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October 29, 2006 Dear Editor in chief, A scholar asked: “I heard that the proposed security wall that could perhaps put some deterrents to illegal migrants is being compared to the “Berlin wall” by some critics; what can you say about the critics?” The A.I. answered: I think “Berlin wall” was placed as a deterrent so that the confined moderate citizens trying to seek refuge and support and strength on universal words would not escape from being strangled by those fanatics victimized by twisted words of extreme socialism ideology before...! But perhaps the security wall is going to be placed to enhance the security and to protect and preserve the culture of a great nation base on universal words and not so much on traditions centered on teachings of men caused perhaps by monopoly of a superior or “only” true and right religion. The attempt to discourage desperate people to leave from their country through using security wall could challenge the people to develop their potentially very rich country instead of being magnetized to leave their potentially very rich beloved nation. Sometimes because of challenges, people could see many possibilities and creativities on their surroundings than being focused to other things that their neighbors have. A scholar asked: “I saw an airplane that could perhaps destroy a flying missile on the air because it is equipped with laser. What is the advantage of having those weapons against the enemy?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps it would discourage the enemy to keep on building missiles because the missile would just be destroyed just as the missile is being lunched; or the missile is just on its space territory. What’s the use of those missiles if it could just be destroyed while flying! The problem of this counter measure against flying missiles is when the enemy would be discouraged to make the bomb be visible on the air but let the bomb be invisible- instead be inspired to assemble dirty or nuclear bomb on the enemy’s territory by being extremist or religious terrorist or suicide bomber victimized by twisted words of some “religion” or by twisted words as source of strength and source of inspirations and unity and reasons for having a “long war”. A scholar asked: “I heard a tourism lady employee said that their national unity is greater than a nuclear bomb as being interviewed while assisting those tourists from the South. The tourists belong also to an ethnic race same as hers but living on the North. But both are separated by fences and military posts because both have different ideologies. The tourism lady employee has an ideology centered on complete or blind obedience to their leader while the tourists have an ideology centered on openness and freedom. What is it that the lady could confidently say words like “their national unity is greater than a nuclear bomb? The A.I. answered: “Any body who is well versed to his ideology or religion could easily answer question connected with it with confidence. If she believes that their unity is greater than a nuclear bomb it is her belief. And perhaps if these words could solidify a nation to become one to fight any other belief then it could really be. But if words are twisted but could solidify nations perhaps it is because no other universal words were offered as options. But if universal words could have some roots on the psyche of their people on the North perhaps a revolution from within would happen; and there is no need that a nuclear bomb would be triggered as ordered because of blind obedience. Their enemy now is a revolution from within if some of their intellectuals who are seeking universal words have now that chance to have some of those universal words in their psyche because of easy access thru internet and wireless communication technologies. A scholar asked: “I heard a young elected governor that the cause of chaos in his place is not primarily those religious terrorists but poverty and lack of education. So he needs really a long solution to his problem about those armed extremists or terrorist focusing on job’s creation and on education. What short and cheap solutions should be done by moderate helpful men to help the young governor supporting moderate and balanced principles or principles encouraging universal order and universal harmony to counter start of chaos?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps with regards to education, since most of the news on cable and ideas on internet and on available donated books are in English language, perhaps pass a law that English language should be taught on places where democratic are being spread as countermeasure against tyrants or forced submission and religious dictatorships. If the next generation could understand the language being used mostly on the internet and media world wide, then the natives and others could educate easily themselves. Pass a law that second hand computers and second hand TV sets with access to cables or air TV networks perhaps even using satellite disks could easily be available on remote places; even there is not yet lined electricity source. Those TVs or computers could be run by car batteries; and those car batteries

could be recharged by placing stationed battery chargers on strategic locations. Perhaps for the first six months, those TVs and computers could be subsidized by moderate good foreign donors; and eventually others could be donated by local moderate and helpful men. And perhaps eventually, the need to have education and universal understanding could be stimulated through free market. The key is that knowledge should reach remote places as soon as possible. Principle behind: If having computer and listening to TV is now more glamour or well esteemed than carrying guns or weapon on their locality perhaps those boastful gun carriers would be out modeled. Another principle: if good citizens and esteem citizens are not using or carrying guns but instead studying and gaining something from his efforts, people would imitate those good models. A scholar asked: “Do strong leaders have gauge or standard to know if there is extreme happening in their culture or tradition?” The A.I. answered: “Sometimes authorities, leaders know something bad happening in their tradition or culture. There is in their sub-consciousness battle of tilting or leaning to: habits giving attention or importance to good teachings by reading, listening to good words vs. habits giving attention or importance to “miracles”, “proud claims”, “we are the most modest”-we are the original, the “only” true, right, way religion, we have unlimited evidences of lineage of ancestors who are good examples, we have series of head of state or head of church who was/is “rock”- he had/has never committed error or mistakes, etc. But sometimes the good conscience reminds the mind of records that resulted to slaughter of men cause by wars because of religious supremacy. And sometimes the good conscience reminds the mind not to have too dependent to “miracles” that cause too submissiveness and too withdrawn, too shy even to imitate the good things that others are now doing. Perhaps some or most are diverted not to imitate what is “good” rather they want to boast, want to showoff perhaps its superiority, its uniqueness even if it is not practical just to show he is different; others call it “false pride” or “false humility” or “false worship or “false righteousness.” When other groups are now doing the good things say minding first those small things such as cleanliness, neatness, discipline, silence but more on work, law and order, thriftiness, business and work oriented things, good words oriented, the curious mind is pushed not to imitate and improve those good small things because its from the “bad,” “false” religions or false groups. Rather the curious mind would prefer to follow those precepts of mind or mindset that have been the traditional, custom of the “only” true, right way religion such as too attachment to “icons”, its feast days and its rituals, festivals, and religious strict rules, or laws, etc. Perhaps people are ashamed not to celebrate “his blessings” even there is really no blessings; because his mind has been preoccupied of waiting to “miracles.” Perhaps they would celebrate their “blessings” at the expense of borrowing money just to show to others how blessed they have been by entertaining people of lavish drinks and food, during feast days, etc. I think the curious mind perhaps is diverted not to entertain good words like “if I could do this small good thing now perhaps next time it could be bigger, better thing.” Or “if I could finish one business product now; next time it could be classy, sophisticated”, etc. Rather the curious mind is diverted to idolize “miracles”, “wonders”, “selfrighteousness” because of their “modesty” or because perhaps of the word “only” that misleads the mind; or even don’t want to dress the proper way for that specific action or job. A scholar asked: “What are other words for discipline?” The A.I. answered: “I think repetition of healthy, good actions then becoming a habit is equal to discipline. Bad habits such as cheating, tolerating or not mindful of others bad activity, stealing, always thinking of the future and not minding the present especially those small chaos or small start of the problems are extremes. I think men are really weak, prone to commit mistake or fault; but if law is manipulated so that mistake and fault is made not a mistake or fault or the conscience itself is the one being removed or destroyed then I think this is the sin that has no forgiveness and lead to destruction. Perhaps sickness example high bloods are some symptoms or punishments. But confessing of sins, forgiving others, asking for forgiveness could heal any sickness and having faith as mentioned above. A scholar asked: “I show an actor who is good but suffering from an illness that let him keep-on moving. Why is it that sometimes illness should happen to good men?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps it is about being put to “test”; or about punishment caused by our sins or done by our ancestors-“hereditary”: Words on Hebrew12: 4-6 could explain perhaps something: “For in your struggle against sin you have not yet had to resist to the

point of being killed. Have you forgotten the encouraging words, which God speaks to you as his son? “My son pay attention when the Lord corrects you, and do not be discouraged when he rebukes you. Because the Lord corrects everyone he loves, and punishes everyone he accepts as a son.”” From Someone, [email protected] [email protected]

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