2-- Tw-142-- Study About Pride And Humbleness

  • May 2020
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TW Course 142-- Study About Pride and Humbleness (by Bill Stevenson) Directions:

Respond to the Bible verses and passages as indicated. I have tried to not include the controversial verses on this subject. This assignment is worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages.

Pride-Note: Pride= “An undue sense of one's own superiority, arrogance; conceit”. Results in boasting. Arrogant= “Full of or characterized by excessive pride or self-esteem; overbearing; haughty.” Conceit= “Excessive self-esteem or vanity.” Boast= “To extol the deeds or abilities of oneself or of another; brag; to be excessively proud.” Look at the below verses in this first section and determine if pride and the other key words in its definition are negative or positive in God's view. 2 Samuel 22:28, 2 Kings 19:28, Job 40:11-12, Psalms 40:4, Psalms 73:3, Psalms 75:4-5, Psalms 131:1, Proverbs 6:16-19, Proverbs 8:12-13, Proverbs 14:3, Proverbs 15:25, Proverbs 18:12, Proverbs 21:24, Isaiah 2:10-12, Isaiah 3:16-17, Isaiah 5:14, Isaiah 13:11, Isaiah 16:6, Jeremiah 48:29, Zephaniah 2:8-10, Isaiah 28:1, Daniel 5:17-23a & 30, Zephaniah 3:1-4, Malachi 4:1, Romans 11:17-23, Luke 1:46-51, Mark 7:20-23, Romans 1:2831, Jude 16-19, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and1 Peter 5:5

Humbleness-Note: Humble= “having or expressing a sense of selflessness, meekness, modesty, etc.” Contrite= “remorseful”. Broken-hearted= “overwhelmed by grief, despair, etc”.

1.) Why should you be careful and only have humble friends? Proverbs 16:18-19 and Proverbs 29:23 2.) What are qualities of God mentioned in these passages? Isaiah 57:14-15 and Philippians 2:5-8

3.) What are acceptable sacrifices to God? Psalms 51:15-17 4.) In the previous passage and the below passage, what are the qualities of humble believers? What are their eventual rewards? Psalms 34:15-22 5.) How serious is human humbleness to God? Jeremiah 44:9-11 6.) What does humbleness supposed to lead to? Exodus 10:3 7.) Who does God look for? Isaiah 66:2 8.) The escape from Egypt to the land of Canaan could have taken a lot less time than 40 years. Relate this passage to why God allows challenges in your lives? Deuteronomy 8:1-6 9.) What was unusual about 18-year-old King Josiah and how was he blessed by God with death? 2 Kings 22:10-20 Also read chapter 23 & 2 Chronicles 34:29-33 to see what else King Josiah did before he was killed by the Egyptian Pharaoh in a battle near the River Euphrates. 10.) Notice the context of the often quoted verse in the USA. What does this passage actually say should be a result of being humble? 2 Chronicles 7:11-22 11.) What resulted twice because the humbleness of the Israelite rulers? 2 Chronicles 12:1-12 12.) What is another result of humbleness? Psalms 34:1-2 13.) What are other results of the prayers of those who are humble? Psalms 10:17-18 14.) What is a divine reward for human humbleness? In your own words, what are the ways to ways to become humble? Why can the humble Christian rejoice while the prideful rich can't? How do you put on humility? How is one humbled under the might hand of God? How does He lift a humble individual up and how may He exalt him or her? James 4:6-10 and James 1:9-11 15.) Notice the order of commands in the statement about how to enter into the Kingdom of God. Also see John 1:12. What does all that mean? What was a negative characteristic of the Pharisees? Matthew 18:1-4 and


Matthew 23:11-12

16.) How can you have humbleness of mind? Be specific. Do all of the commandments in this passage require humbleness? Colossians 3:8-15 and 1 Peter 5:5-7


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