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  • Words: 3,325
  • Pages: 27
CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Lecture 15: Servelets Based on Notes by Dave Hollinger & Ethan Cerami Also, the Online Java Tutorial by Sun

What is a Servlet? „


A Servlet is a Java program that extends the capabilities of servers. Inherently multi-threaded. „



Each request launches a new thread.

Input from client is automatically parsed into a Request variable. A servlet can be thought of as a server-side applet „ „ „

Applet: a java program that runs within the web browser Servlet: a java program that runs within the web server Servlets are loaded and executed by a web server in the same manner that applets are loaded and executed by a web browser

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Note 1

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Server-Side Application „



Applications „ „ „

Dynamic generates HTML pages Access to database and/or back-end servers etc.

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Server-Side Application: CGIs „

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) „ „ „


Basically call external program Use standard input and output for data exchange Programming language independent

Weakness „


CGI program may not be easily portable to other platform Substantial overhead is incurred in starting the CGI process

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Servlet Architecture Client (web browser)

HTTP request

Web Server

Servlet Containter


HTTP response

„ „

The client makes a request via HTTP The web server receives the requests and forwards it to the servlet „


„ „

If the servlet has not yet been loaded, the web server loads it into the JVM and executes it

The servlet receives the HTTP request and performs some type of process The servlet returns a response to the web server The web server forwards the response to the client

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Why Use Servlets „

Servlets are designed to replace CGI scripts „

Platform-independent and extensible „



Persistent and fast „




CGI scripts are typically written in Perl or C, and are very much tied to a particular server platform Servlet is written in Java, which can easily integrate with existing legacy systems through RMI, CORBA, and/or JNI Servers are loaded only once by the web server and can maintain services between requests (particularly important for maintaining database connections) CGI scripts are transient – a CGI script is removed from memory after it is complete For each browser request, the web server must spawn a new operating system process

Secure „

The only way to invoke a servlet from the outside world is through a web server, which can be protected behind a firewall

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

What can you build with servlets „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Search engines E-commerce applications Shopping carts Product catalogs Personalization systems Intranet application Groupware applications: bulletin boards, file sharing, etc.

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Steps of Servlet Processing 1.

Read any data sent by the server „


Look up any HTTP information „


Generate HTML on the fly

Set the appropriate HTTP headers „


Connect to databases, connect to legacy applications, etc.

Format the results „


Determine the browser version, host name of client, cookies, etc.

Generate the results „


Capture data submitted by an HTML form

Tell the browser the type of document being returned or set any cookies

Send the document back to the client

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Servlet Life Cycle ƒ

Create (Servlet Instantiation): ƒ


Initialize (Servlet Initialization): ƒ


Handling 0 or more client requests using the service() method

Destroy (Servlet Death): ƒ


Initialize the servlet using the init() method

Service (Servlet processing): ƒ


Loading the servlet class and creating a new instance

Destroying the servlet using the destroy() method

When HTTP calls for a servlet „ „

Not loaded: Load, Create, Init, Service Already loaded: Service

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Client Form:Client

Servelets 9


Http Request

Lookup Static Page or Launch Process/Thread to Create Output Lookup

Launch Servlet

Http Response

Http Response

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Launch Thread for Client

On first access launch the servlet program.

Launch separate thread to service each request.

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CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Writing Servlets „




Install a web server capable of launching and managing servlet programs. Install the javax.servlet package to enable programmers to write servlets. Ensure CLASSPATH is changed to correctly reference the javax.servlet package. Define a servlet by subclassing the HttpServlet class and adding any necessary code to the doGet() and/or doPost() and if necessary the init() functions.

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Handler Functions „

Each HTTP Request type has a separate handler function. „ „ „ „ „ „

GET -> doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) POST -> doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) PUT -> doPut (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) DELETE -> doDelete (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) TRACE -> doTrace (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) OPTIONS -> doOptions (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

A Servlet Template import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class ServletTemplate extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // Use "request" to read incoming HTTP headers // (e.g. cookies) and HTML form data (e.g. data the user // entered and submitted). // Use "response" to specify the HTTP response status // code and headers (e.g. the content type, cookies). PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Use "out" to send content to browser } } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Important Steps ƒ Import the Servlet API: import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*;

ƒ Extend the HTTPServlet class ƒ Full servlet API available at: http://www.java.sun.com/products/servlet/

ƒ You need to overrride at least one of the request handlers! ƒ Get an output stream to send the response back to the client ƒ All output is channeled to the browser. CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

doGet and doPost ƒ The handler methods each take two parameters: ƒ HTTPServletRequest: encapsulates all information regarding the browser request. ƒ Form data, client host name, HTTP request headers.

ƒ HTTPServletResponse: encapsulate all information regarding the servlet response. ƒ HTTP Return status, outgoing cookies, HTML response.

ƒ If you want the same servlet to handle both GET and POST, you can have doGet call doPost or vice versa. Public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {doPost(req,res);} CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Hello World Servlet import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class HelloWWW extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("\n" + "<TITLE>Hello WWW\n" + "\n" + "

Hello WWW

\n" + ""); } } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Note 8

CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Running Servlets Jakarta/Apache Tomcat


Supercedes Java Apache and JServ


„ „ „ „


Macromedia JRun ServletExec Weblogic Borland Enterprise Application Server/JBuilder Java Servlet Development Kit (JSDK)

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Single Threaded Example By default, uses shared threads

„ „ „ „

Single instance of servlet shared by all requests One thread created for each request Class & instance variables are thread-unsafe; auto variables are thread-safe

In some applications, you have to use single thread model, which


„ „

Results in new servlet for each request Allows use of instance variables w/o synchronization

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Single Threaded Example import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet implements javax.servlet.SingleThreadModel { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { // Code here! } } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Environment Access in HTTPServletRequest „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

getContentLength() getContentType() getProtocol() getServerName() getServerPort() getRemoteAddr() getRemoteHost() getMethod()

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„ „ „ „ „ „ „

getServletPath() getPathInfo() getPathTranslated() getQueryString() getRemoteUser() getAuthType() getHeader(“HdrStr”)

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Note 10

CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Parameter Access in HTTPServletRequest „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

GetScheme GetInputStream GetParameter GetParameterValues GetParameterNames GetReader GetCharacterEncoding GetContentType GetCookies GetRequestURI GetHeaderNames

„ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

GetHeader getIntHeader, getDateHeader GetSession GetRequestedSessionId IsRequestedSessionIdValid isRequestedSessionIDFromCookie IsRequestedSessionIDFromUrl GetHeaderNames

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HTTPResponse Methods „ „ „ „ „ „ „

GetOutputStream GetWriter GetCharacterEncoding SetContentLength SetContentType AddCookie ContainsHeader

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SendError „ SendRedirect „ SetHeader „ setIntHeader, setDateHeader „ SetStatus „ encodeURL, encodeRedirectURL „

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Note 11

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

getParameter() „

Use getParameter() to retrieve parameters from a form by name. Named Field values HTML FORM

In a Servlet String sdiam = request.getParameter("diameter");

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getParameter() cont’d „

getParameter() can return three things: „ String: corresponds to the parameter. „ Empty String: parameter exists, but no value provided. „ null: Parameter does not exist.

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

getParameterValues() „



Used to retrieve multiple form parameters with the same name. For example, a series of checkboxes all have the same name, and you want to determine which ones have been selected. Returns an array of Strings.

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getParameterNames() „ „


Returns an Enumeration object. By cycling through the enumeration object, you can obtain the names of all parameters submitted to the servlet. Note that the Servlet API does not specify the order in which parameter names appear.

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Note 13

CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Circle Servlet import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import java.util.*; public class circle extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

Specify HTML

throws ServletException, IOException { output. response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

CSIE33000 Network Programming

Attach a PrintWriter to Response Object Servelets 27

Circle Servlet out.println("

Circle Info

\n"); try{ String sdiam = request.getParameter("diameter"); double diam = Double.parseDouble(sdiam); out.println("


" + diam + "


" + diam/2.0 * diam/2.0 * 3.14159 + "


" + 2.0 * diam/2.0 * 3.14159); } catch ( NumberFormatException e ){ out.println("Please enter a valid number"); } out.println(""); } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Note 14

CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Session Tracking „


Many applications need to maintain state across a series of requests from the same user (or originating from the same browser), e.g., „ When clients at an on-line store add an item to their shopping cart, how does the server know what’s already in the cart? „ When clients decide to proceed to checkout, how can the server determine which previously created shopping cart is theirs? HTTP is a stateless protocol „ Each time, a client talks to a web server, it opens a new connection „ Server does not automatically maintains “conversational state” of a user

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Session Tracking Mechanisms „

Three mechanisms of session tracking „ „ „

Cookies URL rewriting Hidden form fields

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CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

What is Cookie „


Cookie is a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a web browser Saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server in subsequent requests „



A cookie has a name, a single value, and optional attributes (name/value pair) A cookie’s value can uniquely identify a client

Server uses cookie’s value to extract information about the session from some location on the server

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Cookies and Servlets „

The HttpServletRequest class includes the “getCookies()” function. „


This returns an array of cookies, or null if there aren’t any.

Cookies can then be accessed using three methods. „ „ „

String getName() String getValue() String getVersion()

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Cookies & Servlets cont’d „


Cookies can be created using HttpServletResponse.addCookie() and the constructor new Cookie(String name, String value); Expiration can be set using setMaxAge(int seconds)

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Cookie Servlet public class CookieTest extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out))); Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies(); Cookie current = null; if (cookies != null) { for (int i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) { pw.println("name=“ + cookies[i].getName()); pw.println("value=“ + cookies[i].getValue()); pw.println("version=“ + cookies[i].getVersion()); if (cookies[i].getName().equals("cookie")) { current=cookies[i]; } pw.println(); } } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Cookie Servlet int count=0; if (current != null) { count = Integer.parseInt(current.getValue()); res.addCookie(new Cookie("previouscookie", new Integer(count).toString())); count++; } pw.println("Value stored in cookie = "+count); pw.flush(); pw.close(); count++; res.addCookie(new Cookie("cookie", new Integer(count).toString())); } } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Cookies as Session Tracking Mechanism Advantage

„ „ „ „

Very easy to implement Highly customable Persist across browser shut-downs


„ „


Users may turn off cookies for privacy or security reason Not quite universal browser support

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Note 18

CSIE33000 Net Programming

Lecture11 Java Servelet

Sessions & Servlets „

Servlets also support simple transparent sessions „ „


Interface HttpSession Get one by using HttpServletRequest.getSession()

You can store & retrieve values in the session „ „ „

putValue(String name, String value) String getValue(String name) String[] getNames()

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Sessions & Servlets cont’d „

Various other information is stored „ „ „


long getCreationTime() String getId() long getLastAccessedTime()

Also can set timeout before session destruction „ „

int getMaxInactiveInterval() setMaxInactiveInterval(int seconds)

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

URL Rewriting „

„ „

URLs can be rewritten or encoded to include session information URL rewriting usually includes a session ID Session ID can be sent as an added parameters: „

http://.../servlet /Rewritten?sessionid=678

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URL Rewriting as Session Tracking „

Advantages „ „


Users remain anonymous There are universal support

Disadvantages „ „

Tedious to rewrite all URLs Only works for dynamically created documents

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Hidden Form Fields „

Hidden form fields do not display in the browser, but can be sent back to the server by submit



Fields can have identification (session id) or just something to remember Servlet reads the fields using request.getParameter()

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Hidden Form Fields as Session Tracking „

Advantages „ „


Universally supported Allow anonymous users

Disadvantages „



Only works for a sequence of dynamically generated forms Breaks down with static documents, emailed documents, bookmarked documents Cannot support browser shutdown

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Note 21

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Steps of Doing Session Tracking „

Programmers have to do the following steps in order to use the aforementioned tracking mechanisms: „ „ „ „



Generating and maintaining a session id for each session Passing session id to client via either cookie or URL Extracting session id either from cookie or URL Creating and maintaining a hashtable in which session id and session information are stored Coming up with a scheme in which session information can be added or removed

These mechanisms can pass “session id”, but „ „

do not provide high-level programming APIs do not provide a framework from managing sessions

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“Session Tracking” Features of Servlet „

Provides higher-level API for session tracking „


Built on top of cookie or URL rewriting

Servlet container maintains „ „ „


Internal hashtable of session ids Session information in the form of HttpSession Provides a simple API for adding and removing session information (attributes) to HttpSession Could automatically switch to URL rewriting if cookies are unsupported or explicitly disabled

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Note 22

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

HttpSession „

To get a user’s existing or new session object: „

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true) „


HttpSession is a java interface containing methods to „



View and manipulate information about a session, such as the session identifier, creation time, and last accessed time Bind objects to sessions, allowing user information to persist across multiple user connections

To Store and retrieve of attribute „ „


flag = true to create a new session if none exists

session.setAttribute(“cartItem”, cart) session.getAttribute(“cartItem”)

All session data are kept on the server „

Only session ID sent to client

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Sample HTTP Session public class SessionServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if (session == null) { session=req.getSession(true); session.putValue("VisitCount", "1"); } pw.println("<pre>"); pw.println("session.isNew()=“ + session.isNew()); CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Sample HTTP Session pw.println("session.getCreationTime()=“ + new java.util.Date(session.getCreationTime())); pw.println("session.getID()=“ + session.getId()); pw.println("session.getLastAccessedTime()=" + new java.util.Date(session.getLastAccessedTime())); String strCount =(String) session.getValue("VisitCount"); pw.println("No. of times visited = " + strCount); int count = Integer.parseInt(strCount); count++; session.putValue("VisitCount", Integer.toString(count)); pw.println (""); pw.flush(); } } CSIE33000 Network Programming

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Session Timeout „


Used when an end-user can leave the browser without actively closing a session Session usually timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity „ „

Product specific A different timeout may be set „ getMaxInactiveInterval() „ setMaxInactiveInterval()

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Issues with “Stale” Session Objects „

The number of “stale” session objects that are in “to be timed out” could be large and affect system performance, for example, „

„ „

1000 users with average 2 minutes session time, thus 15000 users during a period of 30 minutes 4K bytes of data per session 15000 sessions * 4K = 60M bytes of session data – just for one application

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Session Invalidation „

Can be used by servlet programmer to end a session proactively by calling invalidate() „



When a user at the browser clicks on “logout” button When business logic ends a session

Caution: a session object could be shared by multiple servlet/JSP-pages and invalidating it could destroy data that other servlet/JSPpages are using

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

HttpSession Methods „ „ „ „ „


Object getAttribute(String) – Value for the given name Enumeration getAttributeNames() - All the names of all attributes in the session long getCreationTime() - Time at which this session was created String getId() - Identifier assigned to this session long getLastAccessedTime() - Last time the client sent a request carrying the identifier assigned to the session int getMaxInactiveInterval() - Max time (in seconds) between requests that the session will be kept

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HttpSession Methods „ „ „

„ „ „

ServletContext getServletContext() ServletContext for session void invalidate() - Invalidates the session boolean isNew() - true if it has been created by the server (client has not yet acknowledged joining the session) void setAttribute(String, Object) - Sets the value for the given name void removeAttribute(String) - Removes the value for the given name void setMaxInactiveInterval(int) - Sets the maximum interval between requests

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Lecture11 Java Servelet

Assignment 6 „

A simple e-commerce site „




To understand how server-side applications are designed To practice how to implement server-side applications using Java servlet To practice the handling of Web sessions

Due: May 27, 2004

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Note 27

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