2 Decker Tartick Math Charts

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 15,863
  • Pages: 54
Legend A-art CI-community involvement CC-collaboration with colleagues CL-cultural literacy and diversity CM-communication CZ-citizenship DA-differentiation/accomodation E-evaluation GA-group activity L-literacy LA-language arts LI-listening LS-life skills H-health HS-home/school connection HW-homework M-math MA-manipulative activity MO-movement/physical education MU-music OL-oral language/public speaking PS-problem solving/critical thinking R-reading S-science SS-social studies T-technology TH-theater TX-text W-writing

Math Day 1 Monday MJ M 2.1 Place Value LI/HS/HW/M/M A/PS/: *The teacher will introduce “Backpack Activity”. The backpack will consist of math activities that students complete at home with their parents. The teacher will place relevant work with what it being taught in the classroom. The students will take turns taking the backpack home throughout the year. LI/M: The teacher will review place value and the importance of place value with the students. The students will read aloud the different place values.

Houghton Mifflin, p7

Day 2 Tuesday MJ M 2.1 Place Value CM/LA/LI/M/OL/ R/: The teacher will read and discuss Collecting Things with the class. E/GA/LI/M/MA/P S/W: The teacher will break the students into groups. Each group will be provided with objects. The teacher will ask the students to determine a quick way to count the objects. The students will write the total on a piece of paper. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 3-4 in their textbook to practice tens place value . E/HW/M/PS: For homework, the students will complete page 5-6 in their textbook to review the tens and ones place.

Addison-Wesley, p 377 Harcourt, p. 3-6

Day 3 Wednesday MJ M 2.1 Place Value LI/M: The teacher will introduce the hundreds place to the students. The teacher will review how to count, read, and write numbers. E/GA/M/MA/PS: The teacher will break the students into groups and the teacher will give the students cubes. Using the cubes given, the students will connect as many cubes possible to create a number. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 910 in their textbook to practice reading and writing numbers to 100.

Harcourt, p 5B, 9A, 9-10

Day 4 Thursday MJ M 2.1 Place Value E/GA/LI/M/MA/P S: The teacher will begin the lesson by having the class play “Toss Out”. Each student will be given a place value sheet and three cards from a deck of playing cards. The students will be told that they are trying to create the largest possible number with the cards. Each time the teacher snaps, the student will turn over one card and will be given ten seconds to decide where to place the card. The student with the largest number wins. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 469 -470 in their textbook to practice the hundreds place.

101 Ways, p. 11 Harcourt, p. 469470

Day 5 Friday MJ M 2.1 Place Value GA/LI/M/MA: The teacher will pair the students in groups of two. Each pair will be given a work mat and base-ten blocks. E/GA/LI/M/MA/ OL/PS/W: The students will be given a number to model with their blocks. The students will orally say and write the number on a piece of paper. DA: For pairs that are having difficulties producing the models, the teacher will provide a picture card for the pairs to visually see how to represent the number. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 471472 in their textbook to review the hundreds, tens, and ones place.

Harcourt, p. 471A, 471-472

Day 6 Monday MJ M 2.2 Rounding LI/M: The teacher will introduce rounding to the students. The teacher will give the students several examples on the board. E/LI/M/MA/PS/ R: The teacher will pass out a number line to each student. The teacher will read story problems to the students that consist of numbers 1-20. The students must find the number used in the story problem on the number line and tell whether the number is closer to 10 or 20.

Day 7 Tuesday MJ M 2.2 Rounding E/LI/M/MO/PS: The teacher will take the students outside to the tennis courts. The teacher will mark off numbers to create a number line on the courts. The teacher pick students and she will call out a number. The students will run to the number. After the student is on the number, the teacher will ask the student to show the teacher the rounded the number. The student will run to the rounded number on the number line. E/M/PS: The students will return indoors and complete page 43 in their textbook to practice using models to solve problems.

Harcourt, p 43A

Harcourt, p 43B43

Day 8 Wednesday MJ M 2.2 Rounding GA/M/MA/PS/SS: The teacher will put the students in groups. Each group will be given a local map. Each group will locate two places on the map and find the distance between the two places. E/GA/M/PS/W: The students will write the distance between the two places and round the number of miles to the nearest ten. The students will complete a number of problems, using various locations.

Day 9 Thursday MJ M 2.2 Rounding CM/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss and review the strategies used to help round twodigit numbers. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 44 in their textbook to practice problem solving.

E/LA/M/PS/W: The students will write in their journals about the process they used to solve the problem.

E/LI/M/MA/OL/P S: The teacher will display two sets of various objects for the students. For each example, the teacher will ask which set has more objects in them. The students will answer and the teacher will use the sign cards to show which set is greater than, less than, or equal to. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 3738 in their textbook to practice comparing numbers.

DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will provide the students with an opener and a word bank to use.

Harcourt, p 43B

Day 10 Friday MJ M 2.3 Comparing A/LI/M: The teacher will display picture sign cards with >,<, and =. The teacher will explain that these symbols mean greater than, less than, and equal to.

Harcourt, p. 44

Houghton Mifflin, p. 13, 37-38

Day 11 Monday MJ M 2.3 Comparing A/E/LI/M/ MA/MU/PS/T: Each student will make a paper alligator mouth that makes the greater or less than sign. Listening to the song “Alligator Greater Than/Less Than”, the students will show greater than or less than with their alligator heads. CM/GA/LA/LI// M/OL: The students will be split into groups. Each group will quickly create a short skit. The characters will compare two prices or objects using greater than, less than, and equal to. The students in the audience will raise their alligator head when they hear the key words. DA: For ESL students who have difficulty understanding the terms greater and less, the teacher will show magazines of two groups of people or objects and talk about the groups in terms of fewer and less. . Harcourt, p. 37B

Day 12 Tuesday MJ M 2.3 Comparing LI/M: The teacher will review the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to: >, <, =. CM/GA/LI/M/M A/OL/PS: The students will be put in groups of 6. Each group will be given 2 sets of two dice. The group members will roll each set of dice and arrange the numbers. The group will then use sign cards to compare the 2 twodigit numbers. The group will continue this activity several times.

Day 13 Wednesday MJ M 2.4 Ordinal Numbers CM/LA/LI/M/OL/ R/: The teacher will begin by reading The 12 Circus Rings. The teacher will explain the order of numbers. Using a number line, the teacher will circle a number and ask the students what number is before and after the number. M/OL/R: The teacher will display a poster with the names of ordinal numbers. As a class, the students will recite the names of the numbers.

E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 485-486 in their textbook to practice comparing numbers with >, <, and =.

E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 35 and 36 in their textbook to practice ordinal numbers.

Harcourt, p. 485B-486

Houghton Mifflin, p. 11 Harcourt, p. 35-36

Day 14 Thursday MJ M 2.4 Ordinal Numbers LI/M/MO: The teacher will ask the students to line up and the teacher will discuss the ordinal number of various students in line. CM/E/LI/M/MA/ MO/PS: The teacher will take the students outside and play Ordinal Olympic games. The teacher will create games that require the knowledge and use of ordinal numbers. E/M/PS/W: When the class returns to the classroom, the students will write the ordinal numbers for the winners of the Olympics.

Addison-Wesley, p. 141

Day 15 Friday Math Test E The students will take a test over place value, rounding, comparing, and ordinal numbers.

Day 16 Monday MJ M 2.5 Fractions LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will pass out a piece of paper to each student and ask the students to fold the piece of paper in half. A/E/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will explain that the two parts still equal the whole piece of paper. The teacher will then ask the students to color one of the equal parts of the paper. The teacher will explain that one of the 2 parts have been colored. The teacher will continue to use various examples to help the students understand fractions.

Day 17 Tuesday MJ M 2.5 Fractions LI/M/MO/MU/T: The teacher will begin the class by playing the song Action Fraction by Hap Palmer. The students will dance to the song and do the movements it tells them to do. LI/M/MA/MU/PS: The teacher will display 4 glass bottles in front of the class. The students will volunteer to pour 1 cup, ½ cup, 1/3 cup, and ¼ cup of colored water into the bottles. The students will gently tap the bottles with a pencil to see what tones they can make. CM/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss observations using fraction words.

Day 18 Wednesday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/GA/L/LA/LI/ M/OL/PS/R: The students will break into groups and read A Birthday Cake for Little Bear in their small groups. The students will discuss the fraction of cake each character would get to have an equal piece of the cake. A/E/LI/M/PS: The students will use the information gained in the discussion to create an equal piece of cake with construction paper. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 445-446 in their textbook to practice with fractions.

Day 19 Thursday MJ M 2.5 Fractions GA/LI/M/MA: The teacher will write unit fractions on index cards. Students will be in groups and given the index cards and white and brown beans. E/GA/LI/M/MA/PS: One of the students will count out the white and brown beans and the other student will tell the fractional part of the beans that are white. The partners will switch cards and repeat. CM/E/GA/LI/M/ MA/OL/PS: Each group will share their fractions of groups with the rest of the class.

A/E/LA/M/PS/W: The students will draw and describe their observations in their journal.

Harcourt, p 445B

Day 20 Friday MJ M 2.5 Fractions LI/M: The teacher will read Eating Fractions to the class. CM/LI/M/OL: The class will be lead in a discussion of fractions and how they are used in every day life. A/E/LA/M/PS/W: The students will write in their journals about an object they can divide into a fraction. The students will illustrate their writings. DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will provide the students with an opener and a word bank to use. LI/HW/M/S: The teacher will ask the students to bring in copies of their favorites recipes from home to use for the lesson on Monday.

Harcourt, p. 445446

Harcourt, p 453B

Day 21 Monday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/LI/M/OL/PS: Each student will go to the front of the room to tell about their favorite recipe and discuss the fractions found in their recipe. CM/GA/LI/M/ MA/PS/S: The students will classify their recipes into groups according to the recipe. A/CM/E/GA/LA/M: The class will then put all of the recipes together and create a Class Cookbook and each student will be responsible to illustrate their favorite recipe.

Harcourt, p 453B

Day 22 Tuesday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/E/GA/LI/M/ MO/OL/PS: The students will be placed into groups. Each group will be asked to perform a skit that shows how to make a unit fraction of a group. The teacher will provide simple props and she will also remind the students to clearly show the whole group and each unit fraction in their skits. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 453-454 in their textbook to practice with unit fractions of a group.

Harcourt, p. 453B-454

Day 23 Wednesday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/LI/M/MA: The teacher will give each student 9-inch by 9-inch squares of construction paper. The teacher will explain that each student will be making their own Fraction Book. A/E/LI/M/PS: The student will take the pieces of paper and divide pieces into halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, and tenths. The students will illustrate each fraction on the page. The teacher will bind the pages together and the students will have their own Fraction Books.

Addison-Wesley, p359

Day 24 Thursday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/LA/LI/M/ OL/R/: The teacher will read Fraction Action to the class. The class will discuss the book. E/M/PS: The students will complete a worksheet on fractions and the information they gained through the book. CM/E/LA/M/W: The students will write about an object they can think of that is a fraction. DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will provide the students with an opener and a word bank to use.

Day 25 Friday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CL/LI/SS: The teacher will bring in various foods from around the world. The teacher will explain the origin of the foods. The teacher will then use the food for the days lesson on fractions. A/M/MA/PS/SS/W: The students will sample the various fractions of food. The students will then draw a picture of their favorite food from other countries. The student will draw lines through the food to show how the food was cut into fractions. The student will label the fractional parts and write one sentence explaining what country to find the food in.

Addison-Wesley, p. 355

Day 26 Monday MJ M 2.5 Fractions A/M/PS: The teacher will attach pictures on the blackboard showing fractional parts. Each of the fractional parts will have other fractional parts to make it into a whole.

Day 27 Tuesday MJ M 2.5 Fractions E/LI/M/MA/R: The teacher will read Apple Fractions to the class. The teacher will bring in the various apples used in the book and model the fractions used in the book.

E/LI/M/MA/PS: The students will find matches to each object. After the objects have been made into wholes, the teacher will ask various students to label the fractional parts that make the whole.

A/CM/E/LA /M/W: The students will use the information gained through this activity and write in their journals. The students will illustrate what they write about.

A/E/GA/LI/M/ MA/PS: The students will repeat the activity. However, this time the students will create their own fractional parts. The students will work in groups to create their own objects and cut them into fractional parts. The students will the post their groups fractional parts on the board and the students will find the matches.

DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will provide the students with an opener and a word bank to use.

Day 28 Wednesday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/CZ/LI/M/SS: The teacher will explain that every ten years the U.S. government counts all the people who live here, which is called a census. M/SS: The teacher will take a class census about gender and other topics the students suggest. A/E/M/MA/PS: The students will use the data gained by the census and represent the information in fractional form. The students will be allowed to use any materials within the class to create models of the data given. CM/E/LI/OL/PS: Each student will go to the front of the classroom and explain their model to their peers.

Houghton Mifflin, p. 229B

Day 29 Thursday MJ M 2.5 Fractions CM/E/LI/M/OL/PS: The teacher will ask the students various questions to review information learned on fractions. LI/M/MA/R: The teacher will pass out Hershey’s bars to each student. The teacher will read Fraction Book: Hershey Book to the students. E/LI/M/MA/PS: The students will listen carefully and create the fractions within the book. This activity will help the students review for the test for Friday.

Day 30 Friday Math Test E The students will complete a test over fractions.

Day 31 Monday MJ M 2.6 Counting by Twos, Tens, and Fives

Day 32 Tuesday MJ M 2.6 Counting by Twos, Tens, and Fives

LI/M: The teacher will introduce and explain skip counting to the students.

E/LI/M/ MA/PS:The teacher will pass out hundred charts and colored counters to each student. The teacher will ask the students to put a red counter on the number 2 and count by twos to the number 30 putting a red counter on each number along the way. The students will repeat this activity putting blue on tens and yellow on the fives.

LI/M/R: The teacher will read Count on Pablo by Barabara deRubertis. CM/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss how good Pablo is at counting while helping his grandmother prepare to sell vegetables. The discussion will include the importance of skip counting. CM/E/LA/M/ PS/W: The students will write in a journal about a time they may have to use skip counting. DA: For students who struggle with writing, the teacher will allow the students to illustrate their thoughts in their journals.

Day 33 Wednesday MJ M 2.6 Counting by Twos, Tens, and Fives E/LI/M/R: The teacher will read Ten Little Mice by Joyce Dunbar. Every time a number is addressed in the book, the students will hold up their fingers and make that number. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 41-42 in their textbook to practice with tens.

CM/E/LI/M /MA/MU/PS:The class will listen to the song “Can Cockatoos Count By Twos?” The class will answer the questions in the song with yes or no. When the song lyrics count by twos, the class will sing along and count out loud.

Houghton Mifflin, p. 145

Day 34 Thursday MJ M 2.6 Counting by Twos, Tens, and Fives CM/LI/M/PS: The teacher will point to the clock in the classroom. The teacher will explain that in order to read the minutes on the clock, a person must count by tens. The teacher will point to each number on the clock and the class will count by fives. E/LI/M/MA/R: The teacher will read Reese’s Pieces Count by Fives to the class. As the teacher reads, the students will use Reese pieces to do the activities in the book. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 24 in their textbook to practice counting by twos, tens, and fives.

Harcourt, p. 4142

Addison-Wesley, p. 145 Harcourt, p. 24

Day 35 Friday MJ M 2.6 Counting Backwards from 100 LI/M: The teacher will introduce how to count backwards. CM/E/LI/M/PS/T: The teacher will use the website http://www.apples4 theteacher.com /dot2dot.html to help

the students with their skills on counting backwards. CM/E/LI/M/OL/PS: After the students have finished the game, the teacher will bring out hundreds charts. The students will count by tens and count backwards from 100. CM/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss things to remember when counting backwards.

Day 36 Monday MJ M 2.6 Counting Backwards from 100 LI/M/R: The teacher will read From One to One Hundred. A/M: The teacher will print off pieces of paper with the numbers 1 through 100 on them. The teacher will pass out a few numbers per student in the class. Each student will illustrate the number on the piece of paper the teacher gave them. A/CM/E/LI/ M/OL/PS: The teacher will collect the pieces of paper and show the class each number. The teacher will begin with the number 100 and go backwards. As the teacher is showing the students the illustrations, the students will orally say the number.

Math Pathways, p. 34

Day 37 Tuesday MJ M 2.7 Grouping LI/M: The teacher will introduce grouping to the students by comparing addition and multiplication. LI/GA/M/MA/PS: The teacher will pass out counters to each group. The teacher will review with the groups how to find the sum for a problem. CM/E/GA/LI/ M/MA/PS: The students will model the addition problem with their counters. The teacher will guide the groups and explain that they are groups that make up this number. This example will help the students understand multiplication. The teacher will elicit that the sum and product of both sentences are the same. This activity will be repeated.

Harcourt, p. 523A

Day 38 Wednesday MJ M 2.7 Grouping A/E/LI/M: The teacher will instruct the students to draw pictures of equal groups of objects and label each drawing. DA: For students who have trouble drawing equal groups of objects, the teacher will provide objects for the students to paste on a piece of paper and label. E/M/PS: The students will exchange their work with one another and the partner will write addition and multiplication sentences based on the drawings. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 523-524 in their textbook to practice addition and multiplication.

Harcourt, p. 523B-524

Day 39 Thursday MJ M 2.7 Grouping

Day 40 Friday MJ M 2.7 Grouping

CM/LI/M/MA: The teacher will pass out counters to each student. The teacher will tell the students how many counters to put in each row to model equal groups.

CM/LI/M/OL /PS/S: The teacher will review with the students what a flower needs to grow. The teacher will then pass around garden catalogs to each student for them to plan a flower garden.

CM/E/LI/M/ MA/OL/PS: The teacher will ask the students how many rows and how many counters are in each row. CM/LI/M/PS/W: The teacher will explain that by placing equal groups in rows, they have created an array. The teacher will then ask the students to write multiplication sentences represented by the array. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 525-526 in their textbooks to practice with arrays.

Harcourt, p. 525A, 525- 526

A/ E/LI/M /PS/S: The students will lay out a plot for their garden on grid paper and draw rows of flowers in an array. The students will color the background of the square to represent soil. CM/E/LI/M/PS/W: The students will switch their grid paper with another student. The partner will write the multiplication sentence showing how many flowers are in each array. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 527 in their textbook to practice multiplication in any order

Harcourt, p. 525B, 527

Day 41 Monday MJ M 2.7 Grouping A/CM/LI/M: The teacher will draw pictures on the board that model the Order Property. The teacher will explain reversing the order of numbers does not change the product. A/CM/E/GA/ LI/M/PS/W: After the students comprehend Order Property, they will break off into groups and draw pictures of objects multiplied in any order. The students will then write multiplication sentences that tell the stories. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 528 in their textbook to practice problem multiplication.

Harcourt, p 527B, 528

Day 42 Tuesday MJ M 2.7 Grouping LI/M/MO/PS: The teacher will instruct the students to line up. The teacher will count of the students by threes to form 3 equal groups. They will line up again and form equal groups of 4. CM/E/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss times when people split things into equal groups. CM/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will give each student counters and ten frames. The teacher will instruct the student how many counters to be put in each box. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 529530 in their workbook.

Harcourt, p. 529A, 529-530

Day 43 Wednesday MJ M 2.7 Grouping CM/E/GA/LI /M/MA/PS: The teacher will give each group of students 30 pennies and counters. The teacher will write word problems on the board and instruct the students to model the problem. M/MA/PS: The students will use their pennies and counters and model the problems as a group. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 531-532 in their textbook to practice grouping.

Harcourt, p. 53A1, 531-532

Day 44 Thursday MJ M 2.7 Grouping LI/M/R: The teacher will read Divide and Ride by Stuart J. Murphy. CM/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss why the friends in the book had to split and how they split. CM/E/LA/M/W: The students will write in their journal about times when they have to split and group things together. DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will allow the students to illustrate their thoughts in their journals.

Harcourt, p. 530

Day 45 Friday Math Test E The students will complete a test over counting and grouping.

Day 46 Monday

Day 47 Tuesday

Day 48 Wednesday

MJ M 2.8 Evens and Odds

MJ M 2.8 Evens and Odds

MJ M 2.8 Evens and Odds

LI/M: The teacher will introduce the terms even and odd to the class.

CM/M/OL/R: The class will say the poem Odd and Even by Marg Wadsworth together.

LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will use the class calendar to show examples of even and odd numbers. The teacher will ask various students to come to the calendar. The students will be asked to put a circle around the number if it is even and a triangle around the numbers that are odd. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 25 in their textbook to practice even and odd numbers.

Houghton Mifflin, p. 143 Harcourt, p. 25

LI/M/M/MA/PS: The teacher will show the students various groups of cubes. The teacher will explain that in order to determine whether the number is odd or even, the student must see if the groups can be broke into two equal groups. E/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will pass out a hundreds chart, a spinner, and two colored markers to each pair of students. The students will play a game. If odd lands on odd get to move even lays on even.. get to move until someone reaches 100. The students will complete page 26 in their workbook. Addison-Wesley,p. 148 http://www.cantea ch.ca/elementary /songspoem72.h tml Houghton Mifflin, p. 143 Harcourt, p. 26

LI/M/R: The teacher will read Even Steven and Odd Todd. A/M/W/W: Each student will draw a picture illustrating their favorite part in the book. The student will include journal writing about their favorite part in the book. DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will allow the students to illustrate their thoughts in their journals.

Day 49 Thursday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction

Day 50 Friday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction

LI/M: The teacher will review and introduce basic addition and subtraction to the students.

LI/M: The teacher will introduce and model counting on for the students.

E/M/PS: The students will complete pages F,G, and H in their textbooks to review order property, addition, and subtraction. E/M: The teacher will use these pages as review for the students and to help her determine the extent of their knowledge of addition and subtraction.

CM/E/GA/M/ MA/OL/PS: The students will work in pairs to model counting on. Each group will be given 2-color counters and index cards with problems for them to solve. The group will identify the greater numbers in the problems. M/MA/PS: Using the color counters, the students will find the sum of the two numbers and say the problems out loud. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 6768 in their textbooks to practice counting on.

Houghton Mifflin, p. 143

Harcourt, p. F-H

Harcourt, p. 67A, 67-68

Day 51 Monday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction LI/MA/MU: The teacher will pass out rhythm instruments to each group of students and index cards with equations written on them. The teacher will allow the students to play with the instruments for a few minutes. CM/E/M/MA/ MU/OL/PS/R: The students will say the first part of the equation orally and then use the instruments to count on. E/LI/M/ MA/PS/W: The students will then write the equation out with the correct answer at the end. The students will repeat this activity until all of the index cards have been solved. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 69-70 in their textbooks to practice addition.

Harcourt, p. 67B, 69-70

Day 52 Tuesday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction LI/M: The teacher will introduce subtraction to the students. CM/E/GA/LI/M /MO/PS: The teacher will take the students outside to the tennis courts. The teacher will mark off lines on the tennis courts to serve as a number line. The teacher will call on various individuals each time. The teacher will tell the students to run to a number. The teacher will give them another number subtracted from the original number. The students must count back and run towards the numbers. The students will then say the equation with the answer aloud.

Day 53 Wednesday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction M/MA/PS: The teacher will bring in a clothes line to the classroom. The teacher will hang 20 or fewer items of clothing on the line. The students will take turns taking on the specific numbers of items from the clothes line. CM/E/LI/M/ MA/OL/PS: The whole class will count back as the items are being removed from the clothesline and the whole class will tell the teacher how many items are left on the line. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 83-84 in their textbooks to practice counting back. DA: For students who are having trouble with counting back, the teacher will provide a number line to assist them with their textbook page. Harcourt, p. 83B84

Day 54 Thursday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction CM/LI/M/MA: The teacher will pass out equation cards and construction paper to each student. The teacher will explain the directions of the activity. A/CM/E/LI/M/ PS/W: The students will write out the equation given on the construction paper with the answer to the equation. The student will then illustrate the equation as a cartoon strip. The students will be encouraged to use speech balloons explaining the procedures taking place.

Day 55 Friday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction LI/M: The teacher will review and explain the relationship between addition and subtraction. CM/E/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will give each student two colors of connecting cubes and the teacher will also write addition facts on the board. The students will connect the cubes to model the addition fact. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 87-88 in their textbooks to practice relating addition and subtraction.

E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 85-86 in their textbooks to practice addition and subtraction.

Harcourt, p. 85B86

Harcourt, p. 87-88

Day 56 Monday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction A/LI/M/MA: The teacher will give each student a brown grocery bag, birds, and Velcro pieces. The students will color the birds and cut out the birds. The students will then draw a tree trunk and the top of the tree on the bad. The teacher will put Velcro on the back of the birds and on the tree. A/M/MA: Each bag will contain addition and subtraction problems. The students can take an equation out of their bag model the problem using the birds on the tree. The birds will either “fly away” from the tree or “fly to” the tree according to the equation. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 99 in their textbooks to practice problem solving with addition and subtraction.

Harcourt, p.98- 99

Day 57 Tuesday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction CM/E/GA/LI/M /MA/MO/PS: The students will be placed in groups of three. Each student in the group will be given a piece of rope. The teacher will take the students out to the kickball field. The groups of students will stand in lines all along the kickball field. The teacher will call out a math fact. Once the teacher completes orally saying the fact, the teacher will clap her hands. The students will work in their groups to solve and create the answer with their ropes on the kickball field. When the students have formed the number, they are to stand and wait for the teacher to come check the number. LI/M/MO/PS: After everyone is done answering the problem, the students will clap the complete fact. This activity will be repeated a number of times to practice addition and subtraction. 101 Ways, p. 14

Day 58 Wednesday MJ M 2.9 Addition and Subtraction E/GA/LI/M/ MA/OL/PS: The students will be split into groups. Each group will be given a spinner with tens (0-50) on the spinners. One partner will spin one number and then mentally add another number that is spun. The other students in the group will write the equation down and solve the problem with paper and pencil. The student who was the “spinner” will tell the other students in the group the answer. The students will tell the student whether the answer is correct. Each person in the group will take turns being the “spinner”. DA: For students who are having trouble using mental math, the teacher will provide base-ten block. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 107-108 in their textbooks to practice mental math with addition. Harcourt, p. 107B108

Day 59 Thursday Field Trip

Day 60 Friday Math Test

CM: The class will be on a field trip to Amazement Square.

E The students will complete a test over even and odd numbers and addition and subtraction.

Day 61 Monday MJ M 2.10 Estimating Sums LI/M: The teacher will introduce estimating sums. LI/M/PS/T: The teacher will use the website http://www.aaamath.com/est27baddestimate.html. This

website thoroughly explains the steps used to estimate sums.The teacher will use problems on the website and the class will work together to solve the problems. E/M/PS/W: The students will each be given a piece of paper. The students will list the steps used to estimate sums.

Day 62 Tuesday MJ M 2.10 Estimating Sums CM/E/LI/M/ MA/PS: The teacher will choose two students to come to the board. The teacher will give the students an equation and the students must estimate the sum of the equation using a number line. The first student to answer the equation continues and another student will come to the board to go against the student. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 133 in their textbooks to practice estimating sums.

Harcourt, p. 133

Day 63 Wednesday MJ M 2.10 Estimating Sums

Day 64 Thursday MJ M 2.10 Estimating Sums

Day 65 Friday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums

LI/M: The teacher will model and explain rounding to the nearest ten.

A/E/LI/M/ MA/PS/W: The students will draw a number line from 20 to 40. M/W: The students will then write facts about their number line and share their number line facts with the class. DA: For students who have trouble drawing straight lines, the teacher will provide graph paper to assist them in drawing their number line. E/LI/M/PS: The teacher will give each student an index card with a story problem that requires the student to estimate to find the solution. After the student solves the problem, the teacher will have them exchange cards with other students and continue to solve the problems.

LI/M/T: The teacher will take the students to the computer lab during math class. The teacher will log the students onto http://www.dositey .com/ Addsub/addition.h tm . The teacher will have a variety of games for the students to choose from.

E/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will pass out number lines to each student and write problems on the board. The students will use the number line and determine the answer to the problem rounded to the nearest ten. LI/M/MA: The teacher will model the answer on the board, using a large number line. The students will be able to tell if they answered the problem correctly. The teacher will repeat this activity. E/M/PS: The students will complete a worksheet on rounding to the nearest ten.

Harcourt, p. 133A

E/M/PS: The students will complete page 134 in their textbooks to practice estimating sums.

Harcourt, p. 134

LI/M/PS/T: The students will use the computer game to enhance their knowledge on calculating sums. This activity will help introduce the next few weeks of lessons on calculating sums. This activity will also serve as a review for the students.

Day 66 Monday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M: The teacher will introduce how to model addition facts and related tens. CM/E/LI/M /MA/PS: The teacher will give each student connecting cubes. The students will use connecting cubes to model various examples given to them by the teacher. The students will models the same problems adding the tens place to the problems. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 109-110 in their textbooks to practice counting on with tens and ones using mental math.

Harcourt , p.

Day 67 Tuesday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums E/GA/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will use a simple game to model how to calculate sums. The teacher will cut 3X5 cards into 1 ½” squares. Using a hole punch, the teacher will make two sets of cards from one to nine. These pieces of index cards will make “dominos”. The teacher will place two “dominos” on the overhead projector. The students will record the fact and write down the answer.

Day 68 Wednesday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M/R: The teacher will read the book A Fair Bear Share by Stuart J. Murphy. This book will allow children to explore counting and regrouping. A/CM/E/M/W: The students will draw a picture illustrating their favorite part of the book and write in their journal. DA: For students who struggle with writing skills, the teacher will allow the students to illustrate their thoughts in their journals.

Day 69 Thursday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M/MA/PS/R: The teacher will pass out an index card with a story problem to each student. The teacher will provide each student with baseten blocks to represent the problem and answer. CM/GA/LI/M/ MA/OL/PS/R: Each student will pair up with a student in the classroom and read the story problem they received. The students will show their base-ten blocks and briefly explain how they solved the problem. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 115-116 in their textbooks to practice solving sums by making models.

Harcourt, p.

Day 70 Friday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M/R: The teacher will read 12 Ways to Get to 11 to the class. E/GA/M: The students will pair up and select a favorite number. The teacher will challenge the students to see how many different number combinations they can find that equal their number. A/CM/LA/M: The teacher will provide the students with strips of paper. The students can write the equations across the side of the paper. The students will illustrate the equations and staple them together for a number book.

Pathways to

107A, 109-110 Day 71 Monday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M/S: The teacher will print out the weekly weather for the week. The teacher will explain the highs and lows for the week. The teacher will use the highs to generate problems 1-digit problems for the students. E/LI/M/MA/PS/S: The students will use the highs from specific days and add 1-digit numbers to the high. The students will use their knowledge of regrouping to conclude on the answers. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 123 in their textbooks to practice adding 1-digit numbers and regrouping.

101 Ways, p. 10 Day 72 Tuesday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will provide the students with addition problems written on index cards and base-ten blocks. CM/M/MA/PS: The students will model the equation with base-ten blocks and come up with an answer. After the student has concluded on an answer, the student will turn the index card over to reveal the answer. This activity will be repeated with various equations. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 125-126 in their textbooks to practice adding 2digit numbers and regrouping.

HW/M/PS: The students will complete page 124 in their textbooks for homework. They will practice problem solving using regrouping.

Harcourt, p. 123B-124

115A, 115-116 Day 73 Wednesday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums E/GA/LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will begin this lesson playing “King Math” with the students. The students will be broken into pairs. Each pair of students will have a deck of cards and the teacher will explain that the Kings, Queens, and Jacks have a value of 10 and the Ace equals one. M/MA/PS: The students will place a deck of cards face down. The students will draw one card each. The first one to add the two numbers and say the correct answer wins. When the student adds correctly, they take the two cards. The game continues until the deck is completely finished and whoever has the most cards wins. The students will show honesty and trustworthiness while playing the game.

Day 74 Thursday MJ M 2.11 Calculating Sums LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will provide several examples on the board. The students will volunteer to model how to calculate the sum for the other students in the class. DA: For students who have trouble calculating sums, the teacher will provide base-ten blocks. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 151-152 in their textbooks to practice using various operations to calculate sums.

The students will complete a worksheet over calculating sums.

Harcourt, p. 125126

101 Ways, p. 12

Harcourt, p. 151152

Literature, p. 14 Day 75 Friday Math Test E The students will complete a test over estimating and calculating sums.

Day 76 Monday MJ M 2.12 Estimating Differences LI/M: The teacher will introduce estimating differences. LI/M/PS/T: The teacher will use the website http://www.aaa Know.com/est46bx 2.htm .. This website thoroughly explains the steps used to estimate differences. The teacher will use the problems on the website and the class will work together to solve the problems. E/M/W: The students will each be given a piece of paper. The students will list the steps used to estimate differences on the piece of paper.

Day 77 Tuesday MJ M 2.12 Estimating Differences A/E/M/MA/PS: The students will draw a number line from 20 to 40. M/W: The students will then write facts about their number line and share their number line facts with the class. DA: For students who have trouble drawing straight lines, the teacher will provide graph paper to assist them in drawing their number line. E/LI/M/MA/PS/R: The teacher will give each student an index card with a story problem that requires the student to estimate to find the solution. After the student solves the problem, the teacher will have them exchange cards with other students and continue to solve the problems. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 167 in their textbooks to practice estimating differences.

Harcourt, p. 167B167

Day 78 Wednesday MJ M 2.12 Estimating Differences E/GA/M/PS: The students will be split into groups. Each group member will write on a separate card any 2-digit number between 11 and 99. They will make 6 cards and they will put them into a pile. E/M/MA/PS: The students will take turns choosing two cards, using a number line to round to the nearest ten, and then estimating the differences. The teacher will tell each student to check each other’s estimates by using subtraction strategies of by using a calculator. E/M/PS: The students will complete page 168 in their textbooks to practice estimating differences Harcourt, p. 168

Day 79 Thursday MJ M 2.12 Estimating Differences LI/M/R: The teacher will read Clean Up Day by Linda Cave. This book illustrates estimating differences. CM/OL/M/PS: The class will discuss estimating differences and how the book showed how to estimate differences. CM/CA: The class will then have their own “Clean Up Day”. They will go out on the school property and clean up the property. The teacher will continue to ask the orally ask the students equations while they are cleaning up.

Harcourt, p. 168

Day 80 Friday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences LI/M/T: The teacher will take the students to the computer lab during math class. The teacher will log the students onto http://www.dositey.com/ Addsub/subtraction.htm . The teacher will have a variety of games for the students to choose from. M/MA/T: The students will use the computer game to enhance their knowledge on calculating differences. This activity will help introduce the next few weeks of lessons on calculating differences. This activity will also serve as a review for the students.

Day 81 Monday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences LI/M: The teacher will review basic subtraction facts and terms with the students. A/CM/E/GA/ LI/M/MA/PS/W: The students will be placed into groups. Half of the group will be asked to write subtraction facts and draw pictures illustrating it. The other half of the groups will read the fact and model the fact using connecting cubes. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 143-144 in their textbooks to practice subtracting tens using mental math.

Day 82 Tuesday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences CM/E/LI/M/ OL/PS/R: The teacher will provide the students with index cards with either ones or tens written on them. The teacher will ask two students to come to the front of the room. One students will draw a card. If the card says one, the students will say aloud a “countback-ones” subtraction problem. If the card says tens, the students will say a loud a “countback-tens” subtraction problem. The other student will solve the problem using mental computation. The teacher will repeat this activity. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 145-146 in their textbooks to practice counting back with tens and ones.

Harcourt, p. 143B-144

Harcourt, p. 145B-146

Day 83 Wednesday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences LI/M/MA: The teacher will define and model regrouping for the students. E/M/MA/PS: The students will be given base-ten blocks and 2 dice. The students will roll the dice to come up with a two-digit number and model it with their base-ten blocks. CM/E/LI/M/PS: The teacher will then give the students a onedigit number and the students will subtract that number from their original number. The class will repeat this activity several times with different numbers. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 147-148 in their textbooks to practice regrouping tens as ones.

Harcourt, p. 147B-148

Day 84 Thursday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences GA/HS/MA/S: The teacher will collect several newspaper weather sections to pass out to the students. The teacher will separate the students into groups. CM/GA/LI/M/ PS/S/W: The groups of students will look through the weather sections for temperatures in different regions of the U.S. The group will write the names of two cities and their temperatures. LI/M/PS: teacher will ask the children to subtract the lower temperature from the higher temperature. The groups will repeat this activity. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 149-150 in their textbooks to practice modeling and problem solving 2-digit subtraction. Harcourt, p. 149B-150

Day 85 Friday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences CM/E/LI/M/OL/PS: The teacher will pick various students from the class to role-play story problems. The teacher will provide the students with simple subtraction facts to role-play and simple props. E/M/PS: The students who are acting as the audience will identify the operation they will use to solve the problem and then work out the problem on paper. DA For kinesthetic learners who are having difficulties, the teacher will provide the students with connecting cubes to model the problem. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 151152 in their textbooks to practice using various operations to solve subtraction problems.

Harcourt, p. 151B152

Day 86 Monday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will give the students paper clips. The students will make several chains of 10 linked paper clips to use as tens and gather single paper clips to use as ones. LI/M/MA/PS: The teacher will write many equations on the board. The students will copy the equations on to a piece of paper. The students will then use their paper clips to find the difference. The students may have to break apart 1 ten to regroup as 10 ones. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 159-160 in their textbooks to practice subtracting 1-digit numbers.

Day 87 Tuesday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences GA/LI/M/MA: The teacher will break the students into groups and provide paper bags full of two-digit numbers written on index cards. Each group member will take turns pulling out a piece of index card and displaying the numbers to the group. DA: For students who are having difficulty, the student will provide counters to use as a manipulative. GA/LA/M/ MA/OL/W: The groups members will work together to create story problems based on a subtraction problem involving the numbers on their papers. The groups will exchange problems with one another and solve the problems. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 163-164 in their textbooks to practice 2-digit subtraction.

Harcourt, p.159B,

Harcourt, p.

Day 88 Wednesday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences LI/M/MA/OL /PS/T: The teacher will pass out calculators and base-ten blocks to the students. The teacher will review how to read a story problem in order to choose an operation. E/M/MA/PS/R/T: The teacher will read a story problem to the students. The students will use their calculators and base-ten blocks to model the operation. CM/LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss the difference in the methods and the strategies used. E/M/PS: The students will complete pages 171-172 in their textbooks to practice choosing the computational method when problem solving.

Harcourt, p.

Day 89 Thursday MJ M 2.13 Calculating Differences CM/LI/M/OL: The students will take turns roleplaying a television talk show with a host, a guest math expert, and a studio audience. CM/LI/M/PS: The teacher will pass out index cards to each student who is acting as the audience. The teacher will invite the audience members to write subtraction exercises on index cards. The host will present the exercises to the math expert and discuss the strategies the expert would use to solve them. The expert will solve the problem. LI/M/PS: The teacher will review for the test tomorrow.

Day 90 Friday Math Test E The students will complete a testing over estimating and calculating differences.



171A, 171-172

Harcourt, p. 185B

Day 91 Monday MJ M 2.14 Tables and Graphs LI/M: The teacher will introduce tables to the students. The teacher will model creating a table based on concrete data (eg. number of boys and girls in the class).

Day 92 Tuesday MJ M 2.14 Tables and Graphs E/M: The students will complete page 276 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheet to assess the students’ prior knowledge of graphs.

Day 93 Wednesday MJ M 2.14 Tables and Graphs LI/M/OL/PS: The teacher will show the students how to make a bar graph. The class will discuss the similarities and differences between the concrete graph, pictograph, and bar graph.

Day 94 Thursday MJ M 2.14 Tables and Graphs LA/M/OL/PS: The students will create a table and bar graph depicting the number of times each letter is used in their spelling list. The teacher will ask questions about the students’ graphs (Which letter was used the most? The least?).

CM/GA/M: The students will make two tables with a partner. The students will draw colored tiles (red, blue, and yellow) from a container and record their results in tables. The first table will show the outcome of each draw and the second will use tally marks to show the total number of each color drawn. CM/LI/M/OL: The class will discuss their tables and compare the results.

LI/M/OL: The class will discuss concrete graphs. The teacher will model creating a concrete graph on the board using different colored magnets. M/MA: The students will practice making concrete graphs using several different objects (coins, connecting cubes, shape cutouts, etc.). The students will make a graph using concrete objects and draw it on a piece of paper (pictograph).

M/MA/W: The students will make a bar graph depicting the number of each color M&M in a snack pack of the candy. The students will write several sentences about the data recorded in the bar graph.

M/T: The students will go to the computer lab and practice making graphs with “Let’s Graph!”

DA: The teacher will provide graph paper for students who struggle with keeping the lines in graphs straight.

DA: The teacher will provide graph paper for students who struggle with keeping the lines in graphs straight.

Harcourt, p. 276

Monday Morning

Day 95 Friday MJ M 2.14 Tables and Graphs M/OL/T: The teacher will read Tiger Math: Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger to the class for a review of tables and graphs. The class will discuss the tables and graphs that were created from the development of the baby tiger. The teacher will display each graph using an ELMO. M/OL/PS: The class will brainstorm other ways graphs could be used.

Harcourt, p. 303A Day 96 Monday MJ M 2.14 Creating Addition and Subtraction Problems from Data LI/M: The teacher will review adding one and two digit numbers with and without regrouping. LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss different kinds of data that addition problems could be created from (concrete data, tables, graphs, etc.). M/PS: The students will use bar graphs to solve two-digit addition problems based on the data (eg. How many red and blue M&Ms are there?). DA: The teacher will have students who struggle with addition model the problems using concrete objects (money manipulatives, base ten blocks, etc.).

Day 97 Tuesday MJ M 2.14 Creating Addition and Subtraction Problems from Data LA/LI/M/R:The teacher will read Mission Addition to the class. The class will discuss how the animals used items in the world around them to create addition problems. M/PS/R/W: The students will each write five addition problems using concrete objects in the world around them. The students will switch problems with a partner and solve each others problems.

Harcourt, p. 277A

Magic, p. 22


Day 98 Wednesday MJ M 2.14 Creating Addition and Subtraction Problems from Data LI/M: The teacher will review subtracting one and two digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Day 99 Thursday MJ M 2.14 Creating Addition and Subtraction Problems from Data M/PS: The students will use bar graphs to solve subtraction problems based on the data (eg. How many more blue M&M’s are there than green M&M’s?).

Day 100 Friday MJ M 2.14 Creating Addition and Subtraction Problems from Data M/PS/W: The students will create a bar graph depicting the students’ favorite colors. The students will collect the data, make a bar graph, and write addition and subtraction problems based on the data.

LI/M/OL/PS: The class will discuss different kinds of data that subtraction problems could be created from (concrete data, tables, graphs, etc). M/PS/R: The students will complete pages 233-234 in their textbook to practice solving subtraction problems using money. DA: The teacher will have students who struggle with subtraction model the problems using concrete objects (money manipulatives, base ten blocks, etc.).

Harcourt, pp. 233-

Harcourt, p. 277A



Day 101 Monday MJ M 2.15 Inverse Property of Addition and Subtraction M: The students will practice addition facts by rolling two dice and adding to get a sum.

Day 102 Tuesday MJ M 2.15 Inverse Property of Addition and Subtraction LI/M/PS: The teacher will lead the students to discover the relationship between addition and subtraction. The teacher will write an addition problem and a related subtraction problem on the board. The class will discuss several examples together.

Day 103 Wednesday MJ M 2.15 Inverse Property of Addition and Subtraction LI/M/PS: The teacher will give the students an addition or subtraction problem to write on their whiteboard and solve. After they have solved the problem, the students will write the related addition or subtraction problem on the whiteboard also.

LI/M/T: The teacher will show a short online video which teaches the same concept.

DA: The teacher will provide connecting cubes for students who are struggling to use as models.

M/MO: The students will practice simple addition and subtraction facts by playing “Around the World” with addition and subtraction flashcards.

GA/M: The students will play a memory game which requires them to match related addition and subtraction facts.

Monday Morning

Day 104 Thursday MJ M 2.15 Inverse Property of Addition and Subtraction M/T: The teacher will play an online game with the students that allows them to practice using the inverse property of addition and subtraction. A/M/PS: The students will choose one addition/subtraction family and make a booklet of addition and subtraction problems for that family. Each page will have one addition or subtraction problem (four total pages) and a drawing of the problem and its solution.

Day 105 Friday Math Test

E: The students will take a math test covering tables and graphs, addition, and subtraction.

Magic, p. 30 www.aaamath.com Day 106 Monday MJ M 2.16 Money E/M: The students will complete page 204 in their textbook. The teacher will check the page to assess the students’ prior knowledge of money.

Day 107 Tuesday MJ M 2.16 Money LA/LI/M/OL/R: The teacher will read If You Made a Million to the students. The class will discuss how the characters in the book traded money amounts.

LI/M/OL: The teacher will review the names of coins and bills (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar). The teacher will ask the students to share how much each coin is worth. The teacher will also discuss the symbols associated with money.

LA/W: The students will write a journal entry about what they would do with a million dollars.

M/OL/PS: The teacher will distribute pictures of coins to the class. The teacher will call on several students at a time to hold their coin pictures up. The students will add the value of the pictures. HW: The teacher will invite students to bring any international money they have at home to share with the class the next day.

LI/M/OL/SS: The students will show the international coins they brought from home. The class will briefly discuss how money is used in other cultures and was used in the past.

Day 108 Wednesday MJ M 2.16 Money LI/M/MA/PS: The students will practice counting money. The teacher will give different amounts of coins and bills (eg. two dollars, three dimes, and four pennies). The students will model the collection of coins and bills using manipulative money. The students will count the money. The students will compare each money amount with the previous amount using the words greater than, less than, or equal to. E/M: The students will complete pages 209-210 in their textbook to practice counting collections of coins. DA: The teacher will allow students who struggle with remembering the values of coins to use the coin picture cards when completing the workbook pages.

Day 109 Thursday MJ M 2.16 Money GA/M/MA: The students will play “Dollar Ways” on page 220 of their textbook. The game requires students to model different amounts of money using bills and coins. M/MA/PS/R: The students will complete page 478 in their workbook to practice solving story problems involving money amounts. The students will use manipulative money to solve the problems. M/MA/PS/R/W: The students will write story problems involving money amounts on index cards (eg. I had one dollar bill, two quarters, and three pennies. My sister gave me four nickels. How much money do I have?) The students will switch problems with a partner and solve each other’s problems using manipulative money.

Day 110 Friday MJ M 2.16 Money GA/M/MA/PS: The students will play a game which allows them to practice modeling amounts using coins with a partner. One partner will roll two dice making a two-digit number. The other student will model that number using coins. The first partner will check to see if he or she can model the amount using fewer coins. LS/M/MA/TH: The students will role play a Class Store. The students will “sell” classroom objects and practice being both customers and store clerks.

Harcourt, pp. 204205B Day 111 Monday MJ M 2.17 Linear Measurement LI/M/R: The teacher will read Measuring Penny to the students. The class will discuss how Lisa measured Penny using both standard and nonstandard units. E/M: The students will complete page 380 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheets to assess the students’ prior knowledge of linear measurement. M/MA: The students will measure several objects (desk, blackboard, book, etc.) using nonstandard measurements (paperclips, shoes, crayons, etc.). Before measuring, the students will estimate the length of the object. The students will create a chart showing the object to be measured, the unit of measurement, and the length of the object.

Day 112 Tuesday MJ M 2.17 Linear Measurement LI/M: The teacher will show the students how to measure using an inch ruler. The class will discuss the numbers and inch markings and discuss how they are organized on the ruler. The teacher will make sure the students understand how to align the ruler with the object being measured. The teacher will explain the difference between the inch, the foot, and the yard. GA/M/MA: The students will work in pairs to measure and estimate the length of the objects on page 386. A/GA/M/MA: The students will make their own yardstick using ribbon to help them understand the relationship between the inch, the foot, and the yard. The students will work in groups to practice measuring objects around the classroom in inches, feet, and

Harcourt, pp. 209210

Harcourt, pp. 220, 477A-477B

Day 113 Wednesday MJ M 2.17 Linear Measurement LI/M/PS: The teacher will introduce centimeters and meters. The class will compare the metric units of measure to the English units of measure.

Day 114 Thursday MJ M 2.18 Area

Day 115 Friday MJ M 2.18 Area

LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of area to the class. The teacher will model using colored tiles to measure the area of shapes.

M: The students will complete pages 433-434 in their workbook to practice measuring area using square units.

A/M: The students will make a booklet on the units of measurement. They will write inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter at the top of each page. Each student will draw two or three objects that would be measured with each unit of measurement. Each student will share their ideas with the class. GA/M/MA: The students will play the “Measure Up” game on page 396 of their text. The game requires them to practice measuring objects using standard and nonstandard units.

GA/M/PS: The teacher will distribute several rectangles of different sizes to groups of students. The students will order the rectangles from greatest area to least area. Then, the students will check the order by measuring the area of the rectangles using colored tiles. LI/M/R: The teacher will read Sam’s Sneaker Squares to the class. The class will discuss how Sam measured the area of each lawn.

Harcourt, pp. 203I, 207B

A/M: The students will practice making shapes of different areas on grid paper. Each student should make at least 5 shapes with different areas on their grid paper. DA: The teacher will provide shape cut-outs for students who struggle with area. These students will trace the shapes on graph paper and count the grid squares to determine area.

Harcourt, p. 381A

Day 116 Monday MJ M 2.18 Area M/MA/PS: The students will predict and measure the area of various classroom objects using index cards for units. DA: The teacher will have students who struggle with measuring area using nonstandard units measure smaller objects (eg. a book instead of a desk). M/T: The teacher will play an “Tile the Floor” an online game which teaches about area with the students.

yards. Harcourt, p. 386 Day 117 Tuesday MJ M 2.19 Volume LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of volume to the class. The teacher will model counting the number of cubes in a rectangular box to determine volume. The class will discuss the difference between area and volume. GA/M/MA/PS: The teacher will set several small rectangular boxes of different sizes around the classroom. In groups, the students will estimate and determine the volume of each box using cubes. M/OL: The students will brainstorm nonstandard and standard units that could be used to measure volume.

Harcourt, p. 396 Day 118 Wednesday MJ M 2.19 Volume M/PS: The students will complete pages 437-438 in their workbooks to practice using cubes to determine volume. LI/M/MA: The students will create solids of specific volumes using connecting cubes. The teacher will give a specific volume, and each student will create a shape with that volume with connecting cubes.

Harcourt, p. 433A Day 119 Thursday MJ M 2.19 Volume M/T: The students will go to the computer lab to play Harcourt Mega Math “Shapes Ahoy.” This game will review linear measurement, area, and volume.

Harcourt, pp. 433434 Day 120 Friday Math Test E/M: The students will take a math test covering money, linear measurement, area, and volume.


Harcourt, p. 435A Day 121 Monday MJ M 2.20 Mass and Weight LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of weight. The teacher will model using a balance to weigh objects using nonstandard units. GA/M/MA: In groups, the students will practice using the balance to measure weight using nonstandard units. Each group will measure the weight of five objects using connecting cubes as the unit of measurement. After they have weighed all the objects, each group will put their objects in order from lightest to heaviest. E/M/MA: The students will complete workbook pages 403-404 to practice estimating weight and weighing objects using nonstandard units.

Harcourt, p. 437A Day 122 Tuesday MJ M 2.20 Mass and Weight LI/M: The teacher will explain the difference between the ounce and the pound. The teacher will review how to use the balance and show how to use the scale. M/PS: The teacher will hold up several objects one at a time and have the students guess whether the objects’ weight is closer to an ounce or a pound. E/M: The students will complete workbook pages 405-406 to practice estimating weight and weighing objects. GA/M: Each student will cut pictures of five different objects out of magazines and glue them onto index cards. The students will order the cards from lightest to heaviest object and write the numbers 1-5 on the back of the cards. The students will trade cards and practice ordering the objects shown by

Harcourt, pp. 437B-438 Day 123 Wednesday MJ M 2.20 Mass and Weight LI/M/OL: The teacher will introduce the concept of mass. The teacher will discuss grams and kilograms. The class will discuss the difference between weight and mass. GA/M/PS: In groups, the students will practice estimating and measuring the mass of objects found around the classroom (book, pencil, lunchbox, etc.). E/M/MA: The students will complete pages 419-420 in their textbook to practice estimating and measuring mass.

Day 124 Thursday MJ M 2.21 Time E/M: The students will complete page 242 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheet to assess the students’ prior knowledge of time.

Day 125 Friday MJ M 2.21 Time A/LI/M/MA: The students will make analog clock manipulatives shaped like ladybugs. The class will discuss the different parts of the clock.

CM/LI/M/OL: The class will discuss units of time (second, hour, and minute). The students will brainstorm activities that can be done in each unit of time. The teacher will write their ideas on the board.

DA: The teacher will instruct students who are struggling with telling time to write hours on the small hand and minutes on the big hand of their clock manipulatives.

GA/M/MA/MO: The students will explore the length of one minute using a sand timer. The students will slowly count to sixty to recognize that there are sixty seconds in one minute. The students will complete different activities (balancing a book on their head, etc.) in one minute. GA/M/PS: The students will take turns predicting the length of a minute with a

LI/M/MA/R: The teacher will read The Grouchy Ladybug to the class. As each time is mentioned in the book, the students will show that time on their analog clock manipulatives.

weight. Harcourt, pp. 405406

Harcourt, pp. 419420

partner. Harcourt, pp. 243A-243B

Harcourt, pp. 403A-404 Day 126 Monday MJ M 2.21 Time GA/M: In small groups, the students will play a memory game that requires them to match the time on digital and analog clocks. LA/M/W: The students will make a daily schedule using time (eg. wake up: 7:00, go to school: 8:00, etc.). The students will draw an analog clock representing each time.

Day 127 Tuesday MJ M 2.21 Time LI/M/R: The teacher will read Clocks and More Clocks to the class. GA/LI/M/MA: The students will practice showing time on their analog clock manipulatives. One partner will give a time and the other will show the time. E/M: The students will complete pages 249-250 in their workbook to practice telling time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour.

Day 128 Wednesday MJ M 2.21 Time GA/M/MA: The students will play “What Time is It Now?” with a partner. This game allows the students to practice telling and modeling time. LI/M/MA: The teacher will divide the class into two teams. The teacher will show a time on a digital clock, and the students will show the time on their analog clock manipulatives. Whichever team shows the correct time first receives a point.

Day 129 Thursday MJ M 2.22 Liquid Volume LI/M/OL: The teacher will introduce the terms cup, pint, quart, gallon, and liter as they relate to liquid volume. The students will brainstorm things that can be measured using each unit. The teacher will write the students’ ideas on the board.

Day 130 Friday MJ M 2.22 Liquid Volume M/PS: The students will make a pictograph to show how many cups are in a pint, a quart, and a gallon.

GA/M/MA/PS: In groups, the students will label cup, pint, quart, gallon, and liter containers. The students will order the containers from smallest to largest to compare their size.

LA/M/W: The students will write a poem to help them remember the relationship between cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.

A/M/MA: The students will make a booklet which shows the relationship between units of liquid volume. One piece of paper will represent each unit. The students will write gallon on the first sheet of paper. They will divide the next piece of paper into four sections and label each section

DA: The teacher will provide graph paper for those students who struggle with making graphs which require straight lines.

A/M: The students will make two collages. One will show things that have a capacity of more than a liter, and the other will show things that have a capacity of less than a liter.

Harcourt, p. 245A

Harcourt, pp. 249250

Day 131 Monday MJ M 2.23 Calendar E/M: The students will complete page 260 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheet to assess students’ prior knowledge of the calendar. After doing daily calendar activities, they should already be familiar with the days of the week, names of months, and reading dates.

Day 132 Tuesday MJ M 2.23 Calendar M: The teacher will give each student a set of twelve index cards with the names of the months on them. The students will practice putting the months in order.

LI/M/R: The teacher will read Keeping Time to the students to introduce the calendar. The class will also discuss the historical use of the calendar.

LA/LI/M: The teacher will teach the poem “Months of the Year” to the students. This poem helps students learn how many days each month has.

LI/M/OL: The teacher will help the students learn the names of the months in order. The class will discuss the kinds of events that happen in each month. LA/M/W: Each student will pick one month and make an acrostic for that month.

quart. They will repeat this process for pints and cups. Harcourt, pg. 401A-401B

M: The students will complete workbook pages 263-264 to practice using a calendar.

DA: The teacher will help students who are struggling with learning the months in order create a mnemonic device to help them remember the months.

Day 133 Wednesday MJ M 2.24 Temperature LI/M: The teacher will draw a large Fahrenheit thermometer on the board and walk the students through the process of reading it correctly. GA/M/MA/S: The students will work in group to practice measuring the temperature of water using Fahrenheit thermometers. Each group will measure the temperature of three bowls of water: one cold, one warm, and one room temperature. The students will record their temperature measurements. M: The students will do workbook pages 389-390 to practice measuring temperature. GA/M/R: The students will read The Morning Rush in pairs.

Day 134 Thursday MJ M 2.24 Temperature GA/M/MA/S: The students will work in groups to practice measuring the temperature of water using Celsius thermometers. The students will once again measure the temperature of bowls of warm, cold, and room temperature water. The students will record their temperature measurements and compare them with the previous day’s measurements. A/M: The students will review for the math test by creating a booklet which shows the tools used to measure different objects. On each page, the students will draw a measurement tool (ruler, thermometer, scale, cup, and clock) and something that the tool measures. At the top of the page, the students will write what the tool measures (length, temperature,

Harcourt, pg. 417B Day 135 Friday Math Test E/M: The students will take a math test covering mass and weight, time, liquid volume, the calendar, and temperature.

They will present their acrostic to the class.

weight, liquid volume, and time).

Harcourt, p. 260

Harcourt, p. 261B, 263-264, AN3

Day 136 Monday MJ M 2.25 Two Dimensional Shapes M/T: The teacher will play an online shape recognition game with the class to review the names of two dimensional shapes.

Day 137 Tuesday MJ M 2.25 Two Dimensional Shapes LA/LI/M/R: The teacher will read the poem “The Shape of Things” to the class.

LI/M/R: The teacher will read The Greedy Triangle to the class. The class will discuss the different shapes in the book. As each shape is mentioned the teacher will draw it on the board. M/MA: The teacher will pass out geoboards to the students. The teacher will make a shape on her geoboard. The students will copy the shape. The class will discuss each shape and its attributes. A/M: The students will create shape mobiles to help them remember the names and attributes of twodimensional shapes.

A/M: The students will make a shapes book. They will write the name of a two dimensional shape at the top of each page and draw pictures of objects that have that shape. DA: The teacher will instruct students who have trouble drawing to cut pictures out of magazines and glue them into the shapes book.

Harcourt, pp. 389390

Harcourt, pg. 407B

Day 138 Wednesday MJ M 2.25 Two Dimensional Shapes M: The students will make tables with data relating to two-dimensional shapes. The table will contain the shape’s name, number of sides, number of corners, and a drawing of the shape.

Day 139 Thursday MJ M 2.25 Two Dimensional Shapes M/MA/PS: The students will experiment with combining and separating twodimensional shapes to create new shapes. The students will use pattern blocks to combine shapes to create new shapes. The teacher will draw a shape on the board, and groups of students will see how many different ways they can make the shape using pattern blocks.

LI/M/MA: The students will sort two-dimensional shapes into different categories. The teacher will give a category, and the students will sort the shape cut-outs which fit into that category (square corners, more than three sides, etc.). M: The students will complete pages 319-320 in their textbook to practice sorting two-dimensional shapes.

A/M/MA/PS: The students will fold paper to create a variety of congruent shapes. This activity will allow the students experiment with separating twodimensional shapes to create new shapes.

Day 140 Friday MJ M 2.25 Two Dimensional Shapes A/M/OL: The students will decorate plane geometric shapes. For example, a triangle could be decorated as a pizza slice. Each student will present one of their decorated shapes. They will name the shape and tell how many sides and corners the shape has. GA/M/PS/R/W: The students will write clues describing plane geometric shapes. The students will switch clues with a partner and guess which shape is being described. DA: The teacher will instruct students who are struggling to look at plane shape models to help them find the answers to the clues.

www.brightproductions.com www.lessonplanspage.com Day 141 Monday MJ M 2.25 Two Dimensional Shapes A/M: The students will draw a picture using two dimensional shapes. The students will record how many times they used each shape in a table. LA/M/W: The students will write a story about a world where everything is a two or three dimensional shape. LI/M/MO: The teacher will give clues describing a plane geometric shape. In groups, the students will create that shape with their bodies.

Harcourt, p. AN7 Day 142 Tuesday MJ M 2.26 Congruence and Symmetry E/M: The students will complete page 344 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheet to assess the students’ prior knowledge of symmetry. LI/M: The teacher will introduce congruency to the class. M/MO: The teacher will give each child in the class a plane shape (there will be two congruent shapes of each type). The students will have two minutes to find the person with the matching congruent shape. The class will repeat this game several times.

Harcourt, p. 319B320

Harcourt, pp. 321B, 323B

Day 143 Wednesday MJ M 2.26 Congruence and Symmetry LI/M/R: The teacher will read Let’s Fly a Kite to the class to introduce the concept of symmetry.

Day 144 Thursday MJ M 2.26 Congruence and Symmetry M: The students will match halves of symmetric figures to create the original shape.

LI/M: The teacher will use a piece of string to model a line of symmetry on several objects (desk, clock, etc.). The teacher will draw several figures on the board and have students come up and draw lines of symmetry on the figures.

M: The students will complete pages 347-348 in their textbook to review congruence and symmetry. DA: The teacher will provide string to use when finding lines of symmetry for students who struggle with symmetry.

Harcourt, p. 319B Day 145 Friday MJ M 2.26 Congruence and Symmetry LI/M/R: The teacher will read Pattern to the students. The class will review two dimensional shapes and symmetry. A/M/SS: The class will learn about and make Japanese origami. Each student will present their origami and explain the lines of symmetry in the art.

Cornett, p. 320 Harcourt, p. 318 Day 146 Monday MJ M 2.27 Solid Geometric Shapes LI/M: The teacher will review plane geometric shapes with the students. E/M: The students will complete workbook pages 317-318 to review plane geometric shapes. M/MO/MU: The class will sing “Shape Hokey Pokey” (Put your circle in….). The students will complete each action mentioned in the song using shape cut-outs. LI/M/MA: The teacher will describe a plane geometric shape. The students will hold up the shape cut-out that is being described. LI/M: The teacher will introduce threedimensional or solid geometric shapes. The teacher will use models to describe each shape.The students will compare plane and solid geometric shapes. They will recognize the two-

Harcourt, p. 344

Day 147 Tuesday MJ M 2.27 Solid Geometric Shapes M/MA/OL/PS: The teacher will place solid geometric shape models in paper bags and have students describe what they feel without looking at the shape. The students will guess the name of the solid shape in each bag. The students will brainstorm everyday objects with threedimensional shapes. A/M: The students will add pages for threedimensional shapes to their “shapes book.” They will write the name of each shape at the top of the page and draw everyday objects with that shape.

Harcourt, p. 347A www.wm.edu

Harcourt, pp. 347348

Day 148 Wednesday MJ M 2.27 Solid Geometric Shapes LI/M: The teacher will introduce edges, faces, and vertices.

Day 149 Thursday MJ M 2.27 Solid Geometric Shapes LI/M/MU: The students will listen to the song “What Am I” and guess which solid geometric shape is being described in each verse.

M/MA: The students will use masking tape to label the edges, faces, and vertices on solid geometric shape models M: The students will make tables with data relating to threedimensional shapes. The table will contain the shape’s name, number of faces, number of corners, number of edges, and a drawing of the shape. DA: The teacher will provide models of each shape to help students create their table. M: The students will complete pages 333-334 in their workbook to practice recognizing three-

M/T: The students will go to the computer lab to play Harcourt Mega Math “Shapes Ahoy!” This game will allow the students to review plane and solid geometric shapes and symmetry.

Cornett, p. 213 www.wm.edu

Day 150 Friday Math Test E/M: The students will take a math test covering two and three dimensional shapes, symmetry, and plane and solid geometric shapes.

dimensional shapes which make up three-dimensional shapes. Harcourt, pp. 317318

dimensional shapes and their characteristics. Harcourt, p. 331A

Harcourt, pp. 333A-334


www.lessonplanspage.co m

Day 151 Monday MJ M 2.28 Graphs LI/M: The teacher will review the graphs and tables discussed earlier in the year (concrete graph and bar graph). M: The students will complete pages 277-278 in their workbook to review making and reading bar graphs. LI/M/R: The teacher will read Lemonade for Sale to the students. The class will discuss the various types of graphs used in the book.

Day 152 Tuesday MJ M 2.28 Graphs LI/M/OL:The teacher will introduce line graphs to the students. The teacher will explain that line graphs show change over time. The teacher will draw a line graph on the board and ask students questions about the graph. M/S: The students will create a line graph showing the high temperatures of the previous week.

Day 153 Wednesday MJ M 2.28 Graphs LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of plotting points on a grid. The teacher will model several plotting several points on a grid on the board. The teacher will have students come to the board and plot points on the grid. M: The students will complete pages 281-282 in their workbooks to practice plotting points on a grid.

Day 154 Thursday MJ M 2.28 Graphs GA/M: Pairs of students will play Battleship to practice plotting points on a grid. A/M: The students will plot a list of points and connect the dots to find a mystery picture on a grid. DA: The teacher will provide colorcoded graphs and points (X one color and Y another color) for students who are struggling with plotting points.

Day 155 Friday MJ M 2.28 Graphs M/T: The students will go the computer lab and play Harcourt Mega Math “White Water Graphing” to practice using different types of tables and graphs.

Harcourt, pp. 277278 Day 156 Monday MJ M 2.29 Probability E/M: The students will complete page 292 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheet to assess the students’ prior knowledge of probability. GA/M/MA/PS: The students will explore probability and practice making predictions using number cubes. The teacher will provide groups of students with number cubes with four sides labeled six and two sides labeled one. The students will predict which outcome will occur the most often. The students will roll the number cube, record the outcomes using tally marks in a table, and compare their prediction with the true outcome. The students will repeat the process using colored slips of paper in an envelope.

Harcourt, p. 283B Day 157 Tuesday MJ M 2.29 Probability LI/M: The teacher will introduce the probability concepts of likely and unlikely. The teacher will relate these concepts to the number cubes and colored papers the students used the day before. The class will discuss which outcomes were likely and which were unlikely. DA: The teacher will instruct students who do not understand the difference between likely and certain and unlikely and impossible to think of the terms as maybe and yes and maybe not and no. M/PS: The teacher will place several students’ names in a bag (eg. 4 boys and 1 girl). The teacher will ask the students whether it is likely or unlikely that a girl’s name will be drawn. The teacher will repeat this process several times with

Harcourt, pp. 281282 Day 158 Wednesday MJ M 2.29 Probability GA/M/MA/PS: The students will experiment with changing the probability of an outcome. The teacher will give groups of students boxes with different color connecting cubes inside. The students will describe possible outcomes using the words certain, impossible, likely, and unlikely. The students will add and remove connecting cubes to make specific outcomes certain, impossible, likely, and unlikely. M: The students will complete workbook pages 297-298 to practice determining certain, impossible, likely, and unlikely outcomes.

Day 159 Thursday MJ M 2.29 Probability GA/M/MA/PS: The students will predict which sum (2-12) would appear most often if they tossed two dice thirty times. The students will toss two dice thirty times and record the sums in a tally table. The class will discuss their predictions and outcomes. LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of equally likely events. The students will brainstorm equally likely events which the teacher will write on the board.

Day 160 Friday MJ M 2.29 Probability M/T: The teacher will play the online game “Balloon Bonanza” with the students to practice probability. LI/M/R: The teacher will read Probably Pistachio to the students to review probability.

different students’ names. Harcourt, pp. 292293A

Day 161 Monday MJ M 2.30 Patterns E/M: The students will complete page 358 in their workbook. The teacher will check the worksheet to assess the students’ prior knowledge of patterns. LI/M: The teacher will discuss patterns with the class. The class will brainstorm different types of patterns (picture, sound, number, etc.). The teacher will show examples of several types of pattern and differentiate between the pattern and the pattern unit. GA/M: Groups of students will create patterns (gender, facial expression, etc.). Each group will present their pattern to the class.

Harcourt, p. 297A

Harcourt, p. 297B298

Day 162 Tuesday MJ M 2.30 Patterns M/MA/MO/MU: The students will create patterns using pattern blocks. The students will view each other’s patterns and identify the pattern unit. The students will then extend the pattern by adding another pattern unit. The students will repeat this activity using numbers and sounds (clap, stomp, hum, etc.).

Day 163 Wednesday MJ M 2.30 Patterns M: The students will complete pages 359-360 in their textbook to practice identifying patterns and pattern units.

M/T: The students will use calculators to complete the number patterns on page 378 of their textbook.

M/MA/PS: The students will practice correcting patterns with mistakes which the teacher has set up. DA: The teacher will have a notecard with the correct pattern unit drawn on it available to show to students who struggle with correcting mistakes in patterns.

Monday Morning Magic, p. 35

Day 164 Thursday MJ M 2.30 Patterns LI/M/R/SS: The teacher will read Kente Colors to the students. The class will discuss how colors and patterns are used by the West African people in the book. A/M: The class will create a “pattern mural” with symbolism that is meaningful to the class.

Day 165 Friday Math Test E/M: The students will take a math test covering graphs, probability, and patterns.

Harcourt, p. 359A

Day 166 Monday MJ M 2.31 Addition and Subtraction Story Problems LI/M: The teacher will review addition facts with the students. LI/M/MA/PS/R: The teacher will read the Hershey’s Kisses Addition Book to the students. The class will use Hershey Kisses to model and solve each addition word problem in the book.

Harcourt, p. 359B, 378

Harcourt, pp. 359360

Day 167 Tuesday MJ M 2.31 Addition and Subtraction Story Problems A/M/PS: The students will solve addition story problems. The students will draw the problem and its solution.

Day 168 Wednesday MJ M 2.31 Addition and Subtraction Story Problems LI/M: the teacher will review subtraction facts with the students.

DA: The teacher will provide base ten blocks for students who struggle with addition and subtraction story problems. GA/M/MO/PS/TH: The students will role play addition story problems in groups.

LI/M/MA/PS/R: The teacher will read the M&M’s Subtraction Book to the class. The students will use M&M’s to model and solve each subtraction word problem in the book.

Cornett, p. 213 Day 169 Thursday MJ M 2.31 Addition and Subtraction Story Problems A/M/PS: The students will solve subtraction story problems. The students will draw the problem and its solution. GA/M/MO/PS/TH: The students will role play subtraction problems in groups and present their role play to the class.

Day 170 Friday MJ M 2.31 Addition and Subtraction Story Problems GA//M/PS/W: The students will write their own addition and subtraction story problems. The students will switch problems with a partner and solve each other’s problems. DA: The teacher will provide addition and subtraction problems for students who struggle with writing story problems. The students will simply write a story problem to go with the numbers. A/M/PS: The students will draw pictures to go along with their story problems.

Base Ten Blocks, p. 3 Cornett, p. 266 Day 171 Monday MJ M 2.32 Multiplication and Division Story Problems LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of multiplication to the students. The teacher will show students how multiplication is like adding equal sets repetitively. LI/M/MU: The students will listen to the song “Sally Had a Birthday Cake” to learn about multiplication. GA/M/MA/PS: The students will practice multiplication with a partner using connecting cubes. The students will roll two dice (factors) and arrange the connecting cubes to show the multiplication problem.

Day 172 Tuesday MJ M 2.32 Multiplication and Division Story Problems M/MA: The students will solve multiplication story problems using manipulatives. The students will write the multiplication problem that goes with each problem and solve it using manipulatives. A/M: The students will draw pictures to illustrate multiplication problems.

Day 173 Wednesday MJ M 2.32 Multiplication and Division Story Problems LI/M: The teacher will introduce the concept of division to the students. LI/M/PS/R: The teacher will read Divide and Ride to the students. The class will discuss how the friends in the book learned how to divide by filling the seats on carnival rides. M/MA/PS: The students will work the division problems in the book using manipulatives.

Day 174 Thursday MJ M 2.32 Multiplication and Division Story Problems LI/M/PS/R: The teacher will read How Hungry Are You? to the students. The class will discuss how the friends at the picnic divided their treats. A/M: The students will draw pictures to illustrate the division problems in the story. M/MA: The students will solve division story problems using manipulatives. The students will write the division problem derived from each story problem and solve it using manipulatives.

Day 175 Friday MJ M 2.32 Multiplication and Division Story Problems GA/M/PS/W: The students will write their own multiplication and division story problems. The students will switch problems with a partner and solve each other’s problems. DA: The teacher will provide multiplication and division problems for students who struggle with writing story problems. The students will simply write a story problem to go with the numbers. M: The teacher will review for end of the year tests.


Cornett, p. 213 www.wm.edu

Cornett, p. 213


Day 176 Monday SOL Testing E: The students will take end of the year tests.

Day 177 Tuesday SOL Testing E: The students will take end of the year tests.

Day 178 Wednesday SOL Testing E: The students will take end of the year tests.

Day 179 Thursday SOL Testing E: The students will take end of the year tests.

Day 180 Friday Class Party The students will participate in a class party.

References Bernstein, B. (1982). Monday morning magic. Carthage, IL: Good Apple. Bosse, N. R. (1995). Mathematical pathways through literature. California: Creative Publications. Branley, F., Weber, J., and Van Rynbach, I. (1993). Keeping time. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. Burns, M. and Silviera, G. (1995). The greedy triangle. New York: Scholastic. Carle, E. (1995). The grouchy ladybug. New York: HarperCollins. Cave, L. Clean up day. Florida: Harcourt Children’s Books. Chocolate, D. (1997). Kente colors. New York: Walker and Company. Chwast, S. (1996). The 12 Circus Rings. Florida: Harcourt Children’s Books. Cornett, C. E. (2007). Creating meaning through literature and the arts: An integration resource for classroom teachers. Columbus, OH: Pearson Education. Cristaldi, K. & Morehouse, H. (1996). Even Steven and odd Todd. New York: Scholastic. DeRubertis, B. (1999). Count on Pablo. New York: The Kane Press. Dunbar, J. (1992). Ten little mice. Florida: Harcourt Children’s Books. Eicholz, R .E., O’Daffer, P. G., Charles, R. I., Barnett, C. S., Young, S. L., Clemens, S. R., Gilmer, G. F., Reeves, A., Renfro, F., Soniat-Thompson, M. M., & Thornton,

C. A. (1995). Addison-Wesley Mathematics (Vols. 1 &2). California: AddisonWesley Publishing Company. Gibson, R. & Gibson, G. (1995) Collecting Things. Delaware: EDC Publishing. Greenes, C., Larson, M., Leiva, M., Shaw, J., Stiff, L., Vogeli, B., & Yeatts, K. (2005). Houghton Mifflin Math (Vol. 1). Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company. Gabriel, N. (2002). Sam’s sneaker squares. New York: Kane Press. Hoban, L. (1984). Arthur’s funny money. New York: HarperCollins. Hutchins, P. (1994). Clocks and more clocks. New York: Aladdin. Kirkby, D. (1996). Pattern. Dunstable: Folens. Leedy, L. ( 1996). Fraction Action. New York: Holiday House. Leedy, L. (2000). Measuring penny. New York: Holiday House. Leedy, L. (1997). Mission addition. New York: Holiday House. The Lesson Plans Page. (2007). Retrieved October 13, from www.lessonplanspage.com Maletsky, E. M., Andrews, A. G., Bennett, J. M., Burton, G. M., Luckie, L. A., McLeod, J. C., Roby, T., Newman, V., & Scheer, J. K.(2005). Harcourt Math (Vols. 1-3). Florida: Harcourt. McGrath, B.B. (2005). M&M’s Subtraction Book. New York: Scholastic. McMillian, B. (1991). Eating Fractions. New York: Scholastic. Merriam, E. (1993). 12 Ways to Get to 11. New York: Aladdin Picture Books. Murphy, S. (1998). A Fair Bear Share. New York: HarperCollins. Murphy, S. J. (1997). Divide and ride. New York: HarperCollins. Murphy, S. and Murphy, T. (1998). Lemonade for sale. New York: HarperCollins. Murphy, S. and Floca, B. (2000). Let’s fly a kite. New York: HarperCollins.

Murphy, S. (2001). Probably Pistachio. New York: HarperCollins. Nagda, A. W. and Bickel, C. (2000). Tiger math: Learning to graph from a baby tiger. New York: Henry Holt. Napoli, D. J, Tehen, R. and Walrod, A. (2001). How hungry are you? New York: Atheneum. Nortman-Wolf, S. (1990). Base ten block acitivities. Lincolnshire, IL: Learning Resources. Pallotta, J. (2003). Apple fractions. New York: Scholastic. Pallotta, J. (2001). Hershey’s kisses addition book. New York: Scholastic. Pallotta, J. (1999). The Hershey’s milk chocolate fractions Book. New York: Scholastic. Pallotta, J. (2001). Reese’s pieces count by fives. New York: Scholastic. Schwartz, D. M. (1994). If you made a million. New York: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard. Sloat, T. (1995). From one to one hundred. New York: Penguin Young Readers Group. Velthuijs, M. (1999). A birthday cake for little bear. Kansas: Tandem Library Books. Williams, R. L. (2001). The morning rush. Orlando: Harcourt. Williamson, B. (1991). 101 ways to put pizazz into your teaching. California: Dynamic Teaching Company.

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