1916-2-18 Appeals For Armenians

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 283
  • Pages: 1
APPEALS FOR ARMENIANS Dr. W. A. Shedd Urges Secretary, Lansing to Protest to Turkey FEBRUARY 18, 1916 Dr. William A. Shedd, an American missionary of the Presbyterian Board, who has been engaged in active work for twenty years in Persia and who returned recently to this country, has written Secretary of State Lanshing regarding the Armenian atrocities. In his communication he says: There is absolutely no question as to the effects of the outrages suffered by the Armenians nor as to the responsibility of the Turkish Government for these outrages. Precisely similar outrages took place a year ago on Persian soil during the period of Turkish occupancy and in part perpetrated directly by Turkish officers and those who were under Turkish orders. In the course of these outrages helpless men and women were killed, women suffered outrage and women and girls were taken captives, while as a result of the conditions of life several thousand died from epidemics. "I am sure there are a great many thoughtful Americans who, like myself, feel that silence on the part of our Government to make no public protest against a crime of such magnitude perpetrated by a Government on noncombatants, the great majority of them helpless women and children, is to miss an unusual opportunity to serve humanity, if not to risk grave danger of dishonor on the name of America and of lessening our right to speak for humanity and justice. I am aware, of course, that it may seem presumptuous to suggest procedure in matters of diplomacy; but the need of these multitudes of people suffering in Turkey is desperate, and the only hope of influence is in the Government of the United States."

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