20 Years

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 5,454
  • Pages: 12
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs32\par Misunderstanding\par \par Hi my name is Bella Swan It was cullen. I'll tell you why it not like that anymore as soon as I gave birth to are child 20 years ago. Edward had to save me by turning me into one of them a vampire he never wanted me to turn into vampire. I quote I want you to have a happy healthy human life. When he bite me the pain was worse then giving birth it was like i was burning from the inside. I can remember the whole way through he was talking to me. Then when I woke up I was hoping to see my beautiful husband and child. But I woke up and I was in a dark dirty alley in the middle of know where with nothing but tyhe clothes on my back. I felt like I walked for days looking for someone. My thirst for blood was painful I found a tree in the woods and all I wanted just to die. Then I saw a light they saved me. Thank good they saved me.\par \par The people who saved me are my new family they mean the world to me they are everything to me. \par \par The dad of the family his name is Charles he is a doctor like Carlisle he tall has dark hair like all vampire he has the good looks. His gift is a tracker what is brillant if you need. His mate is Janet.\par \par Janet is the mum she will do anything for us she loves all of us. If love was a gift she would have it but it not. Jane is kind of like me she was human when she meet Charles and they had a daughter Called Jess. She is the only one who knows my whole story that I have a child and that I don't know if she is dead or not. But it gives me hope that she is.\par \par Jess is like her mum petite but she has blonde curly hair and sky blue eyes because she is half human and half vampire. She has a power she can tell if you lying or not and then she can make you tell the truth. What really funny if you try lieing to her. \par \par Then there is Luke he is 16 he is tall dark and handsome he is always dating a new girl every week. He also has a power his is he can turn himself and everyone around him so there invisible. It brillant if your in a fight.\par \par The there is Lizzy when we go to a new place we pretend to be sisters. Lizzy is also eighteen and she is tall and she has long straight brown hair. She has a power also her is that she can turn herself and others around her into anything she wants. Its funny when we play jokes on people.\par \par Then there is me inside I havn't changed I'm same old me. But now in the outside I'm taller my hair is curly and goes down to my hips my eyes are like all vegetarian vampires and I have curves in all the right places. I look hot now. I also have a power which is to shield things I can also shut of people sight which slowly kills them like there burning from the inside it kind of like Janes power it's really affective in a fight.\par \par There this is my family I love them so much I don't know what I would do without them. Today we are starting are first day at a new school. This is the first time none of us are looking forward to school. I was waiting for Lizzy in my new sport car.\par \par " Come on Lizzy we are going to be late." I shouted \par \par " No we won't with your crazy drive we will make it ok." Lizzy said while getting

in the car.\par \par " I know I should have gone on my own." I said while Lizzy glared at me.\par \par " Sorry it was a joke, we are nearly there anyway." \par \par " I'm happy you have started listen to me your outfit if brillant you look hot in your outfit and the shoes I'm proud to call you my sister now."\par \par " Thank you we are here now luke and Jess are waiting." I said\par \par When I got out of the car I've started getting use to people staring at us. But the first thing I notice was the two cars. It can't be no please no. I've been waiting twenty years to see them all the question all the panic. God no It can't be. They all knew something was wrong when I started panicing.\par \par " I think it is them." I whispered\par \par That all I could say I was stunned. They all growled when I said that they new all the pain I was put through.\par \par " It ok Bella we will look after you nothing will happen to you I promise." Luke said\par \par When we walked threw the car park I could smell them there sweet scent brought back so many memories of how much I loved them and how much they hurt me. We walked to the office to get are schedules me and Lizzy had english together. That was good as usual we said are names and we had the back desk so we could talk. The lesson was boring as ever same old stuff when your taught it ones you never forget. But thank god no Cullens that was good.\par \par After English me and Lizzy had Gym I have always hate gym even when I was human it just this time I don't trip. When we got in the changing room and changed people were staring as usual. Then we walked in there she was Alice Cullen and another girl what looked like me. Even Lizzy said that then Alice looked up she looked like she has seen a ghost she screamed everyone was looking now.She ran over and gave me a massive hug she was crying tearless sobs. Even though they left me god I missed them.\par \par " You are ment to be dead why are you alive!!!!!! That doesn't matter, how are you alive." Alice screeched\par \par " Alice everyone staring they can hear you." I whispered\par \par " I don't fucking care if they can hear me. YOUR ALIVE." Alice screamed\par \par " Excuse me Miss could I take her to the office." I asked\par \par She nodded when we left I saw the girl she looked like me she waved at me I pulled Lizzy with me so I wouldn't be on my own. We went in the hall way to talk or scream in Alice case.\par \par " Okay you have to tell me how you escaped." She demanded\par \par I was confused they dumped me in a alley and she asking how I escaped.\par \par " No you dumped me in a alley with nothing. I was on my own with nothing not knowing what happened."\par

\par " What the hell are you talking about we didn't dump you in alley." Alice yelled\par \par " What." I yelled\par \par All I kept thinking about is she thinking I'm stupid I was on my own they left me with nothing not knowing if my child survived or not.\par \par " We never dumped you, you were going threw the change and I made Edward leave so he could hunt and clean up for you. I was sitting with you then Jane came smashing through the window and kidnapped you. We looked for you for year we even went to Italy to find you but we tried. Then I had a vision and it was of you and you were dead." she screamed \par \par I was speechless I always thought they left me but it wasn't it was Jane I'm going to kill her all this time I thought it was them. Then jasper came along he was speechless as well.\par \par " Bella please say something we tryed I promise." She cried\par \par " She took me." I whispered\par \par " Yeh she took you we looked everywhere we went to some of the most horried places looking for you but that doesn't matter your alive that all what matters."\par She cried.\par \par " I think this is too much too handle we need to talk out of school. Oh yeh this is Lizzy." I said\par \par " Hi I'm Alice and this is Jasper my husband but you proparly know that all ready." Alice said\par \par " Yeh I know." Lizzy smiled\par \par " I guess you want to meet my family." I whispered\par \par My family are going to kill me. Oh crap I'm dead.\par \par " Shit I forgot about Renesmee Edward gonna kill me she has only been to like 4 school crap I need to find her." She screamed\par \par " Ummm Alice who Renesmee?" I cried\par \par " Ummm well Bella she is kind of your daughter." Jasper said\par \par She made it I have a daughter omg shit I havn't told them I had a kid there going to kill me. Lizzy looks like she is going to kill me.\par \par " She survived I thought she died." I cried\par \par Omg I have a daughter I'm so happy omg I have a daughter. What If she does like me what will I do. Omg I havn't seen Edward yet what if he has found someone.\par \par " Alice does Edward no she is alive." Jasper whispered\par \par " No not yet but he gonna be happy." Alice screeched\par \par

Ok that good I havn't seen him in twenty I have missed him so much. Omg It Emment I think he gonna tackle me maybe not. God I missed are bear hugs.\par \par " AARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." he screamed\par \par " ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." I screamed\par \par " Your alive your alive I have my little sister back. I have missed you so much I never stopped thinking about you." He yelled while jumping.\par \par I'm so happy I'm not human or that would have hurt.\par \par " Emment same here I missed my bear hug but could you please put me down people are staring." I whispered\par \par As soon as he put me down there stood luke and jess they really didn't look happy they started walking toward like they were ready to attack.\par \par " Guys it was a misunderstanding it was never them they didn't leave me there." I pleaded\par \par " Bella how was that a misunderstanding you never left your room for a whole year crying how is that a misunderstanding?" Luke yelled\par \par They all gasped when he said that I'm going to kill him later.\par \par " Look guys this isn't the time or the place we will talk about this later ok. Got it?. Can you make a excuse so we can leave ok?" They all nodded\par \par " Bella we better get change. Who house your or mine?" Alice asked\par \par " Your that would be best."\par \par RPOV\par \par Me and aunty Alice where standing in gym waiting for class to start. When these to new girls walked in one looked like me and aunty Alice started screaming all she kept saying your alive it was really werid then the girl started looking at me I waved. Then they left leaving me on my own I really hate school what the point. We all stood there in shocked after what just happened I have never seen Aunty Alice like that. Ok I'm bored I'm skipping. As soon as I left the room someone graped me I was about to scream then I saw it was Dad.\par \par " Shhh. Why are you not in class?"\par \par Shit I'm busted. Crap he can hear me. opppss.\par \par " Ummm well I was in Gym and these two new girls came in one looked just like me it was freaky then Aunty Alice started screaming and saying these things they didn't make any sense----." \par \par " What things?"\par \par " Stupid thing like YOUR ALIVE!!!!!!! and some over shit."\par \par " Language young lady. What happened next?" He said urgently\par \par " The girl looked at me and they asked to leave and I got left on my own. Then I

got bored and everyone was still in shock after what happed and I slipped out." I said\par \par " Renesmee you listen you will not skip class again got it." he yelled.\par \par Then he stormed off I followed he looked like he was looking for someone then he froze looking at that girl.\par \par " Dad anyone in there?.............. Fine I'm going." I was waving my hand in front of he was paying any attention. Then I just walked off too get changed.\par \par EPOV\par \par As soon as I saw her it was like when I first ammited I loved her all those feeling have come over me again she was alive it like I was in heaven or something. We both stared into each other eyes like when we first meet I have fallen for her again. I love her I never want to let her go never we were made for each other. What if she meet someone, what if she does feel the same.\par \par " Ok guys please stop or I'm going to do something I don't want to do In front of everyone that you don't want to see. Please stop it." Jasper pleaded\par \par Man I feel sorry for Jasper I better stop but I can't I really need to focus.\par \par " Sorry Jasper." I said\par \par " Yeh sorry. I'll better go change I'll meet you all at the car park. Come on Alice." I giggled.\par \par BPOV\par \par As soon I saw him it felt like the first time I ammited I love him all those wild feeling there so much stronger I have never felt like that before there so much stronger compared to when I was human. We both stared into each other eyes like when we were together we would spend hours doing it then he would dazzle me.\par \par " Ok guys please stop or I'm going to do something I don't want to do In front of everyone that you don't want to see. Please stop it." Jasper pleaded\par \par Crap Jasper look like he is about to pounce on Alice opppss.\par \par " Sorry Jasper." He said\par \par " Yeh sorry. I'll better go change I'll meet you all at the car park. Come on Alice." I giggled.\par \par Omg that was so hard all those feelings came over me.\par \par " That was close I swear you wear about to tackle him." Alice giggled\par \par " I know I nearly did that would have been embrassing." I giggled.\par \par When we made it in to the changing room Renesmee was all ready there she really does look like me and Edward. When I was getting Alice and Renesmee started staring at me then Lizzy started giggling.\par \par " Why are staring." I asked\par \par

I was scared they were all staring I felt like I was naked or something but I'm not.\par \par " Omg your body you have curves, your so tall you have boobs and your fashion sense. your so hot." Alice screamed\par \par " Yeh she right your body is like a model body." Remesmee cried\par \par Omg If I was human I would be bright red right now.\par \par " Thank you guys but did you need to scream about It I sure no one wants to here about my body." I whispered\par \par " Yeh they do." Remesmee yelled\par \par When we finally changed everyone was still staring. First day of school I find my husband, daughter, there whole family and everyone in the whole school knows about my hot body. \par \par " Oh Alice your gonna love my new car I got a porshe." I yelled.\par \par " You have a porshe omg I love those car's how fast does it go what colour tell me everything." Renesmee yelled\par \par " It drives really fast. Do you want come with me too your house." I asked\par \par " Omg yes. can I drive it?" She asked \par \par When we made it outside they were all staring at my new car.\par \par " Why do men alway drawl over cars. Oh maybe next time I want to get to your house extremely fast ok." I said\par \par She ran to Edward.\par \par " Dad I'm going in Bella car she has a porshe and she going to let me drive it someday isn't so cool." she yelled\par \par " Yeh that brillant show her where to go ok." Edward said\par \par " Edward do you want a race?" I asked\par \par As soon as I saw my favourite crook smile and his dazzling eyes wow.\par \par " Yeh dad we will so beat you?" Renesmee screamed\par \par " Ok angel." He said\par \par Me and Renesmee ran to the car speed of before anyone were in the car. Everyone stood there god smacked when we drove off.\par \par " Ok where do you live?" I asked\par \par " Carry on going straight then then turn right keep going and we live on a private road." \par \par " Thank you. Sorry about early it looked like Alice scared you when she started screaming in gym."\par

\par " Not really did me a favour I hate gym." \par \par " Same I'd rather do anything else but that actually I'd rather not be at school."\par \par " Same dad forces me to go. Can't believe he has been doing that for 120 years boring I think." she giggled\par \par " Is this it wow this big. You should see my house and my cars you would be in heaven." I asked\par \par " That sounds cool but can I drive your porshe next time please." she asked.\par \par I can so see how she gets her own way her eyes she pefected the puppy eyes.\par \par " Yeh of course you can as long as you don't crash it you can. Oh yeh we won." I laugh\par \par " Oh yeh we won." She laugh\par \par As soon as we got there all the other cars came. This is where it could go all wrong she likes me but will she want me as a mother.\par \par " Bella can't believe you drove so fast you always went so slow before you made be lose a bet now." Emment yelled\par \par " Thank you Emment so know did you bet with." I asked\par \par " With Jasper and Luke and Luke won." He growled\par \par " Luke money I need to buy some new part to my car." I yelled\par \par " Bella you never play fair."\par \par He gave me money $3000 wow.\par \par " Never said I did sorry little bro. This is pay back for early I would fight but not in this dress it looks to good on me." I laughed\par \par " Bella can't believe you just said that you love fashion like me now." Alice screamed\par \par " No I don't I like the dress but I love my car more it my baby."\par \par Everyone started laughing accept Alice she was annoyed. Then the front door open this is the other part.\par \par " Why arn't you at school." Esme asked\par \par " And who are all these people not being rude." Carlisile asked\par \par I was hiding behind everyone then I stepped out and waved. Next thing I knew Esme was giving me a massive bear hug.\par \par " My daughter returned." she screamed repeating it over and over again.\par \par " Bella I can't believe it you we thought you were dead we missed you so much."

Carlisile said and he gave me and massive hug.\par \par " I know I missed you so much too I thought I would never see you again." I cried\par \par If I was human I would be bright red and with a thousand tears down my face.\par \par " You'll better come in we have so much to talk about where have you been?" Esme cried\par \par " First thing I need to do is make a phone call to My mum and dad they will freak if we don't tell them. You all go inside Alice can you explain everything to everyone so I don't have to do it again." I asked\par \par Alice nodded and they all went inside I ran into the forest so no one would hear me. I rang my mum cell as usual she answered on the first ring.\par \par Hi Mum\par \par \b0 Hi Bella are you ok?\par \par \b Yeh everything fine you will never guess who was at the school the cullen's we are at there house now.\par \par \b0 Why?\par \par \b Well basically all of it was a missunderstanding this girl Jane kidnapped me and left me there in the alley and they had been searching for me for years. There is something else.\par \par \b0 What hunnie\par \par \b She is alive\par \par \b0 Omg honey you have a kid that brillant\par \par \b Can you and dad come over you can proparly follow my scent.\par \par \b0 Ok we will be there soon love you\par \par \b Love you too.\par \par The phone call ended now how am surpose to tell your daughter some lady kidnapped me and I'm your real mother. As soon as I came in Esme Gave me another hug.\par \par " I'm so sorry." cried Esme\par \par " Don't worry I'm here now so lets try and forget ok." I asked\par \par " What did your mum and dad say." she asked. She sound worried.\par \par " There on there way so we can all talk." I said\par \par As soon as that was over I started to panic how do I tell her. I sat next to Edward. I have a plan I'll use my shield so we can talk.\par \par I put my sheild over us so know one would hear.\par \par

Edward\par \par \b0 Bella Can they hear us.\par \par \b Nope it's apart of my gift I'm a shield. How are we going to tell her?\par \par \b0 I don't know she doesn't know much accept your dead but your not know\par \par \b Maybe we should tell her straight she might not freak.\par \par \b0 I don't know maybe we should. There one question I need to ask what about us.\par \par \b To be honest I'm having alot of difficulties not touching right now. I nearly tackled you at school.\par \par \b0 Same do we carry on from where we left off or do we live separtly and see how it goes.\par \par \b To be honest all I want you too do is hold me that it. I just want to be with you.\par \par \b0 Shall we maybe see how it goes after telling renesmee then talk about how we do things.\par \par \b as long we are together some how I'm ok.\par \par \b0 As long as we are together. I love you.\par \par \b I love you too. I'm now pulling my sheild away.\par \par As soon as I did that my parents knocked on the door. Esme and Carlisile answered.\par \par " Hi you must be Charles and Janet. I'm Esme and this is Carlisile." Esme said\par \par " Hi it finally good to meet you Bella said so much nice things about." Janet said\par \par " Please come in." Esme said\par \par Mum came runnin over to give me a hug.\par \par " Bella honey are you ok? Is everything sorted now?"\par \par " I'm fine mum a bit over welmed but happy. Everyone know's everything. The only bit too tell is the bit I said on the phone."\par \par " Ok that good baby. I'm so happy for you."\par \par " Mum if was human I would be bright red with tear running down my cheeks." I cried\par \par " There's Bella sense of humour." Emment chuckled\par \par " Shut up Emment. This really isn't the time for jokes." Edward Yelled\par \par " Chill Little bro." Emment said\par

\par Everyone was silent waiting for us too tell her I don't know how.\par \par " Honey I think it time." Janet pleaded\par \par " Yeh I know. But how do I say it?" I whispered\par \par " Just say the truth that all you can do." Janet whispered\par \par " Yeh Bella just say it how it is thats all you can do." Esme said\par \par She always know what to do to make me feel better both of them do it like having two mums. Breath Breath why do I need to breath. I don't have too. Crap I'm panicing. I decided to put my shield on Edward to ask him what to do.\par \par Edward\par \par \b0 Bella\b\par \par Shall we tell her know\par \par \b0 Yeh that might be best she is getting worried\par \par \b Shall we do it here or somewhere else\par \par \b0 maybe we should go outside so if she freaks nothing get broken\par \par \b Yeh that might be best. you can ask to come out and I'll follow ok.\par \par \b0 ok.\par \par \b RPOV\par \par Things were getting werid there something going on but I don't know what. Everyone keeps talking about Bella there something about her I don't know what but it is familiar like I have scene her before. If someone doesn't tell me soon I'm just gonna go to my room. Ok Dad and Bella both look worried and scared what is going on they know something. Everyone knows something. Ok dad getting up he looks so scared I hope he is alright.\par \par " Renesmee we need to talk too you." he whispered\par \par I got up and folded everyone was staring with the same worried expression. Behind me was Bella why was she following ok now I'm scared. We walked out of the back door and went the bench. They both looked scared.\par \par " Ok Renesmee you have just heard Bella story but there more to it everyone in there knows but you don't. Well me and Bella meet about 22 years ago we were going out at the time Bella was still human. We both fell deeply in love and got married. We went on our honeymoon on Island Esme and Bella got pregant we came back and she decided to keep it. The pregancy was really fast. When she finally gave birth I had to deliever the baby. When the baby was delivered I had to bite Bella to save her. When the transformation was nearly over. A girl called Jane broke in and took her. We spent years looking for her. Then Alice had a vision and she was dead. But as you see she not."\par \par " I know this is confusing it confusing for everyone they thought I was dead but I wasn't. Everything will be ok I promise." Bella Cried\par

\par I was confused are they trying to tell me that Bella my mother. I thought she was dead this doesn't make any sense. But she does look like me the hair we are so similiar we both hate gym. We both like to drive fast but we both like to look good. Omg she is my mother. Ok this is like a dream I alway dreamed that my mum was alive but it true. I always dreamed that my parents would get back together this might actually happen omg. I need to take a picture to remember this.\par \par " I'll be back in two seconds." I ran straight to the house.\par \par BPOV\par \par Ok she looks really scared now. Ok know I so wish I knew what she was thinking. Now she looks happy. Ok that's a good sign.\par \par " I'll be back in two seconds." She ran off to the house.\par \par " Is she ok?" I was worried\par \par " Love don't worry she is happy this is what she dreams of." he said. He pulled me on his lap and kissed my head.\par \par A wave of calm came over all the bad things that could have happened but they didn't wow.\par \par " Do you know something I missed this." I whispered\par \par " Me too, there something else I missed as well." He chuckled\par \par " And what would that be Mr cullen." I said seductively. \par \par I started kissing him the passion was still there he hasn't lost his touch actually he got better.\par \par " Mr Cullen have you been holding back." I whispered\par \par " Remember when we were together you were human I had to be careful." he chuckled\par \par " Ok Mum and Dad I know it been like twenty years but I want a picture of all of us I havn't got one." Remesmee yelled\par \par " Ok hunnie picture time." Edward said\par \par After about a hour of photos being taken with everyone. Remesmee was getting tired so we took her to bed even though she was old enough she wanted us too do it I think she was finally happy I know I am. As soon as I tucked her In and wished her good night and gave the a kiss.\par \par " Mum." she whispered\par \par " Yes hunnie."\par \par " Will you be here when I wake up."\par \par " Of course I will if you want me I'll always be here."\par \par " Mum I want you always to be here." she cried\par

\par " Then I'll be here go to sleep you look tired I love you."\par \par " Love you too."\par \par As I walked out and closed the door I felt like I was complete. I saw Edward there with my favourite crooked smile I ran straight into him and started kissing him I wanted him so badly I couldn't wait anymore and never could he. He lift me up bridal style not braking the kiss. I didn't know where we were going I just hope its a bed room. We made to his room he put me down and I tackled him onto the bed not wanting are body to be apart. I riped his clothes without thinking he did the same the animal inside of us had awoken.\par \par \par APOV\par \par " I think there be busy for a long while." I giggled\par \par " My lil bro getting layed." laughed Emment\par \par " I think we will go Jess is getting tired, It was nice to meet you all we must meet soon. Maybe you can come round our house." Janet said\par \par " That would be lovely." Esme said\par \par " It's going to be sunny the whole of next week maybe we could go on a hiking trip." I said\par \par " That would be brillant." Janet said.\par \par After they left I started thinking that our family was finally a whole family Bella was always the missing piece. Now I must get her some new clothes as her's are riped.\par \par BPOV\par \par I'm so happy my family is back together I have my greek god of a husband and a beautiful daughter my world is complete I have everyone I need. Remesmee has shown me her whole life with her gift so I know everything I'm thankful she can do that I've missed so much of her life. I do anything to be with them for the rest of my life and I mean anything. When I started thinking about it I want revenge she destroyed my family I thought I would never see them again I thought my child was dead I want to kill her for this so I never see her again she wish never did this to my family. She'll wish she never meet me.\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \b0\fs20\par } #

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