1st Sem %253e Computer Fundamentals %2526 Networking %253e Networking

  • November 2019
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LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Match The Following Correct Answer Your Answer Fast Ethernet Autonegotiation No need of CSMA/CD Bridged Ethernet Raising BW and separate collision Nport switch and divided collision by N Switched Ethernet N-port switch and divided collision by N 10 Mbps Full-duplex Ethernet No need of CSMA/CD 1000 Mbps Multiple Choice Single Answer The network identification in an IP address is called as :Correct Answer Netid Your Answer Netid Select The Blank Gigabit Ethernet operates on ________ data rate. Correct Answer 1000 Mbps Your Answer 1000 Mbps Select The Blank In ATM, ________ is designed to support a data stream that has a constant bit rate. Correct Answer AAL1 Your Answer AAL3/4 Multiple Choice Single Answer ARQ stands for :Correct Answer Automatic repeat request Your Answer Automatic retransmission request Multiple Choice Single Answer Topology requires a central controller or hub. Correct Answer Star Your Answer Star Multiple Choice Single Answer TCP offers :Correct Answer Full duplex service Your Answer Full duplex service Multiple Choice Single Answer Which of the following connects LAN to another of the same type? Correct Answer A network bridge Your Answer A network gateway True/False IPv6 is also known as IPng.

Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Layer one of the OSI model is :Correct Answer Physical layer Your Answer Physical layer True/False Data rate of traditional Ethernet is 100Mbps. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Auto negotiation is a feature of fast Ethernet. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False The 5-7 digits are known as the country code of the Network User Address (NUA) Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False GMII is a physical component. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Which layer in the Ethernet standard communicates with the OSI network layer? Correct Answer LLC Your Answer Protocol Select The Blank In HDLC ________ are used for flow and error control where piggy backing is impossible. Correct Answer S - frame Your Answer Frame check sequence Select The Blank The Frame Relay committed Information Rate represents________. Correct Answer The minimum data rate on the network Your Answer The maximum data rate on the network Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Transmission media is characterized by :Correct Answer Throughput , Propagation speed , Propagation time Your Answer Propagation speed , Propagation time , Received signal Multiple Choice Single Answer In a access method a station that has token is :-

Correct Answer Token passing Your Answer Token passing True/False Application programs as well as all protocol software from the internet layer upward use only IP address. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Modulation is the process of sending a file from one computer to another computer. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer In which method a station reserves a slot for data by setting its flag in a frame? Correct Answer Reservation Your Answer Polling Access Multiple Choice Single Answer The main advantage of ISO model is that :Correct Answer It allows integration of software and hardware Your Answer It fits in well in network Multiple Choice Multiple Answer AAL sub layers are :-t Correct Answer Convergence sub layer (CS) , Segmentation and reassembly (SAR) Your Answer Data link layer (DLC) , Media access control (MAC) Multiple Choice Multiple Answer IPCP defines three categories of seven packets :Correct Answer Configure , Terminate , Code Your Answer Configure , Terminate , Code Select The Blank The fast Ethernet has ________ data rate. Correct Answer 100 Mbps Your Answer 100 Mbps Select The Blank Data link layer is responsible for transmitting ________ from one node to other. Correct Answer Frames Your Answer Frames Select The Blank Network layer is responsible for delivery of ________ from one source to other. Correct Answer Packets Your Answer Packets Match The Following Correct Answer Your Answer

Multiplexing FDM Modem Bounded Media Fiber optic cable FDM Wireless Transmission Microwave Microwave Highest Attention UTP cable UTP cable Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Operational features of Ethernet are:Correct Answer 10 mbps rate , CSMA/CD protocol , 500 meters length Your Answer 10 mbps rate , CSMA/CD protocol , Star topology Multiple Choice Single Answer The main functional difference between circuit switched digital networks (CSDN) and packet-switched digital network (PSDN)is Correct Answer That a CSDN establishes a permanent connection between two nodes where PSDN uses a virtual circuit Your Answer That a CSDN establishes a permanent connection between two nodes where PSDN uses a virtual circuit Multiple Choice Single Answer Frame Relay operates at :Correct Answer Physical and data link layer Your Answer Data Link layer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer HDLC supports :Correct Answer Half duplex communication , Full duplex communication , ARQ mechanisms Your Answer Half duplex communication , ARQ mechanisms , Pipelining Select The Blank The ________ layer is responsible for host-to-host delivery. Correct Answer Network Your Answer Data link True/False Frame Relay is a virtual circuit network. Correct Answer True Your Answer False True/False For connecting several LANs, backbone networks are used. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False The session layer takes the communication service of

the transport layer and adds application -oriented functions. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer The physical path in ATM is :Correct Answer Physical connection between two switches , Connection between an end point and a switch , Used for data transfer Your Answer Physical connection between two switches , Used to connect switches , Used for data transfer Select The Blank In Base T4 Ethernet ________ line coding is used. Correct Answer 8B /6T Your Answer 8B /10B Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Channelization protocols are :Correct Answer TDMA , CDMA , FDMA Your Answer CDMA , CSMA/CD protocol Select The Blank Error control is________. Correct Answer Error detection and correction Your Answer Error detection and correction Multiple Choice Multiple Answer The Types of error that Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) can handle are :Correct Answer Destination unreachable , Source quench , Redirection Your Answer Destination unreachable , Redirection Multiple Choice Multiple Answer The functions of ATM layers are :Correct Answer Routing , Switching , Multiplexing Your Answer Routing , Switching , Bridging Multiple Choice Single Answer Base band is :Correct Answer Transmission of signals without modulation Your Answer Transmission of signals without modulation Multiple Choice Single Answer The basic Ethernet design does not provide :Correct Answer Automatic retransmission of a message Your Answer Multiple virtual networks Multiple Choice Multiple Answer In digital data transmission :Correct Answer Baud rate is equal to bit rate , Baud rate is always smaller than the bit rate Your Answer Baud rate is equal to bit rate Select The Blank In X.25 network layer protocol, the data

contains________. Correct Answer One octet of header plus data Your Answer Two octet of header plus data LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer A data terminal serves as :Correct Answer Effecter , Sensor Your Answer Transmitter , Modulator Multiple Choice Single Answer Topology requires a multipoint connection called :Correct Answer Mesh Your Answer Star True/False The 5-7 digits are known as the country code of the Network User Address (NUA) Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer An error detecting code which is the remainder resulting from dividing the bits to be checked by a predetermined binary number, is known as :Correct Answer Cyclic Redundancy check Your Answer Error rate True/False The application layer of a network consists of software being run on the computer connected to the network. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Flow control ________. Correct Answer Prevents overflow at receiver Your Answer Prevents overflow at transmitter Multiple Choice Single Answer Fiber Optic Ethernet is also known as:Correct Answer 10BASEF Your Answer 10BASET Select The Blank The ________ Timer is used in termination phase. Correct Answer Time waited Your Answer Time waited Select The Blank In Base T4 Ethernet ________ line coding is used. Correct Answer 8B /6T Your Answer 8B /10B

Multiple Choice Single Answer Which of the following device copies electrical signals from one Ethernet to another? Correct Answer Repeater Your Answer Passive hub Multiple Choice Single Answer Which of the following connects LAN to a WAN? Correct Answer A network gateway Your Answer A network gateway Multiple Choice Single Answer Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? Correct Answer Full-duplex lines Your Answer Full-duplex lines Multiple Choice Multiple Answer A spanning tree bridge :Correct Answer Has no loops , Creates logical topology , Uses BPDU Your Answer Has no loops , Uses BPDU , Forward every frame Multiple Choice Multiple Answer In fast Ethernet functions of autonegotiation are :Correct Answer To allow incompatible devices to one other , To allow one device to have multiple capability , To allow station to check hub's capability Your Answer To allow incompatible devices to one other , To allow one device to have multiple capability True/False The simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations is known as broadcast. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False The physical layer of a network controls error detection and correction. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Which organisation has developed much of the original standards? Correct Answer IEEE Your Answer IEEE True/False UDP is a connectionless, unreliable protocol. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Twisted pair cables are preferred when :-

Correct Answer The LAN is under cost constraint , Relatively easy installation is need Your Answer The LAN is under cost constraint , Relatively easy installation is need , Network is small Match The Following Correct Answer Your Answer Communication system Hardware, software, and data transferal links Hardware, software, and data transferal links Digital 0 and 1 0 and 1 FDM Band width of the medium Band width of the medium Start and stop bits Asynchronous transmission Asynchronous transmission Multiple Choice Single Answer Peer to peer communication involves:Correct Answer Computers to share information over a network Your Answer Computers to share information over a network Multiple Choice Single Answer Twisted -pair Ethernet is also known as :Correct Answer 10BASET Your Answer 10 BASE2 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Broadcasting methods are :Correct Answer Flooding , Multidestination routing , Reverse path forwarding Your Answer Random routing , Multidestination routing , Reverse path forwarding Match The Following Correct Answer Your Answer Full - duplex Simultaneous transmission in both directions Simultaneous transmission in both directions Modem Modulator Demodulator Modulator Demodulator Bit Binary digit 0 and 1 Synchronous communication efficiency High High Select The Blank In ALOHA ________ is the downloading carrier frequency. Correct Answer 413 MHz Your Answer 407 MHz Multiple Choice Single Answer

Bandlimited signal is :Correct Answer A signal all of whose energy is contained within a finite frequency range Your Answer The simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations Multiple Choice Single Answer In the TCP/IP suite the protocol used for physical addressing of the next hop :Correct Answer ARP Your Answer ARP Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Categories of traditional Ethernet are :Correct Answer 10Base 5 , 10Base 2 , 10Base T Your Answer 10Base 5 , 10Base 2 , 10Base T Multiple Choice Multiple Answer The functions of ATM layers are :Correct Answer Routing , Switching , Multiplexing Your Answer Routing , Switching , Multiplexing True/False The main purpose of a data link content monitor detect problems in protocols. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Frame Relay operates at :Correct Answer Physical and data link layer Your Answer Physical and data link layer Multiple Choice Single Answer The actual transmission and reception of data on an RS - 232 interface occurs :Correct Answer On pins 2 and 3 Your Answer On pins 2 and 3 Select The Blank The ________ field is used to order packets of a message. Correct Answer Sequence number Your Answer Checksum Select The Blank In fast Ethernet autonegotiation allows ________ negotiation. Correct Answer Data rate Your Answer Data rate Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Error correction and detection in OSI model is done by :Correct Answer Data link Layer , Transport Layer Your Answer Physical layer , Data link Layer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Link control protocol (LCP) is responsible for :Correct Answer Establishing , Maintaining , Configuring Your Answer Establishing , Maintaining , Configuring Multiple Choice Multiple Answer X.25 uses :Correct Answer Packet assembler/disassembler , Packet switched network , Access lines to public data networks Your Answer Packet assembler/disassembler , Packet switched network , Access lines to public data networks Select The Blank The full abbreviation for AAL is________. Correct Answer Application Adaptation layer Your Answer Application Adaptation layer Select The Blank The ________ timer is needed to handle the zero window size. Correct Answer Persistence Your Answer Keep alive Select The Blank Frame Relay is not used for ________ due to delays in transmission of variable frame sizes. Correct Answer Real-time video Your Answer Real-time video True/False Demodulation is the process of converting digital signals to analog signals. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False A device that can convert digital signals to analog signals is a packet. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer A hub is actually :Correct Answer A multiport repeater Your Answer A multiport repeater Multiple Choice Single Answer The cost assigned for passage of a packet through a network is called :Correct Answer Metric Your Answer Metric Multiple Choice Multiple Answer PAP packets include :Correct Answer Authenticate request , Authenticate ack ,

Authenticate nak Your Answer Authenticate request , Authenticate ack , Authenticate nak Select The Blank In 100BaseX ________ bits of data is received from network interface card. Correct Answer 8 Your Answer 16 Select The Blank In digital data transmission________. Correct Answer Baud rate is equal to bit rate Your Answer Baud rate is equal to bit rate

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