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“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” John 6 :51 This is an age of affluence. You get to see everything around you in abundance. These days ‘Globalisation’ is a term you hear very commonly. Many people think only about the adverse effects of globalisation. Many are of the opinion that there is nothing useful about Globalisation. There is an experience of evil hidden in every virtue. In the same manner, there is a possibility of transforming every evil into a virtue. Poverty may follow abundance in a culture. Quality food and products available in the market are the benefits of this age. You get anything anywhere. We have access to the commodities of any country . Buy and use just what is best for us. Thus we can ensure that we get the best experience. It is true that we have been able to eradicate poverty to a good extent yet still poverty has not left us. If we take a survey and ask the people what they live for , the most common reply would be ‘for the sake of one time meal’ . God, the creator would be really unhappy if the creation has focused the life’s purpose on just living for the sake of one’s appetite. This is a very limited vision of life. Jesus has said , “Is not life more than food , and the body more than clothes ?” This is the path to realisation. God intends that each one of us must decipher life in its wholeness. We find quite a number of people who live to eat, not eat to live. That is why St.Paul has said that,‘Their god is their belly” ( Phil 3 : 19). We read about a person mentioned ‘Aakalkharusa’ in our worship order. Some people refer him as Satan. In fact both are different. Aakalkharusa means a ‘glutton’. One who gives too much of importance to food , worldly matters , nurturing the body and its needs , materialistic in nature. Let’s plead that we be saved from the clutches of Aakalkharusa. God placed Adam , the first man, in the Garden of Eden. But he had to leave the Garden because he fell for his love of food. In the beginning , God had everything in order. But man brought disorder to God’s order. From then , till now man disrupts God’s order. The world has not yet reached the stage where God would like it to be. If we have lost the experience of Paradise because of a food, it is reinstated again through a special meal. Holy Qurbana is that exceptional meal. This article aims at a devotional study on Holy Qurbana. 1

God redeems the world that was lost by a food through a special meal. The sin of disobedience is redeemed by the virtue of obedience. Paul has revealed the mind of Christ very beautifully in his Christology ( Phil 2 : 5 ) . “ In your relationships with one another , have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant , being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!” God has redeemed the world through this obedience. God has revealed this plan of salvation through Christ, through this Cross. The world came to see, know and understand this, through the Calvary Cross. In the Gospel of St. John chapter 3, he records the conversation that took place between a Jewish scholar, Nicodemus and Jesus. Nicodemus affirms his belief that Jesus is a teacher who has come from God. He expresses his desire to know the reason for which Christ has come into this world and the plans Christ has for redeeming this world. To this desire of the scholar Nicodemus, Jesus gives the answer that just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. For the redemption of the world, he is going to mount the Calvary. This is His mission. Jesus was flaming with passion about His sense of mission. He fulfilled his mission at the end of three and a half years of His public ministry. All that he had taught his disciples during this three and a half year, he taught again on a single night. Jesus points them to the great vision of crucifixion that is to take place the very next day. Every time we meditate on the Holy Qurbana, it astonishes and fascinates us to see how Jesus had, so very well arranged it. A room well prepared for celebrating the Passover with the Master. A place no one knew, yet one where all must come and congregate. All the twelve were to be present. A day when Jesus would pour out his heart. There Jesus pours out his heart to these disciples with whom he shared a very deep personal bond. Taking a bread in his hand, Jesus in other word says that this is his mission and that I am being broken so that you all may be one. It is truly painful to look at all that’s happening around us when Jesus Christ instituted Holy Qurbana from the above perspective. Churches are divided based on the very fact of Holy Communion. Each Church with each perspective, each believer with particular Communion. But Communion was instituted to bring us all 2

together. In John Chapter 17 , Jesus expresses his fervent wish , “ Abba Father, that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us”. The church communicates to the world about the extravagant love and care of God Almighty through the Lord’s Table. The Last Supper takes place in the shadow of crucifixion. Our Church which follows Eastern tradition celebrates the Passover on Wednesday evening. The teachings and the celebration of the Holy Qurbana are based on the Gospel of St. John. Jesus is crucified on the same day a Jew celebrates the Passover. Jesus is hung on the cross between heaven and earth at the same time when a lamb is slain for the Passover. He himself sacrifices for the sake of the world. This is the meaning of Qurbana An ultimate sacrifice. God’s ultimate sacrifice which the world has not seen since creation. The sinless lamb of God slain and sacrificed for the redemption of mankind. When the Church speaks of Holy Qurbana, it also speaks about all the other sacraments as well. This is a mystery. Not in the sense that it is hidden, but there is a limitation to which you can explain it; its beyond human reasoning and understanding. The greatest answer is knowing that you have no answer for some deep questions of life. God’s plan behind Holy Qurbana is forever immensely fascinating. Each time we celebrate Holy Qurbana, this is what we convey to the world. ‘Mystery’ is admitting that my understanding is limited and accepting that God’s plan is beyond my understanding. It’s a wonder that the church in its history has not come across a believer who has been fed up either celebrating Qurbana or receiving Qurbana. God makes us understand everything clearly when we consciously admit that we are ignorant. Let our prayer be, “Lord, increase our faith. Without your mercy, we can never grow in faith.” It’s only at God’s mercy that we can seek the omniscient God. He is like a boundless ocean. The church looks at this divine mystery with wonder. God filled with fragrance. Men who claim to be intelligent search for this God everywhere. They are not able to comprehend the God’s omnipresence. We read in Psalm 139:6, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” This is what Mystery is. Without the mercy of God, we can never understand Him. Divine essence and truth are beyond human understanding. Jesus told his disciples, “Many desired to see what you see, but you were not able to understand.” That is why it is said in the Passover prayer, “ Very few people in those times could realise who Jesus really was. Even his relatives couldn’t understand Him. Its interesting to know that very ordinary people like the blind man who cried out , “Jesus , Son of David, Have mercy on me ; the non 3

Jewish Centurion who seeing the death of Jesus exclaimed, “ Truly , he was the son of God” ; the woman with the bleeding problem who longed to touch the fringes of Jesus’ cloak ; the thief on the cross who said , “ Truly , I believe You are the Messiah” are the little ones who recognised the glory of Jesus. All the righteous and the saints waited to see but could not. Even the close relatives of Jesus could not understand the person of Jesus. 1. Holy Qurbana: A Meal of Remembrance We celebrate Holy Qurbana because Jesus has commanded us to do so. He commanded, “Do this in remembrance of me until I come”. ‘In remembrance’ is a more appropriate term than ‘for remembrance’. This is not an old story. This is not the reinvention of an old story. This is the presentation of His story to the contemporary world. So, this is a meal of remembrance. “Your forefathers ate manna in the desert but they died. One who eats this bread shall not perish”. Every believer lives in this hope. 2. Holy Qurbana: A Feast Prepared by God For The Return of The Prodigal Lord’s table is the meal prepared by God for the Prodigal at his return. Qurbana is the feast of God’s love. It is said in the story where Peter and his fellow disciples went together fishing, “That night they didn’t get anything.” The tired and depressed disciples hear the affectionate call of Jesus; “Children”. At dawn, Jesus is at the seashore seeking the lost. John told Peter This is none other than our Master. Heaven rejoices at the return of a sinner. The spirit of God calls back those who have gone far away. Turn and come back, the door is wide open for you. This is exactly what God desires of each of his creation that has gone astray. Experience His love! 3. Holy Qurbana: Experiential Venue of His Story and His presence Jesus is seated in the midst of his 12 disciples. This is assurance and faith. Holy Qurbana meaningfully manifests His story to each one of us. We have 6 other Thaksas (Order of Worship) other than St.James Thaksa for our Holy Qurbana. In one of those, it is said so, ‘O God who is also the Word, we remember everything that you have done for our sake’. We remember your birth, baptism, sufferings, burial, resurrection, ascension into heaven, your seat at the right-hand side of the throne of God Almighty, your glorious second coming. Each worship service gives an opportunity for all the believers to go through the story of Christ. We remember your death, resurrection and experience your living presence in our midst till date. Therefore, the worship is truly a very special experience. A Christ who lives even today after 4

the death and resurrection. The Church remembers the whole story of Jesus during the celebration of the Holy Qurbana. 4. Holy Qurbana: The Meal of Hope Just like it’s a meal of remembrance this is also the meal of Hope. Jesus would say I am the Elixir of life. The one who eats me shall not perish. Eternal life is believing in the Son. Jesus is my saviour. The one who came to redeem the world. One who gave me salvation from my sins. One who has rescued me from Eternal death. Jesus said, “Your forefathers ate manna in the desert but they died. I am the bread that came down from heaven and the one who eats me will never die”. 5. Holy Qurbana: A Sign of Reconciliation “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in the front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them, then come and offer your gift.” Jesus taught us the Lord’s prayer also in this same manner. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Jesus affirms the same through the Story of the Prodigal Son. The younger son came to his senses when he was even denied the food meant for the pigs. Where is freedom? Where is food? Where is love? He remembers his father’s love. His father was longing to have him back home. The father hugged and cried on his return. “Son, you were dead. Now, you are back home”. He tells his servants to kill the fattened calf. Let’s eat and celebrate. There is a challenge within this feast. The elder son who was with his father always, stays away from the feast. We consider ourselves to be with our heavenly father always, there is a danger that we too may miss the true celebrations at times. Therefore, Holy Qurbana is a forewarning for all of us. Those we consider unworthy may be worthy in God’s sight. The last will be first and the first will be last. So, we must be vigilant. 6. Holy Qurbana: Meal of Covenantal relationship The relatives of bride and the groom meet together and discuss many things before engagement and wedding ceremonies. A grand feast is shared after the discussion. After the establishment of a covenantal relationship with God, it’s a meal celebrating the covenantal agreement. This is Holy Qurbana. Moses and the seventy others made a covenant with God on the top of the mountain and ate together. Laban and Jacob resolved their enemity, entered into a covenant


and ate together. Jesus lifted up the chalice and said, “drink from this all of you. this is My blood of the covenant which is poured out for many”. 7. Holy Qurbana: A Meal of Thanksgiving This is a meal of thanksgiving offered by the believer with joy. In Deuteronomy 16:17 , God tells Moses not to enter the presence of God empty handed . That is why we take part in the offerings during worship. Never come into the presence of God without an offering. This is a moment when we acknowledge God’s ownership and sovereignty. I was a sinful man. Jesus redeemed me through his blood. So, I live. What can we repay our Lord who does nothing but good? God asks the one who came back after he was healed, “Where are the other nine? Are you the only one who returned to offer thanks to the Lord? The fruit of a wheat grain is the plant and the kernels. The bread is the final product of that kernel. It is also the fulfilment of a man’s labour. So are the grapes the fruit of a man’s labour. The fruit of both the man’s labour and land’s produce, is offered before the infinite God by the finite man. Wherever communion is celebrated, it’s for the whole of mankind. Once I was lost, but now I am redeemed by your mercy. How can the creation make the creator happy? A difficult proposition. We the Church present this offering before the almighty along with Christ the first of all the creation. 8. Holy Qurbana: A Royal Meal David and Jonathan were thick friends. Their deep love for each other is portrayed in 1 Sam 20 : 40. It is written thus , “ David got up and bowed down before Jonathan three times, face to the ground. They kissed each other and wept. David wept the most. Jonathan told David that the Lord will be witness between them and their descendants. After being crowned the king, David enquires about Jonathan’s household so that he can show kindness to them. Ziba finds Mephiboseth, son of Jonathan, lame in both feet. David tells him, “Son, your father and me were close associates. From now on, you will always eat at my table.” Mephiboseth replies to David, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?” Let all the believers who walk up to the Lord’s table pray the prayer of Mephiboseth, “Lord, What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”


9. Holy Qurbana: Celebration of Resurrection This is the manifestation of the festival of resurrection. Each Qurbana is the celebration of an Easter experience. It is the message of the resurrection of Jesus. If the Feast of Annunciation falls on a ‘Good Friday’, then Holy Qurbana would have to be celebrated even on a ‘Good Friday’. Celebration of Easter; Qurbana is the celebration of people freed from the grip of death who in new robes cannot help but dance in spiritual gaiety. In 1Cor 15 : 20, it is said so, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead , the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” Death was a result of human sinfulness. Resurrection from death also came as a result of the work of one man. With this experience of faith, the whole church, celebrates Holy Qurbana in the presence of God. The disciples, Cleopa and his friend were very troubled. Luke has described this event very realistically. They were arguing with each other. Their deep felt sorrow is evident. The resurrected Christ walks by their side like a total stranger. After a while, he enquires about their troubled state of mind. They ask Jesus, “Are you the only one in Jerusalem who has not come to know about the recent happenings?” Jesus expresses his curiosity and they explain to him about the life of a good person named Jesus and how perplexed they are after hearing about the resurrection of Jesus. Then the stranger starts to speak: He interprets to them all that’s written about Him in Psalms and other scriptures beginning with Moses and other prophets. After a while, the disciples exclaim that all what He said is true. The guest becomes the host; he breaks the bread. He does this the same way he had done it amid his 12 disciples. At that moment, the eyes of Cleopa and his friend were opened. What is this? Isn’t the One who walked with us Jesus? They come to realise the identity of their guest. Wherever the breaking of bread takes place, the presence of Jesus can be experienced. They might have ran back to Jerusalem to share the good news. The Early Church had only one message to proclaim. The apostles very powerfully delivered the message of the Resurrected Christ, the Messiah. Jesus is risen. This is what every Holy Qurbana proclaims to the world. Jesus is risen. The church consists of a group of people chosen and set apart. Apostle means ‘sent out’. We are set apart to be sent out. There is only one message for the church to preach, “ Jesus is risen”. This is achieved through Holy Qurbana. The Kingdom of heaven gets proclaimed to the world through such people who deny themselves. The bread is always broken and given. A master who was broken for us. We must allow ourselves to be broken like our master in Holy 7

Qurbana. Lord, I am ready to be broken, let me be broken like you – I have been healed by your stripes, said the Prophet. Let’s be like our Master so that we can inspire many others to be like us. Holy Qurbana challenges us for this mission. The image of a servant, the attitude of a slave. Before having the Last Supper, Jesus humbled himself and did the work of a slave. Let the church not lose the nature of servanthood. Suffering for Christ. Through our personal lives, lets deeply understand and accept the pain of Christ. Make Jesus known to others through your life. We glorify the name of Jesus when we are ready to be broken. Thronos and Qurbana will become sources of strength. Let not sufferings, insults, poverty, hunger hinder us or prevent us from moving forward in the right path. There is no doubt that the answer to the question: Who is the only Christian of our times: would be Mother Theresa. The passion with which she shared the gospel is beyond comparison. 10. Holy Qurbana: Celebration of Life Holy Qurbana is the celebration of life. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”. On our encounter with Jesus, we receive peace, joy and happiness. The life in every creature, no matter how small, is a part of the life of God. Worship becomes meaningful only when we are able to worship along with the other creation. All of God’s creation along with mankind awaits the second coming of Jesus Christ. Holy Qurbana is the celebration we have with all the other creation. Moses tells Pharoah, “Leave my people to worship, the young and the old”. All the members of the family must come together for worship. The whole of God’s creation finds happiness in worship. At the end Pharoah declared, “Go, take your possessions, your cattle to worship your God”. Give thanks to God along with all that sustains your existence. The Psalmist says, “Praise Him, O sun and moon; praise Him, all you shining stars. Praise Him all that which have life in them. Thus should our worship be. Arise, come, let’s not get lost. God and the Church expects us to be closer to God and not to be lost. Life is precious. Jesus is the bread of life that God had to sacrifice to save lives.




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