1st 9 Weeks Learning Goals 5th-2

  • June 2020
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Reading: Literature RL5.1: Quote RL5.5: Explain how a accurately from a text series of chapters, when explaining what scenes, or stanzas fits the text says explicitly together to provide the and when drawing overall structure of a inferences from the particular story, drama, text. or poem. Will Know: Will Know: *Accurate Information *The elements of a story, drama, or poem. *Explicit quotes *Meaning of Inference *The elements of a story, drama, or poem link *Meaning and together to provide the importance of quoting structure of the whole information. piece.

Pitt County Schools 5th Grade ELA Power Standards 1st 9 Weeks: Learning Goals Reading: Informational Text RI5.1: Quote RI5.5: Compare and RI5.7: Draw on information accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Will Know: *Accurate Information *Explicit quotes *Meaning of Inference *Meaning and importance of *That each chapter, Will be Able to: scene, or stanza builds on quoting *Locate and identify information. one another to provide important information the reader with meaning Will be Able to: and understanding of the *Locate and identify within a piece of text. literature. important Will be Able to: * Quote the information within a *Recognize the structural information located piece of elements of a story, drama, within a piece of informational text. or poem. *Describe the characters, literature after being *Quote the setting, conflict, resolution prompted with a information located and main events of a story question. within a piece of or drama. * Make inferences informational text *Analyze the relationships based on prior after being between the plot elements of a story or drama as it knowledge and prompted with a pertains to rising action. inferential details question. *Explain how stanzas in a within the text. * Make inferences poem expand the reader’s based on prior knowledge of the topic or theme. knowledge and inferential details within the text. Alan Becker (District Specialist for Elementary Education ELA)

Language L5.4: Determine and/or clarify the

contrast the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.

from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

meaning of unknown and multiplemeaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies: context clues, word parts, word relationships, and reference materials.

Will Know:

Will Know: *Types of Digital Sources *Types of Print Sources

Will Know: *Words often have dual meanings *Authors sometimes use phrases figuratively to engage the reader. *The types of context clues.

*The key words to identify the compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, chronological order, and description text structure *The difference between events, ideas, concepts, and basic facts/information in a text. *Method used to compare and contrast. Will be Able to: *Represent the structural presentation of ideas, concepts, events, and information of two or more texts in a graphic organizer. *Compare and contrast the structures and presentation of ideas, concepts, events, or information in two or more texts.

Will be Able to: *Locate and identify digital or print sources. *Explain how the source chosen helps them answer a question or solve a problem when reading informational text.

Will be Able to: *Recognize that the meaning of a word or phrase is unknown to the reader. *Determine which context clues to use to help identify the meaning of the unknown word or phrase. *Explain the meaning of the unknown word or phrase in their own words and check to see if it makes sense in the context of the story or informational text.

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