
  • November 2019
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October 26, 2006 Dear Editor in chief, A scholar asked: “I saw a scene in TV that a military armor vehicle was destroyed by an Improvised Explosive Device. Perhaps the terrorist deliberately film the scene using a remotely control device to detonate bombs for their propaganda. It is extreme. What counter measure should moderate and balanced military and policemen or moderate leaders do about the extreme?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps engineers and scientists should conduct experiment/s using pilot test/s or proto type/s or scaled down military armor vehicle/s with proportionate to all the major parts of the armor vehicle and with the intensity of the bomb/s so that the experiment/s are cheaper to do and to repeat. The key to counter the extreme about the use of those IEDs lies on many things depending on the objective and goal of the engineer to have the most practical and balanced counter measure. Example: a) Most Improvised Explosive Devices or bombs are embedded on earth or soil. If an armor vehicle is using road made from earth, its chances to be victimized by IED is great. Why let a smart cleaner of IED equipment first detect and demolish or destroy those IED on every earth road before letting any armor vehicle enter the earth road. b) The result of the impact done by the type of bomb used during the explosion could give some key things to counter the extreme. Example: if the objective of the engineers is to let the armor vehicle be just thrown up as a whole and the people inside would still remain alive then experiments to absorb the impact and to strengthen those interconnections of body parts of the vehicle and the under frameworks or under armor should be enhanced. Perhaps using composite materials made from carbon based materials or strong plastic materials to make those parts be more impact proof and light but very strong. Perhaps to counter the disintegration of the many parts of the vehicle, the flooring should be made into three layers of materials. The first material to be exposed on the explosion should be strong plastic flexible materials similarly used as bullet proof vest. The second layer should be 4” thick shock absorber materials like a rubber to minimize shock to human inside the vehicle. The third layer could be just another strong rubberized plastic to hold firm the absorber and also to hold together those movable frameworks and body parts of the vehicle. Test should be conducted as often as possible so that vehicles would just be thrown upside down and would not disintegrate when being bombed underneath the vehicle triggered by remote control. Clearing of weapons and placing secret devices to detect weapons and ammunitions and as bait-meaning if the device is touched or is opened by unauthorized person, the device will cause some harm and would self destroy or even explode on war zone-would make lot of difference on war against invisible enemies. Invisible gadgets and secret agents or secret devices are balancing measures to be able to become smarter and better than the invisible enemy. Principle behind: mirroring balancing-do what the enemies are doing but smarter and better especially with the help of law, science and universal good teachings. Law on confiscation of weapons on civilians is a powerful tool against sectarian violence or on war on terror. People- how angry they are with their neighbor because of different beliefs or hatred or revenge - could not harm others if deadly weapons are removed from them by law or by forced or by persuasion. Those ethnic leaders and their militias would be useless if weapons are removed from them. Balanced and moderate policy makers should give more emphasis on “clearing of weapon and ammunition.” They should not be afraid of those religious leaders or ethnic leaders on implementing or carrying law and war policies. Prevention on letting new entry of weapons to be carried out again by the extremists with its civilian supporters from any other sources should be done as often as possible. “Clearing & prevention of new entry of weapons and ammunitions” is an important and immediate key factor in winning the war on terror than any other keys -like too much investment on expensive war equipments. Or else, if those militia leaders of many different groups would not be disarmed using stiffer law and penalties or pierce teeth thru law or war policies, the war on terror or the sectarian war would be like an example of a children’s game. Perhaps the game is like: who ever let the ball that is being followed or being tried to be stolen by a player who is being punished successfully steal the ball from example player-A, player-A will now also be the one to follow and try to steal the ball from other children. So the ball will be passed to others when a child is trying hard to steal the ball. So the repetition goes on and on …lots of efforts but the ball is still being run after.

Or if those militia leaders of many different groups would really hold on to their belief that their weapon is more valuable than his wife; then the belief should be countered by universal belief back up and supported by law to deter that belief; even if to remove that belief would cause a long period of time. If weapons would not be confiscated to militia of any group, the war on sectarian violence or war on terror would perhaps be like a never ending “merry go round”. The key that drives sectarian violence are loose weapons and loose bombs or ammunitions. In the meantime that military are doing their job, elections on street or town level should be carried out. So that political responsibilities could be spread to the lowest unit. A scholar asked: “It seems that according to one popular stock market, it is the first time in history that 12,000 marked have been reached or surpassed on its record. It would mean that some countries are getting richer or even the world itself is getting better. Perhaps some or most incumbent politicians are happy about the news but others are not happy since it could be used as accomplishment record. And since election would be happening again, mentioning good accomplishment/s and good results are usually mentioned for their credit and wooing for new mandate. But others would concentrate on opponent’s mistakes and negative things so that people would choose them. But sometimes on the course of their deliveries of their flat form, extremists and terrorist are just waiting and watching as if playing and putting bets on their favorite candidates. Surely most extremists would put their bet on those candidates against war on terror. If a referendum would be conducted so that war on terror would never be discussed during elections as political flat form example for a definite time, those extremists and terrorists would really be fearful; because every minute even if there would be election on the motherland, the moderate military with its experts could really focus on defeating enemies who use “religion” as their weapon for “long war”. A scholar asked: “Is word or are words really important than actions or activeness or creativities; or can you explain “action speaks louder than words…”?” The A.I. answered: “Activeness, creativities, specific actions are just the results or products of hands with skills or fingers with persistence especially pressing every key letter in a key board or spoken words in the form of command, request, inspirations or motivations, teachings; or actions are derived from written command or written order or written suggestion and so on…because of good words! The concrete actions are the result of good words specially those with details and specifics…mere writing and teaching is already action! But ‘action speaks louder than words’ is an abstract idea; it could mean anything. But the key so that result is concrete and doable, word should be clear, specific so that the mind could do specific and concrete action. Concrete and specific word is important; actions especially without planning and goal could just be another source of chaos. Look…, what had happened in those two groups hating each others…, there were plenty of actions like triggering missiles because of perhaps of just kidnapping as the caused or they really wanted to clash and just waited to have a spark and that resulted to killing and destructions of beautiful buildings and nice roads and bridges! Perhaps the conflict or war was triggered by deception or tilted words or evil words or obsession for credits or caused by letting a malicious mind and a malicious tongue rules supreme than letting the ordinary mind and ordinary tongue be patience and be kind-caused by listening and obeying to universal word! Malicious mind and malicious tongue is more deadly than the gun or weapon itself. A scholar asked: “Where is the balance between too liberal-extreme and too conservative-extreme if both parties are really having distinction? Whose party or principle could serve best the interest of the people? A principle on good teaching is perhaps being violated-there should be no more distinction-there is one thought and one purpose?” The A.I. answered: “When extreme liberal and extreme conservative balances each other during debates and collective consensus, their distinction would now be called moderate liberal and moderate conservative; or just moderate or balanced team having both as members and especially if there would be no hating being created. There is some tolerance or balanced space leaning to some liberalism or to some conservatism but there is no chaos or extreme being produced. The tolerance is within moderate and balanced frameworks; but if something goes beyond the limits of either side, it would result to extreme or chaos. The tolerance or moderation or forgiveness resulted because of agreements or because of blessing of the majority or because of the consensus or referendum and especially because of universal words. Perhaps pass a law that after elections both parties could still invite each other to enjoy life even being defeated or being victorious; and opponents could still see each

other’s eyes even if there were mistakes and errors done during the deliveries of the competitions. It is where sportsmanship and gentlemanliness, humility and forgiveness and healing of wounds could be started and be shown. Perhaps victory party exclusively for one political party could enhance more deepening of new wounds or even old wounds. So, perhaps joint celebrations could be better than having distinctive celebration. From Someone, [email protected] [email protected]