• November 2019
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1. Under normal conditions, the appendix is primarily located in which of the following quadrants of the abdomen: A upper left B upper Right C lower right* D lower left E c and d 2. The parasympathetic innervation of the descending colon is from: A the greater splanchnic nerve B the lesser splanchnic nerve C the Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) D the pelvic splanchnic nerves* E none of the above 3. The superior mesenteric artery is the primary vascular supply for: A derivatives of the primitive foregut B derivatives of the primative midgut* C derivatives of the primative hindgut D a and b E b and c 4. In cases where the hepatic portal vein is obstructed, esophageal varices (varicosities) may develop because of: A anastomoses between the hepatic portal system of veins and the caval (systemic) system of veins* B the presence of valves in the hepatic portal vein and its tributaries C the origin of the left gastric vein from the superior mesenteric vein D all of the above E none of the above 5. Which of the following structures are retroperitoneal in an adult? A the kidneys B the inferior vena cava C the abdominal aorta D the pancreas E all of the above are retroperitoneal* 6. The peritoneum: A has visceral and parietal layers and occupies portions of both the abdominal and pelvic cavities* B is located in the thoracic cavity and surrounds the lungs C surrounds all abdominal viscera D a and c E none of the above 7. Which of the following statements regarding the duodenum is true: A the common bile duct and the pancreatic ducts empty into the duodenum B the duodenum receives its sympathetic innervation from both the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves C the pyloric sphincter opens into the duodenum D the duodenum is in contact with the head of the pancreas E all of the above are true* 8. Which of the following statements regarding the hepatic portal system is false: A the two main tributaries forming the hepatic portal vein are the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein. B the renal veins are tributaries of the hepatic portal vein* C the hepatic portal vein receives blood from the small intestines D the hepatic portal vein is a not direct tributary of the inferior vena cava E all of the above are false

9. Which of the following statements about the esophagus is false A In the thorax, the esophagus is posterior to the trachea B The esophagus enters the abdomen through the same opening as the aorta* C The parasympathetic innervation of the esophagus is from the vagus nerve D The esophagus opens into the cardiac orifice of the stomach E The abdominal part of the esophagus is derived from the primitive foregut 10. Which of the following structures comprise the portal triad: A proper hepatic artery, common bile duct, portal vein* B splenic artery, common hepatic artery, left gastric artery C superior mesenteric vein, splenic vein, inferior mesenteric vein D cystic duct, common hepatic duct, common bile duct E none of the above 11. Derivatives of the primitive midgut: A include the distal part of the duodenum* B are primarily supplied by the celiac trunk C receive parasympathetic innervation from the greater splanchnic nerve D both A and C E all of the above 12. Under normal conditions the liver is primarily located in the: A left lower quadrant B right lower quadrant C right iliac region D left lumbar region E right upper quadrant* 13. The large unpaired arteries supplying the gastrointestinal tract are: A renal artery, inferior phrenic artery, lumbar artery B celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery* C common iliac artery, internal iliac artery, external iliac artery D none of the above E all of the above 14. A right-handed person is tightening a screw. This movement of this hand is best described as: A flexion B extension C lateral rotation* D medial rotation E circumduction 15. Without turning your head you look directly to the right. What movement have you performed with the left eyeball? A flexion B extension C adduction* D abduction E circumduction 16. In describing human anatomy the term dorsal means: A closer to the midline B away from the midline C anterior D posterior* E none of the above

17. The terms “superior and inferior” refer to which anatomical plane? A sagittal B coronal (frontal) C horizontal (transverse)* D A and B E none of the above 18. How many phalanges are in the left hand? A8 B 10 C 12 D 14* E 15 19. Where would you find the ethmoid bone? A lateral wall of the orbit B medial wall of the orbit* C roof of the orbit D floor of the orbit E none of the above 20. Which muscle is innervated by the radial nerve? A short head of biceps brachii B ong head of biceps brachii C long head of triceps brachii* D pectoralis major E coracobrachialis 21. When blood pressure is taken … A the brachial artery is pressed against the humerus* B the brachial artery is pressed against the radius C the brachial artery is pressed against the ulna D the axillary artery is pressed agaist the humerus E the axillary artery is pressed against the clavicle 22. The lateral cord is formed by A the anterior divisions of the middle and lower trunks B the anterior divisions of the middle, upper, and lower trunks C the anterior divisions of the upper and middle trunks* D the anterior division of the upper trunk E the anterior division of the upper and lower trunks 23. The head of the humerus tends to be dislocated … A posteriorly B anteriorly C superiorly D inferiorly* E medially 24. What is the most common site for breast cancer? A The upper lateral quadrant* B The upper medial quadrant C The lower lateral quadrant D The lower medial quadrant E None of the above

25. In palpating down the midline of the back the first vertebral spine that can be felt is usually the: A Atlas B Axis C C4 D C7* E T12 26. Posterior primary rami innervate which group of muscles? A limb muscles B abdominal muscles C superficial muscles found on the back D deep (intrinsic) back muscles* E A and B 27. Which vessel is found in the deltopectoral triangle? A Subclavian artery B Subclavian vein C Cephalic vein* D Brachial artery E Axillary vein 28. The middle trunk of the brachial plexus is formed by the ventral rami of A C5 B C6 C C5, C6 D C7, C8 E C7* 29. The phrenic nerve is formed by the ventral primary rami of which nerves? A C1,2,3 B C2,3 C C5,6 D C3,4,5* E C5,6,7 30. A patient aspirates a crown. Where is the most likely spot for it to lodge? A Right primary bronchus*. B Right upper secondary bronchus. C Left primary bronchus. D Left upper secondary bronchus. E Left lower secondary bronchus. 31. Bronchial asthma is caused by … A a spasm of smooth muscle of the bronchial tree.* B an increase in the number of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles. C distruction of elastic tissue of the lungs. D inadequate production of mucus. 32. anterior interventricular artery (left anterior descending) supplies… A the right ventricle and the right atrium. B the right and left atria. C just the left ventricle. D the left ventricle and the left atrium. E the right and left ventricles.*

33. The valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is called the A tricuspid valve* B mitral valve C bicuspid valve D aortic valve E pulmonary valve 34. The thoracic duct empties into the venous system A in the superior vena cava B at the junction of the right internal jugular and subclavian veins C at the junction of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins* D in the axillary vein E in the external jugular vein 35. What is responsible for slowing the heartbeat and constricting the bronchioles? A The sympathetic trunk B The vagus nerve* C The greater splanchnic nerve D The axillary nerve E none of the above 36. The external intercostal muscles… A depress the ribs B elevate the ribs* C elevate the superior angle of the scapula D depress the superior angle of the scapula E none of the above

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