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“MUTUAL FUND” In the partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration Session[2016-19]

Submitted by: Parveen Supposed by: Manish kumar Class:BBA Final Year Reg. no.1617460049

Dr. AJAY Mittal Submitted to: Faculty of business studies Hindu college Sonipat


DECLARATION I PARVEEN student of BBA 3rd year Hindu College, hereby declare that the research project report entitled on “MUTUAL FUNDS” is an original research work and same has not been submitted to any other institute for the award of other degree. A summer training project report was submitted on 4/10/ 2018 and the suggestions as approved by the faculty were duly incorporated.

Signature of student Parveen 1617460049



I wish to express my gratitude to the management of AXIS BANK, for giving me an opportunity to be a part of their esteem organization and enhance my knowledge by granting permission to do my summer training project under their guidance. I am grateful to Dr.Ajay Mittal ,my guide, for his invaluable guidance and cooperation during the course of the project. He provided me with his assistance and support whenever needed that has been instrumental in completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards AXIS BANK, SONIPAT for giving me this opportunity to complete my training. I would also thank all the others Employee, of the AXIS BANK, for being extremely cooperative and guiding me throughout my project.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In few years Mutual Fund has emerged as a tool for ensuring one’s financial well being. Mutual Funds have not only contributed to the India growth story but have also helped families tap into the success of Indian Industry. As information and awareness is rising more and more people are enjoying the benefits of investing in mutual funds. The main reason the number of retail mutual fund investors remains small is that nine in ten people with incomes in India do not know that mutual funds exist. But once people are aware of mutual fund investment opportunities, the number who decide to invest in mutual funds increases to as many as one in five people. The trick for converting a person with no knowledge of mutual funds to a new Mutual Fund customer is to understand which of the potential investors are more likely to buy mutual funds and to use the right arguments in the sales process that customers will accept as important and relevant to their decision.

This Project gave me a great learning experience and at the same time it gave me enough scope to implement my analytical ability. The analysis and advice presented in this Project Report is based on market research on the saving and investment practices of the investors and preferences of the investors for investment in Mutual Funds. This Report will help to know about the investors’ Preferences in Mutual Fund means Are they prefer any particular Asset Management Company (AMC), Which type of Product they prefer, Which Option (Growth or Dividend) they prefer or Which Investment Strategy they follow (Systematic Investment Plan or One time Plan). This Project as a whole can be divided into two parts.

The first part gives an insight about Mutual Fund and its various aspects, the Company Profile, Objectives of the study, Channel Management and Research Methodology. One can have a brief knowledge about Mutual Fund and its basics through the Project.


The second part of the Project consists of data and its analysis collected through survey done on 200 people. For the collection of Primary data I made a questionnaire and surveyed of 200 people. I also taken interview of many People those who were coming at the Axis Bank Branch where I done my Project. I visited other AMCs to get some knowledge related to my topic. I studied about the products and strategies of other AMCs to know why people prefer to invest in those AMCs. This Project covers the topic “Channel Management Of Axis Mutual Fund And Analysing Preferences Of The Investors For Investment In Mutual Funds” The data collected has been well organized and presented. I hope the research findings and conclusion will be of use.






Reserch Methodology







Chapter-1 MUTUAL FUND CONCEPT A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciation realized is shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost. The flow chart below describes broadly the working of a mutual fund:

The flow chart below describes broadly the working of a mutual fund: A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share common financial goal; investments may be in shares, debt securities, money market securities or a combination of these. Those securities are professionally managed on behalf of the unit-holders, and each investor holds a pro-rata share of the portfolio i.e. entitled to any profits when the securities are sold, but subject to any losses in value as well. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciations realized are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost.


Reasons to invest in mutual funds : 

Expert on your side: When you invest in a mutual fund, you buy into the experience and skills of a fund manager and an army of professional analysts

Limited risk: Mutual funds are diversification in action and hence do not rely on the performance of a single entity.

More for less: For the price of one blue chip stock for instance, you could get yourself a number of units across a number of companies and industries when you invest in a fund!

Easy investing: You can invest in a mutual fund with as little as Rs. 5,000. Salaried individuals also have the option of investing in a monthly savings plan. Convenience: You can invest directly with a fund house, or through your bank or financial adviser, or even over the internet.

Investor protection: A mutual fund in India is registered with SEBI, which also monitors the operations of the fund to protect your interests.

Quick access to your money: It's good to know that should you need your money at short notice, you can usually get it in four working days.

Transparency: As an investor, you get updates on the value of your units, information on specific investments made by the mutual fund and the fund manager's strategy and outlook.

Low transaction costs: A mutual fund, by sheer scale of its investments is able to carry out costeffective brokerage transactions.

Orgeni zation of Mutual Funds


Sponsor is the person who acting alone or in combination with another body corporate establishes a mutual fund. The sponsor of a fund is akin to promoter of a company as he gets the fund registered with SEBI. The sponsor will form a Trust and appoint a Board of Trustees. The sponsor will also generally appoint as Asset Management Company as fund managers. The sponsor, either directly or acting through the Trustees, will also appoint a Custodian to hold the fund asset. All these appointments are made in accordance with SEBI Regulations. Sponsor must contribute at least 40% of the net worth of the Investment Managed and meet the eligibility criteria prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996.The Sponsor is not responsible or liable for any loss or shortfall resulting from the operation of the Schemes beyond the initial contribution made by it towards setting up of the Mutual Fund.

Trust : The Mutual Fund in India is constituted in the form of a public Trust created under the Indian Trustees Act, 1882. The fund sponsor acts as the settler of the trust, contributing to its initial capital, and appoints Trustees

to hold the asset of the Trust for the benefit of the unit holders, who are the beneficiaries of the Trust. The fund then invites investors to contribute their money in the common pool, by subscribing to ‘’Units’’ issued by various schemes established by the trust, units being the evidence of their beneficial interest in the fund. It should be understood that a mutual fund is just ‘’ a pass-through’’ vehicle. Under the Indian trusts Act, or the fund has no independent legal capacity itself, rather it is the Trustee or Trustees who have the legal capacity and therefore all acts in relation to the trust are taken on its behalf by the Trustees. The Trustees hold the unit holder’s money in a fiduciary capacity, i.e the money belongs to the unit – holders and is entrusted to the fund for the purpose of investment. In legal parlance, the investor or the unit-holders are the ‘’beneficial owners’’ of the investment held by the Trust, even as these investments are held in the name of the trustees on a day – to - day basis. Being public Trusts, mutual fund can invite any number of investors as beneficial owners in their investment schemes.

Trustee: The trust – the mutual fund – may be a Board of Trustees – a body of individuals, or a Trust company – a corporate body. Most of the funds in India are managed by Board of Trustees. While the board of Trustees is governed by the provisions of the Indian Trusts Act, where the Trustee is a corporate body, it would also be 10

required to comply with the provisions of the companies Act, 1956. The Board or the Trustee Company, as an independent body, act as protector of the unit – holder’s interests. The Trustee doesn’t directly manage the portfolio of securities. For this specialist function, they appoint an Asset Management Company. They ensure that the fund is managed by the AMC as per the defined objectives and in accordance with the Trust Deed and SEBI regulations. The trust is created through a document called the Trust Deed that is executed by the fund sponsor in favour of the Trustees. Trust Deed is required to be stamped as registered under the provisions of the Indian Registration Act and registered with SEBI. Clauses in the Trust Deed, inter alia, deal with the establishment of the Trust, the appointment of Trustees, their powers and duties, and the obligations of the Trustees towards the unit-holders and AMC. These clauses also specify activities that the fund/ AMC cannot undertake. The third schedule of the SEBI (MF) Regulations, 1996 specifies the contents of the Trust Deed. The Trustees being the primary guardians of the unit-holders’ funds and assets, a Trustee has to be a person of high repute and integrity. SEBI has laid down a set of conditions to be fulfilled by the individuals being proposed as trustees of mutual funds – independent and non - independent. Besides specifying the

‘’disqualifications’’, SEBI has also set down the Right and obligations of the Trustees. Broadly, the Trustees must ensure that the investors’ interests are safeguarded and that the AMC’s operations are along professional lines. They must also ensure that the management of the fund is in accordance with SEBI Regulations. To ensure the independence of the trustee company, SEBI mandates a minimum of two-third independent directors on the board of the trustee company.

Asset Management Company (AMC) : The role of an AMC is to act the investment manager of the Trust. The sponsors or the trustees, if so authorized by the Trust Deed, appoint the AMC. The AMC so appointed is required to be approved by SEBI. Once approved, the AMC functions under the supervision of its own Board of Directors, and also under the directions of the Trustees and SEBI. The Trustees are empowered to terminate the appointment of the AMC and appoint a new AMC with the prior approval of SEBI and unit-holders The AMC would, in the name of the Trust, float and then manage the different investment ‘’schemes’’ as per SEBI Regulations and as per the Investment Management Agreement it signs with the Trustees. Mutual fund Regulations,1996 describes the issues relevant to appointment, eligibility criteria, and restrictions on business activities and obligations of the AMC.


The AMC of a mutual fund must have a net worth of at least Rs. 10 crores at all times. Directors of the AMC, both independent and non independent, should have adequate professional experience in financial services and should be individuals of high moral standing, a condition also applicable to other key personnel of the AMC. The AMC cannot act as a trustee of any other mutual fund. Besides its role as the fund manager, it may undertake specified activities such as advisory services and financial consulting, provided these activities are run independently of one another and the AMC’s resources are properly segregated by activity. The AMC must always act in the interest of the unit-holders and report to the trustees with respect to its activities. To ensure the independence of the asset management company, SEBI mandates that a minimum of 50% of the directors of the board of the asset management company should be independent directors.

Registrar and Transfer Agent : The AMC if so authorized by the Trust Deed appoints the Registrar and Transfer Agent to the Mutual Fund. The Registrar processes the application form; redemption requests and dispatches account statements to the unit holders. The Registrar and Transfer agent also handles communications with investors and updates investor records.

Custodian : Mutual funds are in the business of buying and selling of securities in large volumes. Handling these securities in terms of physical delivery and eventual safekeeping is therefore a specialized activity. The custodian is appointed by the Board of Trustees for safe keeping of physical securities or participating in any clearing systemthrough approved depository companies on behalf of mutual fund in case of dematerialized securities. A custodian must fulfill its responsibilities in accordance with its agreement with the mutual fund. The custodian should be an entity independent of the sponsers and is required to be registered with SEBI.



Origin of mutual fund industry in India is with the introduction of the concept of mutual fund by UTI in the year

1963. In the past decade, Indian mutual fund industry had seen a dramatic improvement, both qualities

as well as quantity wise. Before, the monopoly of the market had seen an ending phase; the Assets under Management (AUM) were Rs. 67bn. The private sector entry to the fund family raised the AUM to Rs. 470 bn in March 1993 and till April 2004; it reached the height of 1,540 bn.

Putting the AUM of the Indian Mutual Funds Industry into comparison, the total of it is less than the deposits of SBI alone, constitute less than 11% of the total deposits held by the Indian banking industry.

The main reason of its poor growth is that the mutual fund industry in India is new in the country. Large sections of Indian investors are yet to be intellectuated with the concept. Hence, it is the prime responsibility of all mutual fucompanies, to market the product correctly abreast of selling. The Indian mutual funds industry was non – existent till 1960s. in 1963, the govt. of India took the initiative by passing the UTI Act, under which the Unit Trust of India (UTI) was set –up as a statutory body. The designated role of UTI was to act as a mutual fund. This was expanded in 1985 to make UTI a financial institution as well. UTI’s first scheme, called the US-64, which was an open –end scheme, was launched in 1964. It subsequently launched a number of schemes to suit the differing needs of the investors. Till 1987, UTI was the only mutual fund in the market since no one else was legally allowed to set –up mutual fund. In 1987, other public sector institutions like banks, financial institutions and insurance companies started establishing mutual fund, following the government’s decision to allow them to do so. State Bank of India became the first one to launch a mutual fund when it launched the SBI Mutual fund in November, 1987. It was followed by the Can bank mutual fund, LIC Mutual fund, etc. In this regulated era, UTI was acting more as a vehicle for the implementation of the economic policies and the developmental activities of the government, than as an investment vehicle for the investors.

Finally in 1992, the government allowed private sector players to set-up mutual funds. A few of them are, Kothari pioneer MF, ICICI MF, Birla MF, Morgan Stanley MF, Tauras MF, ect. As the number of mutual funds increased giving a choice to the competition in the industry increased, thus jolting the hitherto 13

complacent public sector mutual fund into action. As a result, the investors not only had a wider choice regarding the kind of schemes and the sponsor of the mutual fund, they started getting better service even from the old players. These private sector funds provided an added advantage to the investors. These were generally set-up in partnership with foreign mutual funds, with the letter providing the technology and the experience in managing funds. The investors could thus derive the consequent benefits by investing in these funds.

As the industry developed, the need was felt to regulate it. From the beginning, UTI was governed by the provisions of the UTI Act 1963.Till 1987, as there were no other players in the market, the need to come out with specific regulations for investment companies did not arise. With the government allowing banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to set-up mutual funds in 1987, a set of regulations was also needed. However, till 1989, the only regulations in place were those which required banks to obtain RBI’s permission before setting up a mutual fund.

In 1989, RBI came out with comprehensive guidelines applicable to mutual funds promoted by banks. Following this, the Central Government came out with guidelines applicable to all mutual funds in June, 1990. The letter was to be administered by SEBI. SEBI was initially established as an interim body under the Ministry of Finance in April, 1988 to regulate and develop the capital markets. It was later converted into a statutory body under the SEBI Act, 1992 and given wide ranging powers. Mutual funds were one of the players SEBI was authorized to regulate.

In August, 1990, SEBI ruled that the guidelines would only supplement those issued by the Central Government. Hence the mutual funds sponsored by banks were required to fulfill obligations under both sets of regulations. After allowing private sectors to enter the industry, the Government came out with a fresh set of comprehensive guidelines for all the players in February, 1992. These guidelines superseded the earlier guidelines of the government and RBI. All mutual funds except money market mutual fund (those investing exclusively in the money market) and offshore mutual funds were governed by these guidelines. While the former were governed by guidelines issued by RBI, the latter were governed by the Deportment of Economics Affairs under the Ministry of Finance.

Subsequently, SEBI issued even more detailed, comprehensive and stringent Mutual Funds Regulations in 1993, which replaced the guidelines issued by the government in 1992. These were further revised and replaced by Mutual Funds Regulations, 1996.


In October, 1999, the administration of Money Market Mutual Funds was handed over by RBI to SEBI. With effect from March 7, 2000, RBI has withdrawn its guidelines on Money Market Mutual Funds. Accordingly, such money market mutual fund schemes, like any other mutual fund schemes, would exclusively be governed by the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996.

The fact that UTI, which is the biggest mutual fund in the country, does not fall under the purview of SEBI, result in ineffective regulation by the latter. Besides, as compare the performance of UTI’s schemes with other mutual funds’ schemes. To avoid this, SEBI tried for a long time to bring UTI under its purview. However, UTI being a statutory body, it was finally ruled that it cannot be regulated by another statutory body. As a result of further efforts on both sides, finally an arrangement was arrived at between SEBI and UTI whereby the latter agreed to voluntarily comply with SEBI’ s regulations for certain schemes.

The mutual fund industry grew tremendously during 1998 to 2000. the total net assets of Rs. 97,228 crore managed by 34 mutual funds through their 259 schemes as on march 31,1998 increased to 1,02,434.52 crore managed by 39 mutual funds including UTI, through their 550 schemes as on February 28,2001.

The year 2001 was a watershed year in the history of the Indian mutual funds industry. In July, that year, UTI froze purchase and sale of units of its flagship scheme US-64 for a period of six months, causing panic among many individual as well as large institutional investors. Shelving its assured returns quality, US-64 became a market – return NAV based mutual fund in January 2002. Its opening NAV was Rs. 5.81 against the face value of Rs. 10.In January 2003, the Government of India bifurcate the UTI into UTI I and UTI II. UTI I is now managed by a public administrator, while UTI II was handed over to the State Bank of India, Panjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda and the Life Insurance Corporation, with each institutions having an equal share in the company. It also came under the ambit of regulation by SEBI. UTI II was renamed UTI mutual fund in February 2003. As on 31 March 2003, UTI AMC had under its management, 42 SEBI complaints schemes and 4 offshore funds, aggregating to a corpus of more than Rs. 15,000crore from about 10 million investor accounts.

In August, 2004 the mutual fund industry had Rs.155, 845crore wroth of asset under its management. Of this Rs.20, 256crore were those of UTI, Rs.1, 23,258.04 were those of the private sector, and Rs.12, 171.20 were those of the other public sector. More than 75% of the total assets under management were managed by the private sector mutual funds.


Major Mutual Fund Companies in India:  Axis Asset Management Company  AIG Global Investment Group Mutual Fund  Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund  Bank of Baroda Mutual fund  DBS Chola Mutual Fund  Fraanklin Templeton India Mutual Fund  HDFC Mutual fund  ICICI Prudential Mutual fund  ING Mutual fund  JM Financial Mutual fund  JP Morgan Mutual fund  Kotak Mahindra Mutual fund  LIC Mutual fund  Reliance Mutual fund  Sahara Mutual fund  State Bank of India Mutual fund  Standard Charted Mutual fund  Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual fund  Tata Mutual fund  Unit Trust of India Mutusl fund


Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) With the increase in mutual fund players in India, a need for mutual fund association in India was generated to function as a non-profit organisation. Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) was incorporated on 22nd August, 1995. AMFI is an apex body of all Asset Management Companies (AMC) which has been registered with SEBI. Till date all the AMCs are that have launched mutual fund schemes are its members. Association of Mutual Funds India has brought down the Indian Mutual Fund Industry to a professional and healthy market with ethical lines enhancing and maintaining standards.

The Objectives of Association of Mutual Funds in India The Association of Mutual Funds of India works with 30 registered AMCs of the country. It has certain defined objectives which supports the guidelines of its Board of Directors. The objectives are as follows: 

This mutual fund association of India maintains high professional and ethical standards in all areas of operation of the industry.

It also recommends and promotes the top class business practices and code of conduct which is followed by members and related people engaged in the activities of mutual fund and asset management. The agencies who are by any means connected or involved in the field of capital markets and financial services also involved in this code of conduct of the association.

AMFI interacts with SEBI and works according to SEBIs guidelines in the mutual fund industry.

Association of Mutual Fund of India does represent the Government of India, the Reserve Bank of India and other related bodies on matters relating to the Mutual Fund Industry.

It develops a team of well qualified and trained Agent distributors. It implements a programme of training and certification for all intermediaries and other engaged in the mutual fund industry.

AMFI undertakes all India awareness programme for investor’s in order to promote proper understanding of the concept and working of mutual funds.

At last but not the least association of mutual fund of India also disseminate information’s on Mutual Fund Industry and undertakes studies and research either directly or in association with other bodies.


STRUCTURE OF THE INDIAN MUTUAL FUND INDUSTRY: Structure wise mutual fund industry can be classified into three categories:

Unit trust of India The Indian mutual fund industry is dominated by the unit trust of India, which has a total corpus of 51000 crore collected from over 20 million investors. The UTI has many fund/ schemes in all categories in equity, balanced, debt, money market etc. With some being open ended and some being closed ended. The unit scheme 1964 commonly referred to as US64,which is a balanced fund, is the biggest scheme with a corpus of about 10000 crore.

Public sector mutual fund The second largest categories of mutual funds are the ones floated by nationalized banks .can bank asset management floated by canara bank and sbi funds management floatedby state bank of india are the largest of these. Gicamc floated by general Insurance Corporation. On line trading is a great idea to reduce management expenses from the current 2%of total assets to about 0.75%of the total asset. + fund in the top 50-broking firms in theus is expected to trade on line by 2003

Private Sector Mutual fund The third largest categories of mutual funds are the ones floated by the private sector domestic mutual funds and the private sector foreign mutual funds. The largest of these in private sector domestic mutual funds are Reliance mutual fund, JM capital management company ltd. Tata mutual, Axis mutual fund, Birla sun life asset management pvt. Ltd. and in private foreign mutual funds these are alliance capital asset management private ltd, Franklin Templeton Investments, Sun F&C asset management private ltd, Lurich asset management company pvt ltd. The aggregate corpus of the assets managed by this category of amc’s is about 42000 cr.

Future of Mutual Funds in India Financial experts believe that the future of Mutual Funds in India will be very bright. AUM of 41 mutual fund houses in India rose to Rs681,708crore at the end of March, 2011 and Rs.664,824 crore in 2012, according to AMFI data. In the coming 10 years the annual composite growth rate is expected to go up by 13.4%. Since the last 5 years, the growth rate was recorded as 9% annually. Based on the current rate of growth, it can be forecasted that the mutual fund assets will be double by 2015.



 The money market mutual fund segment has a total corpus of 1.48 trillion in theU.S.  Out of the top 10 mutual fund worldwide, eight are worldwide sponsored. Only fidelity and capital are non-bank mutual funds in this group.  In the U.S. the total numbers of schemes is higher than that of the listed companies  Internationally, mutual funds are allowed to go short. In India fund managers do nothave such leeway.  In the U.S. about 9.7 million households will manage their assets online by the year2003, such a facility is not yet of avail in India and jeevan bima sahayogamc floated by the LIC are some of the other prominent ones. The aggregate corpus of the funds managed by this category of amc’s is around 8300 cr.


Company Profile Axis Asset Management Company Company Overview Axis Asset management Company Limited is a privately owned investment manager. The firm manages mutual funds for its clients. It invests in the public equity and fixed income market of india. The firm also invest in gold for some of its funds. It is based in Mumbai, India. Axis Asset Management Company Limited operates as a subsidiary of Axis Bank Limited.

Name of the Mutual Fund

Axis Mutual Fund

Date of set up of Mutual Fund

September 4, 2009

Name of Sponsor

Axis Bank Limited

Name of the Asset Management Axis Asset Management Company Limited Company Date of Incorporation of AMC

January 13, 2009



Registrar and Transfer Agent

KarvycomputersharePvt. Ltd.

Assets under management

8,815 (Rs.Cr)


Board of Directors

Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Limited: Dr T C Nair, Chairman, Independent Director Mr. B Gopalakrishnan, Associate Director Mr.Kedar Desai, Independent Director Mr.Uday M Chitale, Independent Director

Axis Asset Management Company Limited: Mr. Rajiv Anand, MD & CEO of Axis AMC, Associate Director Mr. R. K. Bammi, Associate Director Ms.Shikha Sharma, Chairperson, Associate Director Mr. T S Narayanasami, Independent Director Mr.PraneshMisra, Independent Director Mr. U R Bhat, Independent Director

OUR KEY BUSINESS PEOPLE Mr.Chandresh Nigam, Head – Investments Karan Datta, National Sales Head Mr.PankajMurarka, Senior Fund Manager – Equity R. Sivakumar, Head – Fixed Income & Products Praveen Bhatt, Head – Operations MitenChawda, Head – Compliance & Company Secretary JineshGopani, Fund Manager – Equity SudhanshuAsthana, Fund Manager – Equity AshishNaik, Analyst – Equity Viresh Joshi, Chief Trader – Equity NinadDeshpande, Fund Manager – Fixed Income Anurag Mittal, Credit Analyst – Fixed Income 21

SPONSOR OF AXIS AMC Axis Bank Limited: Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promoted jointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI - I), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and other four PSU insurance companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance Company Ltd. The Bank as on 31st March, 2011 is capitalized to the extent of ` 410.54 crores with the public holding (other than promoters and GDRs) at 53.60%. The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahmedabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai. The Bank has a very wide network of more than 1281 branches (including 169 Service Branches/CPCs as on 31st March, 2011). The Bank has a network of over 6270 ATMs (as on 31st March, 2011) providing 24 hrs a day banking convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networks in the country. The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellenc


VISION To be the preffered financial solutions provider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees and smart use of technology.

CORE VALUE  Customer Centricity  Ethics  Transparency  Teamwork  Ownership


Our business will be built on three pillars. These are:

Outside-in View 

Investor at the heart of every single decision.

Communicate in his language, not in ours.


Enduring Wealth Creation Play a serious and credible role in investor's money basket. 

Encourage investors to build a long-term perspective of the mutual fund category.

Long-term Relationships 

Leverage the equity of the 'Axis' brand

Aim at building relationships rather than being transactional.

SWOT Analaysis of Axis AMC STRENGTHS: 

Professional investment management Mutual funds hire full-time, high-level investment professionals. Funds can afford to do so as they manage large pools of money. The managers have real-time access to crucial market information and are able to execute trades on the largest and most cost-effective scale.

 24


Mutual funds invest in a broad range of securities. This limits investment risk by reducing the effect of a possible decline in the value of any one security..

 Low Cost A mutual fund let's you participate in a diversified portfolio for as little as Rs.5,000/-, and sometimes less. And with a no-load fund, you pay little or no sales charges to own them.

 Convenience and Flexibility You own just one security rather than many, yet enjoy the benefits of a diversified portfolio and a wide range of services. 

Personal Service One call puts you in touch with a specialist who can provide you with information you can use to make your own investment choices.

Liquidity In open-ended schemes, you can get your money back promptly at net asset value related prices from the mutual fund itself.

Transparency You get regular information on the value of your investment in addition to disclosure on the specific investments

WEAKNESS Risk is defined as short-term price variability. But on a long-term basis, risk is the

possibility that your

accumulated real capital will be insufficient to meet your financial goals. And if you want to reach your financial goals, you must start with an honest appraisal of your own personal comfort zone with regard to risk. Individual tolerance for risk varies, creating a distinct "investment personality" for each investor. Some investors can accept short-term volatility with ease, others with near panic. So whether you consider your investment temperament to be conservative, moderate or aggressive, you need to focus on how comfortable or uncomfortable you will be as the value of your investment moves up or down.

OPPORTUNITIES As per the BLOOM BERG survey India's total disposable income will increase to 40% by 2015,along with total income of an average Indian family will be 450000. As people are getting aware of the fact of investment and want to invest more with specialized assistant mutual funds have a great opportunities. 25

As the risk is diversified and funds are available as per the different objective people can invest as per their requirement. Maximum money is invested in equity market and as the GDP is growing studily this is a great opportunity for the companies to go ahead and invest more in to the market.

THREATS A new competitor in your home market Price wars with competitors Competitor has new innovative product or service Taxation

Schemes of Axis Mutual Fund  Equity Funds:


Axis Equity Fund

Axis Long Term Equity Fund

Axis Midcap Fund

Axis Focused 25 Fund

 Fixed Income Funds: 

Axis Liquid Fund

Axis Treasury Advantage Fund

Axis Short Term Fund

Axis Dynamic Bond Fund

 Hybrid Funds: 

Axis Triple Advantage Fund

Axis Income Saver

 Gold Funds: 

Axis Gold Fund

Axis Gold ETF

Axis Equity Fund: An Open-ended Growth Scheme To achieve long term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio predominantly consisting of equity and equity related securities including derivatives. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.

Key Features 

A diversified equity fund that invests primarily in the Indian equity markets

Provides the opportunity to capitalize on India's high paced growth

Supported by a strong investment management team at Axis Mutual Fund

Suitable for an investment horizon of 5 years or more

With no entry load 27

EasyCall facility available

Axis Long Term Equity Fund: An Open-ended Equity-Linked Saving Scheme with a 3 year lock in. To generate income and long term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related securities.

Key Features 

A diversified equity fund that invests in the Indian equity markets

Provides the opportunity to capitalize on India’s high paced growth

Also provides tax benefits under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961

Lock-in period of only 3 years is the lowest amongst all section 80C options available today

Suitable for an investment horizon of 5 years or more

With no entry load

Flexibility to invest across market caps in high growth stocks

Axis Midcap Fund: An Open-ended Equity Scheme To achieve long term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments of mid size companies. The focus of the fund would be to invest in relatively larger companies within this category.

Key Featurs 

An equity fund that invests primarily in midsized companies to capitalise on their fast paced growth

Amongst the midsized companies, it has a preference for the larger ones that carry relatively lower risk


It is suitable for an investment horizon of 5 yrs or more

It is suitable when you want to plan for a bigger home, better holidays, bigger cars, etc.

Axis Focused 25 Funds: An Open-ended Equity Scheme Axis Focused 25 Fund - a fund that attempts to unearth and invests exclusively in just these quality companies. The reassurance of quality companies who have not just weathered storms over time but prospered and bloomed even in adverse times.

Key Features 

Suitable for an investment horizon of 5 years or more

Focus in the best ideas at any point of time

Nurtures companies over their business cycle without being affected by short term market volatility

Professional fund management with established track record

With no entry load.

Axis Liquid Fund: An open-ended Liquid Scheme To provide a high level of liquidity with reasonable returns commensuration with low risk through a portfolio of money market and debt securities.

Key Features 

An extremely low risk fund suitable for an investment horizon of 1 day – 90 days

Returns are calculated for the number of days you remain invested

No entry or exit loads

High liquidity - Under normal circumstances, we will endeavour to ensure that an investor gets his money back one day after putting in a valid redemption request

Axis Treasury Advantage Fund: An open-ended Debt scheme To provide optimal returns and liquidity to the investors by investing primarily in a mix of money market and short term debt instruments which results in a portfolio having marginaly higher maturity as compared to a liquid fund at the same time maintaining a balance between safety and liquidity.

Key Features 29

A low risk fund suitable for an investment horizon of 1 day to 90 days

Returns are calculated for the number of days you remain invested

No entry or exit loads

High liquidity - Under normal circumstances, we will endeavour to ensure that an investor gets his money back one day after putting in a valid redemption request

Tax efficient as dividends are tax-free in your hands (post deduction of 14.1625% dividend distribution tax for individual investors - inclusive of cess and surcharge)

Axis Short Term Fund: An Open-ended Debt Scheme To Generate stable returns with a low risk strategy while maintaining liquidity through a portfolio comprising of debt and money market instruments.

Key Features 

A low risk fund suitable for an investment horizon of 6 months or more

Aims to provide stable returns by investing in debt and money market instruments

Returns are calculated for the number of days you remain invested

EasyCall facility available

High liquidity - Under normal circumstances, we will endeavour to ensure that an investor gets his money back one day after putting in a valid redemption request

Tax efficient as dividends are tax-free in your hands (post deduction of 14.1625% dividend distribution tax for individual investors - inclusive of cess and surcharge)

Axis Dynamic Bond Fund: An Open-ended Debt Scheme To generate optimal returns while maintaining liquidity through active management of a portfolio of debt and money market instruments.

Key Features


A low risk fund suitable for an investment horizon of 1 year or more

Dynamic asset allocation policy across fixed income assets

Seeks to exploit market opportunities & manage risk

Able to invest across all segments of fixed income

Flexibility to invest only in high conviction ideas

Does not track benchmarks, i.e. can be invested in money market during rising rate environment

Axis Triple Advantage Fund: An Open-ended Hybrid Fund To generate long term capital appreciation by investing in adiversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments, fixed income instruments and gold exchange traded funds.

Key Features 

Suitable for an investment horizon of 3 years or more

Provides diversification across three asset classes viz. equity, fixed income and gold thereby leading to reduction in risk

Returns potential not compromised even with reduced risk levels

Returns more stable than pure equity or gold investments over the long term

Offers convenience. Now one single application is sufficient for investment in three asset classes.

20 - 30% of investment in gold. Gold is a good hedge against financial crises.

Axis Income Saver: An Open-ended Income Fund To generate regular income through investments in debt and money market instruments, along with capital appreciation through limited exposure to equity and equity related instruments. It also aims to manage risk through active asset allocation.

Key Features 

A low to medium risk fund suitable for an investment horizon of 2 – 4 years 31

Brings stability to your portfolio by investing primarily in fixed income instruments

Offers the potential for capital growth through limited exposure to equity instruments

Adopts a quantitative asset allocation strategy for risk management

Open-ended nature allows you to buy or sell units of the scheme at any point of time subject to applicable loads

Scheme managed by an experienced team of fund managers

Axis Gold Fund: Key Features 

Systematically invest in gold each month through SIPs

Buy gold in amounts as small as Rs 1000 without having to worry about purity

No demat account required

Buy/sell units of Axis Gold Fund on any business day at NAV based prices

No storage charges , no making charges, no safe-keeping worries

Axis Gold ETF: Axis Gold ETF offers a simple way of investing in gold. It is a mutual fund scheme that lets you buy gold without the necessity of taking physical delivery or of the associated risks of physical storage or of impurities.

Key Features


Protects against inflation

Allows you to take advantage of Gold as an investment opportunity

Investors bear no risk of storage and safekeeping of gold

Get 99.5% purity at prevailing market prices without premium charges














1. BUSINESS Under the category of business there are two sub-divisions.



National distributors come under it. They are more viable in nature. Have more business generating capacity.



Under the category of retail mainly Banks and IFA’s have major role.



There banks acts as a mediator between investors and asset management companies through that they help in promoting various schemes. On the basis of their business generating capability they got commission.



Individual financial agencies are the distributors who work for selling mutual funds directly to the investors. 34





It is a relationship between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business.



UNDER CHANNEL MANAGEMENT OF AXIS AMC 1. Empannelise Distributors (IFA’s) From Jaipur (Rajasthan) first of all I started with empanelling or adding new distributors from Jaipur according to their AUM in other AMC’s. My mentor helped me in collecting this data. I have to prepare database related to it, where I synchronised the data of those distributors according to highest AUM. After getting the data I was supposed to do cold calls to all those distributors and convince them to do business with Axis AMC. 2.Retail Business While doing the work of empanelment, I have also started concentrating on existing IFA’s. I gave presentations in front of many of them and even they appreciated my work. The main focus was on SIP as there was an incentive based proposition came for IFA’s till the limited period.

Under Banking channel I mate with relationship managers and convinced them regarding the schemes and I was in regular contact with them in case of any query.


Chapter-2 Research Methodology



This report is based on primary as well secondary data, however primary data collection was given more importance since it is overhearing factor in attitude studies. One of the most important users of research methodology is that it helps in identifying the problem, collecting, analyzing the required information data and providing an alternative solution to the problem. It also helps in collecting the vital information that is required by the top management to assist them for the better decision making both day to day decision and critical ones.

Data sources: Research is totally based on primary data. Secondary data can be used only for the reference. Research has been done by primary data collection, and primary data has been collected by interacting with various people. The secondary data has been collected through various journals and websites.

Duration of Study: The study was carried out for a period of one months, from 1st june to 1st july 2018.

Sampling: Sampling procedure: The sample was selected of them who are the customers/visitors of Axis Bank, Malviya Nagar and Vaishali Nagar Branch, irrespective of them being investors or not or availing the services or not. It was also collected through personal visits to persons, by formal and informal talks and through filling up the questionnaire prepared. The data has been analyzed by using mathematical/Statistical tool.

Sample size:


The sample size of my project is limited to 200 people only. Out of which only 120 people had invested in Mutual Fund. Other 80 people did not have invested in Mutual Fund.

Sample design: Data has been presented with the help of bar graph, pie charts, line graphs etc.


Objectives OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To find out the physiology of investors in India towards investment in mutual funds. 2. To know the Preferences for the portfolios. 3. To know why one has invested or not invested in Axis Mutual fund 4. To find out the most preferred channel. 5. To find out what should do to boost Mutual Fund Industry. 6. It is to understand the concept of mutual funds as well as to know the scope of various schemes. 7. To Study and analyze the Economic impacts of growth of the Mutual Funds industry in India. 8. The main objective of this project is concerned with getting the opinion of people regarding mutual funds and what they feel about availing the services of financial advisors. 9. I have tried to explore the general opinion about mutual funds. It also covers why/ why not investors are availing the services of financial advisors.

Limitations of the study The following are the major limitations of the study. 

The sample was restricted to specified region only.

The sample collected may not represent the entire population and the result may not be a true representation of total universe.


Chapter-3 Data Presentation and Analysis


ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF THE DATA 1. a) Age distribution of the Investors

Age Group

<= 30






No. of







Investors invested in Mutual Fund


35 30 25 20 15



10 5





0 <=30






Age group of the Investors

Interpretation: According to this chart out of 120 Mutual Fund investors of Jaipur the most are in the age group of 36-40 yrs. i.e. 25%, the second most investors are in the age group of 41-45yrs i.e. 20% and the least investors are in the age group of below 30 yrs.


b). Educational Qualification of investors:

Educational Qualification

Number of Investors

Graduate/ Post Graduate


Under Graduate






6% 23%


Graduate/Post Graduate

Under Graduate


Interpretation: Out of 120 Mutual Fund investors 71% of the investors are Graduate/Post Graduate, 23% are Under Graduate and 6% are others (under HSC).


c). Occupation of the investors:

No. of Investors


50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


No. of Investors

Govt. Service


Pvt. Service








45 35


Govt. Service Pvt. Service






Occupation of the customers

Interpretation: In Occupation group out of 120 investors, 38% are Pvt. Employees, 25% are Businessman, 29% are Govt. Employees, 3% are in Agriculture and 5% are in others.

d). Monthly Family Income of the Investors:


No. of Investors

Income Group

No. of Investors











50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

43 32

28 12 5 <=10





Income Group of the Investorsn (Rs. in Th.)

Interpretation: In the Income Group of the investors, out of 120 investors, 36% investors that is the maximum investors are in the monthly income group Rs. 20,001 to Rs. 30,000, Second one i.e. 27% investors are in the monthly income group of more than Rs. 30,000 and the minimum investors i.e. 4% are in the monthly income group of below Rs. 10,000

e). Percentage (%) of Annual Savings: 44

0 9.17

15.83 Less then 10% 10-20%


21-30% 31-40%


Less than 10%








Interpretation Everybody saves some proportion of the income looking at the present and future needs. The pie chart shows that major proportion that is 40 % investors have annual savings ranging from 10 -20% whereas 35% investors annual saving ranges from 21-30%.

f). Risk-Taking Ability Of Investors:




Low risk

Careful 0







Low risk

Reluctant to risk

High risk





Interpretation There are very few investors who believe in avoiding risk while investing in different avenues. The major proportion is those of low risk taker here the investors invest their wealth mainly in mutual funds, fixed deposits etc.

(2) Investors invested in different kind of investments: Kind of Investments


No. of Respondents

Saving A/C


Fixed deposits




Mutual Fund


Post office (NSC)






Real Estate


Kinds of Investment

65 30 50 75 120 152 148 195 0




No.of Respondents

Interpretation: From the above graph it can be inferred that out of 200 people, 97.5% people have invested in Saving A/c, 76% in Insurance, 74% in Fixed Deposits, 60% in Mutual Fund, 37.5% in Post Office, 25% in Shares or Debentures, 15% in Gold/Silver and 32.5% in Real Estate.

3. Preference of factors while investing: Factors

(a) Liquidity

(b) Low Risk

(c) High Return

(d) Trust

No. of





Respondents 47






Low Risk

High Return


Interpretation: Out of 200 People, 32% People prefer to invest where there is High Return, 30% prefer to invest where there is Low Risk, 20% prefer easy Liquidity and 18% prefer Trust

4. Awareness about Mutual Fund and its Operations:





No. of Respondents







Interpretation: From the above chart it is inferred that 67% People are aware of Mutual Fund and its operations and 33% are not aware of Mutual Fund and its operations.

5. Source of information for customers about Mutual Fund: Source of information

No. of Respondents



Peer Group



30 49

Financial Advisors


No. of Respondents

80 60 40

62 20





Peer Group



Financial Advisors

Source of Information

Interpretation: From the above chart it can be inferred that the Financial Advisor is the most important source of information about Mutual Fund. Out of 135 Respondents, 46% know about Mutual fund Through Financial Advisor, 22% through Bank, 19% through Peer Group and 13% through Advertisement.

6. Investors invested in Mutual Fund: Response


No. of Respondents







No 40%

Yes 60%

Interpretation: Out of 200 People, 60% have invested in Mutual Fund and 40% do not have invested in Mutual Fund.

7.Reason for not invested in Mutual Fund: Reason

No. of Respondents

Not Aware


Higher Risk


Not any Specific Reason




6% 81%

Not Aware

Higher Risk

Not Any

Interpretation: Out of 80 people, who have not invested in Mutual Fund, 81% are not aware of Mutual Fund, 13% said there is likely to be higher risk and 6% do not have any specific reason.

8. Investors invested in different Assets Management Co. (AMC):


Name of AMC

No. of Investors









ICICI Prudential








Name of AMC












75 0





No. of Investors

Interpretation: Most of the Investors preferred UTI and Reliance Mutual Fund. Out of 120 Investors 62.5% have invested in each of them, only 46% have invested in AxisMF, 47% in ICICI Prudential, 37.5% in Kotak and 25% in HDFC.

9. Reason for invested in AxisMF: Reason

No. of Respondents

Associated with Axis


Better Return


Agents Advice



27% 9%

Associated with AXIS


Better Return

Agents Advice

Interpretation: Out of 55 investors of AxisMF 64% have invested because of its association with Brand AXIS, 27% invested on Agent’s Advice, 9% invested because of better return.

10. Reason for not invested in AxisMF Reason


No. of Respondents

Not Aware


Less Return


Agent’s Advice



38% 28%

Not Aware

Less Return

Agent's Advice

Interpretation: Out of 65 people who have not invested in AxisMF, 38% were not aware with AxisMF, 28% do not have invested due to less return and 34% due to Agent’s Advice.

11. Preference of Investors for future investment in Mutual Fund Name of AMC

No. of Investors




45 55





ICICI Prudential








Name of AMC



ICICI Prudential









76 0






No. of Investors

Interpretation: Out of 120 investors, 68% prefer to invest in Reliance, 67% in ICICI Prudential, 63% in AxisMF, 62.5% in Others, 50% in Kotak, 37.5% in UTI and 29% in HDFC Mutual Fund.

12. Channel Preferred by the Investors for Mutual Fund Investment Channel No. of Respondents


Financial Advisor 72





25% 15%


Financial Advisor



Interpretation: Out of 120 Investors 60% preferred to invest through Financial Advisors, 25% through AMC and 15% through Bank.

13. Mode of Investment Preferred by the Investors Mode of Investment No. of Respondents

One time Investment 78

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) 42


35% 65%

One time Investment


Interpretation: Out of 120 Investors 65% preferred One time Investment and 35 % Preferred through Systematic Investment Plan.

14. Preferred Portfolios by the Investors Portfolio 58

No. of Investors








46% 17%




Interpretation: From the above graph 46% preferred Equity Portfolio, 37% preferred Balance and 17% preferred Debt portfolio

15. Option for getting Return Preferred by the Investors Option

Dividend Payout

Dividend Reinvestment



No. of Respondents




21% 8% 71%

Dividend Payout

Dividend Reinvestment


Interpretation: From the above graph 71% preferred Growth Option, 21% preferred Dividend Payout and 8% preferred Dividend Reinvestment Option..


Chapter-4 Suggestions and Recommendation


Suggestions and Recommendations  The most vital problem spotted is of ignorance. Investors should be made aware of the benefits. Nobody will invest until and unless he is fully convinced. Investors should be made to realize that ignorance is no longer bliss and what they are losing by not investing.  Mutual funds offer a lot of benefit which no other single option could offer. But most of the people are not even aware of what actually a mutual fund is? They only see it as just another investment option. So the advisors should try to change their mindsets. The advisors should target for more and more young investors. Young investors as well as persons at the height of their career would like to go for advisors due to lack of expertise and time.  Mutual Fund Company needs to give the training of the Individual Financial Advisors about the Fund/Scheme and its objective, because they are the main source to influence the investors.  Before making any investment Financial Advisors should first enquire about the risk tolerance of the investors/customers, their need and time (how long they want to invest). By considering these three things they can take the customers into consideration.  Younger people aged under 35 will be a key new customer group into the future, so making greater efforts with younger customers who show some interest in investing should pay off.  Customers with graduate level education are easier to sell to and there is a large untapped market there. To succeed however, advisors must provide sound advice and high quality.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is one the innovative products launched by Assets Management companies very recently in the industry. SIP is easy for monthly salaried person as it provides the facility of do the investment in EMI. Though most of the prospects and potential investors are not aware about the SIP. There is a large scope for the companies to tap the salaried persons.


Limitations and Scope Limitation:

Some of the persons were not so responsive.

Possibility of error in data collection because many of investors may have not given actual answers of my questionnaire.

Sample size is limited to 200 visitors of Axis Bank ,Malviya Nagar and Vaishali Nagar out of these only 120 had invested in Mutual Fund. The sample size may not adequately represent the whole market.

Some respondents were reluctant to divulge personal information which can affect the validity of all responses.

The research is confined to a certain part of Jaipur.


Scope of the study

A big boom has been witnessed in Mutual Fund Industry in recent times. A large number of new players have entered the market and trying to gain market share in this rapidly improving market. The research was carried on in Jaipur. I had been sent at one of the branch Axis bank where I completed my Project work. I surveyed on my Project Topic “Channel Management of Axis Mutual Fund and Analysing Preferences of The Investors For Investment In Mutual Funds” on the visiting customers of the AxisMalviya Nagar and Vaishali Nagar Branch. The study will help to know the preferences of the customers, which company, portfolio, mode of investment, option for getting return and so on they prefer. This project report may help the company to make further planning and strategy.


Finding and Conclusion Findings  The Age Group of 36-40 years were more in numbers. The second most Investors were in the age group of 41-45 years and the least were in the age group of below 30 years.  Most of the Investors were Graduate or Post Graduate and below HSC there were very few in numbers.  In Occupation group most of the Investors were Govt. employees, the second most Investors were Private employees and the least were associated with Agriculture.  In family Income group, between Rs. 20,001- 30,000 were more in numbers, the second most were in the Income group of more than Rs.30,000 and the least were in the group of below Rs. 10,000.  About all the Respondents had a Saving A/c in Bank, 76% Invested in Fixed Deposits, Only 60% Respondents invested in Mutual fund.  Mostly Respondents preferred High Return while investment, the second most preferred Low Risk then liquidity and the least preferred Trust.  Only 67% Respondents were aware about Mutual fund and its operations and 33% were not.  Among 200 Respondents only 60% had invested in Mutual Fund and 40% did not have invested in Mutual fund.  Out of 80 Respondents 81% were not aware of Mutual Fund, 13% told there is not any specific reason for not invested in Mutual Fund and 6% told there is likely to be higher risk in Mutual Fund.  Most of the Investors had invested in Reliance or UTI Mutual Fund, ICICI Prudential has also good Brand Position among investors, AxisMF places after ICICI Prudential according to the Respondents.  Out of 55 investors of Axis MF 64% have invested due to its association with the Brand Axis, 27% Invested because of Advisor’s Advice and 9% due to better return.  Most of the investors who did not invested in Axis MF due to not Aware of Axis MF, the second most due to Agent’s advice and rest due to Less Return.  For Future investment the maximum Respondents preferred Reliance Mutual Fund, the second most preferred ICICI Prudential, Axis MF has been preferred after them.  60% Investors preferred to Invest through Financial Advisors, 25% through AMC (means Direct Investment) and 15% through Bank. 65

 65% preferred One Time Investment and 35% preferred SIP out of both type of Mode of Investment.  The most preferred Portfolio was Equity, the second most was Balance (mixture of both equity and debt), and the least preferred Portfolio was Debt portfolio.  Maximum Number of Investors Preferred Growth Option for returns, the second most preferred Dividend Payout and then Dividend Reinvestment. 



Running a successful Mutual Fund requires complete understanding of the peculiarities of the Indian Stock Market and also the psyche of the small investors. This study has made an attempt to understand the financial behaviour of Mutual Fund investors in connection with the preferences of Brand (AMC), Products, Channels etc. I observed that many of people have fear of Mutual Fund. They think their money will not be secure in Mutual Fund. They need the knowledge of Mutual Fund and its related terms. Many of people do not have invested in mutual fund due to lack of awareness although they have money to invest. As the awareness and income is growing the number of mutual fund investors are also growing. “Brand” plays important role for the investment. People invest in those Companies where they have faith or they are well known with them. There are many AMCs in Jaipur but only some are performing well due to Brand awareness. Some AMCs are not performing well although some of the schemes of them are giving good return because of not awareness about Brand. Reliance, UTI,AxisMF, ICICI Prudential etc. They are well known Brand, they are performing well and their Assets Under Management is larger than others whose Brand name are not well known like Principle, Sunderam, etc. Distribution channels are also important for the investment in mutual fund. Financial Advisors are the most preferred channel for the investment in mutual fund. They can change investors’ mind from one investment option to others. Many of investors directly invest their money through AMC because they do not have to pay entry load. Only those people invest directly who know well about mutual fund and its operations and those have time.



1. Personal details:

(a). Name:-

(b). City: -

contact no:-

(c). Age:-

(d). Qualification:-


Under graduate


(e). Occupation. Pl tick (√)

Govt. Ser





(f). What is your monthly family income approximately? Pl tick (√).

Up rs.10,000

to Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 15,001 to Rs. 20,001 to Rs. 15000




and above

(g). What much do you think you will be able to save on an annual basis as a % of your total annual income?

Less than 10% 10-20%



More than 30%

(h). How would you honestly describe yourself as a risk-taker? Careful

Low risk taking capability

Extremely reluctant to risk

High risk taking capability

2. What kind of investments you have made so far? Pl tick (√). All applicable.

A. Saving account

B. Fixed deposits

E. Post office-nsc, etc F.

C. Insurance

D. Mutual fund

G. Gold/ silver

H. Real estate


3. While investing your money, which factor will you prefer? . (a) liquidity

(b) low risk

(c) high return

(d) trust

4. Are you aware about mutual funds and their operations? Pl tick (√). a)


b) no

5. If yes, how did you know about mutual fund?

A. Advertisement

B. Peer group

C. Banks

D. Financial advisors

6. Have you ever invested in mutual fund? Pl tick (√). a) yes

b) no

7. If not invested in mutual fund then why? (a) not aware of mf (b) higher risk (c) not any specific reason 69

8. If yes, in which mutual fund you have invested? Pl. Tick (√).All applicable.






E. Kotak

F. Other specify


9. If invested in axis mf, you do so because (pl. Tick (√), all applicable).

A. Axismf is associated with axis bank B. They have a record of giving good returns year after year. C. Agent’ advice

10. If not invested in axis mf, you do so because (pl. Tick (√) all applicable).

A. You are not aware of axis mf. B. Axis mf gives less return compared to the others. C. Agent’ advice

11. When you plan to invest your money in asset managementco. Which AMC will you prefer?

Assets management co. A. Axis mf B. Uti C. Reliance D. Hdfc E. Kotak F. Icici


12. Which channel will you prefer while investing in mutual fund?

(a) financial advisor

(b) bank

(c) AMC

13. When you invest in mutual funds which mode of investment will you prefer? Pl. Tick (√).

A. One time investment

B. Systematic investment plan (sip)

14. When you want to invest which type of funds would you choose?

A. Having only debt B. Having debt & equity C. Only equity portfolio. portfolio





News papers


Outlook money


Television channel (cnbcaawaj)


Mutual fund hand book


Fact sheet and statement










www. MutualFundsindia.com


Financial Management by D.K goyal


Indian Mutual Funds by Sundar Shankran





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