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GLENEAGLES Medical Centre Penang HOC monthly newsletter

November 2005

Cancer and Infections

Next support group meeting: 7.30 pm, 17th Nov 2005 Topic for discussion: After treatment, what next? Follow up Speaker: Dr Leong Kin wah


Prepared by the

Haematology – Oncology Centre, GMC Penang

Infection remains a risk during treatment especially with cytotoxic chemotherapy. Dr. Leong gave a 30 minute talk on cancer and infection during the monthly educational support group meeting. The relationship of cancer with infection is complex. Some cancers arise because of infections. Cancers can cause changes in the immune system leading to infections, cause obstruction to lumens like the airways causing pneumonia. This is especially so with blood related cancers. Treatment especially cytotoxic chemotherapy can predispose the patient to infections. There are various factors during treatment that lead to infection. These include mucositis, diarrhoea, perianal problems, chemotherapy ports and lines, reduction in the white cells and ulcers caused by cancer. During treatment, prevention include keeping clean, wash and dap after passing motion, don’t constipated, use of prophylactic antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals. Continued back page…..

Dr. Leong giving his talk 8 th Support Group Meeting Topic: After treatment, what next? Follow-up. Speaker: Dr. Leong Kin Wah Time: 7.30 to 9.30 pm Date:17th Nov 2005, Thurs Venue: Lecture Hall, 6th Floor, GMC Penang Only for patients, relatives and caregivers For catering purposes, your confirmation with Ms Mabel, Dr Leong’s secretary at 04 2202189.is much appreciated. Thanks.

In the coming weeks……………… Some of us stay back and did have some fun playing some board games in the last meeting. Mr. Tan has confirmed the trip will be on 8th January 2006. All patients, caregivers and relatives, including families are welcome. Cost per person RM 78. First 20 persons will be given a subsided rate at RM58. Trip will be to Ipoh, Gua Tempurung and Taiping Zoo. Inclus ive of lunch and dinner (halal). Inform Ms Mabel, if you would like to join us.

Focus website of the month: http://www.bccancer.bc.ca This is the official website for the British Columbia Cancer Agency (Canada). This website is very professionally done. The site for patients is well written and there is a section on alternate and complementary medicine.

GLENEAGLES Medical Centre Penang HOC monthly newsletter

Next support group meeting: 7.30 pm, 17th Nov 2005 Topic: After treatment, what next? Follow up Speaker: Dr Leong Kin Wah


Haematology – Oncology Centre, GMC Penang

Back page, November 2005

Types of infections during treatment Intercurrent infections not related to treatment, eg: Dengue fever, flu. Viral infections that reactivate: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes Zoster (Shingles, ‘snakes’), CMV infection. Fungal infections: Candidiasis, common in mouth and vagina, Systemic fungal infections – Candida, Aspergillus – common. Bacterial infections, like pneumonia, line infections. Herpes Zoster

Candidiasis (Trush)

Things you can do to prevent infections and keep well during treatment 1 Keep yourself and your surroundings clean. 2 Take a bath at least daily. If unable, sponging is advised. 3 Keep good oral hygiene. Always rinse after food. Brush with soft toothbrush. 4 Choose foods that are soft and do not need extensive chewing. 5 Eat only cooked food. Fruits are fine provided their skin is peeled and eaten immediately. 6 Avoid constipation. Drink plenty of water. 7 After passing motion, wash with water and dap dry. Try not to use toilet paper. 8 Check your temperature 4 times per day during waking hours or when unwell. A temperature above 38 degrees C warrants a visit to the doctor or hospital. 9 Avoid crowded and enclosed places. 10. Do not smell flowers and avoid gardening.

News update: Star 8th October 2005 Cervical Cancer Cure in a Year. A new vaccine that can prevent the infection by 2 strains of the human papilloma virus. This would prevent 70% of infections. The new vaccine has been tested in more than 10,000 girls. The new vaccine, Gardasil, is from Merck and approval for its use is expected in 2006. HPV causes cervical cancer. Preventing its infection would thus prevent cervical cancer.

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