2-- About Sharing God's Love

  • May 2020
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THIS MONTH'S SERMON (Author Unknown) Updated: May 14, 2005 GENUINE CHRISTIAN LOVE John 13:34 LOVE This word has been used and abused by today's people. Love is more than words. Genuine love requires, actually demands, and necessitates action. If we love God as He commanded (Matthew 22:37), then it will be easy to love others (v.39). The more we love God the Father, and the more we fall in love with Jesus, the more we will love others. Love for God causes us to love the unlovely, our enemies, and the unlovable. A. LOVE BY CONCERN Concern defined is, to be considerate, attentive, interested, and time giving. 1. Concern for the sinner The sinner needs forgiveness not criticism. We are to tell them of the forgiveness available and of the love of God. (Matthew 28:19/ Mark 16:15/ Acts 1:8) 2. Concern for the backslider The backslider also needs forgiveness not criticism. Yes, we are to warn them of their predicament (Ezekiel 3:20-21) but we are not to kick them when they are down. 3. Concern for the burdened - Galatians 6:2 Learn to bear each other's burdens, pain, and loss. To bear one another's burdens includes helping needy people in times of sickness, sorrow, distress, and financial stress. 4.

Concern for the bereaved - take care of widows and orphans - James 1:27

B. LOVING BY CARE Care means attention, helpfulness, awareness, protection, & responsibility. 1. Care for the sinner - Matthew 9:36 Jesus saw sinners and was moved with compassion. He had concern for their dilemma, as sheep with no shepherd, as lost with no savior. Sinners have been blinded by Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4) and need care not criticism. 2. Care for the weak - Romans 15:1 The stronger Christian is required to care for the weaker and at the same time build them up so they can be strong in Christ. 3. Care for the suffering Luke 10:30-37. So many times, we tend to by-pass the suffering even those in the group of believers. James 5:16 encourages us to pray for one another.


C. LOVE BY COMPASSION Compassion means love, pity, sympathy, kindness, soft heartedness, patience, and forgiveness. 1. Have a compassionate attitude If a person fails, be kind and patient toward him or her. (Ephesians 4: 32) If your life shines with Christ's light then your attitude will be right. 2. Show compassion in actions Just as we read in Luke 15, the Good Samaritan took action and showed love for his fellowman. Genuine love always tries to help those in need. It is easy to say, "I love you", and not really mean it or show it. True genuine love acts. People look for those who will show love and not merely talk about it. You won't need to tell them you love them they will feel it, because the more you love God, the more you will love and show concern for others.

Response by Bill Stevenson: This is a good message. Like sanctification, being a channel of God’s special, unselfish, compassionate, forever love is not automatic as some are preaching. It can only be given by God, not created by human thoughts and feelings as the other kinds of love are. God’s love can only be given to true Christians when they are in right relationship with Him, so 1 John 1:9 obedience might be necessary before any ministry can be done to others. Also, doing as Proverbs 3:5-6 should be done as well in order to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit guidance. John 16:13 indicates that Jesus Christ is always involved by telling the Holy Spirit when to tell us what because He experienced how human beings live. Forgiveness should only be given as urged by the Holy Spirit. Admission of sin needs to happen before forgiveness is given by the Christian. If we give it before, most will scoff at such or even be offended, because pride prohibits realization of wrong. Matthew 18:15 needs to be done though, because sometimes unawareness of offense happens. And true Christians should not allow feelings of bitterness, resentment, dislike, or/and hatred to continue in their minds in relation to others. Health problems can even result. Instead, we should feel sorry for those who have sinned against us because they cannot have peace and joy from God until they at least get in right relationship with God via confession and repentance. We should pray for the latter to happen. We should never pray for bad to happen to anyone. We may have to obey 2 Timothy 3:5, but we should not slander or stop praying for whomever and be open to relationship restoration. If we have the solution for one who has a bad habit, how to stop it and replace it with a better habit or use of time (at least in thinking), then we should tactfully give such information. Galatians 5.22-6:10 and Jude 20-25 are very important to remember in such relating of God’s special love. From Webster’s 1828 Dictionary: COMPASSION, n. 1. A suffering with another; painful sympathy; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration. Compassion is a mixed passion, compounded of love


and sorrow; at least some portion of love generally attends the pain or regret, or is excited by it. Extreme distress of an enemy even changes enmity into at least temporary affection. He being full of compassion forgave their iniquity. Psalm 78. His father had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him (the son who had left the family). Luke 15. C -O -M -P -A -S -S -I -O -N --

Christ, unselfish concerns, & consideration observations mercy & money sharing perseverance, prayer, & patience attentiveness specific needs fulfilling spiritual reasons ideas & inspiration obedience to the Holy Spirit necessary or needed attitudes, actions, & aspirations

R -E -S -T -O -R -A -T -I -O -N --

respect for one another and receiving of them emotions (listening to) and exhorting in a caring/teaching way Scripture sharing: what does the Bible say about the situation needing restoration? teaching from a Holy Spirit-led pastor, Biblical counselor, or a Scripture-filled book obedience to God's Word and the Holy Spirit encouragement repentance encouragement: proper changes of thinking and behavior habits appreciation and adoration (not flattery) trusting again help intertwine souls encouragement outreach encouragement: sharing good news and lessons with others notify relatives encouragement about the new ways of thinking and behavior

I was told that Christian compassion should include a desire to help solve the problem that has caused the need for such love. Just verbal sympathy and praying may not be enough. And many times, actions speak louder than words. Also, remember only God’s Word will not come back void. So specially selected verses might be part of the loving restoration solution.


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