2-- 'forever', 'ever', 'eternal'

  • June 2020
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Didn’t Jesus Christ Come to Earth so that by His death, believers in Him could have eternal life? Do you really think that God would want to supervise punishment of the unsaved forever? So could we have been taught wrongly about Hell? Search using E-Sword software-Include: ever, forever, everlasting (“any words” and “include partial match”) Exclude: every, whosoever. fever Strongs’ Definitions: “forever” and “ever” and “everlasting” H5769-- ‫עלם עולם‬ ‛ôlâm ‛ôlâm, o-lawm', o-lawm' From H5956; properly concealed, that is, the vanishing point; generally time out of mind (past or future), that is, (practically) eternity; frequentative adverbially (especially with prepositional prefix) always: - always (-s), ancient (time), any more, continuance, eternal, (for, [n-]) ever (lasting, -more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare H5331, H5703. H4480-- ‫מן‬



min minnîy minnêy, min, min-nee', min-nay' For H4482; properly a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses: - above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with. H5331-- ‫נצח‬


netsach nêtsach, neh'-tsakh, nay'-tsakh From H5329; properly a goal, that is, the bright object at a distance traveled towards; hence (figuratively), splendor, or (subjectively) truthfulness, or (objectively) confidence; but usually (adverbially), continually (that is, to the most distant point of view): - alway (-s), constantly, end, (+ n-) ever (more), perpetual, strength, victory. H5957-- ‫עלם‬ ‛âlam, aw-lam' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5769; remote time, that is, the future or past indefinitely; often adverbially forever: - for([n-]) ever (lasting), old. “ever” and “forever” H5703-- ‫עד‬ ‛ad, ad From H5710; properly a (peremptory) terminus, that is, (by implication) duration, in the sense of perpetuity (substantially as a noun, either with or without a preposition): - eternity, ever (lasting, -more), old, perpetually, + world without end. H5704-- ‫עד‬ ‛ad, ad Properly the same as H5703 (used as a preposition, adverb or conjugation; especially with a preposition); as far (or long, or much) as, whether of space (even unto) or time (during, while,


until) or degree (equally with): - against, and, as, at, before, by (that), even (to), for (-asmuch as), [hither-] to, + how long, into, as long (much) as, (so) that, till, toward, until, when, while, (+ as) yet. H5705-- ‫עד‬ ‛ad, ad (Chaldee); corresponding to H5704: - X and, at, for, [hither-] to, on, till, (un-) to, until, within. H8548-- ‫תמיד‬ tâmîyd, taw-meed' From an unused root meaning to stretch; properly continuance (as indefinite extension); but used only (attributively as adjective) constant (or adverbially constantly); elliptically the regular (daily) sacrifice: - alway (-s), continual (employment, -ly), daily, ([n-]) ever (-more), perpetual. “ever fight” H3898-- ‫לחם‬ lâcham, law-kham' A primitive root; to feed on; figuratively to consume; by implication to battle (as destruction): devour, eat, X ever, fight (-ing), overcome, prevail, (make) war (-ring). “forever” and “eternal” G165 αἰών, aiō n ahee-ohn' From the same as G104; properly an age; by extension perpetuity (also past); by implication the world; specifically (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future): - age, course, eternal, (for) ever (-more), [n-]ever, (beginning of the, while the) world (began, without end). Compare G5550. “everlasting” and “eternal” G166 αἰώνιος aiō nios ahee-o'-nee-os From G165; perpetual (also used of past time, or past and future as well): - eternal, for ever, everlasting, world (began). Relating to God--

Before2962 the mountains2022 were brought forth,3205 or ever thou hadst formed2342 the earth776 and the world,8398 even from everlasting4480, 5769 to5704 everlasting,5769 thou859 art God.410 (Psalms 90:2) • And Abraham planted5193 a grove815 in Beer-sheba,884 and called7121 there8033 on the name8034 of the LORD,3068 the everlasting5769 God.410 (Genesis 21:33) • But1161 now3568 is made manifest,5319 and5037 by1223 the Scriptures1124 of the prophets,4397 according2596 to the commandment2003 of the3588 everlasting166 God,2316 made known1107 to1519 all3956 nations1484 for1519 the obedience5218 of faith:4102 To God2316 only3441 wise,4680 be glory1391 through1223 Jesus2424 Christ5547 forever.1519, 165 Amen.281 (Romans 16:26-27)

And God430 said559 unto413 Moses,4872 I AM1961 THAT834 I AM:1961 and he said,559 Thus3541 shalt thou say559 unto the children1121 of Israel,3478 I AM1961 hath sent7971 me unto413 you. And God430 said559 moreover5750 unto413 Moses,4872 Thus3541 shalt thou say559 unto413 the children1121 of Israel,3478 The LORD3068 God430 of your fathers,1 the God430 of Abraham,85 the God430 of Isaac,3327 and


the God430 of Jacob,3290 hath sent7971 me unto413 you: this2088 is my name8034 forever,5769 and this2088 is my memorial2143 unto all generations.1755, 1755 (Exodus 3:14-15) • Then he remembered2142 the days3117 of old,5769 Moses,4872 and his people,5971 saying, Where346 is he that brought them up5927 out of the sea4480, 3220 with854 the shepherd7462 of his flock?6629 where346 is he that put7760 (853) his Holy6944 Spirit7307 within7130 him? That led1980 them by the right hand3225 of Moses4872 with his glorious8597 arm,2220 dividing1234 the water4325 before4480, 6440 them, to make6213 himself an everlasting5769 name?8034 That led1980 them through the deep,8415 as a horse5483 in the wilderness,4057 that they should not3808 stumble?3782 As a beast929 goeth down3381 into the valley,1237 the Spirit7307 of the LORD3068 caused him to rest:5117 so3651 didst thou lead5090 thy people,5971 to make6213 thyself a glorious8597 name.8034 Look down5027 from heaven,4480, 8064 and behold7200 from the habitation4480, 2073 of thy holiness6944 and of thy glory:8597 where346 is thy zeal7068 and thy strength,1369 the sounding1995 of thy bowels4578 and of thy mercies7356 toward413 me? are they restrained?662 Doubtless3588 thou859 art our father,1 though3588 Abraham85 be ignorant3808, 3045 of us, and Israel3478 acknowledge5234 us not:3808 thou,859 O LORD,3068 art our father,1 our redeemer;1350 thy name8034 is from everlasting.4480, 5769 (Isaiah 63:1116) • Hast thou not3808 known?3045 hast thou not3808 heard,8085 that the everlasting5769 God,430 the LORD,3068 the Creator1254 of the ends7098 of the earth,776 fainteth3286 not,3808 neither3808 is weary?3021 there is no369 searching2714 of his understanding.8394 (Isaiah 40:28)

About Christ Jesus-- The LORD3068 possessed7069 me in the beginning7225 of his way,1870 before6924 his works4659 of old.4480, 227 I was set up5258 from everlasting,4480, 5769 from the beginning,4480, 7218 or ever4480, 6924 the earth776 was. When there were no369 depths,8415 I was brought forth;2342 when there were no369 fountains4599 abounding3513 with water.4325 Before2962 the mountains2022 were settled,2883 before6440 the hills1389 was I brought forth:2343 While as yet5704 he had not3808 made6213 the earth,776 nor the fields,2351 nor the highest part7218 of the dust6083 of the world.8398 When he prepared3559 the heavens,8064 I589 was there:8033 when he set2710 a compass2329 upon5921 the face6440 of the depth:8415 When he established553 the clouds7834 above:4480, 4605 when he strengthened5810 the fountains5869 of the deep:8415 When he gave7760 to the sea3220 his decree,2706 that the waters4325 should not3808 pass5674 his commandment:6310 when he appointed2710 the foundations4146 of the earth:776 Then I was1961 by681 him, as one brought up525 with him: and I was1961 daily3117, 3117 his delight,8191 rejoicing7832 always3605, 6256 before6440 him; Rejoicing7832 in the habitable part8398 of his earth;776 and my delights8191 were with854 the sons1121 of men.120 (Proverbs 8:22-31) • But thou,859 Bethlehem1035 Ephratah,672 though thou be1961 little6810 among the thousands505 of Judah,3063 yet out of4480 thee shall he come forth3318 unto me that is to be1961 ruler4910 in Israel;3478 whose goings forth4163 have been from of old,4480, 6924 from everlasting.4480, 3117, 5769 (Micah 5:2) • For3588 unto us a child3206 is born,3205 unto us a son1121 is given:5414 and the government4951 shall be upon5921 his shoulder:7926 and his name8034 shall be1961 called7121 Wonderful,6382 Counselor,3289 The mighty1368 God,410 The everlasting5703 Father,1 The Prince8269 of Peace.7965 Of the increase4766 of his government4951 and peace7965 there shall be no369 end,7093 upon5921 the throne3678 of David,1732 and upon5921 his kingdom,4467 to order3559 it, and to establish5582 it with judgment4941 and with justice6666 from henceforth4480, 6258 even forever.5704, 5769 The zeal7068 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 will perform6213 this.2063 (Isaiah 9:6-7) • Now1161 unto the3588 King935 eternal,165 immortal,862 invisible,517 the only3441 wise4680 God,2316 be honor5092 and2532 glory1391 forever and ever.1519, 165, 165 Amen.281 (1 Timothy 1:17) • [from previous verse: the3588 King935 of kings,936 and2532 Lord2962 of lords;2961] Who3588 only3441 hath2192 immortality,110 dwelling3611 in the light5457 which no man can approach unto;676 whom3739 no3762 man444 hath seen,1492 nor3761 can1410 see:1492 to whom3739 be honor5092 and2532 power2904 everlasting.166 Amen.281 (1 Timothy 6:16) • But1161 this man,846 after he had offered4374 one3391 sacrifice2378 for5228 sins266 forever,1519, 1336 sat down2523 on1722 the right hand1188 of God;2316 From henceforth3063 expecting1551 till2193 his846 enemies2190 be made5087 his footstool.5286, 846, 4228 For1063 by one3391 offering4376 he hath perfected5048 forever1519, 1336 them that are sanctified.37 (Hebrews 10:12-14)


But1161 this3588 man, because he846 continueth3306 ever,1519, 165 hath2192 an unchangeable531 priesthood.2420 Wherefore3606 he is able1410 also2532 to save4982 them to1519 the3588 uttermost3838 that come4334 unto God2316 by1223 him,846 seeing he ever3842 liveth2198 to make intercession1793 for5228 them.846 (Hebrews 7:24-25)

Forever,5769 O LORD,3068 thy word1697 is settled5324 in heaven.8064 Thy faithfulness530 is unto all generations:1755, 1755 thou hast established3559 the earth,776 and it abideth.5975 (Psalms 119:89-90) • The counsel6098 of the LORD3068 standeth5975 forever,5769 the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 to all1755 generations.1755 (Psalms 33:11) • Thy righteousness6666 is an everlasting5769 righteousness,6664 and thy law8451 is the truth. The righteousness6664 of thy testimonies5715 is everlasting:5769 give me understanding,995 and I shall live.2421 (Psalms 119:142 & 144)

The LORD3068 shall reign4427 forever,5769 even thy God,430 O Zion,6726 unto all generations.1755, 1755 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 (Psalms 146:10) Then116 king4430 Darius1868 wrote3790 unto all3606 people,5972 nations,524 and languages,3961 that1768 dwell1753 in all3606 the earth;772 Peace8001 be multiplied7680 unto you. I make4481, 6925, 7761 a decree,2942 that1768 in every3606 dominion7985 of my kingdom4437 men tremble1934, 2112 and fear1763 before4481, 6925 the God426 of1768 Daniel:1841 for1768 he1932 is the living2417 God,426 and steadfast7011 forever,5957 and his kingdom4437 that which1768 shall not3809 be destroyed,2255 and his dominion7985 shall be even unto5705 the end.5491 (Daniel 6:26) • But the LORD3068 is the true571 God,430 he1931 is the living2416 God,430 and an everlasting5769 king:4428 at his wrath4480, 7110 the earth776 shall tremble,7493 and the nations1471 shall not3808 be able to abide3557 his indignation.2195 (Jeremiah 10:10) • The LORD3068 is King4428 forever5769 and ever:5703 the heathen1471 are perished6 out of his land.4480, 776 (Psalms 10:16) • The LORD3068 shall reign4427 forever5769 and ever.5703 (Exodus 15:18) • Wherefore1352 the rather,3123 brethren,80 give diligence4704 to make4160 your5216 calling2821 and2532 election1589 sure:949 for1063 if ye do4160 these things,5023 ye shall never3364, 4218 fall:4417 Wherefore1352 I will not3756 be negligent272 to put you always in remembrance5279, 5209, 104 of4012 these things,5130 though2539 ye know1492 them, and2532 be established4741 in1722 the3588 present3918 truth.225 For1063 so3779 an entrance1529 shall be ministered unto2023 you5213 abundantly4146 into1519 the3588 everlasting166 kingdom932 of our2257 Lord2962 and2532 Savior4990 Jesus2424 Christ.5547 (2 Peter 1:10-12) • The LORD3068 reigneth,4427 he is clothed3847 with majesty;1348 the LORD3068 is clothed3847 with strength,5797 wherewith he hath girded himself:247 the world8398 also637 is established,3559 that it cannot1077 be moved.4131 Thy throne3678 is established3559 of old:4480, 227 thou859 art from everlasting.4480, 5769 Thy testimonies5713 are very3966 sure:539 holiness6944 becometh4998 thine house,1004 O LORD,3068 forever.753, 3117 (Psalms 93:1-2 & 5) • Thy kingdom4438 is an everlasting3605, 5769 kingdom,4438 and thy dominion4475 endureth throughout all3605 generations.1755, 1755 (Psalms 145:13) • I saw1934, 2370 in the night3916 visions,2376 and, behold,718 one like the Son1247 of man606 came1934, 858 with5974 the clouds6050 of heaven,8065 and came4291 to5705 the Ancient6268 of days,3118 and they brought him near7127 before6925 him. And there was given3052 him dominion,7985 and glory,3367 and a kingdom,4437 that all3606 people,5972 nations,524 and languages,3961 should serve6399 him: his dominion7985 is an everlasting5957 dominion,7985 which1768 shall not3809 pass away,5709 and his kingdom4437 that which1768 shall not3809 be destroyed.2255 But the saints6922 of the most High5946 shall take6902 the kingdom,4437 and possess2631 the kingdom4437 forever,5705, 5957 even forever5705, 5957 and ever.5957 (Daniel 7:13-14 & 18) • And at the end7118 of the days3118 I576 Nebuchadnezzar5020 lifted up5191 mine eyes5870 unto heaven,8065 and mine understanding4486 returned8421 unto5922 me, and I blessed1289 the most High,5943 and I praised7624 and honored1922 him that liveth2417 forever,5957 whose1768 dominion7985 is an everlasting5957 dominion,7985 and his kingdom4437 is from5974 generation1859 to generation:1859 (Daniel 4:34) • Therefore now,6258 LORD,3068 let the thing1697 that834 thou hast spoken1696 concerning5921 thy servant5650 and concerning5921 his house1004 be established539 forever,5704, 5769 and do6213 as834 thou hast


said.1696 Let it even be established,539 that thy name8034 may be magnified1431 forever,5704, 5769 saying,559 The LORD3068 of hosts6635 is the God430 of Israel,3478 even a God430 to Israel:3478 and let the house1004 of David1732 thy servant5650 be established3559 before6440 thee. (1 Chronicles 17:23-24)

But the mercy2617 of the LORD3068 is from everlasting4480, 5769 to5704 everlasting5769 upon5921 them that fear3373 him, and his righteousness6666 unto children's1121 children;1121 (Psalms 103:17) • Remember,2142 O LORD,3068 thy tender mercies7356 and thy lovingkindnesses;2617 for3588 they1992 have been ever of old.4480, 5769 (Psalms 25:6) • And the priests3548 waited5975 on5921 their offices:4931 the Levites3881 also with instruments3627 of music7892 of the LORD,3068 which834 David1732 the king4428 had made6213 to praise3034 the LORD,3068 because3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever,5769 when David1732 praised1984 by their ministry;3027 and the priests3548 sounded2690 trumpets before5048 them, and all3605 Israel3478 stood.5975 (2 Chronicles 7:6) • In a little8241 wrath7110 I hid5641 my face6440 from4480 thee for a moment;7281 but with everlasting5769 kindness2617 will I have mercy7355 on thee, saith559 the LORD3068 thy Redeemer.1350 (Isaiah 54:8) • For3588 the LORD3068 is good;2896 his mercy2617 is everlasting;5769 and his truth530 endureth to5704 all generations.1755, 1755 (Psalms 100:5) • The eternal6924 God430 is thy refuge,4585 and underneath4480, 8478 are the everlasting5769 arms:2220 and he shall thrust out1644 the enemy341 from before4480, 6440 thee; and shall say,559 Destroy8045 them. Israel3478 then shall dwell7931 in safety983 alone:910 the fountain5869 of Jacob3290 shall be upon413 a land776 of corn1715 and wine;8492 also637 his heavens8064 shall drop down6201 dew.2919 Happy835 art thou, O Israel:3478 who4310 is like unto thee,3644 O people5971 saved3467 by the LORD,3068 the shield4043 of thy help,5828 and who834 is the sword2719 of thy excellency!1346 and thine enemies341 shall be found liars3584 unto thee; and thou859 shalt tread1869 upon5921 their high places.1116 (Deuteronomy 33:27-29) • Blessed1288 be1961 the LORD3068 thy God,430 which834 delighted2654 in thee, to set5414 thee on5921 the throne3678 of Israel:3478 because the LORD3068 loved157 (853) Israel3478 forever,5769 therefore made7760 he thee king,4428 to do6213 judgment4941 and justice.6666 (1 Kings 10:9) • And the bow7198 shall be1961 in the cloud;6051 and I will look upon7200 it, that I may remember2142 the everlasting5769 covenant1285 between996 God430 and every3605 living2416 creature5315 of all3605 flesh1320 that834 is upon5921 the earth.776 (Genesis 9:16) • Although3588 my [King David’s] house1004 be not3808 so3651 with5973 God;410 yet3588 he hath made7760 with me an everlasting5769 covenant,1285 ordered6186 in all3605 things, and sure:8104 for3588 this is all3605 my salvation,3468 and all3605 my desire,2656 although3588 he make it not3808 to grow.6779 (2 Samuel 23:5) • Incline5186 your ear,241 and come1980 unto413 me: hear,8085 and your soul5315 shall live;2421 and I will make3772 an everlasting5769 covenant1285 with you, even the sure539 mercies2617 of David.1732 (Isaiah 55:3) • Now1161 the3588 God2316 of peace,1515 that brought again321 from1537 the dead3498 our2257 Lord2962 Jesus,2424 that great3173 shepherd4166 of the3588 sheep,4263 through1722 the blood129 of the everlasting166 covenant,1242 Make you perfect2675, 5209 in1722 every3956 good18 work2041 to do4160 his848 will,2307 working4160 in1722 you5213 that which is wellpleasing2101 in his sight,1799, 848 through1223 Jesus2424 Christ;5547 to whom3739 be glory1391 forever and ever.1519, 165, 165 Amen.281 (Hebrews 13:20-21)

Blessed1288 be1961 the LORD3068 thy God,430 which834 delighted2654 in thee to set5414 thee on5921 his throne,3678 to be king4428 for the LORD3068 thy God:430 because thy God430 loved160 (853) Israel,3478 to establish5975 them forever,5769 therefore made5414 he thee king4428 over5921 them, to do6213 judgment4941 and justice.6666 (2 Chronicles 9:8) • The LORD3068 hath appeared7200 of old4480, 7350 unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved157 thee with an everlasting5769 love:160 therefore5921, 3651 with lovingkindness2617 have I drawn4900 thee. Again5750 I will build1129 thee, and thou shalt be built,1129 O virgin1330 of Israel:3478 thou shalt again5750 be adorned5710 with thy tabrets,8596 and shalt go forth3318 in the dances4234 of them that make merry.7832 Thou shalt yet5750 plant5193 vines3754 upon the mountains2022 of Samaria:8111 the planters5193 shall plant,5193 and shall eat them as common things.2490 For3588 there shall be3426 a day,3117 that the watchmen5341 upon the mount2022 Ephraim669 shall cry,7121 Arise6965 ye, and let us go up5927 to Zion6726 unto413 the LORD3068 our


God.430 For3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Sing7442 with gladness8057 for Jacob,3290 and shout6670 among the chief7218 of the nations:1471 publish8085 ye, praise1984 ye, and say,559 O LORD,3068 save3467 (853) thy people,5971 (853) the remnant7611 of Israel.3478 (Jeremiah 31:3-7)

Wherefore David1732 blessed1288 (853) the LORD3068 before5869 all3605 the congregation:6951 and David1732 said,559 Blessed1288 be thou,859 LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 our father,1 forever4480, 5769 and ever.5704, 5769 (1 Chronicles 29:10) • Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 forever4480, 5769 and ever.5704, 5769 And all3605 the people5971 said,559 Amen,543 and praised1984 the LORD.3068 (1 Chronicles 16:36) • Then the Levites,3881 Jeshua,3442 and Kadmiel,6934 Bani,1137 Hashabniah,2813 Sherebiah,8274 Hodijah,1941 Shebaniah,7645 and Pethahiah,6611 said,559 Stand up6965 and bless1288 (853) the LORD3068 your God430 forever4480, 5769 and5704 ever:5769 and blessed1288 be thy glorious3519 name,8034 which is exalted7311 above5921 all3605 blessing1293 and praise.8416 (Nehemiah 9:5) • But let all3605 those that put their trust2620 in thee rejoice:8055 let them ever5769 shout for joy,7442 because thou defendest5526 them:5921 let them also that love157 thy name8034 be joyful5970 in thee. (Psalms 5:11) • And let thy name8034 be magnified1431 forever,5704, 5769 saying,559 The LORD3068 of hosts6635 is the God430 over5921 Israel:3478 and let the house1004 of thy servant5650 David1732 be1961 established3559 before6440 thee. (2 Samuel 7:26) • I will praise3034 thee forever,5769 because3588 thou hast done6213 it: and I will wait on6960 thy name;8034 for3588 it is good2896 before5048 thy saints.2623 (Psalms 52:9) • Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 from everlasting,4480, 5769 and to5704 everlasting.5769 Amen,543 and Amen.543 (Psalms 41:13) • Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 from4480 everlasting5769 to5704 everlasting:5769 and let all3605 the people5971 say,559 Amen.543 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 (Psalms 106:48) Foreverness for true believers in God--

The secret5641 things belong unto the LORD3068 our God:430 but those things which are revealed1540 belong unto us and to our children1121 forever,5704, 5769 that we may do6213 (853) all3605 the words1697 of this2063 law.8451 (Deuteronomy 29:29)

A good2896 man376 showeth favor,2603 and lendeth:3867 he will guide3557 his affairs1697 with discretion.4941 Surely3588 he shall not3808 be moved4131 forever:5769 the righteous6662 shall be1961 in everlasting5769 remembrance.2143 (Psalms 112:5-6)

Search2713 me, O God,410 and know3045 my heart:3824 try974 me, and know3045 my thoughts:8312 And see7200 if518 there be any wicked6090 way1870 in me, and lead5148 me in the way1870 everlasting.5769 (Psalms 139:23-24)

As the whirlwind5492 passeth,5674 so is the wicked7563 no369 more: but the righteous6662 is an everlasting5769 foundation.3247 (Proverbs 10:25)

Thou wilt keep5341 him in perfect peace,7965, 7965 whose mind3336 is stayed5564 on thee: because3588 he trusteth982 in thee. Trust982 ye in the LORD3068 forever:5704, 5703 for3588 in the LORD3050 JEHOVAH3068 is everlasting5769 strength:6697 (Isaiah 26:3-4)

Seek1875 ye out of4480, 5921 the book5612 of the LORD,3068 and read:7121 no3808 one259 of these4480, 2007 shall fail,5737 none3808, 802 shall want6485 her mate:7468 for3588 my mouth6310 it1931 hath commanded,6680 and his spirit7307 it1931 hath gathered6908 them. And he1931 hath cast5307 the lot1486 for them, and his hand3027 hath divided2505 it unto them by line:6957 they shall possess3423 it forever,5704, 5769 from generation1755 to generation1755 shall they dwell7931 therein. (Isaiah 34:16-17)


And a highway4547 shall be1961 there,8033 and a way,1870 and it shall be called7121 The way1870 of holiness;6944 the unclean2931 shall not3808 pass over5674 it; but it1931 shall be for those: the wayfaring men,1980, 1870 though fools,191 shall not3808 err8582 therein. No3808 lion738 shall be1961 there,8033 nor1077 any ravenous6530 beast2416 shall go up5927 thereon, it shall not3808 be found4672 there;8033 but the redeemed1350 shall walk1980 there: And the ransomed6299 of the LORD3068 shall return,7725 and come935 to Zion6726 with songs7440 and everlasting5769 joy8342 upon5921 their heads:7218 they shall obtain5381 joy8342 and gladness,8057 and sorrow3015 and sighing585 shall flee away.5127 (Isaiah 35:8-10)

Hearken7181 unto413 me, my people;5971 and give ear238 unto413 me, O my nation:3816 for3588 a law8451 shall proceed3318 from4480, 854 me, and I will make my judgment4941 to rest7280 for a light216 of the people.5971 My righteousness6664 is near;7138 my salvation3468 is gone forth,3318 and mine arms2220 shall judge8199 the people;5971 the isles339 shall wait6960 upon413 me, and on413 mine arm2220 shall they trust.3176 Lift up5375 your eyes5869 to the heavens,8064 and look5027 upon413 the earth776 beneath:4480, 8478 for3588 the heavens8064 shall vanish away4414 like smoke,6227 and the earth776 shall wax old1086 like a garment,899 and they that dwell3427 therein shall die4191 in like manner:3644, 3651 but my salvation3444 shall be1961 forever,5769 and my righteousness6666 shall not3808 be abolished.2865 Hearken8085 unto413 me, ye that know3045 righteousness,6664 the people5971 in whose heart3820 is my law;8451 fear3372 ye not408 the reproach2781 of men,582 neither408 be ye afraid2865 of their revilings.4480, 1421 For3588 the moth6211 shall eat them up398 like a garment,899 and the worm5580 shall eat398 them like wool:6785 but my righteousness6666 shall be1961 forever,5769 and my salvation3444 from generation1755 to generation.1755 Therefore the redeemed6299 of the LORD3068 shall return,7725 and come935 with singing7440 unto Zion;6726 and everlasting5769 joy8057 shall be upon5921 their head:7218 they shall obtain5381 gladness8342 and joy;8057 and sorrow3015 and mourning585 shall flee away.5127 (Isaiah 51:4-8 & 11)

For3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 unto the eunuchs5631 that834 keep8104 (853) my sabbaths,7676 and choose977 the things that834 please2654 me, and take hold2388 of my covenant;1285 Even unto them will I give5414 in mine house1004 and within my walls2346 a place3027 and a name8034 better2896 than of sons4480, 1121 and of daughters:4480, 1323 I will give5414 them an everlasting5769 name,8034 that834 shall not3808 be cut off.3772 (Isaiah 56:4-5)

The sun8121 shall be1961 no3808 more5750 thy light216 by day;3119 neither3808 for brightness5051 shall the moon3394 give light215 unto thee: but the LORD3068 shall be1961 unto thee an everlasting5769 light,216 and thy God430 thy glory.8597 Thy sun8121 shall no3808 more5750 go down;935 neither3808 shall thy moon3391 withdraw itself:622 for3588 the LORD3068 shall be1961 thine everlasting5769 light,216 and the days3117 of thy mourning60 shall be ended.7999 Thy people5971 also shall be all3605 righteous:6662 they shall inherit3423 the land776 forever,5769 the branch5342 of my planting,4302 the work4639 of my hands,3027 that I may be glorified.6286 (Isaiah 60:19-21)

But ye859 shall be named7121 the Priests3548 of the LORD:3068 men shall call559 you the Ministers8334 of our God:430 ye shall eat398 the riches2428 of the Gentiles,1471 and in their glory3519 shall ye boast yourselves.3235 For8478 your shame1322 ye shall have double;4932 and for confusion3639 they shall rejoice7442 in their portion:2506 therefore3651 in their land776 they shall possess3423 the double:4932 everlasting5769 joy8057 shall be1961 unto them. For3588 I589 the LORD3068 love157 judgment,4941 I hate8130 robbery1498 for burnt offering;5930 and I will direct5414 their work6468 in truth,571 and I will make3772 an everlasting5769 covenant1285 with them. And their seed2233 shall be known3045 among the Gentiles,1471 and their offspring6631 among8432 the people:5971 all3605 that see7200 them shall acknowledge5234 them, that3588 they1992 are the seed2233 which the LORD3068 hath blessed.1288 (Isaiah 61:6-9)

Behold,2009 I will gather6908 them out of all4480, 3605 countries,776 whither834, 8033 I have driven5080 them in mine anger,639 and in my fury,2534 and in great1419 wrath;7110 and I will bring them again7725 unto413 this2088 place,4725 and I will cause them to dwell3427 safely:983 And they shall be1961 my people,5971 and


I589 will be1961 their God:430 And I will give5414 them one259 heart,3820 and one259 way,1870 that they may fear3372 me forever,3605, 3117 for the good2896 of them, and of their children1121 after310 them: And I will make3772 an everlasting5769 covenant1285 with them, that834 I will not3808 turn away7725 from4480, 310 them, to do them good;3190, (853) but I will put5414 my fear3374 in their hearts,3824 that they shall not1115 depart5493 from4480, 5921 me. Yea, I will rejoice7797 over5921 them to do them good,2895, (853) and I will plant5193 them in this2063 land776 assuredly571 with my whole3605 heart3820 and with my whole3605 soul.5315 (Jeremiah 32:37-41)

But the judgment1780 shall sit,3488 and they shall take away5709 his dominion,7985 to consume8046 and to destroy7 it unto5705 the end.5491 And the kingdom4437 and dominion,7985 and the greatness7238 of1768 the kingdom4437 under8460 the whole3606 heaven,8065 shall be given3052 to the people5972 of the saints6922 of the most High,5946 whose kingdom4437 is an everlasting5957 kingdom,4437 and all3606 dominions7985 shall serve6399 and obey8086 him. (Daniel 7:26-27) • Seventy7657 weeks7620 are determined2852 upon5921 thy people5971 and upon5921 thy holy6944 city,5892 to finish3607 the transgression,6588 and to make an end2856 of sins,2403 and to make reconciliation3722 for iniquity,5771 and to bring in935 everlasting5769 righteousness,6664 and to seal up2856 the vision2377 and prophecy,5030 and to anoint4886 the most Holy.6944, 6944 (Daniel 9:24) • Egypt4714 shall be1961 a desolation,8077 and Edom123 shall be1961 a desolate8077 wilderness,4057 for4480 the violence2555 against the children1121 of Judah,3063 because834 they have shed8210 innocent5355 blood1818 in their land.776 But Judah3063 shall dwell3427 forever,5769 and Jerusalem3389 from generation1755 to generation.1755 For I will cleanse5352 their blood1818 that I have not3808 cleansed:5352 for the LORD3068 dwelleth7931 in Zion.6726 (Joel 3:19-21) • Who4310 is a God410 like unto thee,3644 that pardoneth5375 iniquity,5771 and passeth by5674, 5921 the transgression6588 of the remnant7611 of his heritage?5159 he retaineth2388 not3808 his anger639 forever,5703 because3588 he1931 delighteth2654 in mercy.2617 He will turn again,7725 he will have compassion7355 upon us; he will subdue3533 our iniquities;5771 and thou wilt cast7993 all3605 their sins2403 into the depths4688 of the sea.3220 Thou wilt perform5414 the truth571 to Jacob,3290 and the mercy2617 to Abraham,85 which834 thou hast sworn7650 unto our fathers1 from the days4480, 3117 of old.6924 (Micah 7:18-20) • And at that1931 time6256 shall Michael4317 stand up,5975 the great1419 prince8269 which standeth5975 for5921 the children1121 of thy people:5971 and there shall be1961 a time6256 of trouble,6869 such as834 never3808 was1961 since there was4480, 1961 a nation1471 even to5704 that same1931 time:6256 and at that1931 time6256 thy people5971 shall be delivered,4422 every one3605 that shall be found4672 written3789 in the book.5612 And many7227 of them that sleep4480, 3463 in the dust6083 of the earth127 shall awake,6974 some428 to everlasting5769 life,2416 and some428 to shame2781 and everlasting5769 contempt.1860 And they that be wise7919 shall shine2094 as the brightness2096 of the firmament;7549 and they that turn many to righteousness6663, 7227 as the stars3556 forever5769 and ever.5703 (Daniel 12:1-3) • Therefore,686, 3767 brethren,80 stand fast,4739 and2532 hold2902 the3588 traditions3862 which3739 ye have been taught,1321 whether1535 by1223 word,3056 or1535, (1223) our2257 epistle.1992 Now1161 our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ5547 himself,846 and2532 God,2316 even2532 our2257 Father,3962 which hath loved25 us,2248 and2532 hath given1325 us everlasting166 consolation3874 and2532 good18 hope1680 through1722 grace,5485 Comfort3870 your5216 hearts,2588 and2532 establish4741 you5209 in1722 every3956 good18 word3056 and2532 work.2041 (2 Thessalonians 2:15-17) • Then1161 Peter4074 said,2036 Lo,2400 we2249 have left863 all,3956 and2532 followed190 thee,4671 And1161 he3588 said2036 unto them,846 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 There is2076 no man3762 that3739 hath left863 house,3614 or2228 parents,1118 or2228 brethren,80 or2228 wife,1135 or2228 children,5043 for the kingdom of God's sake,1752, 3588, 932, 2316 Who3739 shall not3364 receive618 manifold more4179 in1722 this5129 present time,2540 and2532 in1722 the3588 world165 to come2064 life2222 everlasting.166 (Luke 18:28-30) • And2532 every one3956 that3739 hath forsaken863 houses,3614 or2228 brethren,80 or2228 sisters,79 or2228 father,3962 or2228 mother,3384 or2228 wife,1135 or2228 children,5043 or2228 lands,68 for my name's sake,1752, 3450, 3686 shall receive2983 a hundredfold,1542 and2532 shall inherit2816 everlasting166 life.2222 (Matthew 19:29) • Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Inasmuch as1909, 3745 ye did4160 it not3756 to one1520 of the3588 least1646 of these,5130 ye did4160 it not3761 to me.1698 And2532 these3778 shall go away565 into1519 everlasting166


punishment:2851 but1161 the3588 righteous1342 into1519 life2222 eternal.166 (Matthew 25:45-46) [What is the opposite of” life eternal”?] • And2532 as2531 Moses3475 lifted up5312 the3588 serpent3789 in1722 the3588 wilderness,2048 even so3779 must1163 the3588 Son5207 of man444 be lifted up:5312 That2443 whosoever3956 believeth4100 in1519 him846 should not3361 perish,622 but235 have2192 eternal166 life.2222 For1063 God2316 so3779 loved25 the3588 world,2889 that5620 he gave1325 his848 only begotten3439 Son,5207 that2443 whosoever3956 believeth4100 in1519 him846 should not3361 perish,622 but235 have2192 everlasting 166 life.2222 He that believeth4100 on1519 the3588 Son5207 hath2192 everlasting166 life:2222 and1161 he that believeth544 not the3588 Son5207 shall not3756 see3700 life;2222 but235 the3588 wrath3709 of God2316 abideth3306 on1909 him.846 (John 3:14-16 & 36) • Jesus2424 answered611 and2532 said2036 unto her,846 Whosoever3956 drinketh4095 of1537 this5127 water5204 shall thirst1372 again:3825 But1161 whosoever3739, 302 drinketh4095 of1537 the3588 water5204 that3739 I1473 shall give1325 him846 shall never3364, 1519, 165 thirst;1372 but235 the3588 water5204 that3739 I shall give1325 him846 shall be1096 in1722 him846 a well4077 of water5204 springing up242 into1519 everlasting 166 life.2222 (John 4:13-14) • Verily,281 verily,281 I say3004 unto you,5213 (3754) He that heareth191 my3450 word,3056 and2532 believeth4100 on him that sent3992 me,3165 hath2192 everlasting166 life,2222 and2532 shall not3756 come2064 into1519 condemnation;2920 but235 is passed3327 from1537 death2288 unto1519 life.2222 (John 5:24) • Labor2038 not3361 for the3588 meat1035 which perisheth,622 but235 for that meat1035 which endureth3306 unto1519 everlasting166 life,2222 which3739 the3588 Son5207 of man444 shall give1325 unto you:5213 for1063 him5126 hath God2316 the3588 Father3962 sealed.4972 (John 6:27) • Verily,281 verily,281 I say3004 unto you,5213 He that believeth4100 on1519 me1691 hath2192 everlasting166 life.2222 I1473 am1510 that bread740 of life.2222 (John 6:47-48) • And1161 this5124 is2076 the3588 will2307 of him that sent3992 me,3165 that2443 Every one3956 which seeth2334 the3588 Son,5207 and2532 believeth4100 on1519 him,846 may have2192 everlasting166 life:2222 and2532 I1473 will raise him up450, 846 at the3588 last2078 day.2250 (John 6:40) • For3754 I1473 have not3756 spoken2980 of1537 myself;1683 but235 the Father3962 which sent3992 me,3165 he846 gave1325 me3427 a commandment,1785 what5101 I should say,2036 and2532 what5101 I should speak.2980 And2532 I know1492 that3754 his846 commandment1785 is2076 life2222 everlasting:166 whatsoever3739 I1473 speak2980 therefore,3767 even as2531 the3588 Father3962 said2046 unto me,3427 so3779 I speak.2980 (John 12:49-50)

And1161 the3588 grace5485 of our2257 Lord2962 was exceeding abundant5250 with3326 faith4102 and2532 love26 which3588 is in1722 Christ5547 Jesus.2424 This is a faithful4103 saying,3056 and2532 worthy514 of all3956 acceptation,594 that3754 Christ5547 Jesus2424 came2064 into1519 the3588 world2889 to save4982 sinners;268 of whom3739 I1473 am1510 chief.4413 Howbeit235 for this cause1223, 5124 I obtained mercy,1653 that2443 in1722 me1698 first4413 Jesus2424 Christ5547 might show forth1731 all3956 longsuffering,3115 for4314 a pattern5296 to them which should hereafter3195 believe4100 on1909 him846 to1519 life2222 everlasting.166 (1 Timothy 1:14-16) • For1063 when3753 ye were2258 the servants1401 of sin,266 ye were2258 free1658 from righteousness.1343 What5101 fruit2590 (3767) had2192 ye then5119 in1909 those things whereof3739 ye are now ashamed?1870, 3568 for1063 the3588 end5056 of those things1565 is death.2288 But1161 now3570 being made free1659 from575 sin,266 and1161 become servants1402 to God,2316 ye have2192 your5216 fruit2590 unto1519 holiness,38 and1161 the3588 end5056 everlasting166 life.2222 For1063 the3588 wages3800 of sin266 is death;2288 but1161 the3588 gift5486 of God2316 is eternal166 life2222 through1722 Jesus2424 Christ5547 our2257 Lord.2962 (Romans 6:20-23) • Be not3361 deceived;4105 God2316 is not3756 mocked:3456 for1063 whatsoever3739, 1437 a man444 soweth,4687 that5124 shall he also2532 reap.2325 For3754 he that soweth4687 to1519 his1438 flesh4561 shall of1537 the3588 flesh4561 reap2325 corruption;5356 but1161 he that soweth4687 to1519 the3588 Spirit4151 shall of1537 the3588 Spirit4151 reap2325 life2222 everlasting.166 (Galatians 6:7-8) Relating to temporary things--

Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 and be ye lift up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935 (Psalms 24:7)


Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 even lift them up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935 (Psalms 24:9)

And I will establish6965 (853) my covenant1285 between996 me and thee and thy seed2233 after310 thee in their generations1755 for an everlasting5769 covenant,1285 to be1961 a God430 unto thee, and to thy seed2233 after310 thee. (Genesis 17:7) • He that is born3211 in thy house,1004 and he that is bought4736 with thy money,3701 must needs be circumcised:4135, 4135 and my covenant1285 shall be1961 in your flesh1320 for an everlasting5769 covenant.1285 (Genesis 17:13) • And God430 said,559 Sarah8283 thy wife802 shall bear3205 thee a son1121 indeed;61 and thou shalt call7121 (853) his name8034 Isaac:3327 and I will establish6965 (853) my covenant1285 with854 him for an everlasting5769 covenant,1285 and with his seed2233 after310 him. (Genesis 17:19) • Every sabbath3117, 7676, 3117, 7676 he shall set it in order6186 before6440 the LORD3068 continually,8548 being taken from4480, 854 the children1121 of Israel3478 by an everlasting5769 covenant.1285 (Leviticus 24:8) • He1931 is the LORD3068 our God;430 his judgments4941 are in all3605 the earth.776 Be ye mindful2142 always5769 of his covenant;1285 the word1697 which he commanded6680 to a thousand505 generations;1755 Even of the covenant which834 he made3772 with854 Abraham,85 and of his oath7621 unto Isaac;3327 And hath confirmed5975 the same to Jacob3290 for a law,2706 and to Israel3478 for an everlasting5769 covenant,1285 (1 Chronicles 16:14-17 • He hath remembered2142 his covenant1285 forever,5769 the word1697 which he commanded6680 to a thousand505 generations.1755 Which834 covenant he made3772 with854 Abraham,85 and his oath7621 unto Isaac;3446 And confirmed5975 the same unto Jacob3290 for a law,2706 and to Israel3478 for an everlasting5769 covenant:1285 (Psalms 105:8-10) • The earth776 also is defiled2610 under8478 the inhabitants3427 thereof; because3588 they have transgressed5674 the laws,8451 changed2498 the ordinance,2706 broken6565 the everlasting5769 covenant.1285 (Isaiah 24:5)

The blessings1293 of thy father1 have prevailed1396 above5921 the blessings1293 of my progenitors2029 unto5704 the utmost bound8379 of the everlasting5769 hills:1389 they shall be1961 on the head7218 of Joseph,3130 and on the crown of the head6936 of him that was separate from5139 his brethren.251 (Genesis 49:26)

Instead8478 of the thorn5285 shall come up5927 the fir tree,1265 and instead8478 of the brier5636 shall come up the myrtle tree:1918 and it shall be1961 to the LORD3068 for a name,8034 for an everlasting5769 sign226 that shall not3808 be cut off.3772 (Isaiah 55:13) 5927

They that trust982 in5921 their wealth,2428 and boast themselves1984 in the multitude7230 of their riches;6239 None3808 of them can by any means6299 redeem6299 his brother,251 nor3808 give5414 to God430 a ransom3724 for him: (For the redemption6306 of their soul5315 is precious,3365 and it ceaseth2308 forever:)5769 That he should still5750 live2421 forever,5331 and not3808 see7200 corruption.7845 For3588 he seeth7200 that wise men2450 die,4191 likewise3162 the fool3684 and the brutish person1198 perish,6 and leave5800 their wealth2428 to others.312 Their inward thought7130 is, that their houses1004 shall continue forever,5769 and their dwelling places4908 to all generations;1755, 1755 they call712, 5921 their lands127 after their own names.8034 (Psalms 49:6-11) • He stood,5975 and measured4128 the earth:776 he beheld,7200 and drove asunder5425 the nations;1471 and the everlasting5703 mountains2042 [great powerful individuals and governments were scattered],6327 the perpetual5769 hills [small powers] 1389 did bow:7817 his ways1979 are everlasting.5769 (Habakkuk 3:6) Relating to temporary happenings--

The fire784 shall ever8548 be burning3344 upon5921 the altar;4196 it shall never3808 go out.3518 (Leviticus 6:13)


He [God] withdraweth1639 not3808 his eyes5869 from the righteous:4480, 6662 but with854 kings4428 are they on the throne;3678 yea, he doth establish3427 them forever,5331 and they are exalted.1361 (Job 36:7) • And I will give5414 unto thee, and to thy seed2233 after310 thee, (853) the land776 wherein thou art a stranger,4033 (853) all3605 the land776 of Canaan,3667 for an everlasting5769 possession;272 and I will be1961 their God.430 (Genesis 17:8)

And said559 unto413 me [Jacob to Joseph], Behold,2009 I will make thee fruitful,6509 and multiply7235 thee, and I will make5414 of thee a multitude6951 of people;5971 and will give5414 (853) this2063 land776 to thy seed2233 after310 thee for an everlasting5769 possession.272 (Genesis 48:4)

And Moses4872 swore7650 on that1931 day,3117 saying,559 Surely518, 3808 the land776 whereon834 thy feet7272 have trodden1869 shall be1961 thine inheritance,5159 and thy children's1121 forever,5704, 5769 because3588 thou hast wholly4390 followed310 the LORD3068 my God.430 And now,6258 behold,2009 the LORD3068 hath kept me alive,2421, (853) as834 he said,1696 these2088 forty705 and five2568 years,8141 even since4480, 227 the LORD3068 spoke1696 (853) this2088 word1697 unto413 Moses,4872 while834 the children of Israel3478 wandered1980 in the wilderness:4057 and now,6258 lo,2009 I595 am this day3117 fourscore8084 and five2568 years8141 old.1121 As yet5750 I am as strong2389 this day3117 as834 I was in the day3117 that Moses4872 sent7971 me: as my strength3581 was then,227 even so is my strength3581 now,6258 for war,4421 both to go out,3318 and to come in.935 (Joshua 14:9-11)

And thou [Moses] shalt anoint4886 them [Aaron’s sons], as834 thou didst anoint4886 (853) their father,1 that they may minister unto me in the priest's office:3547 for their anointing4886 shall surely be1961, 1961 an everlasting5769 priesthood3550 throughout their generations.1755 (Exodus 40:15)

The sons1121 of Amram;6019 Aaron175 and Moses:4872 and Aaron175 was separated,914 that he should sanctify6942 the most holy things,6944, 6944 he1931 and his sons1121 forever,5704, 5769 to burn incense6999 before6440 the LORD,3068 to minister8334 unto him, and to bless1288 in his name8034 forever.5704, 5769 (1 Chronicles 23:13)

And he [Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron] shall have1961 it, and his seed2233 after310 him, even the covenant1285 of an everlasting5769 priesthood;3550 because8478, 834 he was zealous7065 for his God,430 and made an atonement3722 for5921 the children1121 of Israel.3478 (Numbers 25:13)

And the priest,3548 whom834 he shall anoint,4886 and whom834 he shall consecrate4390, (853), 3027 to minister in the priest's office3547 in his father's stead,8478, 1 shall make the atonement,3722 and shall put on3847 (853) the linen906 clothes,899 even the holy6944 garments:899 And he shall make an atonement3722 for (853) the holy6944 sanctuary,4720 and he shall make an atonement3722 for the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and for the altar,4196 and he shall make an atonement3722 for5921 the priests,3548 and for5921 all3605 the people5971 of the congregation.6951 And this2063 shall be1961 an everlasting5769 statute2708 unto you, to make an atonement3722 for5921 the children1121 of Israel3478 for all4480, 3605 their sins2403 once259 a year.8141 And he did6213 as834 the LORD3068 commanded6680 (853) Moses.4872 (Leviticus 16:32-34)

And thou shalt offer6213 thy burnt offerings,5930 the flesh1320 and the blood,1818 upon5921 the altar4196 of the LORD3068 thy God:430 and the blood1818 of thy sacrifices2077 shall be poured out8210 upon5921 the altar4196 of the LORD3068 thy God,430 and thou shalt eat398 the flesh.1320 Observe8104 and hear8085 (853) all3605 these428 words1697 which834 I595 command6680 thee, that4616 it may go well3190 with thee, and with thy children1121 after310 thee forever,5704, 5769 when3588 thou doest6213 that which is good2896 and right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD3068 thy God.430 (Deuteronomy 12:27-28)

Thou859 hast borne5375 (853) thy lewdness2154 and thine abominations,8441 saith5002 the LORD.3068 For thus3541 saith559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 I will even deal6213 with854 thee as834 thou hast done,6213 3588


which834 hast despised959 the oath423 in breaking6565 the covenant.1285 Nevertheless I589 will remember2142 (853) my covenant1285 with854 thee in the days3117 of thy youth,5271 and I will establish6965 unto thee an everlasting5769 covenant.1285 (Ezekiel 16:58-60)

And David1732 my servant5650 shall be king4428 over5921 them; and they all3605 shall have1961 one259 shepherd:7462 they shall also walk1980 in my judgments,4941 and observe8104 my statutes,2708 and do6213 them. And they shall dwell3427 in5921 the land776 that834 I have given5414 unto Jacob3290 my servant,5650 wherein834 your fathers1 have dwelt;3427 and they shall dwell3427 therein,5921 even they,1992 and their children,1121 and their children's1121 children1121 forever:5769 and my servant5650 David1732 shall be their prince5387 forever.5769 Moreover I will make3772 a covenant1285 of peace7965 with them; it shall be1961 an everlasting5769 covenant1285 with854 them: and I will place5414 them, and multiply7235 them, and will set5414 my sanctuary4720 in the midst8432 of them forevermore.5769 My tabernacle4908 also shall be1961 with5921 them: yea, I will be1961 their God,430 and they1992 shall be1961 my people.5971 And the heathen1471 shall know3045 that3588 I589 the LORD3068 do sanctify6942 (853) Israel,3478 when my sanctuary4720 shall be1961 in the midst8432 of them forevermore.5769 (Ezekiel 37:24-28) • Ought ye not3808 to know3045 that3588 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 gave5414 the kingdom4467 over5921 Israel3478 to David1732 forever,5769 even to him and to his sons1121 by a covenant1285 of salt?4417 (2 Chronicles 13:5) • Then I will establish6965 (853) the throne3678 of thy kingdom4467 upon5921 Israel3478 forever,5769 as834 I promised1696 to5921 David1732 thy father,1 saying,559 There shall not3808 fail3772 thee a man376 upon4480, 5921 the throne3678 of Israel.3478 (1 Kings 9:5)

He [the king] asked7592 life2416 of4480 thee, and thou gavest5414 it him, even length753 of days3117 forever5769 and ever.5703 (Psalms 21:4) • Thou wilt prolong3254 the king's4428 life:3117, 5921, 3117 and his years8141 as3644 many generations.1755, 1755 He shall abide3427 before6440 God430 forever:5769 O prepare4487 mercy2617 and truth,571 which may preserve5341 him. So3651 will I sing praise2167 unto thy name8034 forever,5703 that I may daily3117, 3117 perform7999 my vows.5088 (Psalms 61:6-8)

Mine eyes5869 are ever8548 toward413 the LORD;3068 for3588 he1931 shall pluck my feet out3318, 7272 of the net.4480, 7568 (Psalms 25:15)

Maschil4905 of Ethan387 the Ezrahite.250 I will sing7891 of the mercies2617 of the LORD3068 forever:5769 with my mouth6310 will I make known3045 thy faithfulness530 to all generations.1755, 1755 For3588 I have said,559 Mercy2617 shall be built up1129 forever:5769 thy faithfulness530 shalt thou establish3559 in the very heavens.8064 I have made3772 a covenant1285 with my chosen,972 I have sworn7650 unto David1732 my servant,5650 Thy seed2233 will I establish3559 forever,5704, 5769 and build up1129 thy throne3678 to all generations.1755, 1755 Selah.5542 (Psalms 89:1-4)

But my faithfulness530 and my mercy2617 shall be with5973 him: and in my name8034 shall his horn7161 be exalted.7311 I will set7760 his hand3027 also in the sea,3220 and his right hand3225 in the rivers.5104 He1931 shall cry7121 unto me, Thou859 art my father,1 my God,410 and the rock6697 of my salvation.3444 Also637 I589 will make5414 him my firstborn,1060 higher5945 than the kings4428 of the earth.776 My mercy2617 will I keep8104 for him forevermore,5769 and my covenant1285 shall stand fast539 with him. His seed2233 also will I make7760 to endure forever,5703 and his throne3678 as the days3117 of heaven.8064 If518 his children1121 forsake5800 my law,8451 and walk1980 not3808 in my judgments;4941 If518 they break2490 my statutes,2708 and keep8104 not3808 my commandments;4687 Then will I visit6485 their transgression6588 with the rod,7626 and their iniquity5771 with stripes.5061 Nevertheless my lovingkindness2617 will I not3808 utterly take6331 from4480, 5973 him, nor3808 suffer my faithfulness to fail.8266, 530 My covenant1285 will I not3808 break,2490 nor3808 alter8138 the thing that is gone out4161 of my lips.8193 Once259 have I sworn7650 by my holiness6944 that I will not518 lie3576 unto David.1732 His seed2233 shall endure1961 forever,5769 and his throne3678 as the sun8121 before5048 me. (Psalms 89:24-36)


And he said559 unto me, Solomon8010 thy son,1121 he1931 shall build1129 my house1004 and my courts:2691 for3588 I have chosen977 him to be my son,1121 and I589 will be1961 his father.1 I will establish3559 (853) his kingdom4438 forever,5704, 5769 if518 he be constant2388 to do6213 my commandments4687 and my judgments,4941 as at this2088 day.3117 Now6258 therefore in the sight5869 of all3605 Israel3478 the congregation6951 of the LORD,3068 and in the audience241 of our God,430 keep8104 and seek1875 for all3605 the commandments4687 of the LORD3068 your God:430 that4616 ye may possess3423 (853) this good2896 land,776 and leave it for an inheritance5157 for your children1121 after310 you forever.5704, 5769Moreover (1 Chronicles 28:6-8) • And he said559 unto413 me, Son1121 of man,120 (853) the place4725 of my throne,3678 and the place4725 of the soles3709 of my feet,7272 where834, 8033 I will dwell7931 in the midst8432 of the children1121 of Israel3478 forever,5769 and my holy6944 name,8034 shall the house1004 of Israel3478 no3808 more5750 defile,2930 neither they,1992 nor their kings,4428 by their whoredom,2184 nor by the carcasses6297 of their kings4428 in their high places.1116 (Ezekiel 43:7)

Nebuchadnezzar5020 the king,4430 unto all3606 people,5972 nations,524 and languages,3961 that1768 dwell1753 in all3606 the earth;772 Peace8001 be multiplied7680 unto you. I thought it good8232, 6925 to show2324 the signs852 and wonders8540 that1768 the high5943 God426 hath wrought5648 toward5974 me. How4101 great7260 are his signs!852 and how4101 mighty8624 are his wonders!8540 his kingdom4437 is an everlasting5957 kingdom,4437 and his dominion7985 is from5974 generation1859 to generation.1859 (Daniel 4:1-3)

In he time of Cyrus--Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 The labor3018 of Egypt,4714 and merchandise5505 of Ethiopia3568 and of the Sabeans,5436 men376 of stature,4060 shall come over5674 unto5921 thee, and they shall be1961 thine: they shall come1980 after310 thee; in chains2131 they shall come over,5674 and they shall fall down7812 unto413 thee, they shall make supplication6419 unto413 thee, saying, Surely389 God410 is in thee; and there is none369 else,5750 there is no657 God.430 Verily403 thou859 art a God410 that hidest thyself,5641 O God430 of Israel,3478 the Savior.3467 They shall be ashamed,954 and also1571 confounded,3637 all3605 of them: they shall go1980 to confusion3639 together3162 that are makers2796 of idols.6736 But Israel3478 shall be saved3467 in the LORD3068 with an everlasting5769 salvation:8668 ye shall not3808 be ashamed954 nor3808 confounded3637 world without end.5704, 5769, 5703 For3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 that created1254 the heavens;8064 God430 himself1931 that formed3335 the earth776 and made6213 it; he1931 hath established3559 it, he created1254 it not3808 in vain,8414 he formed3335 it to be inhabited:3427 I589 am the LORD;3068 and there is none369 else.5750 I have not3808 spoken1696 in secret,5643 in a dark2822 place4725 of the earth:776 I said559 not3808 unto the seed2233 of Jacob,3290 Seek1245 ye me in vain:8414 I589 the LORD3068 speak1696 righteousness,6664 I declare5046 things that are right.4339 Assemble yourselves6908 and come;935 draw near5066 together,3162 ye that are escaped6412 of the nations:1471 they have no knowledge3045, 3808 that set up5375 (853) the wood6086 of their graven image,6459 and pray6419 unto413 a god410 that cannot3808 save.3467 (Isaiah 45:14-20)

But the LORD3068 is with854 me as a mighty1368 terrible one:6184 therefore5921, 3651 my persecutors7291 shall stumble,3782 and they shall not3808 prevail:3201 they shall be greatly3966 ashamed;954 for3588 they shall not3808 prosper:7919 their everlasting5769 confusion3639 shall never3808 be forgotten.7911 (Jeremiah 20:11)

But since518 ye say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD;3068 therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Because3282 ye say559 (853) this2088 word,1697 The burden4853 of the LORD,3068 and I have sent7971 unto413 you, saying,559 Ye shall not3808 say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD;3068 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 I, even I, will utterly forget5382, 5382 you, and I will forsake5203 you, and the city5892 that834 I gave5414 you and your fathers,1 and cast you out of4480, 5921 my presence:64 And I will bring5414 an everlasting5769 reproach2781 upon5921 you, and a perpetual5769 shame,3640 which834 shall not3808 be forgotten.7911 (Jeremiah 23:38-40) • And at that1931 time6256 shall Michael4317 stand up,5975 the great1419 prince8269 which standeth5975 for5921 the children1121 of thy people:5971 and there shall be1961 a time6256 of trouble,6869 such as834 never3808 was1961 since there was4480, 1961 a nation1471 even to5704 that same1931 time:6256 and at that1931 time6256 thy people5971 shall be delivered,4422 every one3605 that shall be found4672 written3789 in the book.5612 And


many7227 of them that sleep4480, 3463 in the dust6083 of the earth127 shall awake,6974 some428 to everlasting5769 life,2416 and some428 to shame2781 and everlasting5769 contempt.1860 And they that be wise7919 shall shine2094 as the brightness2096 of the firmament;7549 and they that turn many to righteousness6663, 7227 as the stars3556 forever5769 and ever.5703 (Daniel 12:1-3)

And I will render7999 unto Babylon894 and to all3605 the inhabitants3427 of Chaldea3778 (853) all3605 their evil that834 they have done6213 in Zion6726 in your sight,5869 saith5002 the LORD.3068 Behold,2009 I am against413 thee, O destroying4889 mountain,2022 saith5002 the LORD,3068 which destroyest7843 (853) all3605 the earth:776 and I will stretch out5186 (853) mine hand3027 upon5921 thee, and roll thee down1556 from4480 the rocks,5553 and will make5414 thee a burnt8316 mountain.2022 And they shall not3808 take3947 of4480 thee a stone68 for a corner,6438 nor a stone68 for foundations;4146 but3588 thou shalt be1961 desolate8077 forever,5769 saith5002 the LORD.3068 And the land776 shall tremble7493 and sorrow:2342 for3588 every purpose4284 of the LORD3068 shall be performed6965 against5921 Babylon,894 to make7760 (853) the land776 of Babylon894 a desolation8047 without4480, 369 an inhabitant.3427 (Jeremiah 51:24-27) 7451

For3588 thus3541 saith559 the high7311 and lofty One5375 that inhabiteth7931 eternity,5703 whose name8034 is Holy;6918 I dwell7931 in the high4791 and holy6918 place, with854 him also that is of a contrite1793 and humble8217 spirit,7307 to revive2421 the spirit7307 of the humble,8217 and to revive2421 the heart3820 of the contrite ones.1792 For3588 I will not3808 contend7378 forever,5769 neither3808 will I be always wroth:7107, 5331 for3588 the spirit7307 should fail5848 before4480, 6440 me, and the souls5397 which I589 have made.6213 (Isaiah 57:15-16)

Thou,859 O LORD,3068 remainest3427 forever;5769 thy throne3678 from generation1755 to generation.1755 Wherefore4100 dost thou forget7911 us forever,5331 and forsake5800 us so long753 time?3117 Turn7725 thou us unto413 thee, O LORD,3068 and we shall be turned;7725 renew2318 our days3117 as of old.6924 But3588, 518 thou hast utterly rejected3988, 3988 us; thou art very wroth7107, 5704, 3966 against5921 us. (Lamentations 5:19-22)

And I2504 say3004 unto you,5213 Make4160 to yourselves1438 friends5384 of1537 the3588 mammon3126 of unrighteousness;93 that,2443 when3752 ye fail,1587 they may receive1209 you5209 into1519 everlasting166 habitations.4633 Luk 16:10 He that is faithful4103 in1722 that which is least1646 is2076 faithful4103 also2532 in1722 much:4183 and2532 he that is unjust94 in1722 the least1646 is2076 unjust94 also2532 in1722 much.4183 If1487 therefore3767 ye have not3756 been1096 faithful4103 in1722 the3588 unrighteous94 mammon,3126 who5101 will commit to your trust4100, 5213 the3588 true228 riches? And2532 if1487 ye have not3756 been1096 faithful4103 in1722 that which is another man's,245 who5101 shall give1325 you5213 that which is your own?5212 No3762 servant3610 can1410 serve1398 two1417 masters:2962 for1063 either2228 he will hate3404 the3588 one,1520 and2532 love25 the3588 other;2087 or else2228 he will hold to472 the one,1520 and2532 despise2706 the3588 other.2087 Ye cannot1410, 3756 serve1398 God2316 and2532 mammon.3126 (Luke 16:9-13)

Now1161 to him that is of power1410 to establish4741 you5209 according2596 to my3450 gospel,2098 and2532 the preaching2782 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 according2596 to the revelation602 of the mystery,3466 which was kept secret4601 since the world began,5550, 166 But1161 now3568 is made manifest,5319 and5037 by1223 the Scriptures1124 of the prophets,4397 according2596 to the commandment2003 of the3588 everlasting166 God,2316 made known1107 to1519 all3956 nations1484 for1519 the obedience5218 of faith:4102 To God2316 only3441 wise,4680 be glory1391 through1223 Jesus2424 Christ5547 forever.1519, 165 Amen.281 (Romans 16:25-27) 3588

Rejection of everlasting life-And1161 the3588 next2064 sabbath day4521 came almost the whole city together4863, 4975, 3588, 3956, 4172 to hear191 the3588 word3056 of God.2316 But1161 when the3588 Jews2453 saw1492 the3588 multitudes,3793 they were filled4130 with envy,2205 and2532 spake against483 those things which were spoken3004 by5259 Paul,3972 contradicting483 and2532 blaspheming.987 Then1161 Paul3972 and2532 Barnabas921 waxed bold,3955 and said,2036 It was2258 necessary316 that the3588 word3056 of God2316 should first4412 have been spoken2980 to you:5213 but1161 seeing1894


ye put it from you,683, 846 and2532 judge2919 yourselves1438 unworthy3756, 514 of everlasting166 life,2222 lo,2400 we turn4762 to1519 the3588 Gentiles.1484 (Acts 13:44-46) Relating to total destruction-• And now6258 art thou859 any thing better2896, 2896 than Balak4480, 1111 the son1121 of Zippor,6834 king4428 of Moab?4124 did he ever strive7378, 7378 against5973 Israel,3478 or518 did he ever fight3898, 3898 against them, (Judges 11:25)

Thou hast rebuked1605 the heathen,1471 thou hast destroyed6 the wicked,7563 thou hast put out4229 their name8034 forever5769 and ever.5703 (Psalms 9:5)

And Joshua3091 burnt8313 (853) Ai,5857 and made7760 it a heap8510 forever,5769 even a desolation8077 unto5704 this2088 day.3117 (Joshua 8:28)

Wherefore1161 if1487 thy4675 hand5495 or2228 thy4675 foot4228 offend4624 thee,4571 cut them off,1581, 846 and cast906 them from575 thee:4675 it is2076 better2570 for thee4671 to enter1525 into1519 life2222 halt5560 or2228 maimed,2948 rather than2228 having2192 two1417 hands5495 or2228 two1417 feet4228 to be cast906 into1519 everlasting166 fire.4442 (Matthew 18:8) 2532

To the chief Musician,5329 Maschil,4905 A Psalm of David,1732 when Doeg1673 the Edomite130 came935 and told5046 Saul,7586 and said559 unto him, David1732 is come935 to413 the house1004 of Ahimelech.288 Why4100 boastest thou thyself1984 in mischief,7451 O mighty man?1368 the goodness2617 of God410 endureth continually.3605, 3117 Thy tongue3956 deviseth2803 mischiefs;1942 like a sharp3913 razor,8593 working6213 deceitfully.7423 Thou lovest157 evil7451 more than good;4480, 2896 and lying8267 rather than to speak4480, 1696 righteousness.6664 Selah.5542 Thou lovest157 all3605 devouring1105 words,1697 O thou deceitful4820 tongue.3956 God410 shall likewise1571 destroy5422 thee forever,5331 he shall take thee away,2846 and pluck thee out5255 of thy dwelling place,4480, 168 and root8327 thee out of the land4480, 776 of the living.2416 Selah.5542 (Psalms 52:1-5)

The sinners2400 in Zion6726 are afraid;6342 fearfulness7461 hath surprised270 the hypocrites.2611 Who4310 among us shall dwell1481 with the devouring398 fire?784 who4310 among us shall dwell1481 with everlasting5769 burnings?4168 (Isaiah 33:14)

Thus1836 shall ye say560 unto them, The gods426 that1768 have not3809 made5648 the heavens8065 and the earth,778 even they shall perish7 from the earth,4481, 772 and from4481 under8460 these429 heavens.8065 (Jeremiah 10:11)

Then5119 shall the3588 righteous1342 answer611 him,846 saying,3004 Lord,2962 when4219 saw1492 we thee4571 hungry,3983 and2532 fed5142 thee? or2228 thirsty,1372 and2532 gave thee drink?4222 (1161) When4219 saw1492 we thee4571 a stranger,3581 and2532 took thee in?4863 or2228 naked,1131 and2532 clothed4016 thee? Or1161 when4219 saw1492 we thee4571 sick,772 or2228 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 came2064 unto4314 thee?4571 And2532 the3588 King935 shall answer611 and say2046 unto them,846 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Inasmuch as1909, 3745 ye have done4160 it unto one1520 of the3588 least1646 of these5130 my3450 brethren,80 ye have done4160 it unto me.1698 Then5119 shall he say2046 also2532 unto them3588 on1537 the left hand,2176 Depart4198 from575 me,1700 ye cursed,2672 into1519 everlasting166 fire,4442 prepared2090 for the3588 devil1228 and2532 his846 angels:32 For1063 I was hungry,3983 and2532 ye gave1325 me3427 no3756 meat:5315 I was thirsty,1372 and2532 ye gave me no drink:4222, 3165 I was2252 a stranger,3581 and2532 ye took me not in:4863, 3165, 3756 naked,1131 and2532 ye clothed4016 me3165 not:3756 sick,772 and2532 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 ye visited1980 me3165 not.3756 Then5119 shall they846 also2532 answer611 him,846 saying,3004 Lord,2962 when4219 saw1492 we thee4571 hungry,3983 or2228 athirst,1372 or2228 a stranger,3581 or2228 naked,1131 or2228 sick,772 or2228 in1722 prison,5438 and2532 did not3756 minister1247 unto thee?4671 Then5119 shall he answer611 them,846 saying,3004 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Inasmuch as1909, 3745 ye did4160 it not3756 to one1520 of the3588 least1646 of these,5130 ye did4160 it not3761 to me.1698


And2532 these3778 shall go away565 into1519 everlasting166 punishment:2851 but1161 the3588 righteous1342 into1519 life2222 eternal.166 (Matthew 25:37-46) [What is the opposite of ”life eternal”?] • And2532 to you5213 who are troubled2346 rest425 with3326 us,2257 when1722 the3588 Lord2962 Jesus2424 shall be revealed602 from575 heaven3772 with3326 his848 mighty1411 angels,32 In1722 flaming5395 fire4442 taking1325 vengeance1557 on them that know1492 not3361 God,2316 and2532 that obey5219 not3361 the3588 gospel2098 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ:5547 Who3748 shall be punished5099, 1349 with everlasting166 destruction3639 from575 the presence4383 of the3588 Lord,2962 and2532 from575 the3588 glory1391 of his846 power;2479 (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) [Notice the phrases “in flaming fire” and “everlasting destruction” and no mention of a place or Hell.] And5037 the angels32 which kept5083 not3361 their1438 first estate,746 but235 left620 their own2398 habitation,3613 he hath reserved5083 in everlasting126 chains1199 under5259 darkness2217 unto1519 the judgment2920 of the great3173 day.2250 (Jude 1:6) And2532 when3752 those beasts2226 give1325 glory1391 and2532 honor5092 and2532 thanks2169 to him that sat2521 on1909 the3588 throne,2362 who liveth2198 forever and ever,1519, 165, 165 (Revelation 4:9) The3588 four and twenty5064, 2532, 1501 elders4245 fall down4098 before1799 him that sat2521 on1909 the3588 throne,2362 and2532 worship4352 him that liveth2198 forever and ever,1519, 165, 165 and2532 cast906 their848 crowns4735 before1799 the3588 throne,2362 saying,3004 (Revelation 4:10) And2532 swore3660 by1722 him that liveth2198 forever and ever,1519, 165, 165 who3739 created2936 heaven,3772 and2532 the things3588 that therein1722, 846 are, and2532 the3588 earth,1093 and2532 the things3588 that therein1722, 846 are, and2532 the3588 sea,2281 and2532 the things3588 which are therein,1722, 846 that3754 there should be2071 time5550 no3756 longer:2089 (Revelation 10:6) And2532 I saw1492 another243 angel32 fly4072 in1722 the midst of heaven,3321 having2192 the everlasting166 gospel2098 to preach2097 unto them that dwell2730 on1909 the3588 earth,1093 and2532 to Every3956 nation,1484 and2532 kindred,5443 and2532 tongue,1100 and2532 people,2992 (Revelation 14:6)


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