15876382 Kids Keep On The Watch Notebook 20092010

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My Na ame: _____ _____________________________ My Co ongregatio on: _________________________


FFrriiddaayy M Moorrnniinngg –– PPaaggee 33

SSaattuurrddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn –– PPaaggee 2288

Them me: “Prove Yoourselves Readdy” – Mattheww 24:44 9::20 Music 9::30 Song Number 174 and Prayerr 9::40 Chairman’s Address: A Why Muust We “Keep on the t Watch”? 100:10 Conventions Help H us to Remainn Watchful 10::30 Jehovah, Godd of “Times and Seasons” S 10::50 Song Number 70 and Announccements 11::00 Symposium: Imitate Faithful Ones O Who Remainned Watchful Noah Mosees Jerem miah 11:4 40 Keynote Addrress: How Jehovaah Helps Us to “KKeep on the Watchh” 12::10 Song Numberr 79 and Intermisssion

FFrriiddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn –– PPaaggee 1100 1:50 Music 2:000 Song Numberr 162 2:005 Answers to Questions Q about “tthe Last Days” 2:2 25 “You Know Neeither the Day Noor the Hour” – Whhy? 2:4 45 Know That thhe End Is Near 3:005 Song Numberr 177 and Announccements 3:115 Symposium: “Stay “ Awake” as Christian C Familiess Husbaands – Take a Zeaalous Lead Wivess – Be Exemplary in Your Supportivve Role Youngg Ones – Keep Your Eyes on the Prrize Keep Your Eye Simple Keep Pursuing Spirituaal Goals Mainttain a Family Worsship Evening 4:2 25 Verses That Move Us to “Keepp Strict Watch” 4:5 55 Song Numberr 169 and Closing Prayer

Attendancce: __________AM


SSaattuurrddaayy M Morrnniinngg –– PPaaggee 2211 Mo Them eme: “Keep Yoour Senses, Bee Watchful” – 1 Peter 5:8 9::20 Music 9::30 Song Number 195 and Prayer 9::40 Examining Good’s Word Helps Us U Keep Our Sensses 9::50 Symposium: Help People to “AAwake from Sleepp” Our Ministry M – Why Soo Vital? Be Obbservant in the Miinistry Focuss on Improving Your Skills Don’tt Forget Your Relaatives Mainttain Your Sense of Urgency! 10::50 Song Number 166 and Announncements 11:000 Imitate Jesuss’ Example of Wattchfulness 11:2 20 “Be Vigilant With W a View to Praayers” 11:4 40 “Keep Your Senses” S After Bapptism 12::10 Song Numberr 13 and Intermisssion

How w Many Brothers and Sistters were Baaptized?_____ __

1:35 5 Music 1:45 5 Song Number 1006 1:500 Appreciate Thoose “Keeping Wattch Over Your Souuls” 2:100 Symposium: Waatch Out For Sataan’s Traps! The Firee The Pit The Snaare The Traap That Chokes The Traap That Crushes 3:10 “Until I Expire, I Shall Not Take Aw way my Integrity!” 3:55 5 Song Number 16 60 and Announceements 4:05 5 Do Not Look “at the Things Behind” 4:25 5 Learn Watchfulness from Jesus’ Apostles

Attendance: _________AM M


SSuunnddaayy M Moorrnniinngg –– PPaaggee 3333 Them me:

“Keepp In Expectationn, It Will Not bee Late: - Habakkkuk 2:3 9:200 Music 9:300 Song Number 6 and Prayer 9:400 Keeping in Expeectation Day by Daay 9:500 Symposium: Keeep Your Eyes on the t Things Unseeen “The Teen Horns… will Hate H the Harlot” The Nattions will Have to Acknowledge Jehhovah “All Theese Kingdoms” wiill be Crushed The Devvil Will Be Bound for f a Thousand Yeears “They will w Build Houses and a Plant Vineyarrds” “The Wolf W and the Lamb… … Will Feed as One” O “God… … Will Wipe Out Every E Tear” “All Thoose in the Memoriial Tombs Will …Come Out!” God willl be “All Things too Everyone” 11:20 Song Number 22 22 and Announcem ments 11:30 Public Bible Discourse: How Can You Y Survive the End E of the World?? 12:000 Song Number 2115 and Intermission

SSuunnddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn –– PPaaggee 4411 1:20 Music 1:30 Song Number 139 9 1:35 DRAMA: “Your Brother B was Deadd and Came to Lifee!” 2:35 Summary of Thee Watchtower 3:05 Song Number 29 9 and Announcements 3:15 Keep In Expectatiion! – Watching foor Jehovah’s Day 4:00 Song Number 12 29 and Closing Praayer

Attenddance: __________AM

________PM M


T h e me : “Prove Yourselves Ready” – Matttthew 24:44 FFrriiddaayy M Moorrnniinngg

Them me: “Prove Yourselvess Ready” – Matthew 24:44 2 20 Music 9:2 9:3 30 Song Numbber 174 and Prrayer 9:4 40 Chairman’s Address: Whhy Must We “KKeep on the Waatch”? 10::10 Conventionns Help us to Remain R Watchfuul 10::30 Jehovah, God G of “Times and Seasons” 10::50 Song Num mber 70 and Annnouncements 11:0 00 Symposium m: Imitate Faitthful Ones Whoo Remained Waatchful Noah Moses Jeremiah 11:4 40 Keynote Adddress: How Jehovah Helps Us U to “Keep onn the Watch” 12:110 Song Numbber 79 and Inteermission

FFrriiddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn 1:5 50 Music 2:0 00 Song Numbber 162 2:0 05 Answers too Questions aboout “the Last Days” D 2:2 25 “You Know w Neither the Daay Nor the Houur” – Why? 2:4 45 Know That the End Is Neaar 3:0 05 Song Numbber 177 and Announcements 3:15 5 Symposium:: “Stay Awakee” as Christian Families Husbands – Take T a Zealous Lead Wives – Be Exxemplary in Your Supportive Role Young Ones – Keep Your Eyyes on the Prizee Keep Your Eyye Simple Keep Pursuing Spiritual Goaals Maintain a Fam mily Worship Evening E 4:2 25 Verses Thaat Move Us to “Keep Strict Watch” W 4:5 55 Song Numbber 169 and Cloosing Prayer

AAtttteennddaannccee:: __________________AAM M


_______ __________PPM M


At this convention, you are going to learn very important things! We are going to learn to Remain Watchful! We are going to learn what to be Watchful for, when to be Watchful, and why it is so Important to Remain Watchful! How can you learn to be Watchful at this convention? Yes


Be at your seat during the talks



Use soft quiet voices



Smile, be polite and use manners



Run around with hotdogs



Pay attention



Look up scriptures



Go to the washroom only when you need to



Walk – don’t run



Make noise during the talks



Watch the speaker



Take short notes



Pray to Jehovah to help you to pay attention



Jump around from seat to seat



This convention is for everyone! Including you!



Play on the stairs

Why should we do all of the things above?

Mark Yes or No

Mark Yes or No



Be at our seats during the talks so we can listen and pay attention to all of the talks



Use soft quiet voices so we won’t disturb other people



Smile, be polite and use manners so we can please Jehovah



Don’t run around with hotdogs so you don’t get ketchup on anyone



Pay attention so you can learn from the talks



Look up scriptures because it can help you pay attention



Washroom breaks only when you need to so we can pay attention to all of the talks



Walk – don’t run because you or someone else may fall and get hurt!



Don’t make noise during the talks so other people around you can listen to the talks



Watch the speaker because this can help you to pay attention



Take short notes because this can also help you to pay attention



Pray to Jehovah to help you to pay attention because it can help you pay attention



Don’t jump around from seat to seat so you or someone else does not get hurt!



This convention is for everyone! Including you! Because you are part of the congregation



Don’t play on the stairs so you or someone else does not get hurt!



H Heeaarr aa SSccrriippttuurree?? W w!! Wrriittee iitt DDoow wn n BBeelloow   Genesis ____:_____________ 

  Jonah ____:______________ 


Exodus ____:_____________ 

Micah ____:______________ 


Leviticus ____:____________ 

Nahum ____:_____________ 


Numbers ____:___________ 

Habakkuk ____:___________ 


Deuteronomy ____:________ 

Zephaniah ____:__________ 


Joshua ____:_____________ 

Haggai ____:_____________ 


Judges ____:_____________ 

Zechariah ____:___________ 


Ruth ____:_______________ 

Malachi ____:____________ 


1 Samuel ____:___________ 

Matthew ____:___________ 


2 Samuel ____:___________ 

Mark ____:_______________


1 Kings ____:_____________ 

Luke ____:_______________ 


2 Kings ____:_____________ 

John ____:_______________ 


1 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Acts ____:_______________ 


2 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Romans ____:____________ 


Ezra ____:_______________ 

1 Corinthians ____:________ 


Nehemiah ____:__________ 

2 Corinthians ____:________ 


Ester ____:_______________ 

1 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Job ____:________________ 

2 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Psalms _______:__________ 

1 Timothy ____:___________ 


Proverbs ____:____________ 

2 Timothy ____:___________ 


Ecclesiastes ____:_________ 

Titus ____:_______________ 


Solomon ____:____________ 

Philemon ____:___________ 


Isaiah ____:______________ 

Hebrews ____:____________


Jeremiah ____:____________ 

James ____:______________ 


Lamentations ____:________ 

1 Peter ____:_____________ 

Ezekiel ____:_____________ 

2 Peter ____:_____________ 

Daniel ____:______________ 

1 John ____:______________


Hosea ____:______________ 

2 John ____:______________


Joel ____:________________ 

3 John ____:______________

Amos ____:______________ 

Jude ____:_______________ 


Obadiah ____:____________ 

Revelation ____:__________ 





If You Found:

1-3 Scriptures, You did REALLY GOOD! 4-6 Scriptures, You did GREAT! ____________________________________________  7-10 Scriptures, You did AWESOME!!!! ____________________________________________  10 + Scriptures, You are Amazing!!! If you found any Scriptures, ____________________________________________  You must be a Great Listener!!!

You’re a Super Star!!!


Chairman’s Address: Why Must We “Keep on the Watch”?


Speakers Name ________________________________


Circle a Happy Face when you hear:

“Keep on the Watch!” ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 

Conventions Help Us to Remain

Watchful Speakers Name ________________________________ Circle a Happy Face when you hear:


“ ” ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    6 

J e h o v a h , G o d o f T im e s a n d S e a s o n s

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ If youu hear thesee scriptures – check markk the box! Yes Yes

No No

I Thessalonianss 5:1-5 A 1:6-10 Acts

Yes Yes

No No

Danniel 2:19-22 Psaalms 83:18

Who is the God off Times and Seasons? _________________________________________ What does Time and Seasonss mean? _________________________________________________________________ Why is Jehovah the t God of Tim mes and Seaasons? _________________________________________________________ ____ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ _

What will the Godd of Times annd Seasons do? d check mark m the box! Yes


E Everyone will know k God’s Nam me is Jehovah



Jehhovah’s Name will w be most higgh



J Jehovah’s day is i coming like a thief in the niight



Whhen they are saaying “Peace annd Security” theen instant desttruction will com me



O a few evil people will esccape Only



Jehhovah will restoore his Kingdom m



G God’s name willl be blessed foorever



move the bad Kings, K and set up u his good Rem Kinngs

Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

hovah” “Jeeh ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺ ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺  Song # 70 & Anno ouncementts! H How many people p are here this Morning? M                             _____________________ 


SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Faithful Ones Who Remained Watchful Part 1 - Noah

How Did these faithful ones Remain Watchful?

Part 2 - Moses

Speakers Name:

Speakers Name:

Speakers Name:




Built the Ark Preached to the people Did everything `Just So` Gathered Animals __________________

Carefully followed all God`s Instructions Displayed extra-ordinary Faith in Jehovah Heavily relied on Jehovah for Courage


__________________ __________________

How Can You Imitate These Faithful Ones?

Part 3 - Jeremiah

Regularly talked to Jehovah Faithfully carried out all Jehovah’s `proclamations Did not give up in doing what is fine and hoped in Jehovah. __________________ __________________













I M I T A T E Check mark the box! when you hear:   8 

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: How Jehovah Helps Us to Keep on the Watch

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ Lookk up this Scriipture and filll in the blankks! Matthew w 24:42 Keep on the _____ __________ ___, thereforee, because ___ _________ do d not know on what ____ ________ YO OUR _______ __________ ___ is ______ __________ _____.

If youu hear any off these scripptures – checck mark the box! Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes

Matthew 24:3 M 36-42 M 13:32-377 Mark

No No

Lukke 12:36-40 Ephhesians 5:15 & 16

What do we needd to keep on the t watch foor? ____________________________________________________________ Why do we need to Keep on the t watch? ________________________________________________________________ Is keeeping on thee watch imporrtant? Yes


Why? ______________________________________________

____ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ _

How does Jehovaah help us to keep on the watch? ________________________________________________________ Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

” “Keep on the Watch h” ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺ ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺  So ong #79 & Inte ermission!


Answers to Questions about the Last Days

Speakers Name ________________________________ Questions About the Last Days

Your Answers

What is the “Last Days”?

Who are going to be effected by the “Last Days”?

When are the “Last Days”?

Why are we living in the “Last Days”?

How do we know we are living in the “Last Days”?

Where will the “Last Days” take place?   10 

Is This Happening Right Now?

The Identifying Marks of the Last Days Wars in one Place after Another



I Don’t Know

Disobedient to Parents



I Don’t Know

Famine / Food Shortages



I Don’t Know

Increased Lawlessness / Badness



I Don’t Know

Critical Hard to Deal with Times



I Don’t Know

Earthquakes in one Place after Another



I Don’t Know

Lovers of Pleasure rather than Lovers of God



I Don’t Know

Good News of the Kingdom preached all around the Earth



I Don’t Know

Lovers of Money



I Don’t Know




I Don’t Know


Lack of Self-control



I Don’t Know


Ridiculers Rejection Proof of the Last Days



I Don’t Know


Taking no Note of the “Signs of the Last Days”



I Don’t Know


Without Love of Goodness



I Don’t Know


No Natural Affection



I Don’t Know


Disasters in one place after another



I Don’t Know


Unthankful and Disloyal



I Don’t Know


Wicked Men and Impostors advancing from Bad to Worse



I Don’t Know


People Misleading and being Misled



I Don’t Know


Nation will rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom



I Don’t Know


Circle a Happy Face when you hear:

“Last Days” ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour – Why?

Speakers Name ________________________________ Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks!

Matthew 24:36 – Concerning that ______________ and _______________ nobody knows, neither the ______________ of the ____________________ nor the ____________, but only the ___________________.

The “Day or Hour” of what? ________________________________________________________ Why don’t we know the day nor the hour? _______________________________________________ True or False? Check mark the box! We may not know the “Day or Hour” but we know when it is close



That “Day and Hour” will be like the days of Noah – they took no note until it was too late



Some of us know when that “Day and Hour” is coming



You would be on your best behavior if you knew the “Day and Hour”



Jehovah wants people who love him from the heart



You would be on guard if you knew that a thief was coming tonight



You would be on guard if you knew that a thief was coming this week



You would be on guard if you knew that a thief was coming this month



You would be on guard if you knew that a thief was coming this year



You would be on guard if you knew that a thief was coming in 10 years



You would be on guard if you knew that a thief was coming in 100 years



That “Day and Hour” is very close



That “Day and Hour” will come like a thief in the night



Every day that goes by we are closer to that “Day and Hour”



You know when and where lighting will strike



That “Day and Hour” will come like a lighting strike




Know That the End Is Near

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______

““Whenn you see these t things occcurriing, know k thhat thhe Kiingdom m of God is i Neaar” – Luke L 21:31

“End is Near” ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺ ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺  Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

Song #177 & Annou uncements! How w many peo ople are herre this afterrnoon? _______________________________     13 

SYMPOSIUM: Stay Awake as Christian Families

Speakers Name ________________________________

Husbands – Take a Zealous Lead   Speaker: ____________________________________ A Scripture I Heard: _____________________________________________________________________

Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! - 1 Corinthians 11:3 The head of every ___________ is the _______________; in turn the _________ of a woman

is the ____________; in turn the head of the Christ is ___________. Circle a Happy Face when you hear the word:


☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 

Wives – Be Exemplary in Your Supportive Role   Speaker: ____________________________________ A Scripture I Heard: ___________________________________________________________________

Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! – Ephesians 5:22,23 – Let wives be in subjection to their __________________ as to the ___________, because a husband is head of his ______________ as the __________________ also is head of the congregation. Circle a Happy Face when you hear the word: :


☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


Young Ones – Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!   Speaker: ____________________________________ What Prize?_______________________________________________________________________

If you hear these scriptures – check mark the box! Philippians 3:14 – I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize. John 17:3 – This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you. Isaiah 25:8 – He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. Isaiah 33.24 – No resident will say “I am sick” John 5:28 – The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out

Other Scriptures I heard: _________________________


Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! – Revelation 21:3, 4 – With that I heard a loud ____________ from the throne say: “Look! The tent of _______ is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his ______________. And God himself will ____________ out every tear from their __________, and ______________will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor _____________ be anymore. The former things have ___________________ away.

People who keep their Eyes on the Prize are: Mark the box TRUE or FALSE! Meek & Humble



Bullies and Selfish



Happy & Peaceable.



Follow Jesus Examples!



Love Jehovah!






Upright, Blameless and Have Love amongst themselves



Righteous & Love Kindness



Circle a Happy Face when you hear the word:

Eyes on the Prize

☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! The beautiful flowers

Play with the animals

Never growing old and die

Kiss a hippopotamus on the nose

Everyone will be happy

Enough food for everyone

Everyone will each have their own house

No more crying

No one will ever be sick again

Peace and security for everyone

All will praise Jehovah

No more pain or suffering

Blind people will be able to see again

No more evil

Deaf will be able to hear again

The mute will be able to speak again

The clean air

Having Jesus as our King

Everyone will be taught by Jehovah

Planting beautiful gardens

No harm will come to anyone

Wonderful tasting fruits and veggies

No more war and violence

Cuddle a skunk

Take delight in the work we’re given

No more pollution

Everyone will love one another

You can swim with great white sharks

Ride an elephant

Hugs and kisses from everyone

Live forever in a beautiful paradise

Never being scared

Look after and feed the animals

Climb up a tree with the monkeys

Always being safe

Cuddle up with a big grizzly bear

No one will ever be poor again

Satan will be gone

Learn to play a new instrument

Jehovah will make all things new

Being Healthy

Learn about all Jehovah’s Creations

Wonderful smells from the trees and flowers will fill the air

Run your fingers through a lion’s mane

 Meeting people resurrected from the Bible: who would you like to meet? _________________________________ What are your favorite animals? _______________________________________________________________________ What kind of flowers would you plant?_________________________________________________________________ What kind of animals would you like to have as pets?_____________________________________________________ What are you looking forward to the most?_____________________________________________________________


Keep Your Eye Simple   Speaker: ____________________________________ A Scripture I Heard: ___________________________________________________________________

Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! – Matthew 6:22,23 – “The lamp of the ___________ is the eye. If, then, your _________ is simple, your whole ______________ will be bright; but if your eye is ___________________, your whole body will be dark. Circle a Happy Face when you hear the word: :


☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 

Keep Pursuing Spiritual Goals Speaker: ____________________________________ A Scripture I Heard: ___________________________________________________________________

Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! – 1 Timothy 4:16 Pay constant ___________________ to yourself and to your ______________________. Stay by these _________________, for by doing this you will ______________ both yourself and those who ___________________ to you.. Circle a Happy Face when you hear the word: :

Spiritual Goals

☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


Maintain a Family Worship Evening Speaker: ____________________________________ A Scripture I Heard: _________________________________________________________________

Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! – Jude 20 & 21 But YOU, beloved _____________, by building up yourselves on YOUR most _____________ faith, and ______________________ with holy spirit, keep yourselves in God’s _____________, while YOU are waiting for the ________________ of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting _________ in view.

Y YO OU URR rroollee iin n tthhee ffaam miillyy:: Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! – Ephesians 6:1-3 Children, be obedient to ______________ parents in union with [the] ____________, for this is righteous: “_________________ your father and [your] ___________________”; which is the first ________________________ with a promise: “That it may go ____________ with you and you may _________________ a long time on the ___________________.

Put these in order of Headship: Jesus




Husbands Jehovah

_________________________ _________________________

Faithful & Discreet Slave Wives

1 2 3 4 5 6

_________________________ _________________________

Circle a Happy Face when you hear the word: :


☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


In order to Stay Awake as Christian Families, We need to be close to each other. What are some good things that families can do together? mark the box Study the Bible Make Spiritual goals Enjoy wholesome association Attend all meetings together Have a good spiritual routine Create positive influences in life

talk to each other open and freely Pray as a family Go on in service as a family Be guided by bible principles Develops good study habits Have wholesome entertainment as a family

Parents make our decisions because: Mark the box with a check mark if it is TRUE or FALSE! Jehovah gave us parents to look over and guide us!



Your parents absolutely love you!



Your Parents are being obedient to Jehovah by caring for you.



Your Parents truly care for you!



They HAVE to – because it’s Their JOB!!!



Your parents only want what is best for you ALWAYS!



You OBAY Jehovah when you listen to your parents



Oh no, Not that “be obedient to your parents” scripture again!!!



Jehovah only wants what is best for you ALWAYS!



Jehovah loves you very much, so he gave you parents!



Jehovah tells your parents that there needs to be disciple sometimes



You get punished for the fun of it!



My parents enjoy punishing me!



Jehovah tells children to be obedient to your parents!



Jehovah also tells us to honor your Mother and Father!



When I’m grown up, I can make my own decisions!



No matter how old I get, they are ALWAYS your parents!



No matter how old I get, I must still honor my mother and Father



When I listen & obey my mother and father, I am also being Obedient and honoring Jehovah!



If I don’t listen and honor my parents, I won’t get that new video game!!!



I only listen to my parents so I don’t get into trouble!!!



I listen to my parents because I love my parents and Jehovah!



I listen to my parents because I want to make Jehovah happy!!!



The “be obedient to your parents” scripture is a loving Commandment and reminder to you, from Jehovah



Staying close to our Family is a loving protection for us – From Jehovah!   19 

e s T h a t M o ve U s t o FEATURE: Versse K e e p S t r ic t W a t c h

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______  

Whhat are Somee of the Versses that Movved You? Wrrite them dow wn in the spaaces below!






Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

“Strict Watch” ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺ ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺  Aweso ome Work!!!! Now let’s sing s song # 169 Have a nice e evening and a get a go ood-night slleep! See you tomorrow!! t !!!!  


T h e me : “Keep Your Senses, Be Watchful” – 1 Peter 5:8 SSaattuurrddaayy M Moorrnniinngg -- PPaaggee T Theme: “Ke Keep Your Senses, Se Be Watchful” W – 1 Peter 5:8 5 9:20 Musicc 9:30 Song Number 195 and a Prayer 9:40 Exam mining God’s Woord Helps Us Keep K Our Sensees 9:50 Sympoosium: Help Peeople to “Awakke from Sleep”” Our Ministryy – Why So Vitaal? Be Observannt in the Ministtry Focus on Impproving Your Skills S Don’t Forgett Your Relativees Maintain Youur Sense of Urrgency! 10:50 Song Number 166 and a Announcem ments 11:00 Imitatte Jesus’ Exam mple of Watchfuulness 11:20 “Be Vigilant V With a View V to Prayerrs” 11:40 “Keepp Your Senses” After Baptism m 12:10 Song Number N 13 andd Intermission

Yeah!!!! Yo our Back!!! I missed m you!  

How Many Broth hers and Sissters were Baptized?___ B ____

SSaattuurrddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn -- PPaaggee

1:35 Music 1:45 Songg Number 106 1:50 Apprreciate Those “Keeping “ Watcch Over Your Souls” S 2:10 Sympposium: Watchh Out For Satann’s Traps! The Fire The Pit The Snare The Trap That T Chokes The Trap That T Crushes 3:10 “Until I Expire, I Shall Not Take Aw way my Integritty!” 3:55 Songg Number 160 and a Announcem ments 4:05 Do Not N Look “at thee Things Behinnd” 4:25 Learrn Watchfulnesss from Jesus’ Apostles AAtttteennddaannccee:: __________________AAM M

_______ __________PPM M



H Heeaarr aa SSccrriippttuurree?? W w!! Wrriittee iitt DDoow wn n BBeelloow   Genesis ____:_____________ 

  Jonah ____:______________ 


Exodus ____:_____________ 

Micah ____:______________ 


Leviticus ____:____________ 

Nahum ____:_____________ 


Numbers ____:___________ 

Habakkuk ____:___________ 


Deuteronomy ____:________ 

Zephaniah ____:__________ 


Joshua ____:_____________ 

Haggai ____:_____________ 


Judges ____:_____________ 

Zechariah ____:___________ 


Ruth ____:_______________ 

Malachi ____:____________ 


1 Samuel ____:___________ 

Matthew ____:___________ 


2 Samuel ____:___________ 

Mark ____:_______________


1 Kings ____:_____________ 

Luke ____:_______________ 


2 Kings ____:_____________ 

John ____:_______________ 


1 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Acts ____:_______________ 


2 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Romans ____:____________ 


Ezra ____:_______________ 

1 Corinthians ____:________ 


Nehemiah ____:__________ 

2 Corinthians ____:________ 


Ester ____:_______________ 

1 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Job ____:________________ 

2 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Psalms _______:__________ 

1 Timothy ____:___________ 


Proverbs ____:____________ 

2 Timothy ____:___________ 


Ecclesiastes ____:_________ 

Titus ____:_______________ 


Solomon ____:____________ 

Philemon ____:___________ 


Isaiah ____:______________ 

Hebrews ____:____________


Jeremiah ____:____________ 

James ____:______________ 


Lamentations ____:________ 

1 Peter ____:_____________ 

Ezekiel ____:_____________ 

2 Peter ____:_____________ 

Daniel ____:______________ 

1 John ____:______________


Hosea ____:______________ 

2 John ____:______________


Joel ____:________________ 

3 John ____:______________

Amos ____:______________ 

Jude ____:_______________ 


Obadiah ____:____________ 

Revelation ____:__________ 





If You Found:

1-3 Scriptures, You did REALLY GOOD! 4-6 Scriptures, You did GREAT! ____________________________________________  7-10 Scriptures, You did AWESOME!!!! ____________________________________________  10 + Scriptures, You are Amazing!!! If you found any Scriptures, ____________________________________________  You must be a Great Listener!!!

You’re a Super Star!!!


SYMPOSIUM: Help People to “Awake from Sleep”

Speakers Name ________________________________

Part 1

Our Ministry – Why So Vital? Brother:


Is There Experiences? Yes No (***See Back of the Notebook for an “Experiences” Page you can fill out!)

Scriptures or Bible Books I heard:

Why is our Ministry So Important / Vital?


_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Be Observant In the Ministry Brother:


Focus on Improving your Skills Brother:


When you Hear: Ministry

Is There Experiences? Yes No (***See Back of the Notebook for an “Experiences” Page you can fill out!)

Scriptures or Bible Books I heard:

How can we be “Observant” in the Ministry?


_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

_______________ _______________


Check mark the box!

Part 3



Check mark the box!

Part 2


When you Hear: Observant

Is There Experiences? Yes No (***See Back of the Notebook for an “Experiences” Page you can fill out!)

Scriptures or Bible Books I heard:

What Skills can you “Focus” on?


_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Check mark the box!

_______________ _______________

When you Hear: Skills


Part 4

Don’t Forget Your Y Relatives Brother:

Is There Expeeriences? Yess No (****See Back of the Notebook for f an “Experieences” Page yoou can fill out!)

Scripttures or Bible Boooks I heard:

Do you havee any Relativees you can taalk to? Yes No Whoo?____________________________________________________

______ __________ _

____ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ____________

______ __________ _ ______ __________ _

____ __________ ____

Check maark the box!

When you y Hear: Reelatives

Is There Expeeriences? Yess No (****See Back of the Notebook for f an “Experieences” Page yoou can fill out!) Part 5

Maintain Youur M Sense o Urgencyy of Brother:

____ __________ ____

Is it Importannt to “Maintaain your Urgency?” Yes


Scripttures or Bible Boooks I heard: ______ __________ _

Why??_____________________________________________________ _________________ ____ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ____________

Check maark the box!

______ __________ _

When you Hear: Urgency

By y going g out in n to the e Ministtry and d spreading th he good d news off the Kiingdom m, We Benefit B t how?

Ouur neighbors Benefit how?? G them a hope Give h for the future f G entertainned by hearinng us talk Get T may be able to surviive into the paradise They p C Change their peersonality by puutting off the old o personality

We Benefit how? Rem maining Spiriitually clean Buiilds our appreciation for the t truth Makes us a bettter video gam me player Ourr love for Jehhovah grows

TThey can com me to know annd serve Jehhovah T They’ve beenn warned! They know that t their dooorbell workss

Wee know wheree all my classsmates live Wee make Jehovvah happy by being obedieent Imittating Jesus

Son ng #166 & Annou uncements s! How ma any people are a here th his Morning g?  

__________________________ 24 

Imitate Jesus’ Example of Watchfulness

Speakers Name ________________________________ Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! Matthew 24:42 – _______________ on the ____________________, therefore, because _____________ do not know on what ____________ YOUR __________________ is _______________________.

How can you Imitate Jesus Example? – Circle your answers! Study the Bible Act in Harmony with our Prayers Stay Close to Jehovah Be obedient to those taking the lead

Watch the News Pray for God’s Holy Spirit Talk on the Phone Read the Newspaper Go to all Meetings Go on in the Ministry Associate with our brothers and sisters regularly

Circle a Happy Face when you hear:

“Jesus” ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   


gilant With a Viie e w t o Pr a y e r s Be Viig

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______

True or False Jesu us Always prrayed to Jeh hovah



Jehoovah can’t hear h all of us u at the sam me time



We should s only pray when n we want something s



We should s talk to t Jehovah like he is ou ur own Fath her



Jehoovah only listens to praayers from ones o who are baptized



We should s only pray beforee we eat an nd at meetin ngs



We need n to pray y through Jesus’ J name



If I pray p to be rich r or famoous, I will bee!



We should s give thanks to Jehovah J for everythingg



We can c pray to Jehovah att anytime



We have h to pray y out load in n order for Jehovah to hear us



If we w draw closse to God, hee will draw close to us



Jehoovah hears our o cries foor help



You can pray foor strength,, courage an nd holy spirrit



You should pray y for otherss



Jehoovah alwayss answers all a of our prrayers



You should than nk Jehovah for giving up u his son for f us to liv ve



We should s pray y for God’s will w to be don ne



We can c pray foor God to prootect us



Jehoovah forgivees our sins if i we are trruly sorry and a tell him that



Someetimes we need n to keep p asking beffore we receeive



Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

“Prayers”                      ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


“ K e e p Y o u r S e n s e s ” A f t e r B a pt i s m

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ Todaay many peopple are dedicating their livves to Jehovvah!!! This iss the MOST im mportant dayy for them! Do yoou know anyoone who is geetting baptizzed? YES No If youu know someeone who is getting g baptizzed – Who? ________ _________ _________ _________ ___ How many Peoplee are gettingg baptized? _________ _ _________ _

TTrruuee oorr FFaallssee You havee to be 12 Yeears old to get g Baptized Baptism means m you will never sin s again Baptism is i a symbol that you deedicated you u life to Jehoovah All Baptizzed Jehovah h Witnesses will survivee Armagedddon Your mosst importantt day in you ur life Jesus toldd us to go an nd make dissciples and baptise them m If I sin, I should get baptized aggain to say I’m I sorry It is best to get baptiized when you y are a Baaby You shou uld get baptiized if someoone tells you to This is YOOUR decision n and dediccation to Jeh hovah God Baptism makes m Jehov vah very haappy Tells Jehoovah that you y want to serve him forever f Being bap ptized mean ns you don’t need Jehov vah’s help I need too get baptizeed every 10 years y Sometimee you need to go underr the water twice I am hap ppy to see ev veryone gett baptized

True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

What does it meaan to be bapttized in the name of the Holy H Spirit? Mark the boxx with a checck mark! Reecognition of Jehovah’s J Activve Force

Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:


You turn t into Holy Spirit S

“Baptism” ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  Sin ng Song #13 and then it’s


LU NCH TIME!!!! UN   27 

Appreciate Those “Keeping Watch Over Your Souls”

Speakers Name ________________________________ Look up this Scripture and fill in the blanks! Hebrews 13:17 – “Be _____________ to those who are taking the ________ among you and be submissive, for they are keeping ____________ over your ___________ as those who will render an _______________; that they may do this with _______ and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to _________.”

Who are the ones that watch over your souls? ____________________________________________ Who gave “those who are watching over your souls” authority? _________________________________

TTrruuee oorr FFaallssee

The “Ones that watch over your souls” follow Jesus example. Those that “watch over your souls” are perfect. You must humbly appreciate and listen to those who are watching over your souls. When you appreciate those who are watching over your souls, you are being obedient and appreciative to Jehovah as well.

True True True

False False False



Circle a Happy Face when you hear:

“Watch Over Your Souls” ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


SYMPOSIUM: Watch Out For Satan’s Traps

Speakers Name ________________________________

L Liisstt sso om mee o off S Saattaann’’ss T Trraappss!!

W Wh haatt iiss tth hee FFiirree??

W Wh haatt iiss tth Piitt?? hee P

W Wh haatt iiss tth hee S Snnaarree??

W Whhaatt iiss tthhee T Trraapp T Thhaatt C Chhookkeess??

W Whhaatt iiss tthhee T Trraapp T Thhaatt C Crruusshheess??

C Caann yyoouu ddrraaw w aa ppiiccttuurree??

C Caann yyoouu ddrraaw w aa ppiiccttuurree??

C Caann yyoouu ddrraaw w aa ppiiccttuurree??


C Caann yyoouu ddrraaw w aa ppiiccttuurree??

C Caann yyoouu ddrraaw w aa ppiiccttuurree??

C Caann yyoouu ddrraaw w aa ppiiccttuurree??


If you hear these verses or comments – mark the box with a check mark! 1 John 5:19 – We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers. Satan attracts people by making bad things look good 2 Corinthians 11:14 – And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into and angel of light. 1 Peter 5:8 – Keep YOUR senses, be watchful. YOUR adversary, the Devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. Satan makes you believe that you are missing out on something Ephesians 6:11 – Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. Always ask yourself: Is this a good thing for me? Or one of Satan’s Snares?

True or False Some Things Satan uses as Traps, Pits and Snares! - True or False??? – Mark the box with a check mark! Certain forms of Evil seem good or harmless By being distracted, I have less time for Bible study Video games, TV & over use of computer uses up our time Chat room association can cause spiritual dangers It is ok to watch violence as long as I’m not violent Satan uses Entertainment as one of his tools. Satan keeps us busy so we can serve Jehovah. The spirit of the world does not affect me. Advertisements make us want more. There can be bad association in Recreation & Entertainment Further education frees up more time to attend meetings. School class mates encourage you to serve Jehovah. The Association with others at school will not affect me. Jehovah’s knowledge is the most important kind of Education. Jehovah looks after everyone who puts Him First. Satan can make us feel worthless, useless and un-worthy Satan likes it when we go the meetings and out in service Satan likes to prey on young ones and weak ones Satan blinds the eyes of ones so that they cannot see the truth God looks at our heart and see’s what other people do not see Satan makes it easy to serve Jehovah Eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones and hears their cry

True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False


Until I Expire, I Shall N ot Take Away my Integrity No

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ Lookk up this Scriipture and filll in the blankks! Job 27:5 5 – “Until I ___ _________ I shall not takee away my ___ ____________ from ____ __________ __!”

B purs By suing a cours se of ob bedienc ce with h the ri ight mo otive, we wil ll be in ntegrit ty keep pers! Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

“Integriitty” ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺  

Song #16 60 & Annou uncements! Ho ow many pe eople are he ere this Aftternoon? __ _______________  


Do Not Look at the Things Behind

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______

Now is th he time to Look L Behind!! Now is th he time to Stay S Awake Spiritually! We are very v close too the end off this system m of things.. Do not bee loving thee world, nor the things in the worlld. Keep on the watch and pray coontinually. Pray to Jehovah J to help you too “keep lookiing ahead.” Lots’ wifee turned intto a pillar off salt for loooking behin nd The thin ngs “behind”” are all goin ng to be desstroyed.

Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear: “T hings Th


Behind” ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺ ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺ 



L e a r n W a t c h f u l n e s s f r o m J e s u s ’ A po s t l e s

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______

N me th Nam he Apo A ostle es

Jeesus’s Apostlees! Jeesus prayed to his h Father T help him wiselly find To Frrom amoung all his disiples T Twelve apostles, meek and kind.. T Twelve apostles, twelve apostless, T Twelve apostles he h did choose. T were once sent They s forth to wittness Of the Kingdom good g news. Fiist was Simon, the t one called Peeter, And his brother, named n Andrew. T the ones called Sons of Thuunder Then Jaames and John were w brothers tooo. Next were Philip and Nathaniel, N Also called Bartholomew, And the doubter known k as Thomaas, And the tax man, Matthew. Jaames the Lesserr got his name ‘CCause he was thee shortest one. T Thaddaeus was the next piccked Then Along with Simon the zealous onee. And finally, theree was Judas, A traitor and a thheif, W replaced by Matthias, Was N that’s all. What Now W a relief. - Author A Unknownn.

Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

“Apostles” ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺  ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺   Aw wesome Worrk!!! Now le ets sing son ng # 107 Have a nice even ning and ge et a good-niight sleep! See yo ou again tom morrow!!!!!




T h e me : “Keep In Expeecctation, It Will Not be Late: - Habakkuk 2:3 SSuunnddaayy M Moorrnniinngg Them me: “Keepp In Expecta tation, It Will Wi Not be Late: La - Habak akkuk 2:3 9:2 20 Music 9:3 30 Song Num mber 6 and Prayer P 9:4 40 Keeping in i Expectatioon Day by Dayy 9:5 50 Symposiuum: Keep Youur Eyes on thhe Things Unnseen “TThe Ten Horrns… will Haate the Harloot” The T Nations will w Have to Acknowledge A e Jehovah Whoo-Hoo!!! “AAll These Kinngdoms” willl be Crushed Nice to see you back!!! I missed yo ou! The T Devil Willl Be Bound foor a Thousannd Years “TThey will Buiild Houses annd Plant Vineeyards” “TThe Wolf andd the Lamb… … Will Feed as a One” “GGod… Will Wipe Out Evvery Tear” “AAll Those in the t Memoriaal Tombs Willl …Come Ouut!”   God will be “AAll Things to Everyone” E 11:200 Song Number 222 andd Announcem ments 11:300 Public Biblle Discourse: How Can You Y Survive the t End of thee World? 12:000 Song Num mber 215 andd Intermissioon

SSuunnddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn 1:200 Music 1:300 Song Number 139 1:35 5 DRAMA: “Your “ Brotheer was Dead and Came too Life!” 2:35 5 Summary of The Watcchtower 3:05 5 Song Num mber 29 and Announceme A ents 3:15 5 Keep In Exppectation! – Watching for Jehovah’s Day D 4:00 Song Num mber 129 andd Closing Prayyer AAtttteennddaannccee:: __________________AAM M

________________PPM M



H Heeaarr aa SSccrriippttuurree?? W w!! Wrriittee iitt DDoow wn n BBeelloow   Genesis ____:_____________ 

  Jonah ____:______________ 


Exodus ____:_____________ 

Micah ____:______________ 


Leviticus ____:____________ 

Nahum ____:_____________ 


Numbers ____:___________ 

Habakkuk ____:___________ 


Deuteronomy ____:________ 

Zephaniah ____:__________ 


Joshua ____:_____________ 

Haggai ____:_____________ 


Judges ____:_____________ 

Zechariah ____:___________ 


Ruth ____:_______________ 

Malachi ____:____________ 


1 Samuel ____:___________ 

Matthew ____:___________ 


2 Samuel ____:___________ 

Mark ____:_______________


1 Kings ____:_____________ 

Luke ____:_______________ 


2 Kings ____:_____________ 

John ____:_______________ 


1 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Acts ____:_______________ 


2 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Romans ____:____________ 


Ezra ____:_______________ 

1 Corinthians ____:________ 


Nehemiah ____:__________ 

2 Corinthians ____:________ 


Ester ____:_______________ 

1 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Job ____:________________ 

2 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Psalms _______:__________ 

1 Timothy ____:___________ 


Proverbs ____:____________ 

2 Timothy ____:___________ 


Ecclesiastes ____:_________ 

Titus ____:_______________ 


Solomon ____:____________ 

Philemon ____:___________ 


Isaiah ____:______________ 

Hebrews ____:____________


Jeremiah ____:____________ 

James ____:______________ 


Lamentations ____:________ 

1 Peter ____:_____________ 

Ezekiel ____:_____________ 

2 Peter ____:_____________ 

Daniel ____:______________ 

1 John ____:______________


Hosea ____:______________ 

2 John ____:______________


Joel ____:________________ 

3 John ____:______________

Amos ____:______________ 

Jude ____:_______________ 


Obadiah ____:____________ 

Revelation ____:__________ 





If You Found:

1-3 Scriptures, You did REALLY GOOD! 4-6 Scriptures, You did GREAT! ____________________________________________  7-10 Scriptures, You did AWESOME!!!! ____________________________________________  10 + Scriptures, You are Amazing!!! If you found any Scriptures, ____________________________________________  You must be a Great Listener!!!

You’re a Super Star!!!


Keeping in Expectation Day by Day

Speakers Name ________________________________

Below is Zephaniah 1:14-18 & 2:1-3. Read the Scriptures and then answer True or False??? – Mark the box with a check mark! 14

“The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying [of it] very much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a mighty man is letting out a cry. 15 That day is a day of fury, a day of distress and of anguish, a day of storm and of desolation, a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick gloom, 16 a day of horn and of alarm signal, against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers. 17 And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against Jehovah that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung. 18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s fury; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.” 2 Gather yourselves together, yes, do the gathering, O nation not paling in shame. 2 Before [the] statute gives birth to [anything], [before the] day has passed by just like chaff, before there comes upon YOU people the burning anger of Jehovah, before there comes upon YOU the day of Jehovah’s anger, 3 seek Jehovah, all YOU meek ones of the earth, who have practiced His own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably YOU may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger.

True or False??? – Mark the box with a check mark! The Great Day of Jehovah is Near! Jehovah’s Day is a day of Fury, distress and anguish! If you have enough Silver and Gold you may be able to survive Only some parts of the world will be affected by Jehovah’s Day Seek Jehovah all you meek ones! We seek righteousness by living a morally clean life. Satan keeps us busy so we can serve Jehovah. If you seek righteousness and meekness probably you will survive. We should remain spiritually alert and active. We don’t need a sense of urgency. We seek meekness by cultivation a meek and submissive attitude.

True True True True True True True True True True True

False False False False False False False False False False False

Circle a Happy Face when you hear:

“Expectation” ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺ 


SYMPOSIUM: Keep Your Eyes on the Things Unseen PPaarrtt 11 -- TThhee TTeen Haarrlloott nH Hoorrn nss W Wiillll H Haattee tthhee H Speakers Name __________________ Who are the ten Horns? ___________________________________________________________ Who is the Harlot? ______________________________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Harlot

PPaarrtt 22 -- TThhee N Haavvee ttoo A Acckkn Naattiioon noow wlleeddggee JJeehhoovvaahh nss W Wiillll H Speakers Name __________________ Who are the Nations? ____________________________________________________________ How will the Nations Acknowledge Jehovah?______________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Jehovah

PPaarrtt 33 -- A Allll TThheessee K Kiin nggddoom mss W Wiillll BBee CCrruusshheedd Speakers Name __________________ What are the Kingdoms that will be Crushed?_____________________________________________ Why will these Kingdoms be Crushed?__________________________________________________ Who is going to Crush these Kingdoms?_________________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Crushed   36 

PPaarrtt 44 -- TThhee D Deevviill W Wiillll BBee BBoouun ndd ffoorr aa TThhoouussaan ndd Y Yeeaarrss Speakers Name __________________ Why will the Devil be bound for a Thousand Years?__________________________________________ Will the Devil ever be released? YES NO If YES, then WHEN will the Devil be released?_____________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Devil

PPaarrtt 55 -- TThheeyy W Wiillll BBuuiilldd H Hoouusseess aan ndd PPllaan ntt V Viin neeyyaarrddss Speakers Name __________________ Who will build houses and plant vineyards?_______________________________________________ When will this happen?____________________________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Vineyards

PPaarrtt 66 -- TThhee W Feeeedd aass O On nee Woollff aan ndd tthhee LLaam mbb W Wiillll F Speakers Name __________________ Why will the wolf and lamb feed as one?_________________________________________________ Won’t the wolf eat the lamb? YES NO When will this happen?____________________________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Wolf & Lamb   37 

PPaarrtt -- 77 –– G Goodd W Wiillll W Wiippee oouutt eevveerryy TTeeaarr Speakers Name __________________ Why will God wipe out every tear?____________________________________________________ When will this happen?____________________________________________________________ What are some things that cause tears?________________________________________________ Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Every Tear

PPaarrtt 88 -- A mbbss w wiillll CCoom Allll tthhoossee iin mee O Ouutt n tthhee M Meem moorriiaall TToom Speakers Name __________________ How will people come out of their tombs?________________________________________________ When will this happen?____________________________________________________________ Will every person be resurrected? YES NO It will be a resurrection of good and bad. YES NO Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Memorial Tombs

PPaarrtt 99 -- G nee Goodd W Wiillll BBee A Allll TThhiin nggss ttoo EEvveerryyoon Speakers Name __________________ How Will God be All things to Everyone?_________________________________________________ When will this happen?____________________________________________________________ God will give until there is no more want? YES NO Scriptures I Heard? ________________________


Check mark the box if you hear Memorial Tombs   38 

Sorrt out all of thhe items menntioned If the Item is in God’s G New World, W check the t box undeer “The Thinggs Unseen!” If it is Part of the Last Days, D then pllace a check mark under “The Thingss Seen”

The Thingss Unseenn

Thee Things Seen

Item ms – Seen S o Un or nseen n? False Relig gion All Nations s will know that Jehovah h alone is Go od Earthly Kin ngdoms crus shed The Devil will w be bound d for a thous sand years They will build b houses and plant viineyards The wolf and the lamb will feed as one God will wipe w out everry tear All those in n the memorrial tombs wiill come out! God will be e all things to t everyone Death will be no more New Heaven and a new w earth Man has dominated ma an to it’s Inju ury and earth polluted Disrespectful / Abusiv ve Speech / Swearing S / Violence V / sellfish Uncleanne ess, loose co onduct, fits of o anger, dru unken bouts No sicknes ss or pain A Kingdom m that will ne ever be brought to ruin Live foreve er in a parad dise earth Creating a new earth and a former things t will no ot come to mind m Resurrection of dead ones o Total remo oval of all wic cked conditiions on earth h Idolizing sports, movie es and singin ng stars No weepin ng, crying orr heartache The Lion will w eat straw w just like a bull b Critical tim mes hard to deal d with The righte eous ones will possess th he earth Men will be e lovers of th heir self and lovers of mo oney Food and housing h for everyone e Brings ven ngeance upo on those who o do not know w God Disobedient to Parents s, Head stro ong, puffed up u with pride e, True peace and security People dis scouraged and depresse ed – Having no n way out A Great crrowd will com me out of the e great tribulation Earth will be b filled with h the knowle edge of Jehovah



Song #222 2 & Announc cements! How many peop ple are here e this Morning?  

______________________________ 39 

PUBLIC TALK: How Can You Survive the E n d o f t h e Wo rl d ?

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ Do you want too “Survive the t End of the t World?” Someone does d NOT waant you to Survive S and wants you to be Destroyeed ! Do you know who that is? – Satan! S He will w try very y hard to break your reelationship with Jehov vah, becausee he does not n want you u to live forrever servin ng Jehovah in the New World!

List som me scriptures that you heear: ___ _________ _________ _________ ______

_______ _________ _________ _________ ___

___ _________ _________ _________ ______

_______ _________ _________ _________ ___

What are some s things you y can do so that you “SSurvive the End E of the World”? W Mark all that applyy with a checck mark! Sttay Awake Sttudy Bible topiics Disobeying yourr Parents Reead the Bible Everyday E

Be Watchful Hang out withh School friendss Pray to Jehovvah Everyday Have Good Asssociation

Go to the Kingdom Hall Pay attentioon to the signs of the end Obey Jehovaah Play videos games all day

W Watch violent movies m

Copy Jesus Exxample

Preach the Good NewsCirrcle a Happy

Facee when you heear:“Survive”☺   ☺    ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   


Sin ng Song #13 3 and then it’s




DRAMA: Your Brother was Dead and Came to Life!

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______

Study of the Bible by Mean h e W a t c h t o w er nss of tth “Watchtower” ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺  ☺ 

Circcle a Happy Face when you hear:

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ What is the Title of your studdy article todday?______ _________ _________ _________ _________ ________ Song #29 & Announce ements! How many m people e are here this t Afterno oon? ______________________________


Keep In Expectation! – Watching for Jehovah’s Day

Speakerrs Name ___ _________ _________ _________ ______ L Look up thhese Scriptture in youur Bible annd match the t Scriptuure to it’s text by draawing an arrow a to itt. The firsst one is done d for y ou!


1 John 2:15

[D Do] this, too, because YO OU people kn now the seas son, that it is s alrready the ho our for YOU to t awake fro om sleep, forr now our sa alvation is ne earer than att the time wh hen we became believers s.`

R Romans 13:11


Ke eep on the watch w and pra ay continuallly, that YOU U may not entter intto temptation. The spiritt, of course, is eager, bu ut the flesh is s we eak

1 Theessalonians 5:6 6


Do o not be lovin ng either the e world or the things in th he world. If an nyone loves the t world, th he love of the e Father is no ot in him

Maatthew 26:41


So o, then, let us s not sleep on o as the res st do, but let us stay awa ake an nd keep our senses. s

Now w is the timee to Keep in Expectation n!



We are a very cloose to the en nd of this sy ystem of thiings.



Do not n be lovingg the world, nor the thiings in the world. w



Keep p Awake by y staying foccused in thee truth.



Use time wisely y to serve Jeehovah.



Keep p on the waatch and praay continuaally.



Keep p watching for Jehovah h’s day.



Circlle a Happy Faace when youu hear:

“Jehovah’s Day” ☺   ☺     ☺   ☺  ☺     ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺   ☺    ☺


I’m m proud off you! You u Did very good g with your listen ning and paying p atte ention!!! N Now lets sing song # 169 Ha ave a nice evening and we will see you again! a










Name of the person being talked to: ______________________________________ Circle your Answer - Was this person a: Sister or Brother

Young or Older


Name of the person being talked to: ______________________________________ Circle your Answer - Was this person a: Sister or Brother

Pioneer Missionary Elder Publisher

Pioneer Missionary Elder Publisher

Experience: ___________________________ ______________________________________

Young or Older

Experience: ___________________________ ______________________________________


Name of the person being talked to: ______________________________________ Circle your Answer - Was this person a: Sister or Brother

Young or Older

Pioneer Missionary Elder Publisher Experience: ___________________________ ______________________________________


Name of the person being talked to: ______________________________________ Circle your Answer - Was this person a: Sister or Brother

Young or Older

Pioneer Missionary Elder Publisher Experience: ___________________________ ______________________________________


Jehovah’s Day! Awake Destruction Expectation Families Heaven Integrity Jehovah Jesus Kingdom Lastdays Newworld Paradise Preach Ready Resurrection Righteous Snare Spiritual Survive Unseen Vineyards Watch Wicked Worship

Were there any new Releases??? What was it?


Who is it for?

Young Ones


Were there any new Releases??? What was it?


Who is it for?

Young Ones



NO If so, What is the title? ______________________________ Tract

Bible Students



Bible Teachers


NO If so, What is the title? ______________________________ Tract

Bible Students

Bible Teachers



e F u n St u f f So m me B ib le B oo k s Fill iin n t h e B lan k s!






















































***HINTS Acts Ezra Judges Obadiah

Amos Genesis Kings Proverrb bs

Daniel James Luk e Psalms

David J ob Malachi Romans

Ecclesiastes Joel Micah Ruth

Esther J ohn Nahum Samuel

Exodu s us Jude Nehemiia ah



Fill From Left to Right!  

G Geenneessiiss

E Exxoodduuss

N Nuum mbbeerrss

D Deeuutteerroonnoom myy


R Ruutthh 22 SSaam muueell

11 K Kiinnggss

11 C Chhrroonniicclleess N Neehheem miiaahh

E Ezzrraa E Esstteerr

P Pssaallm mss

E Ecccclleessiiaasstteess  

SSoolloom moonn

IIssaaiiaahh E Ezzeekkiieell

H Hoosseeaa

D Daanniieell A Am mooss

O Obbaaddiiaahh


N Naahhuum m

H Haabbaakkkkuukk Z Zeecchhaarriiaahh

M Maatttthheew w JJoohhnn

M Maallaacchhii L Luukkee

A Accttss

11 C Coorriinntthhiiaannss 22 T Thheessssaalloonniiaannss

11 T Thheessssaalloonniiaannss 11 T Tiim mootthhyy

T Tiittuuss

22 T Tiim mootthhyy H Heebbrreew wss

11 P Peetteerr 11 JJoohhnn

22 P Peetteerr

22 JJoohhnn JJuuddee


e people / events from Can you name thesse t h e B ib l e ?


The ________________will have to acknowledge Jehovah


Keep in ___________________________ it will not be late Stay _________________as Christian families Keep your eyes on the things __________________


Prove yourselves _______________________ Keep your eye ___________________ Keep your _____________________ be watchful Imitate ____________________ example of watchfulness Be vigilant with a view to ______________________ Watch out for Satan’s__________________ Until I expire, I will not take away my ________________________ Do not look at the things __________________________ The ten horns will hate the _______________________ The devil will be bound for a ___________________________ years How will you __________________________ the end of the world Your _______________________ was dead and came to life

Missing Words!  

TheSe aRe all TalkS fRom oUR PRogRam can YoU find The TalkS in YoUR PRogRam and fill in The miSSing WoRdS USe The WoRdS ThaT YoU filled in aS a liST and Then find The WoRdS in The WoRd SeaRch PUZZle on The neXT Page!

Answer to _________________________ about the last days ______________________ God of Times and Seasons __________________________________ help us to remain watchful Maintain a family ______________________ evening Maintain your sense of _________________________ Our _________________________ why so vital All these ____________________________ will be crushed Learn watchfulness from Jesus __________________________   48 


Can You Follow Jesus to thhe e End???





H Heeaarr aa SSccrriippttuurree?? W w!! Wrriittee iitt DDoow wn n BBeelloow   Genesis ____:_____________ 

  Jonah ____:______________ 


Exodus ____:_____________ 

Micah ____:______________ 


Leviticus ____:____________ 

Nahum ____:_____________ 


Numbers ____:___________ 

Habakkuk ____:___________ 


Deuteronomy ____:________ 

Zephaniah ____:__________ 


Joshua ____:_____________ 

Haggai ____:_____________ 


Judges ____:_____________ 

Zechariah ____:___________ 


Ruth ____:_______________ 

Malachi ____:____________ 


1 Samuel ____:___________ 

Matthew ____:___________ 


2 Samuel ____:___________ 

Mark ____:_______________


1 Kings ____:_____________ 

Luke ____:_______________ 


2 Kings ____:_____________ 

John ____:_______________ 


1 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Acts ____:_______________ 


2 Chronicles ____:_________ 

Romans ____:____________ 


Ezra ____:_______________ 

1 Corinthians ____:________ 


Nehemiah ____:__________ 

2 Corinthians ____:________ 


Ester ____:_______________ 

1 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Job ____:________________ 

2 Thessalonians ____:______ 


Psalms _______:__________ 

1 Timothy ____:___________ 


Proverbs ____:____________ 

2 Timothy ____:___________ 


Ecclesiastes ____:_________ 

Titus ____:_______________ 


Solomon ____:____________ 

Philemon ____:___________ 


Isaiah ____:______________ 

Hebrews ____:____________


Jeremiah ____:____________ 

James ____:______________ 


Lamentations ____:________ 

1 Peter ____:_____________ 

Ezekiel ____:_____________ 

2 Peter ____:_____________ 

Daniel ____:______________ 

1 John ____:______________


Hosea ____:______________ 

2 John ____:______________


Joel ____:________________ 

3 John ____:______________

Amos ____:______________ 

Jude ____:_______________ 


Obadiah ____:____________ 

Revelation ____:__________ 





If You Found:

1-3 Scriptures, You did REALLY GOOD! 4-6 Scriptures, You did GREAT! ____________________________________________  7-10 Scriptures, You did AWESOME!!!! ____________________________________________  10 + Scriptures, You are Amazing!!! If you found any Scriptures, ____________________________________________  You must be a Great Listener!!!

You’re a Super Star!!!


Dear Brothers & Sisters: It is my intention that our young brothers and sisters are able to pay attention and take part at the district convention and hopefully be able to walk away with something from the convention. I study the program and take notes. I look up additional information on the Watchtower Library CD. I try and make it as fun and interesting as I can. I have asked children what kinds of things they would like as activities. I know children will not complete everything, but I made a part for each talk in case your child wants to do an activity at that point. If you have a child that likes to take extra notes, you can use the previous page (page 50) and photocopy it on the back of each page of this notebook! Or if your child is younger, you can use the back pages of the notebook to have them draw a picture concerning the talk at that time. I hope the children have fun and enjoy this. Praise Jehovah for the information and program that He has prepared for us! “The Proper Food at the Proper time!” Matthew 24:45 Please feel free to forward this on to as many brothers and sisters for their children. Or have them write to me, and I will email them a PDF copy! [email protected] Agape! Carrie ☺ ****All Bible Images Copyright ©Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania This notebook is a non-profit publication. This notebook is not published by the Watchtower and Tract Society or any legal entities associated with the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.


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