2006 Utu Cba Summary Of Changes

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  • Pages: 3
UTU MTA 2006 Labor Negotiations

Topic Term Article I Schedule of Wages

Article 4 Work Runs/Recovery Time

Changes • July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2009 • Effective Dates, Basic Rates and Starting Rates – Straight Time Rates of Pay Trainee Rates Effective July 1, 2006 3.0% Effective July 1, 2007 3.5% Effective July 1, 2008 4.0% • MTA may eliminate the entry step of the wage progression if needed. Operators at that step will move up. • Any assignment ending after 12:00 am is paid $.25 hour OWL differential • Cost of Living Adjustment and Quarterly Wage Adjustment language (and any other “sleepers”) remains dormant during term of the labor agreement • The Chief Operations Officer replaces the Executive Officer of Labor and Employee Relations • Recovery time set forth in Section 14 shall be guaranteed, and, in compliance with Wage Order No. 9

Article 8 Qualifications Article 9 Hardship Cases

Article 18 Making of Reports

Page Reference Title Page Page 6, 7, 8, 9

Page 10 Page 10 Page 19 and throughout the CBA Page 26

Any time Operators are required to attend training (i.e.: VTT, DDC, One-On-One, etc) they will receive their regular rate of pay Operators (including part time operators) will be limited to one hardship transfer in any six-month period except for meritorious cases agreed to by the Sector General Manager and the UTU Local Chairman

Page 35

Operators will receive a pay allowance equal to 45 minutes of straight time pay when completing an accident report and a pay allowance equal to 10 minutes of straight time pay when completing a miscellaneous report or an operator’s daily log, this time is not considered time work for calculation of overtime

Page 67

Article 19 Student Operators/ Trainee Schedulers

Page 68

Article 26 Filing of Claims – Procedure - Limitations Article 27 Discipline Rule

A Line Instructor, Scheduler Maker or Schedule Checker who is assigned a student or giving instructions will be compensated at his/her regular rate plus $2.00 per hour for time spent in instructing the student Permanent Grievance Hearing Officer established for 2nd step grievances including procedures for hearings and time frames. Appeals from 2nd Step go to the Chief Operations Officer Major infractions of running ahead of schedule, off route and rail road crossings require personal contact ASAP by the person citing the infraction Transportation Manager can authorize absences which they deem have sufficient merit

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Page 46

Page 88, 89

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Changes • Missouts may be excused for emergencies (specific reference to letter by Catoe) • When an Operator is written up for a violation except (NAP) written notification provided by that individual. Will be made available to testify at a formal hearing upon request • Changes to work flow process for handling accidents and staffing structure for Accident Review Board. • Second Tier ARB Hearing Officer Chair with one rep from Union and one rep from Management • Third tier ARB the may use a two member panel of Safety Specialists or Arbitrator.

Page Reference Page 98 Page 98

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Page 103

Page 104 Article 28 Seniority Rules Article 37 Uniforms Article 40 Jury Duty

Terminal 6 is not a division


The operator Uniform Allowance increased to $350

Page 122

Page 130

Article 43 Vacations

Operators serving jury duty may elect to make up any lost wages by requesting to be being paid from their accrued sick leave or vacation banks at the employee’s option. Vacation will not be prorated for employees on approved leave for union business 40 hours of vacation may be carried over to the next year if notice is given by April 1 40 hours of vacation may be reserved and used in single day increments MTA increase payment to Health and Insurance Trust Fund by 8% per year Sickness allowance will begin on the first full work day absence

July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2009

Page 177

MTA will explore the concept of having employees at certain high traffic areas assist our operators in the safe, efficient loading and unloading of passengers from our buses Full time eligible rail operators shall be eligible to receive up to a maximum of two (2) $125 vouchers per fiscal year for safety shoes

Letter from Mr. Catoe

• • Article 46 Health Plan Article 47 Sick Leave Article 57 Duration Other





The MTA has agreed to pay Schedule Makers Mileage (for personal auto use) and parking fee reimbursement. Implementation of a Issue Discussion and Resolution Committee in Rail, Schedule Makers, and Schedule Checkers Restroom facilities

Page 136 Page 137 Page 137 Page 147 Page 153

Letter from Mr. Catoe

Letter from Mr. Catoe Letter from Mr. Catoe

Letter from Mr. Catoe




Page Reference

Other Other

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Emergency missouts Effective with the December 2006 shake-up Article 25 will be inactive during the term of this agreement. All BDOF Operators will be phased out (promoted to part time operator) during the term of this agreement. Work performed by BDOF will be put back into core service

Letter from Mr. Catoe MTA UTU Side Letter


Leave not to exceed 6 months duration for CDL disqualification


Allow part time operators to work VCB on month-to-month basis until December 2006 shake-up

MTA UTU Side Letter MTA UTU Side Letter


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