(2005) Turn Around

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(2005) Turn Around!

(Ch.:) And you would learn how to sing like a sparrow in spring & find a new life full of freedom Yes, you would learn how to fly like an angel, so high & you’d never come back again If you’d only reach out & touch Me If you’d just lift your heart up to heaven & would listen to My voice You’d find treasures that forever last, more than silver and all gold If you’d just open your heart & receive Me as I stand here at your door I would give you joy & such heavenly bliss as you’d never known before If you’d only reach out...

1.) From Your Lips From Your lips – Words of gold From Your lips – Words of purest gold Straight from Your heart Your songs of love to me You impart Straight from Your humble heart From Your lips – Words that formed the worlds From Your lips – never a wrong was heard Straight from Your heart You give all I need from the start Straight from Your mighty heart Who am I to have found favor in Your eyes? What am I that for a wretch like me you died? Who am I to call You mine? From Your lips – drops that make all I’ve got, all I am From Your lips – we were formed before this world began Straight from Your heart come each song, dance & true work of art Straight from Your heart of hearts (Br. & 1st verse)

2.) If You’d Only Reach Out

Dec.30, 1984

If you’d only reach out & touch Me & would call upon My name You’d find oh, sweet rest from your care & pain, as you’d never found the same If you’d only call out & receive Me, I would whisper in your ears All my wondrous, precious Words of life that would cast out all your fears If you’d only reach out & touch Me


3.) Woe! When the (Am) children of Zion (G) dream about the (F) Matrix (Am) Trading truth & (G) love for the (F) Big Lie & (Em) hatred Des(Am)pising their own (G) heritage & (F) think it’s rather odd It’s (Am) hard, (G) hard, (Am) When the children of David bow down & worship mammon They stop living the Law of Love, having all things in common When money is the thing of which they just can’t get enough It’s tough, tough, tough (Chorus:) (F) Lord, forgive us for we’ve strayed & (Am) heal us from our sin (G) Help us get back on the way for (Am) we’re destined to win (F) Free us from the bondage of the (Am) Devil and his kin (G) Help us wipe off from his face that (Em) evil, wicked (E) grin When the children of the Kingdom go astray and follow Satan Down the broad way, through the wide gate of those who’ll only betray them When sheep put on the clothes of wolves, pretending they’re so bad It’s sad, sad, sad

When the New Church of the Lamb has lost ist purpose & the vision And the multitudes are still lost in the vale of indecision Cause the shepherds have not come to tenderly gather them in It’s sin, sin sin

Come to me now, my bride, my love, let nothing cause delay Let your heart pound out each step that brings you close to Me Your steps be swift, your thoughts be of none other, let Me be all you see (Rep. Ch.1)

(Chorus:) (F) Lord, forgive us for we’ve strayed & (Am) heal us from our sin (G) Help us get back on the way for (Am) we’re destined to win (F) Free us from the bondage of the (Am) Devil and his kin (G) Help us wipe off from his face that (Em) evil, wicked (E) grin (Bridge:) (G) Break us and re-make us and wake (F) us up from our (Am) sleep (G) For we have to warn the world & (F) find His little (Am) sheep (G) With the keys of destiny there’s (F) nothing we can’t (Am) do We’ll (G) rise above and overcome and (E) win the World for You (Chorus 2x)

4.) Run To My Arms

Nov.17 2004

Run to My arms, I will hold you so close, I will keep you from harm Run to My arms, you won’t need any clothes, here you’ll be safe and warm Run to My arms, baby run like the wind, run as fast as you can Run to my arms, baby, run to My arms again (G*) I have heard you in the garden, (F#/D*) searching for Me You came with (Em*) pain as you saw you were not as (D*) I would have you be I’m calling you to cast aside your garments and your robes I long for nothing but to feel your skin, feel you so close

5.) On Guard (G) Now is the (Am) hour to (bm) fight for the (C) Kingdom & (G) lay aside (Am) personal (bm) trials(C Am) Now is the time to unite for the Lord & forsake our worldly desires (C) We're all respon(D)sible (G) for gain or (Em) loss, (C) we must win (D)the victory (G)! (G7) Do what each one can do, forget your problems, too, (C) now is the (Am) hour to (Dsus4-D) be: (Chorus:) On (G) guard! We (Am)have to be (bm) sober & (C) watchful On (G) guard, lift (Am) the standard (bm/A) higher (Am) On guard! Lest the fiery darts of the foe should set our walls of union on fire On guard! United we stand, but divided we'll fall, let's keep wining, fighters! (C) Firm in the (D) victory, strong in the faith, holding on to the promises He's given us (G7) Bold in the power of God, wielding his Spirit's sword yielding our all to the Lord Now is the hour to stand in the gap & hold on to the calling before us Now is the time to step forward for God & to fight like true faithful soldiers All things are possible if we believe, we have been destined to win Put the whole armor on, we won't surrender, no, let us stay faithful and sing: (Chorus)

So, run to my arms, remove these silky gowns, let your hair blow wild in the wind Run to My arms, strip off these things which hide the warmth of your body from My skin Run to My arms, let nothing come between us so that only you remain Run to My arms, baby, run to My arms again I wish only only to touch you & I care not what they say

Come, let's all lay aside foolishness, shallowness, worldliness, selfishness, self-pity & pride No time for nursing wounds, we must keep fighting on & in our calling abide side by side (modulation to A) (Chorus in A)

6.) Cheer Up! Johnny Simmons never knew what he had until it blew up And all came crashing ‘round his ears one sunny day of June At first he didn’t know what to do, then he said, “I’ve been a fool. Life could be much worse than this!” & he said down & sang this tune Johnny Simmons born anew didn’t like some others do, go through life with their eyes closed & never getting any clue Learned his lesson, even two, passed it on for me & you Life could be much worse than this, can you sing it, too?

We've got to (Bsus) get ready, (Esus) people, it's time to get (Bsus) goin' We've got to get ready, people, it's time to go (Br.:) (F#m) Over the hills, (Asus2) across the seas, there's a (E) destiny for (Bsus) you Way past these walls, you're gonna see that your dreams can still come true How does it feel living inside such a wrong world? Hero or heel, to them you will only speak wrong words It's not meant to be, although this cage may be golden Come & be free, follow the key that you're holding (Ch.) (Br.) (Ch. 2x)

(Chorus:) (Cheer up! )Life could be much worse than this (2x) So, cheer up, what have you got to lose? All you do in life is choose Will you sing a happy song, or will you sing the blues? It’s up to you, pick up the news, so what if life ain’t perfect, Dude? Come on, sing & dance with us & just kick off your shoes

8.) Fire Of Love’s Heart (Esus2)Come gather ‘round, children, Let’s find warmth here at the (Asus2)fireplace (Esus2)Let the true light of the Word warm your heart & light (Asus2) up your face ! (Bsus2)Receive the light & let it make you stronger (Asus2)Learn how to enjoy life a little longer, (F#m7)Here at the (Bsus2)fire of Love’s (Esus2) heart (Asus2)


7.) Get Ready (Bsus/e) Come, pack your bags, we've got to get moving (Asus/b) onward Don't fall behind. there's only one way & that's forward (Esus4) Leave all be(E)hind, (Esus4) everything (E) you call your (D/g#) home (D) now (Asus/f#) There's more to (Asus2) find, much more that life's got in (Es4) store (E) now Tear up your roots, this is not your destination! Put on those boots! You're meant to be heralds to nations Come, follow me, let's catch your destiny out there You're meant to be free, this treadmill will get your life nowhere (Ch.:)

And though the night is approaching Like it has been long foretold No, we won’t lose our path We’ll refuse to let our hearts grow cold And though ten thousands may be falling all around us We’ll still hold on to the light that shines upon us Here at the fire of Love’s heart Bridge: (F#m°) Here you’ll find (G#m°)what you’ve been searching, a (As2) place where you’ll feel you be(Bs2°)long Here you’ll be always at home & receive the strength to carry on Here you’ll find brothers & sisters, a family that won’t fall apart Here at the feet of the King, here at the fire of love’s heart Come, gather ‘round, all you seekers, and let yourselves be found

By the One in Whom all power, all wisdom and love abound If you’ve got love how could you ever be a loser ? The only losers are the ones who will refuse Her, The Queen of the fire of Love’s heart (G)Come gather ‘round, children, Let’s find warmth here at the (C9)fireplace (G)Find true fulfilment in yielding your all to love’s (C9)endless grace (Dsus)Please, open up your heart & just receive it There’s (C9)nothing you can’t do if you believe it (Am) Here at the (D) fire of Love’s (G)heart (Am) Here at the (D) fire of Love’s (G)heart

9.) MONSTER (ANYWAY) Intro: (G- Am7-C-D)

You say, (G)God is a (C)monster, dark, (G)evil and (C)sinister for al(Em)lowing a(C)trocities (Am) everyday (D) Cause how (G)could He be (C)good and how (G)could He be (C)love when He a(Em)llows hatred, (C)torture & (F)war, yousay. (D) So you (Em)call my God (C) evil, an old (Em) tough macho (Am) meanie Who's (F) teasing us (C) all in some (D) kind of play And how (Em) stupid of (C) me to still (Em) keep on be(Am)lieving... do you (F) mind if I (C) praise the Lord, (D) anyway? Do you (F) mind if I (C) praise the Lord, (G) anyway? (Am7 C D)

You say we're all just victims of this ogre in heaven & to Him you just know you will never bow Cause He's bad and He hates you, He won't do things as you'd do them if you could only be Him right now So you spit out opinions about God and His minions, we're all duped, brainwashed robots you'll free, you vow from our slavery to madness our sickening gladness... do you mind if we praise the Lord, anyhow? (chorus 1:) Cause (G) what's it you've (Em) got to give? Can you (G) make one single (Em) cell live or put a (G) smile on my (Am) face when I'm (C) down & (D) out? Do you (Am) have a sol(F)ution or just (Am) more brain pol(F)lution

Is there (C) truth or con(F)fusion in the (D) things you shout? Can you (G) brighten my (Em) day with the (G) words that you (Em) say can you (Am) keep all those (F) ghosts haunting (D) you at bay? Well, if (F) not, could you (C) please, and Sir, (F) ever so (C) kindly, hum(F)anely, be(C)nignly give (D) me a break? And would you (C) mind if I (Am) praise the Lord (G) anyway? (Am C D) Let me (G) tell you a (C) secret: all the (G) things we call (C) evil and (Em) bad may look (C) different to (Am) us someday (D) When we've (G) learned that those (C) very things we (G) loathed made the (C)difference and our (Em) sufferings were (C) only the (F) price we paid (D) for a (Em) heart soft & (C) golden, melted (Em) broken & (Am) molded by the (F) treatment the (C) Potter ap(D)plies to clay And I'm (Em) quite sure, my (C) friend, when we'll (Em) see in the (Am)end the re(F)sult of what (C) you cannot (D) see today I bet (C) you're gonna (Am) praise the Lord (G) anyway (Am7-C-D) (Chorus2:) Though (G) you had no(Em)thing to give, (G) yet His love (Em) made you live, put a (G) smile on your (Am) face when you're (C) down & (D) out He will (Am) give you so(F)lutions for that (Am) old brain pol(F)lution truth in (C) place of con(F)fusion, trust in (D) place of doubts He will (G) brighten your (Em) day with just (G) one Word He'll (Em) say and you'll (Am) finally ac(F)knowledge the (D) price He paid on the (F) cross on that (C) day when the (F) sky turned to (C) grey and He (F) looked at you, (C) heard every (D) word you say and said, (C) "Darling, I (Am) died for you, (G) anyway!" (Am C D)



Be a (G) light to the (Em) world, be a (D) bringer of (G) peace be the (Em) hope of the (C) hopeless, be the (D) answer they (G) seek be a (Em) sample of (C) love, (D) live what you (G) preach be a (Em) way for the (C) captives, show them (D) how to be (Em) free Be a (G) fisher of (Em) men, be a (D) saver of (G) souls be a (Em) gentle, true (C) shepherd, bring them (D) into the (G) fold be a (Em) giver of (C) life from a (D) pure heart of (G) gold give the (Em) people the (C) message, tell them (D) what God has (G) told (Em) Children of (C) David, come, (F) heed the (G) call (Em) There's nothing (C) like you, so (F) give it your (G) all (Em) You are the (C) only ones who (F) live the full (G) truth So, (Em) don't hide from (C) others what's been (F) given to (D) you (Ch.) Be a (G) light to the (Em) world, be a (D) bringer of (G) peace be the (Em) hope of the (C) hopeless, be the (D) answer they (G) seek be a (Em) sample of (C) love, (D) live what you (G) preach be a (Em) way for the (C) captives, show them (D) how to be (G) free (mod.) Be a (A) fisher of (F#m) men, be a (E) saver of (A) souls be a (F#m) gentle, true (D) shepherd, bring them (E) into the (A) fold be a (F#m) giver of (D) life from a (E) pure heart of (A) gold give the (F#m) people the (D) message, tell them (E) what God has (A) told (F#m) She's (E) waiting for (A) you (F#m) her (E) heart cries for (A) you (F#m) for (E) you've got the (A) whole counsel of (D) God, the (Bm) way , the (A) life, the (Esus4) truth (Ch.) Be a (A) light to the (F#m) world, be a (E) bringer of (A) peace

be the (F#m) hope of the (D) hopeless, be the (E) answer they (A) seek be a (F#m) sample of (D) love, (E) live what you (A) preach be a (F#m) way for the (D) captives, show them (E) how to be (F#m) free (E) Be a (A) fisher of (F#m) men, be a (E) saver of (A) souls be a (F#m) gentle, true (D) shepherd, bring them (E) into the (A) fold be a (F#m) giver of (D) life from a (E) pure heart of (A) gold give the (F#m) people the (D) message, tell them (E) what God has (A) told

11.) Turn Around (Nov.29-04) (Asus2) Hey, I'm sorry, but I've got something to (G) say. (Dsus2) Hey, don't you know you're going the wrong (Asus2) way? Why do you refuse to see they tell you (G) lies? (Dsus2) I'm asking you, do you really want to (Asus2) die? So, you think you're pretty sure which way to go Whoa, I'd say that there's a lot that you don't know Blind, with your eyes closed there's not much you will find Do you mind if I tell you how to not be left behind? (Chorus:) Cause it's (G) time to wake up (D) to the sound of (F) changes that are (C) comin' round Dis(G)cover what's yet (D) to be found while (F) there's still time for (C) you to (G) turn a(Asus2)round (C) (Dsus2) turn a(Asus2)round Say, did you know there's big changes on their way? May I suggest the best thing you can do is pray? Boy, you're sure distracted by your fancy toys annoyed by me telling you they won't bring you joy Try, put them aside, see how long you'll get by Untie the chords that bind you to this selfish life Say, did you know that the Answer's on its way Be brave & take the hand by which you might be saved (Chorus)

(Bridge:) (C) No, that's (G) not the way to (Dsus2) go There's (C) certain death & (G) danger at the (Dsus2) end of Satan's road Wake (C) up right now & (G) see the (Dsus2) light what's (C) wrong is wrong and (G) right is (Dsus2) right foll(C)ow me up the (G) path of life, let's (Dsus2) go Yeah, it's time to (Asus2) go War is on, my friend, & that you can't ignore no more Now the Prince of Peace is knocking at your door Live a new life with so much more love to give Believe and let yourself be no longer deceived Cause it's (G) time to wake up (D) to the sound of (F) changes that are (C) comin' round Dis(G)cover what's yet (D) to be found while (F) there's still time for (C) you to (G) turn a(Asus2)round (C) (Dsus2) turn a(Asus2)round

that your faith is built upon? Rock or shifting sand? No place to the snakes, nor the Evil one if you listen to him, you're gonna come undone! he's scared out of his wits of what you're going to be: The Lord's Endtime power-houses, making history! No one is strong enough to stand on their own, without the Word, that standard in your life you will be blown about with every wind of every doctrine, every silly act cause faith is built by faithful study of the Word & that's fact! No place to the Devil, not at any time or level! If your suffer with us now, you're gonna reign forever But if you choose to reign now, you'll lose, so beware of the leaven of the Scribes & the Pharisees' share (1st verse)

12.) No Place To The Snakes! Give no place to the snakes, awake, for Christ's sake! Their lies & their hate just don't cut the cake They've been blinded like fools, they're the Devil's own tools They are suckers for Pan & his motto, "Crap rules!" Can't you see that their intention's to drag you to the pit? Make you despise all that's good & forget about it They won't stop until you cop out & become one of them, join the club of those all heaven calls a crying shame They're despisers of their birthright, they just toss it away for a cheap mess of pottage that's seen better days! 'No place to the snakes!' is our motto today Don't let any cheap excuses steal your crown away! What it all boils down to & on what it all depends is: Are you standing on the Rock or where DO you stand? Is it Jesus & His Word or the System of man

13.) Welcome To Babylon

May ’92

Fatsack cadillac, drivin’ around With the hi-fi blastin’ like he owns the town Sugarbag, someone’s gonna steal your crown if you don’t watch out Big hunks, tough punks pushin’ you around Mammoth cash busters just draggin’ me down I can’t stand no more of that techno sound, I wanna drop out Dancer prance America the Whore Romance in vain cause you’ve been there before You look surprised, “Isn’t there anymore?” -- Great Confusion! Black smoke, death choke, oxygen’s gone Highway plugged up, rush hour’s on How long must we all still carry on? (Ch.:) Welcome to Babylon! Welcome to Babylon! High priest, sly biest, robbin’ the poor Bittersweet sermons are your bait and the lure Just tell me how you can be so hoggone sure you’re on the right track?

59 people living on the same floor barely ever say Hi to the fellow next door Tell me who are you goin’ through all this for I wanna go back Set pace, rat race, see how they run “I’m gonna get rich quicker than the other one! Stepping on people is actually fun!”

Thank You for Your big, big love And the power to rise above Thank You, Lord, for AME* & for giving us the power of the keys Lord, You’re really my best Friend Thank You for holding my hand Help me up when I can’t stand You bring Your bright light in my life, You help me understand


14.) We’ve Come A Long Way

I’ve spent a long, long, long time searchin’ to find my way home

July ‘82

(Ch.:) We’ve come a long way, yeah, come our way home We’ve come a long way, oh, yes, we’ve come our way home (rep.)

Jesus, You’re so way, way cool! You’re so wise and I’m your fool Help me, Lord, stick to Your rules I’ve been a long, long, long time waitin’ to become Your tool (1st verse)

We found the way & there ain’t no other Come on & step out by faith today, my brother!

* AME: “Ask Me everything!”

We’ve got the truth & there ain’t no more We’ve got a light, got an open door

16.) SONG OF PRAISE Intro: (E- As2 – E)

Because we’ve... (Ch.) We got home & here we’ll stay forever Come no more to roam, no, never Here we’ll stay for many thousand years There’ll ne no more pain nor cryin’ nor tears (Ch.)

15.) Long Time Searching


(G) I’m so weak, Lord, & (C) You’re so (D) strong (G-C-D) (Em) You’re right, Lord, & (C) I’m so (D) wrong (Em-C-D) (Am) I know to You (C) I be(D)long (Am-C-D) I’ve spent a (Am) long, long, long time (C) searching to (D) find my way (G) home (C-D) You’re my light when I can’t see I was tied up, You set me free I’m Yours for eternity I’ve been a long, long, long time walkin’ just to get to You Lord, I love You to the bones I know You won’t leave me alone It’s to you I sing my song

(E) Praise Him - (As2 – E) in all things, with every breath (Bs2°)you (E)breathe (E) Praise Him - (As2 – E) with every thought you think, with every word (Ds2) you (E)speak (E) Praise Him -(As2 – E) for He gives you vic(Bs2°)to(E)ry (E) Praise Him - (As2 – E) for delivering you from your en(Ds2)em(E)ies (E) Praise Him -(As2 – E) for He is a right(Bs2°)eous (E) Ruler (E) Praise Him - (As2 – E) for His judgements are righteous (Ds2) & (E) true (E) Praise Him -(As2 – E) for choosing and (Bs2°) rescuing (E) you (E) Praise Him -(As2 – E) for taking you in, for lo(Ds2)ving (E) you (E) Praise Him - (As2 – E)for His strength made perfect in (Bs2°) your (E) weakness (E) Praise Him -(As2 – E) for His constant vi(Ds2)gi(E)lance (E)...Praise Him - praise the Lord for His supply Praise Him - for guiding and leading the way Praise Him - for always being there for you Praise Him - for His angels watching over you Praise Him - and thank Him for His protection Praise Him - praise Him for His revelations Praise Him - for His awesome works & power

Praise Him - that you can call Him any hour Praise Him - that at His name every knee must bow Praise Him - that the devils tremble in the wake of His shadow Praise Him - sing His praise continually Praise Him - praise Him for His strategy Praise Him - that for you there's no standing still Praise Him - through you others will come to know Him Praise Him - for trusting you to feed His sheep Praise Him - for the power to fulfill your destiny Praise Him - praise Him for His awesomeness Praise Him - for the power to overcome all obstacles Praise Him - praise our Jesus for His love Praise Him - for giving you the power to rise above

17.) Ich raff’s einfach nicht Ich raff’s einfach nicht, krieg’s nicht gebacken, So’n loser wie ich hat Millionen Macken Ich seh‘ dein Gesicht, fang‘ an zu zittern Du bist mein Sonnenlicht nach dem Gewitter Du bist die Liebe, mein Regenbogen Bist meine Hoffnung, das ist echt nicht gelogen Ich hätte nie gedacht dass mir so was passiert Als hätt‘ mich das Schicksal mal wieder schön angeschmiert

Du bist meine Heldin, die Heldin des Tages Zeig‘ mir dein Geheimnis, erzähl‘ mir’s, verrat‘ es Du bist die Antwort auf all‘ meine Fragen die mich daran hindert vollends zu versagen All‘ meine Wunden hast du wieder geheilt, Du hast dein Leben mit jedem geteilt Bist die Vollendung meiner Symphonie Der Atem des Lebens so pur wie noch nie Ich raff’s einfach nicht, krieg‘s nicht auf die Reihe Bin zu alt für so’n Mist, sieht doch jeder Laie Wer trägt die Schuld dran wenn dein Herz mit dir durchgeht? Wer hat die Geduld wenn deine Welt auf dem Kopf steht?

Du hast mir Reichtum durch deine Armut gebracht Hast mich immer geliebt, hast alles mitgemacht Ich hab‘ alles velor’n beim Versuch zu versteh’n und alles gefunden, denn Glauben ist sehen Ich sitz‘ hier am Boden, mutterseelenallein, wer kann sich’s schon leisten verliebt zu sein Was ist so verkehrt dran, verliebt zu sein? Was ist schon dabei Mann...? Es ist schon in Ordnung veliebt zu sein

18.) Alternative (Em-G-As2-Ds2-Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve im (Em) Dienste des (Cmaj7) Königs der (Ds2) Lie(As2)-be Bist (Em) du unbe-(G)-weglich und (As2) ange(Ds2)-passt oder (Em) spürst du dass (Cmaj7) du noch viel (Ds2) mehr in dir (As2) hast? Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve (Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Bist du (Em) dazu ge-(G)-boren ein (As2) Sklave zu (Ds2) sein oder (Em) hörst du den (Cmaj7) Freiheitsdrang (Ds2) in dir schrei'n? Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve (Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Ist (Em) Geld alles (G) was du vor (As2) Augen (Ds2) hast oder (Em) glaubst du es (Cmaj7) gibt eine (Ds2) bessere Last? Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve im (Em) Dienste des (Cmaj7) Königs der (Ds2) Lie(As2)-be (Em-G-As2-Ds2-Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Ist dein (C9) Schicksal Routine von (G) früh bis (Em/G)spät oder (C9) glaubst du dass noch etwas (G) anderes (D) geht? Fällt dir (C9) zum Thema Leben sonst (G) nichts mehr (Em/G) ein oder (C9) bist du bestimmt frei ge-(G)-boren zu (D) sein? (Em-G-As2-Ds2-Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2)

Wer hat die Vernunft und die Weisheit gepachtet, wer der das Mensch sein mit seinen Schwächen verachtet?

Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve

im (Em) Dienste des (Cmaj7) Königs der (Ds2) Lie(As2)-be Ist der (Em) Alltagstrott (G) etwas das (As2) dich nicht (Ds2) stört oder (Em) hast du die(Cmaj7) Stimme der (Ds2) Freiheit gehört? Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve (EmCmaj7-Ds2-As2) Ist es (Em) dir schlicht egal wer dein Meister (Ds2) ist oder (Em) fühlst du dich als ob du im (Ds2) falschen Film bist? Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve (Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Dein Leben: (Em) recht oder (G) schlecht? Bist du falsch oder (Ds2) echt? Glaubst du (Em) nicht dass das Schicksal sich (Ds2) irgendwann rächt? Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve für (Em)welche hast (Cmaj7)du dich entschie(Ds2)-den (As2)? (Em-G-As2-Ds2-Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Merkst du (C9)dass irgendwas hier ver-(G)-kehrt 'rum ist und dass (C9)du ohne Liebe ver-(G)-loren bist Ist dein (C9)Herr und dein Meister der (G) Antichrist oder (C9)glaubst du dass Jesus der (G) Richtige ist? (Em-G-As2-Ds2-Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve im (Em) Dienste des (Cmaj7) Königs der (Ds2) Lie(As2)-be Es (Em) gibt eine (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve für (Em)welche hast (Cmaj7)du dich entschie(Ds2)-den (As2)? Die (Em) einzige (G) Alterna-(As2)-ti-(Ds2)ve findest (Em) du hier in (Cmaj7) Gottes (Ds2) Familie (As2) (Em-G-As2-Ds2-Em-Cmaj7-Ds2-As2) Download “Turn Around!” for free here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mthyznjozdd/(2005) Turn Around!.zip

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