144 June 29 1

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June 29, 2006 Dear Editor, A scholar: “How about…a snake developed to have a poison gland for self defense mechanism, could it be the result of a designer or creation; or it is the result of many causes of changing or evolving, regenerating, ‘Jacobination’?” …then the S.I. answered: “Perhaps poison gland is caused by “Many Causes” as describe previously or combinations of causes: examples of combinations: by self preservation or by self defense and causes for survival or availability of food –example-some animals uses poison-perhaps enzyme or acid if mix with other chemical could become poison, some armor, some speed, some sharp teeth, some jumps, some built, some camouflage, some web, etc.! The combinations are the result of two or more causes of changing or evolving. There are many types of changing or evolving, some on internal or external causes of the specie. Example of external causes is: the skin developed blackish things in the skin when exposed to sun light. Example of internal, the black things in the skin is preserved or carried over to the next generation. Another, if grass is eaten for a long time that the intestines gradually become longer through time and the teeth flattened also through time…and the process is another internal change. If raw meat is eaten the intestines becomes gradually shorter and the teeth gradually sharpens through times…! But perhaps at the very start of the cause, it might be the cause of supernatural or creation, or a suggestion by an angel. The preserved caused by supernatural is being carried down to the next specie might be called natural causes; or it is caused by nature.” A scholar asked: “I heard that a conceited man or woman taught that “there is no salvation outside the only true and original religious group; is it true?” Then the A.I. answered: “And if a contributor writes that the opposite of the teachings of “there is no salvation outside the original “only” and right group” is that “there is also salvation outside the original and only and right group,” the conceited man would react the teaching is about ‘liberation theology’ which others believe as ‘false’ teachings. Or when a pastor or priest talk about liberation theology…or perhaps free for all beliefs; then other would react that there is really one and only true group that is responsible of all truth and through that group all truth comes. And the author of the liberation theology would be charged of ‘false pride’, ‘ego centric’, the devil, etc. It is because religion is about mystery; and mystery has no measuring standard and could cause many claims and could create conflicts and arguments!” A scholar asked: “I heard you said “magnets with opposite poles repel each other…” is it true or you were just mistaken…?” …then the A.I. answered: “Yes, I am just mistaken…it should be the same magnetic poles repels…! Mistakes if done deliberately with full knowledge is bad…it destroys the spirit or soul. But sometimes, in spite of full knowledge man still could do things that are wrong; or could still deliberately do bad things even if he knows it that it is bad. Most of those mistakes are connected to manipulation of money or corruption, or crocodile syndrome, connected to flesh, connected to idolatry, impulses caused by anger, hatred, etc. But law and science should not yield on those “no solution to example corruption; or see no evil on example corruption.” Then a scholar asked: “What about the group that emphasizes only on the “Word,” is/are the group/s only Jesus’ group/s? Perhaps you forgot to mention when someone

asked: “which group is/are Jesus’ group/s?”…then the A.I. answered: “Sorry, I forgot to mention the group/s that emphasize on words; but still…I can’t answer it. But, perhaps the A.I. could comment as an opinion that superiority or supremacy of group is being discouraged by Paul. Paul encouraged one thought, one purpose: One has no obligation to others except to love; and also perhaps Paul discouraged superiority of leader when he said; “who made you superior…” And especially Jesus commanded “…even to love one’s enemy. And perhaps Jesus also said that if other groups are not doing wrong they are with their group. And also Jesus taught about the parable of the prodigal son. The father of the on going sinning son never condemned the son; or the father said any negative words against his rebelling or rebellious son…. But the father always prays and hopes that his son returns…! Condemning people through media or gossip without due process is wrong; worst if being done maliciously through having long tongue..!” A scholar asked: “What is the possibility that Gay marriages could be generally accepted to be “good” or ‘morally good” in the near future?” The A.I. answered: “Sodomy is several times denounced in the Old and New Testament. It is really and clearly stated that it is wrong. But if capital punishment is abolished, or punishing by death penalty to those people who committed heinous crimes is abolished from what ever reason; perhaps one reason is: Man has no right to take away the life of a person and only God alone has the right…! Or perhaps the reason is that human are beginning to be more humane, understanding and forgiving and having more tolerance. Or capital punishment is not the solution to eradicating heinous crime/s, but combinations of many solutions especially scientific then if humane, understanding, tolerance, and forgiving are the keys why capital punishment is repealed then this could open new windows- or reasons: example humane- in other aspect in deciding many controversial things. Perhaps when Jesus saved a woman because of Jesus’ words: “he who has no sin must first throw the first stone…” from being put to death through stoning by mob because of adultery, or committing adultery during those times is a heinous crime. And when an incident that Jesus talked about how to avoid being sued by asking forgiveness to the one who might sue because of fault done, and another incident that Jesus perhaps said: “shall I give you a whip or spirit of tolerance and gentleness”, then perhaps with regards to gay marriage, defenders for gay marriages would use reasons like: tolerance, all of us are sinners, better ask forgiveness than being sued, and on the scientific side, animals have sometimes two sex organs- they could interchange the sex preferences as nature dictates; there are also gays in animals. Being a gay is no longer caused because of the devil; scientist could now explain being gay scientifically. Then perhaps if the majority could understand those reasons then perhaps Gay marriages could now be tolerated but with cautions to deter scandals and abuses.” A scholar reacted: “If a confirmed gay is allowed to marry, the gay wants a true man because he thinks he is a girl. Perhaps the true man is being attracted or magnetized to do sodomy, could this be possible?” Then the A.I. answered: “Sorry, perhaps only those really two confirmed gays are allowed. There must be no real man or no real girl that should be involved!” A scholar reacted: “How can you define a real man or real woman. Or differentiate gay and lesbian from true man or true woman?” Then the A.I. answered: “Perhaps, Gay marriage should no be allowed if one partner is normal or real man or real woman. If the majority of the population is morally good, the marriages between gays or

lesbians would not be approved. But if the majority is not well updated about the bible perhaps marriage between gays or lesbians would be approved. Still lesbian and gays could be ‘blessed’ as long as they promised to each other as lovers that they could be “faithful” through a contract signed by them with two witnesses or as a simple contract between ordinary people. They could involve agreements about their wealth, or inheritance, etc.; but church or civil marriage perhaps would be discouraged.” A scholar heard form news that some soldiers are not discipline and doing bad or doing filthy things near a man made reservoir located near a desert with river and asked: “If some misguided soldiers are doing things that could infect the good image of the majority of the whole army what should a leader do to instill discipline and boost the moral of the whole?” The A.I. answered: “Strong leader should always see to it that no mutiny, or renegade soldier or hard headed soldier should harm or should taint their good image as a whole. Perhaps simple reporting to the officer of the bad thing and fixing things by themselves could be alright if there is no rules and law violated. But if media now intervenes…, it is very difficult to fix things. Justice should really be enforced if there is law violated with evidences. With regards to a man made reservoir near a river and a desert, perhaps it should be copied or imitated and improved so that more man made reservoir could be constructed on many barren lands near rivers.” A scholar asked: “How can a simple man create or invent things?” The A.I. answered: “Example a good priest is listing all the physical evil, supernatural evil in his community or near his surroundings or just in his chapel. He could found so many small extremes. And because of those small extremes he could think of many ideas to bring back those small extremes to its normal or balanced state. The key is harmony, balance, beauty, orderliness to have normal state. But since discovering and inventing is being first, then perhaps researching is better than inventing because there are many things already been discovered and invented. One should not be too hard to oneself to check extreme in his surroundings using his ability to discover only; he could take someone’s ideas and improve it. When Jacob got a problem on how to marry a girl whose father owned many sheep and goats and since the tradition before in marrying woman was to give gifts to the family in the form of sheep or goats or to give many domestic animals to the family, Jacob used his thinking ability...! But Jacob knew before hand that he has no sheep, so he has a problem. Then he tried to think how to solve the problem. Thinking is the start of creating or solving problem. But if there is problem but no body is accepting it as a problem in the group then that is perhaps called wrong attitude, wrong belief, or wrong up bringing, or “impossible of change” syndrome in that group. A problem might be coined to extreme. An extreme is somewhere far or too far from a point of balanced. The opposite of extreme is the key to solve the problem at the start. Another key in fixing, creating solution to problem or extreme is curiosity! Curiosity is putting interest by the use of the mind. Perhaps there are exceptions about how curiosity could be sparked. Perhaps what had happened to Jacob is that Jacob is “blessed”. Some of his ideas came from revelations in his dreams by an angel. But in today’s situation,

perhaps by just researching in the internet one could already be ‘blessed’ and could have unlimited suggestions in solving extremes or problems.” From RV,

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