(2004) Strip Your Soul Bare

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(2004) Strip Your Soul Bare

(Em)Look steady (C)on towards that (G)new & glorious (D)day No (Am) harm will come your way, (C)love will save the (Ds4)day (Chorus) 2.) It’s Gonna Be Okay (Ch.:) It’s gonna be okay. This life’s just preparation for the real thing, anyway It’s gonna be alright. Just stay real close to Me & I’m gonna see you through the night It’s gonna be okay, your nightmares & your worries, they won’t happen anyway If you hold on tight, you’ll see the tunnel’s end will bring a bright & shining light

1.) Find Your Dream (Em)Find (D)your (G)dream (Em), (C)follow your (D)desti(G)ny(Em) (C)Aim for your (D)goal, far be(Em)yond the (F#/Ds2)horizon & (C)you (D)will (G)see(Em) (C)Dreams will come (D)true for you, (Em)do what you’re (F#/Ds2)meant to do (C)Find (D)your (Gs4)dream (G) (G) Shoot! (Em)Your (C) destiny’s your (D) goal, your soul an (G) arrow (Em) (C) Far beyond your (D) scope there’s your to(G) morrow (Em) (C) Seize Your desti(D)ny, (C) reach for what you (D) see (C) Heed your vision, (D)your decisions de(G)termine what you’ll (Ds4) be

Pain’s a part of life just like sunshine & rain Hey, don’t let that gray cloud steal your smile away No way, no way. Just listen to the Words I’ve got to say (Ch.) Hey, just thinking till it hurts won’t save the day Say, don’t you think that I could find a better way Today? Today! Let the sunshine in & let it chase your blues away (Ch. 2x)

3.) Burn! (Chorus) Aim! Aim high, the future’s out there, yours to claim Act now, for things will never be the same Do what you must do, you’ve got to see it through There’s a crown & high reward that’s waiting there for you (Chorus) (Bridge:) (Em)Though there’ll be (D) obstacles a-(C)plenty on your (G)way (Em)The powers of (D) darkness will at(G)tempt to cause de(D)lay

I have called you out as a beacon for the World I have chosen you to be the vessels of My Word carriers of My message for which My people yearn I have lit the fuse the fuse, it’s time for you to burn I created you for this purpose alone, to shine the light of truth, for this hour you were born Stand up, wake up, & teach them all they’ve got to learn Now it’s up to you to spread the fire & burn Light up the world & let them see your fire burn Shine & light your candle at both ends, my children, burn

(Br.:) The darkest hour that this world has ever known Is just before you, but you know you‘re not alone Get up, light up the darkness, soon I will return So, get on fire, I need you now to burn (rep. verses) 4.) SOLUTIONS I will show you the (G) solutions! I will show you what to do & say! I will tell you where to (Em) go and where I guide I'll make a (G) way. I will make (Em) crooked paths straight, I'll make your (C) mountains melt away I'll steer you (Am7) safely through this fog & turn your (D) darkness into day I'll be your light when shadows fall, I'll be your answer when you call I will supply your every need if you just call on Me (Ch.) I'm here to catch you when you fall, I'll be your Guard, your Wonderwall I'll be your strength in time of need if you will only trust in Me My child, don't worry no more, for you I'll open any door Believe & prove that I am true for I am so in love with you (Ch,) (Bridge:) (C) Let's get together, I'm more than your best (G) friend (C) My love is forever and with Me there's no (Dsus4) end (Ch.) I'll be your water when you thirst, make you feel better when you're worst If you will only put Me first I'll give you everything My name is "Love, all that you need!", If you feel trapped, I'll set you free If you will only come to Me, I'll ease your every pain If you'll let Me make love to you, you'll see there's nothing we can't do I'll be your power when you're weak show you the answers that you seek I'm all of this & so much more and I am standing at your door I'm the One Who created you, forever I'll love you I will show you the solutions, child, there is nothing more to say I'll clear away all your confusion any price for you I'd pay I'll be your Love of all loves, I'm gonna help you rise above and when your life on earth is through I'll be right (D) there to welcome (G) you (I'm always here to comfort you)

5.) PRAISE (Chorus:)

(G) Praise, (A7sus4/G) praise, (B/G) praise is the (C9/D) weapon that’ll (Dsus4) blow that old (C9/D) Devil right in(Em7/G)to Outer (Dsus4/F#) Space (G) Praise, (A7sus4/G) praise, (B/G) praise when the (C9/D) battles’s gettin‘ (Dsus4) hot, gettin‘(C9/D) heavy & you’ll (Em7/G) sure find some (Dsus4/F#) grace So, (G) praise, (A7sus4/G) praise, (B/G) praise Him (Me) every(C9/D)day when you (Dsus4) feel like it & (C9/D) when you don’t, just (Em7/G) sing the clouds a(Dsus4/F#)way Just (G) praise, (A7sus4/G) praise (B/G) praise any(C9/D)way, ‘cause, my (Dsus4) brother, to be (C9/D) happy‘s that the (Em7/G) only price (Dsus4/F#) you must (G)pay (-A7sus4/G- B/G- C9/DDsus4- C9/D- Em7/G- Dsus4/F#-) (G) I woke up this (A7sus4/G) morning with a (B/G) cloud around my (C9/D) head wishin’ (G) that the day was (A7sus4/G) over, nearly (B/G) wishin‘ I was (C9/D) dead That’s (G) when His voice came (A7sus4/G) to me & my (B/G) Everything, He (C9/D) said, “Would you (Em7/G) like to (Dsus4/F#)know the way?“ I (G) answered, “Lord, You (Dsus4/) bet!” He said,... (Chorus) Later through the day that counsel must hace slipped my mind there were many bills to pay & there was nothing I could find Till an angel tipped my shoulder & asked, “Brother, are you blind? You’re sitting on a heap of blessings, please let me remind you:” (Chorus) Finally, in the evening the ole punk came ‘round again He said, “Man, you’re such a loser, you’re so stinkin’ full of sin!” I said, “Wait a second, Buster, just let me load this here gun!” & I blast him double barrel, I still watch him scream & run as I... (Chorus) (add:) (G) Praise Him for my (A7sus4/G) troubles, praise Him (B/G) for my trials & (C9/D) battles Praise Him, (Dsus4) everyday gets (C9/D) better than the (Em7/G) day it all be(Dsus4/F#)gan

(G) Praise Him for my (A7sus4/G) weakness, for His (B/G) strength & joy & (C9/D) meekness Praise Him (Dsus4) when the day be(C9/D)gins & praise Him (Em7/G) when the day is (Dsus4/F#) done (G) Praise Him in the (A7sus4/G) morning, when you (B/G) first appear be(C9/D)fore Him Praise Him (Dsus4) noon-time, evening, (C9/D) night-time, let His (Em7/G) praise become your (Dsus4/F#) song (G) Praise Him for the (A7sus4/G) way He made you, (B/G) praise Him, through Him (C9/D) God forgave you (Dsus4) Praise Him all your (C9/D) life long, praise Him (Em7/G) every night & (Dsus4/F#) every (G) day (-A7sus4/G- B/G- C9/DDsus4- C9/D- Em7/G- Dsus4/F#-)

6.) The Real Thing (or: The Drugstore) Come on in & strip your soul bare, my friend What do you stand to lose but your sins? And what you stand to gain is all things instead all things you've only dared to dream We may seem nothing but a weird bunch, but then: Open your eyes & look again & what you'll see is called the REAL THING, my friend God's chosen prophets of the End (Chorus 1:) We're the real thing, my friend, this is it, come on in God's wild, stark naked Underground If it's real things you want, it's the real thing you'll get your search is over, you've been found Bring your family, your friends & start living agai bring anyone you care about If all that you've known is just another dead end Just make your choice for steppin' out & join God's Endtime Underground Come on in, this is the Drugstore, my friend a place of which the prophets dreamed we just get high on the truth we found in Jesus, our Man Get ready, soon He'll come again

To wipe out Satan's reign of evil & sin Life's tribulation's gonna end All we can offer you's our love, life & Him open your heart, let Him in (2nd Chorus:) He's the Real Thing... Receive Jesus & then you will be born again tell everyone you care about (3rd Ch.:) ... We're His family, His friends, we're His bride of the End He's everything life's all about With Him in your heart there'll be new life without end Just make your choice, receive Him now

7.) THEY CAN’T STOP OUR RAIN (C9) They can’t stop our rain, no, (B/G) they can’t help it & (Asus4/G) we’ll go on until one (A) day we’ll (Asus4) win, I sing (C9) They can’t stop our rain, (B/G) they are but fools (Asus4/G) who try to raise their hands to (A) stop the (Asus4) rain (C9) They can’t stop our rain, (B/G) they’re bound to lose (Asus4/G) For God’s on our side, we can’t (A) help but (Asus4) win (C9) They can’t stop our rain & (B/G) you will see (Asus4/G) The truth will fill the Earth as the (C9) waters cover the (G) se(C9)as cover the (G) se(C9)as (G) They can’t stop our rain, even (C9) though they try The (G) latter rain that I’ve ordained shall (C9) never run dry (D) How can they raise their hands up? (C9) Fools they that try! The (G) flame that I have kindled shall (C9) never die. (D) For I am with you and you (C9) are My children & I (G) love you with an everylasting (C9) love.” (rep. 1st part)

8.) HEAR ME (G) Hear me, (f#/Ds2) clear me, (Em) encompass & be (f#/Ds2) near me (Am7) thrill me & (B/G) fill me with the (C) portion of Your (D) cup (G) Rear me, (f#/Ds2) steer me, (Em) let Your mercy be (f#/Ds2) sheer the (C) only (B/G) thing I care for (Am7) and dream (D) of

You (C) know that I'm full (B/G) of desires My (Am7) heart knows wants like (G) raging fires But (C) now I turn a(B/G) round & Sire, I (Am7) give it all to (DS4) You

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son. (3x)


10.) I Need Your Love (Buenos Aíres 1983)

A hopeless cause is what I was, there weren't any open doors Now I declare, Lord, You're the Boss, the One I adhere to (Ch.)

(D)Jesus, take my hand, You (D/Em)know, I just can’t make it by my(A/D)self, I need your helping (D) hand (D/G-D/A) (D)Jesus, take my hand, I (D/Em)pray, there‘s nothing more that I can (A/D) say, You’ve got to help me make a (D) stand (D/G-D/A)

(Br.:) (Em) Thy (f#/Ds2) will be (G) done (f#/Ds2) (2x) (Em) If (f#/Ds2) ever there has (G) been a perfect (C)cause I (Am7) know You (B/G) are the (Ds4) One

(1st Ch.:) I (Bm) need Your love like a (F#m) flower needs the sun & rain (Es4)Without Your (E)love (Asus4)every day is (A) just the same


When I’m lone & feeling blue, the only Friend that’s left is You, You give me more than I could ask for And when I don’t know what to do, You know, I pray & just ask You, You always show me with Your answer

9.) New Jerusalem (Rev.21:1-7)

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

(2nd Ch.:) Lord, I need Your love more than the Earth needs the sun’s shining face Without Your love I’d just be lost in outer space I need Your Love (4x)

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

More than a little child his mother – I need Your love more than a sister or a brother – I need You, I need Your love rd

(3 Ch.:) Lord, I need Your love more than a flower needs the falling rain Without Your love every day is just the same & all my days, they’re all in vain I need Your love (4x)

11.) If That's The Way You'll Use Me (C)I'm gonna (G)be Your (F)prick, (Am) I'm gonna (G) be Your (F) poking (G) stick (C) Yes, even (B/G) if it's (Am) me they'll (Am/G) kick if (F) that's the (Am7) way You'll (Dm7) use me (G)

I'd rather make 'em scream than yawn if that's the way You'll use me I'm gonna be Your prick, I'm gonna be Your poking stick Yes, even if it's me I'll kick, if that's the way You'll use me (Chorus)

(C...) I wanna be Your voice, the one who tells 'em, 'It's your choice!' I wanna make some joyful noise, if that's the way You'll use me I wanna be Your me. The me You just want me to be as long as You're in all I see and that's the way You'll use me I wanna be a loo, yes, even if they think I'm 'pooh' no matter what they'll say or do, if that's the way You'll use me (Chorus:) (F) Any(G)thing You'll (C) say, I'll (Am) be, (F) to be your (G) fool's my (C) desti(Am)ny (F) Lord You bring (G) out the (C) best in (Am) me, to (F) be Your (Am7) slave is to be (Dm7) real(Am7)ly (G) free (Am7) (B/G) (Dm7)... I wanna be Your cock, the one who wakes and makes 'em rock so, let 'em go and say I suck, if that's the way You'll use me I wanna be Your fool, Your ole heehaw and faithful mule As long as I can be Your tool and that's the way You'll use me I wanna be Your crack, the one they'll say's completely whack as long as they'll go on, not back and that's the way You'll use me I wanna be your slave, the one they'll say no shrink can save If I'll be nuts as I'll be brave, and that's the way You'll use me (Chorus) (Bridge:) (Fmaj7) Nothing in this World, no high or (E) low can ever separate me (F) from (Am7) Your (Dm7) Love (G) (Fmaj7) Any obstacle ahead are (E) only windmill giants that You'll (Dm7) help (Am7) me (F) rise a(G)bove, hey! I wanna be Your pawn, as long as I'll go ever on

12.) This is it Work at it till you get it right Even if you have to stay up all night Work at it till all the pieces fit & you stand back, cross your arms & think This is it, This is it! Don’t give up till you get it straight Brother Fun, oh well, he can wait Don’t surrender, never quit & never give up before you can really say This is it! - This is it! This is it when the morning comes This is it, right here in your arms Looks like this time I really got it right This is it, this is it, baby every little bit of it

13.) Lass‘ sie geh’n Manche Gefühle kann kein Mensch verstehen Manche Gedanken kennt eh‘ nur der Wind Es gibt Gefahren die kann man erst sehen wenn man schon hinter dem Scheitelpunkt steht an dem’s kein Zurück mehr, nur noch Vorwärts gibt, lass‘ sie geh’n Für manche Probleme gibt’s nur dan eine Lösung wenn du auch bereit bist die Lösung zu seh’n Erkennst du die Handschrift des Guten im Bösen? Dann siehst du das nichts aus dem Zufall entsteht Und dass es immer irgendwie weitergeht, lass‘ sie geh’n Lass‘ sie geh’n ihren eig’nen Weg zu finden Lass sie geh’n ganz gleich auch wie weit Was nützt es dir schon sie an dich festzubinden? Dein größter Freund ist die Zeit Die Jahre vergeh’n, du wirst älter und weiser Fragen werden durch Antworten ersetzt Du bist klüger geworden, und auch etwas leiser Denn schließlich hast du die Geheimschrift entdeckt die in jeder einzelnen Begebenheit steckt

selbst in dem Schmerz der jetzt weit zurück liegt im Hall der Entscheidung der niemals versiegt, „lass‘ sie geh’n“

(Ch. +) ... der sie in deine Arme zurücktreibt allerspätestens in der Ewigkeit

14.) Selbstmitleid

(June 8, 2004)

In meinem Kopf lief heut‘ ‘ne Show von ganz besond’rer Art Der Showhost, Mr. Ego präsentierte seinen Star „Maine Damen, meine Herren, heut‘ mit von der Partie: das Selbstmitleid mit seiner Show ‚Fühl‘ mich so elend wie noch nie‘“ Ein Hauch von seinem Zaubergas verwandelt dich im Nu in Kummersack und Trauerkloß mit ihrem Hit „Buhu“ Buhuhuhu, buhuhuhu, buhuhuhu, buhuhuhu Das Selbstmitleid im Rampenlicht verneigte sich ganz tief & widmete dann mir persönlich sein allerneu’stes Lied Es hieß „Du armer, mega-oberallerärmster Mann“ und zog mich dann mit seiner Melodie in seinen Bann Buhuhuhu, buhuhuhu, buhuhuhu, keiner hört mir zu außer Du Du kamst durch meine Tür nicht durch den Kopf sondern durch’s Herz Tratst meinem Teufel in den Hintern dass er flog, ganz ohne Scherz Mit einer kalten Dusche triebst du auch Herrn Ego fort das Wasser war so kühl und klar, das Wasser was Dein Wort Juhuhuhu, keiner kämpft wie Du Du wandelst meine Traurigkeit in Freude um im Nu Juhuhuhu alles wird gut Wo gestern noch die Einsamkeit war, da bist heute Du

You can download the album “Strip Your Soul Bare” for free from this location: http://www.mediafire.com/file/k4ygjecyzjm/(2004) Strip Your Soul Bare.zip

15.) Bin ich jetzt ein Terrorist? Bin ich jetzt ein Terrorist weil ich für eure Riesentraumfabrik einfach zu wach bin? Weil ich das was ihr uns eintrichtern wollt nicht schluck‘, sondern sag‘, „So’n Schwachsinn!“? Steh‘ ich jetzt auf eurer schwarzen Liste weil ich nur allzu gerne wüsste wie ich dem ganzen Schrott-System meinen Mittelfinger zeig‘? Werd‘ ich jetzt von euch geächtet weil ich mein gutes Recht verfechte zu tun & lassen und zu glauben was ich schlicht und einfach tun, und glauben mag? Seid ihr jetzt gar sehr empört weil es mich ganz heftig stört dass ihr uns betäubt, belügt & aussaugt; von früh bis spät bespitzelt, ausraubt, versucht uns in den Schlaf zu wiegen, den letzten Freiheitsdrang besiegen, benutzt wie eine wegwerfbare Batterie? Würdet ihr mich jetzt gern zerquetschen, eliminieren und zerfetzen, die nackte Wahrheit ausradier’n? Ich sag‘ euch gleich, das schafft ihr nie! Für jeden von uns den ihr töten werdet verliert ihr tausend eurer Herde dein Hass bringt dich unter die Erde, du großer Sonnengott, ich prophezei‘ dir deinen Fall Du kamst herab, du Stern des Morgens, wolltest dir die Welt mal eben borgen „Wer braucht den Himmel wenn man Hölle haben kann?“ Bin ich jetzt ein Terrorist weil ich schrei, „Bezahlt die GEZ nicht!“ Bezahlst du deinen Nachbarn etwa auch dafür dass sein Hund in deinen Garten kacken darf? Meine Ohren sind Geschwülste, wund und taub von dem Gesülze mit dem ihr uns tagein tagaus schier bombardiert Werd‘ ich jetzt auf das Schafott kommen weil ich sag‘ „Boykottiert die T-kom!“ oder „Leute, stoppt das Ferkel!“ „Poli-ticker sind Null-Blicker!“ „Herr Professor, Sie sind im Irrtum!“ „Herr Doktor, Sie sind Quacksalber! Schluck‘ deine Medizin doch selber oder amputiert euch doch mal selbst das falsche Bein!“? Ihr habt Denjenigen verachtet Der euch den Sinn des Lebens brachte, wolltet Ihn in eine Schachtel stecken

in ein Haus mit vielen bunten Ecken mit Orgelsound am Sonntag Morgen und Glockenklang So wahr Er auferstanden ist, ich bin wie Er kein Terrorist, zumindest keiner der mit Spielzeugwaffen kämpft Sein Wort ist meine Munition. Sag‘ jetzt nicht gleich, „Ach, kenn‘ ich schon!“ Denn du weisst nichts und das was du zu wissen glaubst hat man dir nur einverleibt Und wenn du denkst ich bin voll panne und hab‘ wohl einen an der Kanne dann pass‘ mal schön auf was noch bald vor uns geschieht: Wieviel Eier kannst du kochen, wieviele Tage oder Wochen wirst du überleben wenn man dir den Stecker zieht? Wenn jeder Laden an der Ecke ganz einfach zu ist, Mann, verrecke! Die Welt ist eh‘ überbevölkert - oder nicht? Man muss die Massen dezimieren und das Gesindel eliminieren. Gestern die Juden, morgen die Christen und alle ander’n Terroristen und dann, was dann? Wie fein und, ach, wie toll wird’s sein: Dann läuten wir die neue Ära des großen Führers aller Heere, die langersehnte, wunderschöne neue Weltordnung - ganz ohne Bargeld - ein. Receive the Mark, or die!

16.) El Tiempo del Fin Mañana la vida será mas facil de lo que es hoy dia se piensa el idiota que ignora las senas de la sombra oscura La guerra avanza y pronto nos traerá la última etapa y parte del tiempo del fin La Bestia subirá del agua de muchos pueblos y gentes y harà la guerra en contra de los que tienen el testimonio de vida se abrirá el libro de las palabras de vida del Cordero, pues, es el tiempo del fin Profetas de los siglos heacharon sombras de hoy en sus profecías Perdidos los almas de los que siguen al hijo de la perdicion Benditos los muertos que mueren en el Señor desde ahora, ya que es el tiempo del fin

Benditos los muertos que en el Señor mueren de ahora Benditos los muertos que mueren en el Señor

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