14 The Highest Degree One of the verses of the Quran, points out that God is the owner of the possessor of high degrees. The verse is:
15- Possessor of the high degrees, and Ruler of the whole dominion. He sends inspiration, bearing His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His Servants to warn about the Day of Gathering. 40. The Believer, 15 “Reify el-derecaat” is translated as “the possessor of the high degrees”, but it can also be translated as “the one who increases the degrees”. The word “refii” expresses highness and the word “el-derecat” expresses the degrees. The mathematical value of “refii”, which states the highest degree, is 360. And this number is the equivalent of the highest degree in the universe. The mathematical values are as follows:
The word The mathematical value of the word Refii 360
The highest degree in the universe 360