19244356 Bahasa Inggeris P1 Trial Pmr Perak 2009[1]

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SI]LIT 12/l lal Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Ogos PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009 PENILAIAN MENENGAH RENDAH I jam NEGERI PERAK 2009 BAHASAINGGERIS KERTAS 1 Sahrjam JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAIIU Maklumat untuk calon I. Kertassoalqn ini mengandungi lima bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C, BahagianD dan Bahagian E dengan 40 soalan. 2, Jawab sem\a soalan. . 3. Soalan.soqlaxdalamsemuabqhqgian mempunyai emp t pilihqn jay,qpan. 4. Ahda dinasihati supayqmengambilmarqlO minit uhtuk menjTwabsoalanBahagian A, I0 minit unluk BahagianB, l0 mihit untuk Bahagian C, lO minit untuk Bahagian D dan 20 minit untuk B^hegisr^E. Informationfor candidates l, Thisquestionpaperconsistsoffrve sectionstSection A, Section B, Section C, Section D ahd Section E with 40 questions. 2. Ansy,er tll E)estions. 3, Suestiohsin all sectionshave folur options. 4, youare adrised to ryendabout l0 minutesor Section L IO minutes 07?Section B, 10minulesol1 Section C, 70 mihutes o, Section D and 20 fiinutes on Section E. Kertassoalao ini mengaDdungil2 balamaD bercetak t2tl [Lihat sebelah SI,'LIT

12t1 SWrI SECTIONA l, From the comic strip, we know tbat A B C D

dleman's teenaged sondid not like his cooking t}re man took a very long time to Feparedinner the man's wife scolded him for being slow the man cooked dirurer for himself only

TIIE 4 Rs -To help save th� environment REDUCE REUSE F.ECYCLE R.EPR.OD[JCE Reduce the Reuseproducts Recycleas manyReproduceamountof agarnand agarn different productsfrom hazardous whenpractical. materialsas you recycledmaterials, Productsyou can. DUy. (Adaptedfiom: http://www.cleanwaterwavs.orq/hhwn 2, Which of the following statements is true? A Prcducts should only be used once. B People must recycle all qpes of matedals. c The 4fu progmmmeaims to help peoplesave money. D we shoulduse fewer products that are dangerous to lhe environment. Cheryl, I have ameeting. Will be back late. Please callyourdad to let him know. Remernbetto bring in the laundry and mind your brcther.We'lI have a Chinese takeaway for dlhnor tonight. See you. Mum 3. Frdn tlrc inessagewe know &at Cherylnas rc A take care ofher brother B telephoneher mother C took hei o\rn dirmer D do tlre laundry ran SIILIT

SULIT t2t1 IPOH, Tues- A drunken buglar fell asleep in the house he had broken into. The owner who found him dozing on his sofa called the police.Peterwasjailed for two yearsafter admitting to the break-in. Whatwould be tie most suitable headline for the above repofi? A B C D

A CarelessBwglar A Sleepy Burgkr SleepingBurglarCaught Burglar Jailed for Years

Camerasand camem phonesare A allowed B accepted C pemitted D pohibit�d MANAGEMENT TRAINEE . r . . Freshgraduateswith diploma,/degree Able to converse well in English No experience is required as training will beprovided Computerliterate WALK_ININTERVIEW 308, 3'd Floor, Jalan Bunga 57000 Kuala Lwnpur A personwho wants io apply for this job A need not be a gaduate B need not have computerskills C must have some working experience D mustbe able to speak English fluently t2tl [Lihat sebelah SULIT

t2tl SULIT WASTENOT,WANT NOT 7. The notice aboye is a rcminderthat wateris A contamhated B precious C plertiirl D tainted 8. Thepiechart above shows that road accidents are mainly caused by A enginefailures B hwmn factors C weatherconditions D physicatconditionsof rcads 60 EARTHHOUR Showyoursupport for EarthHour on March 28. At 8,30p,m., switch offyour lights ibr one hour. 9, Theposterabove tells us to switch off the ligirts A B C D

fiom 8.30p.m. to 9.30p.m for as long as youlike at 8.30p.m. every day for 60 seconds

Cineplexesin shopping mallsprovidea more exciting viewing experience and come equipped wilh state-of-the-4rlsound systemsandplushseats. 10. Basedon the extract above, the pltase slate-of-the-al/ means A ancient B outdated C the latest D the cosdiest t2t1 SIJLIT

SULIT 5 t2tl SECTION B Questions11-18 Each question in the text below tefers to a numbercd blank. For each question, choosethe best anstter from theoprionr A, B, C and D to fit the nunbered blank. Thecomputeris an amazingtool. It is said to be the 11 inv�ntionof the 2lst cantury.Every olfice and home today 12 a computer, It is used 13 business transactions, as a source of referenceand informationand a means of entertainmgnt, Computershave becomesuch an integral part of 14 lives that we cannot imagine a day going by without using the cornputer._[ , many parentsare concemed about the popularityof computer games. This is because their children spend most of their waking hoursin front of the computer,thus_ll into the time spent 17 social aotivities, Plalng computergames 18 be addictive. Adapted tom the PC Magazine 11. A great 15 A However B grealest B Therefore C asgeat as C Although D grcalerthan D Moreover 12, A has 16 A out B had B cuts C have C cutting D hu.4ng

D havecut 13. A with lTAon B for Bin cbv Cof Dh Dat 14. A, his A can 18 B our B must C your C would D ttFir D should 12tl [Lihat sebelah SIJLIT

L2tr SULIT 6 SECTION C Questions19 21 Readthe con|ersotion below and choose the best meaking for thephrasesunderlined' Rohanamet Jayanthi on her way back home period' Rohana Hi, Jayanthi! Whal happeaed?Yesterdayyou went back homeafterthe frs Jalanthi I had such a tenible stomachacheso I had to call on (19) my aunt to take me to the clinic. Rohana Whatdid the doctor say? Jayanthi He said it was just a bad case of gastritis so he gaveme some medicationAfter taking it I could feel the painebbine awav (20)but I was still weak. RoharE Youpoorthing! Jayanthi Thank God my aunt was there to watchover (21)me. Rohana You'reso lucky to have such a caring aunt. 19. call on A Su1lrlmn B invib C visit D ask 20, ebbineawav A disappeergraduaUy B decrease instantly C stoptnrnedialely D easequickly 21. watchover A plotect B observe C attendto

D guardover t2tl SULIT

STJLIT t2/l Questions22 24 Read the speech below and choose the best heaningfol the phrases underlined. Goodmoming, shrdents. Today, we bid larewell(22)to Cik Jamaliah who is retiring next week. She has been with us for the past 22 years. She has been a pj_llal,qf sllg4gth (23), always encouragingus to work hardandadvisingus not to build castles in the air (24).We will always rememberher words. Cik Jamaliah,we wish you a happy retirement. 22, bid farewell A convey our wishes B send our rcgards C showgratitude D saygoodbye pillarof strensth A fountain ofjoy B figur� of authority C geat support D shict taskmaster 24. buildcastles in the air A sleep B loikr C daydream D procrastinate 12tl ll-ihat sebelah SIJLIT

STJLIT 8 tul SECTION D Questions25 28 are based on thefollowingposter. PERAKBOOKF,{IRZOOS Tl9ada booK aday,galnKnou,led8e Fora llfetlme Date zz -z9 Novemberaoog Time 10a.m. I p.m.(Monday Thursday) 10 a.m. -9 p.m. (Friday -Sunday) Venue Stadium Indera Mulia, Ipoh, Perak Organiser MalaysianBookstore Association Highlights ofthe week: NO EVENTS DATE TIME I Story-tellingSession (Opento children aged 7 -rz 22 November 2oo9 2p.m.-5p.m. vears) 2 PoetrvReadins 23 November 2oog 10 a.m. -1D.m. BookSigningby Sam Llewellyn, the author of"Lyonesse:The z5 November zoog 3p.m.-5p.m. Wall Between Worlds" 4 5 6 LiteraryADDreciationSession'Meetthe Authors' Session'TleasureHunt'for Secondary SchoolStudents 26November20og 27 November 2ooq 28 November 2oo9 2D.m,-6D,m. 2D.m.-6D.m, 11a,m.-6p.m. Come and vlsit the event of the year! Great promotions and bargalns! Specialpricesfor selected books: r. "TheMagician:The Secrets ofthe Immortal Nicholas Flamel" by Michael Scott z. "Then"by Morris Gleitzman 3. "11 Birthdays' by Wendy Mass 4. "Seekers:TheQuestBegins"by Edn Hunter 5. "Talesfrom the Court and Other Stories"by Matthew Thomas 6. "MouseClutching Winter Melon"by Kuan Guat Choo For further information, log otr to reww,perakbookfair.2 009.ny

25. The aim of organising ore book fair is to A help the participating bookstorcsclear rheh stock B allowschool students to participate in many events C encouragepeopleto rcad morc in oder to gainknowledge D provideoppornuritiesfor people!o meet famousauthorsandpoets L2tl SIJLIT

SULIT 12t1 26. Thebookfair will be heldat StadiumInden Mulia for A sevendays B eiglrtdays C ninedays D six days 27. If a peNonwantsto getautqgrapbsfiom writers,he can attend A Story-tellingsession B PoetryReadingsession C 'Meet the Authors' session D LitemryAppreciationsession 28. Fromthe poster,we know that A six books aregoingto be ollered at half price B a FormThreesnrdenrcanparticipa(ein Lhe Treasure Hunr L tle bookfair is sponsoredby MalaysianBooksLore Association vlsltorscancall theorganiser u andreferto the relevantwebsitefor infomation Questions29 34 qre basedon the follo\aingpassage. *o arebigbusin.r,ioMutu@ ):l.1'l'jll:: :roplements ol.l.:o: *91y. 9i" of the reasons is the people,s forttris intercst in herbs l,ljl^,"^"1,ill ]?* warinessof aalttring artilicialandt'eir highopinionof uryd,ing org;l ; f., ;il;;#;; areconcemed. lol,ol hoj.re;a9wn_cues

*," -ITt:y " for manyailments.one of tlrcmis the a.loeveraptant. rrus plafl growseasityin Malaysia. Theintercstingcontentof this particularplantis its gel,In the e:-d."h.rs hadusedthegetasshampoosto wash rheir hair, yet roday,we have f.::1.-_-",i1 exfenslvestrampoos :l:trunq thattheycontainaloe vera, asif l werea rare ingredient, Atoe vera is cultivatedasanomamental plant.Thisplantsurvivesin arias of low natural i$l 9:, notin places whichexperienceextremelylow temperatues.It requireswell-drained sanoy poftlng sortandbrightsro:nycondition. you car plantit in the pot or on *re ground.youdon'tevenhaveto lookafter it This herbis consideredto be effectivein treatrnent of wounds. Somestudies,lbr example, the,rareof heating. A morerecentstudy shows evidencetharru gersupports :::y-9::ryT:,:" neaungor trst to second degreeburns.Thebitterjuice extactedftom aloeverajuice is often ptepTg asflavoureddrink whichhelpswith digestive problems people.have rhatconsumingtoo muchaloe vera Jucecan cause complained ^,,__-l::.""a aooormndcr,unpsanddranhoea.Sometimessome people showmild skil allergyor develop mshes. (AdaptedJiom Just Engtish, 2005/www.aloeveraplant.org) 29. Theword 'artirtcial, means A authentic B srnthetic C onginal D genuine t2tL [Lihat sebelah SULIT

t2tl SULIT 10 30, Aloe vera gelcanbe used to A B c D

soothebums t�at allergies stopdianhoea enlranceflavour

31. Aloevem tluives wellin A fir[ sElight B coldrcgions C shadyplaces I) swampyareas 1t The word 'it' in the secondpa$graphrcfers to A B C D

ingedient slumpoo aloevera gel

is true? Whichof the followingstatements A B C D

Aloevemgelis suitable as hair ronic. Aloeven is only growncomrnercially. Aloevera has a lot of medicinalb�nefits. Aloevera needs specialcaretogrowwell.

The best title for thispassageis A Aloevera and its uses B GrowingaloeveraPlants C Producingaloe vera Products D Aloevera as an organic food l2tr SULIT

SULIT 11 12/1 SECTIONE Questions35 -37 are based on the followrng poem. The Dead Crow He saw a dead crow in a drEin nearthe postomce. He saw an old man gaspingfor air anda baby barelyableto breathe in a crowded momingclinic. Thisland is so rich. Why should we sufferlike this? I want clean air for my grandchildren. I want the damnedfools to leavethe forcst alone. I want the tees to grow, the rivers run free, andthe eadh coveredwith grass. l�t thepoliticiansplanhow we may live with dignity, now andalways. A.SamadSald 35. 'a babybarelyable to breathe'showstllat therc is pollutionin the counrry. _ A B C D

air lard noise water

36. All of the followingsarc demandsmadeby thepoetexcept A gmss-covercdearth B more developments C wDolluteddvers D cleanair 37, Themainmessageof thepoernis tlat we must A B C D

set up morcclinics stopkilting cmws fell rnorett��s cndpollution

lz,tl {Lihat rebdah SULIT

ST'LIT l2 t2tl Questions38 40 are based on the extractfromthe short storyHow Dalst Got Its Name. "He startedall this," they said to each other "Galauwill be gladto hear that Umat is dead!" But they were wong. When Galau heard that his brother was dead, he c:!me to see wherehe lay, still unbuded. He cded ard moumed for him. "He wasmy brotherandmy father's son," he said."He wasyotlllgerthanI am.I should have looked afrer him. I want you to make a tall, cawed memorial pole,like the one you made for my late father." But the men disageed."Chief," they said, "yow kndness is too great.This man was your brother and your late fafter's son This is why he should never havegoneagainstyou the way he did. He should not have brought our enemies here to attack and to kill many of our friends.You can moum him if youlikg but we will not carve a polefor him." "Brother,I think they are right," Lutongsaidgently."Poor Umat was our brother, but he does not deserve a memorial pole.l�t usjust moum him in our heais." Galau thought about this, hiding his face wi*r his hands. "All right," he said at last, "coverthe poor man with earth and let no morebe said. But onememorial I will give him. This was once a happy village, Now it is a placaof death, Blood was spilt in the village sheet.The smell of death is in the air Black flies arc everyrrtrere.I will call this village Dalat, flies, so nobody shall ever forget!" 38. The villagers said Galau would be gladthatUmat was dead b�cause A Umat had betrayedhim B Galau was a heartless man C Galauwaswonied about the witr D Umat had been disrespectii to the villageN 39. Why did Galau hide his face in his hands'l A He was angry. B He was grieved. C He was hruniliated. D He was feeling guilty. 40. The village was given the name "Dalaf' A becauseit has the smell of death B becauseit was firll of blood C in memory of the war D in memory of Umat


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