2 System At Glance

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 762
  • Pages: 4

System at a Glance Chat mania will allow users to share text messages along the network. There may be one or more than one servers on the same network, If the users is added on one server he cannot chat with the users added on the other serve, means if there are four servers running on the network then four user groups will be considered. Following are the modules of the project: •

Text Chat

Offline Messaging.

User Accounts Management.



Web CAM Chat.


Invisible Chat.

Main application The main window consists of these elements: - Chat Box (the biggest one), all private conversation is there - Edit Box (small on the bottom), you enter your quotes there - User List (right-top), list of active users - little light on the right of the Chat Box - N/F switch under the little light - 10 buttons on the right

Text Chat



SYSTEM AT GLANCE This is a conventional chatting that is done using digits or alphabets. This chat will allow users to communicate each other using Text Messages. There are two possibilities for this chat. 1. If the user is online then his status indicator will be shown by Yellow, the chat can be in real time. 2. If the user is offline and is added in the messenger then the chat will be offline. Messages sent on the ID will be shown to the recipient when he comes online.

Offline Messaging In order to perform offline messaging user is required to be registered with the server. After registration process from the main chat panel user can view all the contacts that have been added. There will be some who are online and few who are not chatting. Offline message is the term use to send message to the user that is unavailable and can view message later on. Offline messages can be more than one.

User Accounts Management All the users are registered with the server. There may be more than one server on the network. Users registered with one server cannot communicate with the users on the other server. If the server is unavailable then the no communication can be taken place.

Client Client is the user that is being involved with the messenger. Client is required to be registered with the server and get online in order to use the features of the messenger like encryption, online/offline chat and invisible chat etc.




SYSTEM AT GLANCE The main component of the application that is required to be available all the time to ensure the continuity of the process. Servers can be more then one in the environment. For example IT, Engineering, Medical students or other categories of the users may require the independent servers to chat with the interference by the other users.

Video Chat This section will allow users to communicate with each other VIA Video. Clients are required to install and configure a Web CAM on their PCs. Single web cam on any side can also work.

Invisible Chat Those users who are online on server are shown by the status indicator. Some times users want to get online and don’t want to be interfering by the other user. Invisible mode will help accomplish this task.

Mute button and vigilant mode When you are away and your sound is still on, depending on the options in the Setup Dialog you can still receive Pop-Ups and private messages. To enable mode DND (Do Not Disturb) you have to click both Mute and Away buttons. When Vigilant mode is on (bell marked with '!') every message causes LANChat Pro to be set to front and/or to flash the taskbar. Nice when you are under fullscreen console or other fullscreen mode.

Public and private chat There are two types of chat in LANChat: public and private. On the public channel you are talking to all users, and your messages can logged. When you are talking privately you are talking only to your one friend and your messages can't be logged (they can be copied to the clipboard.... but you can't help that). Speaking privately is very safe because of different encryption method (anti-sniffing). To enable private chat you can double-click on a user in



SYSTEM AT GLANCE the user list, or click right button on him and then select 'Show window' or enter a "/msg user" in the chat-box (a system command).



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