17736651 Iniciado Masonico By Gabriel Lopez De Rojas English Translation

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BEGINNING MASON AFTER THE SECRET Of Masonry, the Rosicrucian And the Illuminati This book was passed to a digital format to facilitate the dissemination, so that and received what you can do to someone else. Hernán

To download Internet "ELEVEN" - Biblioteca del Nuevo Tiempo ROSARIO - ARGENTINA Affiliated to: Promineo Directory: www.promineo.gq.nu www.11argentina.com The Masonic started © 2003, Gabriel López de Rojas © 2003, Marta Riera i Franco Digitizer: @ Nascav L-01 - 25/06/04 Back Masonry takes hundreds of years searching for the missing word. Many have argued that could be found in various Masonic rites, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish, of York, the Enlightened ... The English Richard Holbein, the protagonist of this novel, seeks the famous words from the beginning of the eighteenth century so far, covering a multitude of allegiances and Masonic orders. For over three years through the Grand Lodge of London, the Grand Orient of France, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Golden Dawn, the Grand Lodge of New York and many others, in hopes of finding the tomb of Hiram Abiff, where

expected to find a great treasure. The Masonic started addressing the history of Freemasonry, its trends and their big secret, through an exciting plot that counts, with a journalistic tone, search the word lost: the key to finding the greatest treasure imaginable. An original and controversial novel that reveals the whole truth of initiation societies.

Inside Gabriel López de Rojas (Barcelona, 1966) is a writer and founder of the Order of the Illuminati and Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis) both present in more than twenty-five countries. It has all grades of the most important rites Mason: 97 ° degree or Deputy Head of the International Spanish speaking countries and Portuguese Egyptian Freemasonry of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraím, 33 degree Scottish Rite Ancient and Accepted, grade XX ° Egyptian Rite of Memphis of the Order of Romania, and grade XII ° Egyptian Rite of ISCON of Brazil, while it is also the founder of Rite 'modern' of Iluminados of Bavaria, in thirteen degrees of initiation. He has written fourteen books on Freemasonry and initiatory orders and awarded extensive interviews to the media. Marta Riera i Franco (Barcelona, 1964) studied music (piano) at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Barcelona and is dedicated to teaching. In 1990 began working at various radio stations, which in time led him to journalism. He was partner of Miramar, or Radio stations like Radio Catalunya, and served as editor head of the Karma-7 magazine. It is currently engaged in local and regional information, is head of news Radio Barbera (Barbera del Valles, Barcelona) and editor of the newspaper Barbera, a day! Has the degree of IX ° Order Illuminati and VI ° degree of the Ordo Templi Orientalis Societas. It also possesses the degree or 96 ° head Spain in the National Egyptian Freemasonry of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraím. CONTENTS

This book was passed to a digital format to facilitate the dissemination, so that as you was able to get it to someone else. Hernán. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rosario - Argentina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INDEX ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........... .. 2 INTRODUCTION ................................................. .................................................. .................................... ........... 3 The book ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ........ 3 ....... The Grand Lodge of London ............................................. .................................................. ................... ................... 7 The Hell Fire Club ............................................ .................................................. ..................... ........... 11 The trip to Bavaria .............................................. .................................................. ............................... ................. 15 The Illuminati ................................................ .................................................. ........................... ................... 19 The Grand Orient of France and the French Revolution ......................................... ............................... .................. 24 Following in the footsteps of Christian Rosenkreutz ............................................ .................................................. .............. .26

The Golden Dawn, the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm .............. 31 The meeting with Aleister Crowley, the 'Great Beast' ....................................... ..................................... .............. 35 illuminati of the United States and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ...................................... .. ....................... 40 The follies of the twentieth century ............................................. .................................................. ................................ ........ 48 Barcelona and the Word Lost ............................................. .................................................. . ........................... 54 The road to Zion .............................................. .................................................. .......................................... .60 The Tomb and the Treasury ............................................. .................................................. ........................................ ... 65

BIBLIOGRAFÍA ................................................. .................................................. ..................................... ........... 70 The brothers, in the light INTRODUCTION This work represents a remarkable effort by Gabriel López de Rojas, Marta Riera, both different professions. The first is a writer and founder of Masonic orders-such as Order Illuminati and Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis), and possesses a high degree in several Masonic rites: Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ... and of course, Rito 'Modern' of Iluminados of Bavaria, which is the creator. Marta Riera is a journalist and music, with extensive experience in various media, and also inclined towards the opening. The difference the trajectory of the two authors has led to both a mutual enrichment.

Prior to reading the book, one should consider that this is always a novel. And This means that although the data are provided on the Masons and other organizations are initiatory in accordance with a ninety per cent of cases the truth, throughout the pages is a small margin improvisation to a small room for the imagination to its wide ride. This needs taken seriously, as always after the "wise men" of the day trying to tear down the building that well-grounded, high and adorned with the excuse of any tiny crack. A point to bear in mind is that the authors are their own and a criterion that is why position at the time of narrating situations and think about real issues that are taboo, mainly Masonic contexts. We refer here to issues such as rough legend luciferina Hiram Abiff, Masonic tendencies that are rejected from the 'regular', the rightist progressive the Masons, the infiltration of undesirable elements of the same ... Before you start reading this book, the reader should also bear in mind that the authors seek express in it the greatness of the Masons, trying different trends (traditional or Masonry regular and irregular Freemasonry Freemasonry liberal or hidden or marginal, according to some authors) and its major branches. The Masonic obediences and branches that are addressed by the work of the Grand Lodge Eighteenth-century London, the Grand Orient of France, the Bavarian íllunati, Golden Dawn, the OTO and the Rite of Memphis-Misráim, among others. This does not prevent the plot to encourage authors to take leave include an 'conventiculo' Club seudosatánico the Fire of Hell. From the plot, it must be said that English is the hero Richard Holbein, and that the argument is search of the lost word, the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. Hero and argument used to excuse to revisit the history of heterodox form of the Masons, the aforementioned trends and branches, their problems, secrets and mysteries veiled more ... It should be read as anecdotal data that are cited in the novel even retejo the highest degrees of Scots, something never published in Spain.

Soon we left to add, except that the paths and beliefs of the two authors have been critical in determining the plot of the novel. The novel flows from the depths of both, where There is a wealth of knowledge, experiences, memories and especially the presence of God's Light, which illuminates any work. We hope that within a phrase that honors the God of Light closing this introduction, because we believe that is true. We want the reader to meditate on it before going on an adventure that expected. The phrase is "Cum luce, salutem 'or, equally,' with light, salvation. GABRIEL DE ROJAS LÓPEZ RIERA FRANCO MARTA I THE BOOK "A true initiation never ends, a search can take a final. " AUTHORS June 1725. Yalding, Kent, England Without doubt, the book was funny. Carefully written and bound in parchment paper, offered a very different from the others who filled to overflowing the magnificent library which Richard had inherited. The book, barely an inch tall, it seemed old, though well preserved, and was sliding ido into the deep dense shelf where it was. No title on the cover, only showed a small golden triangle embedded on the skin. On the first page, and writing a letter rich and ornate, showing a name: "Count of Saint-Germain." 3 Richard won the light of the book and slowly found the room where he was. Library ... A mysterious place to which his father, the late John Holbein, it had not allowed access to their children. A despite his insistence, Richard was able to glimpse from the door jambs of the great space is stores hundreds of books, many of them handwritten, that he had treasured year after year his grandfather, Isaac Holbein. Richard did not know their grandfather because he died long before he reach the world. Anyway, old Isaac had no relationship with his son John after he had cast of the great house of Yalding, the family home. The bad language Holbein Isaac said they never forgave

that his son embraced the Anglican religion, but is also rumored that what really caused his anger was that his son deny his Jewish roots and embrace, Christianity, marriage after his fifty-nine years with a couple of barely thirty. Holbein the mansion of the finished building to 1570, under the austere gaze of Thomas Holbein, son of the great painter Hans Holbein. Hans was court painter of King Henry VIII, great friend of Erasmus and protected from Thomas More. Everything a character. He died of black plague epidemic that ravaged the great in London 1543. Richard returned to focus on the library, which could finally set foot in it ... His father had died in the spring of 1705, when he, his only son, was about to turn thirteen years. After that, his mother, Sarah, Sydney, daughter of one of the most illustrious families in the county of Kent, south of England, sent him to study in the city of Canterbury. At present, twenty years later, newly completed the thirty-three and after the death of his mother, finally took possession of his family heritage: the large house in Yalding, in the heart of Kent. And the first thing that Richard had done, of course, had come into the library. With the book firmly grasped, sat in the big chair in front of the imposing fireplace. We opened Again, went smoothly the first few pages and stopped to see a mysterious header: 'History hidden treasure of Hiram Abiff. "Hiram Abiff ... What it sounded like that name? Sure! Of the Old Testament! As I had learned as a child, King Solomon built the temple that his father could not build the legendary King David. To this end, with the invaluable help of a great expert sent by King Hiram of Tire I also sent all kinds of materials, including gold and precious wood, which arrived in Jeru-Salem by the sea. If Richard did not remember wrong, the story could be read in the Old Testament, both in the books of Kings as in the Chronicles ... But what was the treasure of the Count Saint-Germain in his book? At that moment, a servant interrupted his brooding upon entering the residence to light several spark plugs. Although the days slowly stealing some time at night, darkness had already begun to cover the corners of the library. Again alone, Richard began to read.

"The Tire King Solomon sent to an artist who lived in the spirit of wisdom, Hiram Abiff. Hiram was son of a woman from the tribe of Naphtali, and a worker of brass called Tiri Ur. was a master mason with great knowledge, intelligence and expertise to work gold, silver, bronze, iron, marble, wood ... Hiram Abiff had under his command to proselytize 153,300, among whom were 70,000 apprentices, 80,000 officers or partners and 3,300 teachers. They recognized each other by secret words, signals and touches, different for each category. "When the construction of the temple of Solomon came to an end, three colleagues wanted to know Secrets of the teachers and enjoy their grade, so they decided to address Hiram Abiff. A first official bet Noon at the gate of the temple, and Hiram leave the compound, he made his demand. In the Hiram refused to reveal the secret, the first partner is dealt a blow to the neck with a ruler or bar. So Hiram Abiff tried to flee through the door of the West, but there it was awaiting the second partner, after trying to get the secret and get a negative hit back strongly to Hiram in the chest with a squadron of iron. Finally, when Hiram trying to escape through the door of the East, was the third officer, who before the resistance of the master architects of the secret he Disclosure Tipping a great blow on the forehead with a hammer and killed him. "The murderers buried the body of Hiram Abiff and far from Jerusalem's Mount Moriah, where they erected the temple. "King Solomon, at least miss Hiram, ordered that new teachers find it. When they arrive at a place away from Jerusalem and had been taken to rest on a small hill, they noticed that the earth was removed. So they dug in that place there and discovered the body of Hiram. Again bury the master mason, and able to recognize the place, planted over a branch of acacia. Later, Solomon gave Hiram Abiff to move to Jerusalem. " Richard adjourned the hearing of the book. This strange story about the murder did not appear in the story of Bible ... Forgetting the late hour, he continued with his reading. "The house that King Solomon built a Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty wide and thirty high. Before the temple was erected a portico twenty cubits long ... "The text continued to spread into

the details of the building and their ornamentation. Richard remembered well all of this, read on some occasions during his years in Canterbury. Anyone Releyó quickly fragment. His eyes stopped when I read the following: "Solomon had built in the deepest part of the temple a sacred vault, which only could be granted access twenty-four descending a ladder rungs, split into sections of three, five, seven and nine, whose location was known only by the king and by teachers who had worked there. In this vault, built at the great temple that was about it, King Solomon took place a pedestal triangular where he recorded the various signs of the secret apprentice, peers and teachers Freemasons. In this secret place, was finally buried Hiram Abiff, and he was saved by the greatest treasure that one man can imagine. A treasure most brilliant and powerful than all the gold that Solomon used to cover the walls of his temple. The treasure of treasures. " Richard felt a strange feeling to read those last words. Although pleasant and polite, Richard Holbein never had very close friends, and over the years had become a lonely little man. You could say that he had grown up under the layers of the clerics Saint Augustin's Colle-ge of Canterbury and, despite the religious atmosphere of the place, no one could say that they have managed to become a man of faith. Doubts about almost everything he had caused more severe punishment for his years of study. Only knew he was looking for answers, answers to the divine and to the field, answers that silence their hunger for knowledge, answers to fill light of his solitary way. Any story that could not be a mere legend, at least not for Richard. He spent the pages of the book until the end, and there, under the signature of the Count Saint-Germain, seleía clearly: 'London, 1685. " Perhaps, with luck, could still find the count or a descendant of his in the capital, so get more details about the treasure of Hiram Abiff. The next day, which dawned clear, if somewhat cold, Richard Holbein, on the back of his horse, went to London via Maidstone and then up to the north. London could be a very tricky if you did not know well.

Once in the capital, Richard crossed the Thames by London Bridge and headed resolutely towards the Thames. San Pablo is also a major place of worship, was also a major center of information and business. In the surroundings could be hired from servants to make good deals with horses o. .. find those persons who are looking for. So, without a moment's hesitation, and despite the Darkness reigns in the streets surrounding the church, the couple walked with Holbein pitapat direction a small tavern, El Manzano, run by a skinny cejijunto and Dutch, who knew very well their youth raids. After a somewhat rapid march, Richard came to the tavern, opened the door out of breath and spotted his old Dutch friend in a corner. - What you know, friend, the Count of Saint-Germain? He asked, approaching the dark corner. - Conde de Saint-Germain? ¿You mean the famous Count of Saint-Germain, the Portuguese? -Asked the Dutch surprise at the haste of the young. French-or Portuguese or whatever. Yes, I speak of him, the Count of Saint-Germain. Surely he will dead, but maybe you know some of his son or a close relative ... The innkeeper looked at him surprised, his only eyebrow raising to a height incredible. "Lord, Count Saint-Germain comes regularly to my humble tavern. In any case, if no you hurry, the count tends to go to the tavern just beyond the eight and meets with friends. Oh, my God! That was it! Chance! How was this possible? Richard had the feeling of being living a dream but a dream run by a mysterious hand that would put him in the way pieces of a big chess game. After dinner frugally and drink good beer, Richard was ready to wait. I looked slowly around him, where hardly distinguish the faces of the other parishioners. The bar smelled of wine, food and stale, but what was inexplicable that turns a simple a welcoming place. Lost in thought and with eyes fixed upon the vacuum, Richard said no entry a gentleman of tall, elegant habit, which was discovered after a beautiful blonde hair. After

department in a low voice with the owner of the premises, the newly arrived gentleman approached the table he held Richard. -Good evening, sir. I understand that you have reported, wanted to see me ... Let me introduce myself: I am the Count Saint-Germain. And it seems you want to know. What is the reason? The count seemed to radiate a strange light around him. Richard quickly got up to greet him and noticed that the mysterious aristocrat was the same height. While Holbein was slightly darker hair and complexion and wavy brown, both shared the blue of the eyes. After show, Richard explained the reason for his trip to London, and while it was extracted from its faltriquera found the little book in the library of Yalding. With an enigmatic smile, Saint-Germain took the copy in his hands. And gave a soft sigh, fixing his gaze into the eyes of Richard, syllabication slowly three words: "I have found." After a few seconds of silence, the count decided to talk in depth. In all the years I have been waiting, I have not ever given a moment to despair, I have not hesitated ever that the mission that I was going to succeed. But I admit that I was difficult to endure the long wait. Relax, everything has an explanation added to the silent count question Richard, who was beginning to understand nothing. " Perhaps you are one for which I expected. But in any If I appeal to your patience to hear my story to end. Then you will be free to choose the path to follow. Richard, who was believed ready to handle almost everything, he realized that the last comments descolocado him completely and decided to ask. 5 -Before you continue, Count, I would ask you to tell me if someone told you about me ... No, no, you do not. And do not bother because apeado treatment, but I think you know many years, but this is the first time I see you. Again I appeal to your patience and your understanding. I beg you to listen to me carefully and soul open and free of prejudice. "Knowledge has never been available to single men, but men of God have always

could shed light into the darkness of ignorance. So I decided to approach them to get some light. In the land where I come from, the priests have always had a lot of power and the kings in a sense have followed their dictates. It was they, the priests, I got to know the history of Hiram Abiff, a story hidden behind a veil of discretion must know. After a pause of several seconds, the Count Saint-Germain continued speaking, slowly dropping their words. -I was born and raised on the river Nile, the Egyptian city of Thebes. A city largely devoted to God Amon and directed by its high priests. They were the ones who educated me and I started in science and hidden knowledge. Iuput, high priest of Amon, was the one who told me what happened to Hiram Abiff, the mason who built the great temple of Solomon. Saint-Germain was paused, it took air and continued lowering your voice. -What I said was Iuput only a few years had happened. That makes more than 1,500 years ... Count Richard was taking his time. Inside the couple had been engaged in a struggle between its a strange natural rationality and intuition told him that this could be true, for it was inconceivable might seem. Is that the Count Saint-Germain was immortal? But ... What have I to do with this, according to you? "Asked Richard. Let me continue with my story and get to that. According to the priests of Egypt, Hiram Abiff, the Masonic hero par excellence, was finally buried in the temple of Jerusalem with a great treasure, the treasure of treasures. Masons believe was present in the most hidden temple in the sancta sanctorum, but may If not. The key to search on the word is lost. That word leads to the place where actually the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of treasures that are there. Priests prepared me thoroughly so that I could undertake the search, but most can not and need someone I happen. "Now, Richard, just tell me if you want to undertake the search for the missing word that leads to the tomb and the treasure of Hiram Abiff. But keep in

mind something very important: If you log in, have to abandon your loved ones, those who know you, because your journey can take many years and may not accompany them. "I know the decision is difficult. So, dear friend, I ask you to think and meditate at length. I be waiting for your answer here. The Count smiled, and added a sentence with categorical tone. I know that I am not mistaken you. In a few seconds, Richard thought he had heard anything that night and knew without a doubt that what happens had elected him. Who had no say, or miss any of it. His mother was the last person to which was attached. I had no friends or relatives with whom they were not love those who yearn ... Of Indeed, Richard was not in love before. Even, on occasion, had heard some maledicientes comments casting doubt on their manhood. The truth is that Richard is attracted to women ... and men, which increased even more, his introversion. No, the truth is that Richard did not have anyone who goodbye. Conde, "replied Richard, you might not wait. I want to go down this road. I just hope your indications. Although I do not know if my life will be sufficient to reach the end of the search. -We do not need to worry, was quick to explain the count. Life is just an illusion, and such, may vary. Remember my age no longer have value for many, many years. Once I Iuput promised to get you, he gave me to drink the nectar from the tree of knowledge, which succeeded in slowing me over the years and I became a trustee of the flask with sufficient nectar as not to have to worry about the time lag. The man, in his infinite pride and impatience, put borders while believing they can dominate. And believe me, that vision was narrow and material that the time beat. You can live the years needed to complete the search, Richard. In your hands are. With a gesture almost invisible, appeared in the Count's hand a small bottle made of amber that contained a thick, dark liquid. Approached his open hand toward Richard, that rested on the table. The couple took a tiny vial and noted that the opening was sealed. - What should I do now?

-Above all, keep the container carefully you just give. As for the nectar, you must ingesting the evening. The day chosen to be observed by taking a fast food. Only drink water. Rest a lot and walks through the countryside, watching the beauty around you and thinking about the greatness of creation. When the sun sets, go to your room on your bed and stretch. Takes then the nectar. Unknown sensations notice, but do not be scared, with the passage of time your body 6 otherwise known to exist. The day you will see the birthplace of the world in a different way, with a new costume will last many years, perhaps centuries. Richard kept the vial carefully and slowly stood up. It dismissed the Count of Saint Germain, agreeing to meet again once it had completed the takeover of nectar. When he left the tavern was closed completely at night. A thick fog, which calls for a few travelers to return home, began to creep through the streets in London. Richard moved towards the inn where he had to stay overnight, and decided to make the most of your life. Thought that the Book Saint-Germain had entered into the adventure more exciting than ever could imagine. The day chosen to take the nectar coincided with the summer solstice. Richard had read about old traditions, which still kept many who spoke of the magic that enveloped the hours that Spring gave way to summer. Many were those who believed, despite the efforts of the Christian priests, in the power of nature and all that was: trees, rivers, mountains, animals ... He got up early and, following the signs for Saint-Germain, failed to bite throughout the day, and took water often. He left the house and headed down a path into the quiet forest began near the mansion. He walked for several hours, stopped to rest and reflect on everything I watched as he had indicated. The day passed off peacefully and friendly, and gave way to a beautiful sunset chaired by Venus, the bright star, the brighter star in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. Then Richard went to his bedroom and, after removing all

his clothes, stretched himself out on the bed. Took small vial and, helped by a sharp letter opener, carefully break the sealing. Approached the bottle the nose and noticed a strong odor resinous marearle once. Breathe deeply and smell to dismiss without delay, it took until the last drop of the contents of the vial. After leaving the bottle on the floor, Richard himself out on the bed. Closed his eyes and tried to relax. Little recently began to feel as if your body to lose weight ... He opened his eyes and hands looked surprised. A Although the low light of candles, found no difference in their appearance. But the sense of weightlessness increased to the point that he felt as if there were virtually no support in the bed. Little Recently, a strange torpor had been invaded and took him to a dark and deep sleep. And Richard dreamed. Dreamed of strange worlds of cyclopean proportions, unknown landscape bathed in red lights, with a dream be wonderful attributes that showed women and men at once, which invited questions and discuss their most hidden desires ... When I finally awoke, he had the impression that he had received a sort of initiation and also felt afraid that the nectar would have become excessive. He opened his eyes with fear and almost immediately was looked at his hands, arms and the rest of his body. Good! Everything seemed in order. He stood up carefully, because he hurt his head a little and noticed a slight dizziness. He went to a polished mirror that had at its dressing room. Take a relieved to be reflected in its splendid nakedness. Perhaps he had no nectar Indeed ... But a moment! Where was the scar that he had since childhood in the thigh of the leg right, the result of a fall of horse? Richard was quickly next to a window and bent over for the brand. Do not be! Then there was a comprehensive review throughout the body, looking for differences, and realized that he had disappeared a few white hair started to appear in the head and other body parts. I was clear! The nectar had worked! THE GRAND LODGE OF LONDON "Not only do not know the origins of Freemasonry; but also admits that the "real secrets" have been lost, used "secret replacement" those in the Masonic ceremonies,

"until such time they are rediscovered." Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The key Masonic September 1725. London, England During the summer, Richard Holbein was gradually getting used to its new status immortal. Externally, the couple had not changed. The absence of marks on the skin and white hair was not enough for others to suspect anything unusual. Despite that, Richard could not help feeling aversion to a certain face to face with those who knew him. Fortunately, only his loyal butler I saw him frequently and, due to age and poor eyesight, not noticing the changes that had occurred there. Another thing was the change inside. Define your new status it was virtually impossible ... During summer, the Count Saint-Germain in large part to quell doubts about his immortality, but could not tell how he had come to be so comfortable being so different. -Actually, my young friend, is found to be immortal, however, feel full. For some years you can also enjoy the company of some people can even take a liking to more than one ... But Richard, you must always keep in mind that these people may not accompany you in your search. Lo 7 Most important, never forget who you are, and what you're looking for. The search for the missing word, the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of treasures that are there can be long. Through these and other phrases, Saint-Germain Richard deposited in the mood enough to undertake the search, although he warned of the problems it entailed. -Immortality, believe me, it's only an anecdote of the time. The gods have given you a gift and you must exploit. Hiram Abiff's treasure is waiting and you can find out. September was rainy and desapacible. After one night of the count dismissed in El Manzano, Richard began his search in another London pub where he knew that met some gentlemen who claimed to be Freemasons, ie builders, and Hiram Abiff. In this case, the name of the tavern was the Crown. Saint-Germain had briefed Richard on certain meetings that were taking place on Thursdays at dusk La Corona. According to the Count was able to find out, thanks to its good relations with certain noble

London, where it met with some members affiliated with the Masons came from notable families in England. With such limited data, Richard entered the venue chosen. After asking the innkeeper for the gentlemen who met here on Thursday, just that day, he indicated that was directed towards the bottom of the dark room filled with tables and benches. Once there, a large distinction leading to a curtain aside. Lifted the curtain and found the sight of six men who seated around a table, watched him with curiosity. __Disculpen, Gentlemen. I would not want to interrupt your conversation. My name is Richard Holbein and come of Yalding in Kent. __Decidnos, Sir, "replied the man who seemed older. Why come to us? __Mi Desire is to know how to contact the Masons or Freemasonry. I understand it, by rumors that in this tavern can tell how to contact them. What can you tell me, gentlemen? "Asked Richard. - A couple interested in the Freemasons! Exclaimed one of these while the rest were watching. - Do you have a contact address, sir? "Asked another of the meeting quickly. Richard looked at his pocket and extracted a note with your details and address, then it delivered to the group. All ojearon note. They went to look at each other and the individual who performed the first asked again to speak. I am the brother John, a member of the Grand Lodge of London, and I must say that we are Freemasons. If desired, we will contact you within a few days. What do you think, sir? Richard could only mumble an affirmative response, nodded her head and was committed. After outlining a shy smile and say once again, gave three steps back and disappeared quietly behind the curtain. For a moment, felt that he had taken the first step in the right direction; missed call, the tomb and the great treasure of Hiram Abiff and not so far. The days of waiting before the notice was unbearable for the young Holbein. During the day, he read and reread the mysterious book of the Count Saint-Germain, trying to decipher new secrets. At night, could hardly rest wrapped in strange dreams. Would the product of the

strange situation or nectar Count was extracted from the tree of knowledge and had taken to support the long quest? One night dreamed that he was in a sort of tunnel that appeared on its way to small beings indicated one direction. In the end, walked an aisle and went to a vaulted room empty, where a sign read: "The search has no end, and insiders know it. "When you wake, increased state of anxiety. Hope was pleasant. Four weeks after the meeting at the tavern, a letter from Richard warned that it was now a time to meet with Mason in London and the anxiety gradually decreased. Was relaxed by walking forest near their house and prepared thoroughly appointment. At noon on Monday following the announcement mail, on the back of his horse, went to London.

built the Gothic cathedrals of the Templars and the Ancient Egypt. We are moving in a field speculations and everything is possible. The younger Holbein recalled that moment in the explanation of the Count Saint-Germain on Iuput, sumo priest of Anion, and the Egyptian priests, and felt a chill at night. All this would have any relation? Is there a link between the Egyptian priests of Iuput, the temple of Jerusalem, Hiram Abiff, the Templars, the Freemasons, and when the Grand Lodge of London? Brother John became his seat and continued staring at his explanation to Richard. The truth is that part of the Masons cree that the Masonic mysteries of Egypt were transmitted to the masons who built the temple in Jerusalem, the Architects of Dionysus, the College Roman Architects, the masons who built medieval Gothic cathedrals and the Masons which we represent as Grand Lodge of London. Regarding Hiram Abiff, should be considered several issues. After the death of King David, his son Solomon continued the construction of the temple Jerusalem, and we chose Mount Moriah. For the work Solomon had the assistance of Hiram, King Tire I made a lot of material to construct the building. Tire Hiram also sent to Solomon many Masons, among them Hiram Abiff, the master teachers.

He was the son of a woman of the tribe of Naphtali, and a worker of brass called Ur, which means "fire, light, and was mysteriously killed while he prayed in the temple and the work was nearly completed. It is believed that the principle was buried on a nearby hill under an acacia in the temple and then in the most hidden: the sancta sanctorum. Richard thought that the explanation roughly coincided with that of the Count Saint-Germain, and was a first hint, but decided to take another step forward and try to learn something from the tomb of Hiram Abiff and mysterious treasure. -I read the book that the tomb of Hiram was in the temple. I says you, sir, that found in the hidden part of the temple: the sancta sanctorum. I also read in a book containing Treasure ... Brother John looked so again while a pair of lovers are going ahead. Down a tone, approached him and whispered in the ear: -The treasure can be no Masonic mysteries and secrets revealed, especially to the layman or non initiated and the location of the royal tomb, not token, we could also talk a lot, but it seems that was in place that I have cited. "Curious," thought Holbein. The Mason of the Grand Lodge of London had given explanations very specific clarification of the explanation of the Count Saint-Germain. The Grand Lodge of Masons Hiram considered a symbol of initiation, we also recognized that the royal tomb had not been found and says that this tomb contained mysteries and secrets. Leaving aside the symbolism is could be talking about the Grand Lodge Masonic know some very important secrets. But How to find the grave? Richard recalled the explanation of the Count Saint-Germain, who drew the Freemasonry and society that had lost the word and the key leading to the tomb and the treasure. Brother John, after a silence, then suddenly pointed a finger at a pair of men looking aristocratic walking down the street and told him that Richard was aware of it, and found to be with them. One, he claimed, had belonged to the Hell Fire Club, a sort of secret society

to recreate the pre-worship and paganism. Acquaintances approached and gave John a stranger handshake, then Richard recalled his reading and thought it was another two of the Freemasons Grand Lodge of London. - Oops evening! Gives the impression that the devil can appear in person. I am the brother Smith, Knight said the higher rate, which came and strengthened the hand of the younger Holbein. I am the brother Frank-added companion, who, incidentally, was a very effeminate but beautiful. Following the presentations, the night was still dark and there was a tense silence. All looked and Richard ventured to ask nearly as whisper for his initiation into the Masons, who was at the end of the their way out, the way forward in the search for the word that led to the lost tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure that was in it. Well, I think we are all together. Or missing someone? He asked, as Holbein introduction. -We all need to be answered Smith's brother. That is pointed brother John. Ladies and gentlemen, because ..., I am interested in joining the fraternity, and said so Richard categorical. I do not know if rainfall or the time is right, I only know that I want to be initiated as Mason in the Grand Lodge of London that you represent. The three looked freemasons and brother John broke the silence. -Dear Richard, who contacted us since we have been watching and know what kind of person is. Today has shown. You, sir, is a search engine and in principle no problem for it started as an apprentice in the Grand Lodge of London. The three looked freemasons and nodding. -You must go to a tavern where we are indicate "said Brother John. Not nervous calm and wait. Do not read books, and let 9 the initiation, which most likely will occur next Friday, November 13, will be helpful to inside. No qualifying with profane readings. Three masons continued the conversation with Richard for a few minutes. Finally got up and fired him. Meanwhile, Richard's imagination and what stood

in the Masonic Temple, investigating missed word that reveals the location of the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of treasures. The Mason Holbein and dismissed the couple disappeared amid a growing cloud. Three or four days later, Richard was told that due to the Crown pub on Friday, November 13, at nine of the night. Until the day of initiation, and again the anxiety dreams. In fact, the dream was repeated which led to a vaulted room empty, but on the poster read another sentence: "You've met almost three years and the search has just begun. " On November 13 of 1725, Richard Holbein was dressed elegantly in front of the The Crown pub, ready for launching at the Masonic Grand Lodge of London. Brother John, with extreme punctuality, went to meet him, greeted him with some serious and led him inside the tavern, which was now turned into a sort of Masonic lodge. After crossing the gate, Richard could hardly see anything because a brother gave him blindfolded and deprived him of anything more light across the hall. He noted that was lost in a strange series of walks led by Mason that he had tapado eyes, a strange and terrible coach brother, to paint a rather gloomy of black, the Chamber of Reflection, where he regained vision. Then the brother coach, with the face almost hidden, turned to him. -Knight, will begin the ceremonies of your admission to the Order of Freemasonry in spontaneous response to your request. If at any time you repent of the step you are going to give, services, indicármelo ... "Indicármelo, indicármelo, indicármelo," said Richard in their thoughts. "Damn, I have pain head thought. The brother continued the coach explained. -... Fijaréis your attention on the inscriptions found in the walls of this chamber and in the objects that surround you, reflect on them and then responded in writing to the questions contained in a role that you leave on the table. The brother was a coach on the triangular table and Richard had to respond to the three questions written on it: 1. What will be the man of God? 2. What is self? 3. What would be a their peers? Serbs make a will and signed. "After a while

the younger Holbein went to logia, having been deprived of jewelry (jewelry, money which was above ...) and prepared Conveniently, that is, in shirtsleeves, with his arm and nipple and left uncovered with the knee right into the air. He noted his naked arm and leg, too did not understand what was happening and felt a little ridiculous, while that Brother expert tapaba venda a vision with him and tried to listen to and understand phrases was said in the lodge, next to the room. Managed to hear the name of the lodge was the Crown and was headed by a Venerable Master, nothing more and nothing less than his brother John. At that moment, Richard teacher heard a phrase in his mind: "Fear is the mother of initiation." Upon entering the lodge without seeing anything, a multitude of questions and "initiatory journeys' through the inside of it finished sound to Richard too good for what I expected and distracting thoughts on Hiram's treasure. Suddenly, a few phrases of Venerable Master directing initiation returned him to the actual situation of that moment. Indices of which part of your body that you want to remove blood ', "said the Venerable Master John with great sobriety. So said Richard shrunk his hand left and noticed that the sweat began to run down his chest. The Venerable Master ordered the brother preparer do their duty and Richard squeezed teeth while sweating even before the court that coming. But he noticed how a sword he cut almost, but not to consummate the request of the venerable. Finally, a few other 'journey of initiation and other evidence led Richard to a final part of the launching no less disturbing. Richard made an oath on the Bible that ended with a little reassuring words: "... Follow the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of London, its statutes and general regulations, laws, decrees and provisions, and that I preferred the neck before cutting to miss my promises. "He thought at that time that the oath should be as symbolic as the cut of the sword and the first degree, which practically already begun, could not have much to do with the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure contained, because the degree seemed a preparation for

learning rather than a source of secrets and Masonic mysteries. After the initiation, the brothers of the lodge Crown affectionately hugged Richard three times and together they marched to celebrate a meal next to another tavern. In it, the brothers of the lodge Crown brothers drank and ate, talked and explained the initiation of disputes with other Grand Lodges. Richard, as a guest star, pretty tense initiation suffered by the evidence, simply made act of presence and sought to be polite. Richard discovered also that a portion of the hermaos were very conservative and against the latest activities of a famous aristocrat, the Duke of Wharton, who was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, elected in 1722, and leader of the Hell Fire Club of English at the same time. In late 1725, the aristocrat was curious about to convert to Catholicism for the love of a young Irish, Mary 10 Teresa O'Neill. He also set up in Madrid, Spain, the Spanish first Masonic lodge, Las Tres Flores de Lis or Matritense and reneged on part of the Grand Lodge. Richard recalled, upon hearing the negative comments towards the Duke of Wharton, the Venerable Master John had explained that one of the two brothers who questioned him before they start was a member of the Club. Brothers Frank and Smith had attended the launch and were in the meal. Why do not continue the search in the Freemasons and the mysterious English Club at a time? Why not try contact a member of the brothers of the same? Richard noted the brothers Frank and Smith, not or separated from each other a moment, and the two appeared to have a special relationship. Would the two Club members of the Fire of Hell who had said the Venerable Master John? What mysteries Richard waited for him a suggestion? Perhaps it was early, too early to know. CLUB OF THE FIRE OF HELL "Son of Cain, have your destination take it with imperturbable face ... When you're not on earth, the militia of the workers will join under your name, and the phalanx of workers, thinkers, abatirá one day the blind power of kings, such despotic ministers of Adonai.

Go, my son, meet your destiny. " Gérard de Nerval, Journey to the East July 1747. London, England Between 1726 and 1747, Richard aged Holbein not thank elixir of Count Saint-Germain and was able continue the search for the missing word, which was leading to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the coveted treasure. In that search, he went to the Masonic lodge as Apprentice, Companion was launched in 1732, attended meetings of the lodge as a companion a few years and was affiliated to the Club del Fuego Hell from 1731 until 1746, and then took a sabbatical. The truth is that the move by the Masons of the Grand Lodge and the Club's Fire of Hell is not served to Richard to find the desired word Lost in reality, only helped him figure out where I had to go towards your search and to awaken The first suspicions of those who did not understand why still a young, almost twenty years after his Masonic initiation. The list of Masonic words and comments on them that Richard developed as potential candidates to speak while he lost the first two grades (Apprentice and Fellow) of the Great Lodge was the following: Lodge The lodge is a temple where Masons meet and hold their ceremonies and assemblies. The word logia meaning "house of wood or stone where the workers work away from the weather." The word logia relates loka with the Sanskrit word, meaning 'world', and derives from the root lok, 'See', alluding to the light. Symbolically, the lodge is along the East and West, along from the north at noon, and in depth from the surface to the center of the Earth and reaches its height to the stars. There seems to have a relationship with place. Discarded. Columns in the loggia The columns are supported by the buildings at different levels. In the Judeo-Christian tradition are the symbol of connection between the high and low. The columns of the temple of Solomon were of cedar and bronze. The two columns of the Masonic lodge (Jakin and Boaz), marked with the letters' J 'and' B 'represent two principles: the masculine and feminine, positive and negative, right and left ... The lodge

Masonic has four columns, labeled "columns of order ': the Corinthian, the Doric and Ionian, is say, the columns of wisdom, strength and beauty. The fourth column remains invisible as it deals with the supreme intelligence. At first, I thought of the possibility that Boaz and Jakin might be missing word, but then I realized that would never be so easy to find. The word is missed more hidden, it is less accessible. Boaz or Booz Name one of the columns of the temple of Jerusalem in the days of Solomon. Was placed in portico of the temple. Hiram Abiff was founded by order of Solomon. In Hebrew, came to mean something as "inner strength", although in the Masons was a sacred word. As said before, it is discarded. Jakin Name one of the columns of the temple of Jerusalem in the days of Solomon. Also placed in the portico of the temple, through the construction work of Hiram Abiff. It means strength, stability and strength, and can also mean "God is my strength." Out by the reasoning more up. G 11 According to the English Masonic ritual, represents God (God is' God 'in English). When it reverses the word is derived dog god, ie 'dog'. Curiously, the first God of mankind was a dog Sirius called, "the Sun behind the Sun." It is possible that this is a missing word, but not an name indicates the area where you can be grave. Discarded. East Is the direction where the sun rises, and therefore where the Light. According to tradition, there are two currents: the East and West. In the East, metaphysics dominates logic. In the West dominates the logically separated from any metaphysical principle. In the Masonic temple, the east welcomed the Venerable Master or Grand Master, and it was the sancta sanctorum of the temple of Solomon. The East eternal is one that is home to the Freemasons who died on a different level. Gives the impression that 'East' is not defined too much and lost is not the word that should lead to the

tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure. For Richard, it was clear that those words were not lost to the floor would lead to tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of treasures. In fact, he was doing and test combinations with all of them multiple, and the investment of the lyrics, typical of Hebrew and Semitic languages, but was not able to find a single track. Even at one point, also raised the possibility that the missing word is the name Hiram Abiff, but later thought that there was no time for that name and address that possibility, and commented that as he had some brothers of the Grand Lodge of the mysteries of the character H. A. belonged to the degree that he possessed, that of Master Mason. However, a brother gave him a curious story of Hiram Abiff legend who made him feel that it could be the way of what be found, not the word lost, but in principle a route to get there. The text linked Hiram Abiff nothing more and nothing less than an exciting tradition luciferina full of names and phrases strange, which might reveal the path leading to the floor and lost the place where the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. The text reads as follows: "THE LEGEND OF Hiram ABIFF "Hiram Abiff, somewhat desolate by the momentary failure in the construction of the temple, left crying, and then he dreamed the dream of his life, which forwarded the purest tradition and luciferina excelsa: "From the red cast that shines in the darkness of night stands a shade light. The Ghost moving towards Hiram, which covers it with astonishment. His bust is chaired by a gigantic dalmatic without sleeves; iron rings adorn his arms bare, his tanned head, embodied by a beard square braid and fuzzy in several rows, is covered by a gilded silver miter, holds in his hand a blacksmith hammer. His eyes, large and bright, is posing in Hiram and gently, with a voice that seems plucked from the bowels of brass, he said: , "Revives your soul, get up, my son. Come, follow me. I have seen the evils that overwhelm my race and I compassion on her ...

"Spirit-who are you? "Asked Hiram. "-The shadow of your parents, the ancestor of those who work and suffer. Come! When my hand sliding on your face, breathe in the flame. Do not fear anything. Never has shown weak ... - Where am I? What is your name? Where are you taking me? Hiram says * At the center of the earth, the soul of the inhabited world. There stands the underground palace of Enoch, our father, who called Hermes Egypt and Arabia that honor with the name of Edris ... * 'Immortal Powers! Hiram exclaims. So true. Are you ...? "Your ancestor-man, an artist ... I love you and your employer. I was Tubalcaín. "Take a dream and in the depths of the Earth, Tubalcaín educated in Hiram Abiff essence of the tradition of cainitas, blacksmiths, owners of the fire. "In the bowels of the Earth, Hiram Tubalcaín shows his wide range of parents Iblis, Cain, Enoch, Irada, Mejuyael, Matusael, Lamech, Tubalcaín ... And the tradition passed on to Hiram luciferina: "At the beginning of time, there were two gods who shared the Universe, Adonai, who was the master of the field and the element Earth, and Iblis (Samael, Lucifer, Prometheus, Baphomet), the master of the spirit and fire. The first created man from mud and encourages him. Iblis and Elohim (gods side), they do not want Man is created slave Adonai, awaken your spirit and brings intelligence and ability to understanding. While Lilith became a lover of Adam (first man) and taught him the art of thought, Iblis seduced Eve and fertility and, together with the seed of Cain, glided within it a divine spark (according to Talmudic tradition, Cain was born of love for Eva and Iblis, Abel and the binding of Adam and Eve). "Later, Adam does not feel that contempt and hatred for Cain, who is not his true son. Cain spends inventive intelligence that comes from the Elohim to improve the lives of his family, expelled from Eden and wandering across the land. "One day Cain, tired of the prevailing injustice and ingratitude, rebelled and killed his brother Abel. "Cain appears to Hiram Abiff unfair and explains his situation, adding that over the centuries and

millennia, their children, sons of the Elohim and Iblis, they will work tirelessly to improve the lot of men, and that 12 Adonai, jealous after trying to annihilate the human race, after the flood plan will fail thanks to Noah, to be "informed by the children of fire." "By returning to the limits of Hiram world tangible, Tubalcaín reveals that it is the last descendant of Cain, last prince of the blood "of the Angel of Light and Iblis and Balkis also belong to the lineage of Cain, it is the wife who is destined for eternity. " The text of the tradition luciferina Richard impressed, and showed that phrases and words, rather than include the word lost, gave clues that it was the address to be printed to search. Richard was thinking with emphasis on "the center of the Earth", "the underground palace Enoch, Tubalcaín, Iblis ... and it was clear that the Masonic master had closer to the desired word lost. But what Obediencia Order or the Master approached the word lost, following the real luciferina tradition of Hiram Abiff? To find it, you should still spend quite tiempo.Desde then, the order was not necessary to continue the Club's Fire of Hell, his other affiliations during the past years. The Hell Fire Club, which had at one time led the late Duke of Wharton, hardly Club was an English libertine aristocrats. In fact, the English high society continually grumbled on the activities of it and saying that organized orgies, attended dressed as prostitutes nuns bacchanals authentic, although the club is not going to be a group of aristocrats that off its most hidden passions as much once a month. In the club, coincided with the brothers Richard and Frank Smith, and they strengthened their relationship with both. In his newspaper noted: "Meeting at the Club. We have come to a thick forest in the middle of a very beautiful place. The naughty Smith delighted us all this time and is the third, with their feminine charms. Has no remedy. " In recent years, however, the Club had made the impossible possible and to improve its image and it managed to capture people in a social position more established, less craving for nighttime revelry.

One of the new recruits was a young man named Francis Dashwood, who would become his leader shortly thereafter. Dashwood was not one either. He remained forty years in the Houses of Lords and Commons, and held the position of chancellor Finance. Mason, initiated in a lodge in Florence in 1751, bought the Abbey Club Medmenhan, located in Marlow, near the River Thames, and joined it to Venus, Priapus, and other deities old, with the aim of leaving the most libertine and recovered within the cult of the Club Bone Dea or Great Mother Goddess. Dashwood then got to the club to attract people like John Stuart, Earl of Bute, who was appointed State Secretary in the great Northern Department, the Archbishop of Canterbury himself, or the Benjamin Franklin Apparent before the reform undertaken by the Club dashwod, the truth is that the only time in Richard had thought of the Club as a place to find the word was lost in a encounter occurred in a tavern during his sabbatical year: 1747. The Reverend Peter, an acquaintance of theirs Club and the Grand Lodge, which had left them just go by you do not agree with their practices and beliefs, he hailed from one end of the room. __ Richard, brother! Cried the Reverend Peter very happy and jovial, while his right hand raised with a pitcher of beer. - Peter, brother! What are you doing here? Richard replied to approach the table and the Reverend sat at his side after giving a Masonic handshake. - You are as young as ever! What the hell must eat or drink? Good to see you, young man -said the Reverend. The two men observed a brief silence, and looked out 'feats' of other esoteric time. -I was looking at the symbols that are foreign-bar and said to Peter by a pointing a finger coat of arms. That shield is connected with the Order of San Jorge. Was given to an ancestor of the owner of the Tavern for their services rendered to the Crown. The Order of the Garter which is its present name was called Order of St George in the Middle Ages and the Crown was represented by Richard explained with a

gesture of unconcern. There is a curious story about the Order and one of its symbols, which are in the shield: twenty-six Garter hung a gold necklace on the phrase "Evil to him who evil thinks is" related Countess of Salisbury. She lost a ball in a league and the king picked it up. When someone laughed at her because she had a reputation for Women burning and to be the queen of witches, the king is placed in the leg and said the sentence is at the crest ( "Evil be to him who evil thinks") in defense signal of the queen of witches and witchcraft. I think the Order of St. George was then related to witchcraft, "said Peter whispering. Both contertulios again become silent, perhaps meditating on the explanation. - How strange! Pensativo Holbein said. I once read a book claiming that the league was the Blue insignia of the queen of witches in the Middle Ages, but I thought since it relates to the league that appears in Masonic initiations. Peter and Richard looked at the coat of arms, and became thoughtful for a third time until the first resumed the conversation. 13 -For me, the Order is related to two things: Freemasonry and witchcraft exclaimed emphatically Peter. Brother, I respect your status as reverend, but should be less radical, because no one league means that three institutions related arguments of Richard to the left ear in the form of Peter whisper. Well, well ... But ... Look, Richard, that there twenty-six Garter golden shield hanging from the collar, something that may be related to a mason word and a word of Jewish Kabbalah, the name known of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Masonic God, Yahweh. Count the value of the consonants as in the Cabala: Yod is 10, I, 5; Vau, 6 He, 5 ... Total: twenty-six. Son of the twenty-six Garter gold collar of the Order of the Garter Order of St. George, or what you see on the shield. And the Masons the Order of the Garter and St George are joined. There is also a strange and intriguing relationship between the

Order of St. George and witchcraft by the monarchy. Remember, brother, I do not like pathways are unclear, as both the club know. Richard blushed a bit while thinking about the bacchanals Club Fire of Hell and that perhaps it had received an inspiration from the Order of the Garter and St. George, as the sisters leagues used on their bare thighs and said "Garter" at times as word of recognition. Is it the word lost? Thought that the word 'Garter' could not be more than one name as so many others. Richard then explained to Peter that the conversation about the Garter reminded him of an investigation lost on the floor that he had led to the strange story of Hiram Abiff. The allusion was not very well understood by Peter, who, like all the "men of God" had a certain tendency of evil think and see the devil behind every corner. The Reverend Peter reminded him at that time the dangers posed to either move down slippery slope 'away from the Lord, and Richard, for his part, thought back on the word "Garter" and recalled a famous American song which read: To find the truth one must move forward alone. To find the truth one must be himself. No one can move forward by one. No one can be oneself. The two men fired at the door of the tavern a few minutes later and never again find, with the sad result for the word that Richard was not the missing word 'Garter' that pronounced sisters lewd Club Fire of Hell. With the experiences in the Masons and the Hell Fire Club, Richard Holbein, after the reunion referred to the waiver and that the term 'Garter' was the word he was looking lost, took the determination to pursue the search of that lost word, and the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the greatest of all treasures, in order to work a master Mason in the direction had discovered the manuscript of Hiram Abiff. In principle, analyzing the different possibilities exist, this strategy seemed the most sensible. Although attempts to find the missing word, the tomb and

the treasure had failed in the Grand Lodge and the Club, he had opened a whole world of possibilities and should take the best. It would be a matter of do not rush and wait for the right time and place. The Count of Saint-Germain during the meetings, he had never guaranteed that the search was easy, but be prepared for a long and winding road, as was starting to really happen. The last day of 1747, Richard Holbein was a very strange dream. He dreamed that, after traveling a tunnel dark it was leading to a vaulted room, was a tall and bearded man who claimed to be the ancestor of Hiram Abiff: Tubalcaín. Master T. gave a very small chest, she said it was the key path to be taken wrapped in mist and disappeared. At the opening, Richard met a shiny brass plate containing a date, 1774, and a few phrases: "You are about to meet seven years. You must move and go to Germany, because there you will find an order that contains the secrets of Hiram The order-Abiff you glow. " When I woke the next morning, the young Holbein noted by one of the crystals rooms in his mansion the slight rain that fell on the grass nearby and had the impression marked that the dream of the future clearly, the path, the path I was looking for to arrive at the desired word lost. I thought I should wait until 1774 to march to Germany and that it would seek order to illuminate the mysterious. Recalled, immersed in thought, that a mysterious association Esotericism of Christian calling itself the Rosicrucian was originally from Germany, but yours could yet another organization to be known or publicized. After the meditations, Holbein went to breakfast, that is, to eat breakfast every day I was preparing his butler. Just sit down, you came to mind the name of Bavaria, a region of southern Germany so romantic and beautiful. Then lifted the seat, looked a map and located the region without problems while finishing breakfast. In conclusion, the knight Richard Holbein was very clear that in 1774 was 14 to leave Germany, and more specifically to Bavaria, seeking an order that you may be delivered by the famous words that were lost access to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. What

new adventures and misadventures he awaited the good and eternal Richard Holbein? What paths would to travel on the long adventure that had begun two decades earlier? THE TRIP TO BAVARIA "Man is born free, yet everywhere is chained. Cree as it is the master of others, when in fact it's really like them as a slave. " Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract April 1774. Dover, England Richard arrived in the town of Dover in the spring of 1774, after leaving the affairs of their wealth in the hands of a major law firm in London. Thus, it was free to make a trip which provided long and exciting, and which also may help you find the lost word, the first step towards the tomb and the treasure of Hiram Abiff. The port city of Dover showed a frantic business. Large ships with impressive sails moored in port waiting to be downloaded and re-loaded with all kinds of goods, although the bales of cloth filled more abundant than any other product. Following information from a shipping agent, Richard Liberty Holbein chose to travel to Calais, the French city where he first put his feet on the European continent. With a lightweight luggage, which included the book of the Count Saint-Germain, and without service might hamper their movements, Richard embarked on May 1 in France bound for Liberty. As the vessel departed from the English coast, and while looking at the cliffs that decreased in size slowly, had the impression it would take a long time to return to his beloved land. During the trip, which was calm and quiet because there was a calm sea, Richard took to practice some French sailors of the ship. Anticipating the future, Holbein had been studying over the past two years French and German languages at key moments to travel by continent. Although his French was very academic, noted with relief that could be understood perfectly, and discussions with marine served to add words to its already extensive vocabulary. With an optimistic mood and excited by the novelty of

knowing new countries, came to Richard Calais ready to continue your search. Once on land, stayed at an inn near the port, intending to rest a few days and decide which path to take. During the first night at the inn, and took a while abundant dinner, he was not able to hear the less lively conversation that kept two gentlemen were enjoying having dinner at a table nearby. Without any doubt, the king did not have much time left -Reports coming out of the court are clear. Louis XV soon leave this world and finally we free from sin and misery that has spread throughout France, said in a loud voice of gentlemen. - Keep your voice down! Are you crazy? The king has spies everywhere, and dead or not, its power is very large -exclaimed almost in a whisper her table. __ So we will! Fear has impoverished and France have not been able to combat poverty and injustices. Would take many men as Voltaire read aloud what happens in reality. The people have lived oppressed by the most powerful, who also encouraged to enhance superstitions its influence on him. Richard listened to that dialogue between the French knights recalled that, years ago, had heard speak of Voltaire in London. This well-known French writer, was reputed to be terribly excited and his writings, which often had done at the stake, had earned the enmity of nobles and ecclesiastics. Voltaire came to live in England between 1726 and 1729, where he was performing exile who was condemned because of one of its many problems, in this case with important Rohan in Paris. Richard was aware of Voltaire by his brothers Freemasons of the Grand Lodge of London, who explained that the writer had belonged for French his teens to a mysterious society of the Temple, known for their licenses (possibly close to the Hell Fire Club) and his skeptical attitudes towards religion. Those thoughts led to consider various possibilities to Richard on his journey by France; one of them was a journey to the heart of France to pass

through the land of Voltaire and perhaps meet personally. Meditate on the different options and finally, on a somewhat intuitive, chose the route chosen Voltaire, guessing that could be of great help. 15 After a few days to gather information on transportation and the route to follow, Richard began his trip to France by mid-May. Precisely for that time came the news of the death of King Louis XV and the ascent to the French throne of his grandson Louis XVI. It was a convulsive period in which few had confidence in their leaders and in which the religion offered little to its followers, it also locked political intrigue. So, Richard, because of the prevailing unrest, denied depart to Paris and went first to Reims in Champagne, the city of Joan of Arc, where all French kings were crowned. Having come to Reims and find accommodation, Richard spent a long season in the French region, ready to dive into their customs and culture. Reims, with its magnificent cathedral dedicated to Our Lady, Richard connected with the old building, with the Freemasons. In fact, the first visit to that great temple left him almost breathless, given the grandeur of its construction. Worthy example of the time, Reims Cathedral showing the best features of churches built five years ago: robust columns, arches that rose into the sky, beautiful stained glass windows showing alchemical knowledge of its builders ... that environment and that indescribable feeling toward Richard part of the creation of the Great Architect of the Universe. Interestingly, contrary to usual, the Freemasons who had built the magnificent cathedral left their names written in stone, even though they no longer could read. In one of his long stay in the cathedral of Reims. Richard brought an interesting conversation with a chaplains of the church. Just a clear morning, when the light came pouring through the beautiful stained glass, Holbein found with disgust when crossing the nave pavement that had been Revamped, showing obvious signs of being very new. Bent over with curiosity to see better the ground a few steps when he heard they approached from behind. It irguió and met with a front

elderly chaplain who spoke to him in the shadow of concern on his face. __ Can I help you, gentleman? Seems to have lost something ... __ Oh, no, I have not lost anything! Also answered Richard with a smile. Just watching the pavement as it seems to have been retouched. Then you right, sir. And it was a pity because the original pavement was formed by a curious maze in which they could read the names of the architects who built our cathedral. If you are Interested in the topic, can I explain what I know, there is not much ... -Please forward with curiosity, "replied Richard. -Well, in the drawing of the floor were four names: Jean d'Orbais, Jean le Loup Gaucher de Reims and Bernard de Soissons. And the maze was also specified that each of them. D'Orbais was the architect of the magnificent look at that plant, he ended the chorus Loup and built the foundations the main body of the cathedral and its towers, Gaucher de Reims was the one who gave him three doors that open the church outside, and finally, Ber-de Soissons and vaults built five large rosette presiding bottom of the cathedral. They were great architects, masons who applied their important knowledge and that left prints in rocks that form the Cathedral of Reims. Does too many years for me, the shame of our city, someone far above me, no doubt, decided that the labyrinth that adorned the pavement was the work of the devil and should disappear. All remains of it are the drawings that reproduce and reflect the echoes of their beauty. Richard elevated view of the ground and walked slowly across the cathedral. "The devil, the devil, the devil ..." was repeated mentally recalling their adventures in the Club's Fire of Hell, his conversation with Reverend Peter or history teacher's teacher, Hiram Abiff. For a few seconds thought to Hiram Abiff and all Masons who had worked alongside him to build the temple of Solomon. How many those walls conceal secrets needed! And how much remained to be discovered! Lowering the light again, the chaplain was gone. Richard turned, looking to all corners where the light is allowed see, in search of the mysterious old man who had so kindly

explained the details of the construction of the cathedral, but not seen again. * * The months went fast for Richard. After a quiet summer, which enjoyed long walks under the Sun, which devoted hours to remember everything I had learned along with his brothers Masons of England, the autumn came, and with it the cold. It was time to move further south. Again, Holbein began this journey through time filled with vineyards and fields, across the Champagne, Burgundy entered. The passenger was then arrested in Dijon, a city located along rivers and Suzon Ouche, which in its towards the south end in the great Rhone. In Dijon, as in many other French cities, abundant traces of former Masons. After chambers in the city, Richard spent some time know. That way, he could visit the famous Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, some of which were best high buildings in the city. But undoubtedly the most profitable tour in Dijon was the Cathedral of San Benigno a new sample of the French art of the medieval masons. On this occasion, was not the most magnificent building which he called the attention, but the tombs housing. Among all them, was to Margaret of Bavaria, who was the wife of the famous Duke John of Burgundy, known John as the intrepid or John without Fear. The son, Philip III the Good, created the Order of the known 16 Richard Golden Fleece had read enough about this Order on the occasion of his intense search. During a time, believed that the word lost its lead to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of treasures could found in any order or brotherhood, such as the Order of St. George or the Order of the Garter. Now he was faced with a new order of these characteristics: the famous Order of the Golden Fleece As you may remember, this order had a logo inspired by the mythological legend of Jason and the Fleece gold. The Order was created in the church of San Beltrán de Bruges, Flemish lands under the vocation of St Andrew's, which took up his cross and whose blades became part of the emblem of the dynasty Burgundy. The Golden Fleece, established as a principle or

order and fraternity-friendly company, was as was normal for his time, made over two hundred years to serve the Church and faith Ia Christian. His motto was clear: "Ante Ferit Quam micet flamme ',' It hurts before they see the flame." The Order of the Golden Fleece had gone into decline, but for Richard's tomb found Margaret of Bavaria was a clear signal that the path we had chosen was correct. Bavaria was the destination of their journey, but first try to achieve one of its possible objectives: to visit the famous writer Voltaire. Therefore, in the last days of the year 1774, half of the cold winter, Richard Holbein continued his journey through France and arrived after a long voyage to the region of Gex, where the weather was the loss more than one day. There was the manor of Ferney, Voltaire undisputed stronghold near the border of Switzerland. What was a simple village had been growing into a great city, thanks to contributions by Voltaire, who came to give Ferney with large and beautiful buildings, schools and even with a hospital. And the palace where the writer lived from 1760 French left no doubt about the great fortune its owner. Richard was fascinated by the beauty and serenity that emanated from the place. After finding lodging in a quiet inn set in an ancient and solid building and ask for the palace of Voltaire, decided to send a note asking the writer audience. The day after his arrival, when Richard was out for a walk after breakfast, one messenger arrived with a note addressed to him. Deployed on paper and read with great joy that he invited Voltaire lunch at his palace and was delighted to welcome an English gentleman. -A car would pick up to move it to the mansion Richard re-think the old man and wondered: What could bring? What surprises could obtain of those visits? With great enthusiasm, decided to await the moment of reunion. The wait was not heavy, and Indeed, it went quickly and ended at the time that the car sent by Voltaire, is collected and led to his mansion. After a pleasant walk, which went through lush forests, beautiful meadows, Richard arrived at the palace Voltaire. Just get out of the car, noted that an old man

down the stairs carefully entrance and headed resolutely toward him. -Welcome to Ferney, "said the elder gentleman extended his hand towards the young. Richard, almost a reflex action, took the hand that gave it to tighten and noticed a special delicacy. -Thank you, sir. Are you ...? -Voltaire, of course, "replied the old man smiling. And I am delighted to welcome a young English in my house. Please pass pass. While Richard continued the writer into the house, thinking he had heard the criticism against Voltaire occasionally. One referred to his strange relationship with Madame de Chatelet, married to the Marquis de Chatelet, a good friend of Voltaire. This interesting woman, with whom he maintained a long relationship, had a great culture, a vast philosophical and spirit, as they said, a huge manly spirit ... Of Indeed, Richard recalled that a sibling of the Grand Lodge of London had explained all sorts of related to the sexual perversions of the Temple Society, which had belonged Voltaire. Now, frail elderly noting that preceded it, and did not know whether or not to give credence to those explanations. After a pleasant conversation in which Voltaire presented as asked by Mason and old English, gave a good account of delicious lunch, with no shortage of great wines land. A cup of coffee, to which Voltaire was great enthusiast, ended the meal. I am a great admirer of his country, began to tell young writers. Much of the French should learn their way of govern. Fair enforcement of laws benefits provided to a country where justice, of course, is well substantiated. France, unfortunately, is rotting from the victim succumbing to his agents, starting and ending the monarchy by the judges. I do not know if you know, brother, that his Majesty Louis XV no has allowed me to return to Paris, while he has lived ... but now we can do if my health permits. Between that and the infamous King fanatic leaders of the Catholic Church, the people who have settled in superstition, France have slumped. Richard was able to replicate only one word, as Voltaire continued his monologue. And do not think that I do not believe in God. If God did

not exist to invent! The nature we all scream that God exists. Another thing is the insane superstition that invented those who hide under undesirable the basements. I am glad that you are here, young Holbein added Voltaire suddenly placing his hand on Richard. It is comforting to have an intelligent conversation once in a while. Elder Richard smiled, thinking that almost was not able to open your mouth. 17 -Do not know what I have been honored to have agreed to receive "replied the boy. And I fully agreement with regard to the Catholic Church. Thanks to my affiliation with the Grand Lodge of London discovered the major atrocities committed against our brothers. * * After that initial meeting was followed a few. Almost without realizing it, Richard was delaying his trip to Bavaria. It seemed that the clock had stopped at Ferney, showing that the time was infinite and could dispose of it to gain some experience and knowledge, with security, help you find the desired word and the lost tomb of Hiram Abiff to treasure all the treasures. Almost at the beginning of summer 1775, during one of his frequent visits to the patriarch of Ferney, as liked to called himself Voltaire, the elderly writer surprised Richard with a gift. Take-young said the elder brother while him a book. Never say to anyone who he has given this volume. Sure you do not believe! The book tended to Voltaire was a copy of The Social Contract, written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. "But Master, I was understood, for your comments, which sees a Rousseau enemy ... Certainly not you make mistakes. Jean-Jacques dared, some years ago, to defend ministers Protestants from Geneva, where they were so unpresentable as the French. And I took the opposite! To Me, I came to correct his first works! Ingratitude can be a bad advisor, no doubt. But, Richard, where are my age can take some leave. Read the book. Meditate on it. I sure that you will be very useful. For your information that you intend to travel to Bavaria. If

admitís a board of this old man and brother concedeos a year, reflect and then towards the north. Richard Holbein then again experience the same feeling that was in the cathedral of San Benigno Dijon and knew he was still the right way: had to go to Bavaria for the order that you may give know the missing word, which will lead to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and his treasure. Let pass the summer months, which is still visited on several occasions to great Voltaire, and upon reaching land left for Switzerland in September, after which he was so often cited the Bavaria, perhaps a kind of 'promised land'. The first city to enter lands reached Swiss Geneva was a city strongly linked to water, which it seemed a good place to spend the autumn and winter. The Alpine country was also difficult years guessed that in a future full of changes, as their inhabitants were tired of suffering the fluctuations caused by the indecision of the leaders. The French yoke was too heavy for Swiss pragmatists, who wanted to regain the freedom they had always enjoyed. Beyond strolling through the beautiful streets and observe its major monuments, Richard used his stay in Geneva, the city that spawned Rousseau, who then lived in Paris, to read The social contract carefully. The day he read his first line was deeply impressed: "Man is born free, yet everywhere is in chains. Such is the cree love of others, when in fact it's really like them as a slave. " With these blunt statements, Rousseau began his book. Freedom, without doubt, the goal was to reach at the time of submission, the same freedom with which Richard had chosen to start search. "Christianity does not preach but subservience and dependence. His spirit is very favorable to tyranny that it is not always taken advantage of. True Christians are made to be slaves, you know, not are moved too: this short life is of little value in their eyes. " Rousseau, it was clear, like Voltaire and many other freemasons, not at all agree with direction following the company. Their struggle to win

freedom and against the religion that transformed into the faithful to their slaves became a threat to established power. For Richard, the men marking patterns were perhaps in the not too distant future, could be a reality: "To renounce liberty is to renounce the quality of men, the rights of humanity and even the homework. There is no possible compensation for those who renounced everything. Such a renunciation is incompatible with the nature of man, and implies wrest morality to the actions to take away the freedom of the will. " His stay in Geneva, during the winter of 1775, it also served to acclimatize to an environment very different than the one he had known in France. In addition, the Genevan atmosphere influenced by the ideas of Calvin noted that Richard did everything that was known with more critical eyes. The brothers of the Grand Lodge of London, under the new doctrines of the French freemasons famous philosophers Swiss and started to look very conservative, although the relationship between some of them with the Club Fire of Hell. Even began to suspect the legitimacy to learn that the two architects main foundation of the Grand Lodge of London and the new constitutions of Anderson, James Anderson and Jean-Théophile Désaguliers, were not authentic freemasons. Anderson was chaplain lodge in Scotland in 1709 and in London in 1710 and never received the Masonic initiation, because the doctors and chaplains of the Masons of that period were not required to go through ceremonies initiation. Were only allowed to attend. Désaguliers was also chaplain lodge and found in the same situation. 18 The couple traveled by Holbein Alpine country, where time is allowed, and came to Berne to Lucerne, and finally, to Zurich. The Swiss Confederation, consisting of independent territories even talked different languages, was a worthy example of freedom that is not observed in other European countries. Despite of this, Switzerland is not going through good times. The weight of French influence had led to power aristocrats who did not hesitate to charge the people with own oppressions of feudalism. Zurich, Limmat on the lake, with its serene and beautiful

beech forest meadows, the offered peace necessary to manage their ideas and reflect on his adventures in the Grand Lodge of London, in the Hell Fire Club and the Freemasons and Swiss francs. He recalled the encounter with the Count of Saint-Germain, his search in the Grand Lodge of London and the Club Fire of Hell, and their subsequent journey through France, that he had illustrated. Long some time had a clue about the word that led to lost Bavaria. But do little to missing find it? Would you be very close to it, with his upcoming trip to Bavaria? Finally, in the last days of March 1776 Richard began what would be the last leg journey that was to lead to Bavaria. So he went from Zurich to the city of Constance, which takes its name from the lake constance, formed by the flowing waters of the Rhine From there, he crossed the lake on board a craft linking the area with the German and Switzerland, bordering the lake, went to Lindau in Bavaria. With spring and warm weather, Richard Holbein arrived in the Bavarian capital, Munich. After finding accommodation in an establishment located in the vicinity of the beautiful Gothic cathedral in the city, spent several days to walk through this great German city. He was in Bavaria, the goal of his trip, and knew that needed to find something I did not know what, you make contact with the Order sought. During one of these walks through the streets Munich, Richard faced a large building, whose entrance was flanked by statues of two lions. Surprised by the decor, which showed the building, jumped Slowly the staircase leading to the door. When nearly finished their ascent, saw the letter 'J' engraved on one of the columns that stood at the side of the door. He thought of the column to the lodge Masonic, Jakin, and looked quickly to the column on the opposite side, looking for a 'B', in reference to the other column of the Masonic Temple, Boaz, and could see clearly. Masonic building that was, no doubt. Without think twice, beat Richard knocker of the door with a beating that showed his condition Mason. An old man opened the door and, after sending an affable smile, he shared with three siblings hugs and a kiss on the cheek and told him it was the lodge of Good Counsel Theodore. Several months

After the elder Mason, along with other siblings, would contact Richard with a new Order intended to hide great secrets and the mysterious word missing: the Illuminati. The final journey was close ... The Illuminati "There is no denying that it was a spiritual person [Adam Weishaupt] although spirituality horrified clerics, those who opposed him. " Michael Howard, The occult conspiracy May, 1776. Munich, Bavaria Richard divided his time in Munich, the capital of Bavaria since 1503, including visits to historic monuments, readings and attendance at meetings of the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel. In fact, was taken to attend to the famous lodge from May 1776 until summer 1777. The 1776-1777 season gave Richard a unique experience, and enjoyed it so beautiful places as the historic Marienplatz of Munich and an exquisite treatment from his lodge brothers to while progressing in leaps and bounds in its Masonic, Freemasonry and the German is provide new knowledge. In autumn 1776, a brother told her that one of the orders of greatest interest to its mysterious 'Search' was that of the Bavarian Illuminati, an organization founded on May 1, 1776 by German professor Adam Weishaupt. According to the brother said, the first reunion of the Order had barely five people attended, although a few months after it launched a remarkable growth. Interestingly, after a few months, in February 1777, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, was initiated as Apprentice Mason in the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel for Richard, and it could contact him and initiate a interesting conversation, just a few hours after its initiation. After the initiation of Adam, he was greeted as brothers Richard and exchanged a few whispers and, Finally, wrapped in mystery, marched toward the Marienplatz in Munich. Although Weishaupt appeared a discrete type, Richard had the impression that might clarify some doubts in conversation with him. Once arrived at the famous square, the two brothers sat in a wooden seats and began

an interesting conversation. 19 Brother Adam, you can begin your explanation about the Order of the Illuminati. We listen very carefully "said Richard broke the silence of the night. -To do this, I go back in time. My father was a professor of criminal law in Ingolstadt and I studied at the Jesuits of that city when he was small. My family is of Jewish origin and had no more choice but to turn to avoid the nuisance of anti-Weishaupt began to relate, looking the beauty around him. I also have Jewish blood. The Holbein in England we are known for having too much blood Jewish Richard interrupted him putting face of circumstances. Weishaupt turned in his seat and continued his explanation. -Study in the Faculty of Law, and the twenty-seven years I was appointed dean of the same option. At that time I contacted Kolmar ... - Kolmar? Richard asked, puzzled. Yes. When we were in the lodge, you, brother, told me he wanted to know the Illuminati, and I I want to tell where we come from and who we are. Kolmar is critical to understand our organization -Weishaupt pointed. Richard and Adam looked and smiled. The second continued his explanation. Kolmar-became my spiritual director to 1774. Danish was one who had lived a long time Egypt, and that once a group founded in the mystical island of Malta, he toured Europe to communicate to his disciples more faithful the mysteries and secrets that had sent the wise men of Memphis. Kolmar was the instructor Dom Pernetti, the manager of another Order of the Illuminati, and famous Count Cagliostro explained Weishaupt. And ... What he conveyed to you? "Asked an increasingly anxious Richard Holbein. Well, then ... many mysteries and secrets, even the greatest of mysteries, which is about Baphomet, the idol of the Templars. Kolmar sent me the techniques used to contact the entity and get messages very helpful. "Messages, messages, e ', heard in his mind after a surprised Richard

Weishaupt assertion, then felt a sort of dizziness and a huge desire to Learn more. I think the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel has a relationship with Karl Templar Strict Observance Gottheld von Hund. Not too familiar with the history of the Templars, still less the figure of Baphomet -said Richard Face circumstances. Well ... should know. You should know ... Not to extend, only would say that the Templars was founded by Hugues de Payens in 1118 and St. Bernard drafted rules on the model Cistercian. After participating in the Crusades and bring security to the pilgrims who flocked to the Holy Land, the Templars were bankers, had great economic power and enemies who are wary of this power, it ended up being persecuted. His last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burned in a pyre erected on an island in the Seine as it passes through Paris. One of the "crimes" more serious, as inquisitors who prosecuted the Temple was to have the idol Baphomet. It is true that the Strict Observance Templars and the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel in Munich in part the Templar tradition. That is the why I decided to start at the lodge and not in another. "Baphomet, Baphomet, Baphomet ', Richard heard in his mind. He thought in silence in Templars and Baphomet, in the dream in which he warned that England had to go to Bavaria and the desired floor leading to the lost tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. Do not be be the Order of the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt custody of such a secret? Do not give this could order at least one path that leads up to them? And what mysteries behind Baphomet? -You say, brother, who was the idol of Baphomet Templar massacred in the Middle Ages. Also you say, brother, Kolmar transmitted secrets and mysteries and a great mystery-related Baphomet, that is, techniques that serve to contact the institution and receive help. In fact, I have been given to understand that has begun in the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel in connection with the Strict Observance Templars and Baphomet. But do you have checked the validity of such techniques Kolmar used to contact and get wise Baphomet messages? Richard asked again

insistently. Once I learned the techniques Kolmar, I contacted Baphomet, which is nothing but a "Talking head" and an entity that carries the light, even with a huge initiatory symbolism. Contacted with him in a cave in Bavaria, and soon the Illuminati was founded in Bavaria, Weishaupt said. - The 'talking heads' are ordered! Exclaimed Richard in the middle of having to believe the cold night discovered a great mystery. That is answered by looking fixedly Weishaupt. - And the illuminati members practice such techniques? "Asked Richard to show clear signs their state of anxiety. Yes, but you have to move slowly through the grades of initiation "replied looking Weishaupt New fixedly Richard. At that time, Richard thought he had enough. 20 Thought that the degrees of Weishaupt who spoke were similar to the Masonic degrees of Apprentice and Companion. And we also believe that contact with Baphomet who taught in certain grades of illuminati might be closer to the floor and looking lost for over half a century. He got up from his seat slowly. Brother, I think the Illuminati and their secrets and mysteries, I am interested in looking at Richard-babble Weishaupt. I wish to accept your Order of the Illuminati As ... ...-Novice, Novice. But, brother, what you thought as it should? Weishaupt asked after conversation, a little puzzled by the haste. Yes, brother, "replied Richard. -Well, I will accept. We agree. Are accepted Weishaupt added. At that moment, heard the bells of a nearby cathedral, and both were without contertulios know what to say. The sky was clear and allowed to observe the growing darkness in the midst of the Stars night. They looked to Adam and Richard. The latter felt that was nearly lost and the desired word the Light, Holy Light, began to be in the midst of darkness. * * Richard Holbein, for almost a year, was devoted in body and

soul to the Novitiate of the Order of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt, and without moving from Munich to attend the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel. His contact with the Order was insinuating a mysterious brother, with whom he met in some forest near Munich every two or three months. The work to be done was a kind of awakening of consciousness, some meditation, some boards of study and observation of the people close to him. The Order of the Illuminati, as could find out during the novitiate, also defended some of the widely revolutionary beyond esotericism that treasured. A text of its founder Adam Weishaupt, has noted: "Salvation is strong where the thrones are defended by the sword, where smoke from censers rises to heaven or where thousands of strong men with measured steps the rich fields of harvest. The revolution that will occur will be sterile if it is not complete. " At the end of the Novitiate, Richard, apart from work, had to answer several questions committed him to remember the oath of initiation into the Masonic degree of The Apprentice Grand Lodge of London and other experiences within the club of the Fire of Hell: "Yet you still intend to be received into the Order of the Illuminati? 'Have you weighed enough to take an important and risky decision to enter unknown commitments? "If you discover something wrong in order to do what tomaréis party? »Cachimelian our society the right to life and death? "Are you blind obedience to a comprometéis without reservation? "What security we give unto these promises and what a shame you someteréis if faltáis to someone?" The responses of Richard Holbein was sent to the archives of the Order and the superiors of the illuminati put a date and time to initiation, after considering the responses of the young Holbein were appropriate for the Order: eleven p.m. on 18 April 1778. The days before the start, Richard went something nervous and carefully prepared his trip to Ingolstadt, as ordered and had come there to perform. Richard thought the grades of initiation of

Illuminati and Baphomet that could be related to the desired word lost. In the event that accesses to the instructions of the illuminati that teach you to contact the institution, could convey the missing word? When to speculate on these assumptions, the state of Richard's anxiety increased. One night, Richard had a strange dream in which there was in the middle of a forest with people tiny that told him, "You have to go forward, toward the chapel and the dangerous path of initiation." Then the smile disappeared and loved flying, running in a sort of flying car. After a while, a woman appeared in the luxuriant forest of provocatively dressed and told him: "Honey, do not There is nothing like putting your head in the middle of the buttocks of a great mother. "Missing Women, a being hermaphroditic, with both sexes, also appeared in the forest and sang: 'There is nothing better than having However, Baphomet has it all: rod and hole. " On April 18th of 1778, after another night of strange dreams, Holbein finally went to Ingolstadt early morning to be started, and arrived with his horse at full gallop, at noon. Accommodates in an inn that had a reservation for him, ate and waited in his room to see the brother insinuating, who had to drive to the place of initiation. At the time agreed to in point, the brother insinuating was presented at the inn, greeted Richard and moved with his horse to a forest near Ingolstadt. The suggestive and brother Richard arrived at the place in the first half hour and asked to be naked completely quickly. Richard recalled other and noticed it was beginning to sweat. For a moment, was afraid, but nevertheless obeyed and took his clothes. Insinuating brother placed him in a venda eyes and tied his genitals with a smooth, exclaiming: -Novice, wait here until I return. 21 Brother insinuating reappeared, finally, after a twenty minutes and took him to the place of ritual with the blinkers. After kneeling, Richard had to answer plenty of questions to know what were the reasons why they wanted to start in the Order of Iluminati. When sworn in, one of the hooded men underwent more

questions: - You want to swear allegiance to the Order of the Illuminati? Yes I replied Richard. - Want to be a member of the Illuminati? Yes, I would respond again Richard. - Will all of my order? "Yes," said Richard. - How's life? Until the life-sentence without hesitation Holbein. -Well, swears that after I do it: "In the presence of Almighty God and to you, at this point acknowledge my natural weakness. I confess that, despite the privileges of rank, the titles of the riches that could be coated, am only a man like others, that other mortals can make me lose all that, the Just as they got through, I have an absolute need to esteem and to do As I can to deserve it ... Promise fervently seize every opportunity to serve the humanity, to improve my spirit, to use my knowledge in the common good, to the extent that blen the statutes and my society require. I promise an everlasting silence, an inviolable fidelity and obedience to all superiors and the statutes of the order ... God help me. " The oath, for a moment, he remembered a Richard somewhat revolutionary nature of the illuminati Weishaupt and the earlier initiatives. The silence was broken when one of the masked men gave three blows on the altar and exclaimed: Light, Light, Light ... You see the light of Bavaria. Insinuating brother gave it up and removed the blindfold from the eyes. Richard, then, could provide two swords that he and two masked men pointed a black altar and a pair of candles or colored candles red, a little related to a Masonic lodge. Where were the black and white tile, the two columns of the entrance, Jakin and Boaz, the triangle and the eye, the symbol of the Great Architect of the Universe? One of the masked proclaimed him lit, and the rest of the brothers present him a triple fraternal embrace, and then completed the initiation. Since that night, the young Richard Holbein could move into the mysteries of the illuminati more

depth and find the desired word or lost how to get there. And the truth is that the famous word was close, too close. * * Thus, Holbein spent almost four years living in Ingolstadt to meet and find out about Weishaupt Masonic mysteries large and illuminated. Scale degrees of initiation of the Illuminati, he met members of the illuminati as illustrious as Cagliostro, Herder and Goethe, and was faced with the initiation in Master Mason in the summer of 1782. The Rite of the Illuminated, written by Adam Weishaupt and Adolph von Knigge, had 13 degrees of initiation and Richard was convinced that the degree of Master Mason the mystery that he was seeking. The truth is that Richard, at that time, it has no strength to continue the search in high levels of the Illuminati, because time had elapsed and the city of Ingolstadt no more attractive than those of a ducal castle, a Gothic cathedral, some nearby woods and a beautiful girls as attractive as demure. His initiation into the Masonic master, therefore, a December 13 and it was more bearable The first initiation ritual of the Illuminati, because then I knew very well to their siblings. Only the act of lying down in the symbolic tomb of Hiram Abiff and march around her little long intrigued him and they sweat. He encouraged himself thinking that there could be no problem between brothers as known. And so it was, all spent in the most natural way. As he imagined, taps, signs, words and teachings that gave discovered new clues about its search. The lessons cover the luciferina tradition that transmitted Tubalcaín Hiram Abiff, the hero of the master masons, with clear and understandable information. That tradition was almost identical to that have discovered for the first time with the brothers of the Grand Lodge of London. The truth is that this a tradition as exciting as initiatory, hidden in part by fears of the Catholic Church and Conservatives talk about Satanism in the heart of Freemasonry. The new documents explaining the illuminati nearly Hiram Abiff or even on the document that received by the Grand Lodge of London, but added an important tree on Hiram

Abiff: "The pedigree of Hiram Abiff, according to tradition luciferina is: 1.The supreme God and unknown 2.Iblis (Samael, Lucifer Baphomet ...) and Eva 22 3.Caín and Lebuda 4.Enoc and NAEM 5.Irad and NAEM 6.Mejuyael and NAEM 7.Matusael and NAEM 8.Lamec and Tsillas (Sela) 9.Tubalcaín and NAEM 10.Ur and a widow 11.Hiram Abiff and Balkis And, no doubt, therefore, the genealogy of Hiram Abiff as tradition can luciferina fully consider "luciferina or linked to the God of Light for several reasons: • "Hiram, the founder of Tire was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali (I Kings, 7-13) or Dan. These two Hebrew tribes that were returned to the golden calf and gave to that developed by Moses. A significant fact. • "Hiram's father was a Tiri, also founder, called Ur. In Hebrew, the word means" light. " Recall the importance of light in capital letters across the road luciferina. • According to the legend of Hiram, he was educated during a descent to the center of the Earth by Tubalcaín, its founder ancestor. Tubalcaín And by the way the password on the master masons, is quoted in the Genesis 4-22 as follows: birth to Sela Tubalcaín, creator of cutting tools made of bronze and iron. The sister was Tubalcaín NAEM ... " "It Baphomet attention because it is the initiation of this expression of God and the Light illuminati use that expression in our work. " After several readings, all became clear to Richard. Hiram Abiff appeared associated with your ancestor ancestral Iblis, who was considered a god of light very similar to Baphomet. Hiram Abiff was the door access to Iblis and Baphomet. In the mastery of the masonic illuminati, the legend gave rise to no doubts. But what explains Baphomet in the same documents of the Master Mason of the illuminati? The documents in that grade, in addition, also showed the

precise nature and actual Baphomet, the idol of the Templars associated Iblis. Richard was amazed to see the documents Baphomet considered the true God and in him all the mysteries. Could be little doubt those heights find about where the word lost. Baphomet was the key, ie, who led the missing word to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure. The degree of Master Mason offered more means to contact and provided a Baphomet useful introduction to the Cabala to learn how to contact other planes of reality, and found that Richard practice was to prepare properly for the big event that was coming. Practiced during months and finally managed to watch a talking head, Baphomet, which he said: 'I Am ... I am and three times me. I am the inspirer of dreams, the magician of the shadows of the soul. Enlightens everyone, but do not know it or not want to know. Wait ... Wait ... " * * As a Master Mason of the Illuminati of Bavaria, Richard Holbein also found that the comparison between the Illuminati and the Freemasons Englishmen, whom Weishaupt called "uninitiated" and "clergy." In fact, in 1782, the convent of Masonic Wilhelmsbad, the Illuminati have tried to unite Continental Freemasonry, without success, largely due to the radical position of English freemasonry against him. In spring 1784, Richard was about to graduate and move up, to calm the anxiety by waiting, decided to embark on a journey through France. Thought that a trip a couple of months it would not only to relax but also to clarify the ideas and data he had obtained the Order of Illuminati. Another attraction of the trip was to learn about the environment of the Masonic lodges and illuminated French where new trends emerging as the Masonic Martinism created by Martine de Pascually after found that the Rite of Elected Cohens. As had been able to ascertain, in the last decade, various rites Masonic newly win the French and Continental Freemasonry, and Richard wanted to contact, as a Master Mason of the Illuminati, with the lodges of the Grand Orient of France, created in 1773, and the Great French National Lodge, who worked with such rituals, to

verify that fact. But just across the border, a brother Richard told an alarming story that altered its present and future: on June 22 the elector of Bavaria banned the Illuminati, after an envoy of the Order dead with documents that showed the plans of a great revolution. Richard was afraid and thought that such a situation would damage their search in the illuminati, apart from compromise their integrity and their own brothers. He believed that his trip guess France, moreover, no would only be associated with new Masonic that flourished at speed, but with problems. Took the decision to spend a few months hiding in a town near the border Strasbourg, and in February 1785, when I thought everything would calm the news that Weishaupt was removed from his chair and going into exile, condemned to death, he smashed. Richard thought that from the Masonic Convent of Wilhelmsbad in 1782, Weishaupt had priority to the revolution, and had joined the military as Baron von Bode and Busche Amelio or section of the 23 Masons organization of the stature of Adolf von Knigge, who had written The Rite of Iluminados and structured the order with him, and now came the dramatic consequences. Knigge, whom he knew well, was far less revolutionary and Weishaupt, 1782, after the convent, where the Illuminati had intended to unite all the Freemasons under its authority, without success, was separated from the Order, which created a revolutionary situation within the Order seemed to have led to current drama. "Now what can I do?" Asked Richard a little confusing. After much meditation, he thought that with the illuminati prohibited the possibility of ascending degree of further contacts with the talking heads, Baphomet, and finally achieve the desired word loss leading to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures departed from Bavaria. In late December 1785, two days before his return trip to Paris, Richard experienced a strange feeling. Despite the cold outside, the room of his inn was a brutal heat. Suddenly, he looked

toward the red cathedral of Strasbourg and a musical voice that told him emphatically, later or more earlier, he would complete his search word I missed that would lead to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the great treasure, and that someone would take the torch for justice illuminati, Richard was at that time intuition that the latter was imminent, while the word lost would not be found until a long time. After hearing the voice, sat stunned on the bed, he recalled his first encounter with the hero and Adam Weishaupt returned to the Cathedral, its symbols, its messages have been recorded in stone ... The mysterious voice that she had spoken no mistake ... THE BIG EAST OF FRANCE AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION "De Molay is avenged.". (Mexican revolutionary masses.) December 1785. Paris, France In December 1785, before what happened in Bavaria, Richard Holbein abandoned and left for Strasbourg Paris. By the way, he noticed a pre-Revolutionary. The people were tired of injustices and wanted a Instead, as he had suggested some years was the illustrious Voltaire. The bad atmosphere was so great Richard feared being assaulted by the road on several occasions. Upon arrival in Paris in the early spring of 1786, Richard stayed at an inn near the Notre Dame and the Ile de la Cité, where they had been burned alive in a pyre the last major Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay. Was spent strolling around the medieval area of Paris, to appraise its beauty and remember to Bavaria. Paris loved the Notre Dame Cathedral, its interior dark and its gargoyles, similar to Baphomet. Richard immediately contacted with the French lodges of the Grand Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of France and resumed their Masonic work. In the lodges of the Grand Lodge of France, was able to discover what was the famous Martinism. He had been created by Martín de Pascually (1710?. 1774). Jewish origin Sephardic (Spanish), no Weishaupt as a descendant of European Jews, Martinez toured France and was start in several Masonic rites of the eighteenth century, to finally create his own rite, the Chosen of the Cohens.

The ritual, full of magic, Cabala and the occult, was recognized by the Grand Lodge of France in 1765, and this marked the start of Martinique. Martin was prolonged by Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803), the 'unknown philosopher "because Willermoz Jean Baptiste (1730-1824), founder of Knights of the Black Eagle and the Order of the Knights of the Holy City Benefactor. Within the Grand Orient of France, he found, by contrast, that lived in the Masonic obedience from a minority aristocrats with a majority of revolutionaries, along with other brothers who came from the runaway illuminati of Bavaria. Richard learned that these brothers Bavarian lodges and the Order of Documents the Illuminati had been looted, that was terrible persecution and torture and imposing inquisitorial sentences, such as the death sentence received by the Grand Master Adam Weishaupt. Richard Holbein is thought to guess that he saved from burning by a kind of "miracle". Between 1787 and 1788, Richard settled in Paris before returning to the impossibility of Bavaria, had a romance with a young woman named Marie very hot, was kept away from any speculation about Baphomet or lost and the desired word prosigió active in Masonic lodges of the Grand Orient of France, waiting for better times. Within the lodges, noted somewhat surprised how aristocrats began to leave the Masonic activity, ie to enter into "dreams", as it were disagreement with the Freemasons and the illuminati who worked in the same lodges to undermine the monarchy and tyranny against the people. The situation provoked complaints from regular lodges and profound differences between obediences of different ways. Encouraged by the ambience of the lodges of the Grand Orient, one night after the sexual act and felt relaxed, Richard confessed to Marie that something big was going to happen in France. Already in June 1789, the king of France, Louis XVI, through the infiltration of the police learned of the work conspiratorial enough illuminati freemasons and the Grand Orient of France and the discontent of the people, and made in a vain attempt to try to remedy what seemed hopeless at that point: a revolution. Attempted to silence the revolutionaries of the Grand Orient of France and of the people by adopting a series of

social measures. But the measures were rejected by the lodges of the Grand Orient and the people, and 14 24 July 1789 revolution broke out of the atmosphere with the final form of the Bastille. Richard, along with other siblings, many illuminati, was in fact the crazy race to the Bastille, climbing the masses and screaming: 'For them, I came to De Molay and Weishaupt! Following the taking of the Bastille, the revolution is channeled, the days were more violent and spacing revolutionary goals (the republic, social equality, the elimination of the royal family, religious freedom and sex ...) triumphed in the end. Several of the main heroes of the French Revolution as the Count of Mirabeau or famous Babeuf, were freemasons and illuminati. And several of these revolutionary heroes led much of the creed of illuminati in those social reforms. Moreover, although some members of the aristocracy and the monarchy were linked to the Freemasons, his end was tragic. In the midst of the victory of the Revolution, Richard not only noted with pride how the beliefs of the Illuminati is embodied in those social reforms which were carried out, but took time to remember together with other brothers of the good Adam Weishaupt. In many cases, indeed, all commented together the terrible suffering he had to spend a great person like him having to go into exile away of Bavaria and his brothers, because of religious intolerance. Richard, in the solitude of his inn, accompanied by Marie, often reminded that their Interior impressions were confirmed. Among all the documents born of the Revolution, there was one that broke the soul because it seemed removed from the pen of Adam Weishaupt. Babeuf was one of the revolutionary leaders, freemason, illuminati and responsible for the post of the same conspiracy (17961797), acaudillada by the Babeuf, Darche and Buonarrotti. Babeuf Richard read it personally, but he argued that the public would only be years later, because it was not yet the time to finish translating the social reforms of the illuminati. The paper said: "People of France, for fifteen centuries has lived thus

unhappy slave [...]. From time immemorial been hypocritically says: "Men are equal, and since time immemorial the most monstrous inequality affects the human race ... Equality has never been more beautiful than a fiction the law [...]. Legislators, governors, owners, escuchadnos: "We now intend to live and die equal, as we were born, we we want real equality or death. [...] We do not just want equal rights written into the man we want with us, under the roof of our houses. We are willing to do anything to obtain, for it we are ready to make a clean sweep [...]. "We do ask something more sublime and more equitable, and common good of the community property. Enough individual property, that land is not anyone to be successful for everyone. We can not accept that the majority of working men and Sudene for service and for the pleasure of a minority [...]. "No other differences between male age and sex, we all have the same needs and the same powers, which has the same education for all and the same food. There is only one Sun and one for all air [...]. "People of France opens eyes and hearts to the fullness of happiness: to recognize and us a republic of equals. " In late 1790, the revolutionary atmosphere appeared calm throughout France, and Richard thought that should resume their search for the missing word after the excitement Bavarian and French. Was impression that it was time to leave the continent and return to England for resume the march and continue the search for lost magic word that would lead to grave Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. In Bavaria, had been left at the gates of the word lost because of a series of historical events, but should continue beyond what could be attractive be staying in the French Revolution. In the winter of 1790, Richard prepared his luggage, and finally said goodbye to the brothers and Marie, who explained, with tears in her eyes, which could not carry it because they needed to continue a mission so important as the revolution itself: the search for a mysterious lost word. In the decision Richard also weighed the advice of the Count Saint-Germain on the need to maintain

emotional too long. After leaving the revolutionary France and a very quick trip back to England, where spent struggling with the assailants of roads, Richard Holbein arrived at his mansion in less than two Yalding months and was able, through correspondence behind that his butler had died, as did Some brothers of the Grand Lodge of London. In utter loneliness, he toured the halls and rooms of his mansion in silence, and was somewhat puzzled by what that was still well maintained, to despite its fifteen years of absence in France and Bavaria. Longing Bavaria, France, Marie ... and affected by news of the deaths, in the solitude of his mansion thought that his status not only gave him immortal joys. That first night in England, Richard had a strange dream related to his immortality, lost word, the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure he sought. He dreamed that, after a very dark tunnel This led a vaulted room, was there with Adam Weishaup and Babeuf. A. Master W. delivered Babeuf to a shiny box and disappeared. When opened, it was a brass plate containing a 25 Name: The Book of Fame Fraternitatis. "Babeuf Richard watched in amazement, somewhat stunned, and said to him: "Revolution is over, return to the search in Arabia and Egypt, but in 1845." When I woke the next day, Richard said the Sun shining crystals by and reminded his mansion their noble brothers German and French, and to Marie, his mistress. Still half wrapped in their dreams developers, thought that was identified with the brothers on the continent and to deny the Freemasons English founded by "clerics" Protestant irregularly shaped, and also learned, for a printing deep, which would always have his heart in the former, even in their next adventure Misadventures in search of the word lost. Finally, vowed to herself to find that word lost ... and then thought what the hell make for a book entitled The Book of Fame Fraternitatis. In the footsteps of CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUTZ "Our late father, Fr C. R., religious spirit, high, highly illuminated, German, Chairman and Founder of our fraternity, devoted intensive efforts

and extended the project to reform universal [...].» Fama Fraternitatis March 1845. Dover, England How much could change in a city seventy-one years! Richard watched the bustle that had its while about to board was heading back to the mainland. It seemed it was yesterday when decided to undertake a journey that led him to travel a good part of France and Germany, and to provided so much knowledge, so many friends ... and so many avenues to continue their search for the desired floor leading to the lost tomb of Hiram Abiff and the great wealth that it contained, once on board the sailboat that would lead him back to France, Richard is accommodated in a comfortable seat cover and left his thoughts wander to a memory exercise. In recent years - more than fifty! - Had to reorganize their finances and manage their economic future for not having any problems regarding their livelihood. The house was increasingly Yalding expensive to maintain, but without any doubt was very clear that it should remain open and willing to receive each time I was in England. What also was clear was that in his long life still expected to make many trips during the first year after his return, and after having the dream that you The book showed Fraternitatis of Fame Richard returned to frequent dealings with the brothers of the Freemasons Grand Lodge, but not return to the lodges. With practice pretending to be a descendant of the Holbein Yalding, Richard came back into contact with society in London. Thus, after consulting on the existence of the mysterious book that appeared in his dream, he found he could easily achieve any library to have a good background. And it was. News of the fraternity or Fraternitatis Fame was title, which opened the famous book, a book, incidentally, dates from 1614 and a few pages, which did not appear sign of its author. The book, addressed to "the regents, to the orders and the scientists of Europe ' by the "brothers of the fraternity of Rosacruz" chronicles the adventures and journeys made by the sibling or fraternal Rosenkreutz Christian, the founder of the brotherhood of Rosacruz. Through the explanations given by a brother, Richard knew that the fraternity seemed to lose its origins at the time enjoyed a high reputation among the Masons,

which had led many Masons to belong to it. The book began boasting of the great advances of science, which had managed to start the secrets of nature, and the emergence of great sages who had attained extensive knowledge. "But all and considered by the frivolity of the world as of little value. The ridicule and slander not cease to grow. The men of science are imbued with an arrogance and pride that such refuse to meet to make a calculation of the many revelations with which God has pleased the times we live through the book of nature or rule of all arts. Each group fights the others based on the old dogmas, and instead of clear and manifest the Light, he preferred to the Pope, Aristotle, to Galen and anything that looks like a collection of laws and instructions, where no doubt these authors would be glad to review their knowledge if they lived. "Oops! The Rosicrucian also proved to be very aggressive against the status quo and against the obstacles put by the policy, science and religion. Then the book continues to chronicle the lives of fraternal Christian Rosenkreutz. "Our late father, Fr C. R., religious spirit, high, highly illuminated, German, Chairman and founder of our fraternity, devoted intense and prolonged efforts to draft reform universal. Extreme poverty forced his parents, although nobles, to put it in the convent at the age of four years. There he acquired a knowledge of two convenient languages: Latin and Greek. We also saw filled their incessant prayers and supplications in the prime of his youth: he was entrusted to a brother, P. A. L., which had voted to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulcher. Although this Brother saw not Jerusalem, as he died in Cyprus, our Fr. C. R. not decreased, by contrast, Damcar embarked with the intention to visit Jerusalem on this city. " 26 The fact that the theme of the book resulting in a trip, which Richard did try to find out more about The central character in the book, such Rosenkreutz Christian. Through a few brief explanations received by Mason belonging to a brother fraternity Rosacruz, Richard knew he was born in the year Rosenkreutz

1378 and died in 1484, ie he lived until six hundred years. So assuming that he would have exist, an issue that more than one doubted. Also picked up the interesting fact that a scholar Lutheran, Juan Valentin Andreae, who died in 1684, was author of the book. In any case, they write who wrote them, and there Rosenkreutz Christian or not, the book contained some indications as sufficiently mysterious as to Richard's decision to continue the journey that mysterious German, a trip that could, if not help solve the riddle of the lost word leading to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of treasures, they show the right path to follow. The dream that was returning from his first voyage he made it clear that should begin your new journey 1845. So, with the patience that gave her immortality, made over the years, a few years in which was alternated with the Freemasons with their brothers long periods of extreme loneliness, not to raise suspicions in either London or Yalding of their immortality. * * Once the year 1845, Richard was back on track, following the trail left by Christian Rosenkreutz. Therefore, the first thing we decided was to travel to the distant island of Cyprus where, as in all lands of southern Mediterranean, were lords and masters the Ottomans. From England he went to France, a land where Richard had run and where he had many adventures made friends and loves ... Just stepping on French soil, he learned that the flame of the Revolution had become almost extinct after a large footprint left by Napoleon, but the spirit of freedom and equality fraternity, which had so valiantly defended illuminati and freemasons, had been heavily rooted in the land galas. During the long time it took to cross the country to the south, he knew that French had risen to power the Duke of Orleans, Louis Philippe. Despite this the atmosphere in the cities French people and was not too quiet. Richard was not surprised to detect such disorder, as when he left England, where the young Queen Victoria reigned, political and economic problems of Ireland English constantly undermined peace. With the mood not too high, Richard arrived at the end of

your trip continental Marseilles. His stay in the old French city, so often plagued by pirate attacks, was very brief, because in a few days to find passage on a ship, with a stopover in Sicily, will lead to the island of Cyprus. The journey through the Mediterranean was very pleasant. During the trip, had time to become familiar with this Latin spirit so peculiar is that only in the south of Europe. And what more Richard was surprised and not very pleasant, was the high tone of voice that the whole world used to speak. What a scandal that organized the sailors! In fact, this feature was noisy at higher as Richard focused on the heart of the Mediterranean and the Ottoman influx was more palpable. With a more roasted skin, increasing the attractiveness of his blue eyes, Richard landed on the Cypriot coast, particularly in the port of Kirenia, where after getting a good mount If any one could be called stubborn mule and crowned, headed for the city of Nicosia. Since I put the first foot on Cyprus, the couple noticed that their presence was not very well received. Cyprus, with its white houses reflecting a Sun of justice, was in Ottoman hands. E England, had been long time, trying to occupy the strategic island without success, which made its arrival any lift another suspicion between Cypriot leaders. So, just to get to Nicosia, he knew how difficult it could to become an English accommodation, which could finally get after paying a large amount of money. Once housed, and adopting a less suspicious clothing, consisting of a sort of tunic that included a hood, Richard was able to see how the Turks had converted to Nicosia, a capital worthy of its state, and transformed into a mosque at the time which was a beautiful Gothic church. What I kept the city were its walls, built under Venetian domination, and their steep narrow streets, dark and winding, where one could easily lose. As indicated, therefore, was to engage in further indications of Fame Fraternitatis and travel Christian Rosenkreutz, something that Richard did for the comfortable housing. So

resumed reading and was set in the following paragraph: "During the time he was forced to prolong their stay in Cyprus bound by fatigue, won the favor of the Turks from the experience not negligible in the art of healing. Or by chance heard of the wise Damcar in Arabia, of the wonders that were able to make and the revelations they had made on whether the whole of nature. "That was complicated at times. Above, there was talk that the master died in Rosenkreutz Cyprus. And, therefore, appeared to his disciples went to the German island, but his real target was a city called Damcar. "Damcar, Damcar ..." The word is repeated again and again in the mind of Richard. The I knew only city with a similar name was the legendary Damascus, but does have something to do with it Damcar name? The text explains that Christian Rosenkreutz had heard of "the wise men of Damcar "in Arabia, but did not indicate where or who had transmitted that information. What a mess! After meditate a lot, Richard decided to travel to Damascus. Once there, and decide the next step. 27 The journey from Cyprus to Asia was not easy. First, he had to go to the most East of the island, where he arrived on the back of a mule truculent, which could never get along. There, Richard once again have trouble finding a boat that I would bring up some coastal town. A Although it began to defend with the Arabic language, their communication problems worsen situation. Paying back a huge amount of money, Richard managed to travel to the city Tartus. Once there, he received an interesting recommendation for a nice Greek wine merchant, which met at the inn where he stayed quiet. Look you, young English. The infidel Turks are very proud and did not consent to put anyone in doubt its authority. So the best thing to do is to go unnoticed as possible, especially mind that you are English. Anyway, if he manages to dominate a little more Arabic than I dominated the English, which is not much that you will not have any problem, said the Greek. After a brief pause in which it noted fixedly Richard concluded with a clear-statement: Interestingly you do not look to be English, but rather

from my experience I would say that you have Jewish descent, I am wrong? "asked the Greek mysterious air while holding a full glass of tea. That is, it is. I have Jewish blood in my veins, and, frankly, I would say that since I stepped on these land I feel like I am in my house. Is not it strange? No, you may not believe it, "answered the Greek. In the many years that causes me to engage in commerce, I could deal with many traders and Jews, believe me, is not the first time I heard a statement like yours. In any case, it is best to learn the Arabic language and are not seeking trouble. Taking into account the very wise and practical advice offered by the Greek merchant, Richard launched towards the city of Damascus, taking advantage of the departure of a caravan that was heading towards there. * * The trip served to Richard, almost without realizing it, was getting used to the idiosyncrasies of Turkey. The truth is that he felt very happy when, upon arriving the night, their traveling companions lit major fires for heating and drank tea while explaining an excellent and a thousand anecdotes of his travels. Richard also had to get used to their prayers, all still very devoutly, while crouch in the direction of the holy city of Mecca. Richard did everything that, in many moments, almost forgot the reason for your trip and feel the great weight of their roots, which probably were not very away from those lands. It felt very comfortable in that spot that one hundred years ago, had been the cradle of civilization and the great religions. With sincere regret, had to say goodbye to their fellow travelers upon arrival in Damascus. But, rapidly Dimischk esch Schama, as the Turks called the city, she captivated with her charms and mysteries. Damascus, as throughout its history, proved to be a great commercial and cultural capital. The city, regarded by the prophet Mohammed as one of the four earthly paradises, was one of the oldest the world, including Richard remembered having read in the Bible. Damascus, bisected by the Barada River, was a next to the desert oasis, where one could get lost in a thousand and its beautiful spots. Without hesitation, Richard

decided to stay there a good season. Initiated contact with the Jewish community in the city, very rich indeed, and with Christianity, which remained for the most part Orthodox. Unlike what was believed in Europe, the Turks were much more open and respectful concerned that Christian belief. In Damascus, together with mixed, that is, followers of the three major religions that also were born in the same land. And there was any problem. Therefore, Richard was able, on many occasions to visit the beautiful and sacred places such as the Great Mosque, It was built in 708 years and had previously been a Christian church, and even before, a Roman temple. Damascus, in the end, united in its midst the best of all traditions. Although, unfortunately, this included the ancient hatred felt by some others. Richard was living in the capital of ancient Syria for a few years. While you are here, among other things, to master the Arabic language, but the Hebrew he could learn from a friendly rabbi, who also elaborated on Jewish beliefs and traditions and, of course, in the Cabala. She had come so far in adapting to the country not noticed that the shouting was formed in markets or the perennial smell of urine and spices floating around the city. Richard lived in a small house near the Jewish quarter of Damascus, which had leased to a businessman with knives and alfanjes that many times, sat for a long time to talk about religion, and relished a good strong tea and smoke flavored snuff own those lands. But where was the word Lost? From the outset, there was no trace of her. This period of peace ended in a distressing and unpleasant. It was during a night August 1851, where Richard was heading towards his home after having shared the table with Rabbi Daniel and family, when alleged gang members cornered the young English in a small square. Despite the cries of the attackers and those trying to defend Richard PROFERI, no window is opened or no neighbor came to help. Richard was only the brilliance of a great alfanje head towards his neck. Two of The assailants kept fixed, while a third held a dangerous weapon. 28

-Infiel, listen well, "whispered alfanje of the owner. We come here for years and observándote Curious to know your questions. This is just a warning. Richard, who dared not move a muscle nor fear to get hurt, closing his eyes nodded. -Looking for a treasure, which we know as Richard said the robber opened his eyes excessively without understanding anything. Remember, infidel, you should not remove the stones. The word should remain lost. If reveal the great secret, the world will change irretrievably. Stop searching! Can you hear me okay? You a day to pick up your things and leave town. If you do not, all your friends die. After this terrible threat, the bandits, who Richard could not even see them face disappeared in the darkness of an alley. For a few minutes, the couple did not dare to break away from the wall. The legs shaking him to the point that was not clear whether they could hold. ¡That was crazy! How energúmenos where they had left and those who had explained the reason for your trip? As you was reassuring, Richard tried to bring order to run their ideas. "We'll see. With whom I have spoken I missed the word? Only with Daniel. And he has not told anyone, for granted. "The only that happened was some mysterious group, with some religious radicals, had guarded the rabbi, quite possible, and that following his visits had been aware of his search for the word loss. In no circumstance would be to find out. With all the pain of his heart, Richard picked up quickly as strictly necessary and made the luggage including, yes, the book of the Count Saint-Germain and Fraternitatis of Fame. After packing the last bits, Richard sat on cushions around the room and meditated quietly next to give. Over the years spent in Damascus, he was able to realize that, as explained in Fama Fraternitatis, the city was not the mythical Damcar. Moreover, it concluded that there Damcar. However, his studies of Hebrew led to an interesting conclusion. Found that Damcar floor was composed of two Hebrew words: DM, 'dam', meaning 'blood', and KR, 'Car', which means "lamb." So Damcar could translate as "the blood of the lamb" clear

reference to Christianity. Richard had seriously discussed the possibility that this was the word missing, but ultimately rejected by not having any relationship with place. Taking again the book that narrates the journey of Christian Rosenkreutz, decided to continue its journey. Rosenkreutz traveled, as I had read up somewhere in Arabia. "After a stay of three years, took way back, and fitted with good safe, clears the Arabian Gulf were arrested in Egypt over time just perfect for his observations of plants and creatures. He then crossed the Mediterranean in all directions and finally reached where he had indicated the Arabs: a Fez. " After spending the night in sailing, the first rays of the Sun, Richard went to one of the gates of the city in search of a caravan that was heading south. Luck accompanied him, and he could join some merchants who were traveling to the city of Haifa, where would embark towards Alexandria and Fez. With great sadness, Richard left Damascus, where he was undoubtedly a part of your heart. * * A beautiful sailboat Latin led him to the port of Alexandria. The great Egyptian metropolis not aroused no interest in Richard, very sorry for having to leave precipitously Damascus and without word loss. With a relatively low mood, he contacted a Greek ship captain who directed more toward the western Mediterranean. After consulting with him, decided to embark on his sailboat, which, incidentally, was carrying large quantities of wine from Syria, so as to afford to travel south which so aptly called it Mare Nostrum the Roman Fez and reach in a few dates. The route took him through northern Africa after making several stops in small ports and even stopped several days on the small island of Malta, Captain Richard recommended that land Ghazaouet in town. Once there, and after purchasing a mule and the necessary food, turned Interior of the Kingdom of Morocco, towards the city of Oudjda, which came after several days of travel. In Outside the city, erected a tent, like nomads of the merchants, along with the other travelers to take extra security. A weak light of a lamp, Richard re-opened the book to him

taken there. "The Arabs and Africans meet every year to review the various arts, to whether discoveries have been made better and to find out whether the assumptions have been scorned by the experience. The fruits produced each year are used to progress these discussions of mathematics, the Physical and magic, that are the specialties of the people of Fez. "How different it sounded from the endless discussions he had heard in England for more trivial matters! Europe had forgotten clear, a very important part of their cultural heritage to go into the arms of superstition, as he had so often insisted on the great Voltaire. You may find in Fez, finally, a clear indication of where to find the missing word that would lead him to the tomb of Hiram Abiff and treasure ... The next sentence read even more intimate intuition confirmed: "In Fez contacted those often called the elementary population, who entrusted him with many secrets. " The next day, Richard joined a group of traders who went to Fez, which came after several days of travel. If something Fez was characterized by its great mix of visitors. Fez, a crossroads of roads, sacred city of Islam, was the great cultural center of Morocco. Richard came into the city by Guissa Bab, one of the doors facing the wall to go below in a maze streets full of men and animals. As it could be diverted to a road less traveled that also was nicely covered by a lattice decreased the strong effects of the Sun with a 29 pleasant feeling in it, Richard is distracted wandering aimlessly through the city until they came to An imposing building that was more to know, hosting the largest mosque in the world. His name was Qaraouyine and could contain up to 20,000 people. That was a big temple! But what most excited Richard was next to the mosque which had a large library with a large number of book manuscripts in mostly from Spain, With such an encouraging and exciting scene, Richard was ready to take up residence for a time in the city of Fez. Without too much trouble this time was able to rent rooms in a building not far from the great mosque at the entrance of

the Bab Muley Idris, a street full of shops of all kinds. The life of Richard then entered into a smooth routine consists of endless hours in the library, consultation and reading interesting books and long walks through the various neighborhoods of the city. In line cities like Damascus, Fez had entire neighborhoods where different cultures and religions lived together without problem. So were many synagogues which shared the north of the town, and even Richard arrived in stable contact with a teacher of rabbinical school in Fez. The Melaj, district Jew, came to have no secrets from Richard. Something similar happened with the Al Andalus Aduat, the neighborhood of Andalusia, which, in successive stages, thousands of families from the mainland kingdom were established after the exile. Some of the descendants of the Andalusian retained in part its language, like the Jews who fled from there too. Indeed, by establishing contact some of them, Richard has learned the language of Cervantes ... and never better. With some twists archaic and continually surprised to learn new words of course Arabic and Hebrew origin, Richard came to master a new language. Beyond these issues, Richard began to be a little tired of staying in that area, observed as a humiliating treatment towards women and religious dogma out of their own beliefs. The time passed and word search seemed completely lost stagnant. In fact, the book which narrates the journey of Christian Rosenkreutz did not offer too many interpretations. So, after four years living in Fez, Richard decided to continue the journey reflected in the Fama Fraternitatis: `Fr C. R. departed Spain has for many precious objects in your luggage. Since his trip had been so profitable, fueling the hope that the scientists of Europe would welcome him with a deep joy, and from that moment, all his studies on cimentarían as secure bases. "As in past, Richard has not gone beyond this paragraph. Somehow I knew that should continue forward without jump into the events. In late 1855, in a time not too suitable for touring,

Richard directed his steps towards Spain, another conservative in religious matters, where the Catholic Church and the Inquisition were a real cancer. In his luggage he had added a third book, a manuscript copy of The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. More than one fragment, such as the fight against the gentleman windmills that Richard did not feel so lonely. On his trip north again to pass through the city to Oudjda from there go to Melilla city under Spanish flag in Moroccan territory. Just enter Melilla, Richard knew that something had changed. The city was born as a prison and, despite the large turnover that was seen in the streets, showed a large military presence. Moreover, despite living then on a time of peace, the constant clashes with the Moroccans had not favored the development of the site. As quickly as he could, Richard won a place in a small boat that was heading to the Spanish coast and, after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar with a Tue something moved, set foot in the city of Malaga. * * After spending a few days in Malaga, lodged in a simple hotel in the neighborhood of fishermen, period you spent to buy clothes and rebuild European appearance, Richard, finally decided to address the capital of Spain, Madrid, which would, if the attackers were allowed to proceedings after a long e uncomfortable journey. On his way he left behind cities like Cordova, where, despite the valiant attempts Christianized, the track was still very much Muslim; Andújar, Valdepeñas, Manzanares .. all cities with a long history of strife between Muslims and Christians, and where the Jewish footprint, although weak, also left out. Finally, in spring 1856, Richard came to Madrid. Richard has just never found at home in Madrid. Waiting outside the great European capital, it people seemed disproportionately large, with one big difference between them and other districts, despite that some areas were beautiful. The people, however, were very religious and intolerant, by action of the Catholic Church and the Inquisition. Stayed in the city center, right on the famous and beautiful street and, without knowing too truce decided to resume contacts with his brother Mason.

According to remember clearly, on their way through the Hell Fire Club had spoken of the lodge Matritense, created by the founder of the Club, the Duke of Wharton, the capital of Spain. This had happened in 1726, shortly after Richard was initiated in Freemasonry. After a few visits to the British Embassy, who helped him also to resume contact with the London law firm care of their properties, got the information I needed to visit a lodge, which deliberately does not was too far from your hotel. 30 Richard did not cost him to get used again to Masonic rituals, or the exquisite treatment that dispensed his brothers, but ... missed unless the revolutionary spirit that he had known in Iiluminati of Bavaria and the brothers who traveled with him the streets of Paris during the Revolution. Richard Holbein discovered, after years of Asian and African lands, that the Freemasons Anglo did not seem too evolve in response to the times they lived and which remained conservative, logical thing, since it was founded by two Protestant pastors. The trip, moreover, seemed to have ended. One winter night, as early as 1857, Richard opened the book again Fraternitatis of Fame, something that was not several months ago. In the light of a gas lamp, which is beginning to installed in Madrid read: "We taught them [the scholars of Spain] and fruit plants and animals new new ancient philosophy determines. Made available a new axioms that can solve all problems. But all they found it ridiculous. As it was feared that his business largely unknown reputation would be compromised and forced to return to confess and to begin their studies their inveterate errors, which were used and the benefits that got enough, that reforming the concerns of others to be successful. " And then it became clear, very clear. At the last fragment, summarizing what he had found Richard in Madrid: a dead end where there was no place for your search. The brothers are not Spanish had shown at all receptive to his explanations, so they had chosen not to make why members of your trip or the ultimate end of it.

With great disappointment inside Richard spacing was gradually his attendance at the lodge. Again refuge in the reading, which was learned by the great authors of Spanish literature. Precisely through the literature, could understand some of the more idiosyncratic Spanish, in which the Catholic Church and the cruel Inquisition had ceased to print its profound impact fire. After a few years during which Richard was devoted to the study of Spanish culture, language and history, something away when he left the search of the word lost, the tomb of Hiram Abiff and his treasure, the situation politics of the country did decide to return to England. Spain, which had not been marked or not territorial cohesion and for its political stability, continued to be involved in republican insurrections against the monarchy and senseless wars in its African colonies. With suitcases full of books and the book of the Count Saint-Germain always safe, Richard Holbein returned to England after a long journey in the early 1860s. In his mansion Yalding, took time to meditate on the long journey that led him to Cyprus, Damascus, Fez ... and felt longing. In his first night in England, was also a word associated with sleep loss, the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. Dreamed that was going through a tunnel and in the end he was with Christian Rosenkreutz. Master C. R. him a box containing a gold plate with the following motto: "After thirty years, sought to Rosacruz Order." At the wake, Richard observed the sky through the windows of his bedroom and recalled his last long journey. He thought that once again he played wait and search, in this case the Order Rosacruz. But Where was the word lost? THE GOLDEN DAWN, the Ordo Templi Orientis AND THE RITE OF MEMPHIS-MISRAÏM "The influence of the Golden Dawn modern occultism is continuous ... " James Wasserman, and murderers Templarios Fall 1890. Outskirts of London A curious duo was sharing a car of horses traveling at high speed towards London the night of November 28, 1890. One was Richard Holbein the eternal and the other a middle-aged man

and strange-looking aristocrat. Mathers-My name. And I think we should talk about any topic of interest, non-boring suggested Holbein the companion, breaking a silence that lasted an hour. I do not know what you want to talk, sir. Politics is not of interest, except for early universal. The economy also fascinates me ... Richard replied with some disdain. Politics and economics are a charade. And all the masquerades have some claim. There is talk of franc-masons, of conspiracies ... -Mathers said. I do not think it is for both. I know the Masons and I have never thought that there might be a plot International latter. While it is true that had anything to do with revolutions in the past pointed Richard. Mathers looked at the stranger with some surprise to Richard Holbein. - Where do you come from? He asked. 31 West-Del said Richard. - Where do I go? Mathers-asked again. East-Al said Richard. - What will you find the East? -Master of a Lodge said Richard. - Brother, enough! Mathers said the fact that Richard knew the first words of retejo degree of Master Mason. I've been a member of the Grand Lodge and I believe you. Both brothers smiled and exchanged hugs fraternal, but Mathers was encouraged and at times continued testing the level of initiation of Holbein, who did not understand very well how it was developing the situation. - Are you Rosacruz Knight ... Where we were given ... Who was he? ... What do you seek? ... -Mathers asked again with a slight smile and leaving an impasse between questions. Richard thought it was guessed that the degree of retejo 18 °, Sovereign Prince of Rosacruz, Rite Scots Ancient and Accepted 33 degrees, and apologized saying that he had not met or the degree to any Masonic obedience. No need to apologize, brother-Mathers replied a smile. In fact, I'm not in favor of Masonic degrees, although the highest ever in several

rituals, and that my line is freemasonry rosicruciana. Richard Holbein noticed that the heart gave a roll. To be reminded to seek and find the Order Rosacruz in 1890 and believed to be facing one of its representatives, a brother rosacruz, perhaps mysterious Invisible College that led from the first three were published in early manifest xvii century. O was a coincidence or by fate he was driving on the right track. Brother, freemasonry rosicruciana of that talk is related to the Order Rosacruz? -Richard babble. Yes, Mathers said with a shrug authoritarian. And ... Where can I contact that freemasonry rosicruciana? Richard asked, noticing a some anxiety. Brother, give me your details and you get an information of said Mathers again. Richard will provide its data, just as the horse car stopped at the first stop in London and the trip was coming to an end. Holbein Mathers told him to be down and the two brothers were fired hurry with a triple and a hug you soon. The way the word had been lost recovered. ** Fifteen days after the meeting, Richard Holbein received in a package sent from mansion London. Inside you found the history lesson of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This explained roughly as follows: `During the decade of the eighties of the nineteenth century, the Reverend Alphonsus Woodford, masonic writer of topics, discovered a manuscript encryption. Unable to decrypt it is gave it in 1887 to Dr. William Wynn Westcott, a prominent member of the SRIA (Societas in Rosicruciana Anglia). Westcott found more or less the content of the manuscript and direction of such a Fraulein Anna Sprengel. She wrote and she said, appearing as a prominent temple adept rosacruz Lichte Liebe Leben in Nuremberg. As a result of correspondence, he gave a title foundational Westcott for the establishment of a similar order in the United Kingdom. And thus, was founded in autumn 1887 the Isis-Urania Temple of the Scholars of the Golden Dawn Hermetics led by Westcott, Mathers and Woodman. "

Inside the package of the Golden Dawn, were also a few exercises and reflections very basic, as well as a starter. Richard, after several months of study and practice, took the decision that I wanted to be initiated at the Golden Dawn and agreed to its inception on 15 April 1891, always with the hope of finding floor leading to the lost tomb of Hiram Abiff and the treasure of all treasures. And so, on the agreed date, perfectly dressed, went to Mark Mason's Hall in Great Queen Street, WC2 district of London, ready to be initiated in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He knew the building, but once again, upon arriving at their doors, stopped to observe its austere beauty. After greeting a brother and suitably prepared, waited in the courtyard under the watchful eye of a sentinel, while the Hierophant, who was none other than the strange Mathers, spoke to those assembled. Since the Neophytos the room, a voice was heard: "Son of Earth! Get up into the path of darkness! " A second voice cried: 'It having been established, you can not enter our sacred temple! Richard was purified with water and fire. The Hierophant cried again: "Son of Earth!, What are the reasons that move you to seek admission to our Order? " By Richard A voice replied: "My soul wanders from darkness, seeking the light of hidden knowledge, and I firmly believe that this Order is possible to obtain knowledge of the Light. " Richard was not noticed nervous. Continued the ritual until the end and made the appropriate oaths, seeing Light as the first novice of the Golden Dawn. 32 The Golden Dawn had in his breast the Order of the Red Rose and the Cross of Gold, as the successor to the Rosacruz Golden eighteenth century. Through grade 5, the followers were in the Golden Dawn outsourcing. Grade 5th to 8th, the followers were in the Order Rosacruz internally. And the last three degrees were from the Astrum Argentum more hidden. The first degrees were engaged in astral travel, the Cabala. Degrees Rosicrucian were more focused on magic. And the upper grades were used to contact the heads secret or top unknown, known as the Great White

Brotherhood. Richard Holbein had no problem climbing them well. Was progressively neophyte Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus, philosophus ... and to get to the first internal order in 1897, the Order of the Red Rose and Cross of Gold also climbed three other degrees and completed the ascent in 1900. The upper grades will Richard served to learn the art of magic and contact with the Holy Guardian Angel, which was associated with Baphomet, but nevertheless missed the real word is resisted, beyond those contacts and the "lost words" that gave him the Golden Dawn. The "missing word" most famous INRI the Golden Dawn was supposedly the initials of "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews "brought by the Romans in Latin at the top of the cross. The word INRI, in Golden Dawn had several readings: "Natura Ignea Renovatur Integra" or "all of nature is renewed by the fire ',' I = = Water Yam, Nour N = = Fire R = Ruach = Air, I = = Yebeshas Earth ... In this last case, the initial four were even used as the original Hebrew name of four old items. Another meaning of INRI era: I = Yod = Virgo N = Nun = Scorpio R = Resh = Sol I = Yod = Virgo Virgo is the sign of the virgin nature. Scorpio is the sign of death and transformation. And Sun is the source of light and life. All the gods who are connected with the rise solar symbolism. Nature itself is involved in the aforementioned cycle of birth, death and resurrection. Jesus, by therefore would only be a reproduction of myths of death and resurrection as Osiris, Adonis ... Thanks to Mathers, and in late 1903, Richard was also discovered that the word INRI sacred 18th degree of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Sovereign Prince of Rosacruz. The documents of this explained almost the same degree on the initials INRI. These letters, according to the documents could understood as' Natura Ignea Renovatur Integra "," all of nature is renewed by fire. " This stated that all of nature is born, dies and is regenerated or renewed always via power which has renewed the fire, and Jesus is a myth that

remains linked to renewed chain Birth, death and rebirth, as Osiris or Hiram Abiff. Other meanings were INRI "Isis Naturae Regina Ineffabilis", "Isis, queen of the ineffable nature and Above all, "Ingenio Numen Resplendor Iacchis', 'God is the true Iacchus, Dionysus, Baphomet ...». INRI was also "Iustus NECAR REGESA wrong-doers," the right to kill the wicked kings. Richard, to read and reread the documents of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the winter of 1905, drew the conclusion that, again, Baphomet was the key to discover the lost word and should renew their march to the Freemasons or any similar order, if it still wants to find her. The Golden Dawn had not lost since the word, but an opening of interest and "lost words" not led to the goal of the long quest: to find the location of the tomb of Hiram, and his great treasure. Richard walked crestfallen by their apparent failure and ended in his mansion Yalding. In the years after its passage by the Golden Dawn, barely had time to learn what was happening in the external world, as it was ravaged by its apparent failure. Already in the years 1908 and 1909, Richard resumed his activity Masonic and traveled to London more often, although they still felt that there was a failed state the height of what I wanted from the Count Saint-Germain. One day in autumn 1911, however, the visit by a mysterious surprise changed the course of their investigations. You could say that a visit saved him from the unexpected failure in the long search for the word missing from the tomb of Hiram Abiff and the great treasure. And that is the miracle, the miracle with only capital letters, saved well by Richard Holbein. * * A kind of explosion was about to throw to the ground the main door of the mansion of a Holbein cold night of autumn 1911. Richard was quick to look for one of the big windows to see what occurred at the main entrance. A young man was banging on the door and his face pale skin desencajado revealed some horror. Richard Holbein, somewhat alarmed, ran to the door of the mansion and opened it, thinking that perhaps a surprise awaited him. Not just give him time to speak, the young stranger, dressed English with the best clothes, came running into the

mansion and screams: 'Close the door, quickly! "Richard obeyed and went to rescue him from the terrible terror stalking. -I am running in London ... "Said the young man without air in the lungs. Is he ... And it comes after me. - Him? Who is he? Richard asked, noting that there was no one. The boy began to tremble. The devil-as Templar, Baphomet. 33 The wind caused the gates at the main entrance to the mansion a heavy blow and the Richard I notice a chill. Young, should subside. There is no reason to fear. Nobody is going to hurt. Even Baphomet Richard reuse. The boy was lifted from the ground and looked at Richard. You are Mr. Holbein. Only you can help ... Young-babble. Richard smiled and invited the couple to move to a residence of the mansion, trying to calmly and in a spirit of find out what happened. In their decades-long search, the eternal Holbein had not seen anything like it. It was difficult to draw more young veiled secrets, but in the end they not only appeared, but even a clue about the missing word. My name is Charles and I am of Irish origin. As a young man I became interested in occult themes, thanks that my brother was' sensitive ', and then worked on a thematic bulletin occultists. One day, the director of publication, the sorceress Yoni, I made contact with a group of very low magic entity dedicated to sexuality and magic, thanks to one of its members, met the Order of Argentum Astrum Aleister Crowley, a character who comes, from what I could ascertain, the Golden Dawn ... Charles-the mysterious is twisted in his seat and shrugged his face white and sickly, while delivering these very names nervous. -How interesting ... Richard commented upon hearing the name Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley. I know the Golden Dawn and I have talked far above such that Crowley. I think it was the origin of problems that led to the lamentable state of the Golden Dawn today, faced with several divisions. Crowley was an impressive young man. It started in the

Golden Dawn in 1898 and reached its first degrees away, then there was a fight in the order and distanced from it. In the twenty-three years, was a excellent climber and poet. He earned a degree in chemistry at Cambridge and had an uncanny ability for magic, but it passes through the Golden Dawn ended badly ... In 1902, Crowley, near the German engineer Oscar Eckenstein, triumphantly climbed the highest Chogo Ri in the Himalayas and reached the twenty-three thousand feet. In 1904, Crowley had a kind of disclosure of an entity, Aiwass in Cairo. In 1907, he headed the Astrum Argentum new in 1909 and staged a show that caused a scandal esoteric, The Rites Eleusis, a theater in London ... In those years, a movement called Thelema, which in Greek means "will" ... "Said Charles, with the face of circumstances and a slight smile. "I remember, also remember a couple of times we agree the Golden Dawn, because I I was affiliated. I spoke of him as an authentic pornócrata, inclined to the most brazen bisexuality. I think what equated to Osear Richard Wilde, said with a smile. Yes, so he endorsed Charles. " Well, as I said, 1909 was the year of The Rites of Eleusis, and was Crowley then when I met through a friend who gave me his address. I settled in and around London Crowley went well until I insisted on using drugs to practice magic in the A. A. After my no, he insisted that he could join in on the secret Ordo Templi Orientis, one of the seven or eight organizations that are related. I received a strange letter from the organization and decided to depart, and I began to notice from that moment that I followed the steps Baphomet. I want your help. I want him away Me. I know that you are a high level of the Golden Dawn and I want to help me overcome persecution Baphomet of which I am a victim. "Baphomet, Baphomet, Baphomet ', Holbein heard inside his mind before proceeding with the conversation. -Well, anything else? "Asked Richard. Yes, something more, "said Charles. The Ordo Orientis or OTO of Crowley was founded by German freemason Karl Kellner and his head is now another German high-grade Mason, Theodor Reuss, the head of the Rite of

Memphis-Misraim, who in 1902 established his sovereign sanctuary in Germany. The creator of the Egyptian Rite was the famous Cagliostro, which were derived Rite Misraim, original developed in France and Naples by Bedarride the three brothers, and the Eastern Rite of Memphis, founded by Étienne Marconis in Paris ... "Paris, Paris, Paris, Richard heard in his mind. Stopped with an explanation of Charles and was thoughtful gesture. For a moment, reminded Cagliostro, in his thought and believed that Egyptian Freemasonry the Ordo Templi Orientis, a Memphis-associated Misraim, could preserve the mystery of Baphomet, and the word loss that had not been reached with the Illuminati of Weishaupt, or the Golden Dawn. But how to contact with Crowley? wondered silently to himself at the same time noting that Charles would not stop squirming in his seat. -Dear Charles, his explanations are of great interest. I appreciate your sincerity. I promise you I will work magic in line with the high levels of the Golden Dawn to prevent re-Baphomet bothering you, and be assured that it will be cash-pointed Richard seriously. But I only want to change ask a favor: a form of contact with Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis of London. Charles was very thoughtful in silence. He knew that peace and triumph over their nightmares well worth a contact. Eventually, after some ramblings, babble 'agree' and was mired back in their thoughts. After spending the night in the mansion of Richard, unable to sleep more than an hour Then Charles came to London the next day. Was better, while he had solved a great problem to Holbein. 34 In spring 1913, the magical work of Richard Holbein in line with the high degree of Golden Dawn ended up with nightmares of Charles on Baphomet, and the young Irish could rest throughout the summer. In appreciation, by the end of 1913, Charles kept his promise and sent him to Richard Crowley, and the leadership of the Ordo Templi Orientis of London. The eternal Holbein attempted contact in the following months, but the followers of Crowley told then that the curious Frater Baphomet, Aleister Crowley, was in Europe doing some "very

important work magic for the future of humanity "and that would need to wait for his return. At that time, the fame of Crowley had risen, after being elected Patriarch Grand Administrator General grade 33, grade 90 and grade 96 ° of the Rite of Memphis-Misráim, in his study of Fulham Road, and head of the Ordo Templi Orientis for United Kingdom, as the Supreme and Holy King of Ireland, canvas and all who are in Brittany Sanctuary of the Gnosis. This significantly increased the devout followers in the ranks of his movement, the already started to cover several organizations: the Argentum Astrum the Ordo Templi Orientis ... When in 1914 Richard was at last close to establish a personal contact with Crowley the multifaceted Frater Baphomet disappeared from the public scene, to reappear suddenly in United States and surprise, which forced him to follow his wake. Aleister Crowley THE MEETING WITH THE 'BIG BEAST' "Crowley and Reuss merged its mysteries. Brother Merlin (Reuss) explained to the brother Baphomet (Crowley) the theory behind one school of alchemy using fluids sex as "elixir of life." John Symonds, The Great Beast December 1915. New York, United States Richard Holbein for a very short time could not get to sail along with Aleister Crowley to States America. On October 24 of that year, the famous English magician had left to New World aboard the Lusitania, and Richard, meanwhile, could find passage on the Star East, a major transatlantic that allowed American lands only to arrive two weeks after Crowley. Without doubt, New York was the host port for many immigrants who came to the 'land pledged "to achieve the illusion of a bright future. Richard hoped to find something, even if If their goal was to discover the lost word and the tomb of Hiram Abiff with its great treasure. Confident that Frater Baphomet, Crowley took that magic name in assuming the leadership of the OTO in the United Kingdom, will finally lead to the desired word lost. Interestingly, the best track he had obtained to then surely the word Baphomet. Crowley appeared in the adventures of Richard United States

by the most simple and unexpected. The morning of December 13, Richard hojeaba distractedly newspaper, The World Magazine, while taking a cup of coffee. A company press release immediately caught his attention: "Aleister Crowley, who has recently arrived in New York, is the strangest man I have every known, "explained the journalist. "It is a man who raises the discussion in the other. With an intense magnetism, like repels attracts, but with the same violence. "As we had anticipated in London, Crowley did not leave anyone indifferent, it was clear. This will spur even more to Richard, who out to find the "Beast" as some called him, without further delay, which could get easily without even intending it. A few days before Christmas, Richard, who had contacted with some brothers from New York Masons, received an invitation to attend the Christmas dinner organized the well-known attorney John Quinn. The lawyer, a personal friend of the writer William Butler Yeats, member in turn of the extinct Golden Dawn, had spoken to the latter's father, John Butler Yeats, who reported the presence of Richard Holbein in New York. Quinn, without hesitation, Richard invited to spend date as indicated in your home. So the night of December 24, 1914, Richard was at the home of John Quinn, 40 of West 36th Street, knowing that I was a guest of thenattorney: Aleister Crowley. Certainly it was in the right direction. Describing Crowley was very difficult. His face reflected a once great serenity and wisdom as showed a soft and effeminate. Note worthy and elegant, wearing ensortijados fingers and wearing a haircut something peculiar to erect a prominent tuft in the shape of a horn. To be submitted, Richard noticed that his hand was soft, while appreciated the strong magnetism of his gaze. I am delighted to meet you, Mr. Crowley said while Holbeinpressed his hand. -I would say the same, sir, "replied Richard politely. I must say also that the reason for my Travel to United States has been the desire to meet him personally ... - Wow! Do not know how much I am glad to hear you say that. Do you know my books and my work? Inquired with -

Frater Baphomet quickly. 35

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