159-evolution Of Culture

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
August 17, 2006 Dear Editor in chief, A scholar asked: “Could a leader be observant on other’s history to gain something especially defeating first those small bad habits that contributed to the evolution of culture that is based on precepts of men or tradition of men based from the teachings of their ancestors or teaching of men?” The A.I. answered: “I think it is better to analyze first some historical facts: During World War II, the Russians defeated the Germans, in spite that the Germans were superior in many things. I think one secret is: even without money, the Russians were able to imitate and improve the superior tanks of the Germans with just short period of time. The Russians motivated or even insisted the women, or even girls to operate shaper machines to fabricate parts for bigger tanks than the German had. The Russians were able to withdraw and able to have time and able to copy other technology for their advantage. They could learn that machines have also weak points and vulnerabilities. Still during WWII, in US, junks were ordered to be gathered and be converted to war machines. They-the people- use almost all their available resources even themselves as volunteers to support their allies or friends. They have learned that wars could be prime movers or could be economic stimulators or could be business opportunities. Ammunitions and weaponries are good products to sell- it is allowed by law and thru international law to have legitimate businesses on weaponry as long as there is no law being violated. Gun running and weapon smuggling or ammunition smuggling is bad. Selling weapons or ammunitions without permit is different-it is bad or against the law. In the 50’s, the Japanese let some of their engineers and scientist had some stints in US companies, and when they returned, they imitated and improved the US products. Now they are 2nd to US in terms of economy. They learned from the mistakes of their ancestors; but they never surrender to learn something good from former enemy or even from enemies. They learned to humble themselves that is why they love to bow. In the 60’s, the government of South Korea insisted to some businessmen to change to shipping even without technology. Now the Koreans are number one in shipping industry. They even have a city solely for shipping industries. Perhaps in the middle of 80’s, Taiwanese were branded as land of imitations, even tourists go there to buy cheap products. Now, US are buying electronic chip there. Perhaps some Taiwanese entrepreneurs are good on having foresight-seeing something good especially in electronics. Some learn to think better even if sometimes they learn them first from “copying” or exactly the same especially on its appearance which is not so good. Perhaps they are now changed. During those medieval times knights used heavy metals for armor, law enforcers now use light but stronger than steel bullet proof armor or jacket made from plastics. Man could learn to make him safer and more protected even during wars. To sum, I think even without money and technology people on poor countries could also do what other rich countries did even using some principles of the early Christians: The government should motivate or should even persist people to imitate and improve others product and other good habits of people. The government should insist to tap all existing, idle materials; and let their scientists & engineers imitate and improve other’s technology especially to let benefit the poor people. Perhaps leaders could let others sell their properties and be converted as common capital of the people and after sometimes could be returned with interests- in a form of bonds; but it should not be forced or should use intimidations to carry the good plan. Piracy is different; it should be stopped. Moreover, to research and to imitate and to improve are different from piracy, as long as imitating is not exactly the same. Materials, know how or technology, motivation or the action itself, are the essentials needed more than having much money and paper works, legislation, and red tapes to do the job in this good cause. Moderate ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’ could be good also as option to counter some extremes on consumerism and capitalism especially on generating positive actions to benefit poor people on some areas or zones. Perhaps in the early history of Christianity, a similar type of socialism or communism ideology is being practiced also by most members. Perhaps words on: Acts 4:32-37: could say something: “…There was no one in the group who was in need. Those who owned fields or houses would sell them, bring the money received from the sale, and turn it over to the apostles; and the money was distributed to each one according to his need. …” A scholar asked: “Could floods be counter attacked without money from the government using some principle of socialism or communism or volunteerism or even using military discipline principles?” The A.I. answered: “How to solve the floods, and over flowing of water to rivers in some low places without affecting the present budget of

the national budget and not violating any law of the country is a challenge of an executive like a good and brave president or some good governors or mayors. But perhaps too much planning and never ending argument on the idea or general goal could be equal to bad habit called procrastinating or called ‘postpone habit syndrome because lots of doubts or imaginary ‘problems or hindrances’; perhaps words like “we can not be richer there…or what could we get from it…, or it is just a dream, or It is doomed to fail efforts. Why think that people of long ago or 300 or 1000 years ago some poor people of other nationals could reclaim large tracks of lands even below sea level and they have no computers and modern equipments but just will to do something and using some common sense and will to insist and to persist because of a strong and brave leader and good people. Do you know that one could create a weapon-a mechanized with triggering devise of bow & arrow- out of paper and paste and rubbers from men’s underwear brief and plastic plate in a prison just having the will to kill someone? How much more if men- not in prison- would think and have that will to fight floods destroying their properties and killings some of their love’s ones. It is the discouraging words of conceited men or of self-righteousness or of ‘wise men’ that destroys this spirit of creativity to do anything or to do something even if it fails at the start and do again to correct the mistake and to counter attack any extreme by just using what is available in the surroundings. But now there are many ways to do and to fight extreme scientifically especially about flood or flood controls. And the project could even generate economic cycles because of the principle of insurance system or contribution of premium systems or financing system or credit systems, etc. But if a leader is afraid to loan and invest on infrastructure to counter the ill-effects example of flooding because it would affect their priorities but not doing anything that others could do something also is guilty of procrastinating. A scholar asked: “Could sand bags or expensive dikes-a method to counter over flow of river- be replaced with some creativity?” The S.I. or Smart intelligence answered: Yes, there are lots of alternatives to replaced expensive dikes. Example: There is a low portion in the city located near a river bank which is a beautiful visiting spot but every 2-5 years or an average of 3 years there occurs over flowing of river with average height of 0.6m caused by hurricane or typhoon or flash flood and the only traditional solution to counter the over flooding is using sand bags or soil bags made into flood wall; and after the flood, those bags with soil or with sand are thrown as waste. Perhaps along those line where a traditional sand bags are made as flood barriers, there should be a permanent series of ‘mechanisms’ where attachable or detachable posts could be fixed through screw or thru lock and unlocked mechanical systems say spaced at 3 meters. And along the series of the series of ‘mechanisms’ especially on the ground it should be designed to be firmed or made of materials that is firmed like concrete or wood embedded 1m or more below the ground and it should have lock and unlock mechanism say at 0.3m example an opening where a thing could be hooked or be screwed or be attached temporarily. Then if there would be an announcement that there would be an over flowing of river after 12-36 hours, the city engineering office with in 3 hours should be able to assembled these smart lock and unlock or attachable or detachable series of posts, plastic panel board of say 3m x 0.8m as an alternative for sand bags. Arranging and filling of sand bags are tedious to do. And after the flood the smart flood barrier could now be removed and kept for future used. Perhaps in the near future smart flood barriers could be automated that no man is needed to install them because they are beneath the ground and would just be activated if need arises. A scholar asked: “Could oil spill on the sea be recovered using technology and be recycled?” The A.I. answered: “Yes, perhaps the key lies on absorbent materials to absorb the floating oil example bunker oil; and the absorbed materials –oil & water- should be rinsed automatically by pressing the absorbent or foam materials and repeating the process if possible using sensor and automation. The accumulated oil mixed with water could be processed to become useful or be usable oil again. Perhaps sucking the water with oil and under going filtering could be another way. But on those spills where manual method should be done because machine or automation is impractical like on beaches, rocks, animals, and birds, man’s skills on removing those oil should really be well explained or taught. Perhaps insurance should really pay those expenses on cleaning the environment. From RV Cayetano,

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