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GLENEAGLES Medical Centre Penang HOC monthly newsletter

Next support group meeting: 7.30 pm, 16th March 2005 Topic: A patient’s experience Speaker Ms Janet Ooi

Prepared by the

Haematology – Oncology Centre, GMC Penang

March 2006

9 th February 2006. The Chinese New Year party cum support group meeting was a success. Mr. Ronald Koh gave a short welcoming speech and announced the anticipated expansion of the haematooncology day care centre. GMC will support efforts to assist patients during their treatment and after, and strongly support the patient support group efforts. Dr. Leong gave a short presentation on the ASCO report which highlighted major advances in cancer treatment in 2005. The PR girls then gave an excellent belly dancing performance. This was followed by the traditional yee sang and food. Karaoke was great with many participating. Maybe next year we will have lion dance!

“A problem is only as big as you make it to be.”

11th Support Group Meeting Topic: A patient’s experience Speaker: Ms Janet Ooi, Cancer Survivor Time: 7.30 to 9.30 pm Date: 16th March , Thurs Venue: Lecture Hall, 6 th Floor, GMC Penang Only for patients, spouses, relatives and caregivers For catering purposes, your confirmation with Ms Mabel, Dr Leong’s secretary at 04 2202189.is much appreciated. Thanks.

GLENEAGLES Medical Centre Penang HOC monthly newsletter

Next support group meeting: 7.30 pm, 16th March 2005 Topic: A patient’s experience Speaker Ms Janet Ooi

Prepared by the

Haematology – Oncology Centre, GMC Penang

Page 2, March 2006

Relay for life in Penang is organized by the Penang Branch of the National Cancer Society. The aim of the relay is to create awareness of cancer, breaking taboos and show that cancer can be treatment. At the same time, it is a fund raising occasion to raise funds for cancer patients. This year the RELAY FOR LIFE will be held in THE YOUTH PARK at 5.30 pm on the 11 th March 2006. Do join the occasion. If you are a cancer survivor, you are invited to take part in the Survivors’ Walk . In 2 clinical trials on breast cancer reported in 2005, Herceptin used with chemotherapy after surgery for patients with high risk breast cancer which had spread to the lymph nodes, and positive for the surface protein HER2 on the cancer cells, improved the outcome for the patients by 50%. 50% less patients relapsed when they used Herceptin. This is indeed an important advancement in the treatment of breast cancer. However, there is an increase risk of developing heart problems, although small. The curves show that 18 less patients out of 100 relapsed when Herceptin was used.

Transtuzumab (Herceptin , Roche) is an antibody developed to attack cancer cells which has an excess of a protein on their surface called HER-2 (marked with an X in diagram). This antibody when used with chemotherapy, improves the response rate of the chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer. Further information available on www.herceptin.com

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