(1998) 1991 Gulf War Bibliography Of Sources

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Compiled by Jeffrey Peter Bradford February 1998

Jeffrey Peter Bradford


The first major conflict of the post-cold war era to involve the West has been, and is increasingly being cited, as a reason to change the direction of international security institutions, the procurement of military equipment, and the reorganisation of force structures. Given the importance of access to the writings on the conflict, and in order to understand their use in current official thinking, this paper aims to an immense amount of publicly-available resources in a manner which will help the interested enquirer. The objective of this bibliography is to organise and catalogue materials related to the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq as its nineteenth province in August 1990, the subsequent international response to the aggression, and eventual liberation of Kuwait by military force in February 1991. The popular military titles for these phases are Operation Desert Shield (to protect Saudi Arabia whilst heavier forces were deployed), before Operation Desert Storm (an air campaign which aimed to isolate Kuwait from Iraq and weaken the forces there), before the final Operation Desert Sword (a land campaign to liberate Kuwaiti territory). These operation names were produced by the United States. The following listing comprises articles and books derived from a variety of sources, including: Adelphi Papers (International Institute for Strategic Studies: UK), Air Clues (UK), Airpower Journal (USA), Armada International (UK), Armed Forces and Society, Armees d’Aujourd’hui, Armor (USA), Army (USA), Army Logistician (USA), Army Times (USA), Army Quarterly & Defence Journal (UK), Aviation Week & Space Technology, British Army Review (UK), Business Week, Command (USA), Defence, Defence Journal (India), Defense Transportation Journal (USA), Financial Times (UK), Flight International, Guardian (UK), Guns & Ammo, Guns Review, The

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Independent, Infantry, International Security (UK), Intelligence and National Security, Jane’s Defence Weekly, Jane’s Soviet Intelligence Review, Journal of Electronic Defence (USA), Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps (UK), Journal of Slavic Military Studies, Journal of Strategic Studies, The Military Balance (UK), Military Engineer (USA), Military Review, Military Technology, Naval Institute Proceedings (USA), Navy International (now Jane’s Navy International), Orbis (USA), The Officer (UK), Parameters (USA), RAND Corporation, Revista Militaire (Italy), Royal Engineers Journal (UK), Royal United Services Institute (UK), Security Studies, Sentinel (Canada), Signal (USA), Small Wars and Insurgencies, Soldat und Technik (Germany), Soldier (UK), Soldiers (USA), Soldier of Fortune (USA), Strategic Studies Institute US Army War College, Survival (UK), Tank (UK), Telegraph (UK), Time International (USA), The Times, Unmanned Vehicles, US Army Aviation Digest, Washington Quarterly (USA), Whitehall Papers series (Royal United Services Institute: UK).

Jeffrey Peter Bradford


CONTENTS CATEGORY ARMED FORCES ......Order of battle ...... Australia ...... Britain ...... Canada ...... Czechoslovakia ...... France ...... Iraq ...... Israel ...... Italy ...... Kuwait ...... Saudi Arabia ...... United States GOVERNMENT REPORTS HISTORY ...... Autobiographies/Biographies ...... Weapons of Mass Destruction ...... Intelligence ...... Kuwait ...... Maps ...... Media OPERATIONS ...... Operation Desert Shield ...... Operation Desert Storm ...... Amphibious operations ...... Battle of 73 Easting/Battle of Medina Ridge ...... Operation Desert Sword ...... Naval operations ...... Ras-al-Khafji THEORY & TECHNOLOGY ...... Communications ...... Electronic Warfare ...... Logistics ...... Medical ...... Military Technology ......... Air ......... Land ......... Sea ......... Missile ......... General ...... Pictorial ...... Strategy & Tactics OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS POLITICS POST FACTO

PAGE 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 10 10 10 10 10 12 13 13 14 15 17 18 18 20 21 23 28 28 28 31 33 34 34 36 37 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 49 50 54

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ARMED FORCES This section comprises two parts. Order of battle contains sources concerned with the structure of forces deployed in the theatre, and their capabilities defined by numbers, and equipment. The Second section consists of articles relating specifically to the armed forces of a particular state involved in the conflict. - ORDER OF BATTLE Armor, ‘Armour-cavalry units deployed operation Desert Shield’ in Armor C (1) (Jan. Feb. 1991). p. 6. Cordesman, A H. Iran and Iraq: The threat from the Northern Gulf (USA: Westview Press 1994). Ch. 4. Englehardt, J P. SSI Special Report: Desert Shield and Desert Storm: A chronology and troop lists for the 1990 - 1991 Persian Gulf crisis (US Army War College: Strategic Studies Institute 1991). Henderson, S. Instant Empire (London: Mercury House 1991). How they fight, Desert Shield order of battle handbook: friendly forces (USA: AIA-DS3-90 1990). IISS, The military balance 1990 - 1991 (London: Brassey’s 1990). ————. The military balance 1991 - 1992 (London: Brassey’s 1991). Independent, ‘Order of battle for coalition forces in the land offensive’ (25/02/91). p. 4. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘Operation ‘Desert Shield’: The players’ 14 (7) (18/08/90). p. 221. ————. ‘Defence of Saudi Arabia’ 14 (16) (20/10/90). p. 757. ————. ‘Strength on the ground’ 14 (17) (27/10/90). pp. 839 - 840. ————. ‘Ruling the waves’ 14 (18) (03/11/90). pp. 888 - 889. ————. ‘The armies in the desert’ (Feb. 1991). p. 255 - 256. Military Review. ‘Forces Committed’ (Sept. 1991). pp. 80 - 81. Military Technology. ‘Regional Data - IRAQ’ 15 (1) (Jan. 1991). pp. 164 - 166. ————. ‘Regional Data - North Africa and Middle East’ 16 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 153 186. Ripley, T. Land power: The coalition and Iraqi armies (London: Osprey Publishing 1991). Rottman, G & Volstad, R. Armies of the Gulf War (London: Osprey Publishing 1993). US Naval Institute, ‘Desert Shield: The forces’ in Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (1) (Jan. 1991). pp. 83 - 84. - AUSTRALIA Glenn, R W. ‘The Persian Gulf conflict: Implications for RAAF air power doctrine’ in Australian Defence Force Journal 99 (Mar. - Apr. 1993). pp. 49 - 56. Hayward, W M. ‘The Gulf War and Australia's Strategic Posture’ in Australian Defence Force Journal 91 (Nov. - Dec. 1991). pp. 3 - 7. Malik, J M. The Gulf War: Australia’s role and Asian-Pacific responses (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre: Australian National University 1992). O’Shea, B. ‘RAN Seahawks: First Duty, Gulf War’ in Rotor & Wing International 25 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 38 - 42. Young, L P. ‘The Seahawk Helicopter - The Australian Experience and the Gulf’ in Navy International 96 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 279 - 282.

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- BRITAIN Army Quarterly. ‘Gallantry in the Gulf’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (3) (July 1991). pp. 269 - 278. ————. ‘Gallantry in the Gulf: Royal Navy’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (4) (Oct. 1991). pp. 392 - 397. ————. ‘Gallantry in the Gulf: Royal Air Force’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (4) (Oct. 1991). pp. 398 - 404. Benson, N. Rat’s tales: The Staffordshire regiment at war in the Gulf (London: Brassey’s 1993). Cordingley, P A J. ‘7th Armoured Brigade: Commander’s diary - Part one’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 123 (2) (Apr. 1993). pp. 178 - 184. ————. ‘7th Armoured Brigade: Commander’s diary - Part two’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 123 (3) (July 1993). pp. 287 - 295. Cross, N H. ‘Old Lessons, New Students’ in Tank 73 (718) (Nov. 1991). pp. 3 - 7. Denaro, A. ‘Leadership and morale in the Gulf - a regimental view’ in British Army Review (105). pp. 51 - 52. Durie, I G C. ‘1st Armoured Division artillery on Operation GRANBY’ in The Journal of the Royal Artillery CXVIII (2) (Sept. 1991). pp. 16 - 29. Fursdon, E. ‘Gulf campaign honours and awards’ in Navy International 96 (7-8) (Jul. Aug. 1991). p. 242. Hammick, M. ‘Sea Kings in sand’ in International Defence Review 24 (5) (May 1991). pp. 453 - 455. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘UK to send armoured brigade’ 14 (12) (22/09/90). p. 497. ————. ‘RAF settles down to desert duties’ 14 (12) (22/09/90). p. 500. ————. ‘Desert runs out of sand’ 14 (16) (20/10/90). p. 745. ————. ‘Officers wanted Israeli NBC kit’ 14 (17) (27/10/90). p. 794. ————. ‘RN landing ships head for Gulf’ 14 (17) (27/10/90). p. 847. ————. ‘RAM tests on UK Tornado’s’ 14 (18) (03/11/90). p. 869. ————. ‘UK forces training for offensive’ 14 (19) (10/11/90). p. 926 - 927. ————. ‘Royal Navy ready if war breaks’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 969. ————. ‘Tornado’s test RAM’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 971. ————. ‘UK to send a second armoured brigade’ 14 (22) (01/12/90). p. 1075. ————. ‘Tornado - flying at the head of Desert Storm’ 15(5) (02/02/91). p. 145. ————. ‘After the storm - Air war doctrine affirmed’ 15 (18) (04/05/91). pp. 738 740. Hine, P. ‘The Gulf - a Firm Reply to Critics of the RAF’ in The Officer 6 (2) (Mar. Apr. 1996). 6. 8. Mack, A R. ‘Women in Combat: the British and American Experience in the Gulf War 1991’ in RUSI Journal 138 (5) (Oct. 1993). pp. 33 - 37. Miller, D. ‘UK forces in the Gulf War’ in Military Technology 15 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 39 - 50. Milner, L. Royal Scots in the Gulf: 1st. Battalion The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) on operation GRANBY 1990 - 1991 (London: Leo Cooper 1994). Morrison, B. Operation desert sabre: The Desert Rat’s liberation of Kuwait (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1991). ————. Operation Granby: Desert Rats armour and transport in the Gulf war (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1991).

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Nash, T. ‘The Gulf War; Views From The UK’ in Military Technology 15 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 83 - 84. ————. ‘TORNADO Airfield Denial Operation’ in Military Technology 15 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 87 - 88. Peacock, L. ‘Cats in Action - Jaguars in the Gulf’ in Air Clues 45 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 388 - 393. Pearce, N. The shield and the sabre: The desert rats in the Gulf 1990 - 1991 (London: HMSO 1992). Price, A. ‘The Hardest Hundred Hours’ in Military Technology 16 (9) (1992). pp. 87 91. Purbrick, T. ‘One man and his war’ in The Officer 7 (4) (Jul. - Aug. 1997). pp. 55 - 56. Rentoul, I & Wakeford, T. Gulf war: British air arms (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1991). Signal. ‘United Kingdom Gave Good Account in War With Iraq’ 46 (2) (Oct. 1991). pp. 35 - 36. Thomson, C J. ‘Air power in Operation Granby - the lessons so far’ in RUSI Journal 135 (4) (Winter 1990). pp. 25 - 30. Vallance, A G B. ‘The Gulf War: First Thoughts on the Use of Air Power in Crisis Management and Conflict’ in The Hawk (May 1991). pp. 21 - 32. ————. ‘Air Power in the Gulf War - The Conduct of Operations’ in Air Clues 45 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 212 - 214, & 238 - 239. ————. ‘Air Power in the Gulf War - The RAF Contribution’ in Air Clues 45 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 251 - 254. - CANADA Allan, J. ‘Canadian Defence Policy After The Gulf’ in Canadian Defence Quarterly 21 (2) (Autumn 1991). pp. 21 - 24. Dorge, M. ‘The eye of the 'STORM'‘ in Sentinel 27 (4) (1991). pp. 8 - 13. Jane’s Defence Weekly, ‘Canada sends CF-18s’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 553. ————. ‘Javelins deployed on Canadian ships’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 553. ————. ‘Operation Friction: Canada’s air war’ 15 (21) (25/05/91). pp. 882 - 883. Lynch (1990). Op. Cit. (See Naval Operations). ————. Op. Cit. (See Naval Operations). Roy, J A. ‘Operation Salon’ in Canadian Defence Quarterly 20 (5) (Spring 1991). pp. 15 - 19. - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Jane’s Defence Weekly, ‘Czech offer’ 14 (14) (06/10/90). p. 627. New York Times. ‘Prague to desert sands: Soldiers with a vision’ (24/02/91). p. 14. - FRANCE Armees, ‘Les grandes moyens’ in Armees d’Aujourd’hui 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 17 19. ————. ‘Suprematie aerienne’ in Armees d’Aujourd’hui 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 22 - 24. de Briganti, G. ‘The French Army's Helicopters In Desert Storm’ in Rotor & Wing International 25 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 54 - 60.

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Coatanea, A. ‘La marine est presente’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 158 (Mar. 1991). pp. 16 - 19. Cooke, J J. 100 miles from Baghdad: With the French in Desert Storm (London: Praeger 1993). Datin, A. ‘Les ‘French Marines’ - Les unites des troupes de marine dans le Golfe’ in Armees D'Aujourd'hui 159 (Apr. 1991). pp. 14 - 15. Fleury, J. ‘La bataille aerienne - Entretien avec le general d'armee aerienne Jean Fleury’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 158 (Mar. 1991). pp. 20 - 23. Foray, G. ‘The eight lessons of success’ in Military Technology 15 (8) (Aug. 1991). pp. 26 - 27. Hammick, M. ‘Gazelle HOTs extend French anti-armour reach’ in International Defence Review 24 (5) (May 1991). p. 456. Jane’s Defence Weekly, ‘More troops from France’ 14 (12) (22/09/90). p. 497. ————. ‘France enhances its combat capabilities’ 14 (25) (22/12/90). p. 1261. Janvier, B. ‘Post-operational views’ in Military Technology 15 (8) (Aug. 1991). pp. 24 25. Joxe, M P. ‘Competence et efficacite’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 158 (Mar. 1991). pp. 10 - 13. Latremoliere, O. ‘Objective White - The battle for As Salman’ in Military Technology 15 (8) (Aug. 1991). pp. 28 - 31. Luizet, F. ‘Legio patria nostra La legion dans le Golfe’ in Armees D'Aujourd'hui 159 (Apr. 1991). pp. 16 - 17. Micheletti, E. Operation Daguet: French Air Force in the Gulf war (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1991). Military Technology. ‘Army Light Aviation’ 15 (8) (Aug. 1991). p. 32. De Nomazy, ‘Etroite cooperation’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 160 (May 1991). pp. 38 39. Roquejeoffre, M. ‘Homage to Daguet’ in Military Technology 15 (8) (Aug. 1991). p. 23. Time International. ‘Fighting for the same cause’ (11/03/91). p. 57. - IRAQ Antal, J F. ‘The sword of Saddam, an overview of the Iraqi armed forces’ in Armor XCIX (6) (Nov. - Dec. 1990). pp. 8 - 12. ————. ‘The Iraqi army: Forged in the (other) Gulf war’ in Military Review LXXI (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 62 - 72. ————. ‘Iraq’s mailed fist’ in Infantry 81 (1) (Jan. - Feb. 1991). pp. 27 - 32. Atkeson, E B. ‘Iraq’s arsenal: Tool of ambition’ in Army 41 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 22 30. Bermudez, J S jr. ‘Iraqi missile operations during Desert Storm’ in Jane’s Soviet Intelligence Review 3 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 131 - 135. ————. ‘Iraqi missile operations during Desert Storm’ in Jane’s Soviet Intelligence Review 3 (5) (May 1991). p. 225. [Chronology of Iraqi missile launches]. Cook, N et. al. ‘Iraq - a Special Report’ in Jane's Soviet Intelligence Review 2 (10) (Oct. 1990). pp. 434 - 449. Danis, A. ‘A military analysis of Iraqi army operations’ in Armor XCIX (6) (Nov. Dec. 1990). pp. 13 - 18. ————. ‘Iraqi army operations and doctrine’ in Military Intelligence (Apr. - Jun. 1991). pp. 6 - 12.

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Eisenstadt, M. ‘The Iraqi armed forces two years on’ in Jane’s Intelligence Review 5 (3) (Mar. 1993). pp. 121 - 127. Eshel, D. ‘The Iraqi Air Force - How Effective Is It ?’ in Military Technology 15 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 72 - 76. Hurley, H M. ‘Saddam Hussein and Iraqi airpower’ in Airpower Journal 6 (4) (Winter 1992). pp. 4 - 16. London Defence Studies. Saddam’s scud war and ballistic missile proliferation (London: Brassey’s London Defence Studies 1991). (6). Jacobson, M R. ‘Iraqi Infantry’ in Infantry (Jan - Feb. 1991). pp. 33 - 37. Jane’s Defence Weekly, ‘Iraq sought anti-CW kit’ 14 (7) (18/08/90). p. 217. ————. ‘Fencer in Iraqi service’ 14 (7) (18/08/90). p. 217. ————. ‘Iraq’s arsenal: The weapons facing the west’ 14 (7) (18/08/90). p. 230. ————. ‘Saddam steps up security’ 14 (11) (15/09/90). p. 461. ————. ‘Threat from below the waterline’ 14 (12) (22/09/90). pp. 502 - 503. ————. ‘Probe urged into ‘FAEs for Iraq’’ 14 (16) (20/10/90). p. 739. ————. ‘Iraq continues build-up’ 14 (17) (27/10/90). p. 798 ————. ‘Iraqis boost Kuwaiti border forces’ 14 (18) (03/11/90). pp. 880 - 881. ————. ‘Iraqis juggling AFV line-up in Kuwait’ 14 (19) (10/11/90). p. 927. ————. ‘Dr Gerald Bull’s deadly legacy’ 14 (21) (24/11/90). p. 1009 - 1010. ————. ‘Iraq close to ‘crude’ device’ 14 (23) (08/12/90). p. 1139. ————. ‘Command reshuffle’ 14 (25) (22/12/90). p. 1260. ————. ‘Iraq's formidable array of guns’ 15 (5) (02/02/91). pp. 136 - 137. ————. ‘Iraq declares its missile inventory’ 15 (17) (27/04/91). p. 677. Jupa, R & Dingeman, J. ‘The Republican Guards: Loyal, aggressive, able’ in Army 41 (3) (Mar 1991). pp. 54 - 62. ————. ‘The Iraqi Republican Guards: Just how elite were they ?’ in Command (13) (November - December 1991). pp. 44 - 50. Lennox, D. ‘Missiles: Iraq’s short range surface to surface missiles’ in Jane’s Soviet Intelligence Review 3 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 58 - 61. Marquis, R. ‘BM-21M MRL in Iraqi Service’ in Jane’s Intelligence Review 3 (11) (Nov. 1991). p. 499. Micheletti, E. After the storm: Iraqi wrecks and fortifications (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1992) Morstein (1991). Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Pardew, J W Jr. ‘The Iraqi army’s defeat in Kuwait’ in Parameters 21 (4) (Winter 199192). pp. 17 - 23. Phillips, R. ‘Iraq: Tactical defensive doctrine of the Iraqi ground forces’ in Jane’s Soviet Intelligence Review 3 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 116 - 119. Rottman, G L. ‘Saddam's juggernaut or armed horde ?’ in International Defense Review 23 (11) (Nov. 1990). pp. 1240 - 1242. United States Army. The Iraqi Army: Organisation and Tactics (USA: National Training Centre Handbook 100 - 91 1991). - ISRAEL Baram, A. ‘Israeli deterrence, Iraqi responses’ in Orbis 36 (3) (Summer 1992). pp. 397 409. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘RJAF keeping Iraq informed’ 14 (10) (08/09/90). p. 381. ————. ‘IDF softens its stance but stays on alert’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 554.

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————. ‘The JDW Interview: Maj. Gen. A Shahak’ 14 (14) (06/10/90). p. 676. ————. ‘The cost of uneasy peace’ 14 (25) (22/12/90). pp. 1271 - 1272. ————. ‘JDW Interview: Maj. Gen. Amram Mitzna’ 17 (7) (15/02/92). p. 256. Ogorkiewicz, R M ‘Interview with Israel's Major General Tal’ in International Defense Review 24 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 977 - 978. Sznajder, M. ‘The Israeli Home Front and the Gulf War’ in Defense Analysis 11 (2) (Aug. 1995). pp. 91 - 107. Thomas, C J D. ‘How Israel saw Iraq during the Gulf war’ in RUSI Journal 136 (4) (Winter 1991). pp. 38 - 44. Werman, R. Notes from a sealed room: An Israeli view of the Gulf war (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press 1992). - ITALY Ciampi (1991). Op. Cit. (See Naval Operations). Nativi, A. ‘Operation LOCUSTA - The Italian Armed Forces in the Gulf’ in Military Technology 15 (4) (Apr. 1991). p. 70. Prato, M. ‘Guerra del Golfo un Uthe Ammaestramento per l'artiglieria controaerei dell'esercito’ in Revista Militare 5 (Sept. - Oct. 1992). pp. 78 - 85. - KUWAIT Jane's Defence Weekly. ‘Waiting for a return to Kuwait’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). pp. 1227 1229. ————. ‘Saudis set to double forces’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 541. ————. ‘USA trains Kuwaitis’ 14 (21) (24/11/90). p. 1014. Nelson, R A. ‘The battle of the bridges: Kuwait’s 35th Brigade on the 2d of August 1990’ in Armor CIV (5) (Sept. - Oct. 1995). pp. 26 - 32. - SAUDI ARABIA Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘The Gulf arena of crisis’ 14 (14) (06/10/90) pp. 37 - 663. ————. ‘The effective defence that Saudi oil cannot buy’ 14 (18) (03/11/90). p. 883. ————. ‘Saudi navy short of recruits’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 975. Stanton, M N. ‘The Saudi Arabian National Guard motorised brigades’ in Armor CV (2) (Mar. - Apr. 1996). pp. 11. - UNITED STATES Army Times. ‘What kind of cav ?’ (20/05/91). ————. ‘Eye of the Tiger, Stalking Prey with the Tiger Brigade’ (10/06/91). ————. ‘A Swift Kick, 2d ACR’s taming of the Guard’ (05/08/91). ————. ‘Coming through: The big red raid’ (26/08/91). ————. ‘Friendly fire: The reckoning’ (26/08/91). ————. ‘Numbness, chills strike witnesses’ (26/08/91). ————. ‘Taking a town by shooting the breeze’ (26/08/91). ————. ‘Metal Rain: Old Ironsides and the Iraqis who wouldn’t back down’ (16/09/91). ————. ‘Night strikes: The secret war of the 1st Cavalry Division’ (23/09/91). ————. ‘Hell Night: For the 2d Armoured Division (forward), it was No Clean War’ (07/10/91). ————. ‘Over the top: M1A1 plows through touted Soviet-made tanks’ (21/10/91).

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————. ‘Killer Brigade, 3d Infantry Division Phantoms Hunt the Enemy’ (11/11/91). ————. ‘Georgia punch: 24th mech. puts the squeeze on Iraq’ (02/12/91). ————. ‘The Tip of the Spear’ (13/01/92). ————. ‘Home of the Brave’ (27/01/92). ————. ‘The Generals’ war’ (02/03/92). ————. ‘Back to the drawing board: Brass reluctantly tinkers with air land battle’ (01/06/92). ————. ‘1992 will spell the end of VII Corps’ (26/08/92). Brown, R A & Schneller, R J. United States naval forces in Desert Shield and Desert Storm, a select bibliography (Washington DC: Naval historical centre 1993). Burba, E H. ‘Training, Quality Decisive Factors In Desert Victory’ in Army 41 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 62 - 69. Commander in Chief, US Central Command. Desert Shield/Storm facts, figures, quotes and anecdotes 7 Aug. 90 - 11 Apr. 91 (unclassified) (USA: 1991). Department of Defence. Final report to Congress on the conduct of the Persian Gulf war (Washington DC: Government Publications Office 1992). Department of the Army, Rangers in Iraq: Task Force Ranger, 2nd battalion, 16th infantry in the Persian Gulf War (USA: Department of the Army 1991). Eshel, D. ‘American Armour in the Gulf; An Israeli View’ in Tank 74 (720) (May 1992). pp. 16 - 27. Flanagan, E M Jr. Lightning: The 101st in the Gulf war (London: Brassey’s 1994). Green, M. US Airpower in Desert Storm (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1991). Griffith, R H. ‘The IGs and Desert Storm’ in Army 41 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 175 - 176. Hammick, M. ‘Report from the front: AMUs underrated in USAF's success’ in International Defence Review 24 (5) (May 1991). pp. 451 - 452. Head, W & Tilford, E H jr. The Eagle in the Desert: Looking back on U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf war (London: Greenwood 1996). Hines, J E. A brief history of the United States Central Command (USA: US Central Command History Office 1995). Hyde, J C. ‘Marines in Saudi Get M-1A1s Just as Desert Storm Begins to Blow’ in Armed Forces Journal International (Feb. 1991). p. 28. Isaacs, J. ‘War of words over women warriors’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (10) (Dec. 1991). pp. 6 - 7. Jane’s Defence Weekly, ‘CENTCOM heads forces’ 14 (7) (18/08/90). p. 220. ————. ‘M1A1s line up for Gulf MBT swap’ 14 (17) (27/10/90). p. 798. ————. ‘US tank force to be doubled’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 974. ————. ‘USAF deploys more F-117As’ 14 (23) (08/12/90). p. 1130. ————. ‘US carriers ready to go’ 14 (23) (08/12/90). p. 1138. ————. ‘Ranger group named’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). p. 1205. ————. ‘Go-ahead for US reserves’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). p. 1215. ————. ‘EW pilots work up’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). p. 1215. ————. ‘US ‘Desert Shield’ costs double’ 14 (25) (22/12/90). p. 1260. ————. ‘Desert Storm: the USN's war’ 15 (13) (30/03/91). p. 471. Kamiya, J K. A History of the 24th Mechanised Infantry Division combat team during Operation Desert Storm ‘The attack to free Kuwait’ (January through March 1991) (USA: Library of Congress). Lang, W N. ‘Training in Context: The War in the Gulf’ in National Defense 75 (467) (Apr. 1991). pp. 36 - 37.

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Lemza, J W. ‘The Readiness Group's Role in Mobilization’ in Military Review 71 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 29 - 32. Los Angeles Times, ‘New breed of warriors - women - closer to the front’ (25/01/91). p. A1, A12. Martin, J A Vaitkus, M A Mikolajek, L M & Johnson M D. ‘Desert Storm: army families in Europe’ in Military Review 73 (4) (Apr. 1993). pp. 21 - 27. Rees, R F. ‘Army National Guard: The Largest Mobilization In 30 Years’ in Army 41 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 110 - 113. Reno, W H & Sumser R J. ‘Gulf War Called upon the Total Army’ in Army 41 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 146 - 149. Saint, C E. ‘War Adds New Dimensions to Europe's Role’ in Army 41 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 88 - 97. Scales, R H Jr. Certain victory: The US army in the Gulf war (London: Brassey’s 1994). Sennewald, R W. ‘Fine Tuning Reserve Forces In the Wake of Desert Storm’ in Army 41 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 14 - 17. Summers, H G jr. ‘Leadership in Adversity - From Vietnam to Victory in the Gulf’ in Military Review 71 (5) (May 1991). pp. 2 - 9. US Department of the Air Force. ‘US Air Force Performance in Desert Storm’ in Military Technology 15 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 146 - 156. West, R L & Byrne, T D. ‘The U.S. Army in Operation Desert Storm’ in Defence Journal 18 (1-2) (1992). pp. 13 - 28. GOVERNMENT REPORTS This section contains a sample of official reports produced by the United Kingdom and United States governments following the conflict in the Persian Gulf. Cohen, E A & Keaney, T A. Gulf War air power survey Volume I - Planning, communications, command & control (United States: Department of the air force 1993). ————. Gulf War air power survey Volume II - Operational effectiveness (United States: Department of the air force 1993). ————. Gulf War air power survey Volume III - Logistics (United States: Department of the air force 1993). ————. Gulf War air power survey Volume IV - Weapons & Tactics (United States: Department of the air force 1993). ————. Gulf War air power survey Volume V - Statistics (United States: Department of the air force 1993). Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, Intelligence successes and failures in Operations Desert Shield / Storm (USA: Government Printing Office 1993). House of Commons session 1990-1991, Defence committee tenth report: Preliminary lessons of Operation Granby (London: HMSO 17/07/91). HC 287/I. ————. Hc86 Trade and Industry committee second report: Exports to Iraq: project Babylon and long range guns (London: HMSO 1992). ————. Hc43 Defence committee fifth report: Implementation of lessons learned from Operation Granby (London: HMSO 1994). ————. Hc660 Defence committee fourth special report: Government replies to the second, third, fourth, and fifth reports from the defence committee session 1993-1994 (London: HMSO 26/07/94).

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————. Hc158 Defence committee sixth report: Gulf war illnesses: Latest developments (London: HMSO 19/03/97). Scott, R. Hc115 Report of the enquiry into the export of defence equipment and dual-use goods to Iraq and related prosecutions, 15th February 1996 (London: HMSO 1996). (Five volumes plus index). United States, Department of Defence, Final report to Congress on the conduct of the Persian Gulf war (Washington DC: GPO 1992). PL-102-25. United States, Department of the Navy, The United States Navy in desert shield, desert storm (Washington DC: GPO 1991). United States, General Accounting Office. Operation Desert Storm: An Assessment of Aerial Refueling Operational Efficiency (Washington DC: GPO 15/11/93). GAO/NSIAD-94-68. ————. Operation Desert Storm: Problems With Air Force Medical Readiness (Washington DC: GPO 30/12/93). GAO/NSIAD-94-58. ————. Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm reports and testimony: 1991-93 (Washington DC: GPO 01/03/94). GAO/NSIAD-94-134W. [This source provides a bibliography and summary of seventy-three unclassified GAO reports and testimony on the Persian Gulf War]. United States, House Energy and Commerce Committee, Energy impact of the Persian Gulf crisis (Washington DC: GPO 1991 102-20). United States, Senate Armed Services Committee, Crisis in the Persian Gulf region: US policy options and implications (Washington DC: GPO 1990). S Hrg. 101-1071. United States, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Civil war in Iraq (Washington DC: GPO 1991). 102-27. HISTORY This portion of the bibliography is concerned with published accounts of the conflict from a first hand perspective. Grouped within this section also are articles pertaining to Weapons of Mass Destruction - nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and efforts following the conflict to understand and eliminate Iraq’s capabilities. Further, their threat to the United Nations coalition. The intelligence section contains references to sources which examine the role of intelligence gathering, and other activities by special forces. A further section compiles sources about Kuwait, life during the occupation, and problems posed by environmental actions. A map section details maps showing the progress of the conflict. The final historical section, Media contains references to sources describing the experiences of journalists and their agencies during the crisis and subsequent war. - AUTOBIOGRAPHIES/BIOGRAPHIES Army. ‘Army commanders [USA] in Desert Storm’ in Army 41 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 49 - 53. De La Billiere, P. Storm command: A personal account of the Gulf War (London: HarperCollins 1992). McNab, A. Bravo two zero (London: Bantam Press 1993). Schwartzkopf, H N & Petre, P. General H Norman Schwartzkopf the autobiography: It doesn’t take a hero (London: Bantam Press 1992). Peters, J & Nichol, J with Pearson, M W. Tornado down (London: Michael Joseph 1992).

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Powell, C & Persico, J E. A soldier’s way: An autobiography (London: Hutchinson 1995). Ryan, C. The one that got away (London: Century 1995). Sultan, K B & Seale, P. Desert warrior (London: HarperCollins 1995). - WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Adam, J A (ed.). ‘Seeking Nuclear Safeguards - Part 2: Working to halt proliferation’ in IEEE Spectrum 29 (4) (Apr. 1992). pp. 66 - 71. Albright, D & O’Neill, K. ‘Jury-Rigged, But Working’ in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 51 (1) (Jan. - Feb. 1995). pp. 20 - 26. Banta (et. al.) (1991).Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Beyer, L. ‘Coping with chemicals’ in Time International (25/02/91). pp. 32 - 41. Bundy, M. ‘Nuclear Weapons and the Gulf’ in Foreign Affairs 70 (4) (Fall 1991). pp. 83 - 94. Clery, D. ‘How the "supergun" was born’ in New Scientist 126 (1715) (05/05/90). p. 23. Cohen, A & Miller, M. Iraq and the rules of the nuclear game in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (6) (Jul. - Aug. 1991). pp. 10 - 11 & 43. Cordesman, A H. Weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East (London: Brassey’s 1991). Financial Times. ‘Saddam moves chemical weapons to front line’ (22/02/91). Gander, T J. ‘Iraq - The Chemical Arsenal’ in Jane’s Intelligence Review 4 (9) (Sept. 1992). pp. 413 - 415 Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘A worst case scenario’ in 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 568. ————. ‘CIA warns of Iraqi BW threat’ 14 (14) (06/10/90). p. 614. Khan, A. ‘Lessons of the Gulf War: India's Chemical Potentials Menacing’ in Defence Journal 17 (5) (May - Jun. 1991). p. 32. Landersman, S D. ‘Will Hussein use gas ?’ in Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 84 - 87. Maddox, J. ‘Who wants a big gun, and why ?’ in Nature 344 (6269) (26/04/90). p. 811. Manton, L. ‘Gulf War Syndrome - Fact Or Fiction?’ in Soldier 51 (2) (Jan. 1995). pp. 11 - 13. ————. ‘Independent Audit to be Made of Gulf Syndrome Findings’ in Soldier 51 (5) (Mar. 1995). p. 23. Mojecki, J A. ‘Chemical warfighting considerations’ in Military Review LXXII (2) (Feb. 1992). pp. 67 - 72. Newman, B. ‘No Chem. War in the Gulf ? - Tell it to the Marines’ in Soldier of Fortune 20 (10) (Oct. 1995). pp. 62 - 65 & p. 98. New York Times. ‘Pentagon said to authorise U.S. use of non-lethal gas’ (26/01/91). p.7. ————. ‘War in the Gulf; Hussein hints use of all his weapons’ (29/01/91). p. 12. ————. ‘Foreign affairs; gas, germs and nukes’ (30/01/91). p. 23. ————. ‘The persistence of poison gas’ (03/02/91). p. 18. ————. (20/02/91). Op. Cit. (Armed Forces: Czechoslovakia). ————. ‘Vehicles roam the front to detect gas attacks’ (24/02/91). p. 18. Norman, C. ‘CIA details chemical weapons spread’ in Science 243 (4893) (17/02/89). p. 888. O’Brien, L S & Payne, R G. ‘Prevention and Management of Panic in Personnel Facing a Chemical Threat - Lessons from the Gulf War’ in Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 139 (2) (Jun. 1993). pp. 41 - 45.

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O’Malley, T J. ‘The Gulf conflict - A chemical warfare postscript’ in Armada International 15 (4) (Aug. - Sept. 1991). pp. 16 - 27. Otter, T. ‘Chemical warfare defence’ in Military Technology 16 (12) (Dec. 1992). pp. 44 - 52. Rathmell, A. Chemical Weapons In The Middle East - Lessons From Iraq in Jane's Intelligence Review 7(12) (Dec. 1995). pp. 556 - 560. Ripley, T. ‘Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Programme’ in Jane’s Intelligence Review 4 (12) (Dec. 1992). pp. 554 - 558. Roach and Juarascio. Op Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Sebastian, T & Old, J. ‘Official cover-up: The living and dying proof’ in The Mail on Sunday, Night & Day (05/11/95). pp. 34 - 35. ————. ‘Why is the government lying ?’ in The Mail on Sunday, Night & Day (12/11/95). pp. 22 - 27. Smith, J. Biological Warfare Developments in Jane’s Intelligence Review 3 (11) (Nov. 1991). pp. 483 - 486. Terrill, W A. ‘Chemical Warfare and ‘Desert Storm’: the Disaster that Never Came’ in Small Wars and Insurgencies 4 (2) (Autumn 1993). pp. 263 - 279. The Times. ‘Saddam gives local commanders go-ahead for chemical attacks’ (03/02/91). Waters, L. ‘Chemical Weapons in the Iran/Iraq War’ in Military Review 70 (10) (Oct. 1990). pp. 57 - 63. Williams, M & Honish, D S. ‘Prognosis: Pathogens and Politics’ in Soldier of Fortune 21 (3) (Mar. 1996). pp. 36-39. 78-82. Zorpette, G (ed.). ‘Seeking Nuclear Safeguards - Part 1: How Iraq reverse-engineered the bomb’ in IEEE Spectrum 29 (4) (Apr. 1992). pp. 20 - 24 & 63 - 65. - INTELLIGENCE Adolph, R B jr.. ‘PSYOP: Gulf War Force Multiplier’ in Army 42 (12) (Dec. 1992). pp. 16 - 22. Armstrong, D G. ‘The Gulf war’s patched together air intelligence’ in Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute 118 (11) (Nov. 1992). pp. 109 - 111. Black, I & Morris, B. Israel’s secret wars: A history of Israel’s intelligence services (London: Warner Books 1992). See Appendix. Chaliand, G. ‘Autres armes - La guerre psychologique dans la crise du Golfe’ in Armees D'Aujourd'hui 159 (Apr. 1991). pp. 43 - 45. Clapper, J R jr. ‘Desert War Was Crucible For Intelligence Systems’ in Signal 46 (1) (Sept. 1991). pp. 77 - 80. Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, Intelligence successes and failures in Operations Desert Shield / Storm (USA: Government Printing Office 1993). Emmett, P. ‘Information Mania - a New Manifestation of Gulf War Syndrome ?’ in RUSI Journal 141 (1) (Feb. 1996). pp. 19 - 26. ————. ‘Information Mania - a New Manifestation of Gulf War Syndrome? Part 1’ in Air Clues 50 (6) (Jun. 1996). pp. 204 - 207. ————. ‘Information Mania - a New Manifestation of Gulf War Syndrome Part 2’ in Air Clues 50 (7) (Jul. 1996). pp. 244 - 248. Flanagan, E M jr. ‘Special Operations - Hostile Territory Was Their AO In Desert Storm’ in Army 41 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 12 - 16 & 30. Hoffman, D M. ‘A beltway warrior looks at Gulf war intelligence’ in Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute 119 (1) (Jan. 1993). pp. 86 - 89.

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Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘Fears grow over terrorist threat’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 553. ————. ‘Terrorist armies backing Iraq’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 559. ————. ‘Satellite reveals ‘uranium mine’’ 14 (18) (03/11/90). p. 879. ————. ‘Iraq can ‘maintain force readiness’’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). p. 1215. ————. ‘Techint v humint: The unseen war’ (1991). p. 221. ————. ‘After the Storm - Eyes of the Storm’ 15 (18) (04/05/91). pp. 735 - 737. Kroesen, F J. ‘Intelligence: Now a two way street ?’ in Army 44 (9) (Sept. 1994). pp. 7 9. (Comment on Committee on Armed Services report on Intelligence successes and failures results). Livingstone, N C. ‘Where Were Iraq's Terrorists ?’ in Sea Power 34 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 85 - 86. Los Angeles Times. ‘FBI quest leaves many Arab-Americans fearful’ (24/01/91). ————. ‘Signs of Iraqi-trained terror network found’ (24/01/91). Margelletti, A. ‘Special operations in the desert’ in Military Technology 15 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 62 - 65. Morrocco, J D. ‘Airlift, Intelligence Continue to Pose Problems’ in Aviation Week and Space Technology 140 (3) (Jan. 1994). pp. 42 - 44. New York Times. ‘War in the Gulf; Pentagon eyes Syrian airspace but Bush is wary’ (08/02/91). p. 9. ————. ‘War in the Gulf; Land mines; How U.S. troops destroy or skirt Iraq’s minefields’ (26/02/91). p. 14 ————. ‘Gulf intelligence draws complaint by Schwartzkopf’ (13/06/91). p. 1. ————. ‘Potshots at Gulf war intelligence’ (29/01/91). p. 22. ————. ‘Essay; Rating our spooks’ (04/07/91). p. 15. ————. ‘U.S. doubts Iraq’s accounting of nuclear material’ (09/07/91). p. 11. ————. ‘On my mind: The fatal mindset’ (16/07/91). p. 19. ————. ‘Pentagon cites some Gulf war lessons’ (17/07/91). p. 3. Paloczi-Horvath, G. ‘Spying from the Sky’ in Defence 22 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 25 - 29. Rathmell, A. ‘Iraqi intelligence and security services’ in International Defense Review 24 (5) (May 1991). pp. 393 - 395. Steiner, C W. ‘US Special Operations Forces: A strategic perspective’ in Parameters 22 (2) (Summer 1992). pp. 2 - 13. Wahlert, G. The Lack of Pan-Arabism as a Counter to Saddam's Terrorism Weapon in Australian Defence Force Journal 93 (Mar. - Apr. 1992). pp. 11 - 14. Washington Post. ‘Saddam’s dangerous vision’ (03/08/90). p. 23. ————. ‘U.S. warns Iraq not to attack Saudi Arabia Baghdad’s troops seen near border’ (04/08/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Satellite eyes and ears check moves on mideast chessboard’ (10/08/90). p. 27. ————. ‘Jack Anderson - Saddam target of secret campaign’ (24/08/90). p. 5. ————. ‘U.S. alleges signs of terrorist moves in Saudi Arabia’ (11/09/90). p. 7. ————. ‘A quick rewrite of history’ (07/10/90). p. 7. ————. ‘German arrested as spy selling Iraq recent data’ (18/10/90). p. 41. ————. ‘Jack Anderson - The demonisation of Saddam Hussein’ (25/10/90). p. 13. ————. ‘Iraqi charges alleged Kuwaiti memo proves a CIA plot against Baghdad’ (01/11/90). p. 30. ————. ‘Saddam’s secret weapon’ (16/11/90). p. 19.

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————. ‘Some officials doubt Iraq’s atomic capability; U.S. experts seem to contradict administration’ (29/11/90). p. 38. ————. ‘No Iraq move seen until attack near; CIA expects Saddam to extend crisis’ (15/12/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Saddam has terror network at the ready, senators told’ (19/01/91). p. 21. ————. ‘Visiting Israeli briefs U.S. on Iraq’s losses; Arens also discusses postwar relations’ (12/02/91). p. 14. ————. ‘Building was targetted months ago as shelter for leaders’ (14/02/91). p. 25. ————. ‘U.S. relies on sophisticated but limited electronic spy systems’ (19/02/91). p. 13. ————. ‘Those phantom helicopters’ (03/03/91). p. 4. ————. ‘Congress to investigate U.S. intelligence on Iraq; Hearings will review apparent shortcomings’ (18/03/91). p. 16. ————. ‘Reassesing Iraqi nuclear capability; U.S. intelligence may have miscalculated before Persian Gulf war’ (10/07/91). p. 16. ————. ‘Did the U.S. teach Iraq to hide its terror arms ?’ (03/11/91). p. 1. Wickham jr., J A. ‘The intelligence role in desert storm’ in Signal 45 (8) (Apr. 1991). p. 12. - KUWAIT Anbar, H A. Studies on the natural recovery of the intertidal infauna of the Saudi Arabian coast following the 1991 Gulf war oil spill (Heriot-Watt University 1996). Anderson, E W & Karam, J. ‘The Kuwait-Iraq Border: a Reappraisal’ in RUSI Journal 139 (3) (Jun. 1994). pp. 47 - 50 & 55. Anderson, E & Karam, J. The Iraqi-Kuwaiti Boundary in Jane’s Intelligence Review 7 (3) (Mar. 1995). pp. 120 - 121. Boxhall, P. ‘The Iraqi claim to Kuwait’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (1) (Jan 1991). pp. 33 -37. Cordesman, A H. Kuwait recovery and security after the Gulf War (Boulder CO: Westview Press 1997). Duncan, B A C. ‘Cruelty and compassion: An Englishman in Kuwait’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (2) (Apr. 1991). pp. 160 - 178. El-Baz, F & Makharita, R M (eds.). The Gulf War and the environment (NY: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers 1994). Finnie, D H. Shifting lines in the sand: Kuwait’s elusive frontier with Iraq (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press 1993). Halliday, F. ‘Historical Antecedents To The Present Crisis’ in The Rusi Journal 136 (3) (Sept. 1991). pp. 40 - 43. Hammick, M. ‘To the victor the spoiled land’ in International Defence Review 24 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 992 - 994. Hawley, T M. Against the fires of hell: The environmental disaster of the Gulf War (London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1992). Hollis, R. ‘At stake in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait: Borders, oil and money’ in RUSI Journal 135 (4) (Winter 1990). pp. 17 - 24. Husain, T. Kuwaiti oil fires: Regional environmental perspectives (Oxford: Pergamon Press 1995). Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘Iraq, Kuwait agree to talk’ 14 (5) (04/08/90). p. 150. ————. ‘Sweep up after the Storm’ 17 (19) (09/05/92). pp. 821 - 822.

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Lucas, G. ‘Kuwait - cleaning up after the storm’ in Armada International 16 (2) (Apr. May 1992). pp. 60 -62. Mussalam, M A. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (London: British academic press 1996). Nelson (1995). (See Armed Forces - Kuwait). Ragano, F P. ‘Operation Desert Sweep’ in Military Engineer 86 (566) (Oct. 1994). pp. 29 - 30. Redmond, W D J. ‘One hundred and thirty one days’ in Journal of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 41 (May 1991). pp. 12 - 18. Time International. ‘What is left of Kuwait ?’ (04/03/91). pp. 24 - 26. ————. ‘Free at last! Free at last!’ (11/03/91). pp. 58 - 61. ————. ‘Rebuilding a ravaged nation’ (11/03/91). pp. 62 - 63. Washington Post. ‘Papers left in Kuwait offer glimpse of Iraqi occupiers’ (06/10/91). p. 29. - MAPS National Technical Information Service, Iraq: A map folio (USA: NTIS PB-92-928027 1992). ————. Operation Desert Storm: A snapshot of the battlefield (USA: NTIS PB-94928102). Time International. ‘War action Jan. 16 - 20’ (28/01/91). pp. 14 - 15. ————. ‘War action Jan. 28 - Feb. 3’ (11/02/91). pp. 14 - 15. ————. ‘War action Feb. 4 - 10’ (18/02/91). p. 14. ————. ‘War action Feb. 11 - 17’ (25/02/91). p. 14. ————. ‘The Gulf War pull-out map’ (25/02/91). ————. ‘War action Feb. 18 - 24’ (04/03/91). p. 16. ————. (04/03/91). p. 25. (Map of Kuwait City, and country with oil facilities). ————. ‘The 100 hour war Feb. 24 - 28’ (11/03/91). pp. 21 - 22. US News & World Report. Triumph without victory: The unreported history of the Persian Gulf war (NY: Times Books/Random House 1992) - MEDIA The conflict in the Gulf was covered by the Western media organisations on an unprecedented level. Each day several hours of coverage in the run-up to the ground war were beemed into peoples homes. However this selection of articles serve to illustrate the tensions that arose around the methods used by the Coalition to control the press, and their experiences in operating in the Middle East. Allen, T Berry, F C & Polmar, N. CNN: War in the Gulf (Atlanta: Turner Publishing inc. 1991). Anglim, S J. ‘Forces Information and Media Services in Operation Granby 1990-1991’ in RUSI Journal 140 (5) (Oct. 1995). pp. 39 - 46. BBC World Service, Gulf crisis chronology (London: Longman 1991). Bellamy, C. Expert witness: A defence correpsondent’s Gulf war (London: Brassey’s 1993). Bishop, P. Famous victory: The Gulf war (London: Sinclair Stevenson Ltd. 1992). Brown B & Shukman, D. All necessary means: inside the Gulf war (London: BBC Books 1991). Cave R & Ryan, P. Triumph in the desert (London: Century 1991).

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Condry, J. ‘TV: live from the battlefield’ in IEEE Spectrum 28 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 47 48. Cooke, A. ‘Thoughts on wordy military jargon’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (2) (Apr. 1991). pp. 179 - 180. Cordingley, P A J. ‘Future commanders - be warned ?’ in Dispatches no 3: The Journal of the Territorial Army Pool of Public Information Officers (Autumn 1992). pp. 14 - 18. Dugan, M J. ‘Perspectives from the War in the Gulf’ in Small Wars & Insurgencies 2 (3) (Dec. 1991). pp. 175 - 181. Fialka, J J. Hotel warriors: Covering the Gulf war (Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Centre Press 1992). Jane's Defence Weekly. ‘Gulf War Highlighted Coalition Censoring’ 21 (7) (Feb. 1994). pp. 24 - 25. Hackworth, D H. ‘The Gulf Crisis: The Media Point of View’ in Small Wars & Insurgencies 2 (3) (Dec.1991). pp. 182 - 191. Hallin, D. ‘TV's clean little war’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (4) (May 1991). pp. 17 - 19. Hopkinson, N. Wilton Park Paper 55: War and the media (London: HMSO 1992). Keeble, R. The Gulf War myth: A study of the press coverage of the 1991 Gulf conflict (London: City University 1996). Los Angeles Times, ‘World hears war begin live from Baghdad’ (17/01/91). p. A1, A23. ————. ‘Pool reporting: There’s good news and bad news’ (21/01/91). p. A1, A23. ————. ‘CNN: The channel to the world’ (23/01/91). p. A1, A12. ————. Witness to War (LA: Los Angeles Times 1991). MacArthur, J R. Second front: Censorship and propaganda in the Gulf war (NY: Hill & Wang 1992). Manners, T. The Gulf war (London: Daily Express 1991). New York Times. ‘News organisations angry at the lack of a press pool’ (10/08/90). ————. ‘The media business: Television; ABC thrives on its edge in news’ (20/08/90). ————. ‘Critic’s notebook; How network reporters cover the Gulf, or at least some of it’ (21/08/90). ————. ‘Confrontation in the Gulf; Military drops Gulf press pool’ (27/08/90). p. 8. ————. ‘Confrontation in the Gulf; Air Force chief is dismissed for remarks on Gulf plan; Cheney cites bad judgement’ (18/09/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Confrontation in the Gulf: The General’s error; Others have said as much as Dugan but ‘on background’, not on record’ (19/09/90). p. 11. ————. ‘War in the Gulf; Editors criticise picture limits’ (21/02/91). p. 14. ————. ‘War in the Gulf; Censors screen pooled reports’ (28/02/91). p. 9. ————. ‘The military vs. the press’ (03/03/91). p. 27. ————. ‘After the war: Pentagon briefer; General gives his last briefing for reporters’ (05/03/91). p. 10. ————. ‘After the war; Senator regrets Arnett remark’ (20/03/91). p. 13. ————. ‘After the war; 15 top journalists object to Gulf war curbs’ (02/05/91). p. 17. ————. ‘After the war; Iraq ends censorship’ (06/05/91). p. 9. ————. ‘After the war; Keeping the news in step: Are the Pentagon’s Gulf war rules here to stay ?’ (06/05/91). p. 9. ————. ‘Generals vs. journalists, cont.’ (24/05/91). p. 31.

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————. ‘17 news executives criticise U.S. for ‘censorship’ of Gulf coverage’ (03/07/91). p. 4. de Normann, R. ‘To war with the press: Some recollections of the media in the Gulf’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (4) (Oct. 1991). pp. 430 - 436. Opinion, ‘Gulf PS: Truths that can kill’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (2) (Apr. 1991). pp. 257. Petersen, J H. ‘Info wars’ in Naval Institute Proceedings 119 (5) (May 1993). pp. 85 92. Purvis, S. ‘The media and the Gulf War’ in Dispatches no 3: The Journal of the Territorial Army Pool of Public Information Officers (Autumn 1992). pp. 82 - 94. Sidle, W. ‘A battle behind the scenes: The Gulf War reheats military - media controversy’ in Military Review LXXI (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 52 - 63. Sifry, M L & Cerf, C. The Gulf war reader (NY: Times Books 1991). Taylor, P M. ‘The information war in the Gulf’ in Dispatches no 3: The Journal of the Territorial Army Pool of Public Information Officers (Autumn 1992). pp. 19 - 25. ————. War and the Media: Propaganda and persuasion in the Gulf war (Manchester: Manchester University Press 1992). Time International. ‘Far ahead of the pack’ (28/01/91). p. 37. Washington Post. ‘Pentagon sets rules for war reporting; Media executives say military seeks to censor correspondents’ (10/01/91). p. 25. Wells-Petry, M. ‘Reporters as the Guardians of Freedom’ in Military Review 73 (2) (Feb. 1993). pp. 26 - 35. Williams, P. ‘The press and the Persian Gulf war’ in Parameters XXI (3) (Autumn 1991). pp. 2 - 9. OPERATIONS The Operations section of the bibliography is a compilation of sources referring to the military operations conducted between August 1990 and February 1991. Firstly their are sources related to Desert Storm, the US plan to reinforce Saudi Arabia against possible Iraqi invasion. Operation Desert Storm resources describe the role of airpower in the first of the two offensive phases against Iraq. The role of marine forces in helping to deceive Iraqi planners, and the role of the US Marines in the ground war is listed in the Amphibious operations section. The section devoted to Operation Desert Sword contains references to the 100 hour ground battle to liberate Kuwait. A separate section contains references to the brief Battle of 73 Easting during the ground campaign. Naval operations including interdiction of Iraqi maritime vessels are described seperately. A final section contains references to the unsucessful Iraqi incursion at Ras-al-Khafji in January 1991. - OPERATION DESERT SHIELD Anonymous, ‘Desert deadline: Soldier’s prepare, the clock ticks’ in Army 41 (1) (Jan. 1991). pp. 26 - 27. ————. ‘Winning in the desert 1’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-90-6 (Nov. - Dec. 1990). pp. 56-65. ————. ‘Winning in the desert 2’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-91-1 (Jan. Feb.1991). pp. 52-65. Boyne, W J. Gulf war (IL: Publications International Ltd. 1991). Chadwick, F. Desert Shield fact book (USA: GDW 1991).

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Corrigan, S. ‘The 82d Airborne in Saudi Arabia’ in Armor CII (5) (Sept. - Oct. 1993). pp. 32 - 35. Debay, Y & Green, M. Operation Desert Shield: Prelude to ‘Desert Storm’ (Hong Kong: Concord Publications co. 1991). Dorr, R F. Desert shield build-up: The complete story (Osceola: Motorbooks International 1991). Evans, D. ‘Desert Shield: From the Gulf’ in Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (1) (Jan. 1991). pp. 77 - 80. Hatch, H J. ‘Corps of engineers: laying the groundwork for theatre operations’ in Military Review LXXII (3) (Mar. 1992). pp. 2 - 13. Kincade, W H. ‘On the Brink in the Gulf Part 1: Onset of the ‘Classic’ 1990 Crisis’ in Security Studies 2 (2) (Winter 1992). pp. 163 - 200. ————. ‘On the Brink in the Gulf Part 2: the Route to War’ in Security Studies 3 (2) (Winter 1993/1994). pp. 295 - 329. Hutchinson, K D. Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm chronology and factbook (London: Greenwood 1996). Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘Saddam purges peace opponents’ 14 (4) (28/07/90). p. 113. ————. ‘Iraq: bidding for regional super power status’ 14 (5) (04/08/90). p. 159. ————. ‘West considers Gulf blockade’ 14 (6) (11/08/90). p. 183. ————. ‘Desert Shield force bolstered’ 14 (8) (25/08/90). p. 251. ————. ‘F-117A heads air force build-up’ 14 (8) (25/08/90). p. 255. ————. ‘4th battle group heads East’ 14 (8) (25/08/90). p. 259. ————. ‘Air, sealift speed record’ 14 (9) (01/09/90). p. 302. ————. ‘Forces flexible in blockade’ 14 (9) (01/09/90). p. 302. ————. ‘$1.2 bn price tag billed’ 14 (9) (01/09/90). p. 303. ————. ‘Land forces face armour delay’ 14 (10) (08/09/90). p. 374. ————. ‘No help for MoD on Gulf costs’ 14 (10) (08/09/90). p. 381. ————. ‘Gulf F15Es face LANTIRN gap’ 14 (10) (08/09/90). p. 385. ————. ‘US command expands’ 14 (10) (08/09/90). p. 394. ————. ‘USA works up Japan bases’ 14 (10) (08/09/90). p. 395. ————. ‘US armour in Gulf still outnumbered’ 14 (11) (15/09/90). p. 457. ————. ‘Egypt posts force, Israel seeks aid’ 14 (11) (15/09/90). p. 460. ————. ‘Iraqi ships held in shipyard’ 14 (11) (15/09/90). p. 460. ————. ‘Use of Gulf bases widens’ 14 (11) (15/09/90). p. 461. ————. ‘Iraqi redeployment from Iranian front’ 14 (12) (22/09/90). p. 500. ————. ‘Detected F-117As ‘not in stealth mode’’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 541. ————. ‘Dutch to deploy F-16s to Gulf’ 14 (13) (29/09/90). p. 545. ————. ‘Iraqi troop strength still growing’ 14 (14) (06/10/90). p. 626. ————. ‘I will destroy all oilfields - Hussein’ 14 (14) (06/10/90). p. 627. ————. ‘Iraqi ship boarded’ 14 (15) (13/10/90). p. 682. ————. ‘US carrier force back in the Gulf’ 14 (15) (13/10/90). p. 685. ————. ‘US military moves to improve air safety’ 14 (17) (27/10/90). p. 799. ————. ‘Pentagon planning new Gulf forces’ 14 (18) (03/11/90). p. 867. ————. ‘French captured in Iraq’ 14 (19) (10/11/90). p. 921. ————. ‘Lost troops were SOF’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 974. ————. ‘Iraqi ‘dig in’ continues’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 975. ————. ‘Keeping troops in shape - in mind as well as body’ 14 (20) (17/11/90). p. 983.

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————. ‘US forces tested in exercise’ 14 (21) (24/11/90). p. 1014. ————. ‘USA plays down Iraqi abilities’ 14 (22) (01/12/90). p. 1074. ————. ‘Troops flee to Saudi’ 14 (22) (01/12/90). p. 1074. ————. ‘USA reviews Iraqi forces strength’ 14 (23) (08/12/90). p. 1138. ————. ‘Troop deployment rises to 480000’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). p. 1215. Kindsvatter, P S. ‘VII Corps in the Gulf War: Deployment and preparation for Desert Storm’ in Military Review LXXII (1) (Jan 1992). pp. 2 - 16. Liebmann, J E. ‘Desert Shield: The cost of things’ in Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (1) (Jan. 1991). pp. 81 - 82. Militaris, V. ‘The first fifty days: Diary of the Iraq - Kuwait crisis’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 120 (4) (Oct. 1990). pp. 391 - 414. ————. ‘The second hundred days: Diary of the Iraq - Kuwait crisis’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (1) (Jan 1991). pp. 5 - 24. Mulcahy, T D. ‘Engineer support in the COMMZ’ in Military Review LXXII (3) (Mar. 1992). pp. 14 - 21. US Naval Institute (1991). Op. Cit. (See Order of Battle). New York Times. ‘Britain, like U.S., is to give germ-shots in the Gulf’ (29/12/90). p. 6. ————. ‘Navy augments its Gulf forces as Jan. 15 deadline nears’ (29/12/90). p. 6. ————. ‘Iraq, worried about 2-front war, looks warily at Turkish border’ (29/12/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Peace advocate hospitalised’ (30/12/90). p. 10. ————. ‘As Jan. 15 nears, some see a chance for Gulf solution’ (30/12/90). p. 1. ————.‘World markets begin 1991 pressed by problems of 1990’ (31/12/90). p. 29. RAND (1994). Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Sortor, R E Lippiatt, T Polich, J M. Planning Reserve Mobilization: Inferences from Operation Desert Shield (CA: RAND 1993 MR-123-A). Stucker, J P & Kameny, I (1993). Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Wright, E J. ‘The topographical challenge of Desert Shield and Desert Storm’. in Military Review LXXII (3) (Mar 1992). pp. 28 - 38. - AIR OPERATIONS: DESERT STORM (17TH JANUARY 1991) Abrial, ‘Les gardiens du desert’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 160 (May 1991). pp. 42 - 44. Adams, J A & Zorpette, G. ‘Busting scuds with an F-15E’ in IEEE Spectrum 28 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 34 - 35. Al-Baluchi, A. ‘The Gulf after the Desert Storm’ in Hawk (1992). pp. 37 - 48. Allen, C. Thunder & Lightning the RAF in the Gulf: Personal experiences at war (London: HMSO 1991). Armees d'Aujourd'hui. ‘La maitrise technologique’ Golfe Numero Special (Mar. 1991). pp. 8 - 9. ————. ‘Les unites de la Force aerienne tactique’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). p. 46. ————. ‘La reconnaissance, atout majeur’ 161 (Jun. - Jul . 1991). p. 47. ————. ‘Les unites du Commandement Air des forces de defence aerienne’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). p. 48. ————. ‘Les unites des Forces aeriennes strategiques’161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). p. 49. ————. ‘Les unites du Commandement du transport aerien militaire’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). p. 50. ————. ‘Le fer de lance de la FAR’ 161. (Jun. - Jul. 1991). p. 81.

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Aviation Week & Space Technology. ‘SLAMs Hit Iraqi Target In First Combat Firing’ 134 (4) (28/01/91). pp. 31 - 34. Baker, B. ‘On the importance of image: Some lessons from the B-52, Curtis E LeMay, and P D Eldred’ in Airpower Journal VIII (2) (Summer 1994). pp. 55 - 61. Ballantyne, R A. ‘Supporting the military - Operations Granby and Desert Storm’ in RUSI Journal 137 (4) (Aug. 1992). pp. 50 - 52. Barlow, J B. ‘Strategic paralysis: An air power strategy for the present’ in Airpower Journal VII (4) (Winter 1993). pp. 4 - 15. Batllo, ‘Gazelle des sables’ in Armees d’Aujourd’hui 161. (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 82 - 84. Bingham, P. ‘TIALD (Thermal Imaging/TV Airborne Laser Designator)’ in Hawk (1992). pp. 21 - 35. Bingham, P T. ‘Air power in Desert Storm and the need for doctrinal change’ in Airpower Journal V (4) (Winter 1991). pp. 33 - 46. ————. ‘Air Power in Desert Storm’ in Air Clues 46 (9) (Sept. 1992). pp. 324 - 329. ————. ‘The United States needs to exploit its air power advantage’ in Airpower Journal VII (3) (Fall 1993). pp. 62 - 71. Bloomgarden, A & Conetta, C. ‘Air Power Promises and US Modernization Trends After Operation Desert Storm ‘ in Hawk Journal (1994). pp. 44 - 54. Braybrook, R. Desert Storm special 2: Air power the coalition and Iraqi air forces (London: Osprey Publishing 1991). Broadbent, J A. ‘Commanding a Tornado GR1 squadron’ in RUSI Journal 137 (4) (Aug. 1992). pp. 38 - 43. Carpenter, Mason, P & McClain, G T. ‘Air command and staff college air campaign course: The air corps tactical school reborn ?’ in Airpower Journal VII (3) (Fall 1993). pp. 72 - 83. Centner, C M. ‘Ignorance is big risk: The big lesson from Desert Storm air base attacks’ in Airpower Journal VI (4) (Winter 1992). pp. 25 - 35. Coniglio, S. ‘Bombing and the Role of Tactical Aircraft’ in Military Technology 16 (4) (1992). pp. 30 - 43. Drew, D M. ‘Desert Storm as a symbol - implications of the air war in the desert’ in Airpower Journal 6 (3) (Fall 1992). pp. 4 - 13. ————. ‘Desert Storm as a symbol’ in Air Clues 47 (2) (Feb. 1993). pp. 44 - 48. G J Church, ‘So far, so good’ in Time International (28/01/91). pp. 12 - 21. M Clodfelter, ‘Of demons, storms and thunder: A preliminary look at Vietnam’s impact on the Persian Gulf air campaign’ in Airpower Journal V (4) (Winter 1991). pp. 17 - 32. Cohen, E A & Keaney, T A. Op. Cit. (see government publications). Volume I. ————. Op. Cit. (see government publications). Volume II. ————. Op. Cit. (see government publications). Volume III. ————. Op. Cit. (see government publications). Volume IV. ————. Op. Cit. (see government publications). Volume V. Downer, L A. ‘The composite wing in combat’ in Airpower Journal V (4) (Winter 1991). pp. 4 - 16. Drew, D M. ‘Desert Storm as a symbol: Implications of the air war in the desert’ in Airpower Journal VI (3) (Fall 1992). pp. 4 - 13. Dugan, M J. ‘Operational Experience and Future Applications of Air Power’ in RUSI Journal 137 (4) (Aug. 1992). pp. 35 - 38. Economist. ‘Unleashing Desert Storm’ (19/01/91). pp. 21 - 22.

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Eldridge, B. ‘Desert Storm: Mother of all battles’ in Command 1991 (6) (November December 1991). Eshel, T. ‘The most successful air campaign ever ?’ in Military Technology 15 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 36 - 45. Fawcett, J M Jr. ‘Which way to the FEBA ?’ in Airpower Journal VI (3) (Fall 1992). pp. 14 - 24. Financial Times. ‘Allied air armada achieves spectacular tactical surprise’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘Iraq radio says allied pilots machine-gunned civilians’ (02/02/91). ————. ‘Allies claim Iraqi naval threat has been eliminated’ (04/02/91). ————. ‘Allied air attack is intensified’ (04/02/91). ————. ‘Allies confident of winning land war’ (16/02/91). ————. ‘US tries out fuel air bombs on Iraqis’ (16/02/91). ————. ‘Armies exchange fire as Iraqis cross border’ (18/02/91). Fitzgerald, M C. ‘The Soviet military and the new air war in the Persian Gulf’ in Airpower Journal V (4) (Winter 1991). pp. 64 - 78. Fleury, J. ‘Les ailes de la victoire’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 160 (May 1991). p. 37. Foxwell, D & Wilson, J R. ‘UAVs win plaudits in the Storm’ in International Defense Review 24 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 1115 - 1124. Franks, F M jr. ‘Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) in Operations’ in NATO's Sixteen Nations Special Section in 39 (3/4) (1994). pp. 10 - 13. Friedman, N. ‘The Air Compaign’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 117 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 49 - 50. Froggett, S. ‘Tomahawk In the Desert’ in Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute 118 (1067) (Jan. 1992). pp. 71 - 75. Frostic (1994). Op Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Fulghum, D A. ‘Glosson: US Gulf War Shortfalls Linger’ in Aviation Week and Space Technology 144 (5) (Jan. 1996). pp. 58 - 61. Gething, M J. ‘Strike hard, strike sure: Modern bombers and the Gulf’ in Defence XXII (3) (Mar 1991). pp. 19 - 26. Glock, J R. ‘The evolution of air force targeting’ in Airpower Journal VIII (3) (Fall 1994). pp. 14 - 28. Glosson, B C. ‘Impact of precision weapons on air combat operations’ in Airpower Journal VII (2) (Summer 1993). pp. 4 - 10. Godden, J. Shield and Storm: Personal recollections of the air war in the Gulf (London: Brassey’s 1994). Griffith, T E Jr, ‘Air pressure: Strategy for the new world order ?’ in Airpower Journal VIII (2) (Summer 1994). pp. 18 - 26. Hallion, R P. Storm over Iraq: Air power and the Gulf war (Washington DC: Smithsonian Press 1992). Hammick, M. ‘Aerial views - USAF air-to-air combat’ in International Defence Review 24 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 742 - 744. Hampton, D. ‘Combat Defense Suppression’ in Journal of Electronic Defense 14 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 87 - 91. Hartzer, R B. ‘Validating air force civil engineering combat support doctrine in the Gulf War’ in Airpower Journal VIII (2) (Summer 1994). pp. 62 - 71. Marshall-Hasdell, D J. Russian military perceptions of the Gulf war air campaign (UK: Conflict Studies Research Centre B55 1995).

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————. ‘Russian Military Perceptions of the Gulf War Air Campaign’ in Air Clues 50 (3) (Mar. 1996). pp. 84 - 90. Herman, T N. ‘Harriers in the Breach’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 122 (2) (Feb. 1996). pp. 44 - 47. Horner, C A. ‘The air campaign’ in Military Review LXI (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 16 - 27. Humphries, J G. ‘Operations law and the rules of engagement in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm’ in Airpower Journal VI (3) (Fall 1992). pp. 25 - 41. Hurley, M M. ‘Saddam Hussein and Iraqi air power: Just having an air force isn’t enough’ in Airpower Journal VI (4) (Winter 1992). pp. 4 - 16. Hussain, J S. ‘Gulf War and Its Impact On PAF's Air Land Battle’ in Defence Journal 17 (8) (Aug. 1991). pp. 37 - 42. International Herald Tribune. ‘Iraq may detain female POW’ (01/02/91). Jane's Defence Weekly. ‘F-117A excels in Desert Storm’ 15 (4) (26/01/91). p. 104. ————. ‘Tomakawk blow to Baghdad’ 15 (4) (26/01/91). p. 106. ————. ‘Modern bombs in the Gulf’ 15 (6) (09/02/91). p. 178. ————. ‘Flying start for USAF systems’ 15 (13) (30/03/91). p. 499. ————. ‘Figures that add up to success’ 15 (14) (06/04/91). p. 529. ————. ‘Success from the air’ 15 (14) (06/04/91). pp. 530 - 531. ————. ‘Facing up to failure’ 15 (14) (06/04/91). p. 532. ————. ‘After the Storm - Eyes of the Storm’ 15 (18) (04/05/91). pp. 735 - 737. Kandebo, S W. ‘U.S. fires over 25% of its conventional land attack tomahawks in the first weeks of war’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 134 (4) (28/01/91). pp. 29 30. Kinzey, B. The fury of desert storm the air campaign ((PA: TAB Books 1991). Kolcum, E H. ‘Desert Storm Highlights Need For New Training System Concepts’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 135 (21) (25/11/91). pp. 102 - 104. Lambeth (1993). Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Lambert, A P N. ‘The Psychological Impact of Air Power in the Gulf War’ in Air Clues 49 (3) (Mar. 1995). pp. 84 - 89. Leibstone, M. ‘Operation DESERT STORM Phase One - The Early Days’ in Military Technology 15 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 80 - 82. Lewis, R B H. ‘JFACC problems associated with battlefield preparation in Desert Storm’ in Airpower Journal VIII (1) (Spring 1994). pp. 4 - 21. Lohide, K D. ‘Desert Storm's Siren Song’ in Airpower Journal 9 (4) (Winter 1995). pp. 100 - 110. Los Angeles Times, ‘U.S. bombs Baghdad: Allied jets raid targets across Iraq’ (17/01/91). ————. ‘Bombardment will go on for weeks, Pentagon says’ (17/01/91). ————. ‘Allied air raids achieve 2 goals but miss scuds’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘Iraqi missiles strike Israel: Massive air attacks by Allies continuing’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘Israelis awaken to harsh impact of Iraqi missiles’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘Pilots relive 1st combat: ‘most scary thing...’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘Flying was not just ‘job’ to America’s first MIA’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘Hunt for mobile launchers seen as most difficult’ (18/01/91). ————. ‘More Iraqi missiles hit Israel: Allied jets pound targets at sortie-a-minute pace’ (19/01/91). ————. ‘U.S. jets now aiming at dug-in Iraq soldiers’ (20/01/91).

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————. ‘U.S. rushes defences to Israel: American troops to operate two patriot batteries’ (20/01/91). ————. ‘Baghdad grits its teeth and runs for cover’ (21/01/91). ————. ‘Held in the grip of the enemy’ (21/01/91). ————. ‘Hussein on air, whereabouts aren’t known’ (21/01/91). ————. ‘Iraq displays American POWs: 9 scud missiles aimed at Saudi Arabia shot down’ (21/01/91). ————. ‘Cloud and fog curtails Allied air operations’ (22/01/91). ————. ‘Daring raid rescues U.S. pilot in Iraq’ (22/01/91). ————. ‘High-tech missile hits bull’s-eye’ (22/01/91). ————. ‘Israel lacked U.S. codes to protect its jets’ (22/01/91). ————. ‘POWs to be shields, Iraq says: Placing them at targets is war crime, U.S. charges’ (22/01/91). ————. ‘Skills of coalition fliers give air campaign a lift’ (22/01/91). ————. ‘Iraq could be saving its air force for a surprise’ (23/01/91). ————. ‘Missile strikes Tel Aviv; 3 die: 96 hurt as scud devastates apartment house area’ (23/01/91). ————. ‘Refugees carry tales of terror from Baghdad’ (23/01/91). ————. ‘Foe skilled at trickery, decoys show’ (24/01/91). ————. ‘Iraq defeat certain, U.S. says: Hussein’s army to be cut off, killed, Powell asserts’ (24/01/91). ————. ‘Scud downing fails to blunt Israelis’ anger’ (24/01/91). ————. ‘French in 1st Iraq air atrike; Allied planes step up attack’ (25/01/91). ————. ‘Saudi pilot downs 2 Iraqi jets over the Gulf’ (25/01/91). M Luizet & B Broust, ‘Les Jaguar dans la tempete’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 157 (Feb. 1991). pp. 20 - 21. Mann, E. ‘Desert Storm: The first information war ?’ in Airpower Journal 8 (4) (Winter 1994). pp. 4 - 14. ————. ‘One target, one bomb: Is the principle of mass dead ?’ in Airpower Journal 7 (1) (Spring 1993). pp. 35 - 43. Mason, R A. ‘The air war in the Gulf’ in Survival 33 (3) (May - Jun. 1991). pp. 211 229. McCabe, T R. ‘The limits of deep attack’ in Airpower Journal VII (3) (Fall 1993). pp. 4 -14. McCrabb, M. ‘Air campaign planning’ in Airpower Journal VII (2) (Summer 1993). pp. 11 - 22. Meilinger, P S. ‘Towards a new airpower lexicon - or interdiction: An idea whose time has finally gone ?’ in Airpower Journal VII (2) (Summer 1993). pp. 39 - 47. Militaris, V. ‘The Gulf War: Diary of the final sixty days’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (1) (Apr. 1991). pp. 133 - 159. Morse, S (ed.). Gulf air war debrief (London: Aerospace publishing Ltd. 1991). Negin, J J. ‘Desert Storm - The first firefight’ in Armor CIII (2) (Mar. - Apr. 1994). pp. 6 - 9. Nordwall, B D. ‘Imagination Only Limit to Military, Commercial Applications for GPS’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 135 (15) (14/10/91). pp. 60 - 64. O’Leary, J. ‘Surprise and intelligence: Towards a clearer understanding’ in Airpower Journal VIII (1) (Spring 1994). pp. 34 - 50.

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Payton, G D. ‘The art of intelligence, by the general’ in Airpower Journal VII (4) (Winter 1993). pp. 16 - 25. Preylowski, I G P. ‘Krieg am Golf - Operation Wustensturm’ in Soldat und Technik 34 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 164 - 167. Price, A. ‘Deadly Darkness’ in Flight International 140 (4275) (10 - 16.07.91). pp. 33 35. Reading, R W. ‘Could Iraq have made better use of its Air Force and missile technology during the Air War ?’ in Australian Defence Force Journal 94 (May - Jun. 1992). pp. 39 - 63. Record, J. ‘Why the Air War Worked’ in Armed Forces Journal International (Apr. 1991). pp. 44 - 45. Rigail & Germain, ‘Les ‘jaguar’ dans le Golfe: un travail d'equipe Performance’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 158 (Mar. 1991). p. 69. Scott, W B. ‘USAF Officials Explain How War Altered Joint-STARS Requirements’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 135 (15) (14/10/91). pp. 58 - 59. ————. ‘Electro-Optic Targeting Tools Bolster Bombing Accuracy of Allied Aircraft’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 134 (4) (28/01/91). p. 25. Sweetman, B & A Robinson, A. ‘The mechanics of interdiction and airfield attack’ in International Defence Review 24 (5) (May 1991). pp. 468 - 472. Testaud, ‘Le voleur d'images’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 160 (May 1991). pp. 45 - 46. The Times. ‘First round victory is claimed in Baghdad’ (19/01/91). ————. ‘War: The first three days’ (20/01/91). ————. ‘1,000 vehicle convoy under fire from B52’s’ (01/02/91). ————. ‘Gunship’s crash is confirmed’ (02/02/91). ————. ‘Key artillery island falls to allied bombs’ (04/02/91). ————. ‘US battleship’s big guns open war’s third stage’ (05/02/91). ————. ‘Massive armour losses leave Saddam reeling’ (17/02/91). Time International. ‘A storm erupts’ (28/01/91). pp. 8 - 11. ————. ‘How targets are chosen’ (25/02/91). p. 18. ————. ‘How badly crippled is Saddam ?’ (04/03/91). pp. 22 - 23. US Department of the Air Force, ‘US Air Force performance in Desert Storm’ in Military Technology 15 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 146 - 156. Vincent, G A. ‘A new approach to command and control: The cybernetic design’ in Airpower Journal VII (2) (Summer 1993). pp. 24 - 38. Wanstall, B. ‘Realtime images for post-Gulf TacR’ in International Defense Review 24 (8) (Aug. 1991). pp. 833 - 839. Warden, J. The air campaign (London: Brassey’s 1989). Werrell, K P. ‘Air war victorious: The Gulf war vs. Vietnam’ in Parameters XXII (2) (Summer 1992). pp. 41 - 54. Wirtz, J J. ‘Allies and Theater Missile Defense: An ASW Approach to the Scud Hunt’ in Defense Analysis 11 (3) (Dec. 1995). pp. 255 - 268. - AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS Johnson, M G (ed.). ‘Mother of all surrenders: Marines lead the charge from Khafji to Kuwait’ in All Hands 892 (1991). Special Issue - Gulf War. pp. 26 - 31. ————. ‘Greater gators - amphibious forces kept Saddam guessing’ in All Hands 892 (1991). Special Issue - Gulf War. pp. 32 - 33. Hales (1991). (See Operational Analysis).

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Independent, ‘Marines poised to storm ashore’ (25/02/91). p. 4. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘USMC assault practice’ 14 (15) (13/10/90). p. 687. ————. ‘Amphibious exercise’ 14 (24) (15/12/90). p. 1205. Macksey, K. ‘The Normandy Inheritance’ in Tank 76 (728) (May 1994). pp. 3 - 7. Mroczkowski, P. U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf 1990 - 1991 (Washington DC: Headquarters United States Marines Corps 1993). - BATTLE OF 73 EASTING / MEDINA RIDGE (26 FEBRUARY 1991) ‘Biographical notes’ in Military Technology 15 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 158 - 159. Bohannon, R M. ‘Dragon’s roar: 1-37 armour in the battle of 73 Easting’ in Armor CI (3) (May - June 1991). pp. 11 - 17. Crawley, V. ‘Ghost Troop’s battle at the 73 Easting’ in Armor C (3) (May - June 1991). pp. 7 - 12. Gray. Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Krause. Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). - LAND OPERATIONS: DESERT SWORD (25TH - 29TH FEBRUARY 1991) 1-4 Cavalry Operations Staff, ‘Riders in the storm’ in Armor C (3) (May - June 1991). pp. 13 - 20. 24th Mechanised Infantry Division Combat Team: Historical reference Book (GA: Department of the Army 1991). 24th Mechanised Infantry Division Combat Team: Operation Desert Storm Attack plan OPLAN 91 - 3 (GA: Department of the Army 1992). Armed Forces Journal International. ‘Steel Rain Shut Down Iraqi Artillery’ (May 1991). p. 37. Armees d’Aujourd’hui. ‘A tous, en avant!’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 26 - 28. ————. ‘L'artillerie’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 72 - 75. Armor. ‘The 3d AD fought Saddam Hussein’s toughest troops through rain and wind of Desert Storm’ in C (2) (Mar - Apr. 1991). p. 33. Bosco, L. ‘Interview with ‘The Bear’’ in All Hands (894) (Sept. 1991). pp. 4 - 7. Chesley Harris, G. ‘Operation Desert Storm: Insights from a Brigade perspective’ in Infantry 82 (6) (Nov. - Dec. 1992). pp. 20 - 25. Armstrong, B. ‘Shooting blind men in the dark...’ in Armor C (3) (May - Jun. 1991). pp. 23 - 24. Bonsignore, E. ‘The war that wasn’t’ in Military Technology 15 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 59 - 62. Bryan, W H & Albaneze, M A. ‘Apache armed reconnaissance operations - another technique’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-92-1 (Jan. - Feb. 1992). pp. 38 - 41. Bustin, I. ‘Desert Sabre’ in Military Technology 15 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 51 - 52. Chadwick, F. Desert Storm factbook (USA: GDW 1991). Dacus, J R. ‘Bravo company goes to war’ in Armor C (5) (Sept. - Oct. 1991). pp. 9 - 13. Dameron, P S. ‘Attack troop in the Gulf War’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-92-6 (Nov. - Dec. 1992). pp. 22 - 25. Datin, A. ‘Les sapeurs dans le Golfe’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 160 (May 1991). p. 60. ————. ‘L’infanterie’ in Armees d’Aujourd’hui 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 60 - 63. Dempsey, T A. ‘On the wings of the storm: Heliborne manoeuvre during the Gulf War’ in Defence Analysis 10 (2) (1994). pp. 165 - 179.

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Eshel, D. ‘Military technology international Gulf War report’ in Military Technology 15 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 71 - 88. ————. ‘Checkmate in Kuwait’ in Military Technology 15 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 54 58. ————. ‘Desert Storm: A textbook victory’ in military Technology 15 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 28 - 35. Financial Times. ‘Allied success causes logistical problems’ (25/02/91). ————. ‘Million troops unleashed in Kuwait showdown’ (25/02/91). ————. ‘Refugees cast doubt on atrocity reports’ (26/02/91). ————. ‘Rapid advance extends re-supply operation’ (26/02/91). ————. ‘Allies wipe out most of Iraq’s fleeing armour’ (28/02/91). ————. ‘US tanks smash crack troops in last hours of Gulf war’ (28/02/91). Flanagan, E M Jr. ‘The 100 Hour war’ in Army 41 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 18 - 26. ————. ‘Hostile territory was their AO in Desert Storm’ in Army 41 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 12 - 30. Fontenot, G. ‘The ‘dreadnoughts’ rip the Saddam line’ in Army 42 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 28 - 36. ————. ‘Fright night: Task Force 2/34 armour’ in Military Review 73 (1) (Jan. 1993). pp. 38 - 52. Friedrich, O. (ed.), Desert Storm: The war in the Persian Gulf (Boston: Time-Warner Publishing/Little, Brown and Co. 1991). Glenn, R W. ‘Together into the Breach’ in The Royal Engineers Journal 106 (3) (Dec. 1992). pp. 240 - 244. Gollaher, M. ‘Two scouts under fire helped injured buddies during night battle’ in Armor C (3) (May - Jun. 1991). pp. 21 - 22. Goodman (1991). Op. Cit. (See Operational Analysis). Gregory, M R. ‘1-227th Pilots shot down, survive crash’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-91-1 (Jan. - Feb. 1991). pp. 13 - 14. Halim, A A. ‘The Gulf War: Preview - II’ in Defence Journal 17 (1-2) (Feb. 1991). p. 21. Harvey, D S. ‘In Battle With The 24th's Aviation Brigade’ in Rotor & Wing International 25 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 61 - 65. Independent, ‘Allies drive deep into Iraq to cut off Saddam’s army’ (25/02/91). p. 1. ————. ‘Into Iraq ‘like a hot knife through butter’ (25/02/91). p. 2. ————. ‘Marines attack through sand walls and minefields’ (25/02/91). p. 2. ————. ‘Fierce fighting as allies meet stronger resistance’ (26/02/91). p. 1. ————. ‘Republican Guard tank unit moves towards the Allies’ (26/02/91). p. 2. ————. ‘French push 100 miles into Iraq’ (26/02/91). p. 3. ————. ‘Texan welcome for US Marines’ (26/02/91). p. 3. Kennedy, W V. ‘The Tank is Dead But the Cavalry lives On’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 120 (11) (Nov. 1994). pp. 50 - 53. Kindsvatter, P S. ‘VII Corps in the Gulf War: Ground offensive’ in Military Review 1992 (2) (1992). pp. 16 - 37. Loneth, D M. ‘Air defence: no ‘road to Basra’’ in Army 41 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 16 - 26. Los Angeles Times, ‘Ground combat flares between U.S. and Iraq’ (20/01/91). p. A1, A16. MacGregor, D A. ‘Closing with the Enemy’ in Military Review 73 (2) (Feb. 1993). pp. 64 - 71.

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Maggart, L E. ‘A leap of faith’ in Armor CI (1) (Jan. - Feb. 1992). pp. 24 - 32. Mendez, J S. ‘El dominio del cielo’ in Revista Espanola de Defensa 4 (37) (Mar. 1991). pp. 44 - 46. Miller, J E & Bolger, D P. ‘Going deep: Division air assault operations’ in Military Review 73 (4) (Apr. 1993). pp. 2 - 12. Petrosky, D J & Hillard, M T. ‘An aviation brigade goes to war’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-91-5 (Sept. - Oct. 1991). pp. 44 - 65. Powell, C. ‘The Gulf War: Preview - I’ in Defence Journal 17 (1-2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 15 - 19. Prain, J F. ‘Training an Army to Navigate- Experiences from the Gulf War’ in Royal Engineers Journal 107 (1) (Apr. 1993). pp. 80 - 85. Puryear, A A & Haywood II, G R. ‘Ar Rumaylah airfield succumbs to hasty attack’ in Armor C (5) (Sept. - Oct. 1991). pp. 16 - 20. Rothwell, S K. ‘Medium reconnaissance in the Gulf: 16/5th lancers and the depth battle for objective Lead - part 1’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 125 (2) (Spring 1995). pp. 163 - 168. ————. ‘Medium reconnaissance in the Gulf: 16/5th lancers and the depth battle for objective Lead - part 2’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 125 (3) (July 1995). pp. 308 - 313. Segal, D. ‘Desert Storm and Division Air Defense’ in Armed Forces Journal International (May 1991). pp. 34 - 36. Shea, D W. ‘A ministry in the eye of the storm’ in Army 41 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 54 57. Sherrell, C C. ‘CONPLAN bugle: 2-6 Cavalry’s feint at the Wadi-Al-Batin’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-92-6 (Nov. - Dec. 1992). pp. 28 - 31. Shrader, C R. ‘Friendly fire: The inevitable’ price in Parameters 22 (3) (Autumn 1992). pp. 29 - 44. Smith, R. ‘The Gulf war: The land battle’ in RUSI Journal 137 (1) (Feb. 1992). pp. 1 5. Starr, B. ‘Mistaken identity - friendly fire and the problems of confirming targets’ in International Defense Review 24 (12) (Dec. 1991). pp. 1351 - 1352. Steele, D. ‘Tanks and men: Desert Storm from the hatches’ in Army 41 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 28 - 34. ————. ‘155 miles into Iraq: The 101st strikes deep’ in Army 41 (8) (Aug. 1991). pp. 30 - 35. Taylor, W J & Blackwell, J. ‘The ground war in the Gulf’ in Survival XXXIII (3) (May - Jun. 1991). pp. 230 - 245. Telegraph. ‘Triple shock: From air, land and sea’ (25/02/91). The Times, ‘American tanks smash into Iraq; Desert rats to lead Kuwait attack’ (24/02/91). ————. ‘See you in Baghdad’ (24/02/91). ————. ‘Bayonets sharpened ready for final push’ (24/02/91). ————. ‘Resistance is sterner on the road to Kuwait city’ (26/02/91). ————. ‘As we stand here, Kuwait city is free’ (27/02/91). ————. ‘How we won the war by General Schwartzkopf’ (28/02/91). Time International. ‘Countdown time’ (18/02/91). pp. 12 - 20. ————. ‘Marching to a conclusion’ (04/03/91). pp. 10 - 17. ————. ‘The 100 hours’ (11/03/91). pp. 26 - 35.

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Vogt, W M & Gnam, C A jr. (eds.), Desert Storm (Virginia: Howell Press inc. 1991). Waters, G. ‘The Gulf War and the Personnel Factor’ in Australian Defence Force Journal 95 (Jul. - Aug. 1992). pp. 27 - 34. Wunderlich, T. ‘Lucky scouts dodge ‘big bullets’ that ripped their Bradley’ in Armor C (3) (May - Jun. 1991). pp. 22 - 23. Yeosock, J J. ‘Army operations in the Gulf theatre’ in Military Review LXXI (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 2 - 15. ————. ‘H+100: An army comes of age in the Persian Gulf’ in Army 41 (10) (October 1991). pp. 44 - 58.

- NAVAL OPERATIONS Armees d'Aujourd'hui. ‘Embargo et coordinati on navale’ Golfe Numero Special 161 (Mar. 1991). pp. 10 - 11. ————. ‘Quand tout a commence’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 13 - 14. Atwal, K & Gething, M J. ‘Through sea, sand and storm’ in Defence 22 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 15 - 21. Brown, D K & Foxwell, D. ‘MCM and the threat beneath the surface’ in International Defence Review 24 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 735 - 738. Brown, R A & Schneller, R J. Op. Cit. (See Armed Forces - United States). Ciampi, A. ‘Italy and the Gulf war’ in Navy International 96 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 43 45. Craig, C J S. ‘Desert Shield / Desert Storm: The right flank’ in Naval Review 80 (1992). pp. 3 - 7. ————. ‘Gulf war: The maritime campaign’ in RUSI Journal 137 (4) (Aug. 1992). pp. 11 - 16. Cross, N H. ‘Soviet Naval Prospects in the 1990s’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 121 (2) (1991). pp. 214 - 217. Foxwell, D. ‘Operational lessons: Contending with Iraq's patrol boats’ in International Defence Review 24 (5) (May 1991). p. 466. Gawlowicz, J. ‘Mine countermeasures in the Gulf’ in All Hands 892 (Jul. 1991). pp. 20 - 23. Gilchrist, P. Desert Storm special 3: Sea power the Coalition and Iraqi navies (London: Osprey Publishing 1991). Hewish, M. ‘Tomakawk enhances navy role in land warfare’ in International Defence Review 24 (5) (May 1991). p. 458. Jacobs, G. ‘Arabian Gulf navies in crisis’ in Navy International 95 (10) (Oct. 1990). pp. 343 - 348. ————. ‘US Naval airpower in the Gulf crisis’ in Navy International 95 (10) (Oct. 1990). pp. 350 - 353. ————. ‘Desert Shield sealift’ in Navy International 95 (11) (Nov. 1990). pp. 387 390. ————. ‘Desert Storm naval air war’ in Navy International 96 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 110 - 115. ————. ‘Operation Desert Storm: Coalition warfare and lessons learned’ in Navy International 96 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 344 - 348. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘RN heads MCMV operations’ 14 (21) (24/11/90). p. 1015.

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————. ‘Desert Storm: The USN’s war’ 15 (13) (30/03/91). p. 471. ————. ‘Ruling the waves’ 15 (14) (06/04/91). p. 538. ————. ‘Sweeping the seas’ 15 (14) (06/04/91). p. 543. Johnson, M G (ed.). ‘Severing Saddam's Lifeline: Maritime interception controls the flow to Iraq’ in All Hands 892 (1991). pp. 10 - 13. ————. ‘Hard Rain - Desert Storm brings nasty weather’ in All Hands 892 (1991). pp. 14 - 19. ————. ‘Victory at sea’ in All Hands 892 (1991). pp. 20 - 25. ————. ‘Combat damage control - Controlling chaos saves the ship’ in All Hands 892 (1991). pp. 36 - 37. ————. ‘Combat logistics - The power behind the coalition's punch’ in All Hands 892 (1991). Special Issue - Gulf War. pp. 43 - 45. Keller, S H. ‘What Weapons That Wait?’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 120 (10) (Oct. 1994). pp. 44 - 46. Kennedy, F D jr. ‘Deception in the Gulf’ in National Defense 75 (467) (Apr. 1991). pp. 38 - 39. Kibble, D G. ‘Naval control of shipping and Desert Storm: A prototype of NCS in a briefcase’ in Naval Review 80 (1992). pp. 22 - 25. Koburger, C W jr. ‘The United States Navy in the Arabian Gulf’ in Navy International 95 (10) (Oct. 1990). pp. 339 - 342. ————. ‘The Gulf War: A more distant look’ in Navy International 96 (11) (Nov. 1991). pp. 392 - 393. Lenton, H T. ‘Maritime aspects of Operation Desert Shield’ in Navy International 95 (11) (Nov. 1990). pp. 396 - 399. Livingstone, N C. ‘Iraq's Intentional Omission’ in Sea Power 34 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 29 - 30. Lynch, T G. ‘Canada in the Gulf: Operation Friction’ in Navy International 95 (11) (Nov. 1990). pp. 391 - 394. ————. ‘Canada in the Gulf: Operation Friction’ in Navy International 96 (6) (June 1991). pp. 194 - 196. Navy International. ‘Events in the Gulf’ in 95 (9) (Sept. 1990). pp. 291 - 293. ————. ‘War in the Gulf’ in Navy International 96 (2) (Feb. 1991). pp. 35 - 39. ————. ‘French mines in the Gulf War’ in Navy International 96 (12) (Dec. 1991). p. 449. Palmer, M A. On course to Desert Storm: The United States Navy and the Persian Gulf (Washington DC: Naval Historical Centre 1992). Patton, J H jr.. ‘More Gulf War Lessons’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 117 (4) (Apr. 1991). p. 52. Preston, A. ‘Naval aspects of the Gulf conflict’ in Military Technology 15 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 58 - 61. Prina, L E. ‘Navy RDT&E: Fuel for the Continuing Revolution’ in Sea Power 34 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 18 - 24. Ranken, M. ‘Desert Shield/Desert Storm - Command Priorities/Principles’ in Naval Review 80 (3) (Jul. 1992). pp. 243 - 245. Reynolds, D. ‘‘Hospital’ Ship In The Gulf - A Concept Developed On Falklands Experience’ in NAVY International 96 (5) (May 1991). pp. 147 - 149. Roberts, J. ‘Going in harm’s way: The US navy in the light of the Gulf crisis’ in Defence 22 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 27 - 30.

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Sharpe, R. ‘Foreword to Jane's Fighting Ships 1991-92’ in Sea Power 34 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 19 - 30. Thomas, V C jr. ‘The Sea Services' Role in Desert Shield/Storm’ in Sea Power 34 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 27 - 33. Tritten, J J. ‘The changing role of naval forces: The Russian view of the 1991 Persian Gulf war’ in Journal of Soviet military studies 5 (4) (Dec. 1992). pp. 575 - 610. Truver, S C. ‘Lessons from the Princeton incident’ in International Defence Review 24 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 740 - 741. United States, Department of the Navy. Op. Cit. (See Government reports). Wells, M. ‘Gulf War vindicates maritime pre-positioning concept’ in Navy International 97 (1-2) (Jan. - Feb. 1992). pp. 30 - 32. - RAS AL KHAFJI (29th January - 1st February 1991) On the 29th January following the commencement of the Coalition air campaign ‘Desert Storm’, an Iraqi incursion took place into Saudi Arabia at its coastal border with Kuwait. Ostensibly, the aim of this action was believed to be an attempt to fracture the Coalition’s stability. The articles below recount in greater detail aspects of this event. Guardian. ‘Saudi’s say 400 held at Khafji’ (01/02/91). Hughes, D P. ‘Battle for Khafji: 29 Jan/1 Feb. 1991’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 124 (1) (Jan 1994). pp. 13 - 22. Stanton (1996). Op. Cit. (See Armed Forces - Saudi Arabia). Steele, D & Ludvigsen, E C. ‘Down in the sand: The first brushes’ in Army 41 (3) (Mar. 1991). pp. 33 - 38. The Times. ‘Allies capture 500 POW’s’ (02 - 03/02/91). Time International. ‘Combat in the sand’ (11/02/91). pp. 10 - 19. THEORY & TECHNOLOGY This section seeks to provide references to the role played by technology in the conflict, and the application of doctrine to the conduct of the military operations. Communications including satellite technology are listed in the first section. Subsequent sections include, electronic warfare, logistics, and medical references. Sources relating to the performance and types of military hardware are grouped into air, sea, land and missile technology. The Strategy & Tactics contains references to the methods employed by the military to prosecute the conflict. Efforts of the operational research community to answer political and military questions, are covered in a section detailing projects, and their aftermath. A Politics section contains refernces to sources providing analysis of diplomatic and international politics developments. Finally a section entitled Post facto contains references related to the aftermath of the conflict. - COMMUNICATIONS Anson, P & Cummings, D. ‘The First Space War: The contribution of satellites to the Gulf War’ in RUSI Journal 136 (4) (Winter 1991). pp. 45 - 53. Armees d’Aujourd’hui. ‘Le Commandement des transmissions de l'armee de l'Air’ 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 52 - 53. Ashcroft, I. ‘Joint STARS - Lessons From The Desert’ in Air Clues 46 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 30 - 32. Beron, T E. ‘Desert navigation devices’ in Infantry 81 (5) (Sept. - Oct. 1991). pp. 37 38.

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Brendler, J A. ‘Tactical Military Communciations’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 62 - 72. Bustin, I. ‘Talking Through the STORM’ in Military Technology 15 (11) (Nov. 1991). pp. 65 - 70. Campden, A D. ‘Gulf War's Silent Warriors Bind U.S. Units Via Space’ in Signal 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 81 - 84. Covault, C. ‘USAF Urges Greater Use of Spot Based on Gulf War Experience’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 137 (2) (Jul. 1992). pp. 61 - 65. Defense Electronics & Computing. ‘Airborne C3I platforms excel during Gulf War’ (Supplement to IDR 24 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 65 - 66. ————. ‘Multinet Gateway performed well in Gulf War’ (Supplement to IDR 10/1991). p. 141. Frakes, P F. ‘The Point of the Spear’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 26 - 28. Furniss, T. ‘Storm Support From Space’ in Flight International 4261 (139) (03 09/04/91). pp. 48 - 51. Gibson, T. ‘Developing a Command and Control System in War’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 52 - 56. Herskovitz, S B. ‘Desert Duty and the Digital Debate’ in Journal of Electronic Defense 14 (11) (Nov. 1991). pp. 47 - 54. Howard, D D. ‘New aids to desert navigation: knowing where you are...’ in Armor C (2) (Mar - Apr. 1991). pp. 11 - 13. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘Operation Desert Storm has given the US military an unprecedented opportunity to use its space-based assets. The JDW Interview’ 15 (6) (09/02/91). p. 200. ————. ‘Fighting to communicate - the USN’s biggest problem’ 15 (15) (13/04/91). p. 586. ————. ‘Portable data at war’ (04/01/92). pp. 28 - 29. Jensen, R M. ‘Air Force Communications Began Small in Gulf War’ in Signal 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 65. von Kries, W. ‘Militarische Weltraumnutzung vor dem Hintergrund des Golfkrieges’ in Soldat und Technik 35 (6) (1992). pp. 392 - 397. [Military use of space during the Gulf war] Lambakis, S. ‘Space control in Desert Storm and beyond’ in Orbis 39 (3) (Summer 1995). pp. 417 - 433. Macedonia, M R. ‘Information Technology in Desert Storm’ in Military Review 72 (10) (Oct. 1992). pp. 34 - 41. Mandeles, M D Hone, T C Terry S S. Managing ‘Command and Control’ in the Gulf war (London: Praeger 1996). McCain, T A & Shyles, L (eds.). The 1,000 hour war: Communication in the Gulf (London: Praeger 1994). McKenzie, D D. ‘U.S. Air Force Communications in Desert Storm’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 42 - 44. Miller, B. ‘GPS Proves Its Worth in Operation Desert Storm’ in Armed Forces Journal International (Apr. 1991). pp. 16 - 20. O’Neil, D P. ‘The Rapid Deployment Digital Satellite Network’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 30 - 35.

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Noir, T. ‘Helios: ‘La nouvelle frontiere’’ in Armees d'Aujourd'hui 160 (May 1991). pp. 29 - 31. Pierce, M L jr. ‘Established Architecture Keys Marine Desert Data’ in Signal 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 77 - 79. Rip, M R & Lusch, D P. ‘The precision revolution: The navstar global positioning system in the second Gulf War’ in Intelligence and National Security 9 (2) (Apr. 1994). pp. 167 - 241. Ritchelson, J T. ‘Volume of Data Cripples Tactical Intelligence System’ in Armed Forces Journal International (Jun. 1992). pp. 35 - 37. Salerno, D P & Washer, T F II. ‘Desert Storm: Air Assault Communications’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 36 - 41. Shrader, R W. ‘C4I: Desert Storm’s unsung technology superstar’ in Signal 45 (9) (May 1991). p. 15. Signal, ‘Signals warfare centre has potent desert storm role’ in Signal 45 (7) (March 1991). pp. 57 - 59. ————. ‘Communication, control advances permeate combat successes’ 45 (9) (May 1991). pp. 121 -126. ————. ‘Gulf Precision Weapons Offer Convention Preview’ 45 (9) (May 1991). pp. 132 - 139. ————. ‘Trashing Iraqi Scud Sites Shows Firefinder's Mettle’ 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 27 - 30. ————. ‘Scud Killer Patriot Missile Upgrades Expand Range’ 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 33 - 36. ————. ‘Gulf War Communications Quickly Fielded, Efficient’ 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 44 - 45. ————. ‘Gulf's Electronic Marvels Set for Multiple Upgrades’ 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 53 - 55. ————. ‘USAF Command Provides Gulf Communications Needs’ 45 (12) (Aug. 1991). pp. 61 - 62. J M Slupik, ‘DISA Comes Through’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 22 - 25. C G Spangler, ‘Army air traffic services during operations desert shield/desert storm’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-93-3 (May - Jun. 1993). pp. 60 - 64. J S Toma, ‘Desert Storm Communications’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 19 - 21. J O Tuttle, ‘C4I For The 21st Century’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 48 - 50. M A Wallace, ‘HF Radio in Southwest Asia’ in IEEE Communications Magazine 31 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 58 - 61. J A Wickham jr., ‘Desert storm and the high technology debate’ in Signal 45 (7) (March 1991). pp. 13 - 14. J Wood, ‘Desert sounds - international broadcasting in the Arab world’ in IEE Review 37 (7) (Jul. - Aug. 1991). pp. 275 - 280. - ELECTRONIC WARFARE Adam, J A & Zopette, G. ‘Gulf Legacy’ in IEEE Spectrum 28 (9) (Sept. 1991). p. 25. ————. ‘Warfare in the information age’ in IEEE Spectrum 28 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 26 - 33.

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Rutherford, W R III & Brame, W L. ‘Brute Force Logistics’ in Military Review 73 (3) (Mar. 1993). pp. 61 - 69. Salomon, L E & Bankirer, H. ‘Total army CSS: providing the means for victory’ in Military Review LXXI (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 3 - 8. Sanchez, E. ‘La logistica gano la guerra del Golfo’ in Revista Espanola de Defensa 38 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 56 - 59. Schnell, W. ‘Anytime, Anyplace’ in U.S. Army Aviation Digest 1-91-1 (Jan. - Feb. 1991). pp. 6 - 7. Schuster, C R. ‘A Real-Life Test of Flexible Readiness’ in Army Logistician (Nov. Dec. 1991). pp. 38 - 40. Shrader, C R. ‘Gulf War Logistics’ in Parameters 25 (4) (Winter 1995 - 1996). pp. 142 - 148. Southworth, M S. ‘When War Wouldn't Wait’ in Army Logistician (Jan. - Feb. 1992). pp. 8 - 11. Springett, R. ‘Supply Support for the Support Helicopter Force in the Gulf War’ in Air Clues 47 (7) (Jul. 1993). pp. 248 - 254. The Royal Engineers Journal. ‘Report by Engineer in Chief’ 106 (2) (Aug. 1991). pp. 102 - 111. Tow, S L. ‘Airlift-Delivered Victory’ in Defense Transportation Journal 47 (3) (Jun. 1991). pp. 47 - 48. Tuttle, G T jr. ‘Operation Desert Storm Demonstrates AMC's Mission Framework‘ in Army 41 (10) (Oct. 1991). pp. 80 - 85. Vuono, C E. ‘Desert Storm and Future Logistics Challenges’ in Army Logistician (Jul. Aug. 1991). pp. 28 - 31. Waller, C A H. ‘Waller's Keynote Address: A Celebration of Victory’ in Defense Transportation Journal 47 (6) (Dec. 1991). pp. 14 - 19. Walton-Knight, M P. ‘Supplying Water to the British Army During the Gulf War’ in Royal Engineers Journal 108 (2) (Aug. 1994). pp. 154 - 159. Wells, G W jr. ‘Aerial Delivery in Desert Storm’ in Army Logistician (Mar. - Apr. 1993). pp. 35 - 37. White, M S. Gulf Logistics: Blackadder’s war (London: Brassey’s 1995). Wilson, A A. ‘A Theatre Overview of Engineer Aspects Of the Gulf War’ in The Royal Engineers Journal 106 (2) (Aug. 1991). pp. 116 - 124. Wilson, B F. ‘Forward-Area Support in Desert Storm’ in Army Logistician (Sept. - Oct. 1992). pp. 2 - 4. Williams, B J. ‘Tyre changing facilities for Operation GRANBY’ in Journal of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 41 (May 1991). pp. 19 - 23. Williams, J C. ‘Quality Control for the Patriot’ in Army Logistician (Jan. - Feb. 1992). pp. 6 - 7. Zorpette, G. ‘From factory floor to desert war’ in IEEE Spectrum 28 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 40 - 42. - MEDICAL The very basic need to enable the soldiers deployed to the Middle East to merely survive, let alone engage in operations led to very real medical problems. The selection of sources here discuss those issues, plus those relating to the emergence of the malady known as Gulf war syndrome.

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————. ‘Address to the People of Iraq on the Persian Gulf Crisis by President George Bush, 16th September 1990’ 71 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 92 - 93. Monshipouri, M & Zoltyl, T L. ‘Shaping the New World Order: America's Post-Gulf War Agenda in the Middle East’ in Armed Forces and Society 19 (4) (Summer 1993). pp. 551 - 577. Munro, A. An Arabian affair: Politics and diplomacy behind the Gulf war (London: Brassey’s 1996). Mylroie, L. ‘Why Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait’ in Orbis 37 (1) (Winter 1993). pp. 123 - 134. Nature. ‘Iraq puts cat among pigeons’ 344 (6266) (05/04/90). pp. 475 - 476. New York Times. ‘Baker foresees a long stay for U.S. troops in mideast’ (05/09/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Excerpts from Baker testimony on U.S. and Gulf’ (05/09/90). p. 14. ————.‘Cheney has staked out authority at Pentagon’ (18/09/90). p. 12. ————. ‘Soviet aide who met the Iraqis talks in Washington about Gulf’ (19/10/90). p. 16. ————. ‘Mideast tensions; Bush will visit the troops in desert on thanksgiving’ (03/11/90). p. 6. ————. ‘Negotiating an Iraqi withdrawal beats war; Mirage of consensus’ (18/11/90). p. 16. ————. ‘War effect on energy minimised’ (28/12/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Warship leaves Staten Island’ (29/12/90). p. 28. ————. ‘In U.S., Constitution supercedes U.N. Charter’ (29/12/90). p. 22. ————. ‘Year prison sentence for protester at flag-burning’ (29/12/90). p. 9. ————. ‘The Nation; A hemmed-in Congress, cranky from gavel to gavel’ (06/01/91). p. 4. ————. ‘War in the Gulf; Cheney’s remarks on attack on Iraq’ (17/01/91). p. 17. ————. ‘The Pentagon; Excerpts from remarks by Cheney and Powell on war effort’ (18/01/91). p. 9. ————. ‘Excerpts from briefing by 2 generals on war’s first 36 hours’ (19/01/91). p. 11. ————. ‘Excerpts from Bush’s remarks to reservist group on resolve in the Gulf’ (24/01/91). p. 14. ————. ‘On language; Brits, tommies, poms, limeys & kippers’ (27/01/91). p. 8. ————. ‘Newcomer creates a stir in corridors of power’ (10/02/91). p. 1. ————. ‘Topics of the times; Congress: Uniform proportion’ (18/02/91). p. 22. Polanyi, J C. ‘Collective Will or Law of the Jungle’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (5) (Jun. 1991). pp. 23 - 24. Rabinovich, I. ‘External pressures, internal strains - The Middle East in 1990’ in RUSI Journal 135 (4) (Winter 1990). pp. 43 - 46. Roberts, J. ‘Oil, the military and the Gulf war of 1991’ in RUSI Journal 136 (1) (Spring 1991). pp. 11 - 16. ————. A war for oil ? Energy issues and the Gulf War of 1991 (ICEED 1991). Sifry, M L & Cerf C. The Gulf war: History, documents, opinions (NY: Random House 1991). Smock, D R. Religious perspectives on war: Christian, Muslim and Jewish attitudes towards force after the Gulf War (Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace Press 1992).

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Spencer, R H. ‘A Just War Primer’ in Military Review 73 (2) (Feb. 1993). pp. 20 - 25. Stern, B. Guerre du Golfe: le dossier d’une crise internationale 1990-1992 (Paris: La Documentation Française 1993). Taft, W H IV. ‘European security: lessons learned from the Gulf war’ in NATO review 39 (3) (Jun. 1991). pp. 7 - 11. Teicher, H. Twin pillars to Desert Storm: America’s flawed vision in the Middle East from Nixon to Bush (NY: William Morrow & co. 1993). Terasawa, K L & Gates, W R. ‘Burden Sharing in the Persian Gulf: Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future’ in Defense Analysis 9 (2) (Aug. 1993). pp. 171 - 195. The Times. ‘Public demand Saddam is tried for his crimes’ (24/02/91). p. 2. ————. ‘The hour has come’ (24/02/91). p. 9. Time International. ‘A first thick shock of war’ (28/01/91). pp. 26 - 27. ————. ‘Bush’s biggest gamble’ (28/01/91). pp. 24 - 25. ————. ‘Closing ranks behind the yanks’ (28/01/91). pp. 28 - 29. ————. ‘What kind of peace ?’ (28/01/91). pp. 30 - 33. ————. ‘The devil in the hero’ (28/01/91). ————. ‘The man behind a demonic image’ (11/02/91). pp. 28 - 29. ————. ‘Sorting out the mixed signals’ (18/02/91). pp. 22 - 23. ————. ‘The Arab world: The fuse grows shorter’ (18/02/91). pp. 24 - 26. ————. ‘Saddam’s endgame’ (25/02/91). pp. 10 - 15. ————. ‘What if Saddam pulls out ?’ (25/02/91). pp. 16 - 17. ————. ‘Don’t reject a cease-fire’ (25/02/91). p. 43. ————. ‘The inside story of Moscow’s quest for a deal’ (04/03/91). pp. 32 - 38. ————. ‘My final visit with Saddam Hussein’ (11/03/91). pp. 64 - 65. ————. ‘A man you could do business with’ (11/03/91). pp. 69 - 75. University of Pittsburgh, The political psychology of the Gulf War: Leaders, publics, and the process of conflict (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press 1993). [Published proceedings of the November 1991 conference]. Whicker, M L et. al., The Presidency and the Persian Gulf war (London: Praeger 1993). Washington Post. ‘Confrontation in the Gulf; Senators question control of Gulf aid’ (12/09/90). p. 19. ————. ‘Where Gen. Dugan went wrong’ (18/09/90). p.19 ————. ‘Pentagon reports buildup by Iraqis on Kuwaiti front’ (19/09/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Saddam pulls back elite forces’ (05/11/90). p. 13. ————. ‘Mideast tensions; excerpts from Gulf testimony’ (04/12/90). p. 12. ————. ‘Mideast tensions; Cheney sees need to act militarily against the Iraqis’ (04/12/90). p. 1. ————. ‘Panel spar over envoy; Glaspie may testify again’ (13/07/91). p. 1. ————. ‘Secrecy question delays Glaspie’s Senate testimony’ (18/07/91). p. 26. Woodward, B. The commanders (New York: Simon & Schuster 1991). POST FACTO Following the end of the conflict there were many issues still unresolved. Analysts predicted the rapid fall of Saddam Hussain’s Baathist regime, in a popular uprising. Regional balance of power politics were in flux, from a Western point of view. Then there were practical issues relating to actually what have been the lessons for the players in the crisis ? From an academic perspective did the Gulf War actually occur ? This section seeks to provide a flavour of those issues in its selection of articles and texts.

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Ackland, L. ‘From the editors: Iraq’s appocalypse’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (4) (May 1991). p. 2. Agmon, M. Post-Cold War U.S. Security Strategies for the Persian Gulf (CA: RAND 1993). R-4268-AF/A. Ahrari, M E & Noyes, J H. The Persian Gulf after the cold war (London: Praeger 1994). Albright, D & Hibbs, M. ‘Iraq and the Bomb: Were They Even Close ?’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (2) (Mar. 1991). pp. 16 - 25. ————. ‘Hyping the Iraqi Bomb’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (2) (Mar. 1991). pp. 26 - 28. ————. ‘Iraq’s Nuclear Hide-and-Seek’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (7) (Sept. 1991). pp. 14 - 23. ————. ‘News the front page missed’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (8) (Oct. 1991). pp. 7 - 9. ————. ‘Iraq's Bomb: Blueprints and Artifacts’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 48 (1) (Jan. - Feb. 1992). pp. 31 - 40. ————. ‘Iraq's Shop-Till-You-Drop Nuclear Program’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 48 (3) (Apr. 1992). pp. 27 - 37. ————. ‘Its all over at Al Atheer’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 48 (5) (Jun. 1992). pp. 8 - 11. Aldred, M. ‘Lessons of the Gulf war’ in RUSI Journal 137 (6) (Dec. 1992). pp. 10 - 14. Armees, ‘La victoire: une oeuvre commune’ in Armees d’Aujourd’hui 161 (Jun. - Jul. 1991). pp. 42 - 44. Army Quarterly & Defence Journal. ‘The difficulties facing the Soviet Army, 1991’ 121 (2) (1991). pp. 193 - 198 . Asch, B J. Reserve Supply in the Post-Desert Storm Recruiting Environment (CA: RAND 1993). MR-224. Aspin, L & Dickinson, B. Defence for a new era: Lessons of the Gulf war (London: Brassey’s 1992). Atkeson, E B. ‘The Soviets Examine Desert Shield/Storm’ in Army 41 (11) (Nov. 1991). pp. 22 - 23. Atwal, K George, A & Bainerman, J. ‘Focus on the Middle East in the eye of the storm’ in Defence 22 (7) (July 1991). pp. 18 - 25. Aviation Week & Space Technology. ‘Pentagon Identifies 21 Key Technologies For Maintaining U.S. Military Lead’ 134 (20) (20/05/91). p. 57. Banks, T. ‘After the Gulf War - The Prospect for Peace in the Islamic Crescent’ in Jane's Intelligence Review 3 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 256 - 259. Bark, A M. ‘Did the Gulf War demonstrate that war is still a necessary and effective instrument of policy ?’ in British Army Review (103) pp. 78 - 82. Baudrillard, J. The Gulf War did not take place (Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1995).

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Biagini, A. ‘Storia Di Un Popolo Senza Patria - La Questione Curda’ in Rivista Militare 5 (Sept. - Oct. 1995). pp. 72 - 77. Biass, E H Braybrook, R & Richardson, D. ‘Le Bourget 1991: the Post-Gulf War Show’ in Armada International 15 (4) (Aug. - Sept. 1991). pp. 54 - 63. Biddle, S. ‘Victory misunderstood: What the gulf war tells us about the future of conflict’ in International Security 21 (2) (Fall 1996). pp. 139 - 179. Bin-Sultan, K. ‘The Gulf War and its Aftermath: a Personal Perspective’ in RUSI Journal 138 (6) (Dec. 1993). pp. 1 - 5. Blix, H. ‘Verification of nuclear nonproliferation: The lesson of Iraq’ in Washington Quarterly 15 (4) (Autumn 1992). pp. 67 - 73. Bolger, D P. ‘The ghosts of Omdurman’ in Parameters 21 (3) (Autumn 1991). pp. 28 39. Parameters. ‘Commentary and Reply: Conjuring more ghosts of Omdurman’ 22 (1). pp. 101 - 109. Bruce, J. Feuds Cut Deeper Into Saddam's Power Base in Jane's Intelligence Review Pointer 2 (7) (Jul. 1995). p. 2. Bonsignore, E (et. al.). ‘The 39th Paris Air Show: after the Gulf War’ in Military Technology 15 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 60 - 73. Braybrook, R. ‘Cutbacks despite Gulf successes’ in Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter 18 (6/7) (Dec. - Jan. 1991). pp. 60 - 61. Business Week, ‘Lessons from the front: The war against Iraq will change the way America arms itself’ (18/02/91). pp. 16 - 18. Charles, D. ‘Iraq: nuclear secrets or rumours’ in New Scientist 129 (1750) (Jan. 1991). pp. 18 - 19. Chubin, S. ‘Post-war Gulf security’ in Survival 33 (Jan. - Feb. 1991). pp. 140 - 157. Collins, J J. ‘Desert Storm and the lessons of learning’ in Parameters (Autumn 1992). pp. 83 - 95. de Contreras, A. ‘Kurdos, los hijos de la tragedia’ in Revista Espanola de Defensa 4 (40) (Jun. 1991). pp. 56 - 57. Van Creveld, M. ‘The Persian Gulf crisis of 1990 - 91 and the future of morally constrained war’ in Parameters 22 (2) (Summer 1992). pp. 21 - 40. Cross, N H. ‘Defending the Peace’ in Tank 76 (727) (Feb. 1994). pp. 3 - 7. Cutshaw, C Q. ‘Lessons from the Gulf - A time for caution’ in Jane’s Intelligence Review 3 (7) (July 1991). pp. 314 - 318. DeAtkine, N B. ‘The Middle East scholars and the Gulf War’ in Parameters 23 (2) (Summer 1993). pp. 53 - 62. Dowdy, W L. SSI Special Report: Second guessing the end of Desert Storm (US Army War College: Strategic Studies Institute 1992).

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Dubik, J M. ‘Identifying Some 'Non-Lessons' of the Gulf War’ in Army 41 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 8 - 10. Duncan, B A C. ‘The Gulf War: Echoes of Omdurman’ in British Army Review (98) (Aug. 1991). pp. 67 - 70. Dunn, M C. ‘Settling Sands after Desert Storm’ in Armed Forces Journal International 134 (1) (Aug. 1996). pp. 22 - 26. Economist. ‘Iraq’s atomic enigma’ 320 (7715) (Jul. 1991). pp. 67 - 68. ————. ‘Damned elusive’ 321 (7729) (Oct. 1991). p. 94. Ekéus, R. ‘The Iraqi experience and the future of nuclear nonproliferation’ in Washington Quarterly 15 (4) (Autumn 1992). pp. 57 - 65. Evron, Y. ‘Gulf Crisis and War: Regional Rules of the Game and Policy and Theoretical Implications’ in Security Studies 4 (1) (Autumn 1994). pp. 115 - 152. Farmen, W N & Lessel, E F III. ‘Forward Presence in Turkey: Case Study’ in Parameters 22 (3) (Autumn 1992). pp. 19 - 28. Fotion, N G. ‘The Gulf War: Cleanly Fought’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (7) (Sept. 1991). pp. 24 - 29. Freedman, L. ‘The Gulf War and the new world order’ in Survival XXXIII (3) (May Jun. 1991). pp. 195 - 210. Ganyard, S T. ‘Strategic Air Power Didn't Work’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 121 (8) (Aug. 1995). pp. 31 - 35. Garfinkle, A. ‘The U.S. imperial postulate in the Middle East’ in Orbis 41 (1) (Winter 1997). pp. 15 - 29. George, A. ‘Iraq's Supergun: an Expensive Fiasco’ in Defence 22 (4) (Apr. 1991). p. 12. ————. ‘Foiling a Future Saddam's Technology Drive’ in Defence 22 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 14 - 15. ————. ‘Iraq's Nuclear Ambitions Undimmed’ in Defence 22 (8) (Aug. 1991). p. 12. George, J L. ‘US Navy Budget Fiscal Year 1992 Request: No Desert Storm Let-Up’ in NAVY International 96 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 167 - 173. Gross, N. ‘Soviet Press Review - Lessons from the Gulf’ in Jane's Intelligence Review 3 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 286 - 288. Grounds, J (ed.). ‘UN Inspectors in Iraq’ in Trust and verify 20 (Jun. 1991). p. 1. Hallion, R P. ‘Air Power Today and Tomorrow: a Post-Gulf War View’ in RUSI Journal 139 (5) (Oct. 1994). pp. 23 - 29. Hartung, W. ‘The Boom At The Arms Bazaar’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (8) (Oct. 1991). pp. 14 - 20. Harvey, M. ‘Arms export control: An analysis of developments since the Gulf war’ in RUSI Journal 137 (1) (Feb. 1992). pp. 35 - 41. Helms, R F II et. al. The Persian Gulf crisis: Power in the post-cold war world (London: Praeger 1992). Hilmes, R. ‘Stand der US Heeresrustung’ in Soldat und Technik 36 (10) (Oct. 1993). pp. 634 - 638. Hollis, R. ‘Security Developments in the Middle East’ in Military Technology 16 (5) (1992). pp. 10 - 19. Horgan, J. ‘From the ashes’ in Scientific American 264 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 11 - 12. Isby, D C. The Residual Iraqi "Scud" Force in Jane’s Intelligence Review 7(3) (Mar. 1995). pp. 115 - 117. Jane’s Defence Weekly. ‘The new struggle for Iraq’ 15 (13) (30/03/91). pp. 472 - 473.

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————. ‘After the Storm - Industry waits for Gulf fall-out’ 15 (18) (04/05/91). pp. 729 - 732. ————. ‘Industry after Eldorado’ 15 (24) (15/06/91). pp. 1037 - 1040. ————. ‘Iraq trying to hide NBC sites’ 16 (1) (06/07/91). p. 12. ————. ‘Playing cat and mouse over Iraq’s nuclear secrets’ 16 (2) (13/07/91). p. 58. ————. ‘Exposing the secrets of Jabal Hamrayn’ 16 (11) (14/09/91). pp. 458 - 459. ————. ‘Attack on germ warfare’ 16 (11) (14/09/91). pp. 471 - 472. ————. ‘Ridding Iraq of CW to take two years’ 16 (13) (28/09/91). p. 557. ————. ‘Unravelling the puzzle of Iraq's nuclear programme’ 16 (14) (05/10/91). pp. 602 - 603. ————. ‘Cyprus: forward line for the Gulf’ 16 (16) (19/10/91). pp. 714 - 715. ————. ‘Iraq was close to nuclear device’ 16 (21) (23/11/91). p. 988. ————. ‘How Saddam is picking up the pieces a year after storm’ 17 (8) (February 1992). p. 284. ————. ‘Extending the Reach of MLRS’ 20 (16) (Oct. 1993). pp. 33- 35. ————. ‘UN Plans to Keep an Eye on Saddam's Secret Ambitions’ 22 (12) (24/09/94). p. 19. ————. ‘Gulf Pre-Positioning Plans Make Slow Progress in Shifting Sands’ 24 (3) (22/07/95). p. 19. Jermano, J L & Springer S E. ‘Monitoring road mobile missiles under START: Lessons from the Gulf war’ in Parameters 23 (1) (Spring 1993). pp. 70 - 80. Joffé, G. Iraq - the Sanctions Continue in Jane’s Intelligence Review 6 (7) (Jul. 1994). pp. 314 - 316. Karsh, E & Rautsi, I. ‘Why Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait’ in Survival XXXIII (1) (Jan. - Feb. 1991). pp. 18 - 30. Kaufman, S. ‘Lessons from the 1991 Gulf War and Russian Military Doctrine’ in Journal of Slavic Military Studies 6 (3) (Sept. 1993). pp. 375 - 396. Kay D. ‘Arms Inspections in Iraq: Lessons for Arms Control’ in Bulletin of Arms Control 7 (Aug. 1992). pp. 2 - 7. ————. ‘Iraqi Arms: not ready for inspection’ in Army Quarterly and Defence Journal 122 (4) (Oct. 1992). pp. 427 - 431. Kindsvatter, P S. ‘VII Corps in the Gulf War: Post-cease-fire operations’ in Military Review LXXII (6) (June 1992). pp. 2 - 19. Klare, M T. Fueling The Fire: How We Armed The Middle East in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (1) (Jan. - Feb. 1991). pp. 19 - 26. Knip, K & Eijenraam, F. ‘Iraq’s bomb program: a smoking gun emerges’ in Science 254 (5032) (Nov. 1991). pp. 644 - 645. Kramer, M. ‘The Global Arms Trade After the Persian Gulf War’ in Security Studies 2 (2) (Winter 1992). 260-309. Lambeth, B S. Desert Storm and Its Meaning: The View from Moscow (CA: RAND 1992). R-4164-AF. ————. Learning from the Persian Gulf War (CA: RAND 1993). P-7850. Lenorouitz, J M Covault, C & Shifrin, C A. ‘European Forces Seeking Better Standoff Capability’ in Aviation Week and Space Technology 140 (3) (Jan. 1994). pp. 59 - 60. Lopez, G A. ‘The Gulf War: Not So Clean’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (7) (Sept. 1991). pp. 30 - 35.

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Mazaar, M J Snider, D M & Blackwell jr., J A. Desert Storm: The Gulf war and what we learned (Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1993). Menos, D. Arms over diplomacy: Reflections on the Persian Gulf war (London: Praeger 1992). Milhollin, G & White, G. Tug of war over high-tech exports in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (2) (Mar. 1991). pp. 7 - 8. Moore, M. ‘How George Bush won his spurs’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (8) (Oct. 1991). pp. 26 - 33. Morrocco J D, ‘US Uses Gulf War to Frame New Strategy’ in Aviation Week and Space Technology 140 (3) (Jan. 1994). pp. 40 - 41. Nativi, A. ‘Any Early Lesson ?’ in Military Technology 15 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 53 - 57. New Scientist. ‘The nuclear red herring’ 128 (1745) (01/12/90). p. 19. New York Times. ‘The federal budget: The military; Despite detailed Pentagon blueprint, questions on spending remain’ (05.02.91). ————. ‘Visiting royalty views ‘cricket’, colonial style’ (16/05/91). p. 20. ————. ‘After the war; Schwartzkopf to Capitol Hill’ (07/05/91). p. 16. Nordwall, B D & Klass, P J.‘Key Desert Storm Technologies Vital To Future Competitiveness’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 134 (22) (03/06/91). pp. 64 65. Norris, C. Uncritical theory: Postmodernism, intellectuals and the Gulf War (Lawrence & Wishart 1992). Owens, W. ‘The Quest for Consensus’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 120 (5) (May 1994). pp. 68 - 72. Parker, T A. ‘The Navy Got It - Desert Storm's Wake-Up Call’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 120 (9) (Sept. 1994). pp. 33 - 36. Parliamentary correspondent, ‘Friendly fire in the Gulf: Board’s findings’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 122 (1) (Jan 1992). pp. 37 - 40. Patton, J H jr. ‘More Gulf War Lessons’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 117 (4) (Apr. 1991). p. 52. Pimlott, J & Badsey, S (eds.). The Gulf war assessed (London: Arms & Armour Press 1992). Plügge, M. ‘The Iraqi connection’ in International Defense Review 24 (6) (Jun. 1991). pp. 567 - 569. Pollock, K E. ‘Desert Storm Taught Us Something’ in Proceedings of the US Naval Institute 121 (1) (Jan. 1995). pp. 68 - 69. Prina, L E. ‘Stunning Victory in a Unique Conflict; DOD's ‘Final Report’ on the Gulf War’ in Sea Power 35 (6) (Jun. 1992). pp. 19 - 23. Rathmell, A. Iraq’s Military - Waiting for Change in Jane’s Intelligence Review 7 (2) (Feb. 1995). pp. 76 - 80. ————. ‘Iraq - the Endgame ?’ in 7 (5) (May 1995). pp. 225 - 228. ————. ‘Cracks Within Iraq's Army’ in Pointer 13 (Nov. 1994). p. 2. Readman, J W Fowler, S W Villeneuve, J-P Cattani, C Oregioni B & Mee, L D. ‘Oil and combustion-product contamination of the Gulf marine environment following the war’ in Nature 358 (Aug. 1992). pp. 662 - 665. Reed, J. ‘Deployments out of area: Did ‘Desert Storm’ change the rules ?’ in Defence 22 (4) (Apr. 1991). pp. 17 - 21. Reigosa, C G. ‘Memoria del Golfo Persico’ in Revista Espanola de Defensa 5 (47) (Jan. 1992). pp. 60 - 65.

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Rochlin, I & Demchak, C C. ‘The Gulf War: Technological and organisational implications’ in Survival 33 (3) (May - Jun. 1991). pp. 260 - 273. Rozman, T R. ‘Initial Deployment Brigades Cutting Risks’ in Military Review 72 (2) (Feb. 1992). pp. 73 - 80. Sauerwein, B. ‘One year after: post-Gulf War regional security’ in International Defense Review 25 (2) (Feb. 1992). pp. 107 - 109. Schloesser, J. ‘The Limits of Power - America's 20 years in the Gulf’ in Military Review 72 (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 17 - 29. Scott, A. ‘PKK opens second front’ in International Defense Review 24 (7) (Jul. 1991). pp. 702 - 703. Seghal, I. ‘Case for a Unified Command’ in Defence Journal 17 (4) (1991). pp. 9 - 13. Serrano, A S. ‘Consecuencias de la guerra del Golfo’ in Revista Espanola de Defensa 4 (40) (Jun. 1991). pp. 52 - 55. Sherwood, R J. ‘Gulf war endorses Some Important Lessons in History for Those Responsible for National Security’ in Australian Defence Force Journal 94 (May - Jun. 1992). pp. 13 - 17. Sicherman, H. ‘The strange death of dual containment’ in Orbis 41 (2) (Spring 1997). pp. 223 - 240. Simpson, J. ‘NPT stronger after Iraq’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (8) (Oct. 1991). pp. 12 - 13. Smith, D O. ‘The postwar Gulf: Return to twin pillars ?’ in Parameters 21(2) (Summer 1991). pp. 51 - 60. Szafranski, R. ‘Desert Storm lessons from the rear’ in Parameters 21 (4) (Winter 199192). pp. 39 - 49. Teimourian, H. Saddam Makes the World Jump in Jane’s Intelligence Review 6(11) (Nov. 1994). pp. 506 - 507. Timbers, K A. ‘Iraq: Supergun - a complex matter’ in Army Quarterly & Defence Journal 122 (2) (Apr. 1992). pp. 148 - 151. Time International. ‘A just conflict, or just a conflict ?’ (11/02/91). pp. 36 - 37. ————. ‘With his country in ruins, How long can Saddam hang on?’ (11/03/91). pp. 37 - 38. Train, J. ‘The Gulf War and the Future of NATO’ in Armed Forces Journal International (Jul. 1991). p. 24. Treanor, T L V. ‘Was the Gulf War 1990 - 1991 unique ?’ in British Army Review 108 (Dec. 1994). pp. 38 - 41. Tripp, C. ‘Security in the Persian Gulf’ in Survival 34 (3) (Autumn 1992). pp. 43 - 61. Tusa, F. ‘Trapped Between the Forks - Gulf States Watch Iraq, Iran Closely’ in Armed Forces Journal International 131 (12) (July 1994). pp. 28 - 30. Velocci, A L. ‘Gulf War May Spark Brief Rally For Contractors in Key Markets’ in Aviation Week & Space Technology 134 (3) (Jan. 1991). p. 63. Waghelstein, J D. ‘Some thoughts on Operation Desert Storm and future wars’ in Military Review LXXII (2). pp. 80 - 82. Walker, P F & Stambler, E. ‘...And the dirty little weapons’ in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (4) (May 1991). pp. 21 - 24. Washington Post. ‘Aspin asks Bush to set up panel to analyse war’ (02/05/91). p. 30. ————. ‘Mary McGrory - ‘Boys with toys’ talk war’ (02/05/91). p. 2. Watson, B George, P Tsouras, B L Cyr, B L. Military lessons of the Gulf war (London: Greenhill Books 1991).

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Watson, G F. ‘The challenge of post-Gulf conflicts’ in IEEE Spectrum 28 (9) (Sept. 1991). pp. 53 - 57. Wood, B. ‘The Gulf Crisis And The Future Of World Order’ in Canadian Defence Quarterly 20 (5) (Spring 1991). pp. 20 - 24. Wurst, J. U.N. commission sifts through rubble in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 47 (7) (Sept. 1991). pp. 10 - 12. Yost, D S. ‘France and the Gulf War of 1990-1991: Political-Military Lessons Learned’ in Journal of Strategic Studies 16 (3) (Sept. 1993). pp. 339 - 374. Zacks, Y J. ‘Operation Desert Storm: A Just war ?’ in Military Review LXXII (1) (Jan. 1992). pp. 30 - 35.

Jeffrey Peter Bradford


DESERT SWORD CHRONOLOGY HOUR TIME EVENT Sunday 24th February 1991. (G Day) H + 0 0400 Ground assault commences. US 1st Marine Division breaches defences. 0420 - 1-4 Cavalry (US) begins reconnaissance north of PL VERMONT. H + 1 0500 0530 - US 2nd Marine Division attacks. 0538 - 1st Infantry Division advances. H + 2 0600 US Marines reach phase line ELK. 0600 - French forces capture frontier post code named ‘Natchez’. 0635 - US Marine units detects chemical weapons in red lane 1. H + 3 0700 French Daguet Division attack towards As-Salman airfield inside Iraq. 0727 - 101st Airborne begins attack two hours late towards Forward Operating Base COBRA. H + 5 0900 0930 - Gen. Yeosock (ARCENT) informs commanders of adjusted schedule. H + 6 1000 US 1st & 2nd Marine Divisions penetrate 2nd line of fortifications. 1000 - 1-4 Cavalry (US) reaches PL Plum, begins refuelling. 1039 - Forward Operating Base COBRA ready to operate Apache helicopters. H + 7 1100 French Daguet Division reinforced by elements of 82nd Airborne secure Objective Rochambeau. 1115 - US VII Corps commanders meet to discuss mounting an early attack. 1143 - Nerve agent detected at 28*N 47*E on Kuwait - Saudi border. H + 8 1200 Most of an Air Assault Brigade deployed at FOB COBRA, 120 km inside Iraq. H + 9 1300 2 Hour warning order issued - commanders reschedule 25th February operations to start at 1500 hours. H + 10 1400 Iraqi defences collapsed. Forward operating base COBRA secured. 1430 - VII Corps artillery begins 30 minute preparation for attack. 2nd ACR attacks. 1400 - 1st (UK) Armoured sets out for staging area on tracks. 1434 - US 1st Armoured Division enters Iraq. 1445 - US 3rd Armoured Division enters Iraq. H + 11 1500 VII Corps commences offensive operations. US 1st Infantry Division and 24th Mechanised Division enter Iraq. H + 12 1600 Joint Force Command - East start attack later than scheduled. H + 14 1800 As-Salman (Objective WHITE) surrounded by XVIII Corps forces. H + 15 1900 1930 - 1st (UK) Armoured enters Iraq. H + 20 H + 22 H + 23 H + 24 H + 26 H + 28 H + 31

0000 0200 0300 0400 0600 0800 1100 1100

H + 32 1200 H + 33 1300 H + 35 1500

H + 36 1600 H + 37 1700 H + 38 1800

Monday 25th February 1991. (G + 1) 1st Infantry completes forward passage of 1st (UK) Armoured Division. 0319 - Task Force Ripper detects chemical weapons (co-ordinates 756862). Egyptian forces re-commence breaching operations. 1st Infantry resumes attack. 0640 - 2nd ACR resumes operations. 0830 - General Franks (VII Corps) reviews plans at mobile command post. 1st Infantry reaches phase line NEW JERSEY. 101st begins airlift towards Landing Zone SAND 30km South of the River Euphrates. 1st Infantry allows forward passage of 1st (UK) Armoured. 2nd ACR reaches phase line SMASH. 2nd ACR encounters Brigades of the Iraqi 12th Armoured Division. 1st Infantry releases 42nd and 75th artillery brigades to reinforce VII Corps attack on the Iraqi Republican Guards. XVIII Corps deploys brigade onto Highway 8 (area EAGLE) cutting lines of communication between Baghdad and Kuwait. 1500 - 1-4 Cavalry ordered to use contingency plan Jerimiah II. 1515 - 7th Armoured Brigade (UK) passes through 1st Infantry Division. 2nd ACR destroys 50th Armoured Brigade of the Iraqi 12th Armoured Division. 1628 - Queen's Royal Irish Hussars enter combat near objective COPPER. 1735 - Task Force Ripper reports chemical detection. 5 companies and 2 artillery batteries are air-lifted into landing zone SAND.

Jeffrey Peter Bradford


H + 39 1900 H + 40 2000 H + 44 0000 H + 45 0100 H + 46 0200 H + 47 0300 H + 48 0400 H + 49 0500

H + 50 0600 H + 53 0900 H + 54 1000 H + 55 1100 H + 56 1200 H + 58 1400 H + 59 1500 H + 60 1600

H + 61 1700 H + 62 1800 H + 63 1900 H + 65 2100 H + 66 2200 H + 67 2300 H + 68 0000 H + 69 0100 H + 70 0200 H + 72 0400 H + 73 0500 H + 74 0600

Iraqi prisoner reports chemical minefield East of Kuwait international airport. 1900 4th Armoured Brigade (UK) passes through 1st Infantry Division. 2030 - 1st (UK) Armoured attacks objective BRONZE. Tuesday 26th February 1991. (G + 2) 0100 - 0126 1st UK Armoured Division uses MLRS artillery strike on ZINC. 0135 - Radio Baghdad broadcasts Iraq intends to withdraw from Kuwait. 0213 - US Marines detect blister agents in Kuwait. 0315 - 1-4 Cavalry departs to occupy phase line OMAHA. 0330 - 2nd Armoured Cavalry Regiment resumes advance Eastwards. 0430 - 1st Infantry resumes operations. 3rd Armoured Division resumes advance, crossing phase line TANGERINE. 0500 - intercepted Iraqi communications confirm that the Iraqi III Corps in Kuwait City is to withdraw. 0500 - 1st (UK) Armoured destroys logistics site at objective ZINC. 0615 - 1st Armoured launches artillery barrage on Iraqi 26th Division. 0630 - 1st Armoured Division attacks Al-Busayyah area. 0900 - outskirts of Al-Busayyah cleared of Iraqi forces. 0915 - 1st (UK) Armoured attacks objective BRASS. 0930 - US 1st Cavalry Division reassigned to VII Corps. 1-4 Cavalry reach 2nd ACR along phase line ABILENE. US 1st Cavalry begins 250km march to link up with VII Corps. 1112 - US Marines secure Kuwait International Airport. 1st Cavalry Division passed through 1st Infantry Divisions breach. 1200 - Gen. Schwartzkopf contacted by Gen. Powell to check on progress, and to inform him that the Soviet Union desired a cease-fire throught the United Nations. 1400 - 1-4 Cavalry ordered to co-ordinate forward passage of division. 1400 - 24th Mechanised Division attacks Iraqi logistics complex. 1419 - UK friendly fire incident - alternate headquarters vehicle attacked. Objective BRASS 3 captured by 1st (UK) Armoured Division. Friendly fire incident occurs (UK/US). 1525 - 2nd ACR crosses phase line TANGERINE. Iraqi unit (Tawalkana RGFC) sighted. 3rd Armoured encounters forward elements of the Tawalkana RGFC. Artillery released by 1st Infantry links up with VII Corps. 1615 - 1st Armoured Division Apache gun ships attack Adnan Republican Guards. 75th Field Artillery Brigade links up with 1st (US) Armoured Division. 1725 - General Franks briefing "way home is through the RGFC." 1st Armoured Division crosses phase line TANGERINE. 1900 - 24th Mechanised Division completes destruction of logistics complex. 1915 - Artillery attacks Adnan RGFC units. 1930 - Battle of 73 Easting commences with artillery preparation. 2130 - 1-4 Cavalry begins co-ordinating forward passage of division. 2145 - 11th Aviation Brigade attacks objective MINDEN. US 1st Infantry Division commences passage through 2nd ACR. Battle of 73 Easting reported as concluded. Wednesday 27th February 1991. (G + 3) 0040 - 11th Aviation Brigade attack objective MINDEN again. 24th Mechanised Division reaches Highway 8. 0130 - 1-4 Cavalry begins moving to division’s northern flank. 0210 - US 1st Infantry Division completes passage through 2nd ACR. 11th Aviation Brigade attack on objective MINDEN completed. 0400 - B troop 1-4 Cavalry reports destruction of Iraqi T-55 tank. 0430 - 1st Infantry secures objective NORFOLK. 0515 - 1-4 Cavalry pulls screen line back due to presence of dug-in T-72 tanks. 0600 - US 1st Infantry Division attacks East towards objective DENVER. 0600 - 1st (UK) Armoured Division reaches Phase Line SMASH. 0615 - 1-4 Cavalry attacks enemy T-72 positions.

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H + 90 2200 H + 91 2300

0630 - Coalition artillery commences bombardment of Jalibah air base. General Franks (VII Corps) visits command post. Prepares plan for envelopment of RGFC. 1st (US) Armoured Division reports "critically low on fuel". 0715 - 1-4 cavalry in contact with Iraqi forces. 0730 - 7th Armoured Brigade (UK) attacks East across Wadi-Al-Batin. 0830 - 1-4 Cavalry commander calls off attack. Refuelling operations commence. 0915 - Queen's Royal Scots Dragoon Guards enter Kuwait. 0923 - XVIII Airborne Corps Brigade airlifted into forward operating base VIPER. First columns of Joint Force Command - East enter Kuwait City. 0930 - 1-4 Cavalry resumes advance after destroying Iraqi logistics base. 11th Aviation Brigade tasked to attack objectives DORSET and MINDEN. Jalibah air base captured by Coalition forces. 1st Cavalry Division reaches AA HORSE. 1130 - 7th Armoured Brigade (UK) completes attack across Wadi-Al-Batin. 1st Armoured Division attacks Medina Republican Guard Force Command unit. 1230 - 1-4 Cavalry arrives at phase line BERLIN. Commences refuelling operations. 1-4 Cavalry receives orders to attack North East to prevent Iraqi army retreating from Kuwait City. 1430 - VII Corps "heavily engaged" with Republican Guard Force Command. 1540 - 3rd Armoured Division closes on objective DORSET. Tawalkana elements destroyed. 1-4 Cavalry attacks to cut the Kuwait City - Basra highway. President George Bush calls publicly for Iraqi forces to lay down their arms. 1-4 Cavalry A troop cuts Basra - Kuwait City highway. 1st (US) Armoured Division reports to Gen. Franks that it is unable to break contact with RGFC Adnan Brigade. US 1st Infantry Division halts attack towards objective DENVER and swings East. United Nations reaffirms position - Iraq must accept all security council resolutions. 2130 - 3rd Armoured Division reach phase line KIWI. 2110 - 1st (UK) Armoured Division resumes advance East. 2230 - White House decides to seek end to conflict. 2345 - General Franks (VII Corps) notified of 0500 cease-fire in-theatre.

H + 92 H + 95 H + 97 H + 98 H + 99 H + 100

Thursday 28th February 1991. 0330 - Gen. Franks notified that cease-fire will occur at 0800, not 0500. President George Bush announces that Kuwait is liberated. 0615 - 1st Infantry commences attack towards phase line MONACO. 0725 - Lead battle group of 7th Armoured Brigade (UK) reaches Kuwait-Basra road. 1st Infantry reach phase line MONACO. General Franks announces cease-fire.

H + 75 0700

H + 76 0800 H + 77 0900

H + 78 1000 H + 79 1100 H + 80 1200 H + 81 1300 H + 82 1400 H + 83 1500 H + 84 1600 H + 85 1700 H + 86 1800 H + 87 1900 H + 88 2000 H + 89 2100

0000 0300 0500 0600 0700 0800

Jeffrey Peter Bradford

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