14830678 Mike Kelly Document 9

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Allegation: Discrimination

Michael R. Kelly Professional and unethical Misconduct Operating without a State License vs. engaging in influential judicial decision making Judge Simon Simeone(Social Security Judge) Special Favors JudgeJudith Shivley(of the People’s Court) Sexual Harassment Mr. Richard Hilton II Medical Malpractice Miss Kathy Hilton NeuroChip/NaChip Brain Implant: WASHU Washington University of St. Louis During the Course of an MRI Paris Hilton Preformed Neurosurgery Open MRI Onfineon’s Without my Knowledge nor Consent Vassanelli Stefano 1st. Degree Assault w/ intent to do And Bodily Harm Caltec’s Invasion of Privacy & Medical Records Girardi Stefano Discrimination Sexual & Religious _____________________________________________________________________________ COMPLAINT:

On or about on July 03,03,2008 through and to the present (for 12 months) sexual harassment and religious discrimination by Social Security Judge Simone Someone (of the State of Missouri, St. Louis County) and Judge Judith Shivley of “The Peoples Court“) and various persons including faculty at Washington University WASHU. of St. Louis Missouri “Science Department Neurochip/Nachip Project” in which the Judge Simeone gave Mr. Richard Hilton (of the Hilton Hotels) and Mr. Girardi Stefano (of Onfineon and Caltec University) permission to operate on me during an MRI at Open MRI of Potosi, Missouri , and are taping ang blogging about me to celebrities( whom participated on Nachip.BiZ (the BiZ stands for SHOWBIZ or people in the showbizness). This is above and beyond the call of misconduct of any Judge and or Judicial Standard or any First Amendment rights and Microchip, RFID Laws and Municipal Standards as this is considered to be abusive behavior and otherwise improper mistreatment to others. This expression of bias discrimination or harassment “off the bench”, is based on disability, religion, sexual preference including influential judicial decision making being it’s the owner of the Hilton Hotels, it questions all objectivity without so much as a case, a subpoena, or law to base these favors on; called ex parte via communication to or otherwise by allowing influential favors to aid such misconduct to or for Richard Hilton. Whether by gifts, bribes, and or other criminal behavior, there is not one direct

legal decision nor review for such a monstronous behavior nor authority for him to authorize Mr. Hilton to put a RFID Neurochip/Nachip in my brain. I know the reason that the judge has determined to allow Mr. Hilton to put a Neurochip/Nachip in my head in the first place ,it’s because of negative repercussions that I had filed a complaint against him before. I have seriously considered the potential negative repercussions of filing this complaint against these two judges, overseeing this on-going blasphemy of my Civil Rights and complete over powerment they’ve exercised over my mind. The Neurochip/Nachip has complete power over the mind, will, and emotions, they can see everything you can think of and see and hear.They even control my dreams. With the brain computer interface there is nothing that you can think or see of without them seeing it also, not only that, you can also see everything their doing as long as their camera is pointing at you. (enclosed is a PDF of everything about the Neurochip/Nachip.) During this gross conduct and intentional mistreatment by Judge Simeone and Judge Judith Shiveley other colleagues, they have been sexually harassing me and discriminating against me for being disabled; other college students and famous people are blogging on Nachip.BIZ also. Mr. Hilton paid $20,000,000.00 million dollars for the Neurochip/Nachip, and God knows what to these people.I ask that a preliminary evaluation under Rule 6(b) of the Rules of Board on Judical Standards warrant an investigation, to determine if suffient cause exists to proceed charges against the two judges. I pray that a suffient cause may be found so that this form of torment and mental torture does not happen again. I am also presenting suffiebnt documentation to describe the judges conduct, they have written transcripts and witnesses including all recordings of these proceedings. This is also a great misappropreation of State funds and Grants to harass myself by via Neurochip/ Nachip by Garardi Stefano by the aid of Richard Hilton paying them $20.00 per Hour by check(which is tracable, some more that others) to intimidate, and give me as much S#@t as possible. Mr. Hilton and Judge Simon Simeone and Judge Judy Shively of the PEOPLES COURT is, if not possible initiating this grossly negligent behavior above and beyond the State laws and Civil Rights and Regulations regarding its guidelines for as they say, “This is a New kind of Court.”

The following Statements are what they have said including dates, time.

On or about on February 03,2008, at Open MRI of Potosi, Missouri, I had a prescription for an MRI for low back pain. During the Course of the MRI, Mr. Richard and Kathy Hilton, with the aid of Technician Girard Stefano {pictures enclosed} of Caltech University of California, and member of Onfineon, performed neurosurgery without my consent nor any knowledge. Arising out of and during the course of the MRI, a NeuroChip/NaChipwas implanted in my cereabelum nerve under my scalp. To the best of my knowledge, the Scientist Neuro-Technician Mr. Stefano is not a Neurosurgeon nor a licensed MRI technician, nor is he licensed in the state of Missouri. The NeuroChip/NaChip was inserted into the cerebellum nerve during the MRI as they have stated with a local antistatic only used on animals. Mr. Hilton should have referred to a neurosurgeon but instead used only a technician who works with rats and mice in a laboratory.

By probing with my brain during an MRI the technician Stefano, could or has caused severe brain injury and that brain injury has drastically effected my thinking. They drilled a hole in my head and inserted a Neurochip/Nachip 1mm2 and pathed it up with cenment.( I have the MRI of my brain to prove it ; the before ,during and after. . On 03/03/2008 I was supposed to get just a lumbar MRI scan done) Mr. Hiltons’ technician Stefano, should have had a neurosurgeon perform proper surgery on me, but instead used improper

anesthesia (used for rats and mice) without proper surgical facilities or antiseptic conditions, without proper staff, without proper imaging studies and without a proper specialist in neurosurgery he has without a dought has thrown out every ethical and medical practices with every known medical statute of Missouri. They were even blogging the investors as they were performing the surgery,,, how humiliating! I believe I’ve been discriminated against because of sex, religion and disability from the students and faculty unmonitored.

This picture is how the operation should have looked like in stead of operating on me at OPEN MRI.

Mr. Richard Hilton had purchased the NeuroChip/NaChip from Mr. Stefano at Caltect University) for the price of $20,000,000 million dollars. Forth which I have talked with theses people for over seven months straight, none stop, seven days a week twenty-four hours a day being falsely accused of ascertains that I’ve never committed in my entire life. (the following copy of what has been discussed is enclosed.

On or about on September 18th of 2001, at the Richard Hiltons residence a child was abducted by a man named Michael Raymond Kelley. A man with one blue eye, the left one . He allegedly took off with this girl Paris Hilton child with a woman Kim Kelley and his daughter Catherine Kelley. They hired a Private Detective Mr. Wilson to find them. Apparently they had came to a conclusion that for some reason I was the assailant and put a Nachip in my brain to find their child. They’ve found out that I’m the wrong Kelly and are still giving me

crap, sexually harassing me, and trying to come up with any excuse to arrest me for a false prosecution. Even after the fact they know that I’m not the guy their looking for they insistently break the law without any attorney present for myself nor any privacy. It is though they’ve dragged me off and are accusing me of murder because they know they’ve got the wrong person, and are afraid that I’m going to sue them. Now since they’ve got me with this illegal microchip implant which is illegal in both California and Missouri , the Neurochip/Nachip in my head, they think they can treat me as though I’m an animal, and even after proving that I am not their right guy that their looking for they still sexually harass me! I am trying to find a Neuerosurgeoen to remove this neurochip/Nachip. They are unwilling to remove the neurochip/nachip and are threatening me, they said they are not going to comply with any State or Federal laws that warrant such behavior. Mr. Hilton has admitted the operation has taken place at OPEN MRI of Potosi, Missouri, and has also told me the NeuroChip/NaChip came out of a live rat/mouse and the MRI shows positive for a foreign body NeuroChip/NaChip a old MRI shows no head surgery prior to this unethical surgery , I’ve since had a CT Scan, and X-Ray which also show positive for the NeuroChip/NaChip. I am continually sexually harassed everyday and they also control my dreams at night. Medicare and Medicaid did pay for the MRI but did not pay for Neurosurgery during an MRI, neither with their knowledge had the neurosurgery taken place nor had I expected to be operated on as an out patient at OPEN MRI of Potosi.

The NeuroChip/NaChip is a developed neuro-semiconductor that interfaces with recombinant sodium channels made with a kind of protein found in the brain called “neurons” used as a biological glue. The appropriate materials refine the chip to make an neuro-connection via the electoral signals already in your brain to activate the transistor stimulating the neurons and recording the ones which fire using standardized neuroscience techniques. While tracking the signals coming from the chip, hence while you talk, think ,see, they can see everything nothing is hidden from thier sight even tracking via satellite; it is though they posses every thought and my very soul(mind, will, and emotions). I can even talk and see the technicians via so called BlueTooth interface signal as the best explanation that I can come up with, this is a true modern marvel. The NeuroChip/ NaChip is about the size of a single grain of rice, 1mm2 from the company Onfineon placed with 16,384 transistors and hundreds of capacitates on a single chip. The tested device works anywhere it has interfaced via user equipment while expert analogy goes on the expertise would be very hard for anyone to explain outside of this experience with this new technology. The one I have in my cerebellum nerve ending

came out of a Rat or mouse. The price of NeuroChip/NaChip is $20,000,000.00 with technician installed without my consent nor knowledge.

The NeuroChip/NaChip effects the visual cortex and the speech lynx

Such medical mistreatment is such a gross betrayal and intentional act of carelessness that is so gross and unusual that it supersedes bizarre conduct. The multiple fault of each of these people is negligent to say the least, each person is at fault even though it was Mr. Richard and Johnathan Hilton , is the approximate cause that caused this injury to my brain. Each of these concurring events deem a cause of fact of my injury, since it would bring the injury about by concurrent causes. All of the subsequent notes forward are a direct result of current conversations via NeuroChip/NaChip, between myself, Johnathan Hiton, his employees and investors.

The following pictures are a Neurochip/NaChip implant extracted from nerve endings of the Cerebellum possibly causing brain damage.


Causation in Fact

Mr. Richard and Kathy Hilton are the owners of Hilton hotels. Johnathan Hilton (who lives in Los Angeles) has had movie film of abduction of Paris Hilton 4:37 am 12/11/08. Judge Simon Simeone” He’s touching himself , he’s feeling himself. Were getting a subpoena you’re a suspect. Even if the evidence is not there then we will plant it, 10:55 am Kathy Hilton 12/11/08 bank robber dose not have earring in his left ear. Judge Judy Shivley 12/11/08 4:47 am. So we know we’ve got the wrong guy. 4:47 am 12/11/08 Judge Judy Shivley So they want there microchip back. 4:49am 12/11/08 What difference dose it make I’ll still pen a bank robbery on him. 12:54 am 12/08/08 Judge Judy Shivley 1,957 plus times a day they said Paris Hilton. Bob Smith talks over the top of me. Which he calls a fill in the blank. Including the word “nigger” to get a profession not a confession. They keep saying to me pick a farm implement We got Debra your ex-wife because she has a personal vendetta against you. 11:21 am 12/11/08 Hiltons have admitted that they had my prescriptions taken away on purpose to cause as much physical pain as possible. They knew I am disabled they also took advantage of the fact that I was having withdraws from morphine. Also had Medicare and Medicaid take away my prescription program on purpose to cause as physical harm as possible thinking I was the abductor of there child Paris Hilton. During the last two months Robert Smith has been (talking over me) making me

say racial slurs racially to insult Eddie Murphy and fifty Cent/Curtis and also talking to his cousin Chris from Chris cross. Like when I was talking Robert would say”Nig--” I would unwittingly say ”er” (at the end) Robert Wayne Smith--that’s what you get for speaking out of line this is a fill in the blank. (there trying to get a profession not a confession of guilt) there brain washing me. Michael Kelly -- I said “ if your going to put this murder rap(Paris Hilton) in my head ( I asked them not too) then I’m going to give them night mares about it/because there messing with my head.( brain washing my mind)

Malicious misconduct

Judge Simeone, Robert Wayne Smith and Kathy Hilton Your with the humass and alkida Gather the troop (meaning my family) Pink-O-Commy “you pink-o-commy) They make fun of me Sexual harassment as (They call me: homosexual, faggit, Queer, gay) They are threading me saying they are going to murder me and never take out the microchip/Neurrochip/Nachip implant until I’m hung or dead, even if they have to dig up my grave. Tells me to eat shit( literately ) Even had me convinced at one time that I did kill people! (This is while I was going through withdraws) Floods and Rain, also, calls me Aniani (meaning the cloud Satan Lucifer.) Gloria Copeland “Ohh Aniani we know It’s you” I’ve got your prayer cloth (She

holds up a pair of nylons. Also refers to my son as a demon spawn and claims he’s Satan. Said I’ll be better off going out and hanging myself. Then what they have planed for me,They‘ll resume the body later and take out the NeuroChip/NaChip. Judge Someone (Department of Social Security) would comment while I was in the bathroom,”He’s touching himself, He’s felling himself, he’s sexually stimulating his butt hole.” even when I would pet the cat he’d say I was sexually molesting my owe cat!

Stefano Girardi

Richard Hilton

Kathy Hilton

Paris Hilton

Mental Anguish

They have me cursing continually and saying racial slurs (Robert Smith talking over me) They call this constructive criticism “He’s Criminally Insane, He’s Criminally Insane!” Judge Simon Simione. (The same judge that gave the Hiltons and Technician Stefano a Court Order to put the NeuroChip/NaChip in my brain.) I said” This is Inhumane Experimentation! I’m from Potosi, not from Farmington Missouri, they say close enough. I do not have any inner dialog every thought is invaded by this god damn chip. I’ve looked up more stuff about the Neurochip and the Nachip it’s as though I have an associates degrees worth of information. Mr. Hilton says he has a Presidential Citation and Warrant for Michael Raymond Kelley and this is a different Court 1:04am 12/12/2008 He then said the Miranda Rights. They even stolen $250,000 dollars from a Missouri Powerball winning Lottery Ticket that I purchased from BP Oil Gas Station in Potosi, They claim that Creflo Dollar told them to save the money they stole to pay for reparations that I owe, (even that I don’t owe anybody anything) they’ve paid Silvey Egg Plant $10,000 dollars , Robert Smith $1,500.00, Gary Warner $2,000.00 and Fran Drescher

$10,000 dollars for reparations that I don’t owe. Why are they doing this??? I said he does not have any right to question me nor obtain any information without an attorney present nor can use any information I’ve said against me! Were going to put (these pictures) inside of you and make you believe it’s you 1:17am 12/12/2008 The man their talking about sits in the lotus position. They are even controlling my dreams. Go to bed and we’ll fuck with your head! They said that they drilled a hole in my head , put the Nachip which is 1mm2 big and thiers nothing you can do about it. Then they laughed. and said Why don’t you just cry about it! Judge Simeone- You guessed what were were going to say 4:15 am 12/13/2008 this is the third week.(Angela Joeley and Queen Lateffa are in my dreams now. They said they’ve been taping every minute of everyday. I cannot believe this is happening to me. They have become my conscience in dreams and real life.Mr. Hilton”The Great Train Robbery! ( a book the man was holding) We got to get a Conviction even though your not guilty- were afraid you’ll sue us- If there’s not a body we’ll put one their! 3;07am 12/14/2008 Were going to Fuck up your mind so much your going to think you took her motherfucker””You took her!” Were going to fuck with your head even more! 3:50am 12/14/2008 Just another painful reminder you died our daughters hair !(I seen a vision of the daughter they put in my head with black hair , on the transisor they can see any vision or imagination I can dream up also they can hear and see everything I can see and hear.

Kathy Hilton--We’re going to retrieve our micro-chip (NeuroChip/NaChip) and you’re going to die mother fucker - We’re going to kill you mother fucker- You

Son of a Bitch quit writing down everything we say1;02am 12/15/2008 (YOU FINISHED IT!) You Son of a Bitch you’re not going to file a Law Suit. Richard Hilton-- Don’t you think this is a little ridiculous, We want you to plea crimes against Humanitybecause you prayed for RAIN!! You robbed Banks(6) one in August of 2008(While I was still talking to them), molested children, kill people with storms, are possessed with Demons , abducted Paris Hilton(They show me a picture of Shawnda Banay Ramsey and say it’s Paris Hilton), murder people, raped Fran Drescher(Fine), killed the local economy, run the Stock Market, killed Paris Hilton, eat people, eat people with storms. Miss Kathy Hilton--They called Senator Gene Carnahan and told her I’m “Anini” and I killed her husband. - She asked me to dinner when I called her on the phone--Now she does not want my vote for any of her family. Mrs. Paris Hilton said (while I was driving ) She’s going to Hire a Hit Man to kill me ! They are painting pictures (mind control) in my mind to get a desired effect. Extortion.

Neurochip by Onfineon

Damaging Accusations

I’ve been called by them: Anini, meaning the cloud or the one who causes the hurricanes and flooding, the Cript Keeper, the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Death, Pink-o-Comi, a Flamer, Shit Head, you Jack Ass, Jack Off, Fucker, Mother Fucker, White Niger, KKK Klansman, Mutant, Fallen Angel, I’m Special, Faget, yhe Cloud, Resonsible for Sin, Corhorts

of the Damed, Tommy Knocker (Juice Meyer said that one), Son of Sam, Michael Raymond Kelly, Children of the Damned, Traitor, Parents are Traitors, Fucked Up, Boil Him in Oil, (Benny Hinn said that one), Hang Him, Lake Front Property(to burn me alive), Witch, Hitler(Judge Judy Shivley said that one), the Anti-Christ), Fuck Face, Stupid Pinko Comi,you are the Son of Sam, Thoms-son, That’s just what we’re going to do to you (Gloria Copland) Robert Smith-- Do you know what were going to do to you? We’re going to tear you literately apart, YOU’R THE ARNOLD DEVIL, This is hard ball for now on. We have to fuck with you’r head! (Mr. Hilton is paying us to do this) 9:50 pm 12/17/2008 Between now and the time you talk to Matt Bluntand then we have plenty of time to fuck with your brain! We’re going to have you so far up in a sling you ant ever coming back… 9:54pm 12/17/2008 Miss Kathy Hilton--Oh’ you stop[ writing every thing down! Did you kill my people (meaning I’m Anini) (I said “NO!”) is that what she sounds like? “HOWIE!”, Who’s Howie?(I said Anecks son.) How big is he? (I said very big.) Bigger than you(I said,

Yes.) is he of age? (I said Yes)Is he over Twenty One (I said Yes) Good then we’re going to say you fucked his mom and we’re going to have him kick the shit out of you ! 9:55pm 12/17/2008 They even harass me because I’m disabled too. They keep saying --oh just cry about it why don’t you after they‘ve insulted me! Paraphrashed we’re going to have Howie and Corey kick the shit out of you just for the fuck of it! I think that their going to either find a dead body and or find Paris Hilton and then try to pin a murder on me. To get out of an on coming lawsuit. Robert Smith--- Keeps saying where’s the body? any body!

They’ve made a settlement offer of $2,000,000.00 dollars by certified checkand 2,300,000.00 dollars for the lottery money they stole. They also have admitted that their being paid to intimidate me.Threatenings continue every day, every hour of every day, then when I sleep they control my dreams, tonight they said theire going to make me wear pantyhose. 12:19am 01/15/2009 They say to frame me later. Wait until you go to sleep were going to make you believe that you’re a killer. They’ve been doing this the whole time from WASHU Washington University the whole time. This Neurochip/Nachip has had the capacity to follow me as far as Farmington Missouri, while I was at Pain Management. They’ve been recording everything I’ve seen, being doing and even dream control even when I go to the bathroom , their there. I’m in constant fear of my life-what’s next ? Sometimes I shake uncontrollably ,I’ve had panic attacks--they keep telling me I’d be better off dead then what their going to do to me They said that their trying to drive me insane they keep saying that I’m responsible for rain, tornatoes, hurricanes, I give people cancer, I have renal dieases, I have myosteious graphis diease and or I’m gay because I have jell coming out of my bowles. Why are they persecuting me? They continually say I killed Paris Hilton, I raped Fran Drescher(Fine), molested my children, I’m a pink-o-comi and ASI( a store that was robbed in the 1990s.) They keep trying to humiliate and persecute me in front of people I respect and admire. I do not have one private though to myself that is not criticized made fun of or sexually harassed about. Fran Drescher(Fine) I see your moil (my penis)(while I’m in the bathroom, what’s the scents in even shutting the door anymore, they watch me take a shower,

ect.t They ask me everything about my sexual life your queer, a homosexual, gay with Donnie. They make fun of me when I’m jaking off, they say think about your daughter, young boys and girls, Angela Joelee, Fran Drescher, and other famous men actors. Miss Kathy Hilton was constantly dancing provocatively and undoing her bra strap in front of me to show me her breasts to see if I would jake off to her. MR. Richard Hilton also mailed me Heroine seeds to see if I’d plant them, which I did because I didn’t know what they were at the time. The plant came in a Basic Box with a little shovel and a green pair of gloves. THEY ALSO GAVE THE MAN (Michael Raymond Kelly a Peyote plant Mr. Johnathan Hilton II said he will Settle out of Court for $10,000,000.00 dollars by Certified Check by over night mail delivery by Tuesday January 6th, 2009 by 5:00pm. Gary warner, and William Lee Hefley , and Robert Smith along with the people they’ve blogged and by a stenographer are witnesses. The ex-FBI agent said he’s going to make my life a living hell 10:47pm 01/06 I was told to through away my cane I’m not disabled! They’ve driven around chasing me from doctor to doctor telling them “All he wants is drugs”--when I need my prescriptions to manage the pain my body is in. They keep hassling me all day and night long, falsely accusing me of being disabled filing a false claim for disability. I’m afraid to go to sleep or say anything of being ridiculed and or discriminated against. I’m always afraid of what they will do to me next!

Neurochip/Nachip Project: Onfineon

Controlled Dreams

I (allegedly)raped Fran Dresch (who turned into Kim Smith, Roberts wife) and tried to convince her I’d give her money and everything would be alright--(TOLD THEM YOU MOTHER FUCKERS , NOW YOU KNOW HOW FRAN DRESCHER FELT AFTER SHE WAS RAPED) I also dreampted that I drug her across the room, 5:51am 12/23/2008 I woke up from the controlled dream.(Fran Drescher acted out part of the dream) There have been many kereepy dreams they’ve given me including , seeing a room full of rotting corpses and one in thickset, benn to the Corhorts of the Damned, been in a dream with John Goodman, FranDrescher (Fine) and her husband. Among others which are to frietening to mention. Brilliant analogy but it won’t work you won’t excape(from their controlled dreams) from us! 6:14am 12/23/2008 I said I’ll bet you have a clinical (Physiologist) analist of dreams a psychological professor. In my dreams tonight they said that their going to have me rob a bank--dream control is what they call it) 1:20am 12/24/2008 Tonight their going to take me to the Cohorts of the Damned, Their new threat is to put a NeuroChip/NaChip into my sons head and have threatened to have my entire family Hanged--my dad is a traitor , my mother is a Whore, my daughter is a whore, and my ex-wife is a strumpet (whore) and now they want to put a NeuroChip/NaChip into my oldest sons head also. Tonight they made me rob mrs. Stevenson were nylons, rape Angela Jolee and Fran Drescher (Fine); including many other controlled dreams, thefts, robberies, and things I cannot remember. My life is a living hell.


Fuck it, we’ll wait until you go to jail ,We’ll set you up then we’ll take it out the microchip (NeuroChip/NaChip)1:54am 12 /24/2008 (and I’m afraid to go to sleep. What will they do next to set me up .) They said they just e-mailed Michael Maher(the inventof the Neurocip) said it worked like a charm(the NeuroChip/NaChip) also said that they have found the guy (me) who abducted their daughter - now I’m wanted by the FBI for crimes against Humanity-then they said they were joking- then said can’t you see this is the only way we can do it for our daughter, you’r under arrest, we have to protect our investment. 1;00am 12/25/2008 We’re going to make you dream of some wicked shit. 3:12am 12/25/2008 That’s what we’re trying to do is make the most shocking behavior caught on tape for Court (mind Control during dreams and while awake. 3:42am12/25/2008 We’re going to fram you and our FBI friend is going to fram you too. 2:28pm 12/25/2008 Do you know we were tring to kill you! (50/cent and his cousin Chris from Cris Cross) doing --PSHHHHHHH suckseding in stoping my heart they said it didn’t work after I fell asleep because I was snoring. 7:18am 12/27/2008 Mr. Hilton is trying to get people to beat me up, pulverize me with the Hells Angles and the 13 chapter of the Saddle Tramps,boil me in oil Pastor Benny Hinn, Threatens to hang me, shoot me, he wants the police to beat me up, threatens prison sex, he wanted last night to challenge me to a fist fight and I’m terrified of what’s going to happen to me. They won’t stop harassing me sexually and keep threatening physical violence, they’ve threatened to drag my face on the asphalt, drag me chained up to Hells Angels motorcycles, incinerate me at the Chrysler building screw holes in my head and put horns on my face. they even made me a chair to sit in then hang me, threatened to put a chain around my neck and put me in a cage wearing pantyhose and a cape, tar and feather me told me I’d be better off putting a gun to my head and killing myself including taking me on a United States Tour. I really am scared for my life What Horrific nightmare will be next? Paris Hilton said she was going to hire a hit man and kill me! 2:30am 01/01/2009

We are trying to give you a heart attack so you’ll die,I said”even if I do die your not getting the NeuroChip/NaChip back! They said then we’ll dig up the body later and get it later (grave robbery) and they’ve threatened necrophilia acts after I’m dead. --Chris Catrell 2:37am 01/01/2009

So why don’t you just cry?(Mr. Hilton pats his heart as if he can care less, He’s paying them so I don’t threaten to sue him. Mr. Johnathan Hilton-- I hope you know that we have residence over you!-then said you ought to be horse wiped! They also threatened to car bomb me,I’d be better off dead then to know what there goning to do to meI’m horrified I can’t even get a good nights, sleepthier controlling my dreams. I have to talk to them twenty for hours a day seven days a week for 7 going on eight months now without a break--they said I’m their niger slave and I’m going to hang. Mr. Hilton is paying Robert Smith and others Twenty dollars an hour and overtime as well. There’s too many similarities for it not to be you. Chris Caltrell--we’re frame you, put you in Hillsboro jail, operate on you then kill you. If we can’t find Paris Hilton then your going to take the blame.11:23pm 01/06/2009 Robert Smith--My mother has nice butt (Tokus) and firm breasts. Just tiring to sabotage you that’s all. They told me to throw away my cane, because I’m not disabled. I threw it away causing unnecessary pain and suffering--they did this threw mind control.

Employees of Mr. Hilton

We’re getting $20.00 per hour do you think we’re going to pass this up? You might as well keep this book because we’re going to fuck your brain! 1:1012/28/2008 Are you really going to write this shit down? We’ll falsely accuse somebody else for a while it might as well be your son who killed Paris Hilton, If we didn’t say anything you’d be jacking off to the big Paris Hilton and the little one. Joyce Meyer(the Preacher)Jim Cummings, Kim & Robert Wayne Smith, Heather & William Lee Hefley, Gary Warner , Chris Catrell, and 50/Cent and his cousin Chris from Cris Cross., Stan WeyRauch , Paul Meyer, chris Hayes-- are getting paid $20.00 per hour to screw with your head you Lemoney Snicket Mother Fucker! Mr. Hilton said again he’d settle out of court for $10,000,000.00 dollars then said he’d settle me too in court! And he’d settle with my mother for a dollar out of court! Now $20,000,000.00 Don’t you know what were going to do we’re going to frame you! And he meant it! We paid Stefano Twenty million dollars and he installed it in my brain during the course of the MRI we’ve been blogging him and he’s rejoicing, he knows it works, Alright!

The Settlement

Mr. Johnathan Hilton II--You a Letter of Intent for two Million Dollars down (by Settlement) and Eight Million after you get a doctor before you take it out. We’re also going to work on a chimp which already has the NaChip installed in his brain to see if it is possible to remove it without brain damage--if we can well be willing to go through this even if it takes a couple weeks, I said “Yes, I want this mother fucker out of my brain. ”Then Mr. Hilton reneged and said “you know I’m not going to give you shit! No one is going to believe you, your not going to jack off now are you? 2:14am 01/14/2009 Judge Judy Shivley-- So I told him to Settle ,so What! Judge Simon Simeone-- Settle! They said that I pulled my dick (penis) off that’s why I’m so small. Were going to drive you insane. I don’t give a fuck what you think about your not going to get out of this! All we care about is the girl. We’re going to show the Federal Investigator how humanly were treating you! Jimmy Cummings-I broke into your house , I stole your gun and I was going to rape your wife and theirs nothing you could have done about it.

extracellular network allows for Brain Computer Interface vision via neurochip/nachip capable of recording neuron action positional (everything that I can vision they can see on proof of concept suprthresthold satellite systems) everything I vision they see on their receiver equipment. 

The investors list

sorry I do not have them all yet! They are editing a tape for a Judge to see, taking out all the horrible things they’ve said to me. Including some of the contributors such as Girard Stefano (whom sold the Hiltons the NeuroChip/NaChip for$20,000,000.00) Dal Maschio Marco, Jerry Sinfield Vassanelli Stefano, Scorzeto Michele, and Maschietto Marta of Onfineon and University CalTec and Padova, WASU Washington University of St. Louis, Missouri (were there monitoring me from the Science Department. including Johnny Depp, Owen Wilson, Steven Seagull, Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, John Goodman, Fran Drescher(Fine),, Rosanne Barr, the big guy on TV who acts like the President, Hulk Hogan, Martha Hilton, Johnathan Hilton, Richard and Kathy Hilton, Paris Hilton, Mathis Hilton (the Hiltons son), Judge Simone Simione(of The Devision of Social Security), Kenneth and Gloria Copland, Joel Osteen, Jesse Duplaintis, Dr. Creflo Dollar, Bishop T.D.Jakes, CBNs Pat Robertson, , Angala Joelie, Scott Pikerton. The Investors are Bloging OnLine while we speak, not only can they saee and hear everything Imthinking and control my dreams but if I imagine lifting up my arm they see that! They said that their filling out a Doce’a (report) to Mr. Richard Hilton about my personal life (Medical reports, friends, family history, were I worked, ect) He said he wants my head on a platter . What in the hell I have to do with the Hilton Family , I don’t know? They said they refuse to turn this Microchip off, refuse to comply with any privacy

laws, and refuse to comply with any authority (law enforcement or other entity) unless their made too.

Paris Mercedes Hilton

These people are paid to threaten you! Johnathan Hilton Senoir 2:44pm 12/28/2008 EXTORTION! Don’t you think that we’re going to pin something on you! And we’re going to see that you go to jail for a very long time and we’re going to hang you by the neck. After extensive guess work including Judge Simeone saying “Have you ever riden a Mercaties!(meaning have you even sleep with Paris Hilton a twelve year old girl, and or tring to stimulate my mind, I guessed that Paris Hiltons middle name was Mercedes, The President Gorge W. Bush said that even if I say Paris Hiltons middle name then thay own me! I guessed it too. I stated that you cannot own another human being its against the law slavery is abolished and a crime against Humanity. They know and can read every though I have 100% no privacy, even any time alone not to even go to the bathroom, Fran Drescher(Fine) always says”I see your Moil. I said,”Middle name? Or rather I guessed it a day after Judge Simeone said”have you ever driven a Mercedes meaning didi you have sexual relations with my daughter. Mr. Hilton gave several clues about his daughters middle name I guessed Porsche first then Form and then Mercury, He said think foreign you’ve said the name of a car before and that’s her name , then I said Mercedes. We’re going to drive you insain, wait until you sleep tonight! (I said, Anything else) No, that’s about it. We know it’s not you but your are only lead! We’re even going to through a party after we hang you. I cannot wait until this NeuroChip/NaChip is out of my head!

Mr. Johnathan Hilton-- the sooner you realize that your going to diethe better(Mr. Hilton was even building me a Harley Davison so I could ride a bike before he has me executed!) I have Residence over you--He just don’t get it!! So go ahead and cry!!I’m going to make your life a living hell.(Then Mr. Hilton started busting up the Harley Davison in front of me --Through my mind thought.) They continue to ask personal questions about my ex-wife Debra, and asking me if I performed sexual acts with their daughter. Then they said well he married a fifteen year old whats the difference in a twelve year old now! Woke up a controlled dream--thay said it was like fish to bate 5:45am 12/30/2008 I asked them ,”What are you doing in my dreams?” they replied Mind Control, I said, “Then what are you doing?” Brain Washing You!!--Johnny Depp We’re making you an offer that you can’t refuse by keeping you out of jail! Extortion 8:58pm 12/31/2008 Tonight were going to seriously going to fuck with your head! 1:11am 01/01/2009 Every hour is like a lifetime of mental torment and torture… Today they said, that they were going to kill my daughter Brittany, stab her to death and then cut out her baby!!! Robert Smith--were going to make you believe you murdered (Paris Hilton) Hugh Hefley--Now were going to pin this murder on you and theirs nothing your going to do about it!11:48pm 03/28/09you pantyhose wearing faggit!! We got to pin something on him! 1;23pm 03/27/2009- Robert Smith Your our Trained Monkey, are you m really going to write this down? 7:44pm 03/28/2009.we get a $1,000.00 reward for setting you up! We’re going to ruin your reputation like a mother-fucker if were going to federal court 8:39pm 03/28/2009 We know it an’t you but were going to pin it on you(Paris Hiltons murder). Robert Smith keeps cutting his throught invitro via neurochip/nachip with his thumb. He does this because he knows I’m part Jewish. (Shinlers List) You don’t know them and you’ve never met them but your sure going to take the blame.11:14pm 03/28/2009 I believe you’re a looser because your disabled--Lee Hefley 4:18pm 03/29/2009 Were going to burn your daughter! 4:30pm Mr. Richard Hilton 03/29/2009. If your not guilty then who come I put a microchip in your head. Our attorneys said if your not guilty then drive you crazy anyway! Johnathan Hilton 6:54pm 04/01/2009 I asked them to turn off the Neurochip because of Inhumane ExperimentationHilton refuses saying, your going to sue me anyway so what’s the difference.I suppose you want a trail by jury? I said yes,

Their going to have to make us turn it off! 8:16pm 04/01/2009Jonathan Hilton You did this out of inhumane experimentation didn’t you? You bet! 9:09pm 04/01/200. You know were sexually harassing you, don’t you? 9:38pm 04/02/2009 I don’t care, we are sexually harassing you and there’s nothing you can do about it! 9:39pm 04/02/2009 Robert Smith We own you! 10:30pm 04/02/2009 Your going to be in prison a long time. If we can’t pin him for murder a little extortion will work, Mr. Hilton said that you know? 10:42pm 04/02/2009 I am requesting that WASHU Washington University and Mr. Johnathan Hilton turns this Neurochip/Nachip Project off. And complies with all Civil, Federal and State Laws regarding my Rights to the U.S. Department of Education office of Civil Rights that warrant such activities and investigate these Civil Action Violations. Mr. Hilton is using “Extortion” to get a false confession of guilt, because I’ve filed a Complaint to the U.S. Department of Education. Federal RFID law 15U.S.C.1453 CH. 94-- privacy, regulates the illegal microchip implant for illegal survallance,privacy act, and illegal use of , and unauthorized tag in my brain and access use of my records and personal information. I ask you to enforce the mandate of this chapter.

cc. U.S Department of Education OCR Docket: #07092041 Office of Civil Rights 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037 Kansas City, Missouri 64114-3302 and Missouri James M. Smith, Administrator & Counsel Commission on Retirement, Removal, and Discipline 2190 S. Mason Road, Suite 201 St. Louis, Mo. 63131 314-966-1007 And Commission on Judicial Performance 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400 San Francisco, California 94102 Re: Judge Judith Shively (PEOPLES COURT) Tv show Re: Michael R. Kelly 4550 Sky-View Dr. Arnold Mo. 636-296-8197

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I Swear that a true copy was delivered by First Class Mail Postage Paid To: a “Request for Investigation of this Issue”. on this___________day of___________________2009.

______________________________ Michael R. Kelly- plaintiff

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