2000-2003 Inventory Of Activities

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24 Acacia St., Brgy. Mariana, New Manila, Quezon City, 1112, Philippines Tel. No. 00-632-7267763, Telefax: 00-632-7218677, E-mail: [email protected]

INVENTORY OF TBC-MP ACTIVITIES (2000-2003) AREAS RESEARCH 3rd Part Research: Impact of Media & Communication in Selected Rural & Urban Areas

Pastoral Research Studies


 Pre-testing of research instruments and research design in Kidapawan City in the whole month of March 2001


Consolidation, tabulation, computation and analysis of findings: with 1,200 respondents in 7 communities (San Francisco, Agusan Sur, Cagayan de Oro, Sibulan, New Escalante, Cebu City, Quezon City and Ilagan, Isabela)

Re-echoing of initial results to the Carmelite communities where the research was conducted through an organized talk with the lay and Church leaders, school coordinators and faculty held last February-March, 2002

Re-working on the tabulation, computation and analysis of data since the format and approach of the whole research was changed into a more community-focused research meaning the entire paper would consist not only of the general findings, but salient findings per community and of course, conclusion from January-February, 2003

Inclusion in the research paper of baseline data, wherein population of each of the communities will be compared to national statistics

 Media Impact Survey in selected rural and urban communities: with 1,200 respondents from July-Sept 2001 in 7 communities (San Francisco Agusan Sur, Cagayan de Oro, Sibulan, New Escalante, Cebu City, Quezon City & Ilagan, Isabela)

Carmelite Educators’ Media Survey

Survey in 4 Carmelite schools for a total of 89 respondents (fulltime teachers)

2 Local media programs & their respective core groups

Media Core Group Formation and Planning 

February 23-24, 2002 at New Escalante’s Vocation Center, Negros with 10 pax consisting of lay leaders, ministers and catechists

March 2-3, 2002 at Carmelite Monastery, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, with 8 pax consisting of lay leaders, ministers and catechists

Formation of the Carmelite Chroniclers: Carmel Chronicler’s Meeting (lectrure/workshop) in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Philippine Commissariat

MEDIA EDUCATION 1. Forum: Sharing & Daring with media practitioners (as organizer) 

Jan 31, 2001, half day at Crispin Hall, TBC with 65 pax from the academe (students & teachers), media, NGOs/POs, and religious congregations

2. Series of Pastoral Forum on the State of Phil. Media (as resource person & organizer). This is also a re-echo or feedback-sharing of the results of the Research Study on the Trends and Issues in Philippine Media conducted by Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program in 1999-2000. 

July 13: half day for 20 Journalism Class of Mt. Carmel College-Agusan

July 19: half day 10 BCC workers in Cagayan de Oro City (with Horeb Center)


January 24-26: Carmel News, Titus Brandsma Center with 10 pax consisting of the chroniclers of the different Carmel Communities

1. Series of Lecture: Impact of Media and Communication (as resource person and organizer). This is also a re-echo/sharing of the results of the study conducted with the same title by Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program in 2001-2002. 

February 20, half day (PM), at the Carmelite Monastery of our Lady of Maravillas and St. Joseph, Dumaguete with 30 pax consisting of the Third Order of Carmelites (TOCs), Church and lay leaders and the cloistered nuns

Aug 13: whole day with 800 students and teachers of Mount Carmel College-Negros

Same day at St. Paul College, Dumaguete with 40 pax communication students

Aug 20: half day with 20 Carmel family members of Dumaguete-Negros, Central Philippines

February 22: half day (PM) at Mount Carmel College, New Escalante, Negros with 35 pax consisting of the faculty, school coordinators and non-teaching personnel

Sept 10: whole day with 30 students and teachers of St. Ferdinand

3 College, Ilagan, Isabela 3. Seminar: Moro Women and Media  4.



March 3, 2002, half day (AM), at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, Rosario, Agusan del Sur with 65 pax from different BCCs in the area consisting of lay leaders, ministers, catechists, TOCs and parishioners.

May 27-29 for 20 Carmelite postulants in Cebu City as part of the commitment to train young Carmelites in the Media Ministry of the Order.

Media Forum on Women, Media & Religion 

February 23, 2002, half day (AM), at New Escalante’s Vocation Center, Negros with 60 pax from different Basic Christian Communities in the area consisting of lay leaders, ministers, catechists and barrio people

April 18: Half day for 15 lay missionaries

Media and Formation of Young Carmelites: A Media Appreciation seminar 

2. Journalism Seminar/Workshop: Write Like A Real Pro: Effective Writing for Beginners

May 29 for 150 pax in Greenhills, San Juan, organized by the Women Feature Service (WFS). TBCMedia was invited as resource persons to share the 2000 Research Study on the Trends and Issues of Philippine Media

February 25: whole day at Carmelite Formation Center, San Alberto with 10 college seminarians as attendees

February 28-March 2: at Mount Carmel College Gymnasium in San Francisco, Agusan with a combination of 60 students in all levels from the same school (batch 1) Output: Student Publication from which the college publication may make use of the idea produced in improving their publication

March 4-6: at Mount Carmel College Gymnasium with 65 highschool students from Mt. Carmel Highschool (Rosario) and Fr. Urios High School (Prosperidad) Output: Highschool Student Publication from which ideas can be used in making their very own publication

Media & Transformative Leadership 

Nov 8-10: in Makati City organized by the Coalition of Women in PoliticsAsia to network and build working relationships with other media organizations and gender-development oriented groups.

7. Media and Governance 

Jun 21: half-day for 60 pax, at TBC Crispin Hall. A forum on the role of Philippine media in the ouster/removal of Joseph Estrada as Philippine President. Attended by NGOs, academe, media practitioners, church groups and loyalists of the deposed President.


Media Education Series/Courses: Lay leaders, ministers and catechists Impact of Media & Communication in the Life of Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC)

8. Reporting Peace: after September 11 

Oct 4: half day for 30 pax . Organized by TBCMedia in response to the “alarming” anti-terrorist moves of the Philippine government after the

New Escalante, Negros (30 pax) * Lay ministers (April 20, 8 – 8 PM)

4 Sept 11 World Trade Center Attack where Muslims in southern Philippines are depicted by media as symphatizers to perceived terrorists.

* Catechists (April 21, 12 NN – PM) 

Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan (May 3-5) (30 pax)

San Francisco, Agusan (May 10-12) (30 pax each)

Lay Leadership and Media: July 2002, 30 pax, same areas 

New Escalante, Negros * Lay ministers (August 24, 8 – 8 PM) * Catechists (August 25, 12 NN – PM)

Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan (Sept. 2002)

San Francisco, Agusan (Sept. 2002)

Formation of Local Media Educators: Media and the Bible Impact of Media in the Works of Evangelization (BEC Level Community) 

Escalante, San Francisco and Patin-ay (September – October 2002) 30 pax

Community Alternatives against the Influence of Media 

Escalante, San Francisco and Patin-ay (November 2002) 30 pax

5 FILM DIALOGUE Film –dialogue sessions for a total of 20 sessions with an average number of 35 participants per session. Participants are mostly students, young professionals, filmmakers, reporters, newspaper columnists, religious missionaries, development workers and educators.

Film dialogue sessions for the year 2002 had a total of 16 sessions with an average number of 36 participants per session. Participants are mostly students, young professionals, filmmakers, reporters, newspaper columnists, religious missionaries, development workers and education.

a) Regular film shows


twice a month during Nov2000 –April2001 once a month from May-October 2001

b) Special Film screenings  Jun 24: Gay & Lesbian FilmFest with a total of 64 participants 

Regular film shows with varying themes for every month such as Controversial, Women’s, Original Versions, Book to Film and Aspects of Cinema Every second Saturday of every month January – December 2002

Nov 13: Special Iranian FilmDay with a total of 20 participants

c) Acquisition of new videos

Special Quarterly Screenings Every end of the quarter usually at the end of the last month March, June, September, December 2002

Screenings with the most number of attendees 

January 12: (Thesis, Abre Los Ojos, Battle Royale & Alab) 50 pax

February 9, Films on Love: (L’avventura, The Cranes are Flying, Pornographic Affair) 55 pax

December 14, Controversial Films 2: (Naked Lunch, Crash and Caligula) 67 pax

Projects for Expansion/Promotion 

Construction of the pelikula@titusbrandsma website, currently operational except for other parts wherein content are being finalized (http://titus.plasticfrog.org )


Production of brochure, currently the contents are already being finalized

Direct Mails to schools with communication department encouraging tieups with film organizations as an outreach program and conduct freewilling film dialogue as a part of media education

Special Quarterly Screenings with lecture-seminar, guest speakers are filmmakers, cinematographers, writers and theologians for the reflection

Year 2003 Film dialogue sessions for the year 2003 had increased in the total number of sessions including the special screenings held mostly at UP Campus and number of attendees.  

Twelve sessions at Titus Brandsma Center with an average of 75 attendees. Well attended sessions were: Women’s Films-92, Gay and Lesbian-90, X Factor, Controversial Films-128, Oh sooo Good October, Light X Factor-116 and Shockfest Asia, All Souls Presentation-92

Special Screenings Collaboration with: 

UP Center for International Studies (71 average attendees) Solaris and Baise-Moi (Rape Me), March 29, 2003 69 Attendees Polanski Film Festival – Repulsion, Fearless Vampire Killers and Chinatown, May 31, 2003 45 Attendees


Gay and Lesbian Part II – Bent, Aimee & Jaguar, and Come Undone, July 26, 2003 99 Attendees 

UP Film Institute (94 average attendees) UP Film Institute presents pelikula@titusbrandsma SNEAK PEEKS: SEXUALITY IN CINEMA - X FACTOR Irreversible, December 2, 2003 104 Attendees Pola X, December 3, 1 PM 70 Attendees Intimacy, December 3, 3:30 PM 65 Attendees Romance X, December 3, 6 PM 92 Attendees Caligula, December 4, 2003 111 Attendees Baise-Moi, December 5, 2003 217 Attendees (2 sessions)

Invitation from ISO Dabaw to participate in the UP – ACLE –Alternative Classroom Learning Experience “Classtrophobia” featuring CALIGULA in a film dialogue, January 15, 2003 and Filipino Brotherhood in their film dialogue featuring Irreversible and Baise-moi.

Promotions and Expansion   

The website http://www.pelikula-titusbrandsma.ph is fully operational and still expanding. Brochures and regular press releases from major publications: Inquirer, Star, Inquirer Libre and Manila Times. Regular monthly film dialogue sessions at UP Videotheque, every last

8 Wednesday starting 2004. Plans     TITUS BRANDSMA AWARD 2ND TITUS BRANDSMA AWARD 

Theme: Journalists of the South, A Challenge in Crisis Mindanao, as much as we Filipinos try to shun away from its bad reputation, it is still a place enveloped in danger because of certain threats like the Abu Sayyaf, bombings, kidnap for ransom groups, militarization, which creates havoc. Thus, journalists are pressured to create a balance and point the

Fund raising activity – a premiere of a documentary on “anti-violence”. Film Festival of the Best 2003 Filipino Films – tour in schools Forum in collaboration with the Spirituality Program. Tie-ups with other colleges and universities

Winner: Ms. Carolyn Arguillas, Outsanding Print Journalist, October 22, 2002, Henry Lee Irwin Hall, Ateneo de Manila University during the Catholic Mass Media Awards Carolyn personifies what Mindanao journalists have always wanted to do - report Mindanao events from the eyes of their fellow Mindanaoan; fought editors over inaccuracies that portrayed Mindanao as a hopelessly war-prone and violent land with deliverance nowhere in sight; with devotion to accuracy, she stick to facts in the face of pressures -deadline or otherwise and was always quick to lash out at colleagues who compromised the truth by accepting bribes; a relentless critic of war and continues to support through writings a culture of peace, cultural understanding and a tri-people approach to Mindanao’s complex problems.

Winner, Patricio Diaz, Lifetime Recognition/Achievement Award, October 22, 2002 Opinion writer of MindaNews at the age of 70 and still has a better grasp of the condition of Mindanao. Hard hitting and true.

9 positive side of Mindanao and not to discriminate our Muslim brothers. For this reason that the direction/setting of the Award was refocused and instead of concentrating on the mainstream media in urban areas like Manila, we focused on the community media NETWORKING/ COLLABORATION PCCNET

Institutional commitment for the sustainability of the Philippine Church Communicators’ Network. Presently, the network has attracted another major broadcast church-based media organization, as a new institutional member of the network, the Radio Veritas-Asia.

With the group’s commitment to advocacy and education, one major forum was organized in response to the Fourth World Meeting of Families held here in Manila: Are Poor Families Good News for us Christians? (September 18, 2002) half day – PM, Titus Brandsma Center with 60 pax from different sectors of our society – urban poor, elderly, abandoned children, Muslim/Moro, religious, students, lay and labor

36th World Communications’ Sunday

Joint Celebration World Communications’ Sunday

Joint Celebration, May 12, 2002, Cardinal Sin Hall, Arzobispado de Manila, Intramuros, Manila

Institutional Commitment: Membership to an International Catholic Association for Communication, first general assembly held was March 15, 2002 at St. Paul’s College, Manila



Organizational dynamics: A Strategic Planning was conducted attended by  the regular consultants, the program staff and the management of the Center. Weekly meetings by the 2-member Media Program team and a Monthly meeting with the 4-member Media Research Team were observed. A Yearend assessment planning is calendared on December 13,2001.

Organizational dynamics: A Strategic Planning was conducted attended by the regular consultants, the program staff and the management of the Center. Weekly meetings by the 2-member Media Program team and a Monthly meeting with the 4-member Media Research Team were observed. A Year-end assessment planning is calendared on December 13,2001.

Personnel. The program is supervised by the Program director, a Carmelite friar. Daily management is given to the Program Coordinator with a Program Assistant. Two regular consultants are retained in ensuing the success and quality of the research projects undertaken. The Executive Committee of Titus Brandsma Center, which meets quarterly, decides on the policy and direction-setting of the program.

Personnel. The program is supervised by the Program director, a Carmelite friar. Daily management is given to the Program Coordinator with a Program Assistant. Two regular consultants are retained in ensuing the success and quality of the research projects undertaken. The Executive Committee of Titus Brandsma Center, which meets quarterly, decides on the policy and direction-setting of the program.

Training and Development. The Program Coordinator had attended various seminars: Cry Out Now! Peace Forum July 11, 2002, UCCP Shalom Center, Malate, Manila Jaime V. Ongpin Journalism Seminar By Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility June 27, 2002, AIM Conference Center, Makati, Manila Forum on Palestine-Israel Conflict May 5, 2002, Oblation Hall, UP Diliman

Year 2003  Training and Development. The Program Coordinator had attended various seminars: 2003 Union Catholic Asia News Orientation and Training Seminar: "God's

11 Ways Are Unpredictable:" Report Planning and Effective Storytelling October 8-13, 2003 live-in, Garden Plaza Hotel 6-Month Faculty Training at Speech Power (focus on English Conversation Fluency/Oral Presentation Skills, Speech/Pronunciation, Written Communication/Intensive Grammar/Vocabulary Enhancement, Reading Comprehension and Speed Reading Every Sunday, November 9-February 29, Speech Power-Cubao Conference on WTO Globalization and War By IBON Foundation February 28 – March 1, 2003, UP Bahay ng Alumni, Diliman, Q. C. Journalism Seminar By Teodoro Valencia Foundation Every Fridays, January 30 – February 21, 2003

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