV test came back positive, not surprising considering her physical appearance. They had a son who was a year and a half old and she was alone. Donna Lowther, N.P.


Making Room for Growth

It has been two years since the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation granted $150,000 to Genesis World Mission for mortgage principal pay down and capital improvement. Starting a year ago in March with the kitchen remodel and then in earnest in September, teams of volunteers and contractors transformed 1,800 square feet of underutilized warehouse space into dental operatories, a break room, office space, and a community education room. In total, the remodel cost just over $100,000 with more than half of that donated in labor and materials. With the building now fully occupied, Genesis World Mission is utilizing its space to a much greater capacity and effectiveness. Businesses and Individuals Who Donated Labor and Supplies (in whole or in part):

Adam Geis A1 Plumbing American Wallcover Boise Garage Door Stanley Bowman Braley-Gray/Poe Brower Painting Scott Castoe Rob Christensen Ted Clevenger Core Group, Inc.

Enterprise Electric Ferguson Franklin Building Supply G&G Insulation Ed Goff Great Floors Larry Halstead Richard Herdegen Sykler Hurd Casey Kline Paul Pegorsch Peninsula Sawing and Cutting Petra Construction

ProWall Dry Wall & Insulation Quality Electric Rocky Towle/Design Resources Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center S&S Dental Ted Sigmont Sonitrol Jim Stedman Barney Warren Western Idaho Cabinets Staff and volunteers enjoy the tremendous Mel Wibbels

Two new dental operatories and a dedicated sterilization space have made volunteer dentist recruitment a rapid success. Digital x-ray equipment provided by John F. Nagel Foundation funding.

flexibility and space provided by this remodel. A new fire alarm system was funded by the Harry W. Morrison Foundation.

A Conference Room is well equipped for community groups and medical education


Rooted and Grounded in Love


A1 Plumbing Brian & Sharon Abbott Elaine Ackerman-Dunson Dr. Howard Adkins Advance Physical Therapy Marco & Margaret Alcalde Roger & Kathleen Allen Dr. Suzanne Allen Barbara Allen The Allergy Group Courtney Amlingmeier David & Debra Anderson Dennis & Jeanie Anderson Kay Anderson Dean Anderson Andrade's Restaurante Mexicano Desmond & Caroline Anim-Appiah Win & Lorrie Apel Rebecca W. Arnold Milena Arthur Laurie Asaro Assurant Health Foundation

Carol Bader Dr. Max Dean & Deborah Bahora Carl & Margaretha Baker Christie Barclay Paul & Jean Basom Dr. James H Bates Katie Batt Lynda Beach Serrita Beaulieu Patti Beavers Gary & Leslie Beck Bell Funeral Home Ben Bridge Jewelers Dan & Kristina Benedick Dawn Berheim Jake Berriochoa David & Lisa Bettis Arthur & Sue Biedrzycki Betty Bieker Kevin Bingham Jason & Erica Bisch David & Dorothy Blackwell Natalie Blaine Gene & Danell Bleymaier Richard & Amy Blickenstaff Loren & Kathy Blickenstaff Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation For Health Bogus Basin Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce Boise Shuttle Boise State University Morrison Center Athletic Department Bookstore Student Union Tennis Team

Boise Therapeutic Massage Center Boise Tutoring Clubs Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Boise Valley Christian Communion Grover & Audrey Boldt Stan & Lorraine Bowman Jennifer Boyd Bruce & Barbara Boyles Shannan Brimmer Heather Brobst Brent & Patricia Kay Brocksome Kristin Brown Ashley Brown Kent & Sherry Brown Russell Bruce & Sandra Bennett Bruce Chef Pete Bugayong Dr. Ann Patrice Burgess Dr. Maurice & Agnes Burkholder Debbie Butler C & S Trade & Bindery David Cahn Calvary Chapel Boise

Camille Beckman Foundation Christi Campbell Capital Christian Center Capital City Family Medicine Cardinal Health Dr. Richard & Lois Carlson Frances Carnagey-Wood Amanda Caron Ed Castledine Jose & Elsa Cervantes Stephanie Chase Chess Anytime Chess Academy CHF Home Furnishings Rob Christensen Devon & Julie Clark Edwin & Gloria Clark Laura Clary Dan & Kathy Clements Cole Community Church Benita Coleman Carl & Ellen Collins Doug & Carol Colwell Leslie Conklin-Sanchez Richard & Joyce Cooke Todd Cooper Dr. Nic Cordum Dr. Ann Cordum Core Group Inc Cork & Shutter Jordon & Judi Corlett Dr. Scott & Paula Coulter

Dr. Joe Courtial Donna Coyle Crossroads Business Development Dr. Joseph Daines, Jr. Dr. Seana Daly Dan's Antiques Mr. & Mrs. Danzer Brian & Shelly Davey Robert & Michelle Davidson Janet Davis Cullen Anderson & Sarah Davis Lynda Davis Janet Davis DCR Landscape Spraying Trevor DeBuhr J.R. & Mrs. Denney Art & Terry Derrick Design Resources Architects Designs West Interiors Angeline & Michael Devitt Rachael Devore Mary Dewalt Mike Dickens Digestive Health Care, LLC Mary Kay DiGrazia Susie Dillon William & Mary Dittrich Heather Dobbin Jo Dockstader Robin Dodson & Dr. Pamela Powell Lucas Donaldson Dan & Ying Donegan Christian Van Donge Ronald & Terry Dorn Joseph Dornier & Heidi Bogert Dornier Bill & Mary Dorsch Roald & Ginger Doskeland Doubletree Riverside Hotel Bob & Sandra Drake Katherine Drake-Stevens Bobbi Dunn Heidi Dyer Eagle Church of the Nazarene Eagle Northgate Foursquare Church

Eastwind Community Church Angella Eckert Dwight S. Edwards Eide Bailly LLP Ted Ellis Madison Ellis Dr. Henry & Kathryn Elzinga Emergency Medicine of Idaho P.A. Kathryn Engle Ennis Fine Furniture Pete Erickson Dr. Thomas & Maria Eschen John & Judith Evans Debra Evans Event IQ Kif Ewing Cynthia Fairfax Family Practice Residency of Idaho Dr. Martin W. Friedman Martie Hawkins & Todd Fenzel Dr. Richard Ferguson Dr. Joseph Fetzek Roby Financial First United Methodist Church Vienna Fisher Mark Fisher Julia Fitch Pam Flora Marilyn Floyd Shannon Foisy Robert & Toni Fontaine Shaundra Fontaine James J. & Dr. Alice Forsythe David Fotsch Zachary Fox Marcia Franklin

Garden City Chamber of Commerce Genesis Medical Center Stanley & Susan Gibson Les Gieselman Eric & Elisa Gironda James & Georgia Girvan Tammy Glidewell Bryce & Luanne Gochnour Ed Goff Steven Goodrich Dr. Thomas & Kristin Goodwin Gravity Technologies, Inc Gray Commercial Properties Sharlene Green Emily Green Harry Ezell & Marguerite Gulrich Richard & Denice Haener Ken & Dawn Hall Drs. Tim Hall & Jhon Hall Kurtis & Christina Hall David & Elizabeth Hall The Halliday Foundation Anita Halpin-Havey

Larry & Carmen Halstead Dr. Thomas Hamilton Bob & Carol Hamlin Amy S. Hansen Thomas & Jane Hardison Arlene Hardy Harris Dean Insurance Sarah Hartman Janet Hascall

Robin Hatcher Harold & Lois Hatten, Jr. James & Anita Havey Holly Hawkins Barbara Hawley James & Tracy Haworth Alvin & Betty Haworth Arlin Hayes David & Susan Hazelton Rick Heckenlively Bruce & Laurie Heimbigner Anne & John Heiselmann Eileen Heiselmann Dr. Michael & Margaret Henbest Carrie Rose & Martin Hendrickson Richard Herdegen Hewlett-Packard Hillcrest Floral Dr. John & Terri Hisel Dave & Bobbie Hobson Eric & Karen L. Hoffman Mark & Judy Hofstetter Ervin & Kara Hoge David & Kathy Holley Dr. Mark & Lana Hollingshead Rick & Linda Holman Amanda Holmes Joyce Honea Bob & Peggy Hoover Heather Van Houten Patricia Hovland Bernadine Marconi & Kenneth Howell Pat Hunt Rachel Hunzeker Matt & Monica Hyde David & Susan Hyde Idaho Candy Company Idaho Chapter-NECA/Local Union 291-IBEW LMCC Idaho Community Foundation Idaho Sports Medicine Institute

Idaho State Office of Rural Health & Primary Care Idaho Urologic Institute, P.A. Idaho Women's Charitable Foundation Idaho's Finest Awards Jeffrey Inouye I/D/E/A Inc. Intermountain Medical Imaging Michael & Becky Jackson Jayco Cabinets John F. Nagel Foundation Sharon Johnson Denny & Jeanette Johnson Lamont & Blossom Johnston Gordon & Vicki Jones Dr. William A. & Bobbie Jones Jonathan Jones Pam Jones Beth Jordan Charlene D. Karwatsky Michael & Cheryl Kary Dr. Michael Kaylor Michael Kecskes Michael & Jacqueline-Sullivan Keiley Keiretsu Forum Northwest Tamara Kelly Kelly’s Original Inc. Kevin & Chris Kempers Key Bank—Park Center Natalia Khochay

Joshua & Margene Lunn Mark & Nancy Mallory Alvin & Joanne Marsden Peggy Mason Rae Mason Harry & Gainelle Massoth Tyler Matheson James & Christine Maxwell JJ & Marjorie McBride David & Camille McCauley Ryon & Deborah McCrady Julie Kilgrow Richard & Juanita McDonough Kevin & Judy Kircher Dr. Tim McHugh Dr. Robert & Dorothy Klomp John & Jan McIntyre John & Lois Kloss John & Peggy McMahon Lawrence & Kaye Knight Jan McNamer Bruce Knox & Sharon-Sharp Knox Cristina Ana McNeil Beth Kobza Dr. Mark & Jody Meier Dr. Gretchen Kohler Dennis & Donna Meier Dr. N.C. Kois Mena Holding Company LTD Dr. Peter Kozisek & Julia Robinson Jennifer Merchant Dr. Kevin & Dawn Krafft Debbie & Steven Meredith Andrew & Jacqueline Kristensen Meridian Psychological Center 89.5 FM KTSY Meridian Rotary Club Pamela Kubik Methodist Counseling Center Tina Kurtz Microsoft Giving Company Michael J. Kutz Drs. John Migliori & Mary Kathleen Benavides Mark & Cindy Lach Michele Miles Elaine Ladd Molly Miles Langer Dental Noah Minskoff Larissa Lamson Janet Mitchell Larry Barnes Foundation, Inc. Ellen Mitchell Patricia Larson Bill Moats Amanda Lawrence Joshua & Jenny Lawrence Bobby & Brandy Lawrence Scott & Diane Leadbetter Leo & Donna Lemmelin Jennifer Lenoue Les Bois Kiwanis Club Dr. Gregory & Diane Lewer Richard Linford Stacey Lewis Bill & Priscilla Linge Donna Lowther

Mona Lisa Restaurant Marty Monk Megan Moody Drew Moore Karen & James Moore Ruth Morton Betsy Moynihan David Mueller Babette Munting Murphy Law Office, PLLC Liz Murtland Ilungu Muzaliwa Dr. Michael & Gloria Myhre Laney Nash Scott & Diana Nelson T.G. & Sharon Nelson Jerry & Janice Nielson Gary & Lonna Nixon Robert & Rhonda Noble William & Donna Noble Craig & Judy Nowaski Stephen C. Nowaski William Nowierski Rose Nunez Lorene E. Oates Valerie Obenchain Jenny O’Dell Stephen & Karen O’Dell Amy Ohara Stanley Hall & Dr. Elizabeth Olberding Dr. Andrew Olnes Jerry & Terese Orban Ronald & Brin O’Reilly Arthur & Delores Ortman David & Dr. Sharon Oster Kenneth & Bonita Otten Mark Owens Dr. Kyle Palmer Daniel Palmer The Pantry Restaurant Diane Parsels Christa Patton Rev. John & Kattie Payne John & Corrie Pearce

Kip & Melisa Pearson Peasley Transfer & Storage Matt & Karie J. Petaja Andrew Peters Pamela Petersen Piazza Di Vino Carla Pladsen Edward Plies Point Architects J Robert & Priscilla Polk Donna Polzin Kimberly Pope Tom & Patsy Porter Greg & Suzanne Porterfield Sharon Potter Practice Management Incorporated Premium Service, Inc Molly Prengaman Ben & Beverly Price Primary Health, Inc. Pro-Wall Drywall Gray Commercial Properties Quentin & Barbara Quickstad Dr. James Quinn Barbara & Craig Quintana Viki C Raaen Valadee Rad Robert & Suzanne Rainville Montie & Ann Ralstin Rapunzel Dr. Charles & Vera Rasmussen Dr. Donald G. Rau Carter Reames

Steve & Tamara Reames Daniel C. & Kelly Reed Richard & Lynn Reid Kevin & Julie Rensink Vernon & Mary Repp Retired Senior Volunteer Program - Treasure Valley Mike Reynolds David & Mary Fisher Rice Michael Rice Linda Rich Darrell & Chris Richards Jim & Mary Rickerd Colin Riley Dr. Rob Ririe The Roastere Ronald & Helen Robins Dr. Stephen J. Rodell Kellen Ronnau Roger & Kathy Roos Matthew J. Roos Kimberly & Tim Ross Roy & Diane Ross Rotary Club of Boise - Sunrise Adam Rothenberg Ruby Lou Mike & Linda Rush Alesha Russo Ray & Patty Ryan Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center Bonnie & Robert Salewski Tamara Sandmeyer Drs. Scott Smith & Cathy Sandstrom Neva & Timothy Santos Jim & Willie Scheel Kenzie Scheidt Rick & Connie Schnebly Schwab Foundation for Charitable Giving Danielle Schwanz Nancy Schwarzkopf Delbert & Alice Scott

Jim & Cathy Sears Second Baptist Church Valley Copy Service Ronald J. Sestero Donabeth Shaffer Drs. Kevin Shea & Ilana Shumsky Ted Sigmont Signature Roofing, Inc. Simmons Fine Jewelry David Simonaitis Tom & Patricia Skeie Sandra Small Bryan & Lucinda Smith Anthony Smith Neil & Margaret Smull Sonitrol Pacific Southminister Women’s Association Specialty Installations Barbara Spencer St. Luke's Regional Medical Center Kevin Learned & Amy Stahl Taylor Stanley Jim Stedman Jim & Jan Steele Eric & Robin Steingruber Pat Stephens James R. & Joan Stephens Dennis Stevens Brian L. Stewart Jacqueline Street Stress Less Therapeutic Massage Dwain & Dorothy Stricklin Jessica Strong

Superior Systems Training Rani Sutliff Alan & Cheryl Swajkoski Carl "Pete" & Ann Swanstrom Edi Swenson Sandy Tarter Cynthia Taylor Beverly & David Taylor Dr. Stephen C. Montamat & Rosa Terrazas Rich & Claudia W. Terrell Donald & Rosa Terwilleger Andrew Theiss Therapeutic Associates/Boise Physical Therapy Greg Gaspin & Shaun Thomas Charlie & Dr. Marietta Thompson Howard D. Thompson Mark & Susan Thornton Trinity Evangelical Free Church Will & Megan Tumulty Tune Tech Earl, Grace & David Turner Bob & Pat Tuttle Eileen Twomey Karl & Kathy Undesser United Way of Treasure Valley Harold & Dorothy Unruh Ustick Baptist Church Veritas Fine Books & Coffee Dr. Reese & Robin Verner Dr. Robert E Vestal JR & Mary Villanueva Vital Health Andrew Von Thaden Wachovia Foundation Kathleen Wachtler Dr, George Wade Joan Marie Wainwright Shahla Walizada Vicki Wallace Jeffrey & Christine Warner Barney Warren Ryan & Shannon Warwick Carrol & Roberta Warwick

Washington Group International Washington Mutual Bank Dr. Dean & Lillian Watkins Terry & Jane Watts Dr. Karl & Teina Watts Xochitl Watts James & Rosana Watts Mary Beth Wells Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Sharon Westbrook West Coast Paper Stephen White Mel & Beverly Wibbels Kenneth & Connie Wilde Mitch & Brenda Williams Ben & Molly Williams Dick & Cherol Williams Geri Williams Summer Williams Rhonda Willoughby Robert Wills Marlene Willy Sara Wilson Helen L. Wilson Windermere Foundation Fay D Wirtanen Tyson & Janelle Wise Lois & Hal Wisner Women’s Health Associates David Wong Dr. Tom & Penny Woodward Worldwide Church of God Woodven C. Wright John & Arlene Yinger Leslie Yoest Carol & Pat Young Christina Young Roger Zanders Judy Ziemer

Genesis World Mission Board of Directors 2007-2008 Karl Watts, MD, President/Chairman Genesis Medical Center Vice-President, Richard Carlson, MD Retired Arlene Hardy, Secretary Community Volunteer Bobby Lawrence, Treasurer Eide Bailly, LLP Susie Dillon, MD Genesis Medical Center Zach Fox Dr.First John Hisel, DDS Private Practice Scott Nelson Boise Valley Christian Communion Craig Quintana ACHD Mike Rice Gold Key Realty Joan Stephens Stronghold Remodeling David Taylor Retired Ryan Warwick Rathbone, McReynolds & Daly Investment Consulting

JUNE 1, 2007—MAY 31, 2008

Financial Statements

Genesis World Mission continued to grow its financial base of support and operations this year. We are so grateful to the many sources of support we receive, knowing that all of it is sourced in the favor and provision of God. Our financial records were independently audited by Certified Public Accountants Grigg, Ritter & Brash, PC.

Income by Source In-Kind Materials/ Supplies (17%)

Corporate/ Foundations (13%)

Overall, our cash contributions dropped from $564,000 to $409,000 over the past year. This is primarily attributed to previous year capital contributions of $180,000. Special events income is down but we have experienced an increase in individual direct giving.

State Grants (2%)

Contributions & Support (22%)

In-Kind Labor (36%) Special Events (8%) Other (3%)

Total Income: $862,127

We have significantly enhanced our ability to track in-kind donations of materials, supplies and labor, believing it is important to demonstrate to the community our ability to leverage these gifts against cash expenses. A large degree of our in-kind income and expenses is related to the completion of the building project—over half of which was donated instead of purchased. We are also now able to track the value of donated pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, (These same amounts are also included as program expenses in the category where they would have normally been expensed.)

Expenses by Program GCCC Dental (5%)

Garden City Community Clinic activities steadily remains the largest portion of expenses at 53%. Our ongoing financial support to our partner clinic in Kenya has increased our international programs expense to 22% from 13% last year. Our administrative and fundraising expenses dropped significantly this year, as a percentage of total expenses. InKind “expenditures” make up a good portion of our programs’ activities—37% related to day to day expenses, another 16% were capitalized on the balance sheet for clinic expansion.

Warehouse (<1%) Volunteer Physicians Network (4%)

Garden City Community Clinic –Medical (48%)

International Programs (22%)

Administrative (9%) Fundraising (12%)

Total Expenses: $794,831 Balance Sheet 5/31/2008 Current Assets Property and Equipment Total Assets Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets

$176,783 $565,378 $742,161 $26,046 $278,407 $437,708 $742,161

Although there is a book variance between total income and total expenses, this mostly represents the in-kind donation of goods and services related to the remodel. These donations are received as income but post directly to the balance sheet as an increase in property and equipment, rather than an expense. Net assets increased by 118%.




Expressing mercy and compassion to

For those in our society or overseas

people who have come upon hard

who are so often treated with disdain,

times for whatever reason is the central

our caring and personal touch is a part

tenant of service. This applies equally

of the pathway to wholeness.

to the ex-con and the former executive.


It is a lot of fun to start new projects

We’re not perfect and we don’t expect

and new opportunities present them-

to be, but we work hard to provide the

selves daily. We plan carefully to

best service within our abilities and

avoid staff and volunteer burn-out and

resources. Things around here change

overextended budgets due to juggling

often because we’re constantly tweak-

too many things at once.

ing and improving our best efforts.


Not everybody who serves at Genesis

Treating people with excellence and

World Mission believes the same

love says, “You’re a person and you’re

thing, and we think that is healthy.

valuable enough to be treated well.”

We welcome all who share these

This breeds hope—an essential part of

values to come and be a part of our

the healing process.

mission of healing people, around the corner and around the world.

HIGHLY LEVERAGED DONATIONS WORK HARD You expect that your financial gift to a non-profit organization is going to be managed well. But when your dollars are stretched by the donation of additional in-kind goods and services, that is even better. In 2008, for every dollar given to support Genesis’ work, more than $1.00 was matched with volunteer labor and donated goods, such as medicines, supplies and equipment.

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WHAT IS A YEAR OF HOPE WORTH? It’s hope that we offer best. Hope for a healthy future. Hope for a day or two without pain. Hope for escape from generational poverty. Can you be a part of providing hope for those who for whatever reason find themselves in a desperate place? They may be in poverty because regional war has displaced them or they may have just made some bad life choices. Whatever the reason, they’re people made in the image of God like you and me. Genesis World Mission invites you to be an ongoing partner in its causes by making a monthly or annual donation. For more information, please contact us at 208-384-5218 or visit our website.

215 W 35th Street Garden City ID 83714 www.genesisworldmission.org [email protected] 208.384.5218 tel 208.384.5205 fax

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