2-9:Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation is a shorter way to write really long numbers such as 2,500,000,0000 or 0.00000000000897.
Standard vs. Scientific
Scientific to Standard The sign of the exponent tells which direction to move the decimal. Fill in the blanks with zeros. Positive Exponent means move the decimal to the right.
Negative Exponent means move the decimal to the left.
Standard to Scientific Move the decimal in order to get the number between 1 and 10. Where would we move the decimal in the following numbers?
45,700,000 0.000000762 9,650,000
Standard to Scientific 1. Move the decimal to get the number between 1 and 10. 2. Set up scientific notation. 3. Count how many places you had to move the decimals. 4. If the standard number was smaller than 1the exponent is negative. 5. If the standard number was larger than 1 the exponent is positive.