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1. Pakistan Affairs 2. General of Indo-Pakistan before Mountbatten? Lord Wavel. 3. Mountbatten came to India in? March 1947. 4. Mountbatten was an officer in? British Navy. 5. Plan for the Separation of Indo Pakistan was 3rd June 1947. 6. Election to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan ? 1946. 7. The first Cabinet of Pakistan consisted of? 7 members. 8. Finance Portfolio in the first Cabinet Malik Ghulam Muhammad. 9. The Chief Minister of the following province refused to salute the Pakistani flag in 1947? NWFP. 10. Chief Minister of the following Province was dismissed by Quaid e Azam? Bengal. 11. population of Pakistan at the inception in 1947 was? 7 crores. 12. Population of West Pakistan in 1951was? 34 million. 13. Brahmo Samaj Started by? (Ram Mohan Rao) 14. The only country to oppose Pakistan’s entrance into the UNO in1947 was Afghanistan. 15. Total area of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 was 84,471 sq. miles. (13297) 16. India stopped the passage of water from the rivers Ravi and Sutluj in 1st April 1948. 17. Madhupur Head works is located on the river ? Ravi 18. Ferozpur Head works is located on river ? Sutluj 19. He was the first head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947 Amir of Kuwait. 20. India and Pakistan mutually came to an agreement that Pakistan would get? Rs. 750 crore as her share 21. He was the first Governor of Punjab? Francis Moody 22. Governor Moody imposed the Governor Rule in Punjab in? January 1949 23. Martial Law in Lahore was imposed in 6 MARCH 1953 24. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in? July 1948. 25. Karachi was declared Federal area by the legislative Assembly in May 1948. 26. The Quaid delivered his last message to the nation on: 27th August, 1948 27. Liaqat Nehru Pact announced at Delhi in April 1950. 28. Liaquat ali Khan visited America in May 1950 29. Rawalpindi Conspiracy was unearthed in March 1951 30. First census of Pakistan was held in? 1951. 31. “Wheat Crisis” in Pakistan took place in 1952. 32. Shortage of Salt took place in 1952 in East Bengal 33. first opposition party of the country Jinnah Awami League 34. East Bengal elections were held in 1954 35. Martial Law in Lahore was imposed in 6 MARCH 1953 36. The Manila Pact was signed in September 1954. 37. The Manila Pact is the other name of SEATO. 38. Pakistan became member of Baghdad pact in September 1955. 39. Muhammad Ali Bigra formula was put forward in 7 October 1953. 40. According to Bogra formula the Lower house consisted of 300 seats. 41. Out of the total 309 seats muslim League secured only 9 seats in 1954. 42. PRODA was replaced in 24 September 1954. 43. Ghlam Muhammad dissolve dthe Constituent assembly on: 24th October, 1954. 44. Ghulam Muhammad resigned in August 1954. 45. One unit bill was brought into effect on 30 september, 1955. 46. The First Five Year Plan was announced by Chaudhary Muhammad Ali on 18th May 1956 47. Principal of joint Electorate was accepted by the Assembly on 10th October 1956 at Dacca 48. Suez Canal Crisis took place in the reign of: Soharwardy 1956 49. Pakistan bought Gwadar from King of maskat at the cost of 40 lakh pounds on 8th September 1958

50. Z.A.Bhutto had the following portfolio in the Ayub Khan’s cabinet Trade. 51. Bhutto was appointed Foreign Minister in 1963 52. Ayub Khan took oath as President of Pakistan in February 1960 53. Ayub lifted the Martial Law in June 1962. 54. Presidential Elections between Ayub Khan and miss Fatima Jinnah held in January 1965. 55. Pakistan launched an operation in Kashmir in 1965 which was called operation Gibralter august. 56. India mounted upon a three pronged attack against Pakistan along Lahore on 6ht September 1965. 57. China issued an ultimatum to India on 17th September 1965. 58. Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman presented his 6 points for the first time in February 1966 59. The Ayub regim celebrated tis 10 years of rule in October 1968 60. The old name of Round garden was changed into Nasir garden in 1966 after the visit of Egyptian President Nasir. 61. Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar died in 1958 62. I.I. Chandaraker died in 1960 63. Muhammad Ali Bogra died in 1963 64. Islamabad was completed in 1966 65. Chaudhary Khaleeq uz Zaman died in 1973 66. Bhutto was arrested in November 1968. 67. States of Dir, Chitral and Swat were incorporated in NWFP in August 1969. 68. Yahya khan became C-in-C in March 1966. Who was C-in-C before him. Musa Khan 69. Ayub Khan handed over the reins of Government to Yahya Khan on 25th March 1969. 70. In the 1970 elections out of total 162 common seats in East Pakistan Mujeeb ur Rehman won 160 seats 162/160 71. In the elections of 1970 PPP got 62 seats out of total 82 common seats in West Pakistan 72. Agartala conspiracy was about Kidnap and murder of Ayub Khan (6 januray 1968) 73. First president of Indian Congress? (Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee) 74. Harappa was discovered in? (1921) 75. President of Khilafat Movement? (Gandhi) 76. Kashmir Mujahideen hijacked an Indian plane “Ganga” in 1971 (30 january 1971) 77. Army action was started in East Pakistan from 25 March 1971 (operaion search light) 78. Mother of Z.A.Bhutto was Hindu 79. First foreign minister of Pakistan? (Sir Zafar ullah) 80. Z.A. Bhutto studied in the following university Southern California University 81. EAST Pakistan BECAME AN INDEPENDENT ENTITIY in December 1971 82. A commission was appointed by Bhutto to probe into the 1971 crisis. It was called Hamood ur Rehman commission 83. In March Mr. Bhutto dismissed 1300 service men 84. The banks were nationalized in May 1972 85. dissociate Pakistan from the Commonwealth of Nations in 1972 86. Pakistan announced to delink from SEATO in November 1972 87. Martial Law was imposed in Balochistan in May 1973 88. The Qadyanis were declared non Muslims in Semptember1974 89. He is the only person who resigned from national Assembly on this decision Ahmaad Raza Qasuri 90. 91. In his agricultural reforms Bhutto put ceiling to land holding at 150 acres of irrigated land. 92. Bhutto announced second package of agricultural reforms in 1977 93. Elections to the National Assembly were held under Z.A. Bhutto in March 1977 94. 3rd Martial Law was imposed in the country on 5th July 1977 in the morning 95. Ayub Khan Passed away in 1974 96. Friday was declared a weekly holiday in January 1977 97. How many constitutions have been tried in in Pakistan so far? 3

First constitution – 23 March, 1956 (M Ali) Second constitution8 june , 1962 (Ayub khan) Third constitution – 14 August 1973 (ZA Bhutto) 98. How many amendments have been made in1973 constitution up to 1999, 1 6 99. The 16th amendment is about the expansion of Quota 100. Quota has been extended to the year 2013 101. The Objectives Resolution was made the part of the Constitution instead of being merely a document of guiding Principles in 8th Amendment 102. The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under this Amendment 9th. 103. The first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of 79 members 104. objectives resolution was passed in 12th March 1949 105. The Ulmas offered 22 points for the future constitution of Pakistan. 106. The 2nd Basic principle Committee Report was published on 22nd December 1952. 107. The following constitutional draft was called as the Bengali Punjab Crisis Report 2nd BPC Report 108. Muhammad Ali Bogra formula was put forward in the Assembly on: 7th October, 1953 Bogra Formula offered a bicameral legislature wherein every unit had 10 seats in the Upper House 109. The number of East Bengal Seats in the Lower House in the Bogra Formula was: 165 110. The First constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by Ghulam Muhammad on; 24th October 1954 111. first governor of the West Pakistan Mushtaq Ahmed Grmani 112. It was necessary for both the President and the Prime Minister to be Muslims in this Constitution 1973 113. Bicameral legislature was provided for in the 1973 constitution. 114. The minimum age of a Senator is 30 years. 115. The minimum age of Prime Minister under the constitution is 35 years. 116. The age of President is 45 117. The retirement age of justice of High court is 62 years. 118. The retirement age of justice of Supreme Court is years 65 years. 119. How much practice as a lawyer is must for becoming Justice of a High Court 8 years. 120. The Swadeshi movement means Boycott of goods (British goods). 121. Simla Deputation was led by Sir Agha Khan. 122. Who moved the resolution for establishing Muslim League? Nawab of Dacca. 123. Who delivered the Presidential address in which the Muslim League was established? Nawab Waqr ul Mulk 124. Separate electorate was awarded to Muslims in 1909. 125. Annulment of partition of Bengal was announced in 1911. 126. Jinnah was formally enrolled in All India Muslim League in 1913. 127. “Comarade” was started by Moulana Muhammad Ali. 128. Al Hilal was started by Moulana Muhammad Ali. 129. Jinnah was the Principle architect of Lucknow pact (29-31 december 1916) 130. The most important change brought about by Minto Morley Reforms was Separate Electorate. 131. Turkey in the First World War was chose to fight on the side of Germany. 132. Treaty of Severes was announced in 1920 , august 10. 133. Shuddhi and Sangthan movements were started at the end of Tehrik e Khilafat. 134. Zamindar” was brought about by Zafar Ali Khan. 135. Report of Rowlatt Committee was published in 1918. 136. Jallianwala Bagh tragedy took place in: 13 april 1919. 137. Jinnah resigned from congress during Nagpur session in 1920. 138. Moplah rising in Malabar took place in 1921 (august).

139. Chauri Chaura incident took place in 1922.The Moplah rose against the British and Hindu Zamindar. 140. Which movement was started by Sir Swami Shradhnand? Shuddhi. 141. Sangthan was started by Pandit Malavia. 142. Khilafat was abolished by Mustafa Kamal Pasha in 1924. 143. Simon Commission was sent to India in 1927. 144. On the arrival Simon Commission Muslim League was Split into two groups one was led by Sir Muhammad Shafee and the other was led by Quaid e Azam 145. Which party was divided into pro changers and changers? Congress 146. Nehru Report was an answer to the challenge given by Lord Birkenhead 147. Nehru Report accepted the following demand a separate province for North-West Frontier and Sindh 148. Jinnah Fourteen points were offered in 28 March,1929. 149. Which member of Simon Commission resigned and replaced by another member Stephen Walsh 150. Diarchy was scrapped in 1919 Reforms. 151. The first session of Round Table Conference was opened in London (1930). 152. Which party was not present in First Round Table Conference... Congress 153. 1.The last viceroy of united India was (Lord Mount Batten) 154. .______ is known as Bab-ul-Islam. (Sindh) 155. The highway linking China and Pakistan is called (Shahrah-e-Karakoram) 156. Pakistan became the member of U.N on ____________and ___________ Opposed (30th December 1947)(Afghanistan) 157. are the two most important food crops of Pakistan.(Wheat and Rice) 158. The first constitution of Pakistan came into force on __________ and cancelled in _______.(23rd Marc 1956)(7 october 1958) 159. The second constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on __________.(1st March 1962, abrogated at 25 march 1969) 160. The third constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on _________.(14th August 1973) (suspended 5th july 1977, october 1999) 161. Pakistan’s second Governer General and 2nd Prime Minister was _______ .(Khawaja Nazimuddin) 162. The Government of Pakistan imposed the system of Zakat in the year _____ and it is collected ______.(1980)(1/3%)(zakat ordinance) 163. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in the year _____. (1913) 164. Pakistan’s largest heavy engineering complex is situated at _______ ,Built with the help of ____.(Texila)(China) 165. Sui gas was found in the year _____. (1952) 166. __________ was the chairman of boundary commission. (Sir Red Cliff) 167. The growth rate of Pakistan is _____.(3%) 168. The Lucknow Pact was signed between Muslim League and 28-30 december _______ in the year ____.(Congress)(1916) 169. The first President of All India Muslim League was _______. (Sir Agha Khan) presidential speechWaqarul mulk secretary – Major `Hassan 170. Quaid-e-Azam proposed his 14 points in the year _____. (28 march 1929) 171. Nehru report (28-30 august 1928) APC 9 members (two muslims-Ali imam, Shuaib qureshi) 172. The United Nations was founded in _________. (24th October 1945) 173. The first meeting of the Muslim League took place in the year ____ at _______.(1908)(Karachi) 174. The Cripps Mission visited India in______. (1942)

175. The Cabinet Mission, members. (16 May 1946)(three) 176. R.C.D (Regional Co-operation for development ) ( 1964)` 177. Quaid-e-Azam Gave his 14 points (28 march 1929) in reply to ________.(Nehru Report-2830august 1928) 178. Mount Batten announced his plan on _________.(3rd June 1947) 179. The first independent ruler of Muslim India (Qutub uddin Aibak) 180. Allama Iqbal gave his historical address in the year _____ A.D at _____ .(1930) (Allahbad) 181. Quaid-e-Azam appealed on _________ to observe day of Deliverance or Yaum-e-Nijat /Tashakkur.(22th december 1939) 182. first President of Pakistan. (Iskander Mirza) 183. Pakistan was recognized as a republic in 1956) 184. Moen jo Daro was built _______ years ago through a thought plan.(4000l 2500BC) 185. The Muslim League was founded in _______ at _____ due to the movement of _______ .(30 december 1906) (Dhaka) ( Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan) 186. All India Congress was founded by ____________ in the year _________ A.d.(Allan o.Hume)(1885) 187. The First World War started in _______.(1914) 188. The second World War ended in ______. (1945) 189. Urdu is a Persian word it means ______.(Camp) 190. The Aligarh Movement (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan) 1886 191. Quaid-e-Azam remained member of both Muslim League and Congress for __ years.(9) 192. Badshahi Mosque was built by __________ at Lahore. (Aurangzeb Alamgir) 193. Sindh was separated from Bombay presidency in the year _____A.D .(1936) 194. First Round Table Conference took place in London in _______ A.D. (1930) 195. Second Round Table Conference took place in London in ______ A.D. (1931) 196. General Zia Ul Haq took office in ____ A.D. (5 july 1977) 197. Quaid-e-Azam was born on ___________.(25th December 1876) death :11 sep 1948 198. Allama iqbal was born on 9 november 1877 and died on 21 april 1938 199. ___________ and ____________ are the two building found in Pakistan that were built by Mughal Empire. (Badshahi Mosque) (Shahi Qila) 200. Pakistan’s two important agricultural crops are _____ and _____.(Cotton) (Rice) 201. 202. Pakistan’s largest steel mill is at ________ formed by the cooperation of ________.(pipri(Karachi) (Russia) 1973 203. There are 4 ___ natural regions of Pakistan.(4) 204. The Mosque built by ________ is at Thatta.(Shah Jahan) 205. The duration sixth five -years plan is ______.(1983-1988) 206. First five year plan 18 May 1956 207. According to the 1972 census the literacy rate in Pakistan was _____ which grew to _____ in 1981.(21.7%) (26.2%)

208. 209. In the 1945 Muslim League won ____ Muslims seats in the central Assembly.(30) 210. The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence law in _________ or made the Indian participation plan into a law.(4 July 1947) 211. The script of All Pakistani languages is similar and it is based on ______ (Quranic Script) 212. Sind Madarsa-ul-Islam (Syed Hasan Ali Afandi-1885) 213. Pakistan earns its biggest share of foreign exchange from _____.(Cotton)

214. In __1974_____ ,________ helped Pakistan in making arrangements to hold the Islamic Summit Conference.(1974)(Shah Faisal) 215. The first General elections of Pakistan were held in the year______.(7 December,1970 CentralProvincial 17 December) 216. SAARC abbreviates for __________ .(South Asian Assocition for Regional Cooperation) 217. ________ founded Muslim League’s braneli at London in _____.(Syed Ameer Ali)(1908) 218. All Pakistani languages contain lots of words of ______ and _______.(Arabic)(Persian) 219. Immediately after Independence from the British India forcefully annexed _______.(Hyderabad) 220. _______ and ________ occupied a large territory of Kashmir.(Dakkan)(Junagarh) 221. The _____ nuclear exploitation showed the true face of Indian agression.(1974) 222. Congress started “Leave India Movement” in the year ______.(1942) 223. In_____,________ defeated the Marhatas at the battle field of Pani Patt.(1761)(Ahmed Shah Abdali) 224. Pakistani languages are greatly influenced from _______.(Arabic) 225. _________ and _________ are two important Sindhi poets.(Shah Abdul Latif)(Sachal Sarmast) 226. Two palces famous for wooden crafts are ______ and ______ in Pakistan.(Hala)(Kashmor) 227. The Indus Basin Treaty was signed between Pakistan and India in the year ____.(September 1960) 228. Sindh Muslim League passed a resolution in _______.(1938 Sindh was made provinve) 229. Nizam-e-Mustafa movement was carried in the year ____.(1977) 230. The Hindu Society is divided in ___ casts.(4) 231. Pakistan’s _____ population live in rural areas.(70%) 232. The first Muslim League Government was formed in Sindh in ______.(1943) 233. Masjid Mahabat Khan is situated at _________.(Peshawar) 234. Masjid Wazir Khan is situated at ________.(Lahore) 235. Simla Delegation met _______ in 24 june,1945.(Lord Wevell) 236. In year ____ the Simla delegation headed by Sir Agha Khan met ______.(1906) (Lord Minto) 237. Liaqat Ali Khan born in ______ and become the secretary general of Muslim in _____.(1895)(1936) 238. Waris Shah wrote _________.(Heer Ranjha) 239. The total area of Pakistan is _________ sq.km and total population according to 1981 census is _____________ million/crores.(796096)(83782000) 240. Pakistan exploded its first atomic bomb at _______ in the year ______.(Chaghi)(May 1998) 241. Moen-jo-Daro is the province of ______.( Sindh). 242. The period of first five year plan was _________.(1955-1960) 243. Pakistan joined the non -Aligned Movement in in the year ______.(1979) 244. The first conferences of NAM was held at ______ in _______ and the second at _______.(Belgrade)(1961)(Cairo) 245. The fort of Lahore (Shahi Qila) was built by ________.(Jehangir) 246. The head of the state is called _______ and head of the Government is called _______.(President)(Prime Minister) 247. The Secretariate of O.I.C is at ________ (Saudi Arabia) and RCD at ________.(Jeddah)(Tehran) 248. RCD is called now ________ ECO 249. The desert land of Sindh is called _______ and that Bahawalpur is called ________.(Thar)(Cholistan) 250. The first Saint to came South Asia ______________ is most important of all.(Hazrat Ali Hajveri) 251. Hazrat usman Marvandi is known as _________.(Lal Shahbaz Qalandar) 252. In ______ Cripps mission was presented.(23 march 1942)

253. 24 june 1945-Simla deputation 254. 16 May 1946 Cripps mission 255. In 1945-1946 elections Muslim League won ____ seats in central and _______ in provincial assembly.(all)(90%) 256. In ______ Lord Wavell proposed the formation of a temperary government consisting of the political parties of United India.(1945) 257. According to 3rd June 1947 plan plebiscite was held in __________ and ________.(N.W.F.P)(Silhoute) 258. In the North of Kabul river Khyber Pass is situated which is _____ km long.(53) 259. In the 1973 constitution ________ was recognized as state religion.(Islam) 260. In Pakistan ____ languages are spoken.(30) 261. __________ is the sufi poet of Pushto poetry.(Rehman Baba) 262. _________ is considered as first poet of Pushto.(Ameer Karoro) 263. For a developing country like Pakistan ____________ is very important.(Nuclear Power) 264. U.N has _______ members.(191) 265. The five principles passed by the Non-Aligned countries are called _______.(Punj Shilla) 266. The members of R.C.D are _________,________, and ________.(Pakistan)(Iran)(Turkey) 267. In __________ separate elections principle was accepted.(1909) 268. Sir Syed founded scientific society in ________.(1862) 269. The Khilafat conference meeting held at Karachi in ______.(1921) 270. The fundamental principle of our foreign policy is ________________.(friendship with the nations of the world) 271. Sir Syed brought out the digest “Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq” in _______.(1870) 272. The first central office of Muslim League was established at ________.(Aligarh) 273. The word Pakistan was proposed by ______________ in a pamphlet named _______ .(Choudri Rehmat Ali) (No and Never) 274. The first constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved in the year ______ and _______ was its speaker.(24 october 1954)(Mir Maulvi Tamizuddin) 275. Under the constitution of 1973 the National Assembly consists of ______ Muslim members and the Senate consist of ____ members.(207)(87) 276. The world’s oldest international human rights organization is anti slavery 277. US president George bush has created ‘millennium challenge Account’ to help poor countries pursuing democratic ideals 278. In which month does the un general assembly usually meet every year September 279. Pakistan has recently been given permanent membership status in shanghai cooperation organization Jul 10, 2015 280. The project to reduce water logging and salinity area in Pakistan has been financially supported by World Bank 281. Pakistan and US navies recently conducted joint exercises in the Arabian Sea by the name of Inspired Union 2008 282. Which of the following internet search engine will introduce the worlds biggest digital library ----yahoo 283. When a country grants another country MFN (most favored nation) status in mutual trade, it implies providing same trade concessions as are being given to other countries 284. Reuter is the news agency of UK 285. Transparency International is based in Berlin 286. The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan comes through Thermal 287. Pakistan’s largest export partner is China 288. India is constructing Kishanganga Dam in Baramula (jammu and Kashmir) on neelam river (tributary to Jehlum) 289. WAFA is the news agency of Palestine

290. Former US Vice-President Al Gore has won Noble Peace Prize 2007 for his campaign against Global Warming 291. May 3, each year is Internationally observed as Press Freedom Day 292. The World’s largest producer of Uranium kazakistan” 293. The district of the country having lowest population density is ---“Kharan” 294. Qantas is an airline of Australia 295. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was Abdus Salam of Pakistan 296. Darfur conflict is in Sudan 297. Parachinar is the main town of Kurum 298. Ringgit is the currency unit of Malaysia 299. Pakistan is the Chairman of SAARC Mohammed “Asif Arif” 300. The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was Lyndon B Johnson 301. The ‘Aid to Pakistan Consortium” meet every year in Paris 302. John O. Brennan is the CIA Director 303. Which of the following International Organizations has no formal structure and Secretariat : Green Peace 304. Name of Bangladesh parliament is: Jatia Sangsad 305. How many members the National Security Council (Pakistan ) has: 13 306. India has constructed “Baglihar Dam” on the river “Chinab” in occupied Kashmir`s district of: Doda 307. “Hamas” was founded in 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed yasin 308. “Fatah ” was founded in 1959 by Yasir arafat 309. 310. Durand Line, which divides the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan is as long as 2240 km 311. Which mountain range is located between China and Pakistan Great Himalayas 312. Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, while addressing a meeting at Rawalpindi was assassinated on 16 Oct 1951 313. Pakistan Borders India : 2912km line of control: 740km China: 585km Afghanistan : 2252Km Arabian sea : Iran : 909km Costal line : 1046 km (771 BLC) Total : 6774km 314. Qutb ud din Aibak died during the game of polo 315. Mahmud Ghaznavi died as result of Illness 316. Babr’s reign was from 1526 A.D to 1530 317. Humaiyon’s reign was from 1530-1540 and 1555-1556 318. Akbar’s reign was from 1556 A.D to 1605 319. Jahangir’s reign was from 1605 A.D to 1628 320. Shah jahan’s reign was from 1628 A.D to 1658 321. orangzeb’s reign was from 1658 A.D to 1707 322. Secretaries General of the SAARC Arjun Bahadur Thapa 1 March 2014 323. _________ played the leading role in the formation of All India Muslim League. Mohsin-ul-Mulk 324. The Indian Councils Act was enacted into law in __________.1909 325. In the inaugural session of first constituent assembly __________ was elected as temporary chairman. J N Mandal 326. Muhammad Ali Bogra presented his formula on __________. October 7, 1953

327. The province with largest coastlines? Baluchistan 328. The last viceroy of united India was _______.(Lord Mount Batten) 329. ______ is known as Bab-ul-Islam.(sindh) 330. The Objective Resolution was put forwarded by ___________ in________.(Liaquat Ali Khan)(12 march 1949) 331. The first constitution of Pakistan came into force on __________ and cancelled in _______.(23rd March 1956)( 7 october 1958) 332. The second constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on __________.(1st March 1962) and came into effect 8 june 1962 333. The third constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on _________.(14th August 1973) 334. Pakistan’s second Governer General and 2nd Prime Minister was _______.(Khawaja Nazimuddin) 335. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in the year _____.(1913) 336. The Simla-Deputation1906 was headed by ___________.(Sir Agha Khan) 337. The first meeting of the Muslim League took place in the year ____ at _______.(1908)(Karachi) 338. The Cripps Mission visited India in______.(1942) 339. The Cabinet Mission came to India in the year ______ A.D and had ___ members.(16 may 1946)(three) 340. __________ was the chairman of boundary commission.(Sir Red Cliff) 341. The Lukhnow Pact 1916was signed between Muslim League and _______ in the year ____.(Congress)( 29 to 31 dec1916) 342. Quaid-e-Azam Gave his 14 points in reply to ________.(Nehru Report) 343. Mount Batten announced his plan on _________.(3rd June 1947) 344. The first independent ruler of Muslim India was ________.(Qutub uddin Aibak) 1206 345. Allama Iqbal gave his historical address in the year _____ A.D at _____ .(1930) (Allahbad) 346. Sindh was separated from Bombay presidency in the year _____A.D.(1936) nder Section (3) of Government of India Act 1935, 347. In the 1945 Muslim League won ____ Muslims seats in the central Assembly.(30) 348. The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence law in _________ or made the Indian participation plan into a law.(1 July 1947) 349. Sindh Muslim League passed a resolution in _______.(1938) 350. The first Muslim League Government was formed in Sindh in ______.(1943) 351. Simla Delegation met _______ in 25 june1945.(Lord Wevell) 352. In 1945-1946 elections Muslim League won ____ seats in central and _______ in provincial assembly.(all)(446/495) 353. Sir Syed founded scientific society in ________.(1862) 354. The Khilafat conference meeting held at Karachi in ______.(1921) 355. Muslim league name was purposed by? nawab saleem ullah khan of dahaka 356. Karachi was declared Federal area by the legislative Assembly in May 1948. 357. He was the only Muslim to oppose the Objectives Resolution in the Assembly. Mian Iftikhar – ud- din 358. "The Myth of Independence" was written by Z.A. Bhutto 359. Muslim yesterday and today was written by A.B.Rajput 360. Pakistan's flag was designed by two brothers and name of one of them is Altaf Hussain. 361. White strip in the flag was added in August 1947. When was moon and star added in the flag February 1949? 362. Ayub Khoro ministry in Sindh was dissolved by Quaid in April1948.. 363. He was called the iron man of NWFP Khan Qayyum Khan 364. Peer Sahib Manki Shareef founded the following party in September 1949 Awami Muslim League 365. He is the only man to be prosecuted under PRODA Khoro

366. It was the first opposition party of the country Jinnah Awami League 367. jinnah Awami League was found by Abdul Hameded Bhashani in 1950 368. Rawalpindi Conspiracy was unearthed in March 1951 369. Sapru proposals were offered in he proposals of the ‘Conciliation Committee’ were publis0hed on April 8, 1945. 370. Liaquat – Desai Pact was concluded in 1945 371. Wavell plan was made in 1945 372. Quaid e Azam relief fund was set up in September 1947 373. At the time of division the cash balances of undivided India stood at about Rs. 4,000 million 374. India and Pakistan mutually came to an agreement that Pakistan would get Rs. 750 crore as her share. only Rs. 200 crors had been paid as an interim installment 375. Referendum in 1947 in NWFP province was held in July. 376. On 15th August 1947 the state of Junaghadh announced that it had acceded to Pakistan. 377. Pakistan Fund was setup by Quaid in June 1947. 378. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in July 1948. 379. The initial asset of SBP were equal to three Crore 380. First president to visit was of Indonesia. 381. First opposition party of Pak: Jinnah Awami league it was founded by Abudl hameed Bhashwani in 1950. 382. National anthem of Pak: was played for first time on 13th August, 1954 in front of Raza Shah Pahlavi of Iran. 383. Population of Pak: at it birth was 32 million. 384. Gwadar became a part of pakistan on september 8 ,1958. 385. Mountain range where earthquake 2005 came: Himalaya Range 386. Who dissolved one unit (formulated in 30 september 1955): Yahya Khan

387. Oldest mountains in Pakistan. Hindu Kush 388. East india company occupied punjab in 1846 389. Result of 1937 elections for Muslim league? (ML lost ) 390. 391. Kashmir was sold to Gulab Singh in? (1846) 392. Life of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was written by? (William Muir) 393. The author of book “Now or Never” Ch. Rehmat Ali 394. The author of the book “Case for Pakistan” – M Rafiue afzal 395. The author of the book “idea of Pakistan” – Stephen P Cohen 396. Pakistan’s national animal is: Markhor 397. Number of Muslim Delegates who attended Round Table Conference? Ans. 16 398. 399. For how much rupees Ranjit Singh sold the Kashmir 75 lacs 400. After the war of 1965 which pact was signed between India and Pakistan Tashkant Pact (10 January 1966) 401. Who represented Pakistan in Tashkant Meeting Gen. Ayub Khan 402. Who succeeded Zia Ul Haque as President of Pakistan Ghulam Ishaq Khan 403. First Interior Minister of Pakistan was Fazlur Rehman 404. First Chairman of the Senate was Habib Ullah Khan 405. When was the first Pakistani Postal Stamp issued July 1948 406. Pakistan's Official Map was drawn by Mian Mahmood Alam Suhrawardy

407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412.

The Nehru Report was published in __________28-30 August 1928 Rowlatt Act came into operation in – February 1919 "All India Khilafat Committee" was formed on __________ . 05 July 1919 The Khilafat in Turkey was abolished on __________ .03 March 1922 The Indian Councils Act (Minto-Morley Reforms) was enacted into law in __________ 1911 Shalamar Garden, in Lahore, was built by __________ .Shah Jahan

413. Majlis-i-Ahrar was formed in: 1929 414. Anjuman-e-Islamia Punjab was founded for the renaissance of Islam in the year: 1859 415. British Indian association1866 416. When the MAO College at Aligarh was started? 1877 417. Anjuman Himayat-e-Islam was founded in __1884________ . Punjab 418. 419. Sindh Madrasah-tul-Islam, Karachi was founded by __________ . Aga Hassan Ali Afandi (1885). 420. Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was founded by __________ . Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautawi.. 31 May 1866. 421. Anjuman-i-Hamayati-Islam was started in: 1884 422. Indian Patrioti Association 1888 423. When Nadva-tul-Ulema came into being? (1894) 424. Majlis Khadam-e-Kaba was established in? 1913. Q. Who was the founder of Brahmoo Samaj?

Ans. Raja Ram Mohan Ray.

Q. Who was the founder of Parathna Samaj?

Ans. Dr. Atama Ray Pand Ring.

Q. Who was the founder of Deo-Samaj?

Ans. Sita Mand Agnihotri. Q.

Who was the founder of Ram Krishan Messia?

Ans. Ram Krishan Persat. Q.

Who was the founder of Arya Samaj?

Ans. Dianand Sarswati.

Q. Who founded Cow Protection Society? Ans.

Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak.

Who wrote Bande Mathram?

Ans. Bamkin Chander Chiterji.

Q. Who founded Mahasabah

Madan Mohan Maluir.

425. The first session of All India Muslim League was presided over by _________ . Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai 426. The Jhimpir Wind Power Plant is located in __________ district. Thatta 427. Pakistan's national tree is __________ . Deodar 428. The national animal of Pakistan is __________ Markhor 429. The national flower of Pakistan is __________? Jasmine 430. _________ allowed East India Company to reside and build factories in Gujrat. Jahangir 431. The Head Office of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) is in __________? Karachi 432. "Faiz Mahal" is located in _________ district. Khairpur 433. "Noor Mahal" is located in _________ district. Bahawalpur

434. Who was the governor of Sindh after Muhammad Bin Qasim? Habib bin Muhallab, brother of Yazid bin Muhallab 435. Who was the Mughal Emperor who accepted the British pension firstly?Shah Alam-II 436. The British fought Plassey war against: Sirajuddaula 437. Dars-i-Nizami was named after: Mullah Nizamuddin 438. 439. The Constitution of All India Muslim League was written by: Muhammad Ali Jauhar 440. The first session of Mohammadan Educational Conference was held in Bengal: 1886 441. “Hamdard” was edited by: Moulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar 442. “Shudhi” movement was started by: Swami Shraddhanan 443. In Kashmir the ceasefire between Pakistan and India was signed on: 27th July, 1949 444. Islamabad was declared capital of Pakistan in: 1967 445. The Aryans arrived in South Asia: 1500 BC 446. The most ancient civilization is: Mehargarh 447. When Shah Wali Ullah died? 1762 448. Who was appointed the first principal of Darul ulum Deoband? Maulana Muhammad Qasim 449. Who floated the idea of establishment of Anjuman-e-Hamiat-e-Islam? Kh. Hamid ud din 450. Viceroy Lord Curzon divided the Bengal in east and west on: 19th july 1905 451. Which year proved the turning point of the Muslim destiny in the history of India? 1906 452. Where the annual sessions of National Congress and Muslim League were held simultaneously? Lucknow 453. When Sir Stafford Cripps announced his formula to seek the co-operation between the National Congress and Muslim League? March 30,1942/23 March 1942 454. In which constitution the presidential and parliamentary system at centre and provinces were adopted respectively? 1962 455. When was the 18th Amendment Bill passed by National Assembly? April, 08, 2010. 456. Which pass connects Parachanar and Kohat with Afghanistan? Kurram pass 457. Who recalled Muhammad Bin Qasim from Sindh? Caliph Sulaiman

458. Which of the following was/were the drawback(s) of the government of Indian Act 1858? Expenses of the Secretary of State for India and his Council became a burden on Indian revenues: 459. By how many member(s) the Executive Council of the Governor General was enlarged under the Indian Council Act of 1861 ? Four members 460. Where, during the War of Independence, was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan working/ posted. Bijnaur 461. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established a Translation Society (later, renamed as ‘Scientific society’) in 1864. In which town was it founded? Ghazipur 462. What was the designation of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in M.A.O school at Aligarh? Secretary, Managing Committee 463. Which organization is considered the first Muslim political body continued to represent the Muslims of the subcontinent as a whole? Central National Mohammadan Association 464. Mention the importance announcement (s) that was/were made by the Governor General Lord Hardinge in the Darbar at Delhi in 1911? (a) Annulment of the partition of Bengal (b) Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi (c) Both of these 465. Which Muslim leader left the politics after the cancellation of the partition of Bengal? Nawab Salimullah Khan

466. First session of All-India Muslim League was held on 29-30 December 1907. where was it held? Karachi 467. “Few individuals significantly alter the source of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be created with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three”. Who made these remarks about Quaid-e-Azam? Stanley Wolpert 468. Who was the first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly constituted under the 1962 constitution of Pakistan? Mumtaz Daultana 469. Name the saint, who first came in Lahore. Shaikh ismail 470. Ghiyas-ud-din Balban declared himself king of Delhi Sultanate in the year 1266 471. Who founded Daulatabad and shifted the capital of Delhi Sultanate? Muhammad Tughluq 472. Who called the"spiritual guide"as shopkeepers? Shah Waliullah 473. Who initiated the cult of Shivaji against the Muslims of India? Bal Ganga dher tilak 474. when nehru committee was constituted to propose the future constitution of India? Feb 1928 475. When the congress ministries resigned from their offices? A oct1939 476. Who first thought of the possibility of a Muslim republic embracing the present Central Asian states in north west of sub-continent? Syed Jamal ud Din Afghani 477. When Simla Conference was concluded with failure? July14,1945 478. Who negotiated with cabinet mission (1946) on behalf of All India National Congress? A.K.Azad 479. when Abu ala Maududi was awarded death punishment by military court on" Qadiani issue"? May 1953 480. When was the 17th amendment bill ratified by the President, after getting passed by both houses of Majlis-e-Shura? Dec31,2003 481. When was the local government system under the devolution of power plan, 2001, inaugurated? Aug 14,2001 482. Who rejected the verdicts of jurists that idol worshippers are liable to be murdered? Shams-udDin Iltumish 483. Who constructed five canals to remove scarcity of water? Feroz Shah Tughlaq 484. Who laid foundation of Agra city? Sikandar Lodhi 485. Who wrote "Humanyun Nama"? Gulbadan Begum 486. Who accepted Akbar's "Din-e-Illahi"? Birbal 487. Who supported Muslim participation in politics? Allama Iqbal 488. Who is the author of "Hunter par Hunter"? Sir Syed Ahmed Kha 489. Who drafted "Wardha Scheme" under the guidance of Ghandi? Dr. Zakir hussain 490. How many Muslim seats were secured by All India Moslim League in 1945-46 Election of Provincial assemblies? 441 491. Who rejected the theory of composite nationalism advanced by the Indian National congress? Quaid-e-Azam 492. Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiray Case? Faiz ahmed Faiz 493. In which constitution of Pakistan, the Ministers were neither members of the parlimant nor answerable to parliament? 1962 494. Which provincial Chief Minister was dismissed on the issue of One Unit? Chief Minister Punjab 495. Which Radio Station already existed at the time of creation of Pakistan? Peshawar 496. Under Yahya’s LFO, what option National Assembly had if it couldn’t frame the constitution within 120 days? Dissolved automatically

497. What percentage of total polled votes in East Pakistan was secured by Awami League in 1970 elections? 75 % 498. When was the state of Swat included in Pakistan? 28th July 1969 499. Mahmud of Ghazni waged war against rebellious India in the year of: 1000 500. Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghuri defeated Pirthviraj in the year 1192 in the field of: Tarori or Tarain 501. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak was succeeded on Delhi throne by: Aram Shah 502. The downfall of Muslim rule in India started with the demise of: Aurangzeb 503. “Pakistan’s Constitution should incorporate the essential principles of Islam, which are as good and relevant in our day, as were 1300 years ago. But Pakistan should not be a theocratic state ruled by priests.” This statement was given by: Quaid-e-Azam 504. Who divided Bengal into East and West Bengal in 19 July 1905? Lord Curzo 505. Dyarchy was first introduced in the Act of: 1919 506. The Simon Commission arrived in India on: 3rd February, 1928 507. The British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announced the Communal Award in 1932 at the end of: Second Round Table Conference 508. All India Muslim League observed the “Direct Action Day” on: 16 August, 1946 509. With regard the division of power between Federation and Provinces the Constitution of Pakistan (1962) was provided with: Two lists of subjects 510. The height of Pakistan’s highest mountain Pak-Godwin Austin is as high as: 28, 250 ft 511. Who was first appointed Nazim of Nadva-ul-ulema in 1883: Maulana Syed Muhammad Ali 512. Pakistan's ideology is based on the ideals of: Islam 513. Quaid-e-Azam called Islam "Our bedrock and sheet anchor" while addressing: Punjab Students Federation 514. The resolution for formation of All-Indian Muslim League was passed at the meeting of All India Educational Conference (1906) and was moved by: Nawab Salim ullah 515. The Lahore Resolution was amended and Pakistan was made an integral part of League's objective. The amendment was made in the Annual session (1941) of All India Muslim League, which was held at: Madras 516. Ch. Rahmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan, died on: Feb. 12,1951 517. The Legal Frame Work Order, which amended a constitution of Pakistan unilaterally was issued by: Yahya Khan 518. Which mountain range is located between China and Pakistan: karakoram range 519. From 1858 upto about 1870 nearly all British Politicians, authors blamed the Muslims for: Disloyalty 520. “The Millat and Menace of Indianism” is written by: Ch. Rehmat Ali 521. Indian Khilafat Deputation visited England to put their views before LIyod George in: 1920 522. The Lucknow Pact was conceived by: Lord Chemsford 523. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan was leader of: Unionist Party 524. In 1917 Kheiri Brothers suggested a plan of partition of India in conference of the Socialist International held in: Stockholm 525. In 1928 Agha Khan III advocated independence of each province at the meeting of All parties convention in: Calcutta

526. Founder of Pakistan M.A. Jinnah declared unequivocally that “it is impossible to work a democratic parliamentary government in India” in press interview given to: Manchester Guardian 527. On 7th August, Muhammad Ali Jinnah left India for the last time and flew to: Karachi 528. Junagadh was a small maritime sate and had an area of: 4500 Sq Km 529. The Pakistan Forest Institute, a national organization was established in: 1947 530. Pakistan foreign policy is the safe-guarding of its sovereignty, security and: International Relations 531. Sir syed ahmed khan advocated the inclusion of Indians in Legislative Council in his famous book, Causes of the Indian Revolt, as early as: 1860 532. Who repeatedly refers to Sir Syed as Father of Muslim India and Father of Modern Muslim India: Hali 533. Military strength of East India Company and the Financial Support of Jaggat Seth of Murshidabad gave birth to events at: Plassey 534. Clive in one of his Gazettes made it mandatory that no Muslim shall be given an employment higher than that of chaprasy or a junior clerk has recorded by: Hasan Isphani 535. The renowned author of the Spirit of Islam and a Short History of the Saracens was: None of these ( Syed Ameer Ali) 536. Nawab Sir Salimullah Khan was President of Bengal Musilm Leage in: None of these (1912) 537. The first issue of Maualana Abul Kalam Azads ‘Al Hilal’ came out on 538. At the annual session of Anjuman Hamayat Islam in 1911 Iqbal’s poem was recited, poetically called: Shikwa 539. Sir sultan Muhammad shah, the agha khan headed the historic simla deputation which successfully presented Muslim demands on 01, October 1906 before: lord Minto 540. Quaid-i-Azam said in an interview on any hope of India and Pakistan coming to a peaceful settlement ‘provided the Indian government shed the superiority complex and deal with Pakistan on an equal footing given to special correspondent from: Switzerland 541. Which are the aligned years in Pakistan’s foreign policy: 1954-1962 542. Zia established a course for Pakistan that enabled the government to manage a complex: Foreign policy 543. In the hindu kush mountains all passes connect Pakistan with: Afghanistan 544. The Hasni tribe is settled in: Western Balochistan 545. Rechna and Bari Doabs are considered: Thickly populated region 546. In connection with land reforms the Punjab tenancy act was passed in: 1887 547. Kalabagh iron deposits are largest in Pakistan with an estimated reserve of: 309 m tons 548. Cotton textile the largest industry of Pakistan employ industrial labour force of magnitude of ?None of these (36-40% 549. The emergence of Gwadar port and its development has promoted : Urban-urban migration 550. The first secretary of Khilafat Committee was Sahuqat Ali 551. The Viceroy of India in 1919 was Lord Chelmsford 552. First census in India was made in the period of Lord Mayo 553. When Supreme Court announced that Martial Law was legal? Ans. 10th November 1977. 554. Q. When Hadood Ordinance was promulgated? 10th February 1979. 555. Q. When Wafaqi Shariat Court was established? . 26th May 1980. Q. 556. When Zakat and Ushr Ordinance was issued? 20th June 1980. 557. Q. When Zia-ul-Haq addressed U.N.O.? 1st October 1980. 558. Q. When Islamic University was established? 10th November 1980. 559. Q. When Ramazan Ordinance was promulgated? . July 1981.

560. Q. When Qazi Courts were established? February 1983. 561. Q. When 6th Five-Year Plan was made? May 1983. 562. Q. When Wafaqi Mohtasib was appointed? . August 1984. 563. The year when the Quaid-e-Azam decided that the Muslim League would join the Interim Government in India. Ans. 1946 564. The name of the non-Muslim member who became a minister in the Interim Government on Muslim League‟s behalf. Ans. J. N. Mandal. Q. When Jallianwala Bagh incident occurred? Ans. 13 April 1919. Q. When did Khilafat Movement start?

Q. Who was secretary of Khilafat deputation? Ans. Q. Who was the editor of “Comrade”? Ans. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar. Q. Who was the editor of “Hamdard”? Ans. Muhammad Ali Jauhar. Q. Who was the editor of “Al-Hilal”? Ans. Maulana Azad. Q. Name the newspaper of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan? Ans. Zamindar. Q. When treaty of Severs was signed? Ans. 20 August 1920. Q. Who was Khalifa of Turkey? Ans. Sultan Abdul Majid. Q. Non-cooperation Movement was started during the days of? Ans. Khilafat Movement. Q. Who was Prime Minister of England during the period of Khilafat Movement? Ans. Llyde George. Q. Who issued Fatwa in favour of Khilafat Movement? Ans. Maulana Azad and Maulana Abdul Bari. Q. Who announced the end of Khilafat Movement? Ans. Gandhi. Q. When Princess of Wales visited India? Ans. November 1921. Q. When did Tragedy of Chora Churi happen? Ans. 4 February 1922.

Q. How many Policemen were burned to death in the Tragedy of Chora Churi? Ans. 21. Q. When did Montague visit India? Ans. 10 November 1917. Q. When did Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were introduced in India? Ans. 1919. Q. How many members were in the council of state in the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms? Ans. 60. Q. When Diarchy was introduced in Indian Act? Ans. 1919. Q. When Diarchy was introduced in the 8 provinces of India? Ans. February 1921. Q. When Diarchy was introduced in NWFP? Ans. 1932. Q. How long Diarchy remained in force in India? Ans. 1921-1937. Q. Rowlett Act was enforced on: Ans. 18 March 1919. Q. When was the formation of Simon Commission announced? Ans. 8 November 1927. Q. When Quaid-e-Azam said, “This is Parting of Ways”? Ans. All Parties Conference in Calcutta. Q. When Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points? Ans. On Muslim League Delhi session 1929. Q. When did Allama Iqbal Delivered his famous Address in “Allahabad”? Ans. 30 December 1930. Q. When Labour Party came in power in England? Ans. May 1929. Q. When First Round Table Conference was called in London? Ans. 12 November 1930. Q. How many total delegates were in the First Round Table Conference? Ans. 89. Q. Who presided over the First Round Table Conference? Ans. George 5th. Q. When did Second Round Table Conference was called?

Ans. 7 September 1931. Q. When Third Round Table Conference started? Ans. 17 November 1932. Q. When Pona Pact was signed? Ans. 25 September 1932. Q. Who were the signatories of Pona Pact? Ans. Ambidkar and Gandhi. Q. When congress ministries came to an end? Ans. 14 November 1939.

Q. When Pakistan Resolution was passed? Ans. 23 March 1940. Q. When Cripps Mission came into India? Ans. 23 March 1942.

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